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Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Horatio looked hurt. "This better not be another mutiny, friend."

Brennan considered this. "Hmm. A possibility, but I will stick to my vote for now."

@The Silver Paladin

Aaron nodded. "This isn't Mutiny. You're my captain, and a friend. I will always think of you that way, and think of the Overseer as some angry evil God. There's also the fact that Umeko was killed in the dark. Meaning, it could have been anyone, not just the person nearest." Aaron shrugged again. "I enjoyed serving under you, sir."
Aaron nodded. "This isn't Mutiny. You're my captain, and a friend. I will always think of you that way, and think of the Overseer as some angry evil God. There's also the fact that Umeko was killed in the dark. Meaning, it could have been anyone, not just the person nearest." Aaron shrugged again. "I enjoyed serving under you, sir."


"Your reasoning doesn't quite account for Horatio's positioning or the fact he was hit over the head." Brennan crosses his arms, thinking on this. "Hmm..."

"I... really don't remember much of what happened in that room" Horatio said slowly. "My guard was down. Shameful."

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles

"Your reasoning doesn't quite account for Horatio's positioning or the fact he was hit over the head." Brennan crosses his arms, thinking on this. "Hmm..."

"I... really don't remember much of what happened in that room" Horatio said slowly. "My guard was down. Shameful."

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles

Aaron nodded. "Right, but did anyone really check to see if he was unconscious? He also wanted the Players to finish the game, as opposed to you Brennan."
Aaron nodded. "Right, but did anyone really check to see if he was unconscious? He also wanted the Players to finish the game, as opposed to you Brennan."

"I suppose no one did, though he had to be carried through the door. Perhaps if he trusted the players to pull him through..."

"My deepest gratitude to whoever did pull me in," Horatio said, nodding.

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles
"I suppose no one did, though he had to be carried through the door. Perhaps if he trusted the players to pull him through..."

"My deepest gratitude to whoever did pull me in," Horatio said, nodding.

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles

Aaron nodded yet again. "Right. We wouldn't leave an unconscious person lying out alone with deadly shadows, so we brought you all in. Don't know why we brought the body in, though."
"I suppose no one did, though he had to be carried through the door. Perhaps if he trusted the players to pull him through..."

"My deepest gratitude to whoever did pull me in," Horatio said, nodding.

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles

Tom reasoned out a scenario. "If Horatio was the lone bad guy, why wouldn't he trust the others to pull him through?" Because he was the only one that couldn't be trusted. And he was fully aware of that fact.
Tom reasoned out a scenario. "If Horatio was the lone bad guy, why wouldn't he trust the others to pull him through?" Because he was the only one that couldn't be trusted. And he was fully aware of that fact.
'Despite how many times the cycle has reset, could the previous Overseer still retain memories of who we are, and how we work? Quantam Memories, knowing how the battle would end before it began?
@Wedge Antilles @york @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin
Y U K I . N > _


As Yuki stood before the little group, indifferent towards their presences in front of her, she did nothing. Part of her wished she had a book to read at a time like this, but, nevertheless, lacking a book was the least of her worries right about now. Something more worrisome was about to plague the little alien.

Because she was unlike an ordinary human and her mind worked differently than the minds of others, the memories of Minori were starting to bother her again. They interfered with her actual memories, causing a short circuit to happen inside her head. The memories shocked her mind painfully, causing the little girl to involuntarily grab the sides of her head. She let out a small cry--which was unlike herself--and fell to her knees. The burn on her arm from earlier had been nothing compared to the pain she currently felt.

"Logan," Yuki said, calling Mal by the name she was more comfortable with. "Assist Teresa in returning home. Shortly, I will be able to assist no longer. My mental capacity was not meant to take on data manipulation, and without the access of my superiors, I cannot perform a correction program. Shortly, my organic form will not be sustainable."

Yuki grunted again, gripping her head harder.

"Should my superiors search for me, tell them I have failed in my mission. Tell them they must find a replacement unit to fill my position. And there is... also a young man..." She paused, her eyes lighting up for a brief moment. Kyon. He was one of the few humans she happened to be fond of.

