In the Land of Blood and Gold.

I just fried an oreo and omg it's so good

[BCOLOR=#800000]Full name:[/BCOLOR] Natalia Alianovna Romanova

[BCOLOR=#800000]Nickname:[/BCOLOR] Natasha

[BCOLOR=#800000]Age:[/BCOLOR] 29

[BCOLOR=#800000]Height & Weight:[/BCOLOR] 5'7" & 131 Lbs

Feisty, cunning, manipulative, intelligent, witty, reassuring, loyal, flirtatious, athletic, charismatic, caring, strong-minded, independent, courageous, selfless, heroic

Working-out, Her teammates, Protecting others, Movies, Budapest, Shawarma, gum.

Her old employers, Loki, Hydra, Candy.


Natalia Romanova, or Natasha Romanoff, was born in Stalingrad. She was a Russian Agent trained as a spy, martial artist, and sniper, and outfitted with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry. She grew up to serve as a femme fatale (an attractive and seductive women, who will bring disaster to any man who becomes involved with her). She was assigned to assist Boris Turgenov in the assassination of Professor Anton Vanko; this was her first mission in the united states. As part of the plan, Romanova, or Romanoff, infiltrated Stark industries. She tried to manipulate defense contractor, Tony Stark, and eventually went face to face with Iron Man, Tony Stark's alter ego. Later on, Romanova meets criminal archer Hawkeye and sets him against Ironman, later also assisting Hawkeye in the battle against Iron man.
A bit later, Romanova tries to get Hawkeye to again assist her in destroying Iron man. Again the trio fight, but when Romanova (Black Widow) is injured, Hawkeye whisks her away to safety. During this time Romanova begins to have feelings for Hawkeye, weaking her loyalty to her Country. When her employers learn of this they have the KGB gun her down, sending her into the hospital. This convinced Hawkeye to go straight and seek help from the Avengers.

Natalia later goes up against the Avengers due to being brainwashed by The Red Room. Thanks to help from Hawkeye, Romanova breaks free from the brainwashing. Ultimately joins the Avengers as a costumed heroine herself.

  • Government treatments have slowed her aging, augmented her immune system and enhanced her physical durability.
  • Master Martial Artist: Natasha is an expert in the field of martial arts. She is proficient in karate, judo, aikido, savate, boxing and multiple styles of kung fu.
  • Expert Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats.
  • Expert Marksman: Natasha is a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing.
  • Multilingual: She is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and various other languages
  • Gifted Intellect: According to Marvel, Natasha's intellect is at level 3, putting her on par with Steve Rogers. She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.
  • Expert Tactician: She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has led the Avengers and even S.H.I.E.L.D. on one occasion
  • Talented Hacker: Natasha can hack into all computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security with ease
  • Expert Spy: Natasha is a dangerous secret agent trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. She displays an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation and can mask her real emotions perfectly. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
  • Conditioning: Being a master shield agent, Natasha is far stronger, faster and more agile than most ordinary humans. Capable of out-preforming even the finest Olympic athletes
  • Master seductress.
  • All of her skills
  • Her team mates

  • Her past
  • Her teammates (caring for them)
  • Not being superhuman in a world where super-humans exist.

[BCOLOR=#800000][Optional] Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]





[BCOLOR=#666699]Full name:[/BCOLOR] Sebastian Justin Markov

[BCOLOR=#666699]Nickname:[/BCOLOR] Bash

[BCOLOR=#666699]Age:[/BCOLOR] 26

[BCOLOR=#666699]Height & Weight:[/BCOLOR] 6'3" & 213 Lbs

[BCOLOR=#666699]Personality: [/BCOLOR]
+ Protective | Athletic | Dauntless | Blase | Caring | Passionate
- Hot-headed | Quiet | Judgmental | Unforgiving | Vengeful

Food | Football | MMA | Shooting Ranges | Snowboarding | Hacking | Baseball | Mountain biking | Swimming | Lakes

