Light Up the Dragons' Eyes

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  1. One post per week
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Online Availability
Online availability depends entirely on what is going on in life. I have a kindergartener, a baby on the way, and I'm the spouse to an officer, meaning without me, the house becomes a fallout warzone. On top of all of that, I write for work as well as for work tends to come first.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my two major favorites. However, I tend to be quite the picky player. I prefer an RP with a great deal of development...the world, the lore, everything. And for those GMs looking for help with lore, I love to world build!

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    The dragon riders have just found their dragons and are being teleported mysteriously to the ruined city of Ranas, where they have come to meet the mythical Priestesses of Kallydrana. With their new dragons at their sides, these young varonians must learn to cope with each other and their newfound destiny.

    Day One of training - the riders have already begun to show their power in the ways of Arcanus as well as their prowess - of lack there of, for some - with their individual weapons. Now, we look towards Elements and the first chance that the young riders have to get to know one another, besides personal hours.

  • Chapter20One20Symbol.png

    The story begins simply for most. A simple journey leading to a strange and life-changing find. It starts with a dream of a whisper or a song. A beautiful voice carried on the threads of the subconscious, wielding words of prophecy ringing deep within the soul of the one hearing it. Each dream is different, be it whispered on a breeze on a sunny day, among storm clouds amidst a nightmare, or from a beautiful woman, strong and fair. No matter the dream, the words are the same for each. And with each dream comes an epic find soon after.

    Darkness dwells in the heart of One
    Casting eyes far from the Sun
    Down upon the dragons' Glow
    Hatred behind his awful Blow

    Golden minds twisted and Dark
    Seek to satisfy their selfish Hunger
    Worshiped by the worst of Souls
    If not stopped, t'will bring the End

    In the hearts of Some shall find
    The Seed that oft' gets left behind
    With Minds of Ihnikxia bound Pure and Strong
    Love shall take hold and Right all the Wrong

    As each dragon is found by its chosen rider, just as foretold in the prophetic words uttered in each dream, their minds become one in an ancient and sacred ritual known as the Pact, bonding the two souls together as a single unit. This wave of raw Arcana can be felt by all, if only for a moment, and upon reaching the climax and succeeding in merging their souls together, each new pair finds themselves standing at a fountain of shining black stone. Standing in the very center of this fountain is a pair of perfectly symmetrical dragons - not like any of the dragons standing here, but much more regal...almost royal in appearance. Their heads held high, maws open in silent roars, crystal clear water spewing from them, they hold their talons together between them, and sitting at the very top is what appears to be a black gemstone roughly the same size and shape as the eggs some of the new dragons just hatched from.

    "Welcome to Ranas," a familiar voice will say, "You have a great destiny before you." Three beautiful women will appear from behind this strange fountain, each with black hair, fair skin, and dressed in the finest of white silks. They will bow to each of the young riders as they appear and show the new pairs to their new homes, explaining along the way what is happening to them.

    "We know you have many questions for us," the leader will speak again, showing each individual pair to a room already marked with their names, "And in time, those questions will be answered. For now, know that you are safe. Know that nothing and no one will harm you here. All will be explained shortly. For now, get comfortable."

    Ranas, a city of legend, said to be destroyed during the Great War over a thousand years ago. And yet, the riders see no ruins near them. Perhaps this part of the city simply remained in tact. And yet, women said to have been destroyed have just spoken to each pair. The night air carries with it the chill of the mountains - mountains no one has ever seen. Something is awfully strange, and yet nothing has been answered. Nothing but what was on each rider's person was brought with them.

    Now, all that can be done is sleep. For the morning will bring answers and possibly new friendships. But it will also bring more questions and hardships. It is up to each rider to accept them. After all, with hardship comes something never before imagined - dragons.

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"Accept what has been done and move on, young rider. If you continue on this path, it will only end in misery." With that being said, Ryyker was cast aside and dismissed by the priestesses, who moved back towards the rear of the room to speak with the maiden who had just entered with her dragoness, a more private setting being made available to them. Illyria had passed Tyr a brief nod, accepting his respects as he dismissed himself and headed back towards his room.

It took Suki a few moments to process the last words given by the many people who left, and she didn't even really notice the maiden who had asked if she needed help before it was too late, and the little green dragonling was pulling on her to move closer towards the priestesses. She heard what all Ryyker had to say, and while she felt her anger spark once more deep within her chest, she did her best to keep a lid on it as Kou began to twitch in her arms.

When Eli finally turned and spoke to her and Raijin, she gave a small, shy smile. "Thank you for coming to our aide." She bowed to him, folding at the waist to show the utmost of respects, before turning her head to her brother and giving a small nod. Together, they would excuse themselves from the dining hall and return to her room, where she would carefully clean and wrap her arms as best as she could.

When it finally came time to sleep, the twins found themselves at another crossroads. Having shared a single room house for most of their lives, they weren't used to be apart, and after such a display of the attitudes of the other riders, neither was comfortable alone. Especially not Suki, who feared that Ryyker would come looking for her. Kou wasn't big enough to protect her, and while she could certainly protect herself to some degree, she understood that she was significantly smaller and weaker than the man she had come across earlier that evening.

So, naturally, Raijin pushed to sleep in her room, at first saying he could sleep in one of the arm chairs or even on the floor. Naturally, Suki wouldn't hear of it. Not with such a massive bed standing at the back center wall big enough for all four of them - both riders and dragons - to sleep in. Of course, at the end of the night, it was Raijin's choice on where to sleep.

Kou never let his rider out of his sight, and though his mixed emotions filled her thoughts, she let her calm, collected mentality wash over him so that he would settle himself enough to curl up on her waist and sleep beneath the thick blankets. Though it was early spring, the stone room was surprisingly chilly, so the heft of the silky, silver comforter was welcomed by the young woman. She soon found herself drifting off to sleep and dreaming about the flower festival back home.

As the morning came with Vyneir's powerful rays blanketing the cold, gray stone of the walled city and casting great shadows across its expanse, the riders were awakened with a surprising start, their minds once more entered by the strange power of the head priestess, who called them to the walled center of the sanctuary for their first lesson. As each of them made their way towards it and in, they would come to find that the walls were easily as tall as the outer ones and decorated elaborately with women and children dancing nakedly with baby and adult dragons, alike. The interior was also carved in a similar fashion, overlooking a simple, sandy arena, in the middle of which the priestesses stood, as stoic as ever and appearing exactly as they had the night before.

"Welcome, and good morning, young riders. As instructed, I see that each of you have brought your dragons. That is good, as you will need them for what we are going to teach you. Please, spread yourselves out so that each of your dragonlings has room to spread his or her wings completely." As the riders did what they were asked, Xara and Carysalia walked around and handed each rider a jar of oil and a rag.

Illyria looked at Suki with a small smile, striding towards her after all was said and done. "Might I use Ihni'kou as this morning's example?" Tentatively, Suki gave a nod, and the little Mercury followed the priestess to the front where he could be seen by each rider. Illyria bowed her head towards Kou, who responded with a bow of his own, showing his respect and accepting her invitation to touch him.

"Each baby dragon enjoys certain things on a daily basis, including regular feedings, baths, and wing stretches. As you can see, your babies have already doubled in size, and with such elevated growth comes certain care regimens you must all maintain in order for your babies to grow healthy. First comes the wing stretches." She crouched down, touching Kou at the shoulder and running her second hand along the length of his wing, slowly pulling it to a full extension. She did the same with the other. Then, standing, she took a step back, and Kou fluttered his overly large wings and gave a jump and a yip of excitement.

"Next comes the bath. In the wild, the parents are able to bathe their hatchlings with their tongues, but because we do not have adult dragons here, we will use sand and the natural oils we have already collected for grooming. You want to first run sand along the length of the hide, using it to catch any loose debris or shed scales. Then, polish your dragon down with a cloth soaked in the jars of oils." She did just so as she explained it. By the end of her explanation, Kou's dull, gray hide shimmered, and his few shining scales reflected the light in a surprisingly beautiful way. More than ever, the little spot of gold on his flank shone like a beacon.

"Finally, there comes the care of the baby dragon's mouth. This is very important, as while all dragons have different breath weapons, each one can backfire and be detrimental to the health of the dragon if the mouth is not properly cleaned. Again, this is typically taught by the parents, but while your dragons are babies, you must do this for them. Simply take a pic and clean any chunks of meat between the teeth and near the back of the mouth, where the small openings are, typically seen either at the roof of the mouth or just beneath the tongue. Be careful when you do this, as most babies do not have full control over their breath weapon just yet. When you are finished, ask your hatchling to give a quick spurt to make sure the job is done." When finished, the priestess took a step back and covered her eyes, which was mirrored by the other two priestesses. Kou then gave a quick spurt of his own breath weapon, which sounded much like a gag followed by a hack, and a small spiral of blinding light began to flash before him before being consumed by the sand.

"Most babies have no issue with clogs, as the meat we have sent to your rooms six times per day is cut small enough to be swallowed whole. Still, it's worth a look each morning. Once each of you have been cleared by us with these tasks, we will move on to a more...invigorating lesson." She gave a smile before looking towards Suki, who was already crouching down to pet Kou, who had wandered back towards her. "Miss Imeara, if you'd like, you may practice with your brother. That is...if he and Yrenxia do not mind. Go ahead and get started, everyone. We shall watch you all and guide as needed. Ask questions where you need to."
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Ryyker gathers the items necessary before taking a seat with Ortharax next to him. Ryyker decides to have a mental conversation with Orthrax while he does this.
"So why is it that you seem to destroy everything around you none of the other dragons do that." Ryyker asked.
"Its just a trait all blacks have we leak our acidic blood its not something we can help." Orthrax responds.

"Why is it you call me master do all dragons do that? Because only time ive heard master was when I trained under a weapon master or Jaralaxe brought women home and they called him master." Ryyker says.

"I believe the other dragons see their masters as equals I see you as master because without you I'd still became egg. As for the other term of master I'd refuse that relationship and if you'd insist I'd have no choice but to bite it off." Orthraxs remarks.

"You'd try to bite off my dick are you a pyscho?" Ryyker sarcastically asked.

"In fact yes most Black's ate pyschos we like to cause pain and some like me enjoy it."

Ryyker stands up as he Finish's noting a green glow on Orthraxs due the acid and walks to priestesses and bows before speaking. "Does Ortharax looks fine to you if so I'd like the ask permission to apologize to the riders I insulted and hurt yesterday, due to my upbringing and anger." Ryyker says with sincerity.
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[fieldbox="Tahvo & Fierro, red, solid"]

Tahvo was too focused on not making the guy hurt, so he didn't notice the new girl approaching them. He glanced at here, and replied in his usual, monotone voice that was often confused for disdain. 'It's hard to think about any other procedure as correct.' He stepped away when the young man thanked him in a quiet voice, giving him space, but before he could leave, his attention was dragged back by the man with the bad manners from before. Tahvo didn't like to judge people on how aesthetically pleasing or refined they were, but that man was unpleasant enough to be really attention grabbing. He didn't take his words to heart, because none of the names he mentioned were familiar to him, and someone who was so loud and quick to insult people couldn't be dangerous. He was only compensating for the validation he didn't get at home.

He watched the man go, and then went to fetch his own dragon, who had jumped at the food again once he hadn't any eyes of him. He picked up the dragon, a large piece of meat hanging from its mouth, when the red haired guy spoke to him again. He nodded, acknowledging the salutation, and replied 'Not a problem. The feeling is mutual.' more out of compromise than anything. And seeing how everyone had calmed down, he retired to his room, to keep on reading and make sure Fierro didn't get obese in just one night.

The morning after, Tahvo was carrying Fierro in his arms, walking towards the place the Priestesses had called him to. He observed the decorations, frowning, not approving of them. Or well, not them exactly, but he hoped the Priestesses wouldn't ask him to run around naked with Fierro like the people depicted there.

