Mission: Z (IC)

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Location: Shreveport
Interactions: @VerbalAbuse @Dakota K5 @JinxMonster @VengefulPeanut


Thankfully, neither of his family members gave him any lip about moving back to the Sci-Port. The women in his family were notoriously stubborn and strong-willed, and Riley and Lauren were no exception. He couldn't count the number of times the two of them had tag teamed him when they were kids. He'd been bigger and stronger and older, yes, but they had the advantage of being girls, and together the two of them could fake-cry their way out of anything while simultaneously pointing the finger at him.

But as he followed along on the way to their destination, he couldn't help but lose his angry expression in favor of a wistful, nostalgic one. After they'd moved to Texas for their father's work, they rarely saw any more of their family. He missed it. Was kind of a shame that it took the end of the world to bring them back together. He had to remember to ask Lauren if any of their other family members had survived... but he supposed she wouldn't he here if they had. When Evie looked back at him, he met her eyes, startled out of his memories. He tried to reassume the fierce look he'd had on before but probably failed to do so before she turned back to Otto.

Scratching the back of his neck and feeling quite foolish, he'd just been about to say something when Lauren interrupted. Thankful for the distraction, he nodded, replying. "The doors are probably locked, but if we can get around to the loading bay I'm sure we can bust our way through one of the kitchen doors or something."

Lauren nodded and they all fell silent again, save for Otto and Evie's conversation. He tried not to listen, as he truly was not interested, but they were so close he couldn't help but hear. And he had to admit he felt a little guilty for being as hard on Evie as he had. After all, hadn't he and Lauren come up on Otto with weapons drawn, too? It was human nature to fear other people in times like this. Especially when you were outnumbered and outgunned. Yeah, he'd been too harsh. But she had also been really stupid. He guessed he could share the blame. Though not to her face. Nope. He wasn't about to apologize any time soon. Probably.

They covered the next half a block in mere moments, circling the building until they came to the back. There were several loading bays, and a couple of abandoned semitrucks pulled up to them. One was open, the other was not, and in fact it still had the locks on the hinge that opened the roll-door. Dexter's eyes widened despite his attempt to maintain his angry persona. Ignoring the others for now he broke ranks and jogged up the concrete ramp, kneeling beside the truck. He knew he'd break his knife before the lock, and he didn't want to risk gunfire unless it was their only option. He lifted his head and stood, calling to Otto. "Do you think there's any way we can get in here without making too much noise?"


Items: 2
.50 Cal Desert Eagle (no rounds)
Hunting Knife, with sheath
Bottle of Meperidine (13 pills)
Food: none
Water: none
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Location: Impact Point

Any Takers

As Jack walked back within the perimetre of Impact Point, a relieved sigh spilled from his lips. With the other active members of Impact Point's fighting force either busy or sick, Jack had to undertake his latest excursion on his own. Still, the missions proved to be a success. A few salvaged pistols and a couple of magazines of 9mm ball ammunition were his latest prizes to add to the settlement's armoury. Unclipping his rifle from its holding on his S4 vest, he wandered up further into the settlement, giving a short and informal salute to the people on perimetre duty. A grumble from his gut signalled his hunger.

"Where's Natalia?" he hummed lowly, his eyes surveying the area to see if she was around. He wanted to report his success as soon as possible so he could get to restocking both his magazines and his stomach. That wasn't to mention wanting to wash the the grime from his clothes and body and the dirt from his rifle. Truthfully, the only reason his M4A1 was still serviceable was due to how diligent he was at cleaning it - even with him sometimes having to fall back on make-shift ammunition. Still, the deep-set feeling of dread he had couldn't be shifted: with such little activity on the security team, Natalia was bound to send him back out as he as he could resupply. Great.
Backpack (Jack):
Items (6):

- Combat Knife
- Green and Red Spray Paint Cans
- M4A1 VFG, Surefire Flashlight, Eotech Holo (4 30rnd STANAG magazines)
- Atropine Auto-injector (1x)
- AN/PRC 152 Radio
- Bandages (Field Dressing 2x, Quick Clot 1x, Packing 1x)

Water (1):
- Canteen (60%)

Food (2):
- Granola Bar (x2)
- Tinned Beans (x1)



Otto Williams
Interaction: Evie Summers and Dexter
Mentioned: Lauren and Riley
Location: Shreveport

