Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Teresa gritted her teeth as the other students attacked, not wasting any time in clutching her pin and... Damn, it actually looked like she wasn't doing anything. Instead, she just waited; 'til an unfortunate male charged her with.. A hockey stick? "Oh, now that's just pathetic," she huffed, ducking when he swung at her head and taking the opportunity to lunge to grab his arm, fingers closing tightly around it. The second she did, the boy's eyes widened and he dropped the weapon, crying out loudly. "Wh-what the hell?!" It looked like his skin was paling where Teresa held with an iron grip, and the boy desperately tried to pull away.

In fact.. Was that.. Frostbite?

"What? Did ya really think I was dumb enough ta let ya come at me without something up my sleeve?" she mused, grinning. The boy was bawling and pleading, to which Teresa released him and launched a hard kick at his chest. One down, God only knew how many to go. The Reaper wasn't expecting, however, the sudden yank on her wing, courtesy of a smaller boy. She yelped, elbow instantly slamming backwards into the face of her attacker. This one didn't let off easy, though, and retaliated by tackling her to the ground.. Where the pair struggled continually; each throwing forceful punches and kicks; namely Teresa to the boy's face.

Meanwhile, a girl with a handful of knives from the cafeteria cried out as James threw the bottle, hitting her boyfriend square in the head and making him drop to the ground with a heavy thud. Immediately, her face filled with a mix of sadness and rage, and she darted towards the boy, attempting to stab him in the abdomen!

@Gummi Bunnies

Another girl had what appeared to have originally been a broomstick, but had been sharpened to a dull point.. Presumably with the same knives the other girl had taken from the kitchen. And it seemed she was about to lob the makeshift spear... Right at Aaron's face! And it looked like, if that didn't work, she intended to try to tackle him!

@The Silver Paladin

@Jeremi @BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @Gym​
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Teresa gritted her teeth as the other students attacked, not wasting any time in clutching her pin and... Damn, it actually looked like she wasn't doing anything. Instead, she just waited; 'til an unfortunate male charged her with.. A hockey stick? "Oh, now that's just pathetic," she huffed, ducking when he swung at her head and taking the opportunity to lunge to grab his arm, fingers closing tightly around it. The second she did, the boy's eyes widened and he dropped the weapon, crying out loudly. "Wh-what the hell?!" It looked like his skin was paling where Teresa held with an iron grip, and the boy desperately tried to pull away.

In fact.. Was that.. Frostbite?

"What? Did ya really think I was dumb enough ta let ya come at me without something up my sleeve?" she mused, grinning. The boy was bawling and pleading, to which Teresa released him and launched a hard kick at his chest. One down, God only knew how many to go. The Reaper wasn't expecting, however, the sudden yank on her wing, courtesy of a smaller boy. She yelped, elbow instantly slamming backwards into the face of her attacker. This one didn't let off easy, though, and retaliated by tackling her to the ground.. Where the pair struggled continually; each throwing forceful punches and kicks; namely Teresa to the boy's face.

Meanwhile, a girl with a handful of knives from the cafeteria cried out as James threw the bottle, hitting her boyfriend square in the head and making him drop to the ground with a heavy thud. Immediately, her face filled with a mix of sadness and rage, and she darted towards the boy, attempting to stab him in the abdomen!

@Gummi Bunnies

Another girl had what appeared to have originally been a broomstick, but had been sharpened to a dull point.. Presumably with the same knives the other girl had taken from the kitchen. And it seemed she was about to lob the makeshift spear... Right at Aaron's face! And it looked like, if that didn't work, she intended to try to tackle him!

@The Silver Paladin

@Jeremi @BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @Gym​

"Oh, apologies for that," Will says as he catches sight of the girl aiming to stab him to avenge her boyfriend. Letting her get close, the ravenette narrowly avoids her blade with a swift sidestep.

"Unfortunately for you, I rather live another day or two," he comments in a casual manner before delivering a heavy left hook aimed at her head in hopes to knock the girl out.

@Hospes @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Thuro Pendragon @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @gym peeps​
The shadow seemed to shimmer and glow as you came upon her. Your torch, despite all the affect it had before, seems to pass right through her. She still cries and recoils, as if she was on fire.

The girl falls forward, slamming into you, but there's no real force behind it. She begins to melt away, eventually disappearing forever.


