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Finished my character sheet, finally. Apologies for leaving a WIP up like that for so long. D:
@Moogle-Girl @Kitti @Melonica @Greenie @Spectre of the Fade @Archwar
Characters are totally accepted. Glad to have you aboard. and sorry in advance for all the horrible shit we're gonna do to them

That character still being worked on? No worries if not, we all get busy sometimes.

I reckon we've got a good, solid cast now, so I'll get stuck into writing the IC and have that up as soon as I can. Work and Nanowrimo are soaking up a lot of my time at the minute, but I'm getting better at managing my time so this should still work just fine.

Yes I'm still working on her. I'll have her finished by the end of the weekend, hopefully.
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I absolutely adore the plot of this role play... (and not just because I love terror..huehue.)

I wish I could join this, but I have other role plays >.<

Also, this totally gives me a Town of Salem feel too if anyone as ever played that.

Good luck And may the odds forever be in your favor...(i'm so sorry.. I had to say that lolz)
This super interesting , but I'll settle with being a reader as opposed to a player. If you guys have started already may I please get the link to the rp?
Which I'm totally cool with. ;w; Finally someone who rps at my pace. :'D
Sorry! Thank goodness the GM is slow because life got crazy this past week and will still be a little crazy until the end of semester exams. I will (hopefully) have her finished before Thanksgiving (so likely tomorrow).

Well, according to the OP, some guy or gal kidnapped a bunch of people and is forcing them to vote. The person who has the most votes will win a brutal death. Failure to do this results in everyone getting a brutal death.

I suspect everyone will vote for the grumpy old man in round 1.
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Well, according to the OP, some guy or gal kidnapped a bunch of people and is forcing them to vote. The person who has the most votes will win a brutal death. Failure to do this results in everyone getting a brutal death.

I suspect everyone will vote for the grumpy old man in round 1.
This post made me giggle. Mostly because of the bold.
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Name: Morgan Sterling
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Overview: Sheltered, spoiled, pious, and more than a little pretentious. Morgan was raised in a well-to-do family, and never wanted for much. Her image and itntegrity are some of the most important things to her. However for someone so shallow she cares deeply about her family and religion. For 20 years she has been in ballet, and only recently has she finally landed a Prima part in an up and coming ballet production. Morgan has a strict plan for the rest of her life, and nothing is allowed to go against her plan. Miss Sterling is obsessive, controlling, and suffers from extreme body dysmorphic disorder alongside narcissism.

Appearance: Averagely pretty, the most redeeming quality about her visage are her wide, striking sapphire-blue eyes. Morgan stands at a lanky 5"9 and has the body type of a 12 year old girl, nary a curve to her plain silhouette. With her porcelain skin made more apparent by her choice in always wearing pastel colors, she has a rather doll-like appearance. Innocent and polished are the first terms that come to mind in regards to her wardrobe. Her neckline is never below two inches from her collar-bone, and the hem of her skirt remains just above her knees. Though she is incredibly thin and lanky, she has the impeccable poise and musculature of finely trained dancer. Morgan's hair is a very pale blonde that is naturally thick, and curly. Her skin is flawless, unmarred by piercings or tattoos as she finds them to be garish to any ladylike aesthetic. If she is not practicing, her hair is loose around her shoulder in a half-updo. Morgan's nails are always manicured and clean, though her hands are sometimes incredibly dry.

Personality: Lawful Neutral
As a devout Catholic, there is nothing Morgan believes more than self-righteousness and keeping oneself virtuous. At first mention, Morgan is known only to be obsessive and cold. However looking deeper, she is incredibly fearful and doubtful. Her controlling nature stems from a need to remain confident that her destiny is following "Christ's Plan". Perfectionism is an understatement when it comes to Morgan's performance of all day-to-day activities. Seemingly practical, the painstaking method Morgan practises is actually incredibly superfluous. Just another part of her need to control every aspect of her life. Socially, Morgan is very introverted and the opposite of adept. In many exchanges she can come across as moody, awkward, or irritated. The former is a strange juxtaposition to her morals and ideals of being virtuous, however Catholicism allows a certain frigidness. Snobbish, Morgan's downfall is the fact she covets material and recognition. Attention is her drug of choice and despises when she is not the center of attention or concern. She needs constant validation from those around her, and envy is yet another flaw of hers. Morgan's closest friends are very similar to her, except a level or two plainer. There is something slightly less about each of them, this is so Morgan has nothing to envy and can create a happier environment for herself. Morgan has a darker side in which she often punishes herself for mistakes both in and outside of her control. These punnishments can range from mental to physical.

✕ Strong sense of right and wrong
✕ Easily manipulated
✕ Unyeilding religious beliefs
✕ Low empathy
✕ Low mental stability

History: Raised in Pennsylvania, Morgan grew up in a family home with her three siblings and married parents. They went to the chapel every monday, wednesday, and sunday. Ate every family dinner together. Celebrated every holiday with their extended family. Went on family outings once a month. Prayed and worked together. Each of the Sterling children proved to be intelligent, and well-rounded. Johnathan Sterling was a respected surgeon. Vivienne Sterling a home-maker and Mary Kay representative, as well as the President of the PTA. The eldest of the Sterlings, Caroline Sterling, graduated top of her class and then attended Harvard. She met her now husband and two years later had a child, her degree in Law remained unused.