Otto gave a soft smile to the young British woman named Evie. "Well it's nice to finally know your name Evie Summers, don't feel to bad. It is human nature to fear a larger group of people and now that the social contract has been broken and violence could be anywhere your reaction to us ain't that out of place." He spoke to the woman as he adjusted some of the 30-06 stripper clips attached to his clothing. "Though I will admit, I am glad to see another friendly face out here in all this. I haven't seen or interacted with anyone beside everyone here since this whole thing started." He said as he took his canteen and took a small sip of it before offering it to Evie, he had seen that she had been crying earlier and since she hadn't used hers to drink from he assumed it was either near empty or entirely empty and he would rather her not start to feel dehydrated.
As he was offering Evie some of his water he saw Dexter break the line they formed and head up to one of the roll doors and try and open it or at least looked to see if their was a way to get it open before he called to him asking if he had any ideas, Otto handed his canteen to Evie. "Keep a hold of that for a second if you don't mind Ms. Summers." He spoke before walking up to where Dexter was, making sure to keep a line of sight on Evie, Lauren and Riley. Otto may of been the friendliest with Evie but still he had just met her and didn't trust her fully yet hell he didn't even trust Dexter or his family fully yet though the fact that they hadn't shot him right away or rather Dexter hadn't had his cousin Lauren shoot him yet did help but he wasn't gonna let any of them know that right now. He looked at the lock before looking at Dexter. "Well I hope you weren't thinking about shooting the damn thing, unless one of us is hiding a shotgun with some slugs loaded up nothing we got is going to shoot the lock, their is a chance of a foreman's office being near here. They normally have master keys or multiple keys for different locks that are left on sight, alternatively we could look for a sledgehammer or small blowtorch to break or melt the lock but other then those ideas I ain't sure how we would be able to get in." He said as he tapped his fingers against the wood of his rifle.
30-06 x 180 (18 boxes)
First aid x1
Smoked meat x1 pound
Machete x1
On person:
Canteen x1 (4/4 full) ((In Evie's position))
30-06 rounds x20 (Five in rifle, 15 ready to load)
1903A3 Springfield

Location: Shreveport
Interactions: Riley, Hero, Dexter, Otto, Lauren

"Well it's nice to finally know your name Evie Summers, don't feel to bad. It is human nature to fear a larger group of people and now that the social contract has been broken and violence could be anywhere your reaction to us ain't that out of place. Though I will admit, I am glad to see another friendly face out here in all this. I haven't seen or interacted with anyone beside everyone here since this whole thing started."

As Otto spoke, Evie's smile persisted. It was nice that he was being so understanding, considering how harsh Dexter had been to her. She still wasn't sure following these people was a good idea, she was pretty sure that keeping her trust to a small amount for the time being was the smart thing to do, also. However, something in his words made her feel a little more secure, a little more happy that she'd gotten this opportunity to interact with other humans again.

"I know how that feels. I've been alone so long now making imaginary friends out of twigs has started sounding appealing," she jested, lightly. As he offered over the canteen, she flinched slightly at first, not expecting the sudden kind gesture. Normally she would be one to turn down such an offer, thinking it the polite thing to do. Still, she was thirsty and her own canteen was running low. It couldn't hurt to take one sip, could it? She took the item with a small bow of her head and a honey sweet smile, waiting for the man to turn around before she sniffed at the contents and wiped at the lid with her sleeve. Taking a substantial gulp, not so much that she felt like she was stealing but enough to give her refreshment, she screwed the lid back on and gasped in relief. "Thank you so much..."

She listened intently to the situation. Locks weren't her thing, but she was lithe and nimble. "Is there an open window anywhere that someone can see? I might be able to try climb up?" she offered, placing the canteen in one of the pouches of her backpack. "Might be a better option than breaking the door down."

Backpack (Evie):
Items (3):

- Hunting Knife
- Blanket
- Bow (7 arrows)

Water (2):
- Canteen (Almost Empty)
- Otto's Canteen

Food (0):



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  • Like
Reactions: Dakota K5
Location: Sherveport
Interactions: @JJ @VerbalAbuse @Dakota K5 @VengefulPeanut


Riley watched as the other three of the group tried to figure out how to get into the Sci-Port. Wait...the only reason Riley had brought up the Sci-Port was because when Hero had ran off towards Lauren's scent. She had seen her cousin coming out of the place. Emerald eyes looked over to Lauren who was standing there with a smirk. Riley knew that look, that was Lauren's 'Aww you're so cute but I know something you don't look. "So Lauren, how did you get in?" Riley asked as she had to hold in her laughter. Lauren never liked to give things up easily, it was always about know the right questions. "You always were the first to catch on when it came to me Ry." Lauren said as she ruffled her younger cousin's hair. "This way." Lauren said to Riley as she
moved away from the group and made her way to the side of the building. Riley looked at Dex for a second before shrugging, he'd notice them leaving and if not....well she was with Lauren. Once to the side of the building Riley noticed there were vents spread out along the wall. But from looking at the vents Lauren hadn't went in through any of them. So what was she looking at...."The roof?" Riley asked before a smile crossed her face.

Lauren had always been into parkour and it was actually part of the reason Riley had gotten into gymnastics. Riley use to run around following Lauren, when the girl would practice. "Yup, there's even a door on the south end of the roof that's unlocked. Plus I wasn't sure if there was an alarm so it was better then possibly setting one off. And it let's the building stay secured instead of ruining any of the door or windows from trying to break in." Lauren said as she looked at her younger cousin's excited face. "Plus it was more fun. What do you say Ry, you think you can handle it or have you been slacking on your training?" Lauren teased.

Riley looked at Lauren and stuck her tongue out at the older woman. "I'm so in, it's about time I get to do something fun." Riley said as she placed her bag down on the ground next to where Hero was now sitting next to her. She placed her baseball bat next to bag and took off her green button up so that it wouldn't get snagged on anything. The black tanktop she wore under the button up was more tight fitting and would be easier to move around in. Riley started to flex her fingers and stretch her arms before she ran over to the back where everyone else was. "Dex! Lauren and I are going to the roof. Come get Hero and my stuff." She called out toward her brother before she ran back over to Lauren.

