Monsters Beyond the Fog [p]

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James didn't even flinch when he snapped at him. He knew something was up with Marc and that's why he was acting like this. When the other went quiet before apologizing and slowed down his walking. Now hearing his explanation things began to fall into place. The change and the uncharacteristic attitude. "Hey…" says in a soft tone. "It's okay, you explained now what's going on. I'm not even upset. I'm a little concern you're going to fight some those satyrs and maybe actually kill some idiot who makes a side comment. But besides that at least you told me what's going on. Now… what will make going through the day a little easier for you?" Asking Marc and went to smile a little flashing a little bit of those sharp lower teeth. "We can avoid them as much as possible, which won't be hard. But what else can I do to make you feel a little more calmer. By the looks of it you really wanted to hold my hand practically yanked it out of my socket." Softly teasing him.

Angelos looked at Jaylin. "Hey flying takes a lot of energy. Chu ever wonder why birds eat all day same thing." He says to him. "And besides I wouldn't have actually ate t'em. T'ey probably to gamey and tough anyhow. Satyrs during bucking season are always to gamey. I like somet'ing a little more tender." And saw a bee merchant with honey and milk drink really thick creamy color liquid. "Let's get a drink!" He says to Jaylin and grabbed his arm with both his hands began to pull him along.
At James' question, Marc wasn't entirely sure what could be done to make things easier. Normally, Marc was away from other satyr and just dealt with it on his own for the few days bucking season was around. Usually just staying inside and going about normal day to day activities; but he never had someone actually ask him what would help. Of course there was one thing, but that seemed a bit to abrasive to even suggest to James! Not to mention, he liked James a lot and didn't want to ruin anything that may happen in the future. "I'm not sure what would help- I kinda just deal with it every year when it comes around. I don't usually get to be around other satyr and I promise I won't fight any other creature or try to kill them," he answered with a small shrug, glancing up at James but kept his gaze mainly to his own hands, "Being around you does help though a little bit, cause my instinct is that you're my partner and all that sort of stuff so I have to protect you from other males and-yeah. Sorry I didn't mean to yank that hard- Oliver just makes me irate sometimes with his stupid comments," Then gave a dry chuckle and another shrug, "Satyr aren't usually homosexual ya know?"

Seemed fair enough, but at the same time it had been literally everything they had come across so far. Jaylin gave a small shake of his head at the others' answer and was about to suggest the go start their questioning when Angelos grabbed his arm. About to object, it faltered for sure as he was dragged along anyway, towards a small stand. A creature resembling a bee stood at the stand and he gave a curious look, "What sort of drink?" Seeing the thicker liquid the creature was pouring.
James heard Marc say that he wasn't sure how to help this, but he dealt with it every year. Only difference was he was around other satyr. But he kept eying his hands for whatever reason. And that being around him helped a bit. That Marc's instinct told that he was his partner and so that he have to protect him from other males. Honestly it was sort of flattering and it made him actually blush a bit. "Oh well that's flattering. I'm not use to someone wanting to protect me, truthfully. Normally I do all the protecting." Chuckling a bit softly "well as true as maybe most satyrs aren't usually homosexuals. It still happens regardless and he's just jerk to not understand that." Then went to take hold of Marc's hand and went to smile. "Well he already thinks we are together why not mess with him a little more. And those other jerks each time they see us. I can defiantly play the boyfriend role if you need me too." Just to make a point he place his hand on Mark's cheek softly and went to lean to kiss him. But instead of Mark meeting James lips he place his thumb in between their lips. But it looked like a kiss and went to pull away and winked at Marc. James could be a little bit of petty shit when need be.