"Let's see how you can actually do when we're on equal footing!" yells a distant voice as you plunge your knife into Kumiko's body. The girl shrieks, your knife plunging into skin and drawing dribbling darkness instead of blood. With one last shriek, the girl explodes outward, emitting darkness. Then, she fades from existence.

The shrieks are enough to get the attention of the others in the building...


Your hammer slams off her knee like it was a solid wall. It shines with a black shimmer, as if you hit a barrier of darkness. Anouk looks upon you strangely, but a shrieking causes her to look away.

She suddenly runs in the direction of the noise.


Once you cross the Atrium to the gymnasium, you find that just about everyone else is already here.

They are currently being accosted by a group of students, and arguments are flying. To add to the chaos, someone in the darkness yells, "Get down!" as fireworks suddenly erupt all around the room. Horatio yells as one flies into him, knocking his flash light away. The room flashes with light as the groups of students attack the players with handmade weapons.

@york @The Tactician @BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Jeremi @Hospes @Josh M @The Silver Paladin @Mari @Mighty Roman
"Shit!" Kisho had little time to duck as the fireworks began flying about, one coming close to taking his head off. His hand wrapped over the handle of the knife from the dead Brennans's body, and his eyes searched the crowd for any who seemed open to attack. He no loner cared if these people had once been his students. They were now the enemy of his group, and he wasn't going to lose a fellow player to their weapons.

He lunged forward at a student, knife poised to sink into his side. His torch swung about, threatening any others who tried to approach with the possibility of being set aflame.'
Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Atomyk @Anyone else

As Avia took cover, her reflexes just barely saved her from the incoming fiery projectiles that were fireworks... A distressed look crossed her face as she stood up again, she still couldn't understand what had caused these students to declare practically a Civil war on them... A few others had done some pretty questionable things, but, she felt like, somehow, those particular things had left a really bad impression on these students... "We need to stop this... Somehow..." Avia mumbled to herself, she clearly didn't seem very cheerfull, and who could blame her? This particular situation didn't exactly help matters at all...​
Teresa gritted her teeth as the other students attacked, not wasting any time in clutching her pin and... Damn, it actually looked like she wasn't doing anything. Instead, she just waited; 'til an unfortunate male charged her with.. A hockey stick? "Oh, now that's just pathetic," she huffed, ducking when he swung at her head and taking the opportunity to lunge to grab his arm, fingers closing tightly around it. The second she did, the boy's eyes widened and he dropped the weapon, crying out loudly. "Wh-what the hell?!" It looked like his skin was paling where Teresa held with an iron grip, and the boy desperately tried to pull away.

In fact.. Was that.. Frostbite?

"What? Did ya really think I was dumb enough ta let ya come at me without something up my sleeve?" she mused, grinning. The boy was bawling and pleading, to which Teresa released him and launched a hard kick at his chest. One down, God only knew how many to go. The Reaper wasn't expecting, however, the sudden yank on her wing, courtesy of a smaller boy. She yelped, elbow instantly slamming backwards into the face of her attacker. This one didn't let off easy, though, and retaliated by tackling her to the ground.. Where the pair struggled continually; each throwing forceful punches and kicks; namely Teresa to the boy's face.

Meanwhile, a girl with a handful of knives from the cafeteria cried out as James threw the bottle, hitting her boyfriend square in the head and making him drop to the ground with a heavy thud. Immediately, her face filled with a mix of sadness and rage, and she darted towards the boy, attempting to stab him in the abdomen!

@Gummi Bunnies

Another girl had what appeared to have originally been a broomstick, but had been sharpened to a dull point.. Presumably with the same knives the other girl had taken from the kitchen. And it seemed she was about to lob the makeshift spear... Right at Aaron's face! And it looked like, if that didn't work, she intended to try to tackle him!

@The Silver Paladin

@Jeremi @BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @Gym​

Aaron quickly reacted, flipping his helmet's visor down. He also ducked. He noticed as the girl ran at him. He thrust his spear forward. He hoped it wouldn't kill her, but at least stop her. He grabbed the spear's handle. "Never fight a spearman, with a spear." He thrust his spear forward again. "I'm sorry, I don't want to kill you!"

"Oh, apologies for that," Will says as he catches sight of the girl aiming to stab him to avenge her boyfriend. Letting her get close, the ravenette narrowly avoids her blade with a swift sidestep.