"Ready?" Lauren asked as Riley made her way back to her. Riley nodded. "Yeah, go quick though. Knowing Dex he's going to come and see how we're getting to the roof and he'll try to stop me if he see's this." Riley said as the two giggled, they were very aware of how protective Dex was of Riley. Lauren had even been on the same end of the lecture with Riley once. Lauren had been practicing jumping from different elevated ledges and Riley had been trying to copy her. But these jump were further then Riley had been use to. Luckily Riley fell from one of the lower ledges and only got a sprain ankle, some scraps and bruises but that was it. But boy did Dexter tear them both a new one after that.


Lauren and Riley looked to the building once more before nodding at each other. "Ok, it's simple Ry we climb the vents then use the studs at the top to finally reach the roof. I'll go first and help you up into the vents." Lauren said, once Riley nodded to her Lauren took off. Lauren ran towards the wall, directing her momentum upwards to reach the vent, skating across the wall before grasping the bottom of the vent. She smirked as familiar tension began singing in her arms. Quickly gripped with her other arm Lauren found traction against the wall with her shoes. Then with a mighty pull, Lauren jumped up and reached for the top of the vent, using the bottom for a foothold now. "Ok Ry, your turn." Lauren called as she held out a hand to help her cousin up.

Riley watched Lauren in awe before she backed up so she could get a running start. Hero let out a whimper in protest to what was happening. "It's ok Hero just sit here and wait for Dex." Riley said before she took off running towards the wall. She knew she had to move quick or she'd have to deal with Dex. Once Riley's feet were against the wall she threw herself up as she reached out for the vent ledge. YES! Once her hands grasped the ledge she placed her feet against the wall before she threw one of her hands up to grasp Lauren's. "That was awesome." Riley said as she finished climbing up onto the vent with Lauren.

Lauren smiled at Riley and nodded. "You did good, but we're not done yet." Lauren said before she looked up the rest of the wall. "Let's get a move on so we can open the doors for the others. The next part is pretty narrow and we'll have to go up alone till the next vent." Riley nodded as she watched Lauren grip the top of the vent and pull herself up to where she was standing on top of the thin ledge. Then Lauren jumped up again reaching for the bottom of the second vent before she once again pulled herself up onto the vent. "Ok Ry, come on but be careful."

Riley nodded to Lauren, she took a deep breath before she began to pull herself up. Fuck! Once she was on the ledge on the top of the vent she finally got to see just how narrow it truly was. "You got it Ry it's ok. Remember don't panic it causes mistakes." Lauren coached her from above. "I got this." Riley said back before she was about to jump to reach for the other vent. "Riley!" Riley flinched when she heard her named being called from below. On of her feet lost it's grip on the ledge. Riley couldn't help but scream as she threw herself back against the wall. That was close. Once she was calm and not bothering to look down Riley jumped up to and gripped the bottom of the next vent. Lauren quickly helped her up, once the older woman looked Riley over and could see that she was okay they continued.

"Easy sailing from here." Lauren said before she quickly climbed up to the top of the vent once again. Once she was there she use the stud as a grip before she hoisted her foot onto it. In one jump Lauren was leaning over the edge of the roof where she quickly made her way over the edge to safety. Riley had no problem following Lauren, the stud gave her the extra support that she needed to effortlessly make it to the roof's edge. "Good job." Lauren said as she ruffled Riley's hair again. Riley laughed and smirked as she looked out to the town from the roof. Though her smile was quick to drop. "Lauren look" Riley called out as she pointed about two blocks away.

Lauren looked over to where Riley was looking and could see a large group of infected slowly making their way towards the Sci-port. "Shit." Lauren quickly looked over the edge of the roof till she spotted their group. "Incoming Zeds! Hurry and get to the door. We're coming to open it." Lauren called out before she pulled Riley towards the door that was open. Once inside Lauren flung herself over one of the railings and landed on the next platform. Riley not trusting herself to do the same was taking the stairs two at a time. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! They hadn't seen any infected the whole time and now they were heading their way. She had thought they had avoided them and they the infected were moving in an opposite direction into town. Had they heard them...no had they heard her. When Riley had almost fell she had screamed without thinking. This was all her fault!

Backpack (Riley):
Left outside with Hero

Items: 11
Walther PPK/S x2 (8+1 rounds in left, 8 rounds in right)
Box of .32 ACP rounds (32 remaining)
M16A4 (30+1 rounds)
Box of 5.56x45mm rounds (30 remaining)
Survival Ax
Tupperware Container (dirty)
Small MP3 Player (dead)
Homemade Medkit
(Contains Levofloxacin, Gentamicin, and bandages)
Food: Canned fish x2
Water: none
Location: Shreveport
Interactions: @VerbalAbuse @Dakota K5 @JinxMonster @VengefulPeanut


Nodding at Otto's words, Dex gave a short sigh. Figures that things wouldn't go their way, it hadn't so far, why start now? He rubbed the back of his neck - a habit that he had tried and failed many times to break - and looked around. He didn't see any bodies on the ground that could belong to someone with keys. No bodies on the ground at all, in fact. It was bizarre, almost like someone had intentionally cleaned the space. Dex narrowed his eyes, now suspicious, and the urge to get out of the open multiplied a thousandfold.

