Love Found

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Squealing in surprise at the sudden licking of her face she lays back into the couch laugh, "Stop!" Wiping her cheeks with the sleeve of her shirt she sits up to scratch at Luna's stomach. Looking up at Brendan, a wide smile on her lips, "Cook? I thought I was cooking for you. I brought some ingredients with me..." Giving Luna's stomach a soft pat before sitting up on her knees, arms folding on top of the couch as she leans over it. "I'm fine with anything, I could just cook for you another night. Or we could do something completely different." she said giggling with a wink, obviously teasing Brendan.

Propping an arm up to rest her chin into the palm of her hand she smirks, "Its nothing to worry about. I'll cook for you tomorrow." she had already forgotten about the party he mentioned, though who could blame her, being around him made her thought trip over each other and her heart to skip a beat. Sometimes she wonders how she can ever walk around him without falling on her face.
Still feeling the chill of the gun's grip against his palm, Brendan looks down, having to remind his subconscious that everything has been safely stowed away. Shaking his head, Brendan sits down next to Nancy, glancing to the hands of the ticking clock by the bookshelf. "No, no, that's fine." Insisting, he collects her hair in his hand and runs it down the curve of her ear. "If you wanted to cook for me, I am not stopping you one bit because knowing me - I'll burn down the damn house." Feeling a rush of energy, he finds himself unable to sit still, his foot tapping away on the carpet. "You distract me so..." Kissing her cheek, he stands and Luna's head shoots up, wanting to know if she should follow as any loyal companion would. Nancy's touch does make her tail slap this way and that, wagging happily and she lies her head back down.

Moving to the steps in a daze because of his own rocketing thoughts, Brendan forgets where the groceries are. "Um... upstairs?" he asks, a finger pointing even though he doesn't clarify what exactly he wants. Blinking with a breath taken in, he starts over, this time slower and with more thought behind his words. "Are your supplies upstairs?" Not knowing what Nancy is thinking, Brendan can only worry about if she noticed the gun or not. She has been known to observe events or items and let them fester in her mind for a while as she makes complete fantasies for what the object means. "Mmm, I can't wait. You're an excellent cook!" kissing his fingers, Brendan pulls them away from his lips, making a signature smacking noise. "Delicious and my mouth is watering just thinking about it. How long have you been cooking again, hun?"
Smiling softly as he kissed her cheek, "I distract you?" giggling at the statement, but the giggle didn't last long she could tell something was going on in his head. Leg bouncing, his sentences weren't coming together, "Is something wrong?" she asks watching him go up the stairs, a concerned expression forming on her face, a frown pulling at her lips. Pulling her legs out from under Luna she made her way up the stairs to meet up on the step he settled on, a hand gently placing onto his chest, "Brendan, I'll go get them. Just relax, okay?" pressing a kiss to his cheek she continued up to the bedroom.

Seeing her bags where she left them by the bed, grabbing the ten plastic bags by the handles and heads for the stairs, "You still like chocolate right? I was thinking of making cake or I could do a mousse." she called out to him as she reached the top of the stairs and ascended. "Or I can make you anything if you don't want orange chicken." By this point she had a kick in her step, practically bouncing down the stairs, happy to be cooking for him, "I've been cooking since I could walk. There is olive oil in my veins."
"Mightily so, my dear. Distract me in all categories. I'll be trying to buy a sandwich and you'll pop into my head. By the time I get my order in, the rest of the blokes behind me are angry because I had to completely rethink my order." She indeed has a pull on him that no other woman could even attempt. Blinking, he didn't think his emotions were that obvious and he is quick to shake his head. "Just a long day but I'm happy to be here with you." Seeing Luna's head pop up over the couch, practically drooling with delight from all the attention. Brendan tries as he might to smile to her kiss and does a superb job at it, rubbing her back as she moves away from him. "Can't wait!" He practically squeals to himself, loving anything she cooks. "Thanks!" He calls up the steps after her and moves back to where Luna is resting.

In private now, he checks some text messages. Quickly thumbing a reply, he is sure to tell them all that he is busy tonight and can't go out for drinks or have a party as his place. Being sure to put they shouldn't ask questions, he pockets the phone when he hears her weight travel to the top of the step. "Who says I don't want orange chicken?" He blurts out, pretending to be offended. Standing up, he places his arms across his chest and shakes his head. "How -dare- you think I didn't want your orange chicken. Get out, get out!" Pointing to the door, he is already making his way over to where she is, pretending to be mad but in all reality joking. "Would you like some wine?"