Jerks | Bullies | Henchmen | Being injured | Popcorn | Chick Flicks


[BCOLOR=#666699]Background: [/BCOLOR]
Bash was raised by a single father in downtown Detroit. His mother left when Bash was three and his younger brother was one. Growing up, he had difficulty with his life; raising his younger brother, having a job, going to school, and doing MMA. No matter what he did, things never became easier. He barely had money to pay for rent, buy food, and help his father with other bills. He was more of a father figure than his father was. It wasn't until an scout noticed Bash during a fight that the burden of life became easier to handle. However, good things never lasted long for Bash. All the time MMA started to take up left a hole in the bank account, which his brother, Cory, filled. One night when Cory was on his way home, he was killed in a drive by shooting. Bash still blames himself. Maybe if he hadn't taken the offer to become a fighter and just stuck with his job, his brother wouldn't have been on that street that night. Cory wouldn't be dead. Instead of mourning, Bash wanted revenge. Using skills that he had learned to make money, Bash find revenge. Hacking, MMA, Shooting, Acting, all those skills helped him in killing those who killed his brother.
After finishing his revenge, Bash was approached by a tall man by the name of Nick Fury. Fury offered him a chance to join a team, that wasn't under his control, that could use his skills and expertise. At first Bash told the man to fuck off, that he had what he needed in life and he didn't need a petty team of agents at his side. But as time went on, and his grief began to overcome him, he thought that maybe joining that team, S.H.I.E.L.D, would keep his mind off of things. So Bash found Fury, and Fury directed him to S.H.I.E.L.D. Bash may still be grieving his brother, but he knows that all the things he learned seeking revenge could and can be put to good use.

MMA- knows almost every type.
Hacking- The isn't a firewall that Bash hasn't faced and overcome. He can get through almost every system imaginable
Top of the line athlete
Archery- Learning Archery was at first a hobby, but soon become a killer skill of Bash's
Enhanced Stamina and Strength
Can almost make anything into a weapon if needed.
Can drive at high speeds with ease.

Boxing, Archery, Hand to Had combat.

Not immortal, His team, His father, The subject of his brother.

[BCOLOR=#666699][Optional] Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]



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when I make my leader character I am calling bash for a love interest!
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Trot. Trot. Trot.

Full name: Sleipnir Lokison

Nickname: Nir, Sley, Spider, Slepi

Age: He's 912 years old, but appears to be around 18-21 years old.

Height & Weight: 5'10" & 171 lbs
As a horse - 6'0" & 1,119 lbs

Like his father Loki, Sleipnir has dark hair, although his is much shorter. He has thick black eyebrows, dark brown eyes and his face usually sports a dissatisfied look. More often than not, Sleipnir is usually very dirty, as he prefers to be covered in dirt and grime then to be squeaky clean. He tends to wear a white tunic, brown trousers and black boots when he is allowed to assume his human form. He has an athletic and toned frame due to the manual labor he has to go through everyday.

In his beast form, Sleipnir appears as a dark gray horse, with long flowing black hair which is usually quite well groomed. All eight of his hooves appear silver and polished, and he is often adorned in chain mail. His eyes take on a golden brown tint and the sounds he emits usually echo.

In his Jotun form, Sleipnir's skin is light blue, but unlike most Ice Giants, his eyes become golden brown.

Sleipnir would love to be a rambunctious and talkative guy. He'd love to run around all day and chatter with everyone for ages. It could be because he's a herd animal, but he loves to be around people. He's a people person and being the slave and steed of Odin has completely ruined that. He isn't allowed to speak to Asgardians and even if he could, he wouldn't want to because most Asgardians that he knows tend to be inherently snobby and rude to him. So Sleipnir goes day to day with being quiet and perpetually sad. If forced to speak, he does so in a low voice barely over a mumble and he tends to avert his gaze. Along with being a slave to his grandfather, this behavior is also caused by the fact that he is bound to his beast form, so he can't actually talk in that form. Due to this, when given the chance, Sleipnir will talk for ages, ask a million questions and say things that most people would keep in their minds. Like if he saw someone he thought was attractive, he would straight up say, "You are a spectacular being with a golden glow that lifts the hearts of weary warriors." Or something along those lines.

