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"I'm quite alright, Riesbyfe." After all was said and done, the rabbit woman turned to the holy knight with a soft smile. "As fine as I can be, right now. I hope you've stayed safe?"

Sadly, it seemed that death was becoming a normality among them. Two more comrades had died on their quest. Pain seized Nashetania's beating heart, and she lifted her aimless gaze upwards. Were they all at fault for letting the traitors slip by so easily? She didn't know. But it hurt, knowing that more had needlessly died. The rabbit woman moved her gaze across the sea of comrades, listening carefully as they spoke.

Nashetania leaned against the wall, sinking down to the floor as dizziness seized her once again. She remembered how this had all started--how she had insisted from the very beginning that they stay together... She covered her face with her hands. Stick together? The possibility seemed so far away now, agonizingly out of their reach.

"I..." She began steadily. "I can't vote." Her own emotional fragility surfaced, and she felt her ears burn at the thought of looking so weak. Jason had stood up for her during the beginning of this horrible adventure. It felt so wrong to sentence him to exile and death.


"My well-being isn't too important, being that as a knight, it is my responsibility to put others before me, but yes, I am unharmed," the silver-haired maiden nodded. In truth, while she was indeed physically unharmed, she could feel the air of negativity slowly erode at her, despite what she had said to Lucio earlier.

Indeed, perhaps it was harder than one realized to practice what was preached, but she needed to press on. She'd be lying if she stated that the question of why these murderers were acting as they did was what she was more concerned of than who they were, but as a Holy Knight, she was supposed to be disciplined. Collected. Calm in the face of adversity. And with that mindset came the need to put what was, by technical standards, most important first. But even so, perhaps it was the passion that came with being a protector of people from evil that overcame her in this moment.

Riesbyfe's expression shifted from a reassuring smile to a melancholic look when Nashetania sank to the ground, as though sinking in despair. Speaking of passion, Riesbyfe couldn't help but feel a ping of what felt like an aching sensation in her heart at seeing the downcast rabbit like that. To see someone before her eyes suffer like this... As a knight, and perhaps moreso as just a person with a strong righteous sense, or so she'd describe herself, it pained her, as it did with Lucio.

Letting out a sigh, Riesbyfe ran a metallic hand through her hair, before leaning against the wall as well, standing next to Nashetania as she observed the group seem to steadily calm down and settle for who they believed the perpetrator to be.

It was quite a conundrum.


"... Indeed, it is," Riesbyfe mumbled mostly to herself, subconsciously continuing her train of thought aloud, her words audible to Nashetania. Crossing her arms, the knight cleared her throat, before continuing talking.

"Yes, I myself find it difficult to bring myself to vote as well. On one hand, while I quite desire to ascertain who the perpetrator, or perpetrators, may be, it is difficult to imagine anyone with the desire to even do something like this, given our shared situations," she spoke, "But as much as I know it is imperative to seek them out, lest the murders like these continue until perhaps we are all dead, I feel like not even just the murders, but these... arguments, these debates... It serves to divide us. Decrease our morale. And I'd rather not add to that," Ries stated, sighing again, before looking down at Nashetania.

"But even so... I've said it many a time before, and I shall say it again. On my honor as a knight, I will protect you and those that I am able to the best of my ability. If there comes a time where you cannot trust anyone else, a time where you have lost faith in all those around you, I promise that you can trust me, for whatever it means. As I'd said earlier to Lucio, and Cullen even before, now more than ever, we need to be strong. If we stand united, boldly and proudly, against our enemy, then there is no way that we can lose."

Riesbyfe closed her eyes for a brief moment, letting out an almost bittersweet laugh, before opening them again and continuing to gaze down at Nashetania.

"Besides... Such a downcast expression does not fit a cute face such as yours."

@Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Last edited:

Miku's gaze found the floor, lost in mechanical thought at Blake's words and Senna's insistence on the matter. Blake just wanted to see everyone through this; to see everyone return to their homes safe and sound. It was a noble cause, but from the looks of things... It didn't feel realistic. Images of the disfigured bodies of Alice, Little Guy and Naomi came to mind. Miku's arms wrapped tighter around her knees, trying her hardest to ignore the fact she was still in the room with two of them.

"I think... Senna is kinda right, Blake." She spoke quietly at first, though tried to steel herself to speak louder. "We just need to hang in there. I'm... afraid people are going to keep dying, but we shouldn't have to needlessly throw ourselves away in vain to save them. Right...?" She looked up at both Senna and Blake, a strained smile imprinted upon her face. Her gaze seemed to desperately search for some sort of reaffirming factor. Hope.​

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty #Anyone
"How about you both sit down and relax then?"

Joshua patted a spot by him and Azura, looking to both Senna and Blake with a smile, "If you both need a moment to recover, then take your time. We're not rushing anywhere, so no harm in sitting down, right? Especially when it's with company such as me and Lady Azura."

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi
"Ah, it's okay Joshua. I'm fine sitting right here. Maybe I'll join you in a minute though. I just want to make sure," Senna gestured to Blake. "I want to make sure he's okay first."

Senna quieted for a moment, wondering whether or not Blake was used to seeing the death's of innocents. His stress over the matter made it seem like he may not have been. But wasn't he an assassin of some sort? Anyhow, Senna actually hadn't seen much death herself, but she had seen one very important death.


