Kissing Weirdos

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
His car pulled up on the right side of the street. It was dark and quiet. He got out, walking to her side and opening her door. "Come on."
She stepped put of the car and followed him..
He's taken her to the city overlook. It was a gated balcony that hugging above the city. It showed the view at night in the best way imaginable. It was his favorite place.
"Wow." She whispered, the view was amazing. Because of the darkness the lights were shining like stars.
"I'm kind of a nature guy. I like big open spaces. I don't get to travel a lot of I just come here." He took a look at his favorite site and sighed. Then he looked at her. He had a feeling, that she might be on his list of beautiful sites too.
She nodded and looked at him, she smiled a warm smile.
Somehow he wanted to tell her he liked her. But that may have been doing too much. But he wasn't sure what to say. "Do you like it?"
"Yea, it's- It's beautiful!" She said, staring at the view.
Finally he decided to come out with it. "I like you."
Dillon blushed, "I-I like you too." And she truly did, she did since he comforted her.
He opened his mouth in a pleased grin. That was something he never said to a girl before. It scared him, yet excited him. He moved closer to her. "So....what now?"
"I, uh, I don't know." She replied, she had never been involved with anyone, so she truly didn't know what to do.
He laughed at the awkwardness. Then he calmed with a sweet face. "Well I guess, I'm just going to work on getting to know you. So, tell me something. Anything?"
"Well, for starters, obviously, I like singing, what about you?" She said, smiling.
"I like all of the arts. Music, drawing, writing, anything that fits the category. That's Why I had to see who that was singing in the hallway. "
He looked over at her. "Can I....can I hear you sing again?"
"Please? I know you're nervous. But you really have a beautiful voice." Slowly he turned away to look at theview oover again. And then, he started to sing hoping it was a song she knew to encourage her to sing with him..