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The man wiped a greasy hand on his pants before giving cassandra a firm shape. "Names Jenkins, Leroy Jenkins. But everyone calls me Bubba. Here the salvage area is just around here." He stepped out from the cage and locked it then led Cassandra out behind the building. Under overhead tarps and canopies, tables and boxes of scrap laid about in an unorganized mess. Several refugees were picking through the piles along with a man who's uniform designated him as an engineer. "Take a gander whenever you feel like it. Its a mess but its better than nothing." A small girl was helping her mother sort through piles when she came across a ragged teddy bear. It was missing an arm and an eye and most of uts stuffing had fallen out. The girl picked it up and showed it to her mother who shook her head. The girl sadly put it back but Bubba walked over and picked it up. "You like this here bear? Come back tomorrow and I will have it fixed up for ya." The little girl smiled and hugged Bubba's leg, causing him to chuckle and pat her head. The mother took her hand and gave her thanks to Bubba as she showed him what she wanted. Bubba put the items in a plastic bin and handed it over to the woman. As they were walking away, the little girl turned and waved to Bubba and Cassandra. "Ah the younguns always get me. I can never say no to them." Bubba put the bear in his pocket and nodded to the engineer. "Take whatever you want, just show me what you take so I can record it."
Cassandra smiled, "Bubba you shall be then," she said in a cheerful friendly voice. He led her out to the area where scrap was kept and she watched the whole scene unfold with the little girl. She would ahve offered the same but Bubba really seemed to enjoy the children so she let him have the fun of fixing the bear. She waved back when the mother and child left and smiled at Bubba, "That was very sweet," she said, "It doesn't seem to take much to make them happy, I have been humbled by their spirit." She smiled then, "I will do the same if I fine anything," she said, "And thanks Bubba."

She looked through the tables carefully. She was trying to find something to make and eye, even though she felt pretty sure she wouldn't. She had to at least make the attempt. She didn't have any lick with the tiny components what were necessary to create an eye, but she did find things that could make an arm, and another leg. She knew Harrison could work his miracles with these parts. She put them in a plastic bin and showed them to Bubba. "Thanks again! These are going to make someone very happy."

She left there and went back to her operating tent and Harrison was about to scold her when she plopped down her finds next to the desk. "You should be able to make a few things with these. And I ahve to go meet a psychologist now," she said and tipped her head in a very oh well kind of gesture and headed back out. She had enough time to check on her patients before that meeting, and since Harrison would be busy with those parts he'd never catch her. She grinned at the thought.

happy with her follow-ups she made her way back to the tent where she'd found the doctor earlier and waited for her to appear.
Sandra opened up the tent flap and saw Cassandra. "Punctual, thats good. Come on in." Inside was a standard setup. A chair for Sandra, a chair for the patient, a terminal for notes, and a lamp to provide light. Sitting down in her chair, Sandra typed some things into the terminal and then looked up at Cassandra. "So I understand you were in a high stress situation. Frontline combat and behind enemy lines. Have you had any nightmares, nausea, shakes or tremors, headaches, or insomnia of any kind?"
Cassandra smiled, "I try to remember that other people's time is valuable," she said and followed her into the tent and sat down.

She shook her head, "No, but in all honesty, I was so exhausted last night I don't think my brain had the energy to have a dream of any kind." She gave thought to the rest, "I had a few moments of shaking during the whole ordeal, but nothing since. No nausea at all, not then or now, but I love food, so maybe that wouldn't be something I would suffer?" She kept thinking, "No tremors, no insomnia but it was only yesterday so I don't feel I can really answer that yet, at least not for your records. And I have not had any headaches, but again it may be a bit early to give a definitive answer to any of these questions."

She crossed her legs and folded her hands over her knee, "To be totally honest Doctor," she said, "While the whole thing was happening I was a total wreck. I thought it would be my fault if anything happened to those men because they were trying to keep me safe, and were moving slower and more carefully for my sake. But at the end I was able to shoot a rebel who had snuck up on two of them and prevent their being injured or worse. That was the hardest thing of the day, by far. Since I am a healer, taking another man's life wasn't something I was comfortable doing, but I couldn't risk their lives for my own comfort's sake. once I was back here though, and it was all over, I thought I'd fall apart. But I was greeted by a group of refugees, that we'd helped earlier in the day and my whole outlook changed."