"There's this girl I knew once. Her parents were... always fighting. One day, she got in the way of her father when he tried to hit her mother, and the hit killed her. She was so young and it was... tragic. But I know her. She loved life and was always smiling. She wouldn't have wanted the people who knew her to cry over her death. I think... the victims here would feel the same way. I feel like they'd want us to be strong so that we can avenge them and protect the people who are still alive. So we need to be strong... for all of them..."

@The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Takumi
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18 shrugged. "Maybe he doesn't know he's a traitor? Or maybe saving you was just something to hide his guilt? I don't make the rules for this you know."

"So...what does that mean? You hate garlic or something?" The mention of magic however caught her attention. "Magic huh? Like say...fire?"

@Hana @Sen @Azuremoon


Hakuei was certain she heard him tack on something after thanking her, but it was a bit unintelligible...


"If he has the ability to magically create fire... Why would he need to douse a man in alcohol, or use a manmade contraption, for that matter?"

She was at least watching and listening to what Alucard was and wasn't capable of, and having listened to the discussion... Didn't the killer apparently use something called a lighter? Hakuei blinked at 18. "It just seems unlikely compared to the other suspects, miss."


"I would also like to point out that the flames looked normal and non-magical. Coming from a world with magic, flames conjured with magic usually have a special identifying trait to them, or a way they are created that makes it obvious they aren't made by man. For example... have we actually seen a fireball in the dark?"

Considering Alucard did say he could only make flame magically, that much Hakuei could gather. Her brother Kouen and any flame Djinn users... Their flame just didn't look normal at all. Added to how the First Imperial Prince's Extreme Magic had white flame that lasted for eternity unless he called it off, she had grown to notice that the elements conjured by magic were... Different. She wasn't particularly sensitive to the rukh flow - she wasn't a magi or a magician unless she wore Paimon's power - but she had a sense for it after being around her stepsiblings all this time.

@Jeremi @Sen @Azuremoon


"Fire, fire. fire!"

Road suddenly barked, after her solitary moment of silence.

"How would that work? One of snaps their fingers and some poor sod lights up? Why, you wouldn't even need to turn the lights off for that. "

Road shook her head and put her hands at her sides, trying her best not to get angry. This is why just... killing someone would be more simple.

"He reeked of alcohol, but not a drop hit the ground, courtesy of our house-Sherlock, Arkham. Doesn't that invite a connection to some kind of liquid manipulation instead of fire? Fire is visible in the dark. Alcohol being pulled from a bottle - is not. Also gives the lighter purpose."

The girl's arm crossed across her chest and she looked about the crowd for a moment, and she realized how little she knew about most of these people. "I say we, bar Mr. Warpath, see if anyone of us can manipulate liquid before we start casting accusations, and then find out why they didn't speak up sooner. I told everyone I can control demons, and I'm sure that's why I haven't been beheaded by the house-DJ. Or... him."

Again, she gestures at Cullen.

"If not, we need to pack up and leave... separately. Meet up at Umbrella's vault. Leave with who you trust. Only act together in a fight against others, because we're wasting our fucking time here."

@Jeremi @Sen @Hana @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Josh M @Others
"Suspicions? You'll have to tell me about them later," Senna quietly replied to Miku, also figuring now wouldn't be a good time to have this sort of conversation while Blake was struggling. She turned back to him, letting out a gasp when she would hear his words.

"How could you say such a thing?! We need you to stay alive! I need you to stay alive, okay? Nobody else is going to die. We're all going to make it out of this. We need to be strong for the people who are still here, so we can protect them," Senna told him, tightening her hand that had been placed on his back, using it to lightly grip his shirt--as if trying to hold onto his sanity.

"You told me before... that you have someone you love. Your sister... just hang in there so you can see her again. Besides, you want everyone to be happy... but I won't be if you die, got that?!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Everybody​

Miku's gaze found the floor, lost in mechanical thought at Blake's words and Senna's insistence on the matter. Blake just wanted to see everyone through this; to see everyone return to their homes safe and sound. It was a noble cause, but from the looks of things... It didn't feel realistic. Images of the disfigured bodies of Alice, Little Guy and Naomi came to mind. Miku's arms wrapped tighter around her knees, trying her hardest to ignore the fact she was still in the room with two of them.

"I think... Senna is kinda right, Blake." She spoke quietly at first, though tried to steel herself to speak louder. "We just need to hang in there. I'm... afraid people are going to keep dying, but we shouldn't have to needlessly throw ourselves away in vain to save them. Right...?" She looked up at both Senna and Blake, a strained smile imprinted upon her face. Her gaze seemed to desperately search for some sort of reaffirming factor. Hope.​

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty #Anyone
"How about you both sit down and relax then?"

Joshua patted a spot by him and Azura, looking to both Senna and Blake with a smile, "If you both need a moment to recover, then take your time. We're not rushing anywhere, so no harm in sitting down, right? Especially when it's with company such as me and Lady Azura."

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi
"Ah, it's okay Joshua. I'm fine sitting right here. Maybe I'll join you in a minute though. I just want to make sure," Senna gestured to Blake. "I want to make sure he's okay first."

