Looking for a bit of romance ~ |mxf|modern|historical|no fandoms, srry|

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Original poster
My good people, thank you for stopping by my humble thread. I'm making my rounds on a few RP sites, and I'd like to make one or two more role play friends. <3

A bit about me~

1. I would love for someone to inspire me with their writing. Too often, partners put little thought or feeling into their writing, and it becomes dull for me. I want to feel what your partner is going through, see what they see, feel what they feel. I want to read flowing paragraphs that have excellent grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I'm not intolerant of mistakes and typos; what I'm more concerned with is your style and pattern of writing. Run-on sentences and poor punctuation are of particular annoyance to me. Also, I only write in the third person, and I expect you to do the same.
2. I'm not picky on post length, but somewhere between 2-5 paragraphs (or more, if there's a lot going on) would be peachy. Occasionally, one paragraph is sufficient, but I'd like to push for a little more that than. On the other hand, I'm not overly interested in reading 10-15 paragraphs in every post or feeling pressured to match that length. Depending on the situation, my intros have a tendency to be lengthy, but after that I try keep it to 2-4 paragraphs - unless, as I mentioned, a particular scene calls for more action or description.
3. Romance is important to me. I need it. I want a partner who is equally enthused about our characters getting together. However, I don't want any instant head-over-heels lovey-dovey-touchy-feely nonsense. I absolutely adore tension and slow-burning feelings between two strong, flawed, deep, multi-faceted, interesting characters. I want them to yearn for each other but, for one reason or another, be prevented from sharing their feelings - until we (the writers) deem that the time has come. And even then, we don't necessarily have to make it easy for them. >D Alternatively, once our kids decide to admit their feelings for one another, they could be come an unstoppable team and always have each other's backs and just totally trust each other. Either way, I want a balance of conflict and fluff - whether that conflict comes from the relationship or outside of it, we'll decide when the time comes. Let's plot together and figure this all out! I don't want to be the only one contributing to the story!
4. I only role play male x female pairings. At the moment, I'm looking to play a female as my lead. Usually I prefer playing the male, but right now, I want to dust off my some of my lovely ladies and give them some attention. Can I be totally honest for a second? My preference evolved from playing females to playing predominantly males mainly because I was so tired of playing against poorly-thought-out, poorly written male characters that presented little to no challenge or interest for me or my characters. I'm especially picky when I play the female because I'm really looking for someone to play a really awesome and multi-faceted dude who I enjoy setting my character up with. All of that being said, I love bringing in side characters of either gender, but I'm not a fan of "doubling" or trying to juggle two main characters each. I prefer to stick to one main and bring in other characters as needed.
5. Character sheets! I'm flexible. We can include as much or as little detail as you want. I don't require character sheets at all, but I do like to use pictures. I prefer realistic face claims (i.e. pictures of real people); no anime or drawings. If that's an issue, we don't have to use pictures at all. c:
6. Limits - fade to black; no limit on violence or language, as long as it's within reason. I'm not interested in huge age gaps, adultery, master/slave dynamics, incest, or rape.
7. I will not role play over forums! I will, however, role play over email or PM.
8. When you contact me, please give me a little information other than just to say, "Hi, I want to rp." It irritates me to no end when I have to pull every scrap of information out of a person who messages me. I'm open to chatting; feel free to tell me a bit about yourself if you like! If you're not comfortable with that, please, at least tell me a bit about your role-playing style, what gender/plot/pairing(s) you want to play, what ideas you have, etc.
9. I'd really prefer if you were at least 18 years of age. No offense to any younguns; I'm just more comfortable with people closer to my age.
10. I prefer for our characters to at least be in their twenties, preferably mid-to-late. I'd be willing to go up to early thirties, but no younger than twenty.

I think that's all for the boring stuff. Now, onto the FUN STUFF!1!1!!11!!!

The reason you're here~

First of all, I'm not interested in any fantasy, sci-fi, animals, or fandoms. Vague, generic pairings like "good girl x bad boy" are also a big turn-off for me. Sorry to disappoint!

Onto a few ideas I have! I don't exactly have a list of pairings and plots, but I do have a few character ideas that I'm going to briefly describe. If any of these appeals to you, we can get something going!

FYI, my female characters vary, but they're all generally strong-willed, independent, and a touch feisty. No limp noodles here. Some are more bossy than others, but they're not all completely difficult and annoying, promise. I'd love to see them paired with strong male characters! Or maybe kind, gentle fellows who totally take my lady by surprise and bewilder her, idk. We can do any pairing imaginable with with any of the following, or any variant of my character ideas. Just let me know what you think!


1. A noblewoman who is bored of life at court and who has decided to forsake the esteem of her peers to become a physician. She might work in the city, treating the wealthy and mending knights' wounds, even seeing royalty; or she might have ditched her cushy life altogether and decided to work in the outlying villages. Or perhaps she works primarily in combat.
2. A noblewoman who goes through the motions but quietly rebels against society's expectations. Similar to above, but she hasn't quite broken free of that lifestyle - yet? Maybe she gets swept up in some sort of adventure or has some court drama or an arranged marriage she hopes to escape from.
3. A princess who is devoted to her family but perhaps doesn't share their ideals. Ugh, I'm hesitant to play a princess because of how cliche it is, but I promise I could make this interesting. Even if we do something like a princess x knight or a princess x kidnapper trope, my character will not be your bland Mary Sue type.
4. Princess or noblewoman who is separated from her family at a young age and is raised by peasants. I've got some vague ideas for how to go about this.
5. Noblewoman who gets swept up into rebellion/espionage/political intrigue?
6. Manipulative matchmaker who pairs everyone else up to cover up her own insecurities and fear of intimacy?

Other Historical Settings~

1. Regency Period - I'd love to do something inspired by Jane Austen's works. I've been itching to try out a character similar to Elizabeth Bennet or Emma Woodhouse.
2. Western??? I don't think I've ever actually done a western role play, but it might be interesting.


Okay, I pretty much use the same basic character for most of my modern settings, but I can change up some details based on what we end up doing. Career-wise, I generally play teachers, artists/musicians, fitness instructors, doctors/nurses, veterinarians, waitresses, or maybe something else. Usually depends on the age of our characters. Here are a few ideas I have, but I'm open to others:

1. Exes reunite - maybe one or both are seeing someone else, maybe there's deep-rooted anger and resentment, but eventually they can't deny the fact that they're still madly in love.
2. Best friends slowly fall in love - perhaps it's one-sided at first, but over time, the other comes around.
3. Our characters meet while on a double date with other people and develop feelings? The couples spend more and more time together, and the attraction grows. Throw in some relationship drama, and boom.
4. There are so many other things we could do, so suggest!

Also, any of the above can be applied to other time periods - especially medieval because that's my fave.

Please PM me or post here if you're interested! When you contact me, please give me an idea of what interests you so that I don't have to pull teeth to get information out of you. c; I look forward to hearing from you!
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Omg, I apologize for the long-windedness and also the constant format editing. Haha.
Hello! I saw your thread and thought we may be compatible. As roleplayers go, I usually settle between 4-7 paragraphs, depending on what is going on. I'm fine playing either male or female characters, without preference one way or the other. In terms of genres, I'm pretty open; I will say I'm familiar with Jane Austen's works, and other literature from that time period, but I'm no history savant (aka: sometimes, I wing things). Anyways, let me know if you're still looking. Cheers!