She tipped her head, "And of course," she grinned, "I am sure you will understand, today I have been checking on patients and taking your advice about meeting people around the hospital. Bubba is a sweet man, and I managed to find some good parts for making implants for patients. All in all a very productive day."
Sandra nodded as she took notes. "I see, the shaking and fear is common for those who are experiencing frontline combat first hand. As for the men you were with, from what I read from the report you could not have had a better group with you. What is it special something..." She looked at her terminal and nodded. "Thats right, special operations group. I do not have much on file on them since most of their operations are classified. But they are considered the best at what they do. Anyone in your situation would feel the same way. But you should remember they are trained to deal with situations like yours. Had it been a regular trooper group, you might have been left behind. You should make sure the men who saved you know you appreciate their efforts. Special forces have a thankless job as most of the time they are shrouded in secrecy. So maybe doing something for them might ease your mind. But you seem very strong minded when it comes to stress. I will put you on a three day watch list but after that you can return to frontline missions." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bottle of pills. "These are anti-anxiety pills. You never know how your mind processes stress so you may have a delayed panic attack. Other than that you seem fine so I see no need to keep you any longer." She finished typing into her terminal and smiled. "Thank you for being honest and forthcoming Doctor."
Cassandra was pleased at what she heard, "i don't see a need to make your job harder than it already is," she said truthfully, "And doing something for the guys is an excellent idea," she agreed as she accepted the small bottle. "I will return these if I don't need them. I know how it is with meds....never enough to go round."

She stood then and extended her hand, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Sandra," she said, "Please call me Cassie if you want. It might be nice to have a female friend around here." The truth of her situation was that she was the only female in her staff, and she'd not met another female here at the field hospital yet either. She was sure there were some, that were personnel and not refugees, but she just had not found them yet.

She left the tent and went back to her operating tent and found Harrison building a leg, as she knew he would, "Those other parts are small enough for an arm right?' she asked and he nodded. "Good," she said, "I thought so."

She went to sit at the terminal and he started tog et up and she held up a hand, "Not to worry, Big Guy," she said with a smile, "I've spoken to the shrink, I've met some people, "I snuck behind your back and checked on everyone and....I am fine. I promise. Even the shrink only put me on three days watch. So...there. I am fine!"

She tapped on the screen and made a few notes and then shut it off. "The shrink suggested I do something nice for those SOG guys," she said, "What would THEY think was 'nice' and not lame?" she asked not sure he's offer any suggestions but she figured it was worth a try.

Harrison lifted a brow, "Depends on their lifestyle. Alcohol or food...either way you probably are golden."

Cassandra tipped her head. "I have no idea if they drink or not," she said honestly, "I only just met them yesterday and they were obviously not doing either during a mission." She tapped the desk, "Maybe I should just ask one of them?"
As if on command, Erik rounded the corner and waved. "Heya Doc, Harrison. So you get put on a watch list yet? Happens to every civilian after their first combat experience." Looking over at Harrison, Erik nodded. "You can build prosthetics? Thats pretty handy. So what are you gonna do with your free time doc? They say we are gonna have a big influx tomorrow but today is basically an off day."
Cassandra blinked when Eric appeared as if on cue, "OH wonderful!' she said, "Just the man I need to speak to," she said and then nodded at his comment, "I spoke with Sandra," she said, "I am on three days watch." She looked a bit put out by that but shrugged and the shook her head, "He is making implants," she said, "He's a genius, just won't tell anyone. He builds them and I implant them. We ahve a very high success rate." She beamed.

"But ...that is not what I wanted to talk to you about." She moved behind the desk and was pulling a box with both hands from behind it. This was all the things that the refugees had given her in thanks for helping them. Jewelry, scrap parts, and a lot more.