Senna quieted for a moment, wondering whether or not Blake was used to seeing the death's of innocents. His stress over the matter made it seem like he may not have been. But wasn't he an assassin of some sort? Anyhow, Senna actually hadn't seen much death herself, but she had seen one very important death.


"There's this girl I knew once. Her parents were... always fighting. One day, she got in the way of her father when he tried to hit her mother, and the hit killed her. She was so young and it was... tragic. But I know her. She loved life and was always smiling. She wouldn't have wanted the people who knew her to cry over her death. I think... the victims here would feel the same way. I feel like they'd want us to be strong so that we can avenge them and protect the people who are still alive. So we need to be strong... for all of them..."

@The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Takumi


"Thank you for... your words. Really. I suppose my words came off a bit selfish and stupid. I just wanted to make sure that everything goes well. The thought of losing someone hurts, and being unable to prevent it hurts even more."

Blake stared at the ground below him as he hugged his knees closer to his chest. There was no flirting. There was no smiling. There was no optimism coming from Blake. It was like all of those earlier actions he took on beforehand were like a mask to hide how everything feels to him on the inside.


"I hated how people could dictate how others could live out their lives, and strip away that happiness. My two bright younger sisters... they didn't deserve the treatment that my parents subjected us to, all of us political pawns disciplined and groomed for show and tell with said affairs. I thought that if I strayed from the path dictated for myself, I would've found the way to pull my sisters out of it... but I only fell into a deeper web of power control. I found myself pulled into the ploy of working for a band of killers, killing for a living. I couldn't stand taking a life of any other person... but I settled with people that did more wrong than just killing people. I wanted to believe that I was making some change, calling myself a vigilante... I thought I had become strong in order to find a way out for my sisters to live freely. But I became a piece of the morally gray puzzle."

Realizing that he was rambling on with what he had to entail, Blake stopped before he would go any further. The next thing he wanted to do was to spill the beans further than that, and he didn't want any traitor thinking on laying a single finger on his younger sisters who were still in the custody of Blake's controlling and manipulative parents. It felt strange to talk about his inner personal matters to people he had known for not too long...


"... so I convinced myself to perk up. I smiled. I flirted. I believed myself to be a stray hero. I had the happiest thoughts cloud my mind, cover up the anxious thoughts of the worst to come out of my terrible occupation and the livelihood of my sisters. But now... I can feel those coping mechanisms weakening here. I believe that... that's where all of you come in, and give me the motivation to go on. Right? If that wasn't the case, I would've gotten myself killed in vain already..."

@The Myrmidon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaide` @Takumi
Shirou remained silent for a brief moment. Last time, she'd simply gone along with whatever he'd said. So honestly speaking, not being certain was a step up for her own will. But even with that in mind, she wasn't there yet. Probably.

Finally, he spoke up.

"Yeah, there were bottles of alcohol here. And hey, not like I'm 100% sure either. But we ain't gonna figure anything out by just sitting around being uncertain, right? So think about it yourself, and pick someone. On your own. Got it, Setsuna?"


...Well. So much for the vote for Jason Setsuna had been about to place. If she were the whistling type, she likely would have given an innocent tune, but as she wasn't she merely folded her hands at her sides as though she totally hadn't been about to do that. Nope. Definitely not. "...As you wish, Shirou."

Pausing to think about it for a time, Setsuna hesitantly placed a vote for Lucifer. If only for the reason that she didn't know who to vote for, if ordered to not follow Shirou's lead on votes.

@Kaykay @Atomyk
Lucifer took a sip of his alcohol and looked over at Setsuna. He honestly didn't care that someone voted for him for the potential traitor. It didn't phase the man in the slightest. " Too each there own end. I guess I should point a vote on someone in the room. Seems everyone is pointing fingers at someone, so might as well ' what's the expression' ah, join the crowd. I'm with the blond lady person. I'm voting for Alucard. "

@Atomyk Anyone near Lucifer ( @Darkseide @Gands @thatguyinthestore
Lucifer took a sip of his alcohol and looked over at Setsuna. He honestly didn't care that someone voted for him for the potential traitor. It didn't phase the man in the slightest. " Too each there own end. I guess I should point a vote on someone in the room. Seems everyone is pointing fingers at someone, so might as well ' what's the expression' ah, join the crowd. I'm with the blond lady person. I'm voting for Alucard. "

@Atomyk Anyone near Lucifer ( @Darkseide @Gands @thatguyinthestore

"Is that a vote with any weighted evidence behind it or are you just going along because you have no opinion to share? I find it rather puzzling that a woman with superior strength and abilities deigns to point out another person with special abilities."

She was, of course, referring to 18.


Hakuei sighed.

"But I do not intend to participate in any further meaningless discussion with you two if your minds are set. Do go on wasting your breath on an innocent man."

Offering them a mild-mannered smile and bow, she turned away.

Sensing Road's own agitation and not wanting to dampen Alucard's spirits further, she ended up grabbing their hands and pulling them away from further engaging with 18 and Lucifer. Arguing any further was proving to be pointless, they had given their own votes already, they may as well just watch the proceedings.

She ended up drawing them near where Azura, Jaffar, and Joshua were all together.

"May we sit with you?"

@Sen @Azuremoon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi @Atomyk @Verite @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan

"How about you both sit down and relax then?"

