Illusion Game II: School Daze

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@Everyone in the cafeteria

To the dismay of anyone seeking anything but food here, there seemed to be no clues.. Sorry!
Kisho huffed as there seemed to be no clues for them to discover, "It's because I hit that one kid with my laptop, isn't it? That's why we didn't find anything good, right? Listen, he deserved it and whoever is running this game knows it." Honestly, the lack of discovery made him restless, a feeling of hopeless seeping into him. He hated being out of control of his situation, and having gone for many years avoiding such a thing, the programmer certainly didn't care for his efforts to be for naught. It's almost like that stupid program on my computers, though considerably deadlier.
Aaron walked into the hall. He pulled out his phone. "Damn. No Signal." He muttered. He wanted to text his father to notify the police, FBI, and Interpol of his situation, but he couldn't. Whoever hand planned this had done so well. Using Signal Jammers, blocking the windows, and setting everything up. Aaron had to get Horatio's attention. He wondered if the head Hall Monitor would know where to find keys. "Alas, Poor Yorrick, I knew him, Horatio!" He shouted. Hoping to get Horatio's attention.

@Atomyk @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX
"What in the world are you talking about?" Horatio asked, moving in between students to stand before you. "Is someone you know... hurt? We must alert the combat medic!"

And by combat medic, he meant the nurse, obviously.

@The Silver Paladin
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"What in the world are you talking about?" Horatio asked, moving in between students to stand before you. "Is someone you know... hurt? We must alert the combat medic!"

And by combat medic, he meant the nurse, obviously.

@The Silver Paladin
Aaron looked down at the floor. "It's a line from Hamlet. When he picks up the skull. I was tryig to get your attention because I had a Question."
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Aaron looked down at the floor. "It's a line from Hamlet. When he picks up the skull. I was tryig to get your attention because I had a Question."
"Is that Mozart?" Horatio asked, adjusting his sash. He'd been trying to make order out of the mad rush to the cafeteria food, but Damien had knocked him around a little. "Anyway, what's your question?"

@The Silver Paladin
James wasn't surprised by how there wasn't much to see in the cafeteria's kitchen.

"Michelle, if you think that this is a good time, try to get your phone back. That confession of mine... it has more than just a confession of my bad deeds... I rather not think on how he would think of me with my...secrets..." James says, seeing that Michelle hasn't really done much in the few moments.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Is that Mozart?" Horatio asked, adjusting his sash. He'd been trying to make order out of the mad rush to the cafeteria food, but Damien had knocked him around a little. "Anyway, what's your question?"

@The Silver Paladin
Aaron looked at Horatio with a "srsly?" type look. "No, it's Shakespeare. Anyway, my question was, do you know where we can get access to Room Keys? We kind of need them." Aaron said. "If you don't or don't want to let us know, that's fine."
"What is wrong with you?!" yelled Jake as he tended to Takuro's body. The boy had fallen unconscious, and now was bleeding profusely. "You're an adult here, one of the few we have... act like one!" It seemed in everyone's mad rush to get to the cafeteria food, no one had noticed this strange little event.

@The Tactician
Logan tended to agree with Jake here, mostly. "Kisho, the boy was crazy. Sure, he was threatening people with a knife and shit, and screaming about 'not being defeated,' but maybe that was a little uncalled for." He jogged over to help Jake where he could, though he had no training of his own.

@The Tactician
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Aaron looked at Horatio with a "srsly?" type look. "No, it's Shakespeare. Anyway, my question was, do you know where we can get access to Room Keys? We kind of need them." Aaron said. "If you don't or don't want to let us know, that's fine."
"Never heard of him!" Horatio said, rolling his eyes. He didn't much appreciate you making him look dumb. "Room keys would be in the custodial office, or the administrative offices, but those all seem to be blocked off. You know... those numbers, I would imagine those would have something to do with moving on."

@The Silver Paladin
Logan tended to agree with Jake here. "Kisho, the boy was crazy. Sure, he was threatening people with a knife and shit, and screaming about 'not being defeated,' but maybe that was a little uncalled for." He jogged over to help Jake where he could, though he had no training of his own.

@The Tactician
"Thanks, we just need to move him into a place he can rest." Jake picked up the boy along with Logan. "I can bandage the wound. The cafeteria might be too crazy right now... maybe the gym?"

"Thanks, we just need to move him into a place he can rest." Jake picked up the boy along with Logan. "I can bandage the wound. The cafeteria might be too crazy right now... maybe the gym?"

