Lewi & Winterwings

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Nathan could hear them fighting, but kept on running. She had told him to. But he just couldn't. It didn't feel right, his heart was going to explode with guilt, he couldn't leave her alone with that vampire slayer. He turned around, ran back to them. He had to do something.
He held her down slightly out of breath from their fight. "Y-you...you traitor, you deserve to die just like them!" She spat in his face which then made him growl in rage and he drew back a hand to hit her again.
Nathan saw it happen and he immediately ran there and pushed him aside the best he could.
"Don't come near her!" he hissed as he pinned him to the ground.
He struggled underneath him, but his vampiric strength was too much.
"Don't ever or I'll rip your throat off", he said.
Nathan bit his lip. He didn't know. "It's none of your business", he said.
Nathan looked at him, thought of just ripping his throat of and running off with Kieara. He put his hand on his throat and let it rest there, looked him in the eyes. "I could easily rip your throat off right here", he said, and put his hand away, "but I won't. Leave us alone", he said.
The man squirmed away and ran off. He was terrified. Kieara watched him. "You saved me……Why?"
Nathan looked at her in relief and stood up. "I kind of like you, I guess", he said, and smiled a bit.
Kieara blushed a bit and smiled weakly. She wasn't sure but she believed that was his way of saying she was forgiven.
Nathan looked around for a second. "What shall we do? I guess we can't go back there?" he said.
Kieara came over. "I don't know....And I don't think it's safe in town."
Nathan bit his lip. "Then I guess we'll have to move", he said, and began to walk.
Kieara followed after him. She didn't know what to do. She felt like a nuisance to him.
Nathan thought of what they were going to do. What could they possibly do? It sucked having to leave, but he knew that he had to. He couldn't risk people spreading the rumour if he was still there. He turned around and looked at her. "Are you coming with me or what?" he asked.
Kieara spoke. "I...." She paused hearing her phone ring. She pulled it out of her pocket seeing that on the screen was the slayer headquarters. She motioned for him to be quiet then put it on speaker. "Hello?"