Joshua patted a spot by him and Azura, looking to both Senna and Blake with a smile, "If you both need a moment to recover, then take your time. We're not rushing anywhere, so no harm in sitting down, right? Especially when it's with company such as me and Lady Azura."
"Ah, it's okay Joshua. I'm fine sitting right here. Maybe I'll join you in a minute though. I just want to make sure," Senna gestured to Blake. "I want to make sure he's okay first."

Senna quieted for a moment, wondering whether or not Blake was used to seeing the death's of innocents. His stress over the matter made it seem like he may not have been. But wasn't he an assassin of some sort? Anyhow, Senna actually hadn't seen much death herself, but she had seen one very important death.


"There's this girl I knew once. Her parents were... always fighting. One day, she got in the way of her father when he tried to hit her mother, and the hit killed her. She was so young and it was... tragic. But I know her. She loved life and was always smiling. She wouldn't have wanted the people who knew her to cry over her death. I think... the victims here would feel the same way. I feel like they'd want us to be strong so that we can avenge them and protect the people who are still alive. So we need to be strong... for all of them..."

"Thank you for... your words. Really. I suppose my words came off a bit selfish and stupid. I just wanted to make sure that everything goes well. The thought of losing someone hurts, and being unable to prevent it hurts even more."

Blake stared at the ground below him as he hugged his knees closer to his chest. There was no flirting. There was no smiling. There was no optimism coming from Blake. It was like all of those earlier actions he took on beforehand were like a mask to hide how everything feels to him on the inside.


"I hated how people could dictate how others could live out their lives, and strip away that happiness. My two bright younger sisters... they didn't deserve the treatment that my parents subjected us to, all of us political pawns disciplined and groomed for show and tell with said affairs. I thought that if I strayed from the path dictated for myself, I would've found the way to pull my sisters out of it... but I only fell into a deeper web of power control. I found myself pulled into the ploy of working for a band of killers, killing for a living. I couldn't stand taking a life of any other person... but I settled with people that did more wrong than just killing people. I wanted to believe that I was making some change, calling myself a vigilante... I thought I had become strong in order to find a way out for my sisters to live freely. But I became a piece of the morally gray puzzle."

Realizing that he was rambling on with what he had to entail, Blake stopped before he would go any further. The next thing he wanted to do was to spill the beans further than that, and he didn't want any traitor thinking on laying a single finger on his younger sisters who were still in the custody of Blake's controlling and manipulative parents. It felt strange to talk about his inner personal matters to people he had known for not too long...


"... so I convinced myself to perk up. I smiled. I flirted. I believed myself to be a stray hero. I had the happiest thoughts cloud my mind, cover up the anxious thoughts of the worst to come out of my terrible occupation and the livelihood of my sisters. But now... I can feel those coping mechanisms weakening here. I believe that... that's where all of you come in, and give me the motivation to go on. Right? If that wasn't the case, I would've gotten myself killed in vain already..."
Miku listened intently to what Blake had to say, seeming to dwell on his words somewhat. He had people to look out for, sisters that he wanted to see a better future. It was kind of awe-striking in a sense; how people like him could still find the willpower to keep fighting even in the darkest of times. Perhaps he was right. They'd give each other the motivation to go on and get through this.

She let out a small chuckle in some vague attempt to help lighten the mood a bit, figuring that was the very least she could do for them. "You're right... Maybe this is the 'human spirit' I've heard so much about...?" Her smile became gently more genuine, finding herself scooting closer to the two. "You guys are so strong. Sometimes I don't know how you do it... But together, surely we can pull through this. We'll keep giving you a reason to keep going, Blake." She trailed off, pausing for a moment before continuing with a firm nod. "I promise."

In that moment, if she had a deity to pray to, she'd pray she wouldn't have to take back on that promise.​

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon


"Thank you for... your words. Really. I suppose my words came off a bit selfish and stupid. I just wanted to make sure that everything goes well. The thought of losing someone hurts, and being unable to prevent it hurts even more."

Blake stared at the ground below him as he hugged his knees closer to his chest. There was no flirting. There was no smiling. There was no optimism coming from Blake. It was like all of those earlier actions he took on beforehand were like a mask to hide how everything feels to him on the inside.


"I hated how people could dictate how others could live out their lives, and strip away that happiness. My two bright younger sisters... they didn't deserve the treatment that my parents subjected us to, all of us political pawns disciplined and groomed for show and tell with said affairs. I thought that if I strayed from the path dictated for myself, I would've found the way to pull my sisters out of it... but I only fell into a deeper web of power control. I found myself pulled into the ploy of working for a band of killers, killing for a living. I couldn't stand taking a life of any other person... but I settled with people that did more wrong than just killing people. I wanted to believe that I was making some change, calling myself a vigilante... I thought I had become strong in order to find a way out for my sisters to live freely. But I became a piece of the morally gray puzzle."

Realizing that he was rambling on with what he had to entail, Blake stopped before he would go any further. The next thing he wanted to do was to spill the beans further than that, and he didn't want any traitor thinking on laying a single finger on his younger sisters who were still in the custody of Blake's controlling and manipulative parents. It felt strange to talk about his inner personal matters to people he had known for not too long...


"... so I convinced myself to perk up. I smiled. I flirted. I believed myself to be a stray hero. I had the happiest thoughts cloud my mind, cover up the anxious thoughts of the worst to come out of my terrible occupation and the livelihood of my sisters. But now... I can feel those coping mechanisms weakening here. I believe that... that's where all of you come in, and give me the motivation to go on. Right? If that wasn't the case, I would've gotten myself killed in vain already..."