"...a... friend... if he ever asks about me, tell him never to fear and to always protect Haruhi Suzumiya. Tell him to never forget... Sleeping... Beauty-- AGH!"

Yuki let out another cry of pain, slumping further to the ground. Her words from before were likely ones not understood by anyone, but it still made the little alien feel better to speak them--even if she showed no emotion on her face.

Remembering one last thing, Yuki reached into her pocket, pulling out a little bunny shaped stress ball she still had for some reason, a memento from when she had been Minori.

"For Teresa," she said, extending it to Mal.

Her body then flopped to the floor.

She didn't go unconscious at first, but instead fell into a delightful daydream.

She was back home.

Yuki sat in the club room at her actual school, turning pages of a book as she read on a warm spring afternoon. She sat next to the window, peering out of it to see her friends together. Happy. Having fun outside with one of their club leader's silly games. Itsuki, Mikuru, Kyon, and Haruhi. They were content, so Yuki was content.

She felt warm inside...

...until she closed her eyes.

The dream then faded...

...and suddenly she was cold.

Like snow.


@BarrenThin @Whoever is witnessing. XD​
Continued from here.

"The Diver's Light"


"While I don't think this reasoning is sound, something did occur to me..." Brennan looked to Deanna. "After Umeko was killed, you yelled that someone had passed by you... everyone at the time thought you meant a shadow, but if we were to assume Horatio had gotten up during the black out..." He smiled. "Well, he would have had to pass by you. He probably brushed right by you, not realizing how close you were in the dark."
"The players have arrived. I was getting tired of waiting."

Turning to face you is Damien and Thomas, both sporting wounds across their body. Damien wears a particularly nasty cut across his face.

Deanna stands off to the side looking beyond angry. Horatio lays behind her, hopefully unconscious.


"Oh my god!" Deanna cried. "I felt someone move past me!"

It seemed that during the darkness, someone had slit Umeko's throat.

Horatio looked absolutely incensed. "Excuse me, are you off your rocker you traitor?! I was sound asleep, knocked in the head by the ruffians charging through the arch way! Deanna certainly said that at the time as a cover!"

"Interesting idea, but why would Deanna say this at all? I don't see how screaming that someone passed you by is really a cover."

"I wasn't fucking lying!" Deanna snapped. "Something totally brushed by me. I still have goosebumps!"

Brennan shrugged. "Even if this did cover her in some manner-- she thought you were fast asleep. Trying to place blame on you really makes no sense in that moment. I am changing my vote to Horatio, which I think means you're out of here."

The principal nodded. "It's time."

"Wait!" Horatio yelled, stepping forward. His foot slipped on his dropped flash light, and the boy went flying to the ground, landing next to Thomas' body.

The principal didn't seem to care. "You voted Simon to be the agent... as it turns out, this was correct. Strangely, he also was touched by the intruder. Perhaps he meant to disrupt the role. Doesn't matter now. As for the Overseer--"

"That's correct too." Damien didn't notice Horatio as the boy slid a knife into the back of his neck. The footballer gurgled, and Deanna let out a scream. As Damien dropped to the ground, Horatio pointed his knife at the principal. "And now I know this knife works here." He turned his head, eyeing Brennan as he aimed his gun. "Don't bother-- that gun doesn't work in here." Bailey couldn't move with her legs as they were, so Horatio managed to grab her. "On the battlefield, you adapt and change. Brennan wasn't the only snake in the grass."


"You bastard... I should have guessed this sooner. Aaron got me thinking how helpful you were during all of this. Just some boy no one ever took notice of. You used that."​
"Stop right there!" he demanded. Though students usually ignored him, Horatio's large frame allowed him to successfully block the door to the principal's office. "What do you think you're doing, kid?"

Brennan shook his head. "You were the first up after we were gassed. You always opted to guard the players that were soon to be killed, and of course you always found the dead bodies.​
Horatio, somehow one of the last to succumb to the gas, crawled across the floor in order to get to one of the doors. Grunting, soon he too was passed out on the ground.