Leading her to the kitchen, she has a stainless steel fridge right next to the four bright burners of the top stove. Below that is the time and the oven. It's a small area with cabinets and different apparatuses for cooking with. Blenders, waffle maker, tea kettle, microwave... etc. There is a deck with a grill, nice opaque glass table with a few sun chairs around it. "Here is your new domain then, hun." Spreading his arms wide open, he turns around to see her reaction, knowing she'll be pleased. "I can show you where everything is." Moving through the cabinets, he shows her where all the supplies are. "You're a delightful cook - do you want red or white?"
Laughing as she bounces off the last step of the stairs, "Yes, I'd love some wine." she responds following him to the kitchen. Her mouth fell open as the sight, it look like her dream kitchen. The oven, fridge, from the flooring to the steal, it was perfect. "Can I have it?" she joked walking into the kitchen, placing her bags onto the counter, "When I leave I'm taking the kitchen with me." walking into his body as his arms flew open, her own wrapping around him and her head pressed into his chest. "I'd like red."

Parting from his arms so he could get the wine and so she could begin cooking. Taking her ingredients out of the bags, laying them out on the counter, chicken, oranges, herbs, etc. "Where do you keep the pots and pans?" she asks over her shoulder. There was a spark in her eyes, she was always happy cooking but when she was cooking for him it was perfect. "Do you want to help me or watch? Either way you still get to eat the good stuff."
"I'll pick out the perfect bottle." Moving to the fridge, he pulls open the nearest door and finds the cork screw. Moving past the post-it notes on his fridge along with a calendar and plenty of magnets from places he has been, Brendan hardly thinks to take down the numbers posted there by his various women. Some are work related, most are, but there still are just 'friends' with little notes attached such as, "Can't wait to see you again," or even reminders such as, "Call Lauren: 555-3382 - Thursday meeting @ 3:00" even to, "You stupid fuck, call Richie by tomorrow or else you'll pay - 555- 0289"

Moving around the corner, Brendan can be heard moving downstairs to the cellar. Coming back up, he hands her a bottle to see if she approves. "I heard it goes well with the zesty flavor I -think- that chicken will have once your done with it." Settling a smile upon his face, he cannot wait to spend the whole weekend with Nancy for he looks forward to it every single week. Monday's are the hardest, having to say goodbye and wait an entire week but his Thursday's are jumping with absolute joy. Blinking, he answers Nancy, "I can help you, sure! Don't let me screw anything up though." He warns her with a wink. So together again, he hands her a glass after letting the bottle breathe. With a classy swirl of his drink, he sips as he helps Nancy with whatever she wishes and compliments her the whole time on how delicious it will taste. He wasn't wrong.
Moving to the fridge to place a few items inside, closing the door the notes caught her attention, "Lauren, Richie.." she mumbled to herself as she read over them quickly. Her lips twisting to the side as a rock dropped in her stomach over a few of the notes, telling herself that they were just people from his work. Turning away from the fridge she starts fiddling with the chicken, grabbing a near by cutting board. Giving a smile as he brings her the bottle, "It looks good." taking the glass, lips pressing to the rim to take a sip.

Every so often she'd ask him for something, an ingredient or knife, pan, anything really until she got used to the kitchen. Once done she placed the cuisine on a plate, decorative and fancy just for the hell of it. Holding up her plate to him she laughs, "Think I should have a restaurant?" she said before leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you for helping me. You've helped me make it perfect." Walking over to the dinning table she sets their plates down on the table. "Tell me the truth if it isn't that good."
"Well, by dinnertime, it'll air and be delightful!" Smiling, he helps her find materials around his kitchen. Indeed the stove's nobs are a sweet red but they still have use to them, little dimples where constant grabbing and twisting have occurred. Thinking that Nancy has her own luminesce as she cooks, Brendan hardly feels as though he is doing any of the work. He hands her supplies, yes, but he spends most of his time just admiring the way she moves. An easy flip of a chicken breast easily stirred in the orange sauce. "You're amazing." He keeps reminding her throughout the whole process, stealing kisses or rubbing his hand along her waist whenever he can. Not wanting to disturb her too much from her expertise, he constantly has to ball up his fist in order to stop wandering fingers.