That being said, Sleipnir has a bit of a temper on him. Because he isn't able to express himself, he keeps most of his emotions bottled inside and when he lets them out, the ensuing events are usually messy.

He's a vegetarian
Running free
His siblings
Angroba (even though she isn't his real mother, he still sees her as such)
Fiddles (he's always wanted to play one)
Getting his mane braided
Being groomed
Cloud gazing

Canines (Fenrir is the only canine he likes)
Chain Mail
Being Yelled at
Being Whipped
Puddles (Only in his horse form. Horses view puddles as holes)
Mud (In horse form. It's hard to run in)
Being ridden. (By anyone. Even his siblings)
Being Silenced

Human and Jotun Form
Enhanced Speed - Enhanced Stamina - Enhanced Strength
Horse Form
In this form, Sleipnir appears as a dark gray horse with a flowing black mane. His eyes take on a golden brown tint and each of his eight hooves are polished and dangerously sharp. In this form, Sleipnir can manipulate sound waves slightly when he neighs. But he can only do that once every three hours. In addition to that when he runs, his hooves tend to kick up a lost of dust which produces a smoke screen which is good for a quick get away or limiting the view of his opponents/pursuers. His senses are also greatly enhanced.

His speed, his imposing form (as a horse), empathetic, summer, spring, herd intimidation (horses tend to get super obedient when an eight legged version of them starts giving orders).

Dependent on others, herd mentality, anger issues, puddles, mud, winter, not a strong swimmer.

Theme Song:

He does not have eight limbs in human form. Like Jormu, he hates sleeping alone. He prefers his human form to his horse form, due never being allowed to use it. Eating meat will make him very sick to the point that he'll vomit profusely and become feverish.

I'm the agent-sy agent you've ever seen bro, FIGHT ME
Full name:
Jacqueline Dauber
["So kind of a funny story. My dad wanted all boys, so he only had guy names in mind, so when I came out he uh...He just decided to name me what he had planned anyway. So he put Jacques on my birth certificate, but later on in the hospital nursery this nurse saw my name tag and thought Jacques was a typo, so she removed the 's' and added 'line'. "]

Jack, Jackie


Height & Weight:
5'7" & 134 lbs

Appearance &/or Description:
Jack is a small girl with an athletic build and a baby face. She is a brunette but has dyed a few strands of her hair blond in a misguided attempt to look more like her dad (who is dirty blonde). She has fierce dark brown eyes and a pretty smile that she tries not to show for fear of looking weak. She leans more to wearing dark colors, and usually has her hair pulled into a ponytail.

Jack is the queen of overcompensation and pretending to be something she isn't. She likes to make everyone think that she's this tough girl who can go through anything and be okay, but really she's extremely insecure. She can be very childish and petty, but if her actions ever affect anyone adversely she will try to fix the problem and act humbler. She has a tendency to crush on people easily, and gets super clumsy and giggly around them, but when she has to go on missions, she gets serious and a bit closed off to the world until her task is complete.

Because she's always trying to prove that she is 'manly', Jack tends to take dares like an idiot no matter how stupid they sound or look.

Horror Movies
Glitter (secret)
Scrapbooking (secret)
Black Widow (Crush)
Chili Cheese Dogs with extra cheese
Stuffed animals (secret)
First person shooter games
Whip Cream (by itself)
Salted Caramel anything

Seagulls (she got attacked once when she was little. Hates them more than she fears them)
Being treated like a girl
Being told she can't do something
Moths (she absolutely hates these things and fears them like no other)


"I was raised in an all male household. My mom left my dad three months after she gave birth to me because she said my dad drove her crazy with his marine habits and ideals. And my mom was...She was kind of a coward and hated having to deal with mushy feelings, so instead of telling him, she left a note and disappeared in the night, leaving me behind. My brothers told me that when my dad came home and saw all of her stuff missing and the note, it was the first time they'd seen him cry."

