Idlaide - The Rays of Fortune OOC

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Ah, great and noble wise one where do you come up with such ideas?

(There's that, or one on the Players can give me a brief summary. That is, if the Villain ooc ever comes into play.)
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Sorry, guys. I have to tap out of this. Kill Wayne for going fucking psycho and leave it at that. That is my request, do what you want with it.
What? But - Come on! Dammit! Two out, one mysteriously unresponsive...*FLOP. THUD.*

That's the sound of me hitting my head on the table in defeat. :,(
Maybe...maybe we can get those three new pilots after all...*Sigh*
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Well, that's one option. I mean, there is a lot of ways that we can spin this for the best.

Like, think about it this way. I don't know where the evil dude is, but let's say that he comes over and randomly shoots Wayne. The captain's last interaction with Wayne was not very enjoyable, and Cynthia is still holding onto his ever so prized statue. Think about the emotions that can fly and how much bonding will happen between the remaining pilots! And remember, this is all in the first day! The first day! Plot will build.

I'm sure @Danika will be back soon enough, on another note. Her post were pretty crazy awesome and she seemed to really like this role play, so there is no doubt in my mind that she will eventually come back. Until then, poisoned lobsters, yay!

Don't let your spirits get down just yet! You and all of the remaining can build an empire! We can take over the world! The rays will fly us into outer space, our capes flapping in the wind! Just keep your hope up!

Alright, my pep talk got a little weird in the end, but I mean well.
[Roots for three new pilots.]

...I'd be happy to serve as a replacement. ;)
@Lykaon's character already left planet. And I want Danika to come back too...

Ugh...this is just depressing though. And I think I'd be a little less upset if I weren't also really tired. It's getting a little late where I am and I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately.
Well that's exactly what you need then! Try not to let this worry you too much until you get some sleep. I am positive that everything will work out as long as everyone is flexible and positive.
Well that's exactly what you need then! Try not to let this worry you too much until you get some sleep. I am positive that everything will work out as long as everyone is flexible and positive.
You are really nothing like your character at all, are you?
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;) Working on CS now. Is there any gender you'd prefer?
No. Whatever you want. We have two guys gone now, and possibly a girl (really hope Danika comes back), but yeah whatever you want to use.
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You are really nothing like your character at all, are you?
Oh my god that made me spit a little laughing. Yeah well, I admire characters like Cynthia a lot because I think it's really cool to be able to like want to destroy people and climb to the top of an empire, but I myself am not very cut throat. I mean, if I was like Cynthia I don't think you guys would like me that much, instead of her I would be the one getting names like "Richie Mc Bitch Face" or "Slave Driver."

I've always really liked super prideful characters though and really enjoy playing them. However, Cynthia would not be very good at cheering people up. She would probably just as to the somberness going on, which is no way to go about things! Well, it's a possible way, but it won't really lead anywhere.

Don't get down, mate. You still have us and your trusty neighborhood villain guy.
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  • Eye Color: Doe brown
  • Height: 5'10
  • Izu Lost his arm and damaged parts of his spine after jumping from a two story building after discovering his wife and child's dead body. His arm has been replace with a prosthetic thanks to cybernetic technology as well as segments of his vertebrae. His prosthetic arm has no artificial covering--plain metal.
  • Sides of head are shaved, hair is longer atop of his head and her often keeps it off his face and knotted with a hair tie.

Name: Dr.Izu Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Personality: Izu is a quiet man--alway has been and always will be. Before his wife and son were murdered, he was a rather charming man. All dimpled smiles and witty comebacks. Since then, Izu has become rather stoic, and deadpan. I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could wrangle a smile out of him, but there isn't much left of the old Izu. He is curious by nature, always asking why, always looking to the stars. Izu feels guilty for not protecting his family but he keeps it together for the most part. A bit of a mad scientist.

  • Surprisingly Good Chef.
  • Fluent in American Sign Language.
  • Rather Agile in the air, rather adept at maneuvering Askatu.
  • Brilliant Technician/Scientist, creates own weapons.

  • Soft Spot for children.

Planet/moon of origin: Rivas

Brief Bio:
Izu Smith was born on the planet Rivas to a couple native to Paipas. He was born out of wedlock, so his parents eloped and moved to Rivas first chance they had in fear of persecution. Izu and his parents lived a quaint lifestyle, he was too young to ponder how neither of his parents had a job that he knew of but they were living comfortably with often money to spare. His Father Abraxas and Mother Lilly were involved in the underground world of crime--Drug Trafficking and Distribution. After moving to Rivas with a pregnant wife and not a single penny, Abraxas had believed it to be his only option.
When Izu was 7 he built his first AI.
When Izu was 10 his father was shot and killed.
When Izu was 14 he discovered why his father was killed, and how his mother made her money.
When Izu was 15 his mother was arrested and imprisoned on a life sentence for multiple counts of drug trafficking.
Due to his rocky childhood, Izu grew up thinking the only way to be successful in this world was to become a criminal. While living in a Foster home with several other children, Izu got involved in the underground world of crime. A man named James 'Hook' Harrison took the teenager under his wing and groomed him in the art of murder and assassination. Not as glamorous as it sounds. Izu was 'Adopted' by James Harrison months later and by then he had committed his first act of cyber terrorism.
When Izu was 16 1/2 he assassinated his first man.
When Izu was 17 he met Alaya Moore and weeks later, they had begun a relationship.
When Izu was 18 Alaya murdered James Harrison.
When Izu was 19 he proposed to Alaya, and she accepted. They were never officially married, and there was never an official wedding.
Izu and Alaya lived somewhat peacefully after their 'marriage.' They moved to Aguaceles, settled down and brought a house on the water. Soon enough Alaya was pregnant, and they had decidedly given up their lifestyle of crime. They were young, impulsive and in love. However their past had decidedly caught up with them 6 months after their son Nathan was born. Nathan was born deaf, and his parents made sure to thoroughly learn ASL--to become fluent in the language so they could communicate with their infant as he grew. As I was saying, six months later Izu returns home from the fish market bearing crabs and shellfish only to find his wife and child dead in the living room. Shortly after, he attempted to commit suicide.
It took Izu 6 months to recover from his injuries, in a medically induced coma the entire time. When he awoke he had a prosthetic arm, hand, and shoulder joint and his spine was littered with the same technology. Also, the warden of a Federal prison was at his bed side, as well as to military representatives ready to inform him of the cross roads in his life.
Izu was either given the choice of a life sentence in a Federal prison, or serve in the military in the Rival system. Of course, he choose to serve, and he found himself in the Ray program.
Now, Askatu is all he has left.
Sheet for Ray ship

Name: Askatu. Basque for the word Liberation.

Color: Askatu is a metallic silver, but slowly gold highlights are being lightly added to her exterior frame.

Personality: Sensitive. Playful. Narcissistic. Askatu has picked up some of Izu's less flattering traits, the AI doesn't hesitate to kill--a go to response, often very cautious. D
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