Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Adrian grunted as he clashed into another fellow student for the second time today, He looked up off the ground and met eye to eye to another pony-tailed student. "Hehe.. Really, That's totally alright! What're doing walking backwards anyway? Could've got hurt..!" Adrian advised to Brian.

Brian smiled, this guy was also cute. It seemed he was having the best of luck today. Brian extended his hand towards the boy up as he spoke, as an offer to help him up.

"I was talking to my sister, I normally don't run into people. Especially ones as cute as you."

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Brian smiled, this guy was also cute. It seemed he was having the best of luck today. Brian extended his hand towards the boy up as he spoke, as an offer to help him up.

"I was talking to my sister, I normally don't run into people. Especially ones as cute as you."

Adrian's eyes widened when he heard Brian's compliment, Sweat began to form and a small blush bloomed upon his cheeks, He began to scratch the back of his head nervously. "O..Oh.. Uh.. thanks, I guess.." Adrian said, Feeling a little unsettled by the compliment.

He accepted his offer of help and took Brian's hand and picked himself up off the ground with Brian's support, Dusting himself off afterwards.

Adrian's eyes widened when he heard Brian's compliment, Sweat began to form and a small blush bloomed upon his cheeks, He began to scratch the back of his head nervously. "O..Oh.. Uh.. thanks, I guess.." Adrian said, Feeling a little unsettled by the compliment.

He accepted his offer of help and took Brian's hand and picked himself up off the ground with Brian's support, Dusting himself off afterwards.

"Anytime." replied Brian.

"So, uh. Are you on your way to class?" asked Brian.

As soon as Logan had started beating James, Simon saw the Lunch Room virtually evacuate to watch the fight. Simon himself merely stood up, and tapped Anna on the shoulder. "Look at that..."He opened the window as far as it would go, got out his phone, set it to camera and zoomed in as far as it would go. "Damn. I wish I could get front row tickets." He could see everyone out there-all the people, from all of his classes (most of which he'd never spoken to. Everyone... except one person. He held Anna's hand, trying to get her to stand up. "Oh God.... Anna, we have to find Vivi..."He began to run from the cafeteria, desperate to find Vivi, calling out her name. "Vivi! Viviette!

He jogged, but didn't run, so Anna could keep up with him, as he turned at the edge of the corridor where Vivi and Bryan were.

"Vivi...Are you okay?"

@Mari @Hospes @TheColourlessRainbow
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"Anytime." replied Brian.

"So, uh. Are you on your way to class?" asked Brian.

"Well..." Adrian chuckled nervously. "I kinda got lost trying to find what class I'm in! Place is like a maze, right?" Adrian chuckled awkwardly once again, After the laughter died down, He cleared his throat then spoke once more. "Were you two also off to class too? I think I have the same lesson as you guys, I think..."

"Well..." Adrian chuckled nervously. "I kinda got lost trying to find what class I'm in! Place is like a maze, right?" Adrian chuckled awkwardly once again, After the laughter died down, He cleared his throat then spoke once more. "Were you two also off to class too? I think I have the same lesson as you guys, I think..."

Brian let a smile creep across his lips,

"The same class huh?" asked Brian to himself.

"We were on our way, but I had to talk to my sister." stated Brian as he pointed to the girl next to him.

"The room though is done there, its home something, its the second door on the left." said Brian as he pointed towards the door.
Logan paced back and forth at home. In the end, he called Kisho. "How's James doing? Michelle hit him in the crotch... A lot."

@The Tactician
"He's in the pain he dese- Wait, you didn't kick him?" Kisho's voice actually sounded shock at the revelation, "Well, anyways, he's in the nurse's office and the nurse does know about what he's done. Me and Avia are watching another student he tried to bully in my room right now. So why did you leave for home?"
"He's in the pain he dese- Wait, you didn't kick him?" Kisho's voice actually sounded shock at the revelation, "Well, anyways, he's in the nurse's office and the nurse does know about what he's done. Me and Avia are watching another student he tried to bully in my room right now. So why did you leave for home?"

"I learned that he threatened to rape that girl Viviette... and I kinda lost it. Gave him a good kick to the chest. Cussed him out."

@The Tactician
Adrian's eyes widened when he heard Brian's compliment, Sweat began to form and a small blush bloomed upon his cheeks, He began to scratch the back of his head nervously. "O..Oh.. Uh.. thanks, I guess.." Adrian said, Feeling a little unsettled by the compliment.

He accepted his offer of help and took Brian's hand and picked himself up off the ground with Brian's support, Dusting himself off afterwards.

"Anytime." replied Brian.

"So, uh. Are you on your way to class?" asked Brian.

As soon as Logan had started beating James, Simon saw the Lunch Room virtually evacuate to watch the fight. Simon himself merely stood up, and tapped Anna on the shoulder. "Look at that..."He opened the window as far as it would go, got out his phone, set it to camera and zoomed in as far as it would go. "Damn. I wish I could get front row tickets." He could see everyone out there-all the people, from all of his classes (most of which he'd never spoken to. Everyone... except one person. He held Anna's hand, trying to get her to stand up. "Oh God.... Anna, we have to find Vivi..."He began to run from the cafeteria, desperate to find Vivi, calling out her name. "Vivi! Viviette!

He jogged, but didn't run, so Anna could keep up with him, as he turned at the edge of the corridor where Vivi and Bryan were.

"Vivi...Are you okay?"