When Evie spoke, Dex turned, having nearly forgotten she was there. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea." He said sincerely. "Too dangerous, I wouldn't want you..." He paused, remembering that he was supposed to be mad at her still, to show some backbone for the group. And his sentence that would have ended in expressing concern for her getting hurt quickly changed to, "...drawing Infected with your screams when you fall to your death." Smoooooth, Dex. "Besides..." Again, he paused, though this time only because he heard Riley's scream. He hadn't heard her call out to him before, but he heard her now, and when he looked up to see Riley and Lauren scaling the wall, the color drained from his face.

"Riley!" He yelled, voice uncharacteristically shaky as he moved towards the building. "Riley, please... Lauren... Fuck, be careful." All the anger that would normally be present while Riley was pulling some stupid stunt had dissapated into worry. He watched, eyes wide and fists clenched, until they reached the roof and swung over. That was when he finally allowed himself to breathe. Hero slunk over to him with an apologetic look, sensing his mood, but Dexter ignored him, striding over and snatching Riley's bag off the ground.

He turned and retreated to Otto and Evie, nearly leaping up the ramp to get to them. "That group you smelled is almost here." He said. "They can see them from the roof. We need to hide until they can get the door open."

Glancing around, he noticed a couple of dumpsters. The first one he checked was full up to the top and smelled like a million rotting corpses. That one was shut very quickly and the next one opened. This one only had cardboard boxes in it, and was about halfway full. Thank god for recycling. "In here, come on. Hopefully they'll pass us, they'd have no reason to be drawn here if we're quiet." He slung the lid open so that it stayed, knelt down and hoisted Hero up by the scruff, dropping him into the dumpster. "Platz." He growled, climbing up into the dumpster after the dog. He dropped Riley's backpack next to Hero and poked his head back out, using a weld on the inside to get enough leverage to get his upper body clear of the edge. A hand was extended to Evie, offering to help her up. He trusted Otto could get in on his own.


Items: 2
.50 Cal Desert Eagle (no rounds)
Hunting Knife, with sheath
Bottle of Meperidine (13 pills)
Food: none
Water: none
**Riley's Backpack & Contents**

Location: Shreveport
Interactions: Hero, Dexter, Otto

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Too dangerous, I wouldn't want you..." Dex began, causing Evie's ears to prick up slightly and her head to slowly tilt to the side with curiosity.

Is he showing... concern?

"...drawing Infected with your screams when you fall to your death."

Oh, never mind. As he moved to elaborate, he was cut off by the sound of Riley screaming, a sound which caused Evie to jolt in shock. That couldn't be a good noise. When they'd moved round the corner, Evie had assumed they'd gone to look for an alternate entrance. Not scale the building like a couple of post-apocalyptic Daredevils. Seeing Dex move off with such haste and worry was odd. Of course he'd show concern for his sister but she never expected him to react in such a decisive and panicked manner. Her shoulders eased down, a small smirk falling lazily on her lips. It was kind of nice to see the 'real' him. Not the one that was trying to be cold and tough. The girls seemed to know what they were doing at least. Even though it was a small show of affection and not even a show of affection aimed at her. It was enough to make her feel a little more calm that she was in good company - something she hadn't been in a long time.

However, the momentary calm of the situation was soon interrupted by the next development in the grand drama that was the day Evie met people again. The call that the infected were coming snapped her from her serene idleness. They needed to get inside and fast. Evie narrowed her eyes as she watched Dex search the bins. Was he thinking...

"In here, come on. Hopefully they'll pass us, they'd have no reason to be drawn here if we're quiet."

"A-are you serious? Hiding in a bin?" she gasped in shock, almost not believing it until she saw him dropping Hero in there. As Dex extended his hand outwards she sighed, "Oh fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound." Her voice had a cynically sing-song tone to it as she took his hand, hoisting herself into the bin. A slight groan involuntarily spilled from her lips. "Well, this is cozy," she commented, forcing a small smile. Tucking herself into the corner, she tried to leave room for Otto and Dex who were, by any standards, not the smallest of men. Cozy would definitely be the word for it. She pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs so that she wasn't tempted to 'spread out'. It was only at this point that the reality dawned on her. In this position, they were helpless. All they could do was sit and wait to see if they would survive the hordes passing.​

Backpack (Evie):
Items (3):

- Hunting Knife
- Blanket
- Bow (7 arrows)

Water (2):
- Canteen (Almost Empty)
- Otto's Canteen

Food (0):



Otto Williams
Interaction: Evie Summers
Mentioned: Lauren, Dexter, Hero and Riley
As he looked a the lock Evie suggested she could climb into a window, before Otto was about to comment on how that would be a good last ditch idea if they were unable to get the door open Dexter spoke. He was still trying to be a hard ass with Evie and Otto just sighed. "He is gonna cause us trouble if he takes that attitude with a group that has larger numbers then us." Otto thought, he understood that Dexter was still mad about Evie ambushing them but the situation they were in demanded quick friends and fast enemies, it wouldn't be to surprising that any people they meet in the future might start out as friends but in the end try and betray them.
He heard the scream from Dexter's sister, he had seen her and her cousin walk off but he hadn't paid mind to it assuming they would be looking for a way in. Well a way in they were looking for but a hoard they or more aptly Riley had drawn to them with her scream. "I swear if I die here..." Otto thought as Dexter put Hero into the dumpster before getting in himself, he held a hand out for Evie who followed in after. Otto threw his bag in before flipping his Springfield's safety to the locked position so that neither the bolt of trigger could be used, he scrambled his way into the dumpster pulling the lid closed with him. He grabbed his bag and saw from what little light that was filtering through he had landed nearest to Evie with Dexter and Hero were catty corner to him, he looked to Evie. "You come here often? I hear they got a great wine selection when cowering from a horde of zombies." He said quietly, a little humor to light up a rather bleak situation where they could do nothing but wait. He could hear them now, the moans of the undead moving about outside.
30-06 x 180 (18 boxes)
First aid x1
Smoked meat x1 pound
Machete x1
On person:
Canteen x1 (4/4 full) ((In Evie's position))
30-06 rounds x20 (Five in rifle, 15 ready to load)
1903A3 Springfield
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Reactions: VengefulPeanut
Clara Talavera