Setting the table takes a moment, clean table mats and cutlery as well as square glasses set on their own small coasters. "I will most certainly lie to you about everything because I don't want to break your heart." Winking, he revises his statement almost immediately upon seeing her reaction. "Of course, selfish men do that. Real love is critiquing and giving plausible feedback so that you may work on your flaws. We all have flaws you see. I can't throw a ball in a straight line, balance for my life, I'm scared shitless at high heights... you know the list goes on." Winking, he holds up the wine glass and gives her a toast, the public speaking class in college helping him tremendously. "So, without you," he finishes after much praise, "I would be nothing. This..." He motions to the house around him, "Is all for you, my love." Taking a slow sip, he lets out a refreshed breath before digging into the chicken.

Jokingly, he starts to make a face as if he just piled a load of crap into his mouth. "Oh god!" He jokes even further, pretending to throw up on the floor. Chuckling, he swallows, "It's perfection, my dear, perfection." Smiling, he decides to leave his 'nothing is perfect' row alone for tonight. He only wants to have a good time and not start a fight. So they eat and talk of college and Brendan's new job and how he obtained it. Sooner or later, it just ends up as praise upon praise from Brendan's side, telling Nancy every single thing she wants to hear.
Giving a soft gasp at his comment, "Lie?! How could you?" placing a dramatic throw of her head back, the back of her hand resting on her forehead. Once he was done with his explanation she leans over the table to press a kiss to his nose, "You're adorable, clumsy... But adorable." she murmurs with a smile as she sat back down. Raising her glass to the toast she giggles, "You're ridiculous." and took a sip before placing the glass down. She took a bite and smiled at how well it turned out, a soft groan of approval erupting from her chest as she took another bite.

She stopped seeing his reaction, "Are you okay? Do you not like it?" giving him a playful glare once she realizes it was a joke she shook her head and said, "Guess who's not getting any tonight." Laughing before she ate a bit more. The night was going perfectly, learning more about his work and his life in the city. Her chin resting into her palm as she listened to all of his stories, she didn't mind him talking about himself so much, in a way she liked it, she looked at it as if making up for all of those years she missed with him.

Once they were done eating she took the plates and empty glasses to the sink to wash them, even though she was a guest in his house she still liked doing things for him, even if it was doing the dishes. "This has been the best night I've had in awhile. Not that the other weekends weren't amazing. I just meant.." she paused and sighed collecting her thoughts, being around him for so long just got her flustered and blushing, "I really love being with you."
Brendan, feeling the glee of the evening as well as the wine hit his head, he is soon clearing the table. Not sure if she liked the rambling or not, he is sure to ask about grandma Leo as well as what she is thinking of doing with herself. "The position at my job is still open if you'd wish it. But I know we talked about you finding your own job through your own means and I respect that. Just know that it's there for you." Grinning, he thinks of even bringing up he should fire Molly and just replace her with Nancy. Oh, but no work would get done and he wouldn't wish for her to be entangled so closely to him - hearing the conversations that go on in his glass box. (his office).

"I understand your words, Nancy that you love being with me. Yes, I know that every ounce of you rings true to what you're saying. But..." He adds, pausing for good measure, "I would absolutely sell my soul to you, no questions asked, to be shown. You know I'm a tactile learner. You can say all you wish but I really need," not caring if she is washing dishes right now or not, he pushes her hair back behind her ear. Revealing her neck, he leans down and places slow and steady kisses upon her. Upon seeing this, Luna gets very jealous and lets out a bark, causing Brendan to nearly jump. The whole meal she sat contently underneath the table, hoping that some scrap would fall down for her to chew on.

"Oh and I love you too, girl." He adds, slipping himself from behind Nancy to kneels down and be mauled with slobbery kisses and a wagging tail. "You ought to be hungry too, Luna. Yes you are," he rubs her ears before placing the lopsided circles of food into her red bowl. "There you go, sweetheart. Eat up and remember, no running after. You have to digest before I take you outside."

