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"What is it?" Ulrik stopped and looked at Ayame. She pulled up a cigarette and put it between her lips. "Got a light?" She said and patted herself not seeing hers. He nodded and pulled out a lighter then lit her cigarette. She took a drag and blew out the smoke. "Suns going down." She said and looked at the sun falling behind the tall trees, the sky had turned different colors as the sun was departing. "Yeah. I prefer night hunting. Don't think I've ever met a demon that can see in the dark." Ulrik replied and looked at the sky, turning his back to the house. "Good thing we can." She snickered and pulled a pair of goggles out of her bag and pulled her hood down then placed them on her head and kept them on her forehead. Ulrik did the same while Ayame took another drag on her cigarette, completely oblivious to the house behind her.
Aurora kept a firm grip on the fabric of Adrian's shirt, clenching it tightly due to her nerves. In any other context she would be celebrating in her head but not in that moment. She could sense their weapons, and even hear their voices faintly. She was starting to shake, and was having a hard time trying to to shiver violently. Inhaling a shallow breath when their lips broke away for a moment she said, "They're out there. If they come in here..." Her lips quivered. Her whole body was stiffening and she was really starting to panic. So much so she angered herself, for not being about to carry out such a simple task and keep relaxed.
Adrian muttered. "They're going to come in here, and your plan's going to work. You're smart, and we've went with your plans. So this one will work too." Even so, he didn't move, not wanting to get her any more nervous then she already was. Adrian really wanted to take a look where they were at, not able to sense them, but sat still, knowing that action might cause death for all of them. So he looked at her quietly, waiting for her to do or say something.
Giving herself a chance to take some deep breathes, Aurora looked for some things to distract herself with. Placing her palm on one side of Adrian's face, she used her other hand to feel his jaw. She had a fascination with bones. She liked feeling jaws,wrists, and collar bones, and the skull around eyes. She poured her attention into the color of his eyes, and the difference it their hue from Akon's. She payed attention to his chest, which she felt no shame in touching. Voices outside still loomed in the back of her head. Her lips met Adrian's again. She translated her fear into passion, kissing him with a hunger. In an attempt to get closer, she pulled herself onto his lap. But by doing this, her foot hit the leg of a small wooden table, knocking off a long broken lamp.
Ayame took another drag. "I wish we didn't have to kill demons.. I don't really want to kill them, but they won't just leave us be.. Y'know?" She blew the smoke slowly. "Yeah. I know. I'd like to just coexist in non-violence but.. We have to protect the remnants of society.." Ulrik replied. Ayame nodded and looked at the crumbling house. "I'm glad we convinced that family to move out of that wreck of a house. I bet it won't last another day." She said and flicked her cigarette butt through a window.
Adrian watched her hands, confusion crossing his face again. He put his hands on the ground behind him to hold him up, almost falling back when she kissed him. He quickly pulled back, his heart sinking at the noise of the lamp. Adrian immediately tried to figure if they could hear that, calming down when no one came barging into the room, and knew they didn't. He looked at Aurora with slightly slanted eyes of annoyance. "Be careful, damn it! They may not even find us." He whispered.
"Shit.I'm sorry," Aurora replied. She glanced back at it, broken into pieces on the floor. Her thoughts flickered to Alex and Akon, probably up in a tree somewhere. At the moment she was grateful to still be alive, but she didn't let herself sigh in relief just yet. They were still outside. She did gasp when a cigarette came flying through one of the broken windows. Aurora clung to Adrian, putting her head on his shoulder. She wanted to turn into a cat. That would have been the selfish thing to do. Be a cat a slink off. Those two protectors would come in, and find evidence of people staying in the house, and surely the triplets would get killed in their sleep or something along the lines. So she stayed, her face at Adrian's neck, waiting.
"Well, guess we should go hunting." Ayame said with an unfortunate tone. "Yeah." Ulrik replied. "Just think, it's for the good of what remains." He playfully hit her in the arm and started walking off. "I guess.." Ayame said and followed slowly.
Adrian reached over after making sure it was safe and smashed out the butt with the side of his fist, not sure if it was completely safe just to leave it like that, if it still could make the place catch fire. "Are they still out there?" He cursed himself mentally, since he knew he couldn't even tell.