Looking around, he took place next to the red haired man with the other red-ish dragon, as it was better to stick to those he was familiar with. When the Priestess mentioned it, he took mental note of how the other dragons had doubled their sizes too. He was relieved to see it wasn't abnormal growth on Fierro's side, because of how much he ate. He payed attention to the instructions. When finally the woman mentioned something about the breath weapon, and the three priestesses covered their eyes, he looked away and squinted his eyes just in case. And it had been a good choice, because looking at that breath weapon directly seemed painful. Instead he just experienced a mild annoyance in his eyes.

Once they had permission to start tending to his own dragons, he placed Fierro on the ground, and knelt before him. The wing stretches were nice enough. Fierro grew confident with it soon, and started giving instructions like 'Stretch more.' and 'Press more. Fingers.' Before he knew it, as he smeared sand all over the dragon to clean his scales, he ended up given the dragon a massage by following his instructions. Fierro purred in delight. He could get used to the massages, at least for as long as Tahvo's hands could actually press hard enough on his muscles.

As soon as Tahvo dipped the fabric in oil though, the dragon let out a screech and ran away. 'Hey!' Without even squeezing the excessive oil out of the rag, Tahvo ran after his dragon. Fierro screeched out loud and swore into his mind, telling him to go fuck himself with a tree branch and all sorts of colourful insults he was managing to come up with on his own. He was leaving a trail of smoke as he ran, spitting some spurts of fire as he tried to come up with a powerful fireball to throw at Tahvo.

'Don't wet me! Me fine! Me fine!' Fierro complained, not wanting that rag dripping with oil anywhere near him.

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Tyr awoke with a start, there was Fafnir laying next to him and now there was also the same voice in his head. The voice of the priestess from last night. He slowly got out of bed, he hadn't slept so good in ages. Once he was ready, he left his room with Fafnir in tow. He wasn't wearing his armor this time, nor did he bring his weapons. He could hardly be seen without them these days, but still, it wasn't really worth bringing them along this morning. Tyr is not a morning person.

Once Tyr was at the place described in the little 'mind message', he took his place next to a couple of the other riders. He really didn't pay much attention to who exactly they were, not at the moment anyway. Once the priestess's instructions were over, Tyr got a hold of Fafnir's wing and started to extend it. Tyr noted that all of the dragons were much bigger today, about twice what they'd been last night. He ran the sand down Fafnir's scales, careful not to get any of the sand stuck in between them. After all, that was the whole point, to clean them. And last, time to polish him down. Tyr grabbed a rag, soaked it in the oils, and wrung it out. But before he could actually touch little Fafnir, the dragon shot a small blast of cold into the oils. Not enough to gell them, but only to cool them to his liking. ~Dip again. Better now.~ Tyr only sighed and did as the dragon asked. Once he was through, Fafnir sat up as tall as he could, almost showing off since he was once again in the presence of the other dragons.
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[fieldbox="Eli and Tyrale, goldenrod, solid, 10, Book Antiqua"]
That night it was very difficult for Eli to fall asleep, and not just because of his throbbing cheek, but because of all the events prior. He couldn't count the many times he turned over in his bed, his eyes always finding something that didn't belong to him or was unfamiliar, his mind constantly going back to the small room he had back at the farm. Not even the walls came close. For one thing they were far nicer than his beat down wooden cabin of a home. There were many times that he believed that once he closed his eyes, he would open them again to find himself back home, that this had all been a dream after all or one of his imaginations gone wild once more. It was all just so....surreal. How could any of it be actually real? Dragons, Riders, Priestesses... He might have believed it if he wasn't one of the Riders themselves. The very first day of being one of these so called 'Chosen' and he had already made an enemy and got his face punched, not to mention made a complete fool of himself on more than one occasion. When one Rider hadn't seen him screaming first, another would come in just in time to see him get punched in the face, or hear him making stupid speeches.

Now this wasn't to say that he hated the whole idea of being here. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though there was the chance of never seeing his home again... The thought of being able to do all these things the Priestesses had said sounded far better than his boring old life. He had always imagined and dreamed of doing things just like this, of being something so much more than a farmer, and now here he was. Actually living it. But he had never thought it would come true, and as far as he was concerned, he was already failing badly. Then there was Tyrale... Eli's eyes moved to the slumbering dragon by his side, his head resting on Eli's chest and his claw over his stomach, wings spread out so that one also lay over his stomach and the other over Eli's arm that was currently around Tyrale. The dragon's eyes were closed, his breathing even, and it appeared he was sleeping soundly. Being a baby still, he tired fast, and once out he was out pretty deeply. Before Eli had kept disturbing him from his constant moving around, so the dragon had chosen to lay near like he was now, and ever since Eli had ceased from moving. Not just so he wouldn't disturb the baby dragon, but also because a nice calm seemed to settle over Eli as well, and slowly he had begun to relax.

Already Eli could feel such a close bond with this creature, as if they had always been together, and he couldn't think for a moment of ever returning home without him. That from now on, wherever he went, Tyrale was sure to follow. As if the dragon could hear his thoughts, which he probably did, the small Ruby nuzzled his head against Eli's chest and curled himself closer. Falling even further to sleep. Eli smiled softly, then with a soft sigh he allowed himself to settle in further onto the bed, closing his eyes and letting his body relax. At least whatever came out of this, he had Tyrale, so he believed that there was a reasoning to this after all.

When morning came, Eli was awoken by the voice so once again, telling him of the day's plans and where everyone should meet. Luckily Eli was used to waking up at early hours, perhaps not the best morning person, but got up nevertheless and began to get ready. Tyrale was disturbed when Eli had moved, and had stretched much like a feline as his jaws parted in a wide yawn, then simply curled back up and went to sleep while Eli got ready. Before they left, Eli had Tyrale eat first, then moved to pick the sleepy dragon up to carry him to the location they were supposed to go. Only.... He found that Tyrale was bigger than his original size. Much bigger. Eli blinked once in slight shock at the change, and though Tyrale wasn't too big, he would definitely have some struggle carrying him. So instead he urged the sleepy dragon to walk and follow him, and Tyrale complied, yawning once before following his Rider. Once in the location where everyone was meeting, Eli could see that he was one of the few that made it there first, which he was grateful for. He did not wish for all eyes to be on him, especially after what happened yesterday, and though he had kept an ice pack on his cheek for most of the time he hoped that the swelling wasn't so obvious that people would stare. He didn't think it was too bad, at least he didn't have a black eye or anything, but he might have a bruise... Had it been a normal punch he probably would have been ok, but this guy had obviously been in plenty of fights before. Still, thanks to the icepack, it shouldn't be as bad as it could have been.

Luckily no one seemed to notice. He moved himself to stand by one of the siblings since they seemed to be the first ones there. Later his dragon brother had come as well and moved to stand beside him. Eli gave a small greeting before going silent so that they could all watch the demonstration. Once everyone had arrived, he watched as the Priestesses 'groomed' one of the siblings'(he still didn't know their names)dragons, fascinated by how shiny the dragon's hyde came out. At this Tyrale seemed very intrigued, lifting his head from where he sat by Eli, his obsidian eyes watching the 'bathing' with interest. He especially liked the way the dragonling's scales began to shine, and was eager to have the same treatment so that his own would sparkle, wishing to look nice in front of the others. So when Eli began his 'grooming, Tyrale stretched out his wings as told, having to step back a bit from the others since his wings were so big. He did the light wing stretches, Eli gently rubbing his fingers over the length of them gently as the Priestess had instructed, then began scrubbing Tyrale's scales gently with the sand.

Tyrale seemed to be enjoying himself greatly, closing his eyes and standing perfectly still for his Rider, enjoying the light scrub. Then came the oil, and Tyrale eagerly allowed Eli to do that as well, though both their attention was caught when the red dragon that belonged to Tahvo began running away from his Rider. Eli had a huge grin on his face, though he stopped himself from laughing, not wanting to give the wrong impression. Besides, he of all people should be the last one to laugh at someone else, though with him it wouldn't be 'laughing at' at all. More like 'laughing with'. He went back to his task on Tyrale, and when he was finished, the Ruby's scales shone more like ruby than before. It was as if he had the actual gems themselves as scales, and Eli was amazed by just how much of a spark Tyrale's scales could have. Very much like gemstones. When Tyrale moved his scales shimmered from the rays of the sun, and he stood proudly, wings spread on either side of him, but alas when he tried to move.... He tripped on one of his wings and fell forward with a small 'yip'. Eli laughed lightly and reached down to help Tyrale up, who tried to compose himself from the slight mishap, trying to get his wings aligned to where he wouldn't trip on them again.
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As with any first grooming, some dragons were quite obviously happier than others. The Red's amusing outburst caused quite a commotion not only among the other riders, but also with the priestesses, who stood with their gazes on the fiery duo running around, a smile on each of the three faces.

When Ryyker stepped forward and bowed to them, they turned to look at him. Illyria gave a nod. Illyria stepped forward and circled the Black dragonling a few times, even going so far as to lift her wings and check the muscles on her shoulders, stretching the left a little further and massaging just at the base to further loosen the muscle. Despite the faintly glowing ooze of acid, the head priestess did not seem affected. When finished, she stood tall and gave a warm smile. "You did well for your first time. Be sure to pay very close attention to her wing muscles, as she cannot yet exercise them properly. You want to keep them from locking up or withering away. But you did very well in cleaning her scales. Pay close mind to them, as Black scales will naturally gather more dust and debris throughout the day. Miss Orthrax may not care about how nasty she looks, but she must be pristine for her mission. Well done, Lord Ryyker. If you wish to speak to your fellow riders, I only ask that you do so during meal times or personal time as to not impose on these very important lessons."

With that, she moved back to her fellow priestesses, and all three gave smiles to each of the riders and dragons. All dragons were inspected, and each rider was given tips based on each dragon's need. Particularly Tahvo, who was reminded to wring out the oil rag before wiping down Fierro. Illyria and Carysalia held the little Red down by his wings and legs while Xara soothed and wiped him down, showing that not all wetness was bad or harmful to him - that this wetness made his scales shine like blood and fire.

When all was said and done, it was time for the morning meal. Vyneir was now much higher into the sky, the massive orb of light now completely over the walls of the sanctuary. His brother, Phiadyn, was just beginning his ascent over the horizon, the darker red of his light just barely peeking out and casting the brilliant orange light that was so well known to the morning sunrises. The riders were all given hearty meals of bread and vegetables, each with sides of fruit, each chosen based on the favorites of each rider. There were glasses of a strange, white liquid that was rare in smaller towns and villages, which the priestesses called "salder malk." The dragons were each given a barrel full of meat, each half filled with tender, nutrient rich organs to help them transition through their rapid growth better.

After an hour of morning meals, the riders and their dragons were once more led towards the training grounds, where they were given a new set of instructions.

"For the remainder of today, we will evaluate each of your skillsets and base the next week of training off of these. First, we will show you the basics of magic, and then you will give us your best spell based on what we show you. Then, we will move to weapon and combat skills, how well you work as a team, and while all of this goes on, we will be searching for any connection with Elements. Based on what we find, there will be a day within the week that you will be given individual training with special tutors coming from faraway lands. We have scripted out the schedule for the next week, and you can find it posted at each entrance to the training grounds. Now, for our lesson."

The priestesses stepped out from each other then, Xara and Carysalia taking a few steps to each side and settling themselves to watch. Illyria gave a light, almost mischievous smile, pulling her hands up parallel to each other, palms facing up in a cupped position. "There are four basic branches in the magic we weild, which we call Arcana. The first branch is Offensive Magic, which is the basic spells that can cause damage. These can be based on Elements, but not drawn from them, or they can be a sense of the user's wish to do harm." In her right hand, a flame came forth with a light poof sound, sparkling like a tiny campfire. The other hand glowed a strange, green color, almost oozing with the strange smoke. "Whatever you can imagine, as long as you have a clear image in your head, can be brought forth. Because you are connected to dragons, you will have a more natural understanding of how this is brought forth. But do not get discouraged if nothing happens immediately."

