Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Continued from here.


Horatio was found by Umeko, Aaron, and Adrian soon enough. His face looked a bit red due to the heat of the gymnasium. "Have you been fighting the good fight?" he asked. He waited for the inevitable report, but the arrival of someone on the stage pulled his attention away.

The students had become eager to learn who would be this year's Prom King and Queen. Lena Watson, a member of the student council, was the one on stage to announce the results. The music died down as she began to speak. "Thank you all so much for having such a great time!" the girl exclaimed. "The council would like to extend our thanks to each and every one of you for making tonight the best that it could be! Midwich is awesome! Go Cuckoos! Hehe!" Deanna practically puffed up like a peacock, having already expected to win. She strut out into the centre of the gym, spinning slightly to show off her dress yet again.

"I know you're all excited to hear who this year's Prom King and Queen are! Wooo!" There was a spattering of excitement coming from the students, indicating Lena to get on with it. "All right, this year's Prom Queen is..." Lena paused to read off the card and the audience practically held in their breath. Kyle manoeuvred about the gym to make sure he had a good shot of Lena with his video camera. "... Umeko Moe?" Lena obviously sounded confused-- she had no idea who Umeko even was. Two television screens on either side of the gym turned on to show a close-up of Umeko. The cameras in the gym were focused entirely on her. "W-Well, congratulations! Before you come on up, let's announce the King!" Before the girl could continue, she found that Deanna was furious. She screamed at Lena to stop it with the practical joke. Her boyfriend, Damien, didn't look much too pleased either. "I'm sorry!" Lena bleated, sounding like a defeated goat. "I'm sure Umeko won fairly!"

"I better be the King!" Damien demanded. "And Deanna must be the Queen!"

Lena only stood with her mouth open. "U-Umm... okay! The King is..." Lena pulled out the card, but her face noticeably paled at what she read. When someone yelled at her to spit it out, Lena nervously uttered, "James Lancaster!"

One of the television screens changed to show James, his identity obvious now despite the mask. The crowd of students booed, of all things. Horatio became alert, crying, "James is here?! That menace to society must be stopped!" Jake moved in to calm down the mess with the other faculty, but found himself pushed away by Kristoff, who was demanding a recount on behalf of his friends. Jake pulled back, standing near Viviette and Brian.

"Stay behind me," he quietly said to them. Over the din of yelling came a sudden scream, though no one was quite sure where it was coming from. Jake looked off to the side to see a bunch of students running from the sides of the gym.

"It's coming from the vents!" screamed one girl. Everyone's attention turned now to find a sort of mist seeping into the gymnasium. The entire student body broke out into the chaos at this as they rushed to the doors of the gymnasium.

"Everyone calm yourselves at once!" demanded Brennan, but his command fell on deaf ears.

Kristoff smashed into one of the doors, but found it didn't budge. He continued to bang on the door, but found it wouldn't open no matter how much weight he threw against it. In fact, none of the doors would open, and the students who were breathing in the mist were dropping to the floor. The screaming and panic inevitably died down as the students were put to sleep one by one. Horatio, somehow one of the last to succumb to the gas, crawled across the floor in order to get to one of the doors. Grunting, soon he too was passed out on the ground.


"Everyone," cried Horatio. "Please wake up!" Having been the first to awake, the boy began awaking others, who were mostly groggy from the sleep. Eventually, one girl started screaming, which quickly awoke the rest of the group.

Everyone was still in the gym. Someone moved to the gym doors and found that they still wouldn't budge. It seemed nothing had changed.

... Except, 26 people within the gymnasium now wore bracelets on their arms. The 26th person with a bracelet was none other than Jake Cline, your school nurse.


Try as hard as you might, these bracelets weren't coming off.

"The televisions!" cried Kristoff, pointing to one of the screens, which were both now displaying static.


The static gave way for for a vague silhouette of a person, though it's hard to tell their identity, or even their gender. On the intercoms was a sudden bout of static, followed by, "Finally, you are awake." The voice sounds obviously digitally altered to be anonymous.. "I am the overseer, and what you are all now a part of is something bigger than yourselves."

The gym was deathly silent, waiting for the voice to continue. "... While you are all now participants in a game, only 26 of you are the actual players. For the sake of clarity, I will refer to those with bracelets as players, and those without bracelets as non-players."

"What the shit!" Deanna cried. "A game? Is this some kind of joke?"

"Is the principal behind this?" Damien asked.

"The commander would never do such a thing!" cried Horatio.

Brennan practically growled. "Everyone shut up!" he yelled.

The voice continued. "Phase one of the game is simple, and it is the first step to escaping the school. Among the 26 players are three agents-- players who essentially represent myself in this game. While all players will work together to complete the game, if any of my agents make it to the end, only they will survive."