@Mari @Hospes @TheColourlessRainbow
Jason had been heading to Study Hall, not noticing Vivi and the others because he was to busy listening to his music and thinking to himself.
@Hospes @Mighty Roman @TheColourlessRainbow @Mari
Twin seeming to have been distracted by another boy, Viviette only shrunk back again, looking down. So much for trying to seek solace in him.. It was always difficult, considering he was much more popular and actually had a social life. Something she'd never had the pleasantry of.

Before she could back down and just try to run off to isolate herself, she realized her name was being called. Instantly, she tensed and froze up, not daring to move. Luckily, she immediately determined the voice didn't belong to James. But she couldn't recall who it was.. Til he was right in front of her. Once again, she shrank back a bit, suddenly feeling crowded. There was.. what.. five people right near her, right now? It was overwhelming, and she was once again rendered unable to speak.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @Emperor of Gallifrey @Mari @Xx420BLAZEITxX
Brian let a smile creep across his lips,

"The same class huh?" asked Brian to himself.

"We were on our way, but I had to talk to my sister." stated Brian as he pointed to the girl next to him.

"The room though is done there, its home something, its the second door on the left." said Brian as he pointed towards the door.
Adrian turned to where Brian pointed then turned back and nodded to him. "Right, Thanks for the direction! I'll wait for you two by there." Adrian said before making his way to where the class room is

"...James, if I end up in court, you're going to be on the stand as a witness. Just so you know," Kisho deadpanned, thoughts of murder in his mind.

"Kisho, don't do anything stupid. Bad enough I'm in this position. The smartest thing to do is watch out for Viviette and make sure he can't act on those threats... if he can even get it up after Michelle kicked him that much, anyways."

@The Tactician
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Twin seeming to have been distracted by another boy, Viviette only shrunk back again, looking down. So much for trying to seek solace in him.. It was always difficult, considering he was much more popular and actually had a social life. Something she'd never had the pleasantry of.

Before she could back down and just try to run off to isolate herself, she realized her name was being called. Instantly, she tensed and froze up, not daring to move. Luckily, she immediately determined the voice didn't belong to James. But she couldn't recall who it was.. Til he was right in front of her. Once again, she shrank back a bit, suddenly feeling crowded. There was.. what.. five people right near her, right now? It was overwhelming, and she was once again rendered unable to speak.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @Emperor of Gallifrey @Mari @Xx420BLAZEITxX
Simon suddenly remembered that one thing Vivi didn't like, was crowds. He crouched down near Vivi. She looked back at Brian and Adrian. "How about you guys stay here and organise the wedding, while Anna and I talk to Vivi?"

Simon knew that most people would try to hug Vivi to comfort her, but he also knew that another thing Vivi didn't like was physical contact. He felt that she'd be More confident with 2 students than 4 teachers anyway. Plus having Anna here would give Vivi another girl the same age to talk to, which would probably be comforting for her. "Vivi? It's going to be okay. Nobody can hurt you, not anymore. None of them can hurt you. It's just 2 other people. In the whole world. Look, I know that things have been difficult. That there's stuff going on that I probably can't even imagine. He showed her the scars and bruises on his arm.
"But we all have scars. Some are just more apparent than others. We're all scared of something, and we're all a little bit hurt. But we fight to stop our scars from devouring us. So tell us how you feel. Tell us... what made you so scared. And we can stop it from hurting you.

@Hospes @Mari @Xx420BLAZEITxX @TheColourlessRainbow
"You should spread the news that he got beaten up by a girl. Not a big one, either. Maybe then people will pick on him."

@The Tactician
"On it, posting it to the Placebook group for the students under a fake name," A few taps on his computer later and Kisho had a message sent, "There, it's all over the group now so it should spread like wildfire. Let's see if he can do anything tough after this."

@BarrenThin @Everyone who wants to make fun of James being beaten up by Michelle
Simon suddenly remembered that one thing Vivi didn't like, was crowds. He crouched down near Vivi. She looked back at Brian and Adrian. "How about you guys stay here and organise the wedding, while Anna and I talk to Vivi?"

Simon knew that most people would try to hug Vivi to comfort her, but he also knew that another thing Vivi didn't like was physical contact. He felt that she'd be More confident with 2 students than 4 teachers anyway. Plus having Anna here would give Vivi another girl the same age to talk to, which would probably be comforting for her. "Vivi? It's going to be okay. Nobody can hurt you, not anymore. None of them can hurt you. It's just 2 other people. In the whole world. Look, I know that things have been difficult. That there's stuff going on that I probably can't even imagine. He showed her the scars and bruises on his arm.
"But we all have scars. Some are just more apparent than others. We're all scared of something, and we're all a little bit hurt. But we fight to stop our scars from devouring us. So tell us how you feel. Tell us... what made you so scared. And we can stop it from hurting you.

@Hospes @Mari @Xx420BLAZEITxX @TheColourlessRainbow

Anna nodded as she looked at Vivi, agreeing with Simon's words. "We want to help. Be your friends. But we can only do that if you let us."

@Hospes @Mighty Roman
"On it, posting it to the Placebook group for the students under a fake name," A few taps on his computer later and Kisho had a message sent, "There, it's all over the group now so it should spread like wildfire. Let's see if he can do anything tough after this."

@BarrenThin @Everyone who wants to make fun of James being beaten up by Michelle

"Maybe get Damien and Jason to pick on him. Set an example for the rest of the students."

@The Tactician
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