"Everyone," cried Horatio. "Please wake up!" Having been the first to awake, the boy began awaking others, who were mostly groggy from the sleep. Eventually, one girl started screaming, which quickly awoke the rest of the group.
Horatio stood guard over [Takuro], gripping tightly on to his orange hall monitor sash. "You're wounded, soldier. I do not suggest moving from this spot."
"There's a--" [Horatio] cut himself off as he realized everyone was staring at him. He let out a sigh and gestured for a select few to follow him. "You need to see this."

He would lead everyone to the gym, where Takuro is missing. Though, probably even more alarming was the fact that Jacky Robertson is lying dead on the gymnasium floor.
Horatio came into the Atrium from the opened number 4 door. He looked perplexed as he held a video camera in his hands. It had blood on it. "I... found this," he muttered. "Just sitting in the hallway while I was patrolling. It's Kyle's camera... and he's gone missing, as well as Meira. I think the worst has happened. Evil is surely afoot."
"But the vote was made, Horatio. You lost."

Staring Brennan down, Horatio gripped Bailey harder. "Principal Commander," he said. "You will evacuate me from these trenches immediately, or face immediate execution by my hand. I don't care for your cycles or your insane ramblings. I sought to clean up my school hallways, and I will not have this stop me."

The principal chuckled. "Boy, you aren't the first Overseer to pull this, but you will be the last."

Horatio threw Bailey to the ground. "You will listen to me!" Horatio charged the principal. Brennan took a shot with his gun, but found it really couldn't fire any longer. It was unneeded, as Horatio passed right through the man like he was thin air.

"What is the meaning of this devilry?!" Horatio yelled. The principal came upon him and grabbed him by the neck.

"You and this cycle's agent have met an unfortunate end," said the principal as he choked the life out of Horatio. "As this will be the last, there will be no redemption for either of you."

He dropped Horatio's limp corpse to the ground. He turned and began walking toward Simon. "Despite your size, you can do nothing now, boy."

But then, a light shone down from above.


A diver descended from the ceiling, his light blinding the group. The principal recoiled in horror from the diver. "You...! You're the intruder!"

"How far you've fallen," said the diver.

And then it all went white.



Everyone in attendance to the final vote, as well as a few lucky others, now appeared in front of a cabin sitting on an island situated on a lake. The sun was shining. The diver stood nearby, waiting for you all to come to adjust to your surroundings.

"The cycle has ended, thankfully," said the diver. "I managed to put an end to it, and a select few of you managed to make sure it ended on your terms, not the Dark Presence's."

Brennan, Bailey, and Deanna were here. All three looked groggy. The diver looked down on them. "Unfortunately for you three, you seem resistant to your original's memories. Perhaps it was your role in this cycle that has made this occur..."

Brennan stood up slowly, looking rather sour. "Great. Life gets turned the fuck over and apparently I'm still behind all these players."

"How do you think I feel?" Bailey groaned. "I almost burned to death!"

Deanna sat quietly, looking almost in shock.

"... Everyone." The diver looked at everyone in turn now. "The memories you have gained will feel real to you. For most, it will feel like your true memories. In a way, they are, but they are not really your memories. You see, the Dark Place is not unlike a world of dreams, a place that takes ideas and creativity and forces it to take form. All of you are just that-- the idea of your original selves. You're not quite clones, but perhaps that is the most accurate way to put it."

"What does this mean?" Brennan asked, always the curious one. "For them, anyway. For us."

"This news may sound grim, but I am here to help you all. I've been battling the Dark Presence for a long time. Through my actions and yours, I can offer you all several choices."

"... First, your original selves are out there, somewhere, and I can bring you to them. You will cease to exist, I'm afraid, but wherever they are, they will eventually gain the memories of all of this-- your memories, both fake and the ones made within this cycle. Perhaps even the memories of previous cycles."

"... Second, I can get you out of the Dark Place, but I'm afraid you will forever be just an illusion of your original self. Were you two to ever meet... It would not be possible. You could make your own path somewhere out there in the vast existence. A unique path."

"... Third, I can offer you all a place at my side to fight the Dark Presence. You will not be able to leave, not for a very long time, anyway. I can not say I'm human any longer, having been in this place so long. I can't say this place won't change you either, but I work to eliminate this alien threat from the inside, and saving you has been a part of that. There is still much work to be done-- many others were lost in these cycles. The students you knew who are not here at this moment... I will continue to work to free them, if possible. You can as well, if you'd like."

