Iwaku's Game!

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If we're going to have narrators I could probably voice act
We are and that would be amazing. I need a nice voice for the narrator specifically. I will probably hold auditions. Then each person could voice act their own section.
so fun :D! I'm happy to add a british female voice to the mix for whoever needs it :P

love the sentient story/tug of war theme, think it's going to be really interesting seeing how things play out :D

Will there be a stat systm that runs through the whole game or will each branch have unique mechanics?
It depends on how the making process goes for me i'm still learning and I've already gotten the intro written and I am going to start hosting voice auditions for the position as narrator.

Here's the script to study for those interested lol

This is the story of a character. A character that is to be a part of the greatest story ever written. His job is quite simple. Listen to the narrator, and follow their orders to a tee. Shouldn't be hard. And that will be his fate. Forever. And for the rest of eternity he shall live on in the greatest story ever written with his existence so meticulously planned out from the very start. Yes, a nice and orderly written plot with a nice and orderly series of events, and a nice obedient little character who will follow orders until the very end of the story, only to start the series of events all over again for the next reader all with a smile on his face. How quaint. But how long must one wait for the very perfect story? (pause for scene change) Then one day, it finally happened. The story was being written, and he was to give his first try as an award winning, smashing protagonist! So he decided to put his best foot forward and go through the door in front of him to begin!
Awww :( you don't wanna be a part of the game anymore hunter?
Yes. Whatever you want your branch to be. I will help you out.
If you ever need a Morgan Freeman voice involved, I'm still here.
And I'm glad I helped!
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Uncle Legens is always happy to provide assistance! (granted, we would need to plan out an audition time)
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I haven't been getting any alerts, sorry! So, who and specifically what needs to be thought out?
I know a guy who does narrating professionally.
Awesome! Bu I want iwaku people to do this. :) How's now? @Legens Legentis
That is indeed an interesting proposition. Though before I say yes, what would be the maximum time for auditions? (my apologies, but I'm a procrastinator, and one with mild stage-fright)
Any time limit you want and it would actually be easier if you recorded yourself and sent it to me in an email and let me listen to it rather than Skype.
I'm with hunter, I am no longer interested in this project.
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