@The Myrmidon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaide` @Takumi
Miku listened intently to what Blake had to say, seeming to dwell on his words somewhat. He had people to look out for, sisters that he wanted to see a better future. It was kind of awe-striking in a sense; how people like him could still find the willpower to keep fighting even in the darkest of times. Perhaps he was right. They'd give each other the motivation to go on and get through this.

She let out a small chuckle in some vague attempt to help lighten the mood a bit, figuring that was the very least she could do for them. "You're right... Maybe this is the 'human spirit' I've heard so much about...?" Her smile became gently more genuine, finding herself scooting closer to the two. "You guys are so strong. Sometimes I don't know how you do it... But together, surely we can pull through this. We'll keep giving you a reason to keep going, Blake." She trailed off, pausing for a moment before continuing with a firm nod. "I promise."

In that moment, if she had a deity to pray to, she'd pray she wouldn't have to take back on that promise.​

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon
"Hey, your words didn't come off stupid at all," Senna replied, quieting when she listened to the rest of what Blake had to say. She waited until Miku would also reply, listening to what she had to say as well. "Miku is right. We're here for you, Blake. And you know what? You're here for us too. We're all here for each other." Senna gave Blake a pat on the head and stood back up, folding her hands behind her back.


"I believe we're going to be okay. I believe it with all of my heart," she said, staring up into the distance. "We're a team, right? And that will give us the strength we need." Senna stretched her arms before nodding her head, deciding she wanted to say something more cheerful. "But when we finally get out of here and everyone is safe, we'll have to go shopping to celebrate! I want a new ribbon... maybe one that's the same color as your hair, Miku. I think it's really pretty," she said with a smile.

Senna's spirit was indeed strong, it was why she had persisted after death and had become a very special type of Soul Reaper, a being made up of dreams. She would do her best to keep smiling for everyone and talking about the positive things. It didn't matter how many deaths or horrible things happened around her, nothing was going to convince Senna that life was horrible and not worth living for. Especially not after having met Ichigo, a young man who risked body and soul to make sure she could stay safe. And now, she had met Miku, Blake, Joshua, and other kind souls too. They were precious, and for them she would have no problem smiling.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @The Myrmidon @Takumi
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James Proudstar - Warpath

" This is officially a crappy situation. Frankly I think there are more than a few that can be made to do this. It is curious how few of the women have gotten votes though. I really really want to vote for Arkham (sighs ) but that's mostly cause he and I don't get along and that's putting it mildly. I do think both Alucard and Kent could have done this with the right umbrella provided motivation. That being said I just cant see it. So, instead I'm going to vote for a fellow who has the same name as the devil himself. Kind of like the butler did it. Sorry Mister Lucifer, kind of going with gut instinct.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Hana @Sen @Otto @The Myrmidon @Takumi @anyoneImissed
"Trying to ease the tension is all," I sighed. These people did not have the same kind of humor as I did."Besides, I'm not making jokes about the... dead like some of my friends would have. Anyways, I came over here to speak to you about three things. The first is the devices. I have reason to believe that some are still online. The second is a possible pattern among the murders though there might be other reasons. The third is that I did say I would explain the whole summoning thing."

Twisted Fate's eyebrows narrowed as he explained the unlikelihood of the umbrella devices being online.

"Hmm...I doubt they're still workin'. S.H.I.E.L.D did a pretty good job disablin' them. They seem like smart fellas. How would they overlook such a terrible error? The whole operation would be botched if they made a mistake like that. I'm sure they double-checked."

With arms crossed, he said,

"Well, If you'd like to discuss patterns and your summoning ability, spit it out. You don't have to state what you're goin' to say."

I then looked at Kujou.

"As nice as it sounds right now, I think we'll be heading out soon, but if you're going to look around, be careful. Those Lickers," I pointed to the dead one,"can apparently go through these types of walls."

@Otto @MetalNova
T.F pondered a bit after Ali mentioned the lickers. He looked towards Kujou and spoke with a demanding tone.

"Don't forget to keep that card ready."

He looked at the walls and mumbled,

"Who knows when one of those abominations are gonna pop out..."

@Archwar @MetalNova @Anybody



Alucard rose an eyebrow at her. "'Not know that they are the traitor'?"

"It is almost as if it is forbidden for people to save their own allies."


"That is just a myth made up by mortals to protect themselves."


"We can read the Bible. Why would we be afraid... of a type of onion?"
"I am no different from any other vampire in strength. We run like wolves, we can fly like bats. The night and the moon is our friend."​


"... Seeing as fire is one of the most common elements. Yes, I had to grasp the basics before dabbling into the darkness, Lady 18."

@Jeremi @Hana @Azuremoon

"Figured, had to ask though." 18 replied nonplussed. "Sounds like you have all the right tools for the job then."



Hakuei was certain she heard him tack on something after thanking her, but it was a bit unintelligible...


"If he has the ability to magically create fire... Why would he need to douse a man in alcohol, or use a manmade contraption, for that matter?"

