Lewi & Winterwings

Nathan got back and watched her sleep. He grinned a bit although he was pretty upset with her.
She shifted this way and that in her sleep mumbling something about him. It was obvious she was conflicted.
Nathan wasn't sure on what to do. He had gotten a rope, and he had a plan. It could be fun, he thought. He quietly walked towards her.
Nathan blindfolded her and then began to tie her wrists up.
Kieara gasped waking up and began to struggle but he was stronger. "Let me go!"
​Nathan grinned. He didn't say a word but just kept tying her wrists.
She gave up struggling quick. It was obvious she'd lost her willl to fight.
Soon Nathan was finished and began tying her feets as well.
Nathan was done and looked at what he had done. He then went up to the trees again.
Kieara lay there bound and blindfolded waiting for her captors next move.
Nathan laid back, looking at her. She sure wouldn't do good if she was all alone, would she?
Kieara gave a heaved sigh. "Whoever you are i'm miserable enough, just kill me already, my family, and the only friend I had is gone, put me out of my misery."
Nathan was a bit surprised to hear what she said. So, she really wanted to die? He bit his lip, this wasn't what he had counted on. He had just done it for pure amusement, not something like this. He looked at her, uncertain of what to do. He didn't want her to die. He had to do something, he had to bring her spirit back. He wanted her to enjoy living.
The material over her eyes turned wet as she got upset. She was crying.
(If you like you could fast forward till the morning if you weren't thinking of something special to happen?)

Nathan looked at her in silence. What was he thinking? He turned around and tried not to think about her. In the morning he was going to let her go, saying that someone had probably tied her up. That way he would be the hero. He bit his lip, he didn't want to lie to her. On the other hand he couldn't stand knowing that she was going to know what he had done to her.

Kieara lay like that until morning. She wasn't sure what had happened to her captor, or even if they were still there. By now, she didn't care.
Nathan woke up and found Kieara still being in the same position as he had left her. He went down to her. "Kieara?" he said and touched her carefully. "It's me, Nathan", he said, and began to untie her.
Kieara jumped. "n-nathan?" she asked. "What're you doing here?" she sounded shocked.