"Unfortunately for you, I rather live another day or two," he comments in a casual manner before delivering a heavy left hook aimed at her head in hopes to knock the girl out.

@Hospes @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Thuro Pendragon @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @gym peeps​
The girl practically tripped over herself when he dodged, making her much more vulnerable and easier to get a hit on. So, the punch caught her off guard, successfully knocking her down and incapacitating her. As she hit the ground, the knives clambered to the floor, near the same spot that the hockey stick from the boy Teresa had knocked out.

@Gummi Bunnies
Aaron quickly reacted, flipping his helmet's visor down. He also ducked. He noticed as the girl ran at him. He thrust his spear forward. He hoped it wouldn't kill her, but at least stop her. He grabbed the spear's handle. "Never fight a spearman, with a spear." He thrust his spear forward again. "I'm sorry, I don't want to kill you!"
For someone not wanting to kill someone, Aaron was definitely giving overkill. He impaled the female with the spear on the first try, making her scream in agony. When he yanked it out, it only caused her further pain, and she screamed again. But, from the second stab, she fell to the floor, screaming louder as blood gushed out of her two stab wounds. She was bleeding out.. fast. And yet, still managed to sob and whimper hoarsely in pain. "Y-you're.. Y-you're a m-monster..!" she hissed through teeth clenched in pain. That was all she managed to say.. Before the whimpers and sobs slowed to a stop, and the life faded from her eyes.

@The Silver Paladin

@Jeremi @BarrenThin @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @Thuro Pendragon @Gym​
The girl practically tripped over herself when he dodged, making her much more vulnerable and easier to get a hit on. So, the punch caught her off guard, successfully knocking her down and incapacitating her. As she hit the ground, the knives clambered to the floor, near the same spot that the hockey stick from the boy Teresa had knocked out.

@Gummi Bunnies

For someone not wanting to kill someone, Aaron was definitely giving overkill. He impaled the female with the spear on the first try, making her scream in agony. When he yanked it out, it only caused her further pain, and she screamed again. But, from the second stab, she fell to the floor, screaming louder as blood gushed out of her two stab wounds. She was bleeding out.. fast. And yet, still managed to sob and whimper hoarsely in pain. "Y-you're.. Y-you're a m-monster..!" she hissed through teeth clenched in pain. That was all she managed to say.. Before the whimpers and sobs slowed to a stop, and the life faded from her eyes.

@The Silver Paladin

@Jeremi @BarrenThin @Mighty Roman @Mari @TheBombMan @Thuro Pendragon @Gym​

Aaron put the spear on his back. "Crap! Oh God, Oh God!" He pulled out the second Phoenix Down. "Oh my God! Please live, Please live!" He dragged the girl's body to the wall. "Come on. You can make it! You can make it!" He said putting the feather on her chest near her heart.
Simon smiled back at Anna. God, he loved that woman. He ran ahead slightly. He could feel every footstep. Every hit struck like a Thunderstorm. He ran to the nearest enemy student, and launched a herculean uppercut to his jaw. He turned. He peace with himself, despite the Warfare. Ducking through a few more punches and hastily assembled weapons, Simon launched another strike into the student's chest. He knew the exact placement of everybody. Unlike the battle against the Overseer, they all had the power now. And Simon would use his to the best of his ability.

@Atomyk @Mari
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Well, so much for negotiations. At least he tried, Tom thought to himself. His first instinct was to rush in, not caring about himself or liking much of anyone with him. Even those who were "innocent", relatively speaking, they made him want to retch just being around them. But, as he gathered that many of those around him had some unnatural abilities, he held back and observed for now. However, he kept himself ready, in case he was needed. Or attacked.

@Hospes @BarrenThin @Mari @Mighty Roman @The Silver Paladin @ gummi bunnies @gym
The man doesn't speak. He barely moves beyond raising the machete in his hand a little. If he felt the need to speak, he might be telling you about the needs of staying in school and getting good grades, but Jason isn't here to talk.

Takuro's face turned to a more straight-forward expression, "Ok look big guy tell me why you are standing in front of me, not moving and holding a machete. If you may murder me why didn't you just let me die in the lake and not pull me out. What are your intentions on standing in front of me, are you trying to express a meaning of information to me?" Takuro then started breathing heavily from his speech.
The girl practically tripped over herself when he dodged, making her much more vulnerable and easier to get a hit on. So, the punch caught her off guard, successfully knocking her down and incapacitating her. As she hit the ground, the knives clambered to the floor, near the same spot that the hockey stick from the boy Teresa had knocked out.

