Idlaide - The Rays of Fortune OOC

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Actually...that's a little similar to the backstory I've worked up for Max. He spent maybe that same amount of time on Rivas, then went living on Aguaceles and Paipas for a while each, along with a large number of the other planets and moons in the system. Bit of a travelling bum in his youth. He was still younger than Marissa by about four years when he got Idlaide, making him nineteen or so at that time.
You would think that my 22 year old criminal would be more bitter, but no. He's just an ass. Though for a good reason.....
Really. Justify your ass-ness then. :)
@Disgruntled Goat: now, now. I don't consider Marissa an ass. Just abrasive and a little high-strung. Hopefully training, and maybe a few missions, will take some of the edge off and she can actually make some friends.
Perhaps, but right now she's still a bit of an ass. She's the only one that got attacked by her Ray, after all!
Okay, @PostingOwl I set up for Yukiko. This is why Max didn't really want to teach the pilots. He's not got great people skills.
...Jones maybe? But she's kind of an NPC.
Is this still open to join? Or would it be too difficult for me to catch up?
...There'd be a lot of catching up involved, but three Rays are still free, so if you're comfortable waiting a day or so in the story we can introduce you and get you one. You can fill the void when @egglegg's character dies.
Cynthia can actually be good with people, but only in a business setting. She's a bit sour and off her game right now though. Just thought I'd bring that up :) You guys seem to be having fun im the ooc thread, I'm just waiting for replies and such. Sorry I have not been posting here much!
@Lyra Meiko: it's okay. I know not everyone posts novels and the stuff you do post is good. Virtually no grammar errors, plenty of introspection, and yours has more people interacting with her so far than anyone else.

@Daws Combine: Your character has been acting like a sociopath. So no, reading people doesn't count when he doesn't use what he gains. :P
Is he, now? Hmm.... *Insert mystery and/or possible future villain plotline here*
Might actually be worth looking into, that idea. But I'd wait until Wayne actually knows what he's doing before trying it. And for his Ray to get stronger. Right now, the smaller Rays don't have guns nearly as powerful as the big ones. Idlaide could blow you to pieces, so it's unwise to challenge any time soon.
Daws Combine: Your character has been acting like a sociopath. So no, reading people doesn't count when he doesn't use what he gains. :P
That makes it even worse! If he can read people, then it means he should know how to react "positively" and he's deliberately being antisocial. The fact that he knows he's being an ass makes him even more of an ass than someone that might have been doing it obliviously!