Interactions: Anyone
Location: Greenwood Motorsports HQ, Impact Point



Clara sighed as she sat down on a chair in her workshop. Fixing up a rally car to be apocalypse ready was tough work due to a lot of constraints on the vehicle like the suspension, engine, rollcage, and some of the bodywork. Grabbing the cup of tea on the bench next to her, she took a sip from it, finding it to be luke-warm. It would need drinking up soon; a cuppa should never be left to go cold.

Standing back up, she lowered the welding mask she was currently wearing, down over her face and started welding some more metal plating over the windows and door pannels. She didn't care if the rally team livery got covered over, she wasn't a very big fan of it, anyway. All she wanted was to make sure she was safe when she went out in the car, and it wouldn't be in the state that it was built in to take on rally stages.
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Location: Impact Point
Interactions: @The Crimson Crow @VengefulPeanut @TheTechnoVampire


Despite Andre's lack of response, which to be honest had been predictable with as quiet as the man usually was, Ben continued forward in good spirits, whistling to himself as he made his way through town. Today had been a good day, aside from the annoyance from Sean, and he wanted it to stay that way. He was looking forward to getting out in the field. Being second in command meant that he spent more time inside the walls, making sure things were running smoothly, than he would like. He missed the days where he was just a simple grunt, able to come and go as he pleased... sometimes leadership was more a ball and chain than a reward.

A familiar sulky form ahead of them caught his attention as Jack paused to look around. Bennet took in the man's slumped posture and worn expression. "Hey, Jack-o!" He yelled, waving a hand to catch the man's attention. "Ya lookin' for Nat?" Without waiting on a response, he continued. "Last I saw, she was at the cafeteria, I think she's making tamales." He grinned, patting the man on his shoulder as he passed him, and then pausing. "Oh, hey, yeah! We need to head out on a supply run, and she's probably gonna ask you to go so... you might wanna take a nap or somethin' cuz you're lookin' pretty beat there pal."

Without any further words Ben continued on his way, not bothering to look back and see if Andre was still following. He walked all the way to the other side of the compound, where they worked on the vehicles, pushing open the door and waltzing inside. There was a woman with her back to him, welding a metal plate to the driver's side door of a car. He leaned against a workbench behind her and waited until the hissing of the welding torch died down to glance in her direction, brows raising. "Hey darlin', how's the work comin'?" He schmoozed. "We're gonna need the tank truck, are those upgrades finished yet?" He fished a piece of candy from his jacket pocket and unwrapped it, plopping it in his mouth and letting it rest on his tongue.


Items: 2
AR-15 (30 rounds)
Food: none
Water: 32 Oz

Location: Impact Point

Bennett, Natalia

Seeing Bennett approach, Jack returned the man's wave though he didn't have such an upbeat attitude. With Bennett being the second-in-command, it was pretty likely that his appearance had a point.

"Thanks, man," Jack uttered as Bennett passed. A small smile even crept on to his face until the next bit of information was leaked in passing.

"Oh, hey, yeah! We need to head out on a supply run, and she's probably gonna ask you to go so... you might wanna take a nap or somethin' cuz you're lookin' pretty beat there pal," Bennett offered. Jack sighed deflatedly as the man moved away.

"Ain't no rest for the wicked, huh?" he huffed, slumping his rifle lazily over his shoulder. Taking another moment to breath in the air, the smell of food and the pull of duty roped him towards the cafeteria. If Natalia was going to ask him on another run, he'd comply without question. Still, a short nap wouldn't have warranted any complaints either. Making his way inside, he looked around for Natalia, seeing if he could make her out amongst the crowd of 'civilians' who were already there eating.

Backpack (Jack):
Items (6):

- Combat Knife
- Green and Red Spray Paint Cans
- M4A1 VFG, Surefire Flashlight, Eotech Holo (4 30rnd STANAG magazines)
- Atropine Auto-injector (1x)
- AN/PRC 152 Radio
- Bandages (Field Dressing 2x, Quick Clot 1x, Packing 1x)

Water (1):
- Canteen (60%)

Food (2):
- Granola Bar (x2)
- Tinned Beans (x1)



Clara Talavera
Interactions: Bennet (@JJ)
Location: Greenwood Motorsports HQ, Impact Point

Finishing welding the final armpured plate onto her rally car, Clara placed her welding torch away. This was when she heard Ben enter her workshop and start trying to flirt with her, asking about some sort of tank truck. Flipping up the welding mask, she turned to face him, scowl on her face. "Stop yabbering on about a tank truck." She said, crossing her arms. "Does it look to you like there's any truck parts here? No. Because it's a rally workshop!" She huffed in frustration, turning back to her car. "And stop trying to flirt with me and get in my pants. You should know by now that I swing the other way." Taking off her welding mask and pulling her hood up, she grabbed the front right wheel for her car and placed it on the wheel hub, attaching the nuts with an impact gun and torquing them up with a torque wrench.