Nodding, Logan helped Jake carry Takuro to the gym. That was kind of strange of Kisho. Sure, Kisho didn't really take crap from anyone, but Logan had never seen him act out like that. His concern was evident on his face. He wasn't entirely against what Kisho had done, though.

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"What is wrong with you?!" yelled Jake as he tended to Takuro's body. The boy had fallen unconscious, and now was bleeding profusely. "You're an adult here, one of the few we have... act like one!" It seemed in everyone's mad rush to get to the cafeteria food, no open had noticed this strange little event.

@The Tactician
Logan tended to agree with Jake here. "Kisho, the boy was crazy. Sure, he was threatening people with a knife and shit, and screaming about 'not being defeated,' but maybe that was a little uncalled for." He jogged over to help Jake where he could, though he had no training of his own.

@The Tactician

"Avia's better at that sort of thing. Besides, as Logan said, he was threatening students with a knife. Do you want a clearly demented individual running freely through the school," Kisho shrugged and returned to waiting for the individual who had trapped them to appear again or for another clue, "An ounce of prevention keeps our throats nice and uncut."
"Avia's better at that sort of thing. Besides, as Logan said, he was threatening students with a knife. Do you want a clearly demented individual running freely through the school," Kisho shrugged and returned to waiting for the individual who had trapped them to appear again or for another clue, "An ounce of prevention keeps our throats nice and uncut."
"No, we don't, but that doesn't mean the first thing we should do is give him a concussion. It's not like he'd acted on the threats. For all we know, he's just... challenged." This was accompanied by a very discreet nod of approval. He didn't totally disagree with the preventative action; he just didn't think openly endorsing it was smart.

@The Tactician
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"Oh lord..." LuAnn was looking over the food. "Is there anythin' here that's actual food and not just fertilizer?"

@Anyone in the cafeteria
"... Definitely." Meira simply nodded and stood up, following along. It seems like she's calmed down now. Well, that said she was still freaked out.

@Wedge Antilles

"Cool", Tom said, as Meira followed to the cafeteria. Once they got there, there was the usual number of things available, except that everything seems available. No servers to put specified things on a tray. "Help ourselves, I guess?". He got an apple and a bottle of orange juice.

The football team were feeling better after being given something to drink. They seemed intent on trying to break the doors down again, but Jake stepped in to stop them. "Please, everyone. You need to keep your strength up. We don't know if we'll have access to the cafeteria any time soon. Besides..." The nurse looked down at his bracelet. "... We don't have enough time left to try ramming it down again. All that really remains is to vote."

Brennan overheard this, and stepped forward. "That's right. Vote for yourselves if you have to, just vote and get this over with. Comply with the madman and maybe he'll give us some leeway! That's what you do when you are hostages!" He was directing this at the remaining players who had not voted.

@york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mirage @Emperor of Gallifrey @Mighty Roman @DapperDogman @FireDrake150 @Jeremi @Josh M @Dinoteen @Nassi @theryanjake11 @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Brother Gabriel @Thuro Pendragon @Gummi Bunnies
As Aaron opened the case, confetti burst out, causing Jake to jump. There's an audible click from one of the gymnasium doors.

"Atrium and Cafeteria unlocked," says the digital voice over the intercom. At the news, students practically ran over each other to get outside.


Everything inside the blue is available to you!

The students initially try to move through the three exits, but heavy metal sheeting has been installed to block them all off. The door to Classroom 110-3 has the number 6 painted on it, but it doesn't budge. The sheeting in the hallway to the left of this classroom displays a painted 4, but doesn't seem to budge either. All other doors and exits are completely blocked.

But hey, at least you have the cafeteria.

"Next Phase in 30 minutes," says the voice over the intercom.

"Hmph, it seemed whoever has us trapped here planned well in advance," Kisho noted as that stepped into the cafeteria. Probably enough food to last a few days or maybe two weeks, but plating on the wall to keep us locked in. It seems he wants us for the long-term. "Everyone, fan out and search for clues," he gave the command with a smirk as he began to search the cafeteria for anything they could use besides the food.

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @york @Atomyk @Hospes
Kisho huffed as there seemed to be no clues for them to discover, "It's because I hit that one kid with my laptop, isn't it? That's why we didn't find anything good, right? Listen, he deserved it and whoever is running this game knows it." Honestly, the lack of discovery made him restless, a feeling of hopeless seeping into him. He hated being out of control of his situation, and having gone for many years avoiding such a thing, the programmer certainly didn't care for his efforts to be for naught. It's almost like that stupid program on my computers, though considerably deadlier.
BONK!!!! The laptop struck Takuro's head, in a daze Takuro spoke. "I wanna wear the pink one mommy" before collapsing.
"What is wrong with you?!" yelled Jake as he tended to Takuro's body. The boy had fallen unconscious, and now was bleeding profusely. "You're an adult here, one of the few we have... act like one!" It seemed in everyone's mad rush to get to the cafeteria food, no open had noticed this strange little event.