The flame poofed out of existence, and the green ooze stopped suddenly. Then, both hands began to glow a light, golden color, visible, yet not too bright. Almost soothing. "The next branch is Healing Magic. Anything that can help give life and energy to comrades and other living things, this Arcana can provide. You can heal each other of minor wounds, cleanse your thoughts, and even restore energy. But remember that not all of you will have the healing touch, so do not be upset if you cannot call on it."
Her hands stopped glowing then, and in a matter of seconds, her body began to appear to fade in and out of existence. Still, her voice was as clear as day. "The third branch is Illusion Magic, allowing you to make yourself or the world around you appear in a way it is not to the minds of others. This Arcana is quite illusive and does not always work for every user. You must have a very clear image of what you wish to do and cannot lose concentration at all. It is one of the hardest branches for mastery, even for dragons, save a few breeds that are natural illusionists. This one will take a great deal of training for each of you."

She came back into view then, taking a deep breath. And once more, something happened. Raising her hands above her head, Illyria called forth a small forcefield that completely surrounded her, much like a bubble. Despite it covering only her, her voice remained as clear as day. "The fourth and final branch is Protective Magic, which will come much more naturally to your dragons and less naturally to each of you. While we varonians are quite good at Offensive magic, dragons are naturals at Protective magic, making for quite a balanced pair when put together. This will be the branch that your dragons will practice in when we start working on our branches, and it'll be what Xara and Carysalia look at when we move on to your dragons showing their basic skills."

The bubble disappeared, and the two other priestesses stepped forward. Illyria looked at the mixture of emotions - excitement, confusion, even fear - and gave a small nod. "I know that it is a lot to take in in a matter of moments. But do not fear. We will be taking the next few hours to work on this and even continue after lunch. Carysalia, Xara, and I will be moving to each of you as needed to work with you all and show you some techniques we think will help your individual needs. You can also ask your dragons for some help, as they may have a surprising amount of knowledge locked within their very souls. Now, spread out far enough to keep from harming each other - at least the wingspans of your dragons - and then begin practicing your Offensive Magic. We will come around and watch your progress as this begins."

"Good luck," Xara said joyfully as the show of skill began.
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Weaver's morning went without a hitch, the cleaning of the Drachma coming rather naturally to him as he stretched the muscles slowly, using gentle fingers to press into points where Drachma winced at the tautness of the muscles, gently massaging them with his fingers to loosen them. When it came to the cleaning he needed only minor tips from the Priestesses. So far, good day.

But as soon as magic was mentioned, a giant grin involuntarily spread across his face as he thought of the possibilities of illusion magic, along with a mix of Offensive. Ideas flooded him with applications and the grin on his face seem plastered there.

But first he looked to Drachma, ~You know my thoughts, little one, any thing I should know?~ he asked the growing bloodstone dragon mentally. ~Be careful with illusion magic, thats more typical of a Blue than a Bloodstone, as for offensive, I'd suggest trying to make either fire or lightning. They will be easier to learn, get confidence.~ Drachma replied.

Wreaver held out his hand and used imagined a burning fire in the palm of his hand, he felt a slight pressure in his mind but nothing appeared.

He then took a deep breath and remembered what happened nearly ten years ago, when the guard had struck him across the face with a burning torch, he remembered the heat and how the skin blistered and his eye had steamed and bubbled, he remembered the screams he made, making them a part of his attempt to bring fire to his hands.

He held his hands close to him felt something in his mind give, like a blockage that had been on his mind was suddenly gone, he looked down at his hand and found a tiny flame there, barely bigger than a grape.

He closed his fist and the flame extinguished in a small puff of smoke, he looked around to see if he was being watched before looking down to Drachma, "Well its a start..." he said quietly, secretly pleased with himself and smiling slightly once more.
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[fieldbox="Eli and Tyrale, goldenrod, solid"]
When cleaning and caring for their dragons was over, Eli was relieved to say the least that they were given breakfast, and even more so that everyone seemed to have a better time at this meal than lastnight's dinner. This time Eli had taken it upon himself to sit right down and simply eat, and though he mostly avoided the man with the black dragon, he tried making small talk with some of the other Riders. He would say simple and small things such as wondering what it could be that they would be learning, would ask questions about their dragons to see if there were any similarities at all to the way they speak to their dragons, and from what he could tell their Bonds were all pretty much the same except they were also completely different. Most of the time, however, he left the others be for now since many of them would still be on edge after all that has happened. He still couldn't believe that he didn't wake to find that this had all been a dream... He wondered how many like him had believed they would wake up back in their own beds.

At last they were taken once more out to the training area, and it would be an understatement to say the least when Eli saw the Priestess perform her magic, his eyes growing wide as his jaw dropped. He didn't care at that moment if he looked like an idiot or not. This was magic?! In all honesty the others would have to be insane not to show some kind of reaction to such unnatural properties the Priestess possessed, unless somehow they had grown up to see such 'tricks' from masters of the art, though Eli sort of doubted it. He saw nothing even remotely close to this back at the farm, his encounter with Tyrale's egg the only exciting thing that had ever happened at that place, and just when Eli thought nothing could beat it he was soon coming to find that there was still far more that he had to go and learn. If staying here meant working with Tyrale to unlock such wonders... Then he was in big time!

{I second that emotion.} Tyrale spoke within Eli's mind, the Ruby lifting his head to peer up at his Rider with his dark obsidian eyes, but even those dark pools could not hide the spark of excitement.

Eli glanced down at his new friend, feeling Tyrale's bubbly emotions mix with his own, and his lips peeled back to show a playful grin. {Ditto.}

{I believe you just seconded your own emotion.} Tyrale countered with a slight tilt of his head. {Not only that, but it should have been 'third', since I have already seconded it.}

Eli stared at the young Ruby, very surprised by how much his speech had improved just over night, though he supposed that it made sense... After all if their bodies could grow at such an accelerated rate, then so could their minds, though at the moment Tyrale seemed to be taking things too literally. He only rolled his eyes and looked away from him. {Whatever, I'm ready to try out this magic stuff! How cool would it be to make fire? Or wind?!} Yes, Eli was tempted and ready to get started, and so when the others began to move to make room for each other, he and Tyrale had done the same.

Eli prepped himself, stretching out his arms and shoulders, though.... He was fairly certain this wasn't necessary. After all, the Priestess had done no such thing, but it was habit. It was something he often did when he was about to plow the fields or when preparing to use his bow. It helped to loosen him up and relax his muscles. Though...he was not entirely sure how to do. He did glance around the others, and when his eyes spotted the strange man with the scar-he believed the man had said his name was Wreaver?-he noticed him with his hands in front of him almost in the same way as the Priestess with his eyes closed. Brow slightly furrowed as though he were concentrating.

{Yes.} Tyrale spoke. {When using magic one must have full concentration. It can be very dangerous, so if you lose concentration, you could end up hurting either yourself or others around you.} He sat down and tilted his head, a single claw scratching his cheek. {That is, I'm fairly certain that is what happens.}

It made perfect sense to Eli, so he simply nodded and mimicked a bit of what Wreaver was doing, cupping a hand in front of him as he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. Yet he wasn't entirely sure how to go about that either. {Try to imagine what it is you are doing.} Tyrale offered, and even helped by giving Eli an image of a small flame. Eli concentrated, focusing on the image, trying to picture it in the palm of his hand. Yet the more he thought about it, he instead began to see the flame start to move, watching as the flames danced as if a gentle breeze was moving it. He could see wings start to form, and so he saw the flame burst into a set of wings, a flaming bird now taking it's place as it soared through the sky. He had often heard legends of such birds, yet had never seen one for himself, yet he watched as it flew to the sky and became the sun itself.

He opened his eyes to see nothing but empty space on his palm.

"Ugh..." He groaned slightly, obviously not pleased at all with the results.

{Interesting....} Tyrale mused. {But try not to let your mind wander too much. You need to concentrate.}

Eli sighed but tried again, and he met with the same results, his mind continuously transforming the flame into something else so that in the end, his palm always remained empty. Tyrale would suggest trying something else, so Eli would try to create wind, and when that ended in failure he tried the same with lightning. So far anything Eli tried to make his imagination got the better of him and dragged his thoughts away into day dreams, unable to help it, and so far he couldn't even get remotely close to tapping into magic. He finally gave up on the offensive magic and decided to try the illusion magic, which he found very interesting, but of course he didn't make any progress in that either. After several attempts Eli began to grow frustrated and annoyed. He wasn't quite sure how everyone else was doing, but he was positive that they were doing far better than he was, at least getting some kind of result. At least feeling something, though he felt nothing, as if he didn't have an ounce of magic within him.

He was about to 'rage quite', yet Tyrale urged him to try again, but to calm himself and relax. Eli took a deep(perhaps slightly annoyed)breath and flexed his shoulders once again, his hands reached out in front of him as he closed his eyes. But as if the frustration of being unable to summon magic wasn't enough, the throbbing in his cheek began to bother him, and he found himself getting annoyed. His attention went to his throbbing cheek, unable to focus on anything else, his thoughts going back to when Rykker had punched him. He remembered the pain, remembered the contact, though all he wished for and could think about was making it stop. He remembered when he had sprained his wrist while working in the fields, how bad it had hurt and how he could barely move it, yet Talin had applied a herbal medicine that helped to ease the pain. It had burned slightly at first, but then it turned into a dull ache, and then soon after came a sweet relief...

He could almost feel that relief now. He had no idea what was in that medicine, but it had done wonders, and it was almost like he could feel it through his whole body. He had become completely relaxed, his mind settling on the memories of such an event, and it was almost like Eli had come into a dream-like state. Without his knowledge his hands had began to glow, just fairly slightly, barely noticeable. Eli was not one for focus or the like, but if there was one thing he was good at, it was daydreaming. Once he lost himself in one it's almost like his own sort of medication, his mind going completely blank save for what he was imagining, and he could be lost for hours within the day dream. His cheek had began to feel slightly better, as if the pain was slowly moving away, yet it wasn't. Not at the moment since the magic was still too weak and not entirely focused, plus he would have to move his hands over the injury. Yet the magic flowing through was soothing, even though small, and would more than likely break once Eli lost the slightest concentration.
[fieldbox="Emelyn & Lyka, green, solid"]
~Nevermind her. She fine. Must see magic ladies.~ Lyka insisted using her teeth to tug on Emelyn's hair to get her attention. The baby dragon shifted in Emelyn's arms once again to get comfy before she continued. ~You confused. Yes? Magic ladies answer!~

"Alright, alright..." Emelyn responds in a hushed whisper to her dragon. She promptly excused herself once again in an apologetic manner. She didn't feel she was making the best impression, but Lyka was correct. Leaving the small group that had gathered around Eli, she approaches the Priestesses cautiously. "Lyka insists that the three of you know what's going on. I take it I may have missed the explanation as to why I showed up here magically?" she asked curiously.

Illyria gave a smile and nodded graciously. "Yes, we apologize for that. Our magic works in very mysterious ways, and sometimes we cannot always predict what will happen. Perhaps that is why you found yourself in your room instead of by the fountain like the others before you. Regardless, please seat yourself and have a meal, and we will explain what is going on."

She proceeded to give the exact same speech as before, word for word, as though it had been rehearsed in her mind, introducing her companions and explaining what was going on.

"My name is Illyria. To my right is Xara, and my left is Carysalia. We are the last of the Priestesses of Kallydrana, Speakers of the Dragons. For many centuries, we have waited for the call of a new Chosen to end the feud between dragonkind and varonians. That calling has finally happened - in you.You have been gifted with the honor of befriending a baby dragon. This dragon has chosen you for a very specific purpose - to show what it means to live with dragons to your brethren. Your task will not be easy, but it will surely be fulfilling."

Pausing, she gave a gentle smile. "If I am not mistaken, though, you had already befriended this youngling's mother. Perhaps this task will be easier for you to bear than some of the other riders. Regardless, I know this is hard. And if your heart truly does not wish to be here, then Kallydrana offers you a sanctuary with your new soulmate outside the realm of Kabola. But you can never go home...for within you dwells half of the soul of a precious dragon. And that alone will get you killed, for your brethren are full of ignorance and hatred...and only you can show them the way to love."