She did not like Bennet one bit. He always seemed to be trying to flirt with her, even after she's told him many times that she swings the other way. And he should know that she's not been working on a tank truck because it's a rally workshop with only rally cars in it. It's not even big enough to fit a truck in it in the first place, either. Still frustrted at Benet, she repeated the process with the remainign 3 wheels, standing back to admire her handiwork.

On the face of it, the car was a WRC Mini Countryman. However, it had been upgraded to deal with the demands of an apocalyptic environment. Extra metal plating ahd been added to the doors to armour them up, the windows had been covered over with metal plating with openings cut into te metal to allow people to still see out, the rear windows between the C and D pillars had been replaced completely with metal plating, the suspension had been beefed up even further, with the ride height gaining a few inches. She also had side tailpipes that extended up to above the roof behind the front doors, similar to the exhaust pipes found on military Humvees. And finally, a bull bar had been added to the front and cupola on the roof where a machine gun could be mounted.​
Location: Impact Point
Interaction: @VengefulPeanut


Natalia was standing next to the serving line talking to Sean. "Sean I understand people are upset about the hot water generator being off but we have to save fuel for now. Don't worry I'm personally going out with a group this afternoon to go and try and retrieve some more. As for Ben, give him a break. It's not easy running this camp but he is doing his best as my second in command. Though if you feel you can do better why don't you go outside of the walls and try." Natalia gave Sean a sweet smile but the slight glare in her eyes wasn't missed. Nat was a patient woman but she hated when others questioned her methods or hounded her men. It wasn't easy what they had to do to keep Impact Point functional and she hated when those who weren't even able to go out on runs complained to her.

Natalia couldn't help but smirk when Sean started stuttering out an apology before he scurried off. "That's what I thought." She said before Nat turned back to check if the chicken tamales or the sandwiches needed to be restocked. Natalia was just about to go back and grab another container of kool-aid when she spotted Jack. "Jack you're back. How was your outing? I hope you didn't run into to many issues. I had really hoped to at least have someone else go out with you." Natalia said as she started to fix up to plates. "Here, you can explain it to me while we eat. The gardeners were able to provide us with some carrots today. I was even able to get some herbs from them to make a ranch" She said as she handed him a plate with a sandwich, chicken tamale, some carrots with a side of ranch and a bottle of water. Natalia then grabbed her own plate and water before walking over to and empty table and waited for Jack to speck.

Backpack (Natalia):
*Currently doesn't have it*
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Location: Sherveport
Interactions: @VerbalAbuse

Mentions: @JJ @Dakota K5 @VengefulPeanut

Riley watched as Lauren kept jumping from staircase to staircase. Soon the woman was a whole two floor ahead of her. Riley wanted nothing more then to do the same as her cousin but she didn't want to take the chance of falling and possibly breaking her ankle. So for now she just continued to make her way down the stairs as fast as she could. 'Please be okay Dex'

It didn't take long before Lauren finally reached the first floor. Once she had Lauren was quick to head towards the loading dock area. She had been ready to bust open the door to let her cousin and the others in but as soon as she looked out the glass window on the door. Lauren saw the horde moving outside of it and no site of the others. "Oh no"

In the time it took Riley to make it down the steps and find her way to the loading dock she expected to see her brother and everyone safely inside. Instead she found Lauren standing a little ways away from the door and the sound of things being rummaged outside. "What are you doing? Why haven't you let them in." Riley's voice was shaking as she looked at Lauren. She could hear the audible grunts and noises from outside. "Lauren, Why haven't you let Dex in?" Riley called out before she started running toward the door.

Lauren was quick to grab Riley and pulled the teen away before she could get to the door. "Riley you have to calm down." She said as she pulled the struggling teen close to her and away from the danger she was about to run into. "By the time I got to the door the horde was already out there. We have to wait for them to pass before we open the door." The guilt and worry was clear in the older woman's voice as she spoke.

"No! We can't just sit here while they're out there!" Riley yelled while she tried to get out of Lauren's grasp. Lauren was quick to place one of her hands over Riley's mouth while her other arm and legs held the teen firmly. "I'm sorry Ri but we have to wait. Dex is smart i'm sure they found cover." She said as she tried to comfort Riley, though the words were to comfort herself as well. Lauren had just found Dexter and Riley, she didn't want to lose anymore of the little family she had left.

Riley struggled for a bit in Lauren's grip, before the tears started to fall. This was all her fault. If Dex and the others were gone it was all because of her mistake. Sure Dex was over protective and annoying but Riley never really got mad at him for it. She just wanted him to let her learn to do things on her own so that he wouldn't have to put himself in danger all the time for her. Riley wanted to be able to protect herself and help him for once...

About ten minutes went by before the noise outside finally disappeared completely. Lauren slowly let Riley go before she moved over to the door to look out. Once she was sure the Zeds were gone Lauren held up one of her guns and slowly opened the door. "Guys" She called out quietly as she made her way outside. Riley followed behind Lauren slowly. "Dex...Hero."

