Lewi & Winterwings

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Nathan nodded. "I wonder where we could go", he said.
Nathan walked for a while, not sure where to go.
Kieara sighed as she followed. "Where arae we going?"
"Don't know, just out of here, far away", he said, without looking at her.
"C'mon, get up. It'll be faster that way", he said, stopping and looking at her. He bent down so that she could sit on his back.
Nathan held her up a bit for her to get a good grip, and then he began walking in a pretty fast phase, almost running.
She held onto him not wanting to be dropped, but oddly enough she felt a bit safer this way.
Soon Nathan was running through the forest, looking around to see where they could go.
Kieara held on and tried to clear her mind of the bad thoughts of what they'd done.
Nathan stopped by a lake and put her down, and sat down himself for some rest.
"Thank you Nathan....For everything." she said and shyly kissed his cheek.
Nathan looked at her surprised. "Eh... you're welcome", he said, finding it a bit odd that she had done what she did. "Are you tired?" he asked.
"A little." She admitted. She'd only meant it as a gesture of thanks."