"... And finally, I can understand if you don't like any of these choices. Perhaps you mistrust me. While it pains me to say this is an option, you may try living within the Dark Place on your own. You can never leave, not if you don't take my offer here, and without you at my side, I can not promise you won't likely be lost to the darkness."

The diver gestured a hand toward Simon. "I'm sorry, my friend, but due to the last cycle's outcome, the Dark Presence still lingers on you. You may take the final two options, as can the ones known as Bailey, Brennan, and Deanna in this last cycle. With me, you may some day be cleansed. Without me, you will likely succumb to the Dark Presence eventually."


"Is that all?" Brennan said. "I've fought my way here-- I'm hardly stopping now. If people don't want me here, that's their problem, I guess."

"Ah... great." Bailey sighed and stood to her feet. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you..."


"So, thanks. I still have no idea what's going on, but I think I could add warrior of light or whatever to my University application."

Deanna, however, didn't look too happy as she finally stood to her feet.


"Ridiculous. This man tells us we're fake yet sort of kind of not fake and we're supposed to be okay with that? Our whole lives were apparently fake-- as are we. We're nothing but illusions that aren't supposed to exist, right?" She turned on the diver, but he didn't respond. "He doesn't answer, because he knows I'm right. Bailey and Brennan might be fine with serving this fool, but I'd rather take my chances on my own. Those of you with the actual choice of leaving better be thankful."

With that, Deanna stalked off to the edge of the island, leaving the rest of you to your decisions and farewells.

@The Tactician as Kisho Taniyama [Computer Applications and Programming Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@TheColourlessRainbow as Bryan Stark [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@BarrenThin as Logan Wilson [Physical Education Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@TheBombMan as Umeko Moe [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Mirage as Kumiko Kurumi [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Hospes as Viviette Anya Stark [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@york as Avia Taniyama [Physical Education Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Minori Chihara [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Jason "Jay" Cortez Wilson [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Gummi Bunnies as James Lancaster [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Mighty Roman as Simon Black [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@DapperDogman as Kei Eba [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Jeremi as LuAnn Lewis [Home Economics Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@FireDrake150 as Scott Miller [Communications Technology Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Josh M as Annette De La Rose [Guidance Counselor] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Wedge Antilles as Tom Swanson [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Mari as Anna Collins [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Dinoteen as Thaneo Tesseract [Head Cafeteria Boss] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@The Silver Paladin as Aaron White [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Nassi as Anouk Cross [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Meira as Meira Franz [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@theryanjake11 as Takuro Kennedy [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Adrian Jacobs [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Proxymoron as Ilse Althaus Brandt [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Thuro Pendragon as Michelle Kile [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@TheBlueBurch as Yui [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Brother Gabriel as Jacky Robertson [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS

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Skaar looked up. 'Then I have no choice. Risk becoming The Agent again...or come with you, hoping I can one day be free. It's time for my redemption. 3rd Time Lucky I hope. The first, as The New Hulk, on the planet Earth. The second, in Midwich, as Simon Black. The third..wherever we go next. Could Simon Black have one last request.'Skaar looked down. Although Simon was dead, or never born, he still remembered him. The good and the bad.
'Could I say goodbye to Anna? Or whoever she really was?'
He had a third chance. But perhaps he was no longer Skaar: Son of Hulk, merely defined by his father. Perhaps he had become something, someone else.
Skaar looked up. 'Then I have no choice. Risk becoming The Agent again...or come with you, hoping I can one day be free. It's time for my redemption. 3rd Time Lucky I hope. The first, as The New Hulk, on the planet Earth. The second, in Midwich, as Simon Black. The third..wherever we go next. Could Simon Black have one last request.'Skaar looked down. Although Simon was dead, or never born, he still remembered him. The good and the bad.
'Could I say goodbye to Anna? Or whoever she really was?'
He had a third chance. But perhaps he was no longer Skaar: Son of Hulk, merely defined by his father. Perhaps he had become something, someone else.