She was at least watching and listening to what Alucard was and wasn't capable of, and having listened to the discussion... Didn't the killer apparently use something called a lighter? Hakuei blinked at 18. "It just seems unlikely compared to the other suspects, miss."


"I would also like to point out that the flames looked normal and non-magical. Coming from a world with magic, flames conjured with magic usually have a special identifying trait to them, or a way they are created that makes it obvious they aren't made by man. For example... have we actually seen a fireball in the dark?"

Considering Alucard did say he could only make flame magically, that much Hakuei could gather. Her brother Kouen and any flame Djinn users... Their flame just didn't look normal at all. Added to how the First Imperial Prince's Extreme Magic had white flame that lasted for eternity unless he called it off, she had grown to notice that the elements conjured by magic were... Different. She wasn't particularly sensitive to the rukh flow - she wasn't a magi or a magician unless she wore Paimon's power - but she had a sense for it after being around her stepsiblings all this time.

@Jeremi @Sen @Azuremoon

"...Are you sure that applies everywhere?" 18 asked regarding the flames. "The alcohol doesn't real mean much. Maybe the killer used it to deflect from the fact that they can create fire?"


"Fire, fire. fire!"

Road suddenly barked, after her solitary moment of silence.

"How would that work? One of snaps their fingers and some poor sod lights up? Why, you wouldn't even need to turn the lights off for that. "

Road shook her head and put her hands at her sides, trying her best not to get angry. This is why just... killing someone would be more simple.

"He reeked of alcohol, but not a drop hit the ground, courtesy of our house-Sherlock, Arkham. Doesn't that invite a connection to some kind of liquid manipulation instead of fire? Fire is visible in the dark. Alcohol being pulled from a bottle - is not. Also gives the lighter purpose."

The girl's arm crossed across her chest and she looked about the crowd for a moment, and she realized how little she knew about most of these people. "I say we, bar Mr. Warpath, see if anyone of us can manipulate liquid before we start casting accusations, and then find out why they didn't speak up sooner. I told everyone I can control demons, and I'm sure that's why I haven't been beheaded by the house-DJ. Or... him."

Again, she gestures at Cullen.

"If not, we need to pack up and leave... separately. Meet up at Umbrella's vault. Leave with who you trust. Only act together in a fight against others, because we're wasting our fucking time here."

@Jeremi @Sen @Hana @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Josh M @Others

"Yes, because splitting up always works wonders." 18 deadpanned. "I'd sure feel safe knowing that my "friend" could stab me in the back at any moment."

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"Figured, had to ask though." 18 replied nonplussed. "Sounds like you have all the right tools for the job then."

"...Are you sure that applies everywhere?"
18 asked regarding the flames. "The alcohol doesn't real mean much. Maybe the killer used it to deflect from the fact that they can create fire?"

"Yes, because splitting up always works wonders."
18 deadpanned. "I'd sure feel safe knowing that my "friend" could stab me in the back at any moment."

"So you'd go with Alucard? Or are you suggesting we're being controlled from the outside?" Road deadpanned in sarcastic response, looking over her shoulder at 18, even as Hakuei pulled her and Alucard away. "Because if we're being controlled, it wouldn't matter if we split up or stay together, and 'voting' on a traitor would be a waste of time." Road tried to turn more in Hakuei's grasp, without actually resisting her.


"I can't tell if you like to argue as much as me, or if I've finally met an example of the blond stereotype."

@Sen @Hana @Jeremi
"So you'd go with Alucard? Or are you suggesting we're being controlled from the outside?" Road deadpanned in sarcastic response, looking over her shoulder at 18, even as Hakuei pulled her and Alucard away. "Because if we're being controlled, it wouldn't matter if we split up or stay together, and 'voting' on a traitor would be a waste of time." Road tried to turn more in Hakuei's grasp, without actually resisting her.


"I can't tell if you like to argue as much as me, or if I've finally met an example of the blond stereotype."

@Sen @Hana @Jeremi

"Sounds like someone else is having a blond moment." 18 replied. "I'm saying that the killer might not be controlling their actions. Umbrella had has for a time, maybe they reprogrammed one, or more, to act like their double agent." To everything else she just shrugged. "Right now vamp boy seems likely. Nothing personal."

@Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

Twisted Fate's eyebrows narrowed as he explained the unlikelihood of the umbrella devices being online.

"Hmm...I doubt they're still workin'. S.H.I.E.L.D did a pretty good job disablin' them. They seem like smart fellas. How would they overlook such a terrible error? The whole operation would be botched if they made a mistake like that. I'm sure they double-checked."

With arms crossed, he said,

"Well, If you'd like to discuss patterns and your summoning ability, spit it out. You don't have to state what you're goin' to say."

T.F pondered a bit after Ali mentioned the lickers. He looked towards Kujou and spoke with a demanding tone.

"Don't forget to keep that card ready."

He looked at the walls and mumbled,

"Who knows when one of those abominations are gonna pop out..."

@Archwar @MetalNova @Anybody

"As I said, I have reason to believe that some are still online, or have somehow come back online. We're dealing with unknown technology because of that glowing blue cube and SHIELD may have lacked the necessary equipment and/or personnel to look for the devices. Or, a possibility that I dread to mention, is that Umbrella has access to mind control capabilities. However, that's unlikely. As for the pattern."

I looked at Naomi's corpse and back at Fate.