@The Tactician
BONK!!!! The laptop struck Takuro's head, in a daze Takuro spoke. "I wanna wear the pink one mommy" before collapsing.
"What is wrong with you?!" yelled Jake as he tended to Takuro's body. The boy had fallen unconscious, and now was bleeding profusely. "You're an adult here, one of the few we have... act like one!" It seemed in everyone's mad rush to get to the cafeteria food, no open had noticed this strange little event.

@The Tactician
Logan tended to agree with Jake here. "Kisho, the boy was crazy. Sure, he was threatening people with a knife and shit, and screaming about 'not being defeated,' but maybe that was a little uncalled for." He jogged over to help Jake where he could, though he had no training of his own.

@The Tactician

Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Atomyk @BarrenThin @Aynone else

Avia had followed her husband, apparantly lost in thought for the moment... However, as they explored the cafeteria, it became increasingly obvious that Kisho was starting to lose hope. She looked towards that strange boy, rambling on about killing everyone and all that fun jazz. It wasn't certain if he normally did this, or if he had lost his mind from inhaling that strange sleeping gas, but, in either case, she hoped that state of mind would pass soon enough... Otherwise-... Before she could even start thinking of the possibilities, one was presented right in front of her when her husband, much to her surprise ended up throwing a laptop at him. Quickly noticing that the boy had lost consciousness and as bleeding caused a more worried look to form on her face, not that she held this against her husband or anything, but, she felt that maybe throwing a heavy object was a little out of line. As she attempted to help tend to the boy, she looked tiwards Kisho for a moment, an expression of uncertainty lingering on her face briefly before it was replaced by a more apologetic look. "Are you feeling alright dear?" She asked him, her expression soon becoming a more curious one; she couldn't remember the last time Kisho had acted liks this, though granted, he did tend to make rash decisions; both a good thing, and a bad thing at times...​
"Oh lord..." LuAnn was looking over the food. "Is there anythin' here that's actual food and not just fertilizer?"

@Anyone in the cafeteria
"Knowing this school," a quick glance over the food selection caused his nose to flare up and snarl, "Probably not. When was the last time we received new textbooks, much less mediocre food?"
"Never heard of him!" Horatio said, rolling his eyes. He didn't much appreciate you making him look dumb. "Room keys would be in the custodial office, or the administrative offices, but those all seem to be blocked off. You know... those numbers, I would imagine those would have something to do with moving on."

@The Silver Paladin
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. They have something to do with this. I'll talk to Logan about it." Aaron said. "Also, have you ever seen this picture?" He pulled the image out of his pocket, and showed it to horatio."

Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Atomyk @BarrenThin @Aynone else

Avia had followed her husband, apparantly lost in thought for the moment... However, as they explored the cafeteria, it became increasingly obvious that Kisho was starting to lose hope, though, she looked a little confused seeing him toss a laptop towards that strange looking boy, constantly going off about killin everyone. It wasn't certain if he normally did this, or if he had lost his mind from inhaling that strange sleeping gas, but, in either case, she hoped that state of mind would pass soon enough... Otherwise-... Before she could even start thinking of the possibilities, one was presented right in front of her when her husband, much to her surprise ended up throwing a laptop at him. Quickly noticing that the boy had lost consciousness and as bleeding caused a more worried look to form on her face, not that she held this against her husband or anything, but, she felt that maybe throwing a heavy object was a little out of line. As she attempted to help tend to the boy, she looked tiwards Kisho for a moment, an expression of uncertainty lingering on her face briefly before it was replaced by a more apologetic look. "Are you feeling alright dear?" She asked him, her expression soon becoming a more curious one; she couldn't remember the last time Kisho had acted liks this, though granted, he did tend to make rash decisions; both a good thing, and a bad thing at times...​
"Let's see, we were forced to chaperon prom, strike one. Strike two was when we were drugged and forced into a game of death. I'm hungry, tired, and feel a migraine pounding in my head because of this debacle so strike three. I'm officially irritated by the evening's events. That boy acting as though he was going to stab someone came at the wrong time," Kisho explained with a sigh, sitting down at one of the lunch tables. It seemed the stress of the event really was getting to him.
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