"You can speak with her as long as you'd like," said the diver. "Until she chooses to leave or stay. I am thankful you're choosing to stay by my side. It is a good choice." The diver didn't necessarily say it was the correct choice, possibly not wanting to force anyone into anything.

@Mighty Roman
Skaar tried to find Anna in the crowd of survivors. He didn't really know what to say-but Simon probably would. Did she retain her memories too? Of the way they'd felt about each other, and the future that Simon had planned for them?. 'So...What now? Who were you really?'


Richard Groans, putting a hand to his head and rubbing it as if he had a Migrane. What happened? Who....Am I? Scott, I believe, but then, Who is this, King Richard I also seem to be? Asbel Lhant? Sophie? Hubert? he looks around, before walking up to Aaron. "do you by chance remember being someone different from who we were in there? I....I don't know if I believe it myself........" His hair, having been let down and his attire changesd to match the above minus the rapier, he looks at the two confusedly. "Is this some kind of a practical Joke? What kind of name is Hubert? Anyway, if what I remember is correct, My REAL Identity is King Richard of Windor, and I live in a castle in Barona. What do you remember?"

@The Silver Paladin
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Continued from here.

"The Diver's Light"


"While I don't think this reasoning is sound, something did occur to me..." Brennan looked to Deanna. "After Umeko was killed, you yelled that some had passed by you... everyone at the time thought you meant a shadow, but if we were to assume Horatio had gotten up during the black out..." He smiled. "Well, he would have had to pass by you. He probably brushed right by you, not realizing how close you were in the dark."

Horatio looked absolutely incensed. "Excuse me, are you off your rocker you traitor?! I was sound asleep, knocked in the head by the ruffians charging through the arch way! Deanna certainly said that at the time as a cover!"

"Interesting idea, but why would Deanna say this at all? I don't see how screaming that someone passed you by is really a cover."

"I wasn't fucking lying!" Deanna snapped. "Something totally brushed by me. I still have goosebumps!"

Brennan shrugged. "Even if this did cover her in some manner-- she thought you were fast asleep. Trying to place blame on you really makes no sense in that moment. I am changing my vote to Horatio, which I think means you're out of here."

The principal nodded. "It's time."

"Wait!" Horatio yelled, stepping forward. His foot slipped on his dropped flash light, and the boy went flying to the ground, landing next to Thomas' body.

The principal didn't seem to care. "You voted Simon to be the agent... as it turns out, this was correct. Strangely, he also was touched by the intruder. Perhaps he meant to disrupt the role. Doesn't matter now. As for the Overseer--"

"That's correct too." Damien didn't notice Horatio as the boy slid a knife into the back of his neck. The footballer gurgled, and Deanna let out a scream. As Damien dropped to the ground, Horatio pointed his knife at the principal. "And now I know this knife works here." He turned his head, eyeing Brennan as he aimed his gun. "Don't bother-- that gun doesn't work in here." Bailey couldn't move with her legs as they were, so Horatio managed to grab her. "On the battlefield, you adapt and change. Brennan wasn't the only snake in the grass."


"You bastard... I should have guessed this sooner. Aaron got me thinking how helpful you were during all of this. Just some boy no one ever took notice of. You used that."​

Brennan shook his head. "You were the first up after we were gassed. You always opted to guard the players that were soon to be killed, and of course you always found the dead bodies.​

"But the vote was made, Horatio. You lost."

Staring Brennan down, Horatio gripped Bailey harder. "Principal Commander," he said. "You will evacuate me from these trenches immediately, or face immediate execution by my hand. I don't care for your cycles or your insane ramblings. I sought to clean up my school hallways, and I will not have this stop me."

The principal chuckled. "Boy, you aren't the first Overseer to pull this, but you will be the last."

Horatio threw Bailey to the ground. "You will listen to me!" Horatio charged the principal. Brennan took a shot with his gun, but found it really couldn't fire any longer. It was unneeded, as Horatio passed right through the man like he was thin air.

"What is the meaning of this devilry?!" Horatio yelled. The principal came upon him and grabbed him by the neck.