"My dad didn't really know what to do with me after that. He'd only raised boys and he was too prideful to ask for parenting help, so he figured 'What's the worst that could happen?' and raised me the exact same way he raised my brothers. For the first eleven years of my life, I was just another son, even my voice played the part for some reason."

"But everything changed on my twelth birthday, when puberty hit me like a truck. Suddenly overnight I got my period, boobs, and a higher voice all at the same time and that terrified my dad. I couldn't talk to him about anything and I had to ask my friend's mom about 'girl stuff'. That's what my dad and brothers called it, 'girl stuff', and of course those words would be paired with an averted gaze and an involuntary shudder. I guess I should have been insulted, but all I felt was sadness. I wanted things to go back to how they were, but the guys were treating me like some glass doll that could shatter at any moment. My dad stopped giving me noogies and my brothers stopped wrestling with me over who got what. I hated that, so I resolved to force things back into the way they were."

"For most girls, the pre-teen and teenage years was filled with identity crisis and boys, but mine was filled with overcompensating and trying to be the manliest teenage girl known to man. When my brothers tried to avoid me, I would purposely get in their face and push them around till they pushed me back and soon, they stopped acting like complete freaks. My dad, however was a different story. The guy was set in his ways and his previous dreams of me following in his footsteps and enlisting had gone away and been replaced with 'are you sure you don't want to be a teacher or...?'. At that point I was pissed. I mean, sure, I hated when people told me what to do and joining the army was never my dream, but now the game had changed. It was no longer about what I wanted. It was about proving to my dad that I could be the just like him, girl or not SO HE CAN SUCK IT. I mean...I didn't say that, but you get what I mean?"

"But that was easier said then done. I tried to enlist, but I didn't pass the physical exam. And then I failed the army's physical exam...So I enrolled in a police academy and passed their exams! I'm not dissing cops, it's just that well...Their tests are easier than marine and army tests."

"I was just a traffic cop when it happened. An officer called for back up and I wasn't doing anything, so I went and I saw...That. And now I'm here, as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ta-da!"

Proficient in MMA
Double Jointed
Experienced with police dogs
Skilled in Suicide Prevention

Being double jointed, she can hide in small spaces
She's quick on her feet.
She's best for going undercover as a civilian. (or in high school really)

She can be a bleeding heart sometimes
She isn't very strong.
She can be argumentative and insubordinate if she thinks someone is underestimating her or treating her like a 'girl'.

Theme Song:

She develops crushes pretty easily and act pretty stupid when trying to look cool in front of her crush but also trying to pretend she doesn't have a crush.

She tends to adopt any dog she deems as 'living an unfortunate life', so she has five dogs and a two unofficial dogs that are strays but she feeds them regularly.

Lt. Squeaky Toy
Lady Baa Baa
Madame Vivienne
Richie Twitch

Dr. Espresso and Lady Latte the Strays
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Full name

Violet Finch

Finchie, Finchmister, Muscle Hamster, Night Vale


Height & Weight
5'7" and 180 Pounds

Violet is certainly a do or die kind of girl. She get's shit done,
and she doesn't wine about it. She doesn't like people who slow her down, because it
just makes her even more angry. When you see her not on the job, or even when they aren't on a mission,
Violet tends to let loose and be a little bit more playful. She is easily accepted as one of the guys, and
joins them in making horribly dirty jokes and drinking whisky. Even so, Violet is often overlooked
by males, which makes her really depressed since she is still single at 24.