There was a sudden bout of verbal dissent at that notion, but more demands of keeping quiet kept everyone's mouths shut. "Right now, we will hold a vote between the players to determine who they think are one of my agents. It's a tough decision, so I shall give the players a clue... Look for those among you acting different than usual. My agents are masters of trickery, and will likely try to trick the other players and cloud their minds. Once the vote is complete, we will move on to the next phase of the game. You have thirty minutes to make your votes. Just use the right button on your bracelets to cycle through the names on the interface, then press the left button to vote."

As the television screen began to fade to black, the intercom said one last thing. "In honor of your Prom King and Queen, you may not place a vote for either of them during this initial round of voting. Those of you who don't vote will face dire consequences."

Silence for a few precious seconds, and then-- "This is sick!" Deanna was practically wailing as she held up her cellphone. "I can't get a signal! This is disgusting!" She turned on the nearest person with a bracelet, Tom, and screamed at him. "Hurry and vote so we can get out of here!"​

LuAnn was glad she had brought alcohol with her and was in the process of mixing herself a very stiff drink.
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"I promise. It'll stay right between you and me..." She paused for a moment. "Not that there's a lot between you and me right now." She said suggestively.

@Gummi Bunnies
As a precaution, James took the moment to take one last look around, seeing that most of the others were preoccupied with other students that were outraged and/or terrified by the turn of events that this prom had come to. He wasn't sure how to put it in words, but he had to...

"I'm... not who you think... I am..." he began, his voice quieting down as he continued,"Not by that I mean that I'm not the bad person everybody sees me as... no.. actually it does apply to that but that isn't the main point. I mean that... I'm not supposed to be James Lancaster..."

The boy standing in front of Michelle, whispering these words that could mean many things, kept quiet, waiting for her reaction to this. Feeling uncomfortable with the mask on, he casually slipped it off from his face, holding the mask with one hand.

"On the other hand, that teacher I took this mask from, it worked out pretty well as a disguise, no one knew who I was until I was crowned the prom king," James added, as if he were trying to guide the conversation somewhere else, but he knew about the bombshell of a reveal he whispered to Michelle.

@Thuro Pendragon
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As a precaution, James took the moment to take one last look around, seeing that most of the others were preoccupied with other students that were outraged and/or terrified by the turn of events that this prom had come to. He wasn't sure how to put it in words, but he had to...

"I'm... not who you think... I am..." he began, his voice quieting down as he continued,"Not by that I mean that I'm not the bad person everybody sees me as... no.. actually it does apply to that but that isn't the main point. I mean that... I'm not supposed to be James Lancaster..."

The boy standing in front of Michelle, whispering these words that could mean many things, kept quiet, waiting for her reaction to this. Feeling uncomfortable with the mask on, he casually slipped it off from his face, holding the mask with one hand.

"On the other hand, that teacher I took this mask from, it worked out pretty well as a disguise, no one knew who I was until I was crowned the prom king," James added, as if he were trying to guide the conversation somewhere else, but he knew about the bombshell of a reveal he whispered to Michelle.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Wait. Are you suffering from Dissociative identity disorder. She hushed her voice, was it the other one that did those things. Did what I liked. Tried to touch Vivi?"

@Gummi Bunnies
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Aaron nodded. "Speakers. We can unplug then and grab the handles, then push them against the door, we'll need more people, though."
Jake walked up to them and held out a hand. "Hold on, everyone. We don't have time to mess around." He looked down at his bracelet. "Shouldn't we think on this vote...?"

Horatio puffed out his chest. "We don't know what will happen to the one voted! This Overseer could be bluffing for all we know!"

Jake bowed his head. "Um--"


"We don't know that... We need to consider all the possibilities, not just what we want to believe."

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX
"Wait. Are you suffering from Dissociative identity disorder. She hushed her voice, was it the other one that did those things. Did what I liked. Tried to rape Vivi?"

@Gummi Bunnies
James clearly facepalmed at Michelle's response. Oh joy... maybe she wasn't the greatest person to talk to first, but nobody else was willing to talk to him in a civil way it seems.

"I would explain everything to you, but it would clearly be too much to the point where you would get tired of me talking," James sighed, spinning the mask in his fingers by its string.

"What's that stanza from that poem?" he said with a distant voice, but then says,"Beyond this place of wrath and tears. Looms but the horror of the shade. And yet the menace of the years. Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. Excerpt from the third stanza, poem by William Hensley, written in the late 19th century. I suppose you don't know the poem titled "Invictus," because its quite how I feel right now on this situation."

Well... certainly James wouldn't be this devoted to old poems like this.

"Have I convinced you something? Or should I start reciting Victorian Era novels now?"

