Moonlight Blade Academy

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"sid come n talk to me sid talk to me please"
She frowns "My parents were human....I was sick as a baby and in order to save my life they sacrificed theres to put a demon inside of me that I could keep control of but he still has a mind of his own"
"oh..." he looks down "im sorry for your lose.."
"Its okay it was a long time ago" she pats his hand gently "Told you im a bigger monster than you" she grins teasingly
"I killed my dad.....when I was 4......" he sighed
Manor walked towards his room but saw all the people ahead, so he walked there instead. "Hi guys! What are y' all doing here? And why is that room glowing green?"
The boy wandered into the room, and instantly felt something shift. He hunched over, and coughed up blood. Then, he stopped reacting. The red began to glow slightly, combating the green fog. The boy walked further into the room, searching for the source. He picked up a box, then set it down again. He knelt, and reached under the bed. He came back out with a small pulsing sphere, which he placed in an empty box. He chanted silently over the box for a few seconds, then the box shivered, then sealed itself up. The boy shoved the box in his bag, and stumbled out of the room, coming out, he slammed the door, and began coughing, a cough that racked his heavy frame. "Oh god...."
I should follow them... Obsidian needs help.

*Shiro still stands in the school yard listening intently to the noises of the night* Shiro starts to walk inside hearing nothing...

Don't go yet... Somethings off Shiro.... Listen. Feel the icy breeze.... Familiar?....

She turns to walk inside the building as a massive frostbitten breeze swooshes past, Shiro spins around.

I knew it!

Bastard!" She yells into the darkness, "Face me!!" she screams kicking her scythe into full power, "Quit hiding!" She challenges, her golden eyes burning. From behind the fountain a black form materializes, a boy with black eyes, walks out from the shadows.

"Heh, your words sting me deary" he smirks playfully grabbing his heart, and disintegrates before her eyes.

"Show yourself!" Shiro calls out, bracing herself for a possible sudden attack... The boy suddenly appears behind her back and violently pulls her into an embrace. His hand over her mouth. "Ahh!" She yelps.

"Oh Shiro," He nuzzles his nose into her soft white hair, a mischievous smile plays on his lips "Why so mean to me?"

"Get off of me Alaster." Shiro mumbled from under Alaster's hand, squirming in his grasp.

"Sheesh kid." Alaster says lightly his smile widening, slowly backing away raising his hand in a playful surrender.

"Did you attack Obsidian? You awoke her demonic side!! Are you trying to kill us?! Just be glad Shade's isn't as powerful over him! You'd have quite the challenging battle with two half demons against you. Even if you're a demonic prince, it's not impossible to meet the immortal death." Shiro lectured, turning around and leveling her scythe with his eyes.

"I wan't them in my immortal army love, " Alaster chuckles squinting his eyes, grimacing in the bright power of the holy weapon before him, practically touching his nose. "Please love, the light..." He turns his head and shuts his eyes.

"Don't touch them... Obisidian is still weak. You'll kill her if you walk into the room right now, that demon inside of her is under your control. Unless you command it it'll kill her in its fury or take over!!"

"I know that!" Alaster snaps, his eyes still shut. "What if I want her to turn! WHAT IF I WANT BOTH OF THEM TO TURN?! TWO LIVING HALF DEMONS AS ONE!! Think of the power I could obtain, MY ARMY WOULD BE GLORIOUS!!" His eyes open wide now fully jet black.

"You lustful..." Shiro mutters, "...gluttonous soul!" Shiro advances to stab him with her scythe. He disintegrates and reapers behind her again whispering into her ear.

"Oh Shiro..." He whispers sniffing her hair, "I do what I want babe, don't try and stop me..." he pulls away and runs to the doors that lead inside. "Follow me honey" he laughs before dissapearing through the doorway into the hall, "I wan't to play a game!"

"I don't want to hurt you but I will!" Shiro calls chasing him into the lobby. The lobby is bare, large marble pillars reaching to the ceiling, red velvet covered chairs and mahogany tables covered in novels and vases of flowers. Shiro looks up the stairwell and doesn't see Alaster.