"I want to give you guys something...for everything you did for me yesterday..." She knelt next to the box and moved things around in there, "Harrison thinks alcohol or food...what is your preference and what would everyone else appreciate?" she asked looking up from the box like a lost kitten, with no clue what to do.
Erik smiled and chuckled. "Gee doc you sure are one of a kind. Booze and grub are fine for us. Anything else might get lost, stolen, or forgotten. So we just stick with what we can consume. Although dont tell kirst I know but he likes to have little souvenirs of places we visit. Not anything big, just a little something he can put in his pack."
Cassandra smiled a wide grateful smile up at him. She lifted a bottle of what appeared to be grain alcohol, another few bottles that appeared to be beer, and when she dug a bit deeper she found a box of something. When she opened it there were tiny wrapped items, opening one she found what looked like chocolate. She lifted it up and tasted one and blinked, "Oh that's heavenly!" She grabbed one other item from the bottom of the box and slid it into her pocket.

She stood up and handed Erik a few of the bottles and then waved to Harrison, "Apparently Ritkof," she said, "I am going to see where you all call home and share my goodies with you. If you think they won't mind that is.."
Erik chuckled and shrugged, "anything better than MRE's and water flavor mix is good enough for me. Alright follow me." He took the bottles from Cassandra and nodded to Harrison as he led Cassandra towards the troop housing area. The soldier barracks were little more than many tents lined up in rows at the far end of the field. There was a recreational area that had a makeshift basketball hoop and some weight lifting equipment, along with a standard shower tent. Walking down the rows of tents, several soldiers poked their heads out and waved, smiled, or said hello to Cassandra as she passed. Several also jokingly asked Erik if he had a new girlfriend which was often followed by a light cuff to the head or quick glare. Soon they arrived in front of a tent and Erik opened the flap, "alright guys i am back, with a doctor and gifts in tow."

Inside the tent, five beds were lined up. Dante laid in his bed shirtless and reading what appeared to be a romance novel. Xanders was laying bed in shorts and t-shirt which showed off the intricate tattoos on his arms and whittling a piece of wood with a combat knife. Turk was sitting on a plastic mat on the floor with a disassembled pistol and cleaning tools while Kirst sat on his bed watching a small holovid of a little girl and woman playing together. Seeing Erik enter with Cassandra, Kirst quickly shut off the device and stood up. "Riktof if you were gonna bring Doctor Brandford you should have let us know beforehand so we could look presentable.
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Cassandra smiled and bit her lip, "You are all comfortable and please...I would not want to disrupt your relaxing." She said and then held out the box, "I come bearing gifts," she said with a bright smile, "And to say thank you for everything you did yesterday! You were all amazing and brave...and well..I know I owe you all my life."

She pointed to the bottles, "Ritkof assured me that food and drinks would be appreciated. I can't say I actually know what this all is...but...as he said...it's not MRE's. I was thank you gifts from the refugees, which I think should have come to you anyway, and not me."

She couldn't help but peek at Kirst's arm furtively to see if it was bandaged and tampon free, but she couldn't tell. Maybe she'd make him let her look before she left, maybe not. She glanced at Dante, "I would NEVER have pegged you for a romance reader..." she said with a sideways smile. She was also curious about the carving but didn't want to pry too much. Grabbed a bottle from Ritkof and held it out to Kirst, "I THINK this is beer...feeling brave?"
Kirst chuckled and took the bottle, opening the cap and sniffing experimentally. "Smells like booze, along with oranges. Doesnt seem that bad." He took a swig and gulped, "not bad. Seems like you got lucky Doc. Unfortunately we cant get wasted this early but when we do start drinking feel free to join us." Dante put the book down and smiled at Cassandra. "Whats wrong with a man getting in touch with his emotions? Only true men appreciate the art of the written word." Xanders laughed and flicked a wood chip at Dante, "you just like it because you want to be a prince that saves a girl." Dante smiled and shrugged, "whats wrong with that?" Turk stood up and walked over to Cassandra, taking one of the chocolates. He popped it in his mouth and chewed experimentally. "Tasty." He nodded then went back to cleaning the pistol as Erik put the booze in a footlocker. "So what are you gonna do for the rest of the day doc? Cant spend all of it slumming it with us grunts."
Cassandra smiled, "Oh I am very glad!" she said to Kirst. She turned then and held out the chocolates to Dante, "Well...nothing..I just ..well I'm surprised. If you want to get in touch with your emotions you have to form an intimate relationship with chocolate...."