Xara stepped forward then, bowing her head and speaking gently. "Please, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them of us."

"I suppose that's the reason as to why the room looks very similar to something like a dream. Speaking of which, I was wondering if we could move the barrel of meat into the hallway or maybe some where more suited?" She asks the priestesses for permission, not really sure where in the ruins they could keep meat for their dragons. After the speech recited to her, Emelyn fell silent as she began to contemplate the goal these priestesses were trying to accomplish.

"Well while I think this would be a great opportunity to educate the ignorant I don't find this dream you have to be very practical. As you put it, the people of Varon are very....ignorant and set in their ways. They have been this way for hundreds of years....and this group that has gathered here don't give me much confidence." Emelyn asks a bit pointedly, gently running her fingers down the back of Lyka as if she were a cat. Emelyn had just arrived, and already seemed to dislike most of the people here. Rude, violent, and stupid the lot of them.

~You like dark haired.~ Lyka mentions with a forced snort from her nostrils. That comment promptly earned the little dragon a flick on the nose. Though Lyka continued to persist not very well bothered by her rider's moody response. The two began to exchange words telepathically and Lyka desperately tried to convince Emelyn to at least give it some more thought. With furrowed eyebrows Emelyn looked away from the priestesses sheepishly.

"I suppose I could give it some more thought after staying here a week. After all, I am sure there are going to be some changes for me physically due to this bond I formed. Am I correct? I have very fragile health, so I need to know what is going to happen and what could go wrong...." Emelyn mentions her concern for her well being with the priestesses.

Surprise played across Illyria's face at the first question from the young woman, which quickly melted into a smile that turned into a small laugh. "You can move the barrel into Lyka's room, which is located at the rear of yours. Surprising that this is your first concern."

The girl took everything in stride and even seemed to go beyond accepting her fate and straight for setting her own self apart from the others. Though a small amount of concern mounted on the priestess at this, she quickly brushed it off and gave a kind smile. "Many varonians are, yes...but our hearts are malleable if given the right purpose."

She let Emelyn speak again and gave a curt nod. "Yes, you will find yourself gaining strength at a much faster pace than normal, and with Lyka at your side, I do not foresee your health being nearly as much of an issue as it has been in the past. Now, since you are much more accepting of what is being asked of you, I am sure that is the end of your questions. Shall we go have that barrel moved for Miss Lyka? Or would you like to eat first?"

"Oh I see. I must have missed the door to Lyka's room..." Emelyn thought back to the layout of the room she had magically appeared in, and thought of where she may have over looked it. Now that she thought over it, perhaps the door was tucked away in the left corner of the sitting room? She was certain that she had not looked in that direction. Or perhaps it was next to the barrel, and she had been in such a hurry that she didn't notice. She would have to inspect everything again later. Part of her was excited over the idea of there possibly being hidden little crooks or passage ways. This was an old place after all. Then she noticed the look of concern plaguing the woman's face.

"I ...." Emelyn pauses wondering if she had said something she shouldn't have. The short glimpse of concern only appearing when she set herself apart from the rest of her own people. Was this strange? All her life she didn't quite feel as if she belonged with the average Varonian. Most of them had grown up in a religious house hold, as it was the norm for her kind, but her family never really held religion to much value. It didn't make sense and hardly brought good fortune for them or others. She faintly remembers client after client in remorse over some loss they had received, despite being wholly devout to their lord. Growing up she would ask herself "If Varon loved me then why did he make me so? If Varon was all that was great in the world, and he is the creator of my people then why do I suffer? Why do others suffer?" The more she thought of it, the less any of it made sense. Of course, she learned at an early enough age that these topics were things she could never say aloud with anyone. Over time she simply grew numb to the fact that she lived in a world ruled by outlandish fabrications, and that her own mind and body would be her prison. This situation she found herself, the mission the priestesses wanted to achieve, was something Emelyn gave up long ago. Never the less, she promised Lyka she would give it more thought. Blinking, Emelyn realized she had fallen with in herself again, lost with her own thoughts.

"Ah. Yes...perhaps. Questions?" Emelyn fell silent again. She was full of questions, but feared to speak them aloud. They were not normal. Dangerous questions. Questions that could get her killed. She simply nodded. "Yes I think I am fine for now. If I think of anything later, I am sure you will be around. I would very much like to move the barrel to Lyka's room. I think I may have missed it." Emelyn admitted, a bit embarrassed by her misgivings.

The priestesses didn't seem much at all worried over the girl's shyness and took it in stride, saying little more and giving a simple nod when she said she had no further things to ask. Illyria motioned towards the table. "When you are finished, you will find the barrel moved to a more appropriate spot. Please, have a pleasant night, Lady Emelyn. Miss Lyka."

With that, all three gave a bow before excusing themselves and leaving the dining hall. What Emelyn did next was completely up to her and her dragon. And when they did return to their room, the barrel had, indeed, found its way to Lyka's room, through the door located between the bed and the dresser, marked by the shimmering, peridot curtain.

Emelyn groaned underneath her bed sheets as her mind races with thoughts of her earlier conversation with Illyria. Her eyes dart to the curtained doorway in annoyance because she could very well smell the meat wafting into her room. It stunk. With an agitated sigh she threw her covers off her and began to open all the windows in both her room and Lyka's. The fresh air would surely circulate through their conjoined rooms, and lighten the smell. She would have to forage the forest for herbs to burn in the room to keep the stench at bay. Lyka had already fallen asleep several hours ago, so Emelyn's fuss went perfectly unnoticed. The young woman stuck her head out her own window and looked at the sky, curious if she could see how far away from home she was based on the positions of the stars. Of course she couldn't tell, but she did manage to point out several constellations in the early morning sky. Taking a deep breath she calmed herself from her recent frustration, and crawled back into bed. Still her mind raced. It raced with thoughts of her family, of the rosingers, of Lithe. Mostly of Lithe and how furious the dragon mother probably was with her. Emelyn's scent was probably all over her now empty nest, and she wondered if Lithe thought the worst of her. Then she thought of how Lyka is growing with out her mother's presence, and she wondered if it bothered the baby dragon at all. All Emelyn could do now was provide that role for her in Lithe's stead. On top of that try to change the kabola's views on dragons....well mostly her own people the Varonians, but still....that is so many.

Before Emelyn knew it, her anxious thoughts had kept her up well into the morn. Her Steel Blue hues staring blankly up at the ceiling until Lyka decided to come into her vision and attack her face with wet dragon kisses. A squealing giggle fit surely ensued after, and the two writhed about on her bed for a moment until the rider decided to get up and prepare for the day. Emelyn had gotten dressed in the garbs provided for her by her hostesses, and while doing so a mental push instructed her to meet in the arena or training grounds at the center of the ruins. With out delay Emelyn and Lyka arrived there, not shortly after everyone else. She did not greet or acknowledge any of the other riders aside from Wreaver whom she had decided to stand next too. She simply gave him a curt smile, before focusing her attention on Lyka. Lyka was fairly easy to deal with during this part of the day, which surprised her. Emelyn was sure she'd follow the red dragon's example and have her make chase, but much like her mother Lyka very much enjoyed to be pampered. Cleaning Lyka's teeth seemed to be easiest for Emelyn, as she had already done this several times with Lithe through out the years prior. Plus Emelyn was very detail oriented, and wanted to ensure she got every crook and cranny. The young woman was being so thorough that Lyka began to fuss when Emelyn tried checking her teeth a third time, to which Emelyn decided to call it quits. When Lyka was inspected, she was instructed to put more back into sanding the scales of her dragon. Though the priestess seemed very understanding as to why the task may have been difficult for her, as Emelyn wasn't very strong. It was just another thing Emelyn would have to work on during her time here.

Breakfast with her fellow riders was uneventful at best. The tensions of last night could still very well be felt, but Emelyn did not concern herself with such things. She wasn't here for the most of it, and decided not to dwell on things she wasn't directly involved in. She did chat with the man named Tahvo a bit, and she did check on Eli's cheek to see if it was getting any better. To her surprise the swelling had gone down severely, something she made a mental note of. Asides from that, Emelyn wasn't in much mood to chit chat and spent most of her time during her meal actually eating. An hour after the hearty meal, they all gathered in the arena again for more practice. Again, Emelyn listened to her hostess carefully with an interest. So they were going to start with magic then? Emelyn did not have much confidence in any of this, especially if her kind had a likeness to offensive magic. Illyria's voice rang out in Emelyn's head "sense of the user's wish to do harm." Emelyn tried to focus on that, but nothing came to mind. She did not wish to do anyone harm really, not out right. Maybe in self defense......

~"Get mad! Sometimes magic show when feeling strongly."~ Lyka's mind voice burst forth into Emelyn's mind, and the two began to converse over Emelyn's own lack of ability.

~"I cannot. I have nothing to be mad over."~



~"What about memory. The market. When little."~

~"You mean...?"~

A memory crawled it's way out from Emelyn's subconscious and she tried to recall it exactly. She remembers the feeling of not being able to breathe and the heavy weight in her chest. Though she stops with a frustrated sigh "I don't think that memory will work for offensive. A defensive spell maybe....." Emelyn admits aloud. On paper Emelyn had understood the implications of magic. She knew of the four branches, and what each could provide but applying it to herself is proving to be very difficult. She looks around at her fellow riders to see how they were doing, and wonders if she could possibly draw some sort of inspiration from them. Glancing to her left she notices a tiny flame flicker in Wreaver's palm, and she began to feel a tiny bit jealous that he managed to do it so quickly. "This is just awful." She pouts kicking a pebble out of frustration. Though something strange happened, and while Emelyn wasn't looking it reversed course and darted back to her at a not so dangerous speed. If anything it would have just severely bruised her.

~"Careful!"~ Lyka's concern and own panic wells up in Emelyn suddenly, causing her to look at the pebble gravitating back to her. Thankfully it wasn't going to hit her anywhere above the knee, but Lyka immediately put up a small barrier around her own tiny frame. Leaping right in front of Emelyn's shin, the pebble bounces off and settles a few feet away from them.

"D-did I do that?" Emelyn stutters aloud to herself, an embarrassed hue of pink gracing her cheeks as she kneels down closer to her dragon.

~"Yes. See? Frustration works! Though, must be careful."~ Lyka's tail wags happily at the sight of sheepish awe grace her rider's features. There was still a faint feeling of concern and Lyka brushes her snout against Emelyn's uninjured knee. The feeling of embarrassment she was receiving form her rider, soon dissipated into a clear feeling of pride. Emelyn's gentle hands caressed Lyka's head and she showered her dragon in praise.​
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[fieldbox="Tahvo & Fierro, red, solid"]

When the priestesses chimed in to help clean his dragon, Tahvo stepped aside without feeling shame for it. He was still learning after all, and even if he and Fierro shared a very special connection, it didn't mean they suddenly agreed in everything. Their connection though, made it so when the dragon was held down to be cleaned, suddenly Tahvo's heart skipped a beat. He hugged himself, as he suddenly felt imprisoned, with rage and fear bubbling from somewhere deep within him, or rather arriving at him from his dragon. But he tried to calm both of them, insisting on how he didn't believe the priestesses would hurt him. And he was right. Fierro relaxed progressively the more the bath went on, and it ended up feeling kind of pleasant. After that, cleaning the relaxed dragon's mouth went by as a breeze.

With a bright red dragon resting on his arms, Tahvo went back to his room before breakfast, to fetch a book. He spent the first part of the breakfast trying to read, just slightly frustrated by having to take part in the chit chat, but glad to see both the red head and the new girl, both of them who seemed really fragile, were doing alright. More than anything, he was annoyed by Fierro who walked all over him, around him and the table, nibbling him everywhere to get his attention and attempting to steal even more food than the raw meat destined for him. He ended up getting sleepy though, and settled on Tahvo's lap. He could hear what Tahvo was reading in his own mind, but then both out of curiosity and to get his rider's attention, he asked the man to teach him how to read. Tahvo was surprised by the request, but he was pleased with it, so through telepathy, he started teaching Fierro the alphabet, not paying too much mind to the food.