"Honey-Milk, it's mixture of honey, royal jelly, and heavy cream. It's super sweet and delicious." Angelos says to him and smiled a bit. Then went over to the female bee person. And went to nod at her but instead of speaking they actually just chitter or buzzed to each other and touch antennas a few times. Before she nodded and went to get him two drinks which were made from wax in shape of pitcher plant. Angelos paid with some rose quartz before he took one back to Jaylin. Then went to slip his tongue out to start drinking the liquid. "Mmm… t'is batch is from the early summer."
It wasn't something Marc was really use to either. Usually he was the one that was always protected, too scared to much for himself out of deer-like instinct, so seemed they were both in a pickle with the situation. Though he was about to speak up and say they didn't have to pretend- that it was fine to say the least and Oliver could think whatever he wanted to. That was when a hand touch his cheek, warm and calloused, and his blinked a bit with wide eyes. Feeling heat rise to his cheeks at the gesture, going nearly tomato red, and felt his heart start to quicken its' pace in anticipation. Watching the other lean into him and the satyr found himself leaning into the touch, but the emotion was short lived as he wasn't kissed at all.

Feeling the thumb over his lips and James kiss that instead which made Marc feel such a rush of anger in his chest. It was cold and burned his ears a bit, but he kept it to himself as best as he could. Part of him wanting to grab James by the shirt and actually kiss him, wanting him as a whole in general, but the other part knew it would be a bad idea. Would ruin whatever it was they had now. So, Marc pretended, ear back and cheeks a bright red color now and holding onto James' hand tightly, "I'd love to mess with my brother and his stupid gang of friends," he gave a shorter response, trying to refrain from acting out the anger the broiled inside of him.

Honey milk? Didn't sound super appitezing if one asked him, but why not give it a try at least. If he didn't like it then it would be fine and he could just hand it over to Angelos to finish off or something. The interaction with the bee woman though was definitely strange and Jaylin felt kind of left out of the conversation not gonna lie. Bug creatures just got more and more strange the more he hung around Angelos. Whether or not that was a good thing was up for debate. The red-head looked at the cup of golden liquid, watching Angelos and his weird tongue drink, before taking a small sip himself. It tasted like honey tea just with milk rather than tea, and it was warmer in temperature and feeling. It wasn't the worst thing in the world and he didn't mind it, taking another sip of it and it leaving behind a little white mustache on his upper lip. "This tastes kinda like horchata from back home. James brought some in once and it was delicious,"
James could see how red Marc was, and wasn't if it was cause he was embarrassed. "Then let's mess with him throughout the day." Looking over to see Jaylin and Angelos had got a drink as they walked back to them. "So who are we questioning first then?" Asking Jaylin once they came back to them. His nose began to twitch a bit at smell of honey. Bears loved honey and this new instinct was so interesting. "That smells good… what is that?"

Angelos looked at him slipping his tongue back into his mouth. "Oh? And is it sweet? Moths are a little partial to sweet t'ings." He mused at him and saw James and Marc hadn't move. Though Marc looked a bit red and he wasn't sure if it was from anger or embarrassment. When he heard James question once they were in front of him. "Honey-Milk, it seems to me t'ose werebear instinct are kicking in a little bit." Musing at James and looked at Marc. "Careful now Marc he might make a meal out of you if he get's hungry."
Right, mess with them because of course was the sour thoughts that ran through Marcs' head, and he kept quiet to himself. Watching the other walk to speak to Jaylin and Angelos at the bee stand, he swore to himself and hung back for a moment to do so. This bear was going to drive him crazy and he could already feel it. Then followed along shortly thereafter and twitch his nose; milk wasn't good for satyrs' disgestive track so he tended to dislike the smell and the texture of milk. Rolling his eyes at Angelos, not responding with words as he had no idea how much he would love to have James do so right about now. Anything was better than suffering through the mixture of emotions he had at that moment.

"Do you want some, James?" asked Jaylin and offered the werebear his cup of honey milk, "And yes tea is very sweet with enough sugar in it, but this is really sweet," He didn't think he could drink the whole thing anyway and went to wipe at his lip with the back of his hand. Though James did bring up a good point; they should get along with their interrigations before anything else happened today.
James went to accept the cup and realized it was made of wax. "Oh it's made of wax." He says and examine cup briefly before he went to taste the thick liquid. It was so good honestly it was one of the best thing he'd ever try. "This is delicious. It reminds me of horchata I brought to work during holiday season." Then looked over to Jaylin. "Perhaps we should question those we haven't talk to yet."

