Monsters Beyond the Fog [p]

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"Well destroying a house is easy. Now destroying a city is real mark of accomplishment and true power." He says to him and giving a little flourish of his hand. "One I plan to do when I become stronger. Much like my grandfat'er did." Chuckling a bit. "Well I'm not one making idiotic ideas on how to get around a place. I was at least nice to guide chu and James around t'e forest instead of being like chu go off and explore. If I did t'at chu bot' would surely be dead." He mused at him with a small smirk.
Jaylin gave a small eyeroll, "Well the city is a bit different compared to that of the forest; I trust you won't die in the city," he responded with a shake of his head as well, "But I can show you around once I am done with work stuff? That'll be about two hours or so,"
"Hmm… I won't make any guarantees." He mused at him with a small chuckle. "Yea guess we will see in two hours." Telling him and went to rub near crook of his scratching a bit. "So itchy right now…"
Suppose that was the truth, Jaylin knew Angelos was a bit of a fiesty person and could easily start a fight or something with someone. He gave a small chuckle, "Unless you want to come with me to work, and sit at my desk while I do work,"
"Oh heck no. Sitting doesn't suit me well." He says to him and went to chuckle a bit. "Alright let me start venturing out to the great big human city." Angelos says in sarcastic tone. "Maybe I'm lucky I'll get a free meal."
"Do you want a map? I have a map for you if you want it, otherwise try not to get kills and if you get arrested; Officer Jaylin Kirkland is whom you ask for," Jaylin said to him with another shake of his head, "Or you know, you can come with me to the office and James' lives like five blocks from the police station,"
"I'll take t'at map." He says and held a hand out for the map. "Look I'm all for being around Marc an all. But I also need time to myself. Also chu t'ink I'm stupid enough to get caught. Chu forget who chu're talking too. My ally is wind itself and even real werewolf couldn't catch me on bad day." Then went to get up and went to his bag shuffling around to pick out a few things. Before grabbing clean clothes and took off his shirt for what appear to be silk scarf. Tying it a certain way to make into an open back shirt. "But I will take t'at ride over to police station." Going to take off his shorts for some clean ones one with pockets to put items he picked out. Some as small as golf ball and other about size of baseball. All made of leaves and tied string.
Jaylin rummaged in his drawer nearest the sink before handing over a small, folded map of the city. He had used it for his routes as a rookie so it was a bit worn and had writing on it- but still worked fairly well for its purpose. "Alright, sounds good to me, you enjoy your day to yourself, Ange,"
"T'ank chu." He says to him as he took the map. Noticing it has bunch of notes on it. "Seems to me someone has been scribbling all over it." Angelos mused at him as he began to look over the map. This would be useful for him to learn about city. Not to mention maybe find where the other monsters maybe hiding at.
"It is from when I was a rookie and learning my way around the city," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "So it has like a lot of locations pointed out on it,"
"I might have to read some of t'is." He mused at him and slipped the map into one of his pockets. "Is Tobias up? So he can get some breakfast. It's important for young to get somet'ing in t'ere stomach before t'e day begins."
"I'm here! I slept in super late," Tobias cam rushing from the living room into the kitchen, just catching the tail end of their cxonversation, "Those magic butterflies or moths were really helpful in me sleeping!"

Jaylin raised an eyebrow and looked to Angelos, "You guys were up late last night together huh?" Then gestured to the open cabinet behind Angelos, "And eating cookies again I see,"
"Oh good I'll make chu mini omelette." He says to Tobias and heard Jaylin about they were up late and having cookies again. "What I need somet'ing sweet. Chu know we usually have at least somet'ing sweet to maintain our body." Angelos says to him and waved Jaylin's comment of eating cookies off.
Thankful for the cover up from Angelos, Tobias gave a sheepish smile before hopping up onto a barstool by the counter, "Omelettes? That sounds really nummy! Daddy makes pancakes sometimes, but thats only for special days,"
"Well I figure chu could use some breakfast before going on chur day." He says and went to pour in some mixed egg into pan so it was small omelette. It wouldn't take long to cook as he added the cheese and meat in. Once he was sure it was cooked all the way through he folded it. Grabbing a plate to serve it and went to place it on bar for Tobias to eat. "Me and my papá would always share our meals toget'er. It was my favorite memory."
"Papa and mys favorite thing to do is visit grandma and grandpa! They're not physically here, but I enjoy talking to them and stuff," Tobias brightly chirped up and happily started to eat the delicious food made for him.
Angelos smiled at him. "Oh really? T'at's wonderful. Me and my papá use to visit my grandparents when we came back into town. We bring some dishes and have picinic." He explained to him.
"We should do that next time we go, papa! I think they'd enjoy it," Tobias brightly spoke with wide eyes and grabbed his fathers' arm.

"Okay, maybe, we'll have to see what time we go next," Jaylin reasoned with his son who seemed satisfied with the answer. The red-head though looked down a moment, his parents being a sore subject, before going to stand up, "Alright I'm heading to work, you two be food now you hear?" Then placed a kiss ontop of Tobias' head before heading out.
Angelos grinned a bit. "No guarantees!" He mused at him with small laugh. Watching him head off and went to wash the dishes. And went to place the dishes to dry and went to his pack. "Where is it…." Trying to something.
"Whatcha lookin' for Ange?" Tobias asked curiously, mouth full at the moment before swallowing shortly after he spoke, "Sorry! Whatcha doing? Need to find something important?"