Glancing up at Nancy, he winks, "Jealous little pup I have." Feeling the slobber still on his face, he touches it with his hand before moving over to the sink and rinsing it off. Patting the water from his face with the dishtowel, he throws it across the back of her body and reels her in. "Now, Nancy Leo, where were we?" Letting her take the next few steps, he ignites his cheeky smile, his eyes very much alive with his devotion to her. "And I love you, Nancy. So very much and every damn day."
"You would?" she smiles rubbing a sponge over a dirty dish, "Would you sell your soul to the mob for me?" she giggles placing a dish to dry. Her lips part to say something else but only a soft sigh of pleasure came out from his lips on her neck. Her head tilting to the side for him. A whine left her lips as he pulled away, turning around to see him with Luna her lips putted out into a pout. "I get picked over a dog." she jokes slouching back against the counter.

"I love you too." she whispered with a smirk as he pulled her in, every step closer made her heart thump against her chest. "Hm? Maybe.." her arms looped behind his neck, pulling herself against his body, "Right here." she murmured happily as her lips brushed over his own before pressing a gently kiss into them.
"Oh come on, don't be like that." Brendan coos at Nancy, feeling her warmth breath against his own. "Loving an animal is completely different from loving you." Kissing her gently, he knows that she just wants him to kiss her for minutes on end. Still tasting the wine and chicken on his breath, Brendan chuckles. "Because you are oh so fine and in reality..." Looking over Luna, he raises a brow when he hears her delightfully chomping away at the large bits. "One, I believe that her breath would be such a turn off also, look at all that slobbering."

Pulling her back to his lips, he is sure to lock with her lips this time. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he starts to smile, feeling the curve of her hip against his hand. "That's a perfect place to start." comes his small whisper before bringing his hand through her hair. Swaying to his own accord, his head starts to spin. His hand comes off of her hip to rest on the side of the counter for more support. When satisfied, his own lips slowly pull away from her own and he straightens up. "Satisfied yet?" he whispers with a light tone, nibbling at her lobe. "Did you want to see the beach or perhaps just the bedroom again?" Growling a bit, he can't get enough of her taste, kissing her lips once again.
She loved the way his lips felt, so soft and sweet. Nipping playfully at his bottom lip once he pulled away, a small pout on her lips not wanting him to stop, "No, I'm not..." she whines softly. It quickly cut off once he began to nibble at her ear, his breath tickling as he spoke. The growl in his voice sending a shiver of delight down her spine. "I don't think I got a proper tour of the bedroom. I'd like to see it again." her voice had a sweetness to it now, but one filled with need and want.

Arms loosened from around his neck, her hands gliding down his arms, enjoying the feel of his muscles. As they stopped over his biceps she squeezes softly as her mind whirled with thoughts of them together. "I'd especially like to see the bed..." lips kissing up his collarbone, "Feel how soft the sheets are.." to his neck, "The headboard..." then along his jawline, each kiss lingering a bit longer than the last.
Laughter overcomes him once more and he bends down for just a moment, his head still facing up so he can receive her kisses. Lifting her from the ground comes easily for him, his muscles easily cradling her safely against him. She showers his collarbone, neck and jawline with kisses. Groaning, he feels his arms come into contact with the wall next to the staircase for he swayed far too much to be controlled. A fit of laugher comes over him as he looks back to Nancy. "I don't think you have gotten a proper tour either. Allow me to change this very fact. Right now." He feels her weight make contact with the floor then he safely unhooks an arm as to lead her upstairs. It feels for the railing, his gray eyes shut and his lips enjoying hers.

"You're going to be the death of me, I swear." He whispers, knowing it might be true. His friends don't always like his choice of girl and if they don't they'll have no problem with having him find another one. Swallowing, Brendan suddenly fears for Nancy's life. But like the waves crashing on the shore, those thoughts are carried away with a few more kisses. As they should be. "They're silk sheets and a hand carved headboard. I think you'll enjoy it very much. It's as if you're sleeping on a cloud. I know I'll be sleeping soundly with you in my arms tonight."