@Thuro Pendragon
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James clearly facepalmed at Michelle's response. Oh joy... maybe she wasn't the greatest person to talk to first, but nobody else was willing to talk to him in a civil way it seems.

"I would explain everything to you, but it would clearly be too much to the point where you would get tired of me talking," James sighed, spinning the mask in his fingers by its string.

"What's that stanza from that poem?" he said with a distant voice, but then says,"Beyond this place of wrath and tears. Looms but the horror of the shade. And yet the menace of the years. Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. Excerpt from the third stanza, poem by William Hensley, written in the late 19th century. I suppose you don't know the poem titled "Invictus," because its quite how I feel right now on this situation."

Well... certainly James wouldn't be this devoted to old poems like this.

"Have I convinced you something? Or should I start reciting Victorian Era novels now?"

@Thuro Pendragon
"You're saying you're not the person you used to be, the one that did the raping and the bullying. Just tell me now, because I need to know."

@Gummi Bunnies
"You're saying you're not the person you used to be, the one that did the raping and the bullying. Just tell me now, because I need to know."

@Gummi Bunnies
"Exactly. I wasn't really the one for talking on and on, but I'll keep it short and sweet," James sighed in relief, relieved that he didn't need to talk any more meaningless things,"My real name is William Herondale... but when we're alone and in the clear of those that don't know, feel free to call me Will... I don't want to confuse you more than you should be... so I'll only say that this whole situation we're thrown in... there's something up with it... Its no good, probably worse than what I've done as James..."

@Thuro Pendragon
Jake walked up to them and held out a hand. "Hold on, everyone. We don't have time to mess around." He looked down at his bracelet. "Shouldn't we think on this vote...?"

Horatio puffed out his chest. "We don't know what will happen to the one voted! This Overseer could be bluffing for all we know!"

Jake bowed his head. "Um--"


"We don't know that... We need to consider all the possibilities, not just what we want to believe."

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX
Adrian was slowly piecing together what is going on. "So we're all trapped like rats? Just pawns in a chess game?" Adrian Spoke out. Adrian's breathing began accelerating as the pressure started to get to him.

@The Silver Paladin
Adrian was slowly piecing together what is going on. "So we're all trapped like rats? Just pawns in a chess game?" Adrian Spoke out. Adrian's breathing began accelerating as the pressure started to get to him.

@The Silver Paladin
"Ridiculous!" said Horatio. "I refuse to be someone's pawn."

Jake sighed. "Whoever has done this not only put knock out gas into the air vents, but managed to put bracelets on 26 of us. They took over the intercom system and have trapped us inside the gym. I think we have to accept that we are pawns now."

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX
"Ridiculous!" said Horatio. "I refuse to be someone's pawn."

Jake sighed. "Whoever has done this not only put knock out gas into the air vents, but managed to put bracelets on 26 of us. They took over the intercom system and have trapped us inside the gym. I think we have to accept that we are pawns now."

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX

Aaron sighed. "I don't get why they had to trap all of us, why not just us 26? Kidnap us in our sleep." Aaron sighed. "It doesn't make sense."
"Exactly. I wasn't really the one for talking on and on, but I'll keep it short and sweet," James sighed in relief, relieved that he didn't need to talk any more meaningless things,"My real name is William Herondale... but when we're alone and in the clear of those that don't know, feel free to call me Will... I don't want to confuse you more than you should be... so I'll only say that this whole situation we're thrown in... there's something up with it... Its no good, probably worse than what I've done as James..."

@Thuro Pendragon
Michelle then couldn't take it anymore. She kicked him in the nuts and shoved him to the floor. Then she started yelling at him, loud enough for some of the others to hear, at least for Logan to hear.

"I don't give a **** about your so called spiritual renaissance you dirtbag. Every time you touched me I wanted to puke. You honestly think that I liked those things you did. You're a ******** idiot. I swear, anyone with half a brain would know something was up. But no... you just kept on going you piece of ****. I tried so hard to get what I needed. A taped confession that you touched her. But I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't stand by and let you touch me for one more second. Let you breathe on my skin. Even let you think I cared about you. Honestly, I think prison is too good for you, but I guess we'll never know now."

Michelle paused for a moment, a chill running up her spine. Had she... had he... had the confession about the black market connections been recorded. Almost frantically she dug in her purse. Her hands were shaking almost to badly to manage the buttons.

Damn it. She wasn't going to be able to do it.

She walked to Logan and stuck the phone in his chest almost violently. "Listen to it." She demanded. "I think I managed to get something that will put James away."

She looked at him angrily for a moment then walked to the other side of the gym.

"That's all I was ever doing." She lied.

@Gummi Bunnies
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Aaron sighed. "I don't get why they had to trap all of us, why not just us 26? Kidnap us in our sleep." Aaron sighed. "It doesn't make sense."
Jake held up his arm, showing off the bracelet. "The entire student body is here, and yet they only chose so few of you. Why include myself and the teachers in this? They must be trying to get at something here."