Backpack (Riley):
*With Dexter*

Items: 11
Walther PPK/S x2 (8+1 rounds in left, 8 rounds in right)
Box of .32 ACP rounds (32 remaining)
M16A4 (30+1 rounds)
Box of 5.56x45mm rounds (30 remaining)
Survival Ax
Tupperware Container (dirty)
Small MP3 Player (dead)
Homemade Medkit
(Contains Levofloxacin, Gentamicin, and bandages)
Food: Canned fish x2
Water: none
Location: Shreveport
Interactions: @VerbalAbuse @Dakota K5 @JinxMonster @VengefulPeanut


Once they were all nice and cozy in the bin, Dexter pulled Hero into his lap to give Evie and Otto more room. It was mere moments later that he started to hear the Infected. They didn't snarl, or moan, like every zombie movie he'd ever seen. They were, for the most part, very quiet. But the shuffling, the raspy breathing, the eerily silent way they moved... that was somehow even more terrifying. And the smell. They smelled like death, and if he had been at the moment brave enough to poke his head out, he'd see why. They were covered in blood, flesh, brain matter, every sort of bodily fluid you could think of. And it was all rotting in the midday sun, providing that oh so lovely smell that Otto had sensed.

He didn't reply to Otto's joke (even though it was to Evie, not him), as he was far too tense to even notice it. Instead, he passed the time by stroking the soft for on the top of Hero's head. The dog was tense, too, picking up on his fears, but he relaxed at his master's touch, tail thumping against Evie's leg. Thankfully, it made a much quieter noise than it would have against the side of the dumpster, but he still reached over to place a hand against the tail, stilling it anyway with his eyes on the lid of the dumpster and his ears so alert he could have heard a pin drop a mile away.

When, finally, the noises started to die down, he let out a long, shaky breath, risking a whisper. "Do you think they're gone?"

But his question was answered when he heard a door scraping open, and then Lauren's voice, followed by Riley's. Without any more hesitation, he scooted Hero off his lap and stood up, first peeking through the cracked lid to make sure, then throwing it up so that it stayed up. He sucked in a breath of fresh non-dumpster air and glanced over at the door that his cousin and sister had managed to get open.

"That was close." He said seriously.


Items: 2
.50 Cal Desert Eagle (no rounds)
Hunting Knife, with sheath
Bottle of Meperidine (13 pills)
Food: none
Water: none
**Riley's Backpack & Contents**
Location: Impact Point
Interactions: @The Crimson Crow @TheTechnoVampire


"Hey, hey, hey, calm down sweetheart, I was just askin', no need to take everything so serious-like." He grinned, hooking his left thump into a belt loop and looking over the car she was working on. It was admittedly impresive, but he wasn't here about the car. "I just figured you might know somethin' about it because you're our best mechanic and most of the guys some to you with concerns. We could really use some of these..." he waved his hand at the armoured car "...upgrades on the tanker."


Items: 2
AR-15 (30 rounds)
Food: none
Water: 32 Oz
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Location: Shreveport
Interactions: Hero, Dexter, Otto, Lauren, Riley

Evie forced yet another smile to her lips at Otto's joke, though it did little to hide her fear and nerves. If the situation was less life-threatening, she might have even laughed. Alas, laughing wasn't exactly on the menu at the time. Hearing the shambling of the infected outside, she inhaled deeply, her heart-rate racing and a thin layer of sweat forming on her forehead. The smell of the bin was bad enough alone but when the odour of the 'creatures' outside oozed into the container, it was almost enough to make her puke. Thankfully, she managed to hold her stomach. The continuous thumping of Hero's tail against her leg was nice enough, at least. Weirdly soothing in a way.

"Do you think they're gone?" Dex asked, his tone telling that he'd been just as nervous as her. She gulped audibly against her will, offering a small shrug before looking to Otto to see if he had anything to offer. Luckily, the screeching of the nearby door and the hushed voices of Lauren and Riley were enough of an indicator that things had gone smoothly. Ascending from the bowels of the bin with the others, Evie dusted herself down instinctively. It's not like they'd hid in food refuse, but still, the idea of being inside something made for waste for so long was enough to cause her to shiver a little. "That was close," Dex commented, his tone severe.

"Well, we still have all of our flesh and limbs, at least. Dignity's probably been left behind in the bin but, y'know, this is the apocalypse!" she jested, sweetly, trying to lessen the severity of the encounter not just for the others but for herself. She moved over to Hero, squatting down by him and offering her hand out to stroke his head. "Who was a brave boy?" she cooed. "You were - yes, you were!" An innocent beaming grin sat on her lips as the dog that she'd been terrified would tear her in half not 30 minutes ago didn't seem so scary anymore. That is, unless, it bit her hand in retaliation of her petting and fussing.

Backpack (Evie):
Items (3):

- Hunting Knife
- Blanket
- Bow (7 arrows)

Water (2):
- Canteen (Almost Empty)
- Otto's Canteen

Food (0):



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Location: Impact Point


It didn't take long to identify Natalia. You didn't need military training or keen eyes to know that you should listen for the lecturing or look for the cowering who crossed her the wrong way. It seemed that Sean was on the menu for her to make a meal of today. Poor bastard, Jack thought to himself. Making his way over, he shimmied through the crowd, passing the already-dining civilians with a litany of excuses and small, polite apologies.

"Jack, you're back," she observed, spotting him not long after Sean had made his retreat. "How was your outing? I hope you didn't run into to many issues. I had really hoped to at least have someone else go out with you."