@Gummi Bunnies
"And these will come in handy," Will says nonchalantly as he takes the knives that the girl had, placing them in his jeans pockets,"Despite these not being seraph blades, but they'll do."

Not being one to end people's lives so casually, he left the girl he had incapacitated on the ground. Seeing that Teresa had knocked out another boy near him, the Nephilim has one knife out in his grasp, keeping an eye out for anybody that wanted to try killing them.

"I take it that someone tried to get too close and intimate with you, Tessa," the ravenette comments over to her, seeming that even in a situation like this, he made a teasing comment anyways.


You run into your fellow student, Anouk.


Something looks decidedly off about her.


Turning a corner, you recognise some of your fellow students. Like Kumiko, Anouk looks distorted. She raises a hand into the air, a ball of fire forming in her hand. "Get to detention!" she cries.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

You eventually find a grouping of your fellow students, Anouk looking to attack them.

"Anouk!" he screams as he tackles her suddenly "I'm sure they have a hall pass!" he just hoped he could spare the others from the pain Anouk would likely be able to bring them


"A-Anouk... is that you?..." The female couldn't believe it. Was she still in Ilse's body and memories of that past life? No. She couldn't be. If she was, Tom would be there right next to her. She would try to find some sort of cover from the fire that Anouk produced by ripping the thick hem of her long dress and holding out a locker door. Hopefully, Nonne could find another locker door that is detached in order to move ahead. "W-Who's there..." She recognized that there was another person with her, "Is that you, Kei?!"

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Aaron put the spear on his back. "Crap! Oh God, Oh God!" He pulled out the second Phoenix Down. "Oh my God! Please live, Please live!" He dragged the girl's body to the wall. "Come on. You can make it! You can make it!" He said putting the feather on her chest near her heart.
No response came... Looked like he was a little too late.​
Simon smiled back at Anna. God, he loved that woman. He ran ahead slightly. He could feel every footstep. Every hit struck like a Thunderstorm. He ran to the nearest enemy student, and launched a herculean uppercut to his jaw. He turned. He peace with himself, despite the Warfare. Ducking through a few more punches and hastily assembled weapons, Simon launched another strike into the student's chest. He knew the exact placement of everybody. Unlike the battle against the Overseer, they all had the power now. And Simon would use his to the best of his ability.

@Atomyk @Mari
The blows were a success, but the boy Simon went after didn't seem to be giving up! The boy attempted to slash Simon's jaw with a broken piece of glass(likely from LuAnn's broken bottle). Did he hit?

Odd: Success
Even: Failure​
Turning a corner, you recognise some of your fellow students. Like Kumiko, Anouk looks distorted. She raises a hand into the air, a ball of fire forming in her hand. "Get to detention!" she cries.

Yuki stood defensively when she found Anouk, ready to move or dodge any attack the girl would attempt. She paid no mind to the other students nearby her. "You are not yourself. Refrain from taking any actions or I will eliminate your existence," the little android declared. These... insane students attacking her may have been people she knew in the past, but they were unimportant in her eyes. The only thing important to Yuki was returning home so she could continue her mission. If she didn't, universes across the multiverse could be in danger.

@Atomyk @DapperDogman @Proxymoron
"A-Anouk... is that you?..." The female couldn't believe it. Was she still in Ilse's body and memories of that past life? No. She couldn't be. If she was, Tom would be there right next to her. She would try to find some sort of cover from the fire that Anouk produced by ripping the thick hem of her long dress and holding out a locker door. Hopefully, Nonne could find another locker door that is detached in order to move ahead. "W-Who's there..." She recognized that there was another person with her, "Is that you, Kei?!"

As the dust settled, Anouk ignored Kei and Minori as she exploded forward. A ball of air formed in the girl's palms as she jumped upward. The two streams of air formed together mid-air and slammed into the ground next to Ilse, sending her flying.

@DapperDogman @Proxymoron @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
No response came... Looked like he was a little too late.​

The blows were a success, but the boy Simon went after didn't seem to be giving up! The boy attempted to slash Simon's jaw with a broken piece of glass(likely from LuAnn's broken bottle). Did he hit?