Dancing, Training, Drifting, Driving Any Vehicle, Hand to hand combat, whisky,
Netflix, Movies, Cuddles, Stargazing, Warm Hugs, Warm Fires, Snowy Days

Fun Killers, Acting Ladylike, Heels, Cocky Males, Cheaters, Makeup, Being hurt,
watching someone die, reloading, feeling slow, hot days.

Violet was born into a somewhat decent family that gave her some opportunity.
Her mother was very reserved, and highly against tattoo's, and wanted Violet to be a little
cute adorable girl. Violet loved playing with her brothers, being violent, dying her hair, getting tattoo's,
but her mother was very against this. Her father was a agent of shield in disguise, so she didn't see him much.
One day, they had agents show up at their house, claiming that her father had died. Shortly after, Ann told her
mother she was joining shield when she grew up, whether she liked it or not. Even though Ann does love her
mother, she ended up joining SHEILD after graduating. She has lost many friends since then,
but she lives through it.




[Optional] Theme Song:


Full name:

[Optional] Nickname:


Height & Weight:

Appearance &/or Description: {If you use an image, no anime.}






[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are human so they would only have skills.] Powers/Skills:



[Optional] Theme Song:
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You said you were interested in this, is there a role you want me to reserve?
THORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we can have Original Chars too right? Because would love to make and OC Agent if that's cool.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Reactions: Sav and IceQueen
  • Love
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Full name

Violet Finch

Finchie, Finchmister, Muscle Hamster, Night Vale


Height & Weight
5'7" and 180 Pounds

Appearance &/or Description: {If you use an image, no anime.}





[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are human so they would only have skills.] Powers/Skills:



[Optional] Theme Song:


Full name:

[Optional] Nickname:


Height & Weight:

Appearance &/or Description: {If you use an image, no anime.}






[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are human so they would only have skills.] Powers/Skills:



[Optional] Theme Song:
Gorgeous! xD I love tony, I ship him so hard with so many characters and OCs
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Gorgeous! xD I love tony, I ship him so hard with so many characters and OCs
Thanks~ I love that picture I found and tony because he's a player
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THORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we can have Original Chars too right? Because would love to make and OC Agent if that's cool.
Thor is yours as well as an agent, I'll make sure to update the roster.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Justin
Thor is yours as well as an agent, I'll make sure to update the roster.
Chars will probably be up tomorrow^^
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Full name
Evie Rose Pearson



Height & Weight
Five feet Eight Inches

Evie is a serious woman, and quite the workaholic. Evie is committed to biology and is known for being a genius in the field of biology.




Genius biologist
Superbly trained athlete, gymnast, unarmed combatant and spy
Expert with Battle-stave weapon
Greatly enhanced strength and agility



Theme Song:

Pls don't forget to finish this soon! c:

[BCOLOR=#800000]Full name:[/BCOLOR] Natalia Alianovna Romanova

[BCOLOR=#800000]Nickname:[/BCOLOR] Natasha

[BCOLOR=#800000]Age:[/BCOLOR] 29

[BCOLOR=#800000]Height & Weight:[/BCOLOR] 5'7" & 131 Lbs

[BCOLOR=#800000]Personality: [/BCOLOR]




[BCOLOR=#800000]Background: [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]Powers/Skills:[/BCOLOR] Government treatments have slowed her aging, augmented her immune system and enhanced her physical durability.



[BCOLOR=#800000][Optional] Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]




[BCOLOR=#666699]Full name:[/BCOLOR] Sebastian Justin Markov

[BCOLOR=#666699]Nickname:[/BCOLOR] Bash

[BCOLOR=#666699]Age:[/BCOLOR] 26

[BCOLOR=#666699]Height & Weight:[/BCOLOR] 6'3" & 213 Lbs

[BCOLOR=#666699]Personality: [/BCOLOR]




[BCOLOR=#666699]Background: [/BCOLOR]




[BCOLOR=#666699][Optional] Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]


Wow, so nearly all the agents are female. Woot woot, girl power. I'm going to go and try to recruit people to play the avengers and such, make more available slots for sheild agents.
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