"You and this cycle's agent have met an unfortunate end," said the principal as he choked the life out of Horatio. "As this will be the last, there will be no redemption for either of you."

He dropped Horatio's limp corpse to the ground. He turned and began walking toward Simon. "Despite your size, you can do nothing now, boy."

But then, a light shone down from above.


A diver descended from the ceiling, his light blinding the group. The principal recoiled in horror from the diver. "You...! You're the intruder!"

"How far you've fallen," said the diver.

And then it all went white.



Everyone in attendance to the final vote, as well as a few lucky others, now appeared in front of a cabin sitting on an island situated on a lake. The sun was shining. The diver stood nearby, waiting for you all to come to adjust to your surroundings.

"The cycle has ended, thankfully," said the diver. "I managed to put an end to it, and a select few of you managed to make sure it ended on your terms, not the Dark Presence's."

Brennan, Bailey, and Deanna were here. All three looked groggy. The diver looked down on them. "Unfortunately for you three, you seem resistant to your original's memories. Perhaps it was your role in this cycle that has made this occur..."

Brennan stood up slowly, looking rather sour. "Great. Life gets turned the fuck over and apparently I'm still behind all these players."

"How do you think I feel?" Bailey groaned. "I almost burned to death!"

Deanna sat quietly, looking almost in shock.

"... Everyone." The diver looked at everyone in turn now. "The memories you have gained will feel real to you. For most, it will feel like your true memories. In a way, they are, but they are not really your memories. You see, the Dark Place is not unlike a world of dreams, a place that takes ideas and creativity and forces it to take form. All of you are just that-- the idea of your original selves. You're not quite clones, but perhaps that is the most accurate way to put it."

"What does this mean?" Brennan asked, always the curious one. "For them, anyway. For us."

"This news may sound grim, but I am here to help you all. I've been battling the Dark Presence for a long time. Through my actions and yours, I can offer you all several choices."

"... First, your original selves are out there, somewhere, and I can bring you to them. You will cease to exist, I'm afraid, but wherever they are, they will eventually gain the memories of all of this-- your memories, both fake and the ones made within this cycle. Perhaps even the memories of previous cycles."

"... Second, I can get you out of the Dark Place, but I'm afraid you will forever be just an illusion of your original self. Were you two to ever meet... It would not be possible. You could make your own path somewhere out there in the vast existence. A unique path."

"... Third, I can offer you all a place at my side to fight the Dark Presence. You will not be able to leave, not for a very long time, anyway. I can not say I'm human any longer, having been in this place so long. I can't say this place won't change you either, but I work to eliminate this alien threat from the inside, and saving you has been a part of that. There is still much work to be done-- many others were lost in these cycles. The students you knew who are not here at this moment... I will continue to work to free them, if possible. You can as well, if you'd like."

"... And finally, I can understand if you don't like any of these choices. Perhaps you mistrust me. While it pains me to say this is an option, you may try living within the Dark Place on your own. You can never leave, not if you don't take my offer here, and without you at my side, I can not promise you won't likely be lost to the darkness."

The diver gestured a hand toward Simon. "I'm sorry, my friend, but due to the last cycle's outcome, the Dark Presence still lingers on you. You may take the final two options, as can the ones known as Bailey, Brennan, and Deanna in this last cycle. With me, you may some day be cleansed. Without me, you will likely succumb to the Dark Presence eventually."


"Is that all?" Brennan said. "I've fought my way here-- I'm hardly stopping now. If people don't want me here, that's their problem, I guess."

"Ah... great." Bailey sighed and stood to her feet. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you..."


"So, thanks. I still have no idea what's going on, but I think I could add warrior of light or whatever to my University application."

Deanna, however, didn't look too happy as she finally stood to her feet.


"Ridiculous. This man tells us we're fake yet sort of kind of not fake and we're supposed to be okay with that? Our whole lives were apparently fake-- as are we. We're nothing but illusions that aren't supposed to exist, right?" She turned on the diver, but he didn't respond. "He doesn't answer, because he knows I'm right. Bailey and Brennan might be fine with serving this fool, but I'd rather take my chances on my own. Those of you with the actual choice of leaving better be thankful."