Luna senses something's up and darts up the steps after them. Before Brendan has time to close the door, the powerful dog bounds right up to them. Brendan feels the world start to tumble and his back makes contact with the floor and Nancy lands right on him, forcing him to let out a powerful, "oof!" Before he knows it, the slobbery tongue of his precious dog is all over the two of them. "Gah, Luna!" Brendan growls and the dog persists on pinning them to the ground and attacking them with her own kisses just as they were to one another. "Luna!" He calls again when she doesn't stop, his arm trying to push her away but she is far too strong.
"No I'm not." she giggles eagerly following him up the stairs and to his bedroom. Her mind whirled with the possibilities between the sheets of the bed. Once in the room her lips immediately crashed into his, arms looping back around his neck tightly, her chest pressing into his. It was bliss but something was different, the sharp patter of paws coming their way, by the time she knew what was happening Luna had tackled them to the floor. "Ah! Oof!" landing on top of Brendan as the dog attacked them with slobbery kisses. "Luna! Nice to know I'm never getting any." she slid off of Brendan to get away from the slobbery love and hoped it would help him get her off. "Jealous girl." she teases sitting up, a hand rubbing at her hip where it made contact with the floor.
"Jesus, Luna!" Brendan half laughs, trying to sound serious but the big dog just wags her tail and keeps licking him as he tries and sit up. "You ruin everything for me, don't you girl?" Looking to Nancy, his eyes can only apologize but he knows well that Luna is just a dog and doesn't know any better. "You'll get your loving too, in due time." Rubbing behind her ears and ruffling his fingers through her short hair, his clothes are now covered in fur. Standing, he takes her by the collar and leads her out the door. Hoping she won't bark or scratch at the door, he points her in the direction of the steps and she bounds off. Pushing his weight against the shut door, he feels his face with his fingertips, "Yes, she can be very jealous. Are you alright? Well, I hear that I am quite "

Pushing off the door, they either spend a fruitful night underneath the sheets exploring one another again or Nancy's now injured hip restricts Brendan from rolling around with her. Leaving the decision in her hands, one thing is for sure. Before he drifts off into a deep sleep, he has his lady in his arms. Not wanting it any other way, Brendan sleeps without a worry to his name. No thoughts of the party nor what trouble he might be getting himself into at work. For now, he just worries about making Nancy happy - knowing she will have to accept him for who he is. He just hopes that she will never truly find out -all- of his secrets.

Waking up early, the sunrise stretches across the sky as Brendan moves to the window, his own stiff arms limbering up. Wearing nothing but his dark mahogany sweatpants, he leans against the wall, looking through the large glass window and the soft teal curtain that rests there. Not hesitating a moment more, he resists crawling back in bed, knowing his phone will ring at any moment. Leaning over the slumbering Nancy, he kisses her cheek, rubbing his knuckles against her cheek before exiting the room completely. Guilt settles in his stomach for not staying in bed with her but it -is- an important phone call. Sure enough, as soon as he steps downstairs, the buzzing of his home phone echoes through the house. Brendan, wanting to mask most of the covert conversation, starts to cook Nancy a fine english style breakfast. Eggs, sausage, toast, beans... the works. Glancing every so often at the doorway, he hopes Nancy doesn't make her way down until his business is complete.
Her eyes peeked open once the sun's rays touched her cheeks. A smile creeping its way across her lips, hair tossed every which way from the night they shared. Rolling over with a soft groan, fingers combing through her hair and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she noticed that Brendan was nowhere to be seen. Eyes glance around the room before smelling something divine coming from downstairs. "Mmm... God, I love that man."

Quickly she made her way down the stairs, the sight of him making her breakfast made her grin. She paid no mind to what he could have been saying on the phone, her thoughts were still in a fog from last night. Her arms snaked around his stomach and up to his chest, lips placing soft kisses along his back. "Good morning." she murmured before letting him go to grab a piece of toast, taking a large bite. "I hope you slept well. I know I did." hopping up onto the counter she sat and took another bite. "What are the plans for the day?"
"Hey Mac," Brendan cuts the other line off once he hears the footsteps, "You know that flower I was telling you about?" glancing over his shoulder, he sees Nancy rubbing her eyes once more as she makes her way to the kitchen, "Well, she is blooming." Knowing it was his way of saying Nancy is up and he can't talk any longer, he ends the call with, "So in an hour come over quickly and I'll show you the new canvas. Tell me what to think." Hearing a response, he smiles at Nancy before changing his mind, "Actually, Mac, lets make it lunch. Come over at twelve and I'll be sure to feed you so we can talk about it." Knowing in his gut that Nancy won't like this, he looks apologetically at her before hanging up the phone.

