Illusion Game II: School Daze

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"Could it heal this?" She asked. She turned around and tugged the back of her already low dress down a slight bit further, revealing the beginnings of a patch of burned skin that covered her shoulders blades and everything in between, and although James couldn't see it, traveled farther down to the center of her back.

@Gummi Bunnies
"Uh... I believe it should work on that..." James narrowed his eyes at the sight, a bit disgusted by it, but had a feeling that it should work.

"We need to find an area that's out of sight from people, not sure if they want to see the process..." James added, not really thinking it was a wise idea to perform the healing rune in front of everybody else.

@Thuro Pendragon

As you made your way out of the gym, one thing was very noticeable; the school's power seemed to be completely out! Luckily, though, floodlights illuminated the hallways with just enough light to see.


The cafeteria was very large... But scarily empty. Nobody was anywhere to be seen, aside from a few of the students that had been first to scramble out of the gymnasium. While there wasn't anyone there, luckily for everyone, there was something that hadn't been in the gym; food! Granted, it was school food, but at least people could get something in their stomachs. The windows all appeared to be shut with metal sheeting, and there appeared to be no exits...​
She was taken aback by this, clearly startled by the way she practically jumped back at his tone. She blinked, before just shaking her head wildly. "Th-there wasn't any other reason.. J-just thought you and your family are pretty cool," she managed to say after a minute of recovering from shock, rubbing her arm sheepishly.

@Emperor of Gallifrey
"No, wait," Jason said, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, "it was my fault. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I just have a bit of headache right now."

He really was suffering from a headache. Had he hit his head at some point? No, he would've noticed and this headache was different from a trauma-induced headache.

As you made your way out of the gym, one thing was very noticeable; the school's power seemed to be completely out! Luckily, though, floodlights illuminated the hallways with just enough light to see.


The cafeteria was very large... But scarily empty. Nobody was anywhere to be seen, aside from a few of the students that had been first to scramble out of the gymnasium. While there wasn't anyone there, luckily for everyone, there was something that hadn't been in the gym; food! Granted, it was school food, but at least people could get something in their stomachs. The windows all appeared to be shut with metal sheeting, and there appeared to be no exits...​
"Hmph, it seemed whoever has us trapped here planned well in advance," Kisho noted as that stepped into the cafeteria. Probably enough food to last a few days or maybe two weeks, but plating on the wall to keep us locked in. It seems he wants us for the long-term. "Everyone, fan out and search for clues," he gave the command with a smirk as he began to search the cafeteria for anything they could use besides the food.

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @york @Atomyk @Hospes
"Uh... I believe it should work on that..." James narrowed his eyes at the sight, a bit disgusted by it, but had a feeling that it should work.

"We need to find an area that's out of sight from people, not sure if they want to see the process..." James added, not really thinking it was a wise idea to perform the healing rune in front of everybody else.

@Thuro Pendragon
Michelle pulled her dress back up motioned him to follow with a nod of her head. She moved into the newly opened cafeteria and headed straight for a place that she figured would be empty. The kitchen.

Once they were alone she turned back to him and said. "What do I have to do?"

@Gummi Bunnies
"Hmph, it seemed whoever has us trapped here planned well in advance," Kisho noted as that stepped into the cafeteria. Probably enough food to last a few days or maybe two weeks, but plating on the wall to keep us locked in. It seems he wants us for the long-term. "Everyone, fan out and search for clues," he gave the command with a smirk as he began to search the cafeteria for anything they could use besides the food.

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @york @Atomyk @Hospes
Aaron turned to Kisho. "I'm gonna search for a Janitor's Closet, or something. Maybe there are keys or some clues in there." Aaron shrugged. "But maybe not. I also found a picture that I can't figure out, so I may find the Answer to that too." Aaron began walking off. "I used to rule the world! Seas would rise when I gave the word!" Aaron began singing quietly. He loved that song.

@Anyone who wants to follow Aaron.
Michelle pulled her dress back up motioned him to follow with a nod of her head. She moved into the newly opened cafeteria and headed straight for a place that she figured would be empty. The kitchen.

Once they were alone she turned back to him and said. "What do I have to do?"

@Gummi Bunnies
"Nothing really. Just don't move, I wouldn't want to mess this up," James told her as he went to bit his recently healed thumb again. Knowing that he had to hide the rune somewhere that wouldn't be easily seen by the others, he gently pulled the back of her dress down, her back was probably the best option to put the rune. With his thumb bleeding again, he carefully drew a different rune unlike the one he used for Vivi, and it was assumed to be a stronger variant of the healing rune he used earlier.


Once he finished drawing the rune onto her back, he gently pulled the dress back up properly onto Michelle, using the same makeshift bandage from before to cover up his bleeding thumb.

"Anything?" he asked her curiously, wondering if it did work. To Michelle, she would feel that some change was occurring to her burned skin, that it was healing slowly. It would take time for her burns to be fully healed.

@Thuro Pendragon
"No, wait," Jason said, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, "it was my fault. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I just have a bit of headache right now."