With that, Deanna stalked off to the edge of the island, leaving the rest of you to your decisions and farewells.

@The Tactician as Kisho Taniyama [Computer Applications and Programming Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@TheColourlessRainbow as Bryan Stark [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@BarrenThin as Logan Wilson [Physical Education Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@TheBombMan as Umeko Moe [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Mirage as Kumiko Kurumi [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Hospes as Viviette Anya Stark [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@york as Avia Taniyama [Physical Education Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Minori Chihara [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Jason "Jay" Cortez Wilson [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Gummi Bunnies as James Lancaster [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Mighty Roman as Simon Black [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@DapperDogman as Kei Eba [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Jeremi as LuAnn Lewis [Home Economics Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@FireDrake150 as Scott Miller [Communications Technology Teacher] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Josh M as Annette De La Rose [Guidance Counselor] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Wedge Antilles as Tom Swanson [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Mari as Anna Collins [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Dinoteen as Thaneo Tesseract [Head Cafeteria Boss] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@The Silver Paladin as Aaron White [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Nassi as Anouk Cross [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Meira as Meira Franz [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@theryanjake11 as Takuro Kennedy [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Adrian Jacobs [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Proxymoron as Ilse Althaus Brandt [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@Thuro Pendragon as Michelle Kile [Student] FOUND THE LIGHT
@TheBlueBurch as Yui [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS
@Brother Gabriel as Jacky Robertson [Student] LOST TO THE DARKNESS

For Spiral there was only one option that made sense.


"I have been the puppet long enough in my time and I wont be yours in a fight against an eldritch abomination." She replied to the diver.​

Smirking she'd add. "What is one more voice inside of my original self's head?"


For Spiral there was only one option that made sense.


"I have been the puppet long enough in my time and I wont be yours in a fight against an eldritch abomination." She replied to the diver.​

Smirking she'd add. "What is one more voice inside of my original self's head?"


"That is a good way to put it," the diver admitted. "If you would like to leave then, please make your way to the cabin and head inside. Your choice will be granted."

Skaar tried to find Anna in the crowd of survivors. He didn't really know what to say-but Simon probably would. Did she retain her memories too? Of the way they'd felt about each other, and the future that Simon had planned for them?. 'So...What now? Who were you really?'

Approached by the man from earlier, who was in the room below, the one she thought was Simon, Alice looked at him up close. His appearance was different, but the words, the way he talked, it was definitely him. Her Simon.

"As I was awakened to my true identity, as I think we all were, I'll tell you now. I'm Alice Cullen, and, I'm a vampire." She wasn't sure how he would take this information, her memories told her the reactions were widely varied from hatred to adoration. "Is there the Simon I knew and loved, somewhere in there?" It wasn't Alice but Anna who loved him, but she felt a strong push in her to find out. For the sake of the girl who lived an illusion of a life, she was real nevertheless.

@Mighty Roman
'He is. Perhaps...perhaps that's what I always wanted. To live an ordinary life. And fall in love with someone who didn't think that I was a monster....
She loved him. He never knew he was always unsure, never thinking that he was good enough.'

Skaar began to shrink down, turning into his human form. He was definitely recognisable as Simon, despite his torn Tuxedo.

'No matter what happens now, I'll always love you, Anna.'

'He is. Perhaps...perhaps that's what I always wanted. To live an ordinary life. And fall in love with someone who didn't think that I was a monster....
She loved him. He never knew he was always unsure, never thinking that he was good enough.'

Skaar began to shrink down, turning into his human form. He was definitely recognisable as Simon, despite his torn Tuxedo.

'No matter what happens now, I'll always love you, Anna.'

Anna was so torn before, when it was all but certain in the minds of all that Simon was the agent of the overseer, but, she saw a good man down there still. "Despite what your role was. Even if you did bad things, I have no doubt that it was for a very strong reason. And, the guy Anna... I fell for, is in front of me now."


"And know you are not alone, Simon. Anna, or my identity as Alice, is often seen as a monster as well. So, don't think I wouldn't love you. I always will."

And, she kissed him, tenderly, on his lips, while taking him in an embrace.

@Mighty Roman
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