"Maybe they're just sick in the head," muttered Horatio. "They're probably doing it for kicks!"

Jake shrugged. "Whatever the case, we have to assume they do have the power to kill us whenever they want."

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @Xx420BLAZEITxX
Michelle then couldn't take it anymore. She kicked him in the nuts and shoved him to the floor. Then she started yelling at him, loud enough for some of the others to hear, at least for Logan to hear.

"I don't give a **** about your so called spiritual renaissance you dirtbag. Every time you touched me I wanted to puke. You honestly think that I liked those things you did. You're a ******** idiot. I swear, anyone with half a brain would know something was up. But no... you just kept on going you piece of ****. I tried so hard to get what I needed. A taped confession that you touched her. But I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't stand by and let you touch me for one more second. Let you breathe on my skin. Even let you think I cared about you. Honestly, I think prison is too good for you, but I guess we'll never know now."

Michelle paused for a moment, a chill running up her spine. Had she... had he... had the confession about the black market connections been recorded. Almost frantically she dug in her purse. Her hands were shaking almost to badly to manage the buttons.

Damn it. She wasn't going to be able to do it.

She walked to Logan and stuck the phone in his chest almost violently. "Listen to it." She demanded. "I think I managed to get something that will put James away."

She looked at him angrily for a moment then walked to the other side of the gym.

"That's all I was ever doing." She lied.

@Gummi Bunnies

Logan took the tape, listened to it... and did nothing. He pocketed it. That would have to wait until they got out.

@Thuro Pendragon
Aaron sighed. "I don't get why they had to trap all of us, why not just us 26? Kidnap us in our sleep." Aaron sighed. "It doesn't make sense."
"M..Maybe this is all just some prank set up by some students..! Ye..Yeah! That's probably it..!" A Panicked Adrian said, scraping the bottom of the barrel to find an excuse to think they're not in real danger, Even when they clearly are

@The Silver Paladin
Logan took the tape, listened to it... and did nothing. He pocketed it. That would have to wait until they got out.

@Thuro Pendragon
When Michelle had finally calmed herself, no extraordinary event in itself, she walked back to Logan.

"Now that the dirtbag had been taken care of, what do we do now."

Before he could answer she interrupted. "Everything I said yesterday, it was to make your reactions more convincing. If you didn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it." Okay. That was a flat out lie. Yesterday she'd had an entirely different reason for lying to Logan, but he didn't need to know that. "I'm so sorry Logan. But I'd heard the stories. No one else was going to make justice was done. I had to do something, even when I hated myself for it."

When Michelle had finally calmed herself, no extraordinary event in itself, she walked back to Logan.

"Now that the dirtbag had been taken care of, what do we do now."

Before he could answer she interrupted. "Everything I said yesterday, it was to make your reactions more convincing. If you didn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it." Okay. That was a flat out lie. Yesterday she'd had an entirely different reason for lying to Logan, but he didn't need to know that. "I'm so sorry Logan. But I'd heard the stories. No one else was going to make justice was done. I had to do something, even when I hated myself for it."


"I guess we try to escape."

@Thuro Pendragon
"Brilliant answer Logan. Any specific ideas on how to do that?"

Well, being remorseful sure had gone away fast. Now it was just back to attitude as usual.
Damien came over, panic apparent on his face. "Mr. Wilson, me and the other guys on the team can't stand this much longer!" He looked down at your bracelet and pointed it out. "It sucks we don't have those... you need to do something about this. You need to get us out of here, man."

@BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon
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As Kei awoke he'd mutter something, before glancing at his watch, and being surprised to find he now bore a bracelet on his arm "H-Huh..." he was cut short by the noise of the announcement, and he groaned "Fuckin Aye...I wouldn't even be here if not for that damn Kumi..." he found it hard to be mad though, at least he was here to support anyone who didn't have his natural stubborn will and lack of nervous disposition

He perks up and looks about, shaking his head at the suggestion of escaping the school "We can't leave...don't yyou know anything about these kinds of games...the man...or woman...said we had to play to get out...don't bother trying to get out before we play..." he sighs and cocks a brow "Now...if any of you would like to tell us if you're an agent...that'd be really, really helpful...otherwise...we'll have to find you one by one and make sure you don't get to the end..."

He could see someone blowing up on someone else, words that sure made the boy in the scenario seem like scum, something about molestation no doubt...he couldn't help but feel some acidity form in the back of his throat, practically throwing up from what he'd just heard, he bit his tongue and snorted gently "Fucking sickos" he mutters as he looks about for another cup, getting more punch to wash away the taste of disgust left by the words he'd just heard, humans were so fucked up sometimes

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