When they had to go to the magic training, even if he didn't show it, Tahvo was as excited as Fierro. It really seemed to be something that belonged only in fantasy, but they really were about to do it, they were going to learn how to cast magic. He observed the priestess, looking for anything he'd have to imitate, but squinted his eyes in concern when the flame burst out in her hand. He definitely didn't want to repeat that. Much to his fortune, the explanation quickly gave him an alternative. As the priestess went on talking, Tahvo grew fond of the possibility of doing healing magic.

Fierro had liked the little flame trick a lot. It wasn't as colourful and bright as the flames he'd get to do once he got his breath under control, but it was decent. Once they could get to work, he turned to his rider with a teethy smile, ready to throw some fireballs... But Tahvo had seated himself, staring at his hand, relaxing his breathing, totally unprepared to throw out some fire. Fierro sighed, let down, and went to lie next to him, hoping Tahvo would fail soon at what he was trying to do so they could get to the real stuff.

No matter how many different ways Tahvo tried to go at it, his hands wouldn't shine as those of the priestess. The fear from getting a cut, happy memories, being relaxed, downright visualizing light around his hands... Nothing would activate the healing powers. He rested his hands on his knees and looked around. Many of the riders seemed to have achieved some cantrip, but he was stuck. ~...Me, guide you, or not?~ Fierro's voice reached his mind. Tahvo sighed in defeat, and got up on his feet.

~Feet firm, on ground. Think. Feel. Remember. Anger. Kill. Hunt food.~ Fierro tried to guide his rider through the tide of emotions that would result in offensive magic. But Tahvo couldn't keep up with those feelings. Not with the mental pictures projected on him by Fierro, a fabricated 'memory' of killing a bunny in first person... Poor bunny. He couldn't get angry with that. If anything, it made him want to be able to heal even more. ~C'mon! Anger! FEAR! You feel fear, right? When?! Drag fear here! Come anger! Now!~ Fierro's strangled speech had Tahvo reaching for his own memories. His more human experience would maybe be easier to use for magic.

'When have I felt the most fear?' Tahvo wondered in silence, but the answer came right away. He closed his eyes, trying to relive that memory. He adopted a fighting stance for hand to hand combat, visualizing the enemies before him. But the enemies weren't a group of thieves or otherwise armed men... They were children. And suddenly, he was a child too. He knew those kids weren't his friends, but he had done nothing to infuriate them in that way. He thought it would end soon. Lots of insults and a shove here and there, maybe even some punches thrown, but that would be all. It wasn't stopping there though. Tahvo grew scared as the punches and kicks showered over him, and suddenly the order. 'Take his clothes off! Kick him until he can't stand! I don't want to see his face ever again!' As the boys grabbed his clothes, Tahvo brought his arms up.

A desperate attempt at defending himself came off as a strong attack to drive away his attackers. This time though, instead of striking down his enemies, remembering the sight of the kids burning alive in front of him had Tahvo try and stop himself on his tracks when he felt the power surge through his arms. He gasped, and instead of launching a fireball in front of him, he caused an explosion to go off on his face.

He was thrown back wards. Stumbling, he managed to not fall on his butt, but let himself fall on his knees instead, as he groaned in pain. He had been lucky enough to not get his face damaged, but a single look at his hands made it obvious how they were badly burnt. But the worst pain was in his mind. He had done it again. He killed those kids. He only wanted to defend himself, it hurt so much, the kids the screams the kids the pain his mother he needed his mother--

~Calm down. It's okay. You're safe here now.~ Fierro, who so far had only seemed to care about himself and his food, was now nuzzling Tahvo's cheek with his snout. He licked the tears running down his cheeks, but there was nothing he could do to stop him from hyperventilating. ~Your mom isn't here. But the priestesses are there, if you need to hug a woman. Their chests look kind of nice, you know.~

Tahvo's lip quivered, and he hug Fierro, holding him close and burying his face into the dragon's neck. He hadn't even noticed how the dragon wasn't speaking in a strange manner anymore. He only wanted the comfort of those warm scales against his skin.

Ryyker thanked the priestesses for their tips and advice before walking away while some commotion started with another dragon. Ryyker sits in a corner waiting. Then the meal time came around he ate his food feeling as he wouldn't have enough time to apologize now he approached Eli and let him know he'd like to talk later in a less violent way then he did before.
As the magic leases began Ryyker held out his hand and began to sweat as a tiny needle of shadow began to form.
Then Orthrax entered his mind. "Darkness is fed by anger, rage, insanity and the like feed its power with those emotions."
Ryyker began to delve deeper into his dark emotions and as he did more needles began to form gaining length, wedth and more spikes. As Ryyker continued to dig it got darker to him.
[dash=yellow][fieldbox=Calina + Kilyria, orange] [dash=white]
Calina worked tirelessly, trying to get her little boat clean. She spent most of her days at sea, so she wanted it to be clean enough to live on for a couple nights at a time. She was gong on a few day fishing trip. Her boat was sturdy enough to brave the reef enough to get out a couple miles to where Port Syren was out of sight, so she needed to make sure everyithing was in order. As she finished scrubbing the last of the filth from the deck, Cal stood and stretched. Having been bent over for the better part of a few hours, her back was understandably sore. She took a deep breath as she looked around her humble vessel, checking off items on her imaginary list. All that was left was for her to load up, and she'd be on her way. Her little boat, which she fondly called Serenity, was just large enough to brave open ocean for a couple of days; and she relished the time on the open sea.

Calina made these fishing trips once a month or so, and it was the one thing that kept her going. She loved these trips, to leave the hell that was Port Syren, if only for a few days. One day she dreamed of saving enough to by a larger vessel, and leaving Port Syren behind for good..but the likelihood of that dream becoming reality was slim. She sighed and turned to step off the boat onto the docks. She made her way to her little hut, grabbed the pack and the gear she had packed, and an apple for the walk back. She was ready for this, she loved the open sea. No sound but the waves and the water, the salty breeze flowing through her hair. She bent to untie the lines holding Serenity captive and they were free.

Steering Serenity away from port, Calina smiled her first real smile in months, as the waves bounced her home of the next few days. After about half an hour of smooth sailing, the water got more and more restless. she grasped the wheel, and turned it to face the reef head on. Most people in a vessel this size stayed within the reef, but they also barely caught anything at all. But Cal was gifted. She had a knack for sailing. She coaxed Serenity through the large waves trying to smash them upon their side. "Come on, old girl. We can do this." Calina spoke to the vessel as if it were alive and could hear her. Finally, they broke the reef, and reached the calmness on the other side.

While Calina lived in Port Syren, it would never again be her home. She had found happiness only to have it ripped from her hands. She'd learned very quickly once she married Joshua that she was an outcast, and so she cast all of them off as well. She rejected everything Port Syren stood for....even the faith in Lord Varon. She never really bought into the religion anyways, and this just confirmed it. What kind of god was he if he let even one of his children suffer as he had her? She wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't know what she believed, but not in some mystic creature said to have created her, only to make her an outcast.

She dreamed one day of buying a sturdy steed and leaving Port Syren behind, but she loved the ocean so much. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving the open sea behind. Her fear of the unknown also kept her she lived as an outcast, for now.

She had had a really strange dream last night. A strange poem had been recited, and she woke up feeling....weird. After a few more hours contemplating her dream, Calina realized she wasn't sailing her normal route and frowned. She shouldn't go out too far, or she'd get swept away. She started steering away, but she felt wrong doing that...something was tugging at her...she felt drawn to something. Her brow furrowed, she didn't like not knowing what was going on; but she decided to go with it. She let Serenity follow the strings that her heart tugged at. After a few minutes she noticed the water was getting slightly shallower. She dropped anchor, and walked to the bow...that strange sensation pulling her forward. She leaned over the rail, and looked down. Below them was a sea cave. Damn it. She didn't have equipment to go exploring underwater...maybe there were air pockets. She reached down and felt the water; it was surprisingly warm...she stood and paced for a few minutes. Something was off...too many factors...

She headed to the cabin to change into something more suited for the water before she headed back onto deck. This is stupid, Cal. You don't know what's in there....or if there are even air pockets. You're going to get yourself killed. Cal's common sense screamed at her not to. But her heart was thrumming with desire to get down there. She took a deep breath and plunged overboard. Momentum hurtling her towards the cave, she kicked hard. She reached the opening of the cave and urged onward. Her lungs began to burn for air, she needed to find a pocket soon, or she would drown. She looked around (surprised that it was still light enough for her to see...something was going on), and an air pocket was right where it needed to be. She surged forwards towards the air pocket. Careful not to bump her head, Cal poked her head up slowly and gasped for air. When she was breathing steadily, she was able to take in her surroundings. When she did her mouth dropped open. "What the hell?" before her eyes was a cave within a cave. Only this wasn't flooded...she swam forward and climbed onto the surface.

She turned in a full circle. This wasn't possible. This cavern should be flooded with water...magic had to be at work here...strong magic. For a second, fear flooded through her, this was likely the magic of a dragon. And her kind hated dragons...she didn't know what to think of them. Her legs seemed to move of their own accord, heading towards the center of the cavern. Her eyes fell upon a strangely smooth stone....too smooth. It had to egg? Calina couldn't take her eyes off it. She knew she should get out of their, but she couldn't. Her hand reached out and as her flesh met the shell, there was a loud CRACK.

Calina stepped back, as the egg cracked and wobbled on it's little pedestal. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a hole appeared, and a slimy claw shot out and shattered the rest of the egg. Calina's eyes grew wide in awe. The little creature shook herself off, shaking off the slime that was clinging to her scales. Calina found herself beaming as she met the dragon's eyes. Deep blue eyes like the galaxy met vivid green eyes, yanking Cal from her body. She felt another consciousness enter her own, and hers enter a foreign being...what was happening?? She felt the immense love of the being in front of her, the power she possessed, being merged with her own. Tears were flowing down Cal's face, the sheer beauty, power, and intelligence of this being before her pressed down upon her own mind.

When the world finally stopped spinning, Cal found herself on her knees with the dragonling sitting right in front of her, with a lopsided type of grin. Cal beamed back, and tentatively reached out a hand. The dragonling reached out and nuzzled it with her forehead, letting out a sound of content. "What's your name, little one?" Cal's voice was soft and filled with wonder. She felt whole for the first time in her life. It's like she had been missing something her entire life, and now that hole was filled with the immense love and adoration of another being. ~~Name Kilyria.~~ Calina's mouth opened, Kilyria's voice was in her head! ~Well how else am I supposed to talk to you, dear?~ Cal felt the amusement in Kilyria's voice, and smiled back.

When she finally got the nerve to look away from Kilyria, she tensed visibly. They weren't in the cavern anymore...there was a large black fountain before her. Two majestic dragons stood there, heads up high, water spouting from their open maw. Together, they held a large dragon egg. Where was she?
It was around breakfast time in the second day after most of the riders had arrived. The priestesses were still awaiting the call of two more riders. As the others were eating, they felt the powerful wave of magic that signaled a Pact and quickly made their way to the fountain, where a maiden sat on her knees with a little Silver dragonette.

"Welcome to Ranas," Illyria said with a pleasant smile on her face just as the young woman looked around to see the fountain before her, "You have quite the destiny before you, Lady Calina. Miss Kilyria."
Calina eyed the priestesses cautiously. "I don't understand. What's going on? Why am I...we here? Does this have something to do with the dream I had last night?" Calina asked as Ki squirmed so she could face the priestesses as well. She flicked her tail in greeting and smiled a toothy dragon grin as she let Cal ask all the questions.