Alaster's voice materializes from the air, "I'm in the lobby love... I'll stay where you can find me... But I like to keep you guessing..."

"Alaster!" Shiro calls out, her voice echoing in the massive hall.

"Come find me love..." He whispers. Shiro rolls her eyes...

I don't have time for this...

Shiro heads up to the dorm room. Seeing Obsidian on the bed talking to shade, she sits outside the dorm room in the hall and protects the door. She looks up at the ceiling.

Holy father please... Don't let the prince near them.
Obsidian hears others outside with heightened hearing, one guy asking why the room was glowing, another guy coughing and slamming a door close to hers, and Shiro outside the door. She looks at Shade frowning "Im sorry...if you ever want to talk im always here" she suddenly sits up and hugs Shade in a comforting way then pulls back her eyes back to there normal shade of blue "Im okay...for now. We should see whats going on out in the hall I've heard many people talking"
The boy looked around, then his eyes glazed over. He fell against the wall of the stairs, and began falling, slipping, into unconsciousness. His head slammed against the banister, and he fell face down. Green fog clung to his crimson aura. It looked as if he should be bleeding out, but instead his wounds began to stitch, and close. "God damn corruption sphere. Someone... Anyone... I need to get to my room." He reached a hand up the stairs, his brown eyes glassy. Every time he exhaled, the crimson on his person glowed faintly, and very slightly increased in hue. "Please... I need help..."
It will never get easy, will it. . . she asked herself as she roamed the halls searching for her new rooms, perhaps she needed some assistance but was to smart to even ask for one since she knew that she could figure this out on her own. Humph. Three school transfers only in a year. . Now that is a personal best. She thought while a light smile appeared on her pink lips. Her frightful blue eyes scanned each and every numbers upon the brown wooden doors as she walked further down the hall while remaining silent and devious, or at least to most of the people that attend the school but if she would express herself she would have said that she was just being herself. Her dark, black hair fell swiftly below her shoulders resting on her breast and her pale toned skin made her look more angelic then needed to be. Perhaps it was her wardrobe that was throwing everyone off, of course she had the style of a girl version of the grim reaper a black, long trench coat that was torn in various places, black skin-tight jeans, and black combat boots with black studs. She felt as if everyone was ignoring her just because the way she may appear but was to careless to even realize what other people thought of her. A black Jamesport backpack hanged off her right shoulder from it's right strap just the way she liked it because using two was rather annoying after a while she remembered those days how her shoulders use to ache because of the massive weight upon her shoulders but since she was not that kind of student who does their homework she has experience a much different affect. Her body was slender and beautiful, she was mostly admired by many staff members because on how attractive and irresistible she looked but of course they kept that thought to themselves but she was given compliments from most of the male staff already. A few papers were clutched tightly in her right hand as she continued searching for her new classrooms and locker and such.
She then stopped whiling thinking and smiled at her thoughts wondering if she could pull it off during this time of day. Perhaps a bit of fun won't hurt. . . She then reached her left hand towards her right shoulder before grabbing onto her backpack strap and slipped it off her shoulder and from her arm before unzipping the top pocket which in this case was the biggest one of them all and reached her left hand in and pulled out five firecrackers along with a white lighter she peered around before dropping her backpack to the ground and turned her body away from her backpack before igniting the wicks with the fire produced from her lighter and then tossed all five firecrackers down the other in of the hall before turning back around and grabbed her backpack before booking it down the opposite direction of the hall were the firecrackers have been thrown. The firecrackers went off causing a disturbance in all the classes within that hall the teachers rushed out from their classrooms to see what was happening as well as students.
Shiro looked up at the boy standing in the doorway, "someone died there..." she mumbled turning her gaze to the stairwell "I wouldn't go in if I were you..." her voice trails off as she realizes there is a hurt boy on the steps,"oh my gosh!" She says rushing over, "are you alright?!"

Is obsidian conscious? I should stay by they're room, what if Alaster attacks?...
Hello? Hello?" She asks urgently, afraid to touch him because of his arura. She looks over her shoulder at the boy in the door way, "you there!! Help me help him!!"