"Well let's see chu have questioned xushha, water sprites, fairies, and t'at one Bael." He says to him. "But t'ere are plenty of ot'er creatures here. So whoever chu ask may know somet'ing." Angelos says and went to take another drink from sweet drink. "But it's best to avoid the horny ass satyrs in the center t'ough. For more than obvious reasons."
"I'd like to avoid my brother and his gang of assholes as much as possible, yes," agreed Marc with Angelos, speaking for the first time in a few minutes. Though suppose they could talk to the other satyr that were here like the moose or elk satyr or even the goat satyrs. The migrated all over the forest so they should know at least a little something about the situation, "We could talk to the other satyrs' like the moose or elk? They go all over the forest for migration so they should know something? They're also not aggressive like the others,"

Jaylin gave a small nod in agreement, that sounded like a good plan to start with, "That sounds good to me; and less dangerous and less likely of Marc trying to fight more of the other satyrs'," he agreed with the other satyr.
"We can defiantly avoid them. But yes maybe we should talk to the moose or elk satyrs. Since they aren't the ones in fighting mood." James nodded in agreement. "And since they do travel the most maybe they have seen something. Let's go talk to them then." He says to them and went to pass the drink to Jaylin. As he didn't want to hog it all it was bought for him.

Angelos nodded and then sees a few of the moths of one of the tribes talking to a merchant. The three moths he spotted one was older man with large wing span and was Grey Hairstreak. The other was female moth around Angelos age and had portioned wings to her form was Black Witch moth. Finally middle aged man with them with also impressive wing span which was Clouded Sulphur. Angelos antennas went up a little bit. "Chu guys go ahead and go talk to t'em. I'll catch up to chu later." He went to leave them to do there own investigation.

Gray Hairstreak Moth

Black Witch Moth

Clouded Sulphur Moth
Jaylin watched Angelos go, giving a small nod to his words and didn't really question it further. If they were up to something it probably wouldn't be that obvious and plus he hoped the other came back with more information at least. Then followed along side Marc as the deer satyr lead them over to a lounging group of elk satyr. They were dark brown in color with large, thick horns upon both female and male heads. They hardly stirred when they were approached by the three, finding them to be non threatening, and one, a male, spoke up from the group, "Can we help you there, young Marcus?" Most satyr tribes knew others and with Marcus' herd being a more largely known one, many elk and moose tribes knew him.

The deer gave a sheepish smile and a wave, "Hello, Montgomery, its nice to see you and your family again," he said politely and then gestured to James and Jaylin, "My two friends here, James and Jaylin, are investigating the missing or dead creatures in the fog. We where thinking you could help us with that,"

Monty raised a brow in question, nodding to James and Jaylin respectfully before addressing Marc, "Alright, what would you like to know?"
James saw Angelos leave them seemingly to go talk to someone. And decided to let him go and not question it cause it looked like he was going to find some information. Then went to follow Marc to where are large heard of elk Satyr meeting quite formidable looking Elk satyr. He nodded back at them when Montgomery nodded back at them. "If I could cut in just for moment. We heard your tribe travels throughout the forest. And we're wondering if you've seen anything unusual about the fog? Or has anyone gone missing?" They needed information any informations.

Meanwhile Angelos went to talk to the other moth people. As they talked to each other Angelo's moved with them. There was communication and even some exchange of items that Angelos had on him to trade.
The elk satyr regarded James with a disappointed look, finding the cutting in to be disrespectful but said nothing on it, instead considered hsi question. Then a female elk spoke up instead of Monty, "It is abnormally thick; so thick I cannot see my foals in it at some points. It seems to get thicker near the Mount Aries," She pointed in the direction of the mountain that sat at the edge of the Draken forest. Mount Aries was a large, proud mountain that not one really crossed. It laid unbothered since the war and seperate Morganar from the city itself, "It is like a creature is breathing so hard that it bellows out of the mountains creavices,"
James turned his attention to the female elk. "Is that so? Has anyone gone missing for your tribe. Foals or adults."Then heard about how the mountain seem to breathe hard and it seeped from the crevices. Of course Mount Aries had been left untouched by humans and instead went around the large mountain. Since going over it was way to dangerous. It seemed they would find there answers at the mountain apparently.
"Yes, two of our foals have gone missing and two of our adults have passed away," Another spoke up, a male who seemed rather pissed off about the situation, "But we haven't lost as many as the deer satyr have. I heard the leader and his mate have died, and several are missing,"

This visibly concerned Marc and he questioned with, "Which deer tribe?" Then the elk exchanged looks, whispering amongst themselves about how he didn't know and that they felt sorry for the young deer.