Illyria gave a quick nod. "Yes, the dream you had was our way of giving you warning towards what was to come. You have been chosen by this dragon to be her companion in what is to come to Kabola."

Xara stepped forward, her gentle, childlike face soft and kind as she knelt down and offered her hand. "Come, how about we get you cleaned up and ready to meet your comrades?"

Calina's mind was going in circles. "Wait-there are others? What is to come? How do I fit into some old prophecy? Why do I now hear and sense Kilyria? It's like she's literally a part of me now. I do not understand. Who are you?" Cal's world was being shattered, yet reformed at the same time. It's not like life in Port Syren was pleasant, but it was all she knew.

Cal accepted the priestess' hand, and stood. She did need a hot shower...she was shivering. She was still soaking wet from the cold. "I have so many questions, but I don't know how to put them into words."

As Xara pulled Calina to her feet, quickly throwing an arm around the shivering maiden's shoulders, Illyria spoke, taking each question in stride. "There are currently eight other pairs, each a rider and dragon. You make nine. As for fitting into an old prophecy, well...I would not necessarily say it is old. Yet not new, either. Let's just say there are greater powers at work here. Miss Kilyria has made the Pact with you. Your two souls are now one, and she can speak to you within your thoughts, just as you can speak to her in the same manner. We are the last remaining Priestesses of Kallydrana. You probably haven't heard of us, as we have kept ourselves hidden for a very long time, now."

Xara gave Calina a small pat. "Many of the riders still have questions they cannot find words for. You are not alone. All that we ask of you is a week to settle yourself and see if you are comfortable in this life. If you can accept this, we can show you to your room, and then to the bathing hall to get yourself cleaned and in dry clothes."

Calina nodded as Illyria patiently answered her many questions. "Alright. Thank you." She replied shortly, hesitant to ask the questions that immediately popped into her mind at the mention of the pact. She'd ask Kilyria about it in a bit.

"That sounds nice." She felt a strong hunger....or was it hers? She had eaten a couple hours ago. ~~Not you. Me! Ki not eat yet. Ki hungry.~~ She bent to let Ki down. Ki stuck close to her rider, not wanting to get separated as the two walked with the priestesses.

They were quickly led down the left path as it forked to each side and allowed into a seemingly low-lying building of solid stone with a doorway large enough to fit two large horses within covered by a simple silver curtain. Illyria pulled back the curtain and offered entry for the new pair.

"Inside, you will find a dresser with clothes that should be relatively your size. Miss Kilyria also has a barrel of fresh meat and organs waiting for her. She has a little catching up to do in growing, as the others have already grown quite a bit. But have no fear - the organs will help her. While she eats, I suggest you make your way to the bathing hall just across the path, there." She turned and pointed towards a longer building that appeared much the same as the others. "The women's bathing hall is on the left side. All necessities will be found in there. When you are finished, go past the training grounds in the center and get yourself something to eat at the Dining Hall, then come meet us when you are ready within the training grounds. You will need to stay a little later with us so that we can evaluate you properly, but otherwise, you have the day to yourself."

Calina and Ki nodded as they listened to the priestesses list what would be found in their chambers. "Thank you, madam's. I will see you when we are presentable." As soon as they entered their chambers, Kilyria bounded for the barrel of meat. Cal, used to the smell of meat, smiled. Eat up, little one. Looks like we have a long day ahead. ~~Indeed. You need to go get ready, go shower, you stink of salt~~ Calina laughed. Alright alright, just don't wander off. ~~As if, you're the one who gets into trouble wherever she goes.~~ Calina smirked as she grabbed a towel and headed towards the bathing rooms. After a long hot shower to help clear her thoughts, Calina headed back to her room to find Kilyria curled up on her bed. You want to come with me while I go get something to eat? I'm quite hungry myself, the pact making took a lot out of me. You still have to explain that to me. ~~I'll explain later. Let's go. We need to get to the training grounds.~~ Cal and Ki made their way to the dining hall where Cal ate until she could barely move. Calina couldn't remember the last time she ate so well. Back before Joshua died...soothing love flowed through her. "Is that you, Ki?" Kilyria nudged her snout against Cal's hand to confirm. After she had sat there a few minutes to let the food settle, she stood and stretched. She and her newfound soulmate made their way to the grounds where the priestesses had directed them. They were met by the other riders and dragons, and Cal immediately tensed, alert for any sign of hostility.

As she walked further into the training grounds, she realized the three priestesses from earlier had just started talking. She listened intently as they described the 4 different types of arcana. As they were released to practice, Calina found herself closer to a young woman who looked astoundingly like an old friend....but there's no way it could be Em, is there? She turned her attention back to Ki. "So, precious one. Shall we do some magic?" She asked aloud, ready to get started.[/dash][/fieldbox][/dash]
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When the priestesses came around to Tyr, he received a little help with what he had been trying specifically to avoid: getting sand under and in between a couple scales. After fixing that itchy issue, Tyr along with the other riders, went to the dining hall for breakfast. During that meal, Tyr never spoke a word. It's not like there was too much chatter anyway, just some small talk and questioning. Well, that was all Tyr cared to notice anyway. Now was the part the priestesses had said before that would be 'more interesting': magic. As the head priestess explained the different types and demonstrated each, Tyr remembered something Alcwyn had done once.

It was only a stupid tavern trick, but it had fascinated Tyr then, he was young. Alcwyn had strewn a pouch of coins across the floor, and then each coin started spinning around on its edge. After they were done spinning Alcwyn, with young Tyr's help, collected the coins and put them back in his pouch.

Tyr looked around, his fellow riders seemed to be doing fairly well at this. One had a tiny flame in his hand, another had glowing hands, another had done... something with a rock apparently, another had simply... blown himself up? And lastly, the one from the night before who had punched the redhead was conjuring needles out of pure darkness? "Geez...", He muttered under his breath. Time to embarrass himself most likely. Tyr sat there for a few minutes looking like an idiot, as if he had broken his brain and was now in a permanent state of idiocy shock.

~You look dumb, sit. I will help you. Close your eyes.~ Sighing in defeat, Tyr sat down next to his dragon and closed his eyes, just as requested. ~How have you acted since your brother?~

~Wait... what?~
~Shut up and answer me.~
~OK ok, cold.~
~Yes. How's the weather every day when you go out hunting?~
Fafnir moved his tail and set his little spiked club onto Tyr's arm.
~How does this feel?~
~Success. Look around now.~

When Tyr opened his eyes he found himself in the middle of several icy spires, each around 1-2 inches in diameter and anywhere up to a foot in height. Tyr looked around at them in wonder, nothing about any of this was rational. In fact, it was moderately warm this morning, not conditions for anything of this sort to occur. Not that this would randomly happen anyway. ~Stop staring and act like you meant to do this. It will sound better to the priestesses. Maybe...​~

((note: this is more than he will be able to purposely do for a while))
[fieldbox="Emelyn & Lyka, green, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

Emelyn was trying to focus on recreating the stunt she had pulled earlier when she noticed that another pair had entered the arena with the rest of them. They were obviously new, since they had not been here the previous night. Every so often she would glance over at them, distracted by the familiarity she felt with the red headed woman. The new rider looked very much like an old friend of hers, but she hadn't seen this friend in several years. There was no telling what her childhood friend even looked like these days, still Emelyn just couldn't shake this feeling that she some how knew this young woman. Shaking her head, she dispelled those thoughts from her mind and returned to her magic training.

Lyka, was also quite enamored by the "new friends" as she so eloquently called them. Her tail was wagging a mile a minute, and really all she wanted to do right now was meet and play with all her brother's and sisters. Of course, Emelyn didn't want to focus on the new dragon and rider currently. That was evident in the frustration Lyka could feel bubbling up with in her partner. Shifting her deep emerald hues back unto her rider Lyka let out an apologetic whine. Her rider needed her right now, so she needed to focus. It was clear that Emelyn was having troubles channeling her magic since she couldn't recreate the work from earlier. Magic seemed to come naturally to Lyka, so she was having a hard time trying to explain it's implications to Emelyn who never had magic to begin with.

~You're trying to force. Forcing doesn't work. You need to feel.~

~I can't feel anything if there's nothing there to feel Lyka.~

Emelyn sighs again, probably the umptieth time now, and sits on the sandy dirt cross legged. Magic wasn't something she could see or feel. It wasn't like sewing or pottery work. Those you could feel with your body, have your eyes carefully guide your hands to shape something new. She tried to concentrate on what had happened earlier with the pebble. She didn't recall feeling a warmness travel through her, as she had imagined magic to feel like. She didn't feel this new found of current of energy welling up inside her, just her own frustration. There had to have been something there though, a feeling that was hidden away due to her overbearing frustration.

Lyka thought of other ways that could help Emelyn visualize and cast a spell with her element. There were other ways, sure, but she needed Emelyn to relax and imagine, rather than try to force her magic to be something it wasn't. Inching closer to Emelyn, Lyka lifted her right paw and rested it on her rider's thigh. ~Lay down.~ Emelyn gave her a look as if she was crazy for asking her to lay in the dirt. She knew Emelyn liked to be clean, and laying in the dirt wasn't exactly appealing to her. Still Lyka insisted that her rider lay down and close her eyes. Going so far as to nudge her in her side.~Listen. Only me and you. My heart beat. Focus.~

Emelyn settled into the dirt as instructed, and channeled her attention on her partnered dragon. She could hear Lyka get closer, and she focused on the heart beat of her dragon. Emelyn could feel Lyka making some adjustments to her position, turning her palms downward facing the earth beneath them. She also spaced out her own arms so they were not as close to the body. While Lyka made these arrangements she began to hear Lyka's heart beat. Since they were linked, she could feel it as if it were her own. Soon enough Emelyn's own breathing had slowed as her heart rate synced with that of Lyka's. There was a clear harmonious sonance to their two heart beats, and Emelyn felt a sense of security over come her as the rest of the world faded away. There was only her, her dragon, and the earth around them. She could ear the sandy dirt shift under each of Lyka's step, the sound it makes as her tail drags behind her.

~Good. Focus on that. You will feel me. No worries. Trust in me.~

Emelyn could hear the dragon's praise with in her own mind, and she consciously honed all of her attention on the sound of the sand shifting and she could feel her dragon push further into her mind. She tensed for a moment, but she could feel her dragon's reassurance and relaxed once again. She concentrated on the sound of shifting sand once again as her dragon circled her. With the Lyka's fourth lap around her body, she could feel herself become drowsy. Entering a state she would describe as half awake and half asleep, she let down her mental walls and allowed Lyka to enter her mind with her. Emelyn could see herself walking aimlessly in a gray expanse with her dragon in tow behind her. Soon enough other colors began to fizzle into existence. Colors quickly became shapes, and then sounds. With in seconds the gray expanse sifted into the forest back in Orchley Groves, and Emelyn stopped before a pond. She looked into the pond, and was surprised to find that she looked no older than the age of fifteen.

~I remember this...~

~ What do remember? ~

~ I had just arrived and....~ Emelyn pauses look beside her. Yes, she was there too. Lithe was stretched out on top a boulder napping with the green leaves providing her just the right amount of shade. It was her favorite place to rest. She remembered trying to wake up the dragon, but to no avail.

~ What next? ~

~ I had decided to skip stones while she napped...~ Emelyn says to her partner a bit absent mindedly, as her attention shifts to a various array of rocks and pebbles that littered the ponds edge. Kneeling down she began to shift through each one, but stopped when she noticed movement in the corner of her eye. The direction in which Lithe had been just previously sun bathing. A strange feeling of dread began to well up inside her. Goose bumps began to cover her arm, and she shivered. Emelyn could feel the eyes on her, and the anger in them.