Odd: Success
Even: Failure​
Simon was relieved that the boy missed, but he couldn't take that kind of risk again. He launched a brutal kick into the boy's stomach, and then looked for something that he could use as a weapon.

@Hospes @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Takuro's face turned to a more straight-forward expression, "Ok look big guy tell me why you are standing in front of me, not moving and holding a machete. If you may murder me why didn't you just let me die in the lake and not pull me out. What are your intentions on standing in front of me, are you trying to express a meaning of information to me?" Takuro then started breathing heavily from his speech.
The man seemed to grow tired of your talking. He lowered his machete, swinging it toward your neck, but stopping right before cutting through. He slowly leans in, threatening to puncture your neck.

As the dust settled, Anouk ignored Kei and Minori as she exploded forward. A ball of air formed in the girl's palms as she jumped upward. The two streams of air formed together mid-air and slammed into the ground next to Ilse, sending her flying.

@DapperDogman @Proxymoron @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Since Anouk ignored Yuki, she ignored her also. Yuki continued to stand there, waiting until she was either threatened again or one of the others asked for assistance before acting. She watched everyone, waiting to see what would happen next.

@DapperDogman @Proxymoron
As the dust settled, Anouk ignored Kei and Minori as she exploded forward. A ball of air formed in the girl's palms as she jumped upward. The two streams of air formed together mid-air and slammed into the ground next to Ilse, sending her flying.

@DapperDogman @Proxymoron @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Slamming into the ground, Nonne would try to get up but her ankle seemed to be sprained. "What is this... Where are we?" She continued to question their situation. If Anouk and Kei where there, then who was the other female?..

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Kei frowns as he looks at Anouk attacking Ilse. She'd been pretty good to him, all things considered, she'd known better than to attack him when he wasn't in his right mind...he couldn't let her be attacked

He throws her the hammer and reaches for the screwdriver "Dammit, MOVE ILSE!" he yells to her as he tries to pull Anouk back from her

If possible, he'd rather not use violence, as it didn't seem to work, and even earlier he'd decided it better to break a leg than to burn to death

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Simon was relieved that the boy missed, but he couldn't take that kind of risk again. He launched a brutal kick into the boy's stomach, and then looked for something that he could use as a weapon.

@Hospes @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


The kick launched the boy back against the wall, and he slid down to thee floor with a groan. Weapon-wise, there was a hockey stick, a makeshift spear made from what had appeared to be a broomstick.. Or Simon could simply use his body. It looked like the boy was on the verge of passing out(or was at least winded badly enough to be vulnerable), so it likely wouldn't be too difficult to knock him unconscious.​
"And these will come in handy," Will says nonchalantly as he takes the knives that the girl had, placing them in his jeans pockets,"Despite these not being seraph blades, but they'll do."

Not being one to end people's lives so casually, he left the girl he had incapacitated on the ground. Seeing that Teresa had knocked out another boy near him, the Nephilim has one knife out in his grasp, keeping an eye out for anybody that wanted to try killing them.

"I take it that someone tried to get too close and intimate with you, Tessa," the ravenette comments over to her, seeming that even in a situation like this, he made a teasing comment anyways.


Teresa was still going head to head with the boy on the floor, and it seemed neither of the pair were backing down. Teresa now not only sported a broken nose, but a bruise her eye and a cut by her left temple, as well. Though, the boy on top of her trying to choke her out fared much worse; and Will's approach provided the perfect opportunity for a finisher. The boy glanced at him for just a moment... Which was all the opportunity Teresa needed.

Not wasting a split second, Teresa promptly reached up, gripped the boy's shoulders, pulled down with force and.. BAM! She'd slammed her head against his, causing him to groan in pain and fall unconscious... Which made the Glader smirk. With that, she kicked the boy off, rolling over and pushing herself shakily to her feet, and brushing herself off quietly. Will's comment only made Teresa grin. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Guess he didn't realize I don't like guys playin' with their sticks on first dates," she joked.


Then, she took a look around the gym area, where bodies(unconscious, as well as non-breathing) were strewn about.. And sighed almost contently. "Well, I think that went well. What about you guys?" she mused, going to try to help Horatio up. It looked like, if anything, there were only a couple hostiles left.. The others were all unconscious, dead, or had fled.

@Gummi Bunnies @Thuro Pendragon @Atomyk @BarrenThin @Mari @Mighty Roman @TheBombMan @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Jeremi @Gym​
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