He went into the room didn't he....

"Shade!!! Get out here!!"
Now what. . . She asked herself while still fleeing the scene and sighed before finally noticing that she has escaped her crime. She inhaled a few breaths before turning a corner and found herself near a massive staircase. She tilted her head in confusion before she shrugged her shoulders and went down the stairs hoping that it would lead her towards the front door so she could leave this place. That was when her eyes spotted a male being unconscious and many others gathered around him. Her bag was still held in her right hand as she stared at the others. She remained silent and stiff before shaking her head and continued walking down the steps while visualizing that she has seen nothing of the sorts.
Sigmund wasn't paying attention as he ascended the stairs, looking for a place to relax for a smoke. The loud burst of fire crackers had rung in his ears as he stopped, his eyes following the sound. He continued onward, heading up the stairs to see if he could find a way up to the roof. Feeling a vibration in his pocket he took out his phone to read the text.

From: Dork
Hey, just checking in on you, you make it in alright?

Of course he would message him two days after his flight. Typical. Sigmund frowned at the message and was about to respond before he bumped into someone. "Ah, sorry." He looked up, and through his purple tinted shades he saw a girl, nothing noticably strange aside from looking like she had seen a ghost. Given that she looked like she had ran recently, that and the close proximity they were towards the fireworks, it seems she had a hand in it. Didn't matter to him anyhow.

"Excuse me miss, kinda new. Do you mind pointing me in the direction of the roof?" He asked politely, moving his jacket to tap on his pack of cigarettes casually.
The boys movements began to slow, and come to a halt. His head fell back, and he moaned. The red in his clothes dimmed, then his red aura dissapeared. Green fog clung to him still, but the red was gone.
She yawned while she continued her way up the steps and sighed. Her head hanged down from her shoulders slightly while her eyes caught the disgusted faces of people who stared at her, but since it was nothing new she moved it to the side and continued searching for her way out of this place before she got bumped into randomly. She took a step back and looked up at the person who caused the incident. "No need for the apology. . . And if you are going up to the roof. . Well you will need to ask the office because I don't speak of my left alone places. . . " she then moved around the person and continued walking down the steps wondering if she should just go up to the roof or probably walk around in the bottom floor halls and cause more disturbances just to pass by her time she has left instead of leaving.
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"Hey" he said interrupting her descent. "You seem to be bored, I was gonna head up to practice some chants while I take a smoke. Less noisy than chuckin' round fireworks, and it'll kill some time." He gave a polite grin, the light reflecting off of his shades to make him seem appreciative of company.
"Not interested. . . " she said while she continued to walk down the stairs and sighed before shaking her head. "Perhaps you can ask another to join you. . . " she said. Sure she was bored but she didn't know what this guy was like, his kindness and polite grin might make him seem harmless but you never know what a person is like until you know them.
((I think we lost some people.))

The boy rose, in a glassy eyed stupor, and tumbled into his room. He ripped open a drawer, and downed a can of red liquid. "God... Damn..." He stumbled, and pulled up his mattress. He retrieved the book, and laid it down on a desk, with his bag. The boy opened the bag, and retrieved the corruption sphere. He placed it on the cover, unsheathed his dagger, and stabbed the knife into it. Green fog poured into the room, and the boy poured the remainder of the can into the hole, and drank it. The sphere stopped glowing, and the fog dissipated. He closed up the sphere again, and stared at the book. He shook his head, and returned the book and bag to their respective spots. He grabbed a plastic bag full of cans, and walked toward the roof. Noticing Sigmund, he spoke, "hey, headed to the roof?"
Finally reaching the roof, he walked over to the edge, sat down, and took out one of the cans. He downed it in one gulp, crushed it, and flung at a bird. It stuck the bird on the wing, but it melded through the body, and landed in a tree.

"Hmm." The boy shrugged it off, and picked up another can. He sipped on it, and stared into the distance. "Ahzera Blackhand... You've killed a teacher, engulfed a corruption orb, and now you're siting on the roof of a school, and drinking like there's nothing wrong. Damn. Not a half bad day."
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