Caroline and Morgan were never close, but the younger sister always looked up to Caroline. Especially as children, Caroline often played the part of the protective older sibling. Their father was a drunk who had a wrath akin to Christ himself. Often after coming home from "work", he would drunkenly tease their mother to the point of verbal abuse. Once their mother shut down, he would come after his daughters. Morgan was too young to remember, but the abuse her father inflicted on the two of them has reflected into the mental disorders Morgan has sustained. Once Caroline was old enough, she fled her household and made her own home far from Johnathan. Morgan loves her sister dearly, but believes her to be deeply rooted in sin as her husband is Jewish.

Morgan believes herself to be the favorite of her parents, even though her mother is incredibly cold. Instead she seeks acceptance and validation from her father, who is a strict and cruel individual. After Caroline moved away to college, she was the only target in the house for her father. However around the same time he softened enough to let Morgan grow up in some sort of peace. In fact John often spoiled Morgan, and Vivienne became the strict parent. Jacob and Jeremy were born her freshmen year of high school, the twins instantly became Vivienne's favorites.

The family felt whole again, even without Caroline's monthly visits that ended her third year away at Harvard. Morgan decided to drop out of college and move to New York, and idea that both of her parents agreed to. Not only did they agree, but they decided they would continue to fund her aspiration. The first year of living in NYC, Morgan dedicated her life to ballet. However, she began to lose sight of her previous goals for herself. She began smoking, eating fast food constantly, and going out late at night to drink with her ballet friends. Then she met Xavier.

For three years she was in a relationship with Xavier, the ultimate bad boy. Her habits became worse and for two years he talked her out of going to church. Two years she lost sight of both her religion and goals. He manipulated her in twisted, dark ways that caused her to fear losing him. In many way he became a substitute for her religion. Her closer friends eventually pulled her out of the state she was in and showed her the light. It would take her another year and a half to fully repair herself and find who she was before Xavier. Since then, her apartment has become completely clean, her diet organic and vegan, her religious practices immaculate, and her wardrobe pastel. Every aspect of her life has been purged of Xavier who randomly disappeared from the city, which of course is a habit of his. However the scars from her second life still show themselves in the way she constantly washes her hands or the handfuls of hair she sometimes pulls from her scalp.

Now Morgan practices for the procdution; "Une Seule Nuit" as Sabine. Her life is back on track and her plans once more, unfold perfectly without obstacle.

Hopes: Morgan desires nothing more than to retire from an illustrious ballet career, to settle down with a Catholic man who is exactly 7 inches taller than her, straight black hair, blue eyes, and a non-smoker. She will have two kids, one boy and girl exactly 6 years part. One will be a ballerina or a pageant child depending on her appearance. The boy will be immediately enrolled into sports as soon as he is old enough. They will live in Oregon, in a two story house with no less than 7 bedroom home. No pets.

Fears: Premature death, hell, purgatory, infertility, ugly children, the deaths of her two brothers, the deaths of her parents, the death of her sister, demons, Lucifer, becoming an understudy, loss of control, blindness, cancer, aids, her father, being shunned by the church, rape, becoming fat, illness, old age, limbo, being burned alive, being paralyzed, etc...
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A'ight, please allow me to apologise profusely for the long-ass delay in getting the IC up and going.

On the bright side, this delay (for once) wasn't due to me being a lazy fuckstump, but because I've been balls deep into Nanowrimo this last month. I was hoping that I'd be able to juggle both commitments, but it seems that was rather wishful thinking on my part: having to rattle out 1,667 words a day (at least) on top of a full-time job and other commitments doesn't leave you with a lot of time for much else.

The good news, though? Nanowrimo is all done for this year, and I somehow actually managed to hit the 50K word mark in some shocking turn of events that we should probably consult holy texts about cos it's probably a sign of an oncoming apocalypse. So it's time for me to get this show back on the road if you're willing to ride along still. I apologise again for dicking people around, but with less distractions (and a work ethic I recently discovered I actually possessed) we should be able to make up for lost time quickly enough. The IC should be up shortly, as I'm cracking on with it as we speak.

Morgan is awesome (and that fucking picture had me thinking I was seeing shit for a minute). Welcome aboard.
@Cait @CasmiRari @Moogle-Girl @Kitti @Melon @Greenie @Spectre of the Fade @Archwar @Wanderfool


Since there's been a really fucking long delay in getting this thing going, I'm leaving things a little vague initially as to how many people we have sitting in the circle of chairs as the victims characters come to. Just in case it's been long enough that people can't/don't want to be involved anymore (which is entirely understandable, no hard feelings whatsoever if this is the case for any of you). The picture I'm using isn't ideal, given that it isn't dark enough to fully match the scene, but it does convey that look of corrupted grandeur that I'm aiming for.

Anyways, that's our intro up. Y'all motherfuckers wake up in a spooky-ass room with a bunch of strangers: what do?

And don't worry, I'll throw something hook-like at you all soon enough.
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(and that fucking picture had me thinking I was seeing shit for a minute). Welcome aboard.
I scrolled back up to see the pic. Ow my heart. That got me good.
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GOOD. Sorry i am such a hoe for silent hill and I couldn't help but mess with your heads a bit.

I am SO excite.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Someone bawling about wanting their mommy?

*evil grin*

Ask and you shall receive.

Nothing like a creepy smelly room to push the inspiration buttons in a Greenie.

>.>' Must be something wrong with me. Teehee?
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