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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Adrian's eyes wandered the bar lazily, scanning it for prey, though he didn't see the guardian from earlier that day. His eyes caught on a pretty blonde, obviously the stereotype dumb one, and drunk on top of it. She had wandered away from her trio of friends and headed to the bar for a fill, and he came over for her. Wrapping a hand around the girl's waist, he easily could tell she was healthy, probably never doing anything like this before. With a smirk, he pressed a bit closer, and pressed his lips near her ear, whispering something that obviously made her laugh. She turned around to face the demon and started to talk slightly with him. Soon, though, Adrian said something that made her grab his hand and say her goodbyes to her friends, walking out of the bar with him, leaving her drink behind.

Adrian made slight passes at her, just to keep her unaware, until they reached the temporary hideout. Coaxing her in, he slid after her, pushing her up against a wall before she could notice the rest of the house. He started to kiss her lips and stopped for a moment. With a glance over his shoulder, he withheld a sigh of relief that they had already hid and turned back to face her as the blonde cupped his face. "Naughty boy." Continuing only for a short time, until a gasp was heard from her. Adrian had started to drain her, no problem.
"Good boy," Aurora said, applauding Adrian while simultaneously mocking the girl in her last moments of life. She didn't even wait for him to finish before she approached, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh, riddled with arteries, of her neck. Aurora let out a noise, like a sigh, as she quenched her thirst and hunger. The girl, now reduced to nothing more than a meal, slumped to the floor, and Aurora sat her up against a dresser. She hated feeding off the ground, it made her feel like an animal. Which she was not.
Ayame had decided to follow Adrian to house that she and Ulrik pass everyday. She watched the house from a ditch a few feet from the house, "Should I tell Ulrik? But if they've been in that house for a while and haven't heard of large scale killings.. Maybe they're just hiding out?" Ayame rolled onto her back and stared at the starry sky. She sighed deeply, "What should I do?" She asked herself.
Adrian stood back as both the blood suckers sneaked out from the shadows, Alex the only one who waited. Running a hand through his hair, he muttered "didn't you hear? I've done this before." He watched as both ate, Akon finally slipping away and sitting against a dimly lit wall.
Aurora, fast to finish, licked her lips. "I don't know..." She walked past Adrian, running her fingers lightly under his chin, "I think men taste better." She remembered her belt was on the floor, and bent over to pick up, then put it back on. Walking by a front window, she pulled the curtains closed further, getting rid of a small gap between them.
"Gee, sorry I didn't get a guy to make out with me, all for your satisfaction." He joked, and went over, watching the routine as Alex finished the last drop and a ravenous Akon raced over, tearing the girl to shreds. "I would pay a pretty amount to see that." Smirked Alex and Adrian hit him rougly in the shoulder.
"I would pay a lot to see that," Aurora agreed. She scuffed her foot over the floor, "I'm getting kind of tired of sleeping on the dirty floor. In the cold." She rubbed her hands together, acutely aware of how cold her hands and bare legs were.
Akon finished in amazing speed, and looked up, quietly chuckling at the jokes placed on Adrian. He looked over at Aurora, his eyes filled with sympathy. "Yeah..but, what about those two guardians? There's probably a lot more." "It is too dangerous to go into an apartment, now, since they know of us." Adrian agreed. "There isn't much options."
Aurora now rubbed her arms with her hands, wishing she'd stolen a jacket. "Then we should at least get some blankets or something as soon as we can. It's only going to get colder from here on." She was shivering a bit, "And sleeping in opposite corners of the house isn't much in our favor. Body heat and safety wise."
A thought occured to Ayame as she was loading her sidearm just in case. She put it back in her pants and ran back to her house. She grabbed the bowls of blood and quietly set them infront of the houses door.
Akon for once didn't disagree. Hell, he already cuddled up with her, and all it was was cuddling, so why not? Surprisingly enough, Adrian objected. "I'm fine. I don't get cold easily." He was probably still thinking about just earlier, when Aurora was on his lap, and he almost forgot his brothers because of her. Alex immediately stood up, smelling something. "What...is-is someone bleeding outside?"
"You may be fine, but you're also being selfish. The rest of us have been freezing our asses off." She said to Adrian. When Alex spoke of blood she smelled it too. She walked toward a window with the glass broken, smelling the air. "It doesn't smell fresh....It's probably a rotting animal or..." She turned back to look at all of them, "We literally just spoke of guardians. They've got bear traps set up for us everywhere, so this might be one. If..."Aurora had to pause for a moment, because the smell was making her mouth water, "If its still around in the morning we can go investigate."
Alex had to clench two hands over his mouth to try not run out and attack anything out there. "This is torture!" He almost screamed, though his palms muffled it. Adrian looked as his brother curled up a bit, knowing as soon as he smelt blood, he was like Akon after not eating in a few hours. "Calm down. Just cover your nose." He said flatly, still not approving of the thought of being very close to Aurora. Alex followed directions, though it didn't seem to work very well.
Ayame watched from the nearby ditch, the whiskey started to catch up with her and she yawned. She folded her arms and layed them on the ground and rested her head on her arms. She watched curiously to see what would happen, if they would just tear into the bowls like animals or not. Her experiment was not well thought out to say the least but she wanted to see what would happen.
"It's not any easier for me than it is for you. But you just have to get over your animal instincts." Aurora said to Alex, her nose twitching like a rabbit's. She laid down, with her hands behind her head. "Just try to distract yourself. Think of other things." From where she was she could see the stars through a hole in the roof. She was still shivering, but worse due to the smell of blood on the air.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He muttered, repeating it over and over. Alex was obviously struggling, so Akon went over to try to calm him down, and hold him back if needed. Adrian laid down on the ground with his arms behind his head, though also ready to help if Alex went bizurk.
Aurora clenched her fists and relaxed them over and over, her brain hazed over with the thought of red blood. She breathed through her mouth as well. She was much better at not verbalizing her struggle than Alex. She also was aware she was much better at problem solving than him. "Alex come here. Lay down next to me."
"I can't...I can't, if I move..If I move I'm going to go outside, I'm going to go outside..." Alex started to stand, but thankfully not with his full strength, so Akon was able to push him back down. "I-I want blood. It smells so good..." "I know, but Alex, it may be a trap." Akon said, still keeping his brother down.
Aurora got up and stood by Akon, "Okay then Alex, let's talk about something." Convocation was the key to distraction. She hopped he would either exhaust himself quickly, or get enough control over himself to try and sleep. "What's something else...that you find desirable." She said the word desirable she said it slowly, with lavish. As it left her lips she found her hand low on Akon's back.
Ayame waited, and waited, and waited, and waited some more. Her eyes started to droop lower and lower with each passing second. She remembered she had writted and attatched a neatly folded messege to one of the bowls. She eventually fell asleep outside in the dirt.