"I think they've walked off. But we should hang around for a few more minutes just in case...then we can bring Alex and Akon back..." Aurora said in a whisper. Her uneasy gun feeling had faded a bit so she knew they were walking farther away from them. She rubbed her cold hands together. "I'm sorry for kissing you." She apologized in a small voice to Adrian.
Adrian shrugged. "It's alright. I don't freak out from a kiss, I freak out from not knowing a plan." He started to button up his shirt and carefully moved her off his lap do he could button the last two.
Aurora swallowed a lump in her throat, "So you just want me to tell you what my plans are before I do them?" She was up to no good, not that she ever was. Something had sparked up inside her that she needed to get out one way or another. She reached out and pulled Adrian's hand away from his shirt buttons. "Communicate?"
Adrian glanced up, first interested, then let his face grow calm and trustworthy. "Yeah, sure...Do you have anything you need to..communicate..about?" He asked gently, slightly able to tell.
"Well...." Aurora brought her hand up to her face, hiding a slight smile. She bit on the skin of her knuckle for a moment, before lowering her hand to her thigh, where the skirt of her dress was bunched. Her hand moved from her thigh to his, her fingers grazing in dangerous places for a fraction of a second. As she spoke she did so slowly, still in a whisper, "Yes and no."
Adrian leaned back a bit, for a half second, biting his bottom lip. "Err, do you want to tell me..what you do ​want to say?" His voice came out in a bit of a murmur, but he still kept a calm expression.
Keeping her hands occupied, she tugged on her fish-hook earring. Instinctively, she ran over her teeth, feeling the four more pointed than the others. It was dark, and she wasn't sure what he could see of her, but she could hardly see him. That frightened Aurora, being unable to even take a stab at his emotions. She had her body turned toward him, and was sat on her knees. "I can't ever even guess whats going on in your head....that's quite a talent you have. To be so stoic." This time her wandering hands found the hem of his shirt, and dared to touch the bare skin of his hip. "I...." She inhaled and her voice trailed.
Adrian touched her hand, more out of curiosity, and looked at her. He couldn't see much past her outline in the thin light of the moon, which meant he couldn't see her face, and not having the same ability to read minds like his brother, he was helpless in knowing what she wanted or what she was even doing. "..what?" Adrian asked shortly, by now his mind reeling in confusion. He never was put in a situation where he couldn't see someone's emotions, not even a hint. It was scaring him to the core, aggravating even.
Her lips curled into her signature smile when she felt his hand touch her. She took it between both of hers delicately, feeling his fingers. "I've found that there's something all species have in common....we just experience it differently," Aurora said cryptically. "I find myself now...wanting." A gust of could air raised goosebumps on her skin. It had only been a matter of minutes since the lot of them were all together, crouching in their temporary home, as the sun went down. But in those minutes their lives had been threatened, the sun went down, and it had gotten cold. Lifting Adrian's hand up to her face, she kissed it, showing her respect for him, only then to set his hand down on her lap. "I want to take advantage of you."
"Take..take advantage..." His voice had gotten quieter, and it bothered him how he was reacting. Adrian usually had no problem playing along with human females because he basically had to French kiss them to even eat, but this was not for survival purposes. It was with another demon, not a human, not food. He'd never done that before, and for once in his eternity he was scared and confused. Luckily for Adrian, it was dark, and even though his emotions couldn't show through his face, there might be an inkling, and he couldn't let that be seen. "I..well.." He muttered, his voice getting lower and lower, with no idea of what to say. What could he say? 'I don't know, I like humans better'? So he stayed silent, with no real intentions to speak.
Aurora would not be discouraged by his silence. Though her dominance vanished with the presence of guns, and when she was small and feline, it was fully apparent then. She was fully prepared to lead the way. Re-inviting herself to Adrian's lap, this time she undid all his buttons for him. She offered up her own silence to his, staying completely quiet as she provoked him with her touch. Aurora, over everything else, enjoyed male shoulders and necks. She admired his, running her hands over them, even placing light kisses on his collar bones. "I want to...take advantage of you....very much. Do you mind?"