He really was suffering from a headache. Had he hit his head at some point? No, he would've noticed and this headache was different from a trauma-induced headache.
The blonde shook her head. "Oh, no.. Really, it's fine. I mean, this is all really hectic.. It's perfectly fine," she replied, reassuringly. "..As long as you don't, y'know, go crazy like those people on survival shows," she mused, clearly joking; it was obvious this was an attempt to lighten the mood. "..And I hope your head feels better soon."

@Emperor of Gallifrey
"Nothing really. Just don't move, I wouldn't want to mess this up," James told her as he went to bit his recently healed thumb again. Knowing that he had to hide the rune somewhere that wouldn't be easily seen by the others, he gently pulled the back of her dress down, her back was probably the best option to put the rune. With his thumb bleeding again, he carefully drew a different rune unlike the one he used for Vivi, and it was assumed to be a stronger variant of the healing rune he used earlier.


Once he finished drawing the rune onto her back, he gently pulled the dress back up properly onto Michelle, using the same makeshift bandage from before to cover up his bleeding thumb.

"Anything?" he asked her curiously, wondering if it did work. To Michelle, she would feel that some change was occurring to her burned skin, that it was healing slowly. It would take time for her burns to be fully healed.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Son of a bitch." Michelle hissed. The pain from his blood actually caused her to stumble forward a few feet. A burning sensation ran across her skin. It hurt like hell, but she could feel the skin stitching itself back together. Just a few more seconds.... then it was done. She awkwardly tried to run her fingers across the skin there, probably looking like an idiot doing so. But when she finally managed it all she could feel was smooth undamaged skin. That was the first time since the fire that she had been able to do that.

"How does it look?" She asked James.

He would see a tattoo there. Quite original in its design.


"So. An angel huh. Maybe I can believe that." She said quietly to herself.

@Gummi Bunnies
Takuro looked at the skull, he then smiled. "HAH! You think I'm afraid of death? You think you've defeated me?, WRONG!".
Takuro looked at the skull, he then smiled. "HAH! You think I'm afraid of death? You think you've defeated me?, WRONG!".
Logan just frowned at Jake. This boy was awful at concealing his bad intentions. The much larger, more physically powerful gym teacher would uphold his earlier threats if the boy even thought about attacking anyone.

"Son of a bitch." Michelle hissed. The pain from his blood actually caused her to stumble forward a few feet. A burning sensation ran across her skin. It hurt like hell, but she could feel the skin stitching itself back together. Just a few more seconds.... then it was done. She awkwardly tried to run her fingers across the skin there, probably looking like an idiot doing so. But when she finally managed it all she could feel was smooth undamaged skin. That was the first time since the fire that she had been able to do that.

"How does it look?" She asked James.

He would see a tattoo there. Quite original in its design.


"So. An angel huh. Maybe I can believe that." She said quietly to herself.

@Gummi Bunnies
"Good as new. Nice tattoo by the way," James says to reassure her, but notices that that she was in pain at first from the healing time.

"What? You think I was making up things as I go. If I was lying, it would be much absurd things than what I just did moments ago," James says with a slight laugh.

@Thuro Pendragon
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"Good as new. Nice tattoo by the way," James says to reassure her, but notices that that she was in pain at first from the healing time.

"What? You think I was making up things as I go. If I was lying, it would be much absurd things than what I just did moments ago," James says with a slight laugh.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Tattoo?" She asked. Then she caught sight of it in one of the handwashing sink mirrors. "What?" She was silent for a moment then spoke up again. "That's pretty cool."

"Well. What I can I say. You've convinced me. You can't blame a girl for being suspicious though. You weren't the nicest guy before all this started."

The blood drained from her face.

"Shit. Logan has my phone with your confession on it. I'm going to have to get that back."

@Gummi Bunnies
"Tattoo?" She asked. Then she caught sight of it in one of the handwashing sink mirrors. "What?" She was silent for a moment then spoke up again. "That's pretty cool."

"Well. What I can I say. You've convinced me. You can't blame a girl for being suspicious though. You weren't the nicest guy before all this started."

The blood drained from her face.

"Shit. Logan has my phone with your confession on it. I'm going to have to get that back."

@Gummi Bunnies
"...oh bloody hell... That sounds like something on our to-do list. I don't think coming with you would be a good idea,"James deadpanned. Despite the current situation, he had a feeling that Logan still had grudges with him.

"I'll stay here in the kitchen, I can search around for anything of use. Good enough cover," James told her, feeling that someone would walk in at any moment.

@Thuro Pendragon @peeps headed for cafeteria kitchen
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Aaron walked into the hall. He pulled out his phone. "Damn. No Signal." He muttered. He wanted to text his father to notify the police, FBI, and Interpol of his situation, but he couldn't. Whoever hand planned this had done so well. Using Signal Jammers, blocking the windows, and setting everything up. Aaron had to get Horatio's attention. He wondered if the head Hall Monitor would know where to find keys. "Alas, Poor Yorrick, I knew him, Horatio!" He shouted. Hoping to get Horatio's attention.

@Atomyk @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX
@Everyone in the cafeteria

To the dismay of anyone seeking anything but food here, there seemed to be no clues.. Sorry!
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