"Sorry, a client of mine is most persistent to see my newest painting of his before the party tonight." breaking up the eggs with his spatula, he tries not to sound to disappointed that he had to end the call early. "But he is a good guy and you'll like him. I am sure he won't be staying long. Just a quick lunch, I'm thinking hot dogs and hamburgers, and I'll show him the painting and he'll be gone." Hoping she'll agree, he reaches over to rub some crumbs off the side of her lips before kissing her. Thinking back to the previous night, he puts the spatula down and leans over the counter between her dangling legs. Rubbing her thighs, he answers in his soft Irish voice, "With a night as glorious as last night, I slept like a baby. Perfect harmony - you and--" his finger pokes his own chest after touching hers.

"What would you like to do today? I have the party tonight but I should be home at a decent hour. Just for you," another kiss nuzzles itself into her neck as his bare back bends. "We have the morning to run around in our pajamas and the afternoon to look civilized." Glancing to the window, he thinks of the beach below them.
Smiles against his lips, the smile quickly growing as he moved himself between her legs. God that accent of his drove her up a wall, it was something else that made her love him more. Letting out a soft sigh upon hearing about the party, "I almost forgot. You won't party too hard, right?" she teases as she presses a kiss to his cheek. At the mention of being civilized, "Pft!! We don't do civilized!" and with that she took another huge bite out of her toast.

"We could hold breakfast and walk on the beach or just continue to be uncivilized." she murmurs walking her index and middle finger up the bicep of his arm slowly. "I didn't bring a bathing suit if we do the beach but I'm sure you wouldn't mind that." giving a playful wink hoping he got the joke of her being on the beach naked, something she could probably never do, being outside of a house naked. "Give you a nice tan before your party."
Brendan didn't have to think too hard when it came to the option of seeing Nancy completely naked in broad daylight. She is just lucky that their whole time spent on the beach had been uninterrupted. Since it is his own private beach, the crescent shape nuzzled tightly against a sentinel of the rock cliffs. That was, of course, after having lunch with his client. With nothing to complain about, the gray haired man slipped easily in and out of his expensive car. Luckily for Brendan, his worried expression soon changed after a healthy meal and a gallery of his ideas. Giving his client an envelope filled to the breaking point with papers, Brendan claims that it's all business slides and color frames when, in reality, its not.

Once the day passes on the beach, it's time for Brendan to finally start and get ready for the party. Washing himself down, leaving sand nearly clogging the drains, the playboy finds himself going through his large collection of suits. One by one, he lifts one up to his neck and tries to understand what each and every one of them might mean to his partners. Too savy? Too powerful? Not powerful enough? Oh it was hard to pick the correct one but Nancy soon helps him, picking out the perfect color to really sit well with his unique eyes.

Dressed in the tuxedo, finally realizing that a suit just wont cut it, Brendan hears the doorbell ring. Clasping on his last cufflink, he pats the front of his chest and tries to smooth the shiny velvet that resides there on the jacket. "I really would rather stay home with you, you know." He is quick to inform Nancy before straightening his bow tie and looking back to her. His hair is gelled back and parted neatly to the side. Looking a few years younger, he smells of fresh cologne, the bottle opened yesterday. Reaching the doorknob, he turns it and finds Molly standing in the doorway. Her curved body is fitted into a neat teal dress and her hair done up in a tight swirling bun. Feeling his jaw drop a bit, Brendan steps back and lets her walk into the living room.

"Nancy!" He calls to the upstairs, chuckling as Molly brings up an old argument they always have. She feels that he should put a nice table with some flowers in the middle of the wooden stretch from the garage door to the kitchen. Brendan, on the other hand, disagrees, thinking that it would only be in the way. Plus, he has Luna to take care of and she will, no doubt in his mind, just knock it over. Wanting to kiss Nancy before he goes, Brendan waits for her to come down the stairs. Embracing her, he tells her of his love for her. Indeed his skin has tanned during their outing to the beach, showing him off tonight against the white of the tux.

"I love you and I promise not to be dancing on tabletops this evening. You sure you'll be alright here alone? You have Luna for company." Bringing her face to his, he kisses her for a long, long moment. "Call me if you need me and I'll be sure to come home as soon as possible." Running his hand down the side of her face, he smiles at her one last time before escorting Molly to his car. Not wanting to be too rude, Brendan only touches Molly's bare back when they walk through his threshold, leaving it up to Nancy to close the door. Getting into his bright BMW, they're soon on their way.

Hours later, the doorbell rings once more.
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