She was shocked that Turk got up, but she smiled when he took one, "I know right?' she said, "They are delicious! I DID test these out...you know to make sure they were good enough for you guys." She bit her lip at the blatant lie but smiled through it all the same.

She looked at Xanders and held out the box, "Not interested?' she asked, "And what are you making there?"

She watched Erik put the bottles in a cooler and shrugged, "No clue really," she said, "And what's wrong with hanging out with you guys?" she asked, "Best people I've met in a very long time." It was easier than admitting she didn't actually have any friends, or hobbies for that matter like they all seemed to. She'd been so over-involved in work for the past few years, she'd lost track of everything else. Seeing them all relaxing in their various ways made her see that very clearly.
Xanders shrugged, "I am attempting to whittle this piece of wood into a crescent moon. Just something to do when I am bored." Dante put a bookmark in his novel propped his head up with his arm. "Why havent you made friends with the other doctors? I am sure you have more in common with them than a bunch of SOG guys." Kirst took one of the chocolates and shrugged, "just because people have the same job doesnt mean they like the same things Dante. You should know that. Anyways Doc we arent doing much today, we have an intelligence briefing in a bit about the rebels movements but other than that we are just relaxing. You have any suggestions?"
Cassandra shrugged a bit, "Well...truth is...I'm usually too busy working to have time for anything else." she admitted. She looked over at Dante and smiled, "The only other doctor I've met is the psychologist or psychiatrist, whichever she is. I hope I've made a friend there, but she seemed very busy." After Kirst made his comment she nodded, "I think doctors are an odd group, most are a little to stuck on themselves to be good company outside of an operating room, or office." It was the truth of the occupation. If you weren't a patient, you were basically a lesser being. She remembered well her set downs during her residency period, being constantly reminded that she wasn't a doctor yet. She never wanted to be like that, ever.

Pressing her lips together and quirking one side of her mouth, "I saw a basketball hoop...I used to play a mean game of horse," When she was like 14, with her younger brother on the playground, but that wasn't real pertinent at the moment.

She frowned then, "But I'm new here," she said, "What would you suggest?" she asked, "I haven't even seen the whole place yet."
Kirst grinned, "alright doc your on. Loser has to buy the first round when we get on leave. Alright guys lets hit the court." Everyone got up and donned shirts and shorts and went out to the basketball hoop. A ratty old basketball sat under the hoop and Dante picked it up. "So doc you wanna start?"
Cassandra chuckled, "Deal," she agreed and followed everyone out to the court. She went to the ball and picked it up, "OF COURSE!" she said as she moved to the far right of the basket and stood about two feet beyond the foul line. She lifted the ball over her head and then bent her elbow as she shot the ball, "Nothing but net..." she said, hearing the swoosh. Hit the rim or the backboard and you're out."

That was her go to shot, and she rarely missed it from that spot, which was why she chose it. Still, she wasn't sure how well the rest of her shots would do, given her lack of practice.
Kirst took up position and after careful aiming fired his shot. The ball arched up and bounced off the rim before going into the net. Dante clapped, "nice shot doc!" Kirst smiled and tossed the ball back to Cassandra, "any more special skills we dont know about?" Suddenly Bubba appeared with the little girl from before in tow. "Heya fellas, whats goin on? Looks like the Doc is handing your butt to ya." The little girl giggled and shyly waved to Cassandra as more soldiers began to gather.
Cassandra tipped her head and smiled when it hit the rim, "Looks like you're buying." she smiled and then grinned at Dante, "Your turn?' she asked and moved to the free throw line and lifted the ball with both hands and then slammed it into the ground. It bounced up and hit the backstop and then fell into the hoop. Wow, luck was with her today. That one was either really impressive or WAY off. She turned when she heard Bubba and waved at the little girl, "Did you get your bear?" she asked with a bright smile.

She noticed a lot of other people joining them and wondered what she'd gotten herself into. She was sure someone would start making shots from three point range and she'd be in a pickle. It was nice though to just relax and chill out. She knew it wouldn't be long before she missed, and then the show would be over, but while it lasted, she was going to enjoy it.