~ Don't Em. Focus. My voice only. It not real.~

~ But it feels real.~

~ Focus on the rocks. Discuss that feeling later.~

Emelyn shook her head, and gently slapped both of her cheeks with her own hands. Centering her attention on just the sound of Lyka pleasantly humming and the details of the rocks before her. Mostly all of them were small and rounded, every now and then there would be a fairly large pebble. Eventually she found a nice, even stone that was mostly flat. A rock for skipping. Her small digits scooped up the stone and fumbled it between her fingers. Her gaze lifts away from the rock in her hand, to the pond stretching out before her. In a swift motion and the flick of her wrist she slings the stone at the water's surface. With each skip the forest begins to fade away into nothingness once again, and with the final plunk the rock disappears beneath the water. Emelyn no longer hears the sounds of the rustling leaves, the bubbling brooks, or the gentle call of the wind. It had all been replaced with the sound of their heartbeats, and the shifting sand.

~Do not open eyes. Picture it!~

Emelyn immediately recalls the details of the rocky muddy pond bank, but more specifically the rocks. She kept that image in her mind until Lyka stops in front of her. The sound of the shifting sand has halted, and instead she hears the faint sound of clicking. The sound of hard surfaces bumping against each other, until it stops. Curious, Emelyn opens her eyes and once again she is amazed. Blinking, allowing her eyes to adjust and her mind to process, she stares in awe at the several tiny pebbles clustered before her. Every single pebble in the training arena had come to her, and made a replica of the pond's edge in real time. Though the rocks were not the exact same, they had all settled into a perfect outline of what the pond's bank looked like in regards to it's shape.

~Great job! Great job!~ Lyka showered her rider in praise once again, and ran in circles with excitement. Though her celebration was cut short with the sudden explosion that went off startling the both of them. Lyka yelped out in fear, but quickly calmed her beating heart after glancing in the direction of Tahvo and Fierro. She figured that rider's magical element would be something akin to fire, her opposite. Fire was so difficult to control as it is fickle and wild, refusing to be tamed. It was much like earth in this regard, but only because it was stubborn and refused to bend to someone weaker than it. With this thought, Lyka realized that Emelyn certainly had her work cut out for her in the future. Though if anything, that just made it more exciting! Turning to look at her rider she noticed the concerned expression plaguing her usual graceful features. ~Dark hair fine. His dragon with him. Priestesses will help dark hair. You see him later, yes?~

Emelyn's steel blue gaze watched carefully as the man from last night, Eli she believed, made his way over to check on Tahvo. Emelyn wanted to check on him too, but she didn't want to get involved with an emotionally charged situation where she wouldn't be much help. Where would she even begin to comfort someone who almost just blew themselves up and started crying right after? Of course, she figured that the reason he was sobbing wasn't due to the spell itself, but the he memory associated with it. She bit her lip as her mind raced trying to work up the courage to do something. Anything. With a heavy heart she sat there in the sand, feeling as if it was too late to even wiggle her way into the situation. Lyka was right though, she could always try and check on him later....

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<p>[dash=white][fieldbox=Calina + Kilyria, red] [dash=orange]The first thing Cal noticed was each person had colors swirling around them. She froze in her tracks. She had seen flashes of color when looking at someone before, but always thought she had imagined it. The priestesses didn't have one, but all the other riders did. A look of awe mixed with confusion fixed herself on her face, but was quickly removed as Cal put on her stoic face. She decided she would ask the priestesses about it later.

As Cal and Ki spread out, Cal met a fellow rider's eye for a second and saw a look of curiosity in her eye. She looked so much like her childhood friend, it was weird. But a coincidence like that was astronomically low.~Focus, Cal. This is not the time for reminiscing.~ Kilyria toned with a tinge of regret. She wholeheartedly wanted to go and meet the other dragons...but her rider needed her.

Calina knew which area she wanted to master....offense. Problem was, she had no idea how to do it. ~Silly, I will guide you!~ A hint of a smile played upon Cal's lips before she sat in the dirt to see her partner eye to eye. ~Offensive magic is draining. It takes up the most energy out of all four types of arcana. It's fed by anger, frustration...sometimes desire.~ ~Why would I be angry or frustrated? I feel more at peace here than I have in my entire life. Why would I CHOOSE to become frustrated, Ki?~ Cal realized only when she was speaking that yes, she did have a sense of peace that she had never had before, even with Joshua. Here, she could start again. She felt that connection she had to her dragon. That foreign soul that filled the void she never knew she had. She heard her soulmates very heart, beating with eager anticipation as Cal explored the bond that connects them.

Cal felt a calming sensation flowing from her precious dragon. Soothing her anxiety, Ki nudged Cal in the side. ~It will be alright, Calina. Trust me. Now, stand up. There is work to be done.~ Cal smirked as she stood. She held her hand out, palm up, willing a spark to appear. She pictured a sphere of flame swirling around itself hovering above her hand, but nothing happened.~You're trying to hard. Magic is not controlled by merely wishing it into existence. It requires feeling.~ Calina sighed. She knew what memory would do it, but she refused. Not that memory. Anything but that one. ~Picture the flame, keep it firmly in your head, and remember. Remember Arlen.~ At the mention of her fathers name her heart writhed with anger. She had tried so hard to please him, only to have him strike her and beat her down. Poof she opened her eyes and a sphere of fire, roughly the size of a plum, hovered in her hand. She felt the immense pride and joy of her counterpart on her success. She smiled at Ki, as she released the magic. ~Yay! See, it does work! I knew you could do it!~ Kilyria was hopping up and down with excitement. Her rider had successfully performed magic [intentionally] for the first time! She ran in circles around her rider as she felt the amusement this created Ki leaped up onto her rider, into her arms. Galaxies seemed to swirl within her eyes, galaxies beaming with joy.

Calina laughed as she hugged the puppy-like dragon clinging to her. As Cal knelt to let Ki down, she remembered that the priestess had made herself disappear. She would love to be able to do that someday! Or maybe make people think things were there that weren't. She picked up a stone at her feet, and focused on it.~Ahh illusion magic is some of the most difficult magic to perform. It requires a lot of concentration, and a very clear image of what you wish to project. Look at the pebble, maintain a very clear and precise image of what you want it to look like, and draw on your core.~

Calina nodded as Kilyria instructed. Ki seemed to be very at ease with using magic, while she was tense, and unsure. Cal took a deep breath and stared at the pebble in her hand. In her head, she pictured an apple. The red skin shining as it had just been washed, with water dripping off of it. She struggled to reach into her core, as she had no need in the past to do so. She sighed in frustration. Ki nudged her shin softly and chirped at her.~Focus on me. Breathe deeply, focus on the link.~

Cal closed her eyes and felt the change in Ki's demeanor. She felt the dragon reaching deep into herself, reaching for her core. When she opened her eyes she blinked quickly. Staring back at her were two silver dragonlings.~Ki? How did you do that?~ ~You must be relaxed, yet focused; calm, yet concentrate. You saw me do it, now it's your turn.~

Calina blinked as one of the Kilyria&#039;s before her faded until it completely disappeared. Cal returned her attention to the pebble in her hand; as she pictured a grape, so ripe it just pops in your mouth. Then she mimicked what she had felt Ki do. She reached within herself, and found her core! She grabbed a small portion and the pebble before her seemed to morph into a grape before her eyes. However, the image shook. It was solid for a second, but then flashed back to the pebble. But it was there nonetheless! Cal released her core, and the pebble became a pebble once more. ~Well done, Calina! Not many people can even achieve that on their first try!~ Calina clenched her fist around the pebble, but relished the praise her dragon had given her. She reveled in Kilyria's pride, and childish joy. For the first time in years, she felt truly happy. [/dash][/fieldbox][/dash]
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[fieldbox="Eli and Tyrale, goldenrod, solid, 10, Book Antiqua"]
{Yes yes!} Tyrale exclaimed excitedly as he watched the glow form in his Rider's hands, lifting himself onto his hind legs as his overly size wings spread out in joy, his obsidian eyes glowing with pride. {Well done!}

Eli could feel his dragon's overjoy flow through him like a gentle current of a bubbling brook, yet just as powerful as any flood, and he couldn't help the smile that crossed his lips. Never before had there been anyone who praised him for something he did, save for Talin, but even his teacher could never hold so much pride and joy for him as his dragon did at that moment. If anything the magic within his hands grew ever more, just slightly, and he could feel it's warmth spread through his body. He began to move his hand on instinct alone. He wasn't even exactly sure what he had accomplished, or what exactly this feeling meant that he had obtained, only knowing that he had conquered something from deep within himself. But he trusted his instincts, moving his hand to hover over his injured cheek, and same as before he began to imagine the pain of it begin to ebb away. It was a difficult thing to do considering all he could feel was that throbbing, remember the incident where the fist had connected to his face, and with that memory brought the humiliation and shame right back as well.

{Focus!} Tyrale spoke, cutting the memory with his voice as though he had done it with his very tail. {Do not let your mind stray. Focus on your other cheek. How does it feel?} Eli began to comply, his attention reverting to his uninjured cheek, while he tried to block the pain of his injured one. He recalled how his cheek had felt before he had been punched. The smooth surface, unswelled and didn't throb from every movement. How the cool gentle breeze felt across it, and how unmarked it was and free of the horrible complexions his other might carry, removing the looks of a rogue and delinquent of his character. {Good, now transfer all those feelings to your other cheek.}

Eli gathered the senses as though he were holding a fragile butterfly within the palm of an invisible hand, and as carefully and slowly as he would walk with such a small thing, he carried the senses with much the same purpose. Right on over to his other cheek. He thought he felt a tingle, almost like little tendrils of warmth kissed his skin, and the throbbing had grown numb. Slowly it began to spread, reaching deep into his pores and spreading along the length of his jaw and cheek bone, feeling more warm tingles spread through his whole skin as though little tiny insects were massaging the muscles beneath. It took a moment, the little magic taking it's time, and then it began to retreat. The tingling sensation slowly leaving his face to return to his hand, taking with it the throbbing pain, and it was like his cheek was the same as the other. He no longer felt such deep aches or throbs.

{You've done it!}
Pure ecstasy and excitement spread through Eli as Tyrale climbed up his body, careful of his claws while using a few flaps of his wings for leverage, so that his hind legs were perched on either side of his shoulders and he nestled his head into Eli's hair. His obsidian eyes closed from ruby lids as he nuzzled and crooned for his rider, his tail wrapped around his neck in a warm and affectionate embrace while his wings folded around both him and his Rider's head in his own makeshift cacoon. Eli opened his eyes and began to beam up at his dragon, reaching up to stroke his head, causing the little dragonling to croon all the more and nuzzle him once again, feeling his pride and joy. They had only met for no more than two days, and Eli felt already that Tyrale was his greatest and best friend, as well as so much more. His light shone through all the shadows of Eli's past to replace them with warmth that he never thought he could ever have.

An explosion brought the celebration to the end as Eli jumped and Tyrale spread his wings in alarm, his jaws parting to release a startling roar-though it sounded more like a lizard trying to imitate a lion-as both heads and eyes looked for the source of such an outburst. It didn't take long, Eli's eyes finding Tahvo on the ground, holding his own dragon tightly as his body seemed to shake. Immediate concern flashed through Eli, wishing to see what was wrong, but at the same time he was unsure if Tahvo would desire it. He seemed to be in a lot of stress, something that was caused by far more than just a simple explosion and failure of magic, he was sure. No one would have gotten that upset over it simply because they could not produce a single fireball. (Though perhaps Eli might....)

Something else had caught his attention. A flash of red hair, a pair of green eyes, and he had to do a double take. A girl he did not remember seeing lastnight was in the training grounds, and not only that, but she had turned a simple rock/pebble into what he thought had been a grape! But as quickly as it had come it was suddenly gone. He had been so busy with his own magic that he did not notice anything else she may have done, but her sudden appearance had surprised him and caught him off guard, only because of the slight resemblance he saw from her. Had she arrived after he had left the dining hall? He was unsure... He only hoped that Rykker would not try to take another hit on either of the two ladies, and he was also determined not to once again make a bad first impression on another Rider, so that perhaps not everyone would think he was a complete fool.