"Don't worry about it, it was fine," he replied, waving his hand dismissively at her point of concern. He nodded in acquiescence, taking the food offered with a 'thank you' before following her to the table. Taking a seat across from her, he bit into the sandwich with a slight groan of relief. "God... that feels good," he sighed, elatedly. He knew that Natalia wasn't one for dilly dallying, though. Swallowing the bite swiftly, he got straight back on track. "Old police station wasn't as great as we were hoping," he began, taking another quick, but large, bite. "Most of the guns were already looted, all the good supplies were too. Got a couple of Glock 17's, 9 magazines in accompaniment and an MP7 machine pistol - god knows how it got there - with 3 magazines." He took a deep bite, monitoring her reactions a moment before swallowing and finishing. "Like I said, not the biggest haul but the place wasn't exactly a gold mine, anyway. Still, should serve well to give the perimetre guards a couple of more toys to play with, huh?"

Backpack (Jack):
Items (6):

- Combat Knife
- Green and Red Spray Paint Cans
- M4A1 VFG, Surefire Flashlight, Eotech Holo (4 30rnd STANAG magazines)
- Atropine Auto-injector (1x)
- AN/PRC 152 Radio
- Bandages (Field Dressing 2x, Quick Clot 1x, Packing 1x)

Salvaged Items:
- G17 x2 (9 12rnd magazines)
- MP7A1 (3 30rnd magazines)

Water (1):
- Canteen (60%)

Food (2):
- Granola Bar (x2)
- Tinned Beans (x1)



Otto Williams
Interaction: None
Mentioned: Evie, Lauren, Dexter, Hero and Riley

He saw the smile that graced Evie's face but he was unable to return one of his own, the smell from both the undead and the dumpster were assaulting to his nose. He hadn't been exaggerating to Dexter earlier when he said his sense of smell was much more sensitive then a normal persons, he had to learn to distinguish certain smells from others when he had first decided to go away and live in the forests back home and while that had helped him now it was a hindrance now as he was barely able to stay awake let alone focus on what the other three in the dumpster. He thought on other things to distract himself from the smell. "It's a good thing the meat I got I put in that leather pouch with some herbs." Otto had a leather pouch in his backpack he had made from deer hide a few months before everything went to hell, he had put the smoked deer meat in their with some lemon grass to get rid of the smell from the leather and the meat itself had probably took on a bit of a citrus flavor as well but he hadn't counted on hiding in a dumpster thankfully he had really packed that lemon grass in so the smell of their little hiding hole wouldn't absorb into the meat. "Here we are cowering from the undead and I'm thinking about whether the food I got is still gonna be good or not." He would of laughed has their situation now been so bad.
The hoard was moving away or at least he thought it was since the smell was getting less and less repulsive by the minute, Dexter asked if they thought they were gone but before he could respond they all heard his sister and cousin asking if they were out here. Dexter opened the lid and piled out with the dog followed by Evie with Otto himself bringing up the rear, Dexter made a comment about how close that was and if Otto had known the man better he would of retorted in a sarcastic tone next to him Evie was petting hero while cooing to the animal, Otto himself was a fan of dogs but he had never been the type to dote over them. He slung his rifle off his shoulder and flipped the safety off as he looked around them just to make sure their weren't any undead stragglers wandering around to surprise them and when he was satisfied he didn't see anything he made his way towards the door to the Sci-port that Lauren and Riley had opened before waiting for Dexter, Evie and Hero to join him, Lauren and Riley to go inside.
Location: Shreveport
Interactions: @VerbalAbuse @Dakota K5 @JinxMonster @VengefulPeanut


Suddenly in a very big hurry to get everyone inside, Dexter withdrew his knife and strode to the door. He was sure that in their rush, Riley and Lauren hadn't cleared the building properly, and thankful that it hadn't yet come back to bite them in the ass. "Let's get inside." He said at once. "We'll clear room by room as we go, and head to the kitchen first." Stepping inside the building, he waited for his eyes to adjust to the gloom. Since they'd come in from the loading dock, they were already very close to the kitchen, and would likely only have to go through a few storerooms to get there.

An enormous peal of thunder split the air, and despite himself, Dexter flinched. It was only seconds later that the rain began. Not as a soft drizzle, but as an immediate torrential downpour. This was, after all, Louisiana. Hero, who had until now been wiggling around at Evie's feet as she doted on him, immediately sprung towards the door, seeking shelter from the rain. Dex stepped aside to let him, and everyone else, through before shutting the door.

The silence that enveloped them after shutting the heavy steel door was eerie, and for a moment they all just stood there. What now? "Weapons up." He said reluctantly. It didn't bode well for him to allow the strangers such free reign with their firearms in such a huge space, but there was at the moment no other option. The more weapons they had at the ready, the safer they would be. "And keep an eye out for any keys that could belong to that truck outside. It's not opened, so it's likely still full of food." Hopefully canned food that never got the chance to be delivered and would provide them with enough supplies to last a very long time. With that, he moved forward. He had no idea where he was going, as obviously he'd never been in the back before, but they had to start somewhere, right?


Items: 2
.50 Cal Desert Eagle (no rounds)
Hunting Knife, with sheath
Bottle of Meperidine (13 pills)
Food: none
Water: none
**Riley's Backpack & Contents**
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