"There's plenty of holes in it, but have you noticed that three of the murders had been involved in the Ant-Man fight? Alice, Ant-Man, and Naomi, but like I said, plenty of holes. If there's another murder and it was one of the Tail-Turner participants, then... well I think we can narrow the possible list down."

Before I explained the whole summoning thing, I rubbed my neck, thinking of how to state it. The typical response towards the multi-souled thing is confusion followed by lots of questions and right now I did not need those due to our current situation.


Oh, well, let' just be blunt with it shall we?

"And finally, when I summon things, I actually call upon my souls."

@Otto @MetalNova
Standing quietly near Lucio, Ries, and Nashetania, the man of tomorrow stood quietly. This whole thing, this event made Clark feel useless. He was suspect, along with Jason, and now Alucard. Clark turn to his small friend group. He didn't that well, but they been good to him. He had to protect them.

Turning to Road, Clark from. This girl and himself, it was weird. They totally different, but in his own way he understood her. He disagreed with her, but the burdens of family, it spoke to him. The whole "Noah ark" thing, or whatever it was did make raise an Eyebrow. However, Clark was an alien. Could he really judge?

"Road, just calm down. Everyone needs to. We're all at our wit's end, but we need to stay calm. Android 18, as much disagree with her, has a right to vote for whoever. It seems like people are voting either Jason, Alucard, or myself. I don't know if Alucard did it. We haven't talk, so I don't him well, but he seems solid. As much Jason as been on my case, I can't say it was him. As for me? I know this looks like me, but I didn't do it."

The young man stopped. His mind went to the fire. Suddenly, an idea

"The alcohol was only on little guy. That's strange. How can that be?"

Clark to to Azura.

"You can control water, right? What about what based products?"

@Sen @Hana @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Atomyk @Verite @thatguyinthestore @Azuremoon
Zerberus then looked at the group/ He felt like this whole investigation was making the team fall apart. He liked it when everyone was friends.....but this.....this was just creating hatred...... He then stopped thinking when he heard someone saying Azura name. He felt outrage. He then walks in front of Azura.

"Hey! If you're implying that she was a part of this murder, then you're wrong. I know that Azura wouldn't kill anyone because even though we just met, I know she wouldn't kill one of her own teammate.....and if you going to try to hurt her....you'll have to get through me."

He stares at Clark with a fire in his eye. He looked like he wasn't going to back down.

Zerberus 2.4.jpg
@Verite @C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @Mami Tomoe @CCC Kouhai @Takumi @Josh M
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Standing quietly near Lucio, Ries, and Nashetania, the man of tomorrow stood quietly. This whole thing, this event made Clark feel useless. He was suspect, along with Jason, and now Alucard. Clark turn to his small friend group. He didn't that well, but they been good to him. He had to protect them.

Turning to Road, Clark from. This girl and himself, it was weird. They totally different, but in his own way he understood her. He disagreed with her, but the burdens of family, it spoke to him. The whole "Noah ark" thing, or whatever it was did make raise an Eyebrow. However, Clark was an alien. Could he really judge?

"Road, just calm down. Everyone needs to. We're all at our wit's end, but we need to stay calm. Android 18, as much disagree with her, has a right to vote for whoever. It seems like people are voting either Jason, Alucard, or myself. I don't know if Alucard did it. We haven't talk, so I don't him well, but he seems solid. As much Jason as been on my case, I can't say it was him. As for me? I know this looks like me, but I didn't do it."

The young man stopped. His mind went to the fire. Suddenly, an idea

"The alcohol was only on little guy. That's strange. How can that be?"

Clark to to Azura.

"You can control water, right? What about what based products?"

@Sen @Hana @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Atomyk @Verite @thatguyinthestore @Azuremoon

Azura looked to Clark, brows furrowing and lips forming a thin line. She found herself tensing slightly at the question. She didn't feel the need to explain her power, especially the fact that her power was slowly but surely...no, she couldn't think of that now. Clearing her thoughts before answering.

"Yes, I can control water. To the extent that you're asking? Well, no. Things like what happened to Little Guy would be different, as I can't control water without singing a very special song-which I've been singing a few lines from earlier. It's...complicated in a sense. The song also...tires me out a bit if I use my powers with it excessively. And before coming here I used it quite a bit so using it again has had an affect." she explained, not wanting to go into full detail, but hoping her explination was enough. She was pretty surprised by the vote, but at the same time it wasn't the first time she'd been accused of something.

Zerberus then looked at the group/ He felt like this whole investigation was making the team fall apart. He liked it when everyone was friends.....but this.....this was just creating hatred...... He then stopped thinking when he heard someone saying Azura name. He felt outrage. He then walks in front of Azura.

"Hey! If you're implying that she was a part of this murder, then you're wrong. I know that Azura wouldn't kill anyone because even though we just met, I know she wouldn't kill one of her own teammate.....and if you going to try to hurt her....you'll have to get through me."

He stares at Clark with a fire in his eye. He looked like he wasn't going to back down.

View attachment 127957
@Verite @C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @Mami Tomoe @CCC Kouhai @Takumi @Josh M

"Thank you, Zeberus...but it's alright, I'm pretty sure he doesn't intend to hurt me at all, and just wanted an answer to his question." she sighed, patting the spot next to her as an indicator for her Keyblade wielding friend to sit beside her.