His attention returned to Tahvo, and preferring not to stand there and pretending that nothing happened, he made his way slowly over to the young man and knelt down a bit distance away. Not wanting to crowd him or make him feel uncomfortable. "Hey.... Are you alright?"
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[fieldbox="Tahvo & Fierro, red, solid"]

Tahvo was holding the small dragon close, too focused on trying to calm himself down and ground himself by paying attention to the pleasant body heat the dragon gave off to notice the newcomer. Fierro did see her and her dragon, but didn't consider it relevant enough to alert his rider. Just another female face among a sea of faces with a disappointing, small chest. Was it a woman with huge pleasant blobs of fat too much to ask for? For the moment, he'd have to accept Tahvo's belly or butt was the only he could have.

The rider felt his dragon tense up suddenly. Right after that came a familiar voice, asking if he was alright. He raised his head to meet Eli's gaze, but gasped as Fierro wriggled out of his grasp and darted towards the red haired man, letting out a hiss. 'Get away from my rider!'

Tahvo reacted out of reflex, trying to grab Fierro by the tail, and groaned when his burnt hand complained at the contact. He had no idea why the dragon would want to attack the red haired man, but a closer look at their tangled up feelings made him understand the target wasn't the man, but the small ruby dragon. Fierro's scales, even if they weren't pointy yet, were hurting his hand too much, so he moved to place a leg all over Fierro's frame, squeezing him against the ground, leaving his hands free. 'Let me go! This is mine! I'LL GIVE DEATH!!!!'

Despite his red, slightly swollen eyes, Tahvo went back to his usual angry expression, but again he rarely was angry. Instead, he was confused by the dragon's sudden outburst. He raised his eyes and gestured at the red haired man. 'Don't get alarmed by all the hissing. I'm not harming him, he's just being dramatic.' He clarified. Still pressing Fierro against the ground, he checked out his hands. If the priestesses wanted him to repeat the attempt at throwing fire out of his hands, he was in no shape for trying again any time soon. With his hands like that, he couldn't hold a sword, or a forging hammer... Maybe he could hold his cutlery after being bandaged, but not much more.

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Wreaver watched the others with varying degrees of success, immediately realising that the little grape of flame he made was inadequate. ~Getting competitive? In a fight you'd beat everyone excelt maybe Tahvo, and that would be fought to a standstill.~ Came the little voice of Drachma. ~I can't fall behind, if i fell behind in the pits I'd be dead.~ Wreaver replied mentally, remembering how many he had fought since he was 10.

He sat down and assumed a meditative stance. With practiced hands he took off his head scarf and folded it, feeling the air brush across his face as the mask left his skin. He didn't care if others saw him, he barely registered their existence as he emptied his mind of outside influences.

He rested his hands on his knees, palms facind upwards as he focused. He felt warmth radiate from his burnt face, feeling the warmth spread down his body, pulsating with every heart beat and intensifying with every deep breath he took.

He closed his eyes and flexed his muscles, the heat becoming painful beneath his face. ~Release it!~ came the Drachmas voice, filled with worry as his rider gathered the magic beneath his skin.

Wreaver took one more breath and focused the heat towards his hands and released it, the grape that was in his hands becoming a blue flame that radiated intense heat around, "I will not be outdone by those who have been coddled, I will show them what it means to be strong, I need not friends nor allies to be strong." he started muttering under his breath, lost to his memories as his emotions blazed through him.

He absently let the blue flame go as he came back to himself and looked to Drachma, his mouth a little dry as the memories sunk back to his subconscious. ~Was I muttering something?~ Wreaver asked Drachma as he tied the cloth around his face again, the refreshing air cut off as he tied the knots to secure the mask. ~Something about needing no friends or allies... Does that include me?~ Drachma replied, hurt at his Riders words.

~Your family Drachma, unlike my blood kin, im not one to abandon Family.~ He replied as he got back to his feet. He looked around, coming back to his surroundings as he looked to see what was happening around him.
[fieldbox="Eli and Tyrale, goldenrod, solid, 10, Book Antiqua"]
Eli had not suspected such an outright attack from the small red dragon towards him, his eyes growing wide and he had fallen flat on his butt as the Red leapt at him, making small little draconic sounds towards him. Tyrale grew alarm as well, holding on tightly to his Rider when he fell, though thankfully he chose to cling onto his hair and clothes rather than sink his claws into his skin. Though small, it certainly would've hurt, and Eli would of had more small wounds to replace the swollen cheek he had just mended. Had Tahvo not reacted fast enough then Eli certainly would have been wrestling on the ground to pry the angry and protective lizard from his face. Tyrale gazed down at the Red while his Rider held him down, and he had the strangest feeling that all that anger and resentment was not pointed at both of them, but at himself. But why ever for? Surely he had not done anything to upset the small Red... Had he? He tried to recall their earlier encounters, but not much had transpired between the two, or even with all four of them. Had he insulted his Rider in some way? Insulted himself? Oh he surely hoped not!

"No, it's alright." Eli replied to Tahvo once he got his bearings and realized he would not have his face ripped off by the wrath of a firey red dragon. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to upset him in anyway." His eyes returned to the red, lifting his hands in show of peace. "I'm not going to hurt your Rider, I promise. I only want to help."

Tyrale's tail gently brushed over his Rider's cheek. {I don't believe it is you he is mad of.} Tyrale spoke, his eyes moving from the red dragon to his Rider. {I is me he is feeling hostile towards. Tough I cannot imagine why...} He lifted a single claw to scratch his bottom jaw.

Eli glanced up at Tyrale in surprise. Why would the dragon feel so protective of his Rider over Tyrale? Maybe it was a territorial thing... Perhaps other dragons did not wish for other dragons they did not know to go near their Riders, which he suppose he could understand, but the hatchling sent bent on stopping Eli and Tyrale from approaching Tahvo. But as for Tyrale, whatever the reason, this just certainly won't do! He had planned to make friends with all the dragons! Even if there had been a bit of a sour score between his Rider and Orthrax's Rider, he had still wished to make amends and for everyone to get along. After being trapped in an egg for so long, he craved social interaction, and though humans had their perks, there were just some things only dragons could discuss with other dragons. Even if one of them wanted to rip your face off.

{Fierro, if I could just have a moment!} Tyrale decided to be the extended claw in friendship. He hopped off his Rider's head and shoulders, using his wings as a parachute to land softly and gently to the ground, his claws clicking as he moved to gain his balance. He folded his wings once more to his body, stepping carefully towards the pinned Red, and lowered his head so that they may be eye leveled. {I believe we have gotten off at the wrong start, for as my Rider has said, we wish you nor your Rider any harm! If I have done anything that might have offended you, I wish to fix the issue immediately. Perhaps when the stresses of training has not cloud your judgement or perception, we could settle the matter over some tea? Or if that is not to your liking, then we can have something else rearranged.}

Once again, Eli was taken back by Tyrale's sudden way of speech. Just how a hatchling could speak so well, even better than him, over night was beyond him. He planned to ask Tyrale about it later, but right now, he had to worry about the Rider with the poor burnt hands. Though he wasn't making a comparison at all whatsoever, Eli had to admit that he was relieved that it had not been him who had a explosion go off in his face, yet he took no comfort or pride in the fact that it had been Tahvo. This was no competition, after all, and whatever had caused Tahvo to make such an explosion certainly had him distressed. While the two dragons spoke to each other, Eli pushed himself up onto his feet and dusted himself off, before circling around the pinned dragon and knelt down beside Tahvo once more. He glanced at his hands and winced physically. They looked pretty bad, and were treated no better from having to grab hold of his dragon, seeing the places where the scales had possibly scraped against the raw skin.

"It could've been worse." He said, trying to lighten the mood. "You could've blown your brains out. Or blinded yourself. Or your clothes could have caught fire and you'd be doing the rest of the training session naked." A smile at the light of the joke, though from the young man's expression, he felt that he did not take it as such and so his smile faded before he made an awkward cough into a fist. "Here, let me try something."

He lifted his hands once again to hover over Tahvo's own hands, and he closed his eyes once more, focusing. He tried to remember the feeling of the magic as it had mended his cheek, to call it back and bring forth upon his hands, yet the harder he tried to more impossible it seemed. He tried to relax and clear his mind, feeling as well as seeing the magic, his breath coming in slow and steady. Then gently out. In. Out. In. Out. Then he felt something. Deep inside himself. It began to bloom, slowly, like a flower inside of him. He thought he felt a warm tingle spread through his hands, and the flower grew more and more inside of him, till it felt ready to bloom. The warmth spread all across him, but as he pictured the flower, he pictured the fields back at home. The garden that housed many types of flowers of different and varying sizes as well as color. He recalled kneeling on the soft soil as his blistered hands worked effortlessly to remove any weeds that may have plagued the field.

Then there was Reek. Yelling at his face, reminding him of what a constant failure and waste of space he was, and he didn't even know what it was he had done this time. He had no talent or skill save for the bow, and even that had it's limits with no use on the farm. Though Eli would argue otherwise, Reek would hear none of it, would never hear his say or see his side. He couldn't do anything. He was a screw up that failed at even the most simplest of tasks. He was always there, watching over his shoulder, till Eli became so tense and nervous that he couldn't even fill a bucket of water up without spilling it everywhere. And there he would be, screaming at him at how wasteful he was, and Eli could do nothing but take it. The flower wilted, curled up in itself as it began to wither and die, and it sank back into the pit of his being where it belonged. The warmth vanished, replaced by a sudden cold, and his palms no longer tingled. Tyrale had been too distracted with the red to offer his help, to try to bring the flower back to life, but it was too late anyway.

Eli opened his eyes once more, looking at his plain looking hands, then he sighed before shrugging it off. "Guess it was a one-type-deal sort of thing." He said with a light grin towards Tahvo, placing his hands on his lap once more.
Emelyn rose a dainty hand up to her head to wipe away some of the sweat that had began to condense on her skin. She only did a little bit of magic, and already felt exhausted from the amount of energy and focus she had to put into casting. Hearing something interesting to the side she glances over at wreaver with a bit of an annoyed expression on her face. Creeping up to him she watches a blue flame ignite in his hand. Even Emelyn could feel the heat radiating from it, and she was just a few steps away. The first thing that Emelyn notices when she approaches him, is the mask in the sand. Immediately curious she glances at his face, and notices that it is terribly scared on the left half. She can hear Lyka protesting profusely with in her own mind soon after, as the dragon becomes utterly terrified of the man. Something about how he reeks of death and looks scary, but Emelyn did not smell such a thing nor would let something like a scar turn her away. It's not like she hadn't seen people with scars before, though this particular case must have been severe. Ignoring her dragon's protests, Emelyn gets close enough to over hear him mutter something she much didn't care for, bless her amazing hearing. Her thoughts raced as she questioned on whether or not she should try to correct his opinion of the others here. Wreaver is much larger than her, and she didn't wish to invoke any aggression from the man. Of course, if things got a little hairy the priestesses would step in, but the young woman didn't like the idea of relying on them too much. Maybe there was a way she could ease into the topic... Emelyn pondered in silence, as she stared intensely at the man with furrowed eyebrows. It was clear that she was perplexed by the expression on her face, so hopefully her staring wouldn't be received as rude. Parting her lips a quiet frustrated sigh escapes, and she speaks "That's very impressive....." with a small polite smile. Emelyn isn't sure if it is obvious she had more to say than that, but hopefully it won't be easily perceived by Wreaver.

Lyka, whom is usually very easy going and happy, is suddenly very shy. She is hiding behind her rider's leg and peering at Drachma from behind. It is clear as the sky that she is very nervous to be around Drachma, as she very well knows that Drachma's species can be very touchy and quick to anger. Even if Drachma was kinda cool, Lyka still worried about upsetting the other dragon unintentionally. Unlike the other dragons, Lyka did not have a very thick hide so if she were to ever end up in a scuffle she could get seriously injured very easily. It didn't help that she was much smaller as well, and Drachma was already much larger than her. ~"H...hi. I'm Lyka..."~ Lyka wags one of her front paws sheepishly as she speaks softly to Drachma.
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