Idlaide - The Rays of Fortune OOC

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Okay... Can Wayne have the body?
No! No you can't! He's being sent back home to buried with respect. Don't make me make Idlaide blow you up.
goodness me, this all sounds perfect.
Wouldn't mind having poor Elijah become an example to the others in the slightest.
@Quiet One can you send me a message when it is apropriate to write up his death?
I don't drink, okay? I don't know this stuff.
Haha, don't worry, I'm just joshing with you. At least you didn't go ahead and start mixing red wine with coke, which, sadly, is something I've seen done in the real world. -_-;

Sorry, I can't seem to stop myself posting novels each time.
You and me have very different problems, it seems. You can't stop posting novels and I always exhaust my ideas in the first two lines.
Hey, at least the content's pretty good. That's really what I care about here.
Wait...what?! Someone actually did that? Blasphemy!
I wish I could say that I'm lying, but it's the truth. I think the idea is that if a white wine spritzer is made with soda water, then a red wine spritzer must be made with cola instead. I suppose that logic means that a rosé spritzer is made with Fanta...
Yeah I'm probably not supposed to know this... but...
Kahlùa and vanilla ice cream, and then dark chocolate slivers on top.
So...are we all going to be sitting at the same table that Max is sitting at? Or are all the pilots meant to just be sitting at a table by themselves? Like captains to one table and pilots to another? Just wondering for my post. hehe.
I said, that main table with the plates set up is where you all sit. Max's table is nearby, but not really a part of it. Where the other pilots are currently sneaking food is your table.
Hmm, I must have missed that some how. I will admit that I have a migraine that has not gone away since yesterday, so my mind is a bit off. hehe.
Well, I like your post, but is there any reason why it looks like three different paragraphs were repeated? If you can just edit through that real quick to make it less confusing, that'd be great.
Fuck! I had an entire comment typed and some weird shit happened and I lost it.