@Verite @Atomyk @york @C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @penguin055 @Crimson Spartan @Mami Tomoe @CCC Kouhai @Hachiro Terra @Anybody I missed @Everyone
Zerberus then looked at the group/ He felt like this whole investigation was making the team fall apart. He liked it when everyone was friends.....but this.....this was just creating hatred...... He then stopped thinking when he heard someone saying Azura name. He felt outrage. He then walks in front of Azura.

"Hey! If you're implying that she was a part of this murder, then you're wrong. I know that Azura wouldn't kill anyone because even though we just met, I know she wouldn't kill one of her own teammate.....and if you going to try to hurt her....you'll have to get through me."

He stares at Clark with a fire in his eye. He looked like he wasn't going to back down.

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Twisted Fate turned his attention towards this small commotion. He gave Zerberus an ugly look.

"Listen, kid, don't let your feelins' get ahold of you. It's very easy to manipulate people, especially those with naive minds."

He put extra emphasis on those two words.

"You can't trust people this easily. If the evidence points to your friend, you better start doubtin' your relationship. Only a fool would trust somebody this much when they barely know 'em."
Azura looked to Clark, brows furrowing and lips forming a thin line. She found herself tensing slightly at the question. She didn't feel the need to explain her power, especially the fact that her power was slowly but surely...no, she couldn't think of that now. Clearing her thoughts before answering.

"Yes, I can control water. To the extent that you're asking? Well, no. Things like what happened to Little Guy would be different, as I can't control water without singing a very special song-which I've been singing a few lines from earlier. It's...complicated in a sense. The song also...tires me out a bit if I use my powers with it excessively. And before coming here I used it quite a bit so using it again has had an affect." she explained, not wanting to go into full detail, but hoping her explination was enough. She was pretty surprised by the vote, but at the same time it wasn't the first time she'd been accused of something.
Twisted Fate listened to this explanation and he returned to his typical expression.


"Although it's unlikely for Azura to be the murderer, use what I said for future reference."
@Hachiro Terra @Takumi @Josh M
I looked at Naomi's corpse and back at Fate.

"There's plenty of holes in it, but have you noticed that three of the murders had been involved in the Ant-Man fight? Alice, Ant-Man, and Naomi, but like I said, plenty of holes. If there's another murder and it was one of the Tail-Turner participants, then... well I think we can narrow the possible list down."
Twisted Fate crossed his arms upon hearing this strange coincidence.

"You may be on to somethin'...wait."

A sinister thought crept into his mind and he began asking rhetorical questions.

"We fought Ant-Man too, didn't we? Does that mean we're next on the list?

He frowned slightly and put his hands in his pockets.

"Typically I would already know if we were next, but this place really likes to mess with my perception of Destiny..."
"And finally, when I summon things, I actually call upon my souls."
Twisted Fate smiled a little bit and didn't seem fazed at all by this.

"Reminds me of the Shadow Isles..."

@Archwar @MetalNova

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Zerberus then looked at the group/ He felt like this whole investigation was making the team fall apart. He liked it when everyone was friends.....but this.....this was just creating hatred...... He then stopped thinking when he heard someone saying Azura name. He felt outrage. He then walks in front of Azura.

"Hey! If you're implying that she was a part of this murder, then you're wrong. I know that Azura wouldn't kill anyone because even though we just met, I know she wouldn't kill one of her own teammate.....and if you going to try to hurt her....you'll have to get through me."

He stares at Clark with a fire in his eye. He looked like he wasn't going to back down.

View attachment 127957
"Hurt her? What?"

Clark frowned as he looked at the boy. Clark wasn't bother by him. However, before Clark speak his peace, the woman of the hour spoke.

Azura looked to Clark, brows furrowing and lips forming a thin line. She found herself tensing slightly at the question. She didn't feel the need to explain her power, especially the fact that her power was slowly but surely...no, she couldn't think of that now. Clearing her thoughts before answering.

"Yes, I can control water. To the extent that you're asking? Well, no. Things like what happened to Little Guy would be different, as I can't control water without singing a very special song-which I've been singing a few lines from earlier. It's...complicated in a sense. The song also...tires me out a bit if I use my powers with it excessively. And before coming here I used it quite a bit so using it again has had an affect." she explained, not wanting to go into full detail, but hoping her explination was enough. She was pretty surprised by the vote, but at the same time it wasn't the first time she'd been accused of something.

"Thank you, Zeberus...but it's alright, I'm pretty sure he doesn't intend to hurt me at all, and just wanted an answer to his question." she sighed, patting the spot next to her as an indicator for her Keyblade wielding friend to sit beside her.

@Verite @Atomyk @york @C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @penguin055 @Crimson Spartan @Mami Tomoe @CCC Kouhai @Hachiro Terra @Anybody I missed @Everyone
The man of steel frowned as he turned his head,


"That doesn't clear you. Look, even if it is by sing, you're still a suspect I assuming you don't need to sing loud, right? A low hum could work? I mean, didn't you put out little guy? Did you sing there?"

Walking slightly away, then back Clark stood his ground and made his stayed.

"What effects, Azura? If you're not one these people, we're on the same side. I just want the facts. I don't vote for you. I want to be on the same side."

@Verite @C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @Mami Tomoe @CCC Kouhai @Takumi
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