"The Johnson tribe, Marc, your parents have passed away. You didn't know?" Monty stated and gave this sympathetic look. Marc seemed to freeze and his hands trembled slightly. His parents had passed away from the fog and he just now is finding this out? Not even his own siblings dared tell him about their missing family members or anything?
James was quickly taking notes of everything he got. When he heard that someone deer satyr had died and froze when he heard it was Marc's parents. Then went to look at Marc who seem to freeze and he could see his hands were trembling. No one told Marc that his parents were gone, not even his brother. "Marc…" He says to him. "I-I'm sorry…." Why did Marc have to find out like this and after seeing his jerk brother who didn't even bother to mention it.
He looked down at the ground, and tears welled in his gaze for a moment before he turned and simply walked away from the group. Wanting to be just alone for now or he was off to find his brother to beat his ass again. With everything going on with him, the bucking season and now this, he suddenly wanted to go home. Take a nap or something, maybe make a drink of some sort. The young deer sat on the ground by the tree line, hugging his legs to his chest and sort of just stared out at the horizon. This sucked asshole.

"Go to him, I'll continue the questioning from here," Jaylin said to the other and patted him on the shoulder.
James couldn't tell what was going on through Marc's head. When he watch the other just leave without a word and head to the tree line. Honestly he wanted to go after him, but couldn't cause of the investigation. Until Jaylin pat him on the shoulder and said he would continue on investigating. Nodding at Jaylin thanks and went to excuse himself for a bit to go to Marc who was by the tree line. Going over to him and went to sit beside the other. After a moment of silence he went to speak. "I'm sorry you had learn about your parents in this way." Looking at him and went to touch his shoulder softly. "I'll find out what happen to everyone. Even if it's the last thing I do on this earth. I'll figure out whatever murdered your parents and other creatures and humans." Then went to move his hand away from Marc shoulder. "If you want you can go home. Me, Jaylin, and Angelos will take care of everything for today and you can go home and rest."
Tears had rolled their way down Marcs' cheek and darkened the fur with their moisture. He barely moved when James sat beside him and was thankful for the moment of silence as he didn't feel like talking right away. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he glanced up at James through teary eyes before going and hugging onto the other after he removed his hand. Burrowing his face into James' furry chest and gave a small sniffle. Today was just not a good day for Marc, but he didn't want to abandon the investigation. Didn't want to leave James behind at all, but at the same time he wanted to go home as well. "Come with me? Back to my house?"
James saw the tears in Marc's eyes and felt so bad cause there was nothing he could do to really comfort him. When he felt Marc suddenly hug him nuzzling into his fluffy chest. And he went to hug the other back and heard the other say to go back to his house. And honestly didn't want to leave Marc alone either and nodded. "Okay I'll go with you let me just tell Jaylin and we'll go back together." Once Marc let him go he went to tell Jaylin he was going to take care of Marc by getting home and staying with him for a bit. After given the okay he suggested that to look for Angelos to see if he was done with whatever he was doing and they'll meet up at the inn later. Before returning to Marc to go take him back home.
Jaylin had no problem letting James go with Marc; the deer needed someone at his side at a time like this. Agreeing he should find Angelos and bid farwell to the other satyr, thanking them for their help in their investigation and promised to find why this was happening. Then looked around for the mothman and spotted him speaking to three other moth people. Watching him exchange objects and what not with them before the werewolf joined beside Angelos. Not saying anything right away until his conversation with the other moth people seemed to lull or end, "Got anything?"