Hunt And Destroy

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"I was feeling pretty weak actually, but I'm starting to feel normal again, but no unexplained energy or anything." Zane said honestly. He didn't really understand why Ghanyve was asking him this stuff.
"Faust is a powerful being, he uses a sword cause he prefers a challenge. Best we get to work then, Faust wil deal with the rest of the pesky humans."
Grendel made his way into the shopkeepers office. and started pouring through drawers.
Ghanyve sighed with releif and smiled. "Great, not suspectable to addictive venom." He leans back against a different tree. "The wound will heal within a couple hours unless you pick at it." Shadows swirls around him, but instead of malicously, they almost seemed to be wrapping around like a cloak or blanket. "Now, time to sleep and forget," he muttered looking almost sad.
The boy palmed her Mercy's head again "Ghanyve"
Emil paused. "I know that name... I know that name"
Polyglandular Addison's Disease. Rare. Random. Mercy's Disease. Constant Meds required. She was overdue for them. She was going into shock. Her organs were shutting down. Too much stress would so that. She was dying. Great, her own body was killing her. Mercy was being killed because some higher power, or even this horrible creature in front of her, lacked some of her namesake.
Serenity watched as Grendel searched through drawers. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously before she could stop herself. She looked at the dead old lady, she had never suspected the lady as being a hunter, but maybe there was something important she had been hiding. Serenity looked around the room one more time, she took in every detail of the scene, trying to make it so she could understand what had happened here. She decided maybe it was time for her to leave, there wasn't anything she could really do to help.

Zane didn't want to sleep or forget. He wanted to figure out what this thing was. He had always heard of stories about different things like this...Even his mom used to scream about demons and how they were coming after her, he had just thought she had gone crazy and that none of it was true though...Or maybe he didn't really think that, but he had forced himself to believe it. And now everything he had made himself believe was now shattered as he realized the truth.
Ghanyve tilted his head at him. "You're not terrified....or screaming at me, yelling demon or vampire... why?" Birds flew overhead in the quiet forest. Light pushed it's way past the leaves. Bugs and tiny mammels moved around on the ground. This human was acting weirdly. Usually they tried to run as fast as they could. Zane wasn't really moving. Maybe I took too much blood
"The lady is dying"
Emil, turned to the boy.
"Find him."

Grendel Pulled out all the books off her shelves and offered them to the girl.
"Read much? Theres a reason she was killed the way she was, the answer is likely in these tomes."
He pulled a drawer clean out.
"I doubt she was a hunter but she knew a thing or two about demons"
He sniffed some papers
Mercy felt everything in her body shut down. Everything went dark. Her body felt light and heavy at the same time. There was a white light as the chemicals in her brain had one last party, and then she was gone.

Mercy Williams: Deceased
"The lady left her body."
... "Fuck, we need to go."
Emil kneeled down and closed her eyes.
"Grendel is free, he is with another"
"I'm not sure, but she smells like human"
Zane didn't exactly understand why he wasn't terrified or trying to run away either. Actually he was scared, but he wasn't going to start acting crazy because of it. Maybe it was because part of him wasn't exactly surprised, but he also knew that screaming demon or other names wouldn't do him any good. He didn't want to go crazy like his mother, so he simply accepted what was going on rather then trying to run away from it...Plus he didn't know if his legs could even let him run right now. He looked at Ghanyve again. "I am terrified, I just don't see the point in going insane with terror and screaming names, it won't help me at all..." He said thoughtfully. It didn't exactly make sense, but nothing made very much sense.
Serenity took the books and looked at them. She could tell that they were old and they looked important. She started looking over the words through the books, looking for important things that might help.
"That's more sense then most people have," Ghanyve said before moving over to kneel in front of him. He hated this part. Hiding all the time, and finally revealing yourself to someone only to have to erase their memory and make them forget you. "Well... time for me to become a stranger again." He moves forward to place his hand on the back of Zane's neck, near his brain stem. Then he moves away, looking at Zane quizzically, "Unless you don't want to forget because you already know about us..?"
Zane thought about it. Usually he would have wanted to forget it all and try to go back to his normal life, but something had made him realize that this wouldn't be the best thing to do. "I don't want to run away from the truth, even if it is scary." He said making up his mind.
Sirens yelling and more shooting echoing down the alleys. Faust did his best to make quick work of them..
Ghanyve smiled widely. "What a releif." His shadows move around him. "However, I take it, you want to go home?" Mercy would be worried that he hadn't returned by now.
"Yea home sounds nice right now." Zane said ready to be back in the safety of his apartment.

Serenity focused harder on the words in front of her as she heard more gunshots and Faust yelling. She hadn't come across anything that interesting yet, but she was reading through the pages of a book that seemed promising.
"I can take you back into town, but you'll have to get home from my apartment. I can't appear in places I haven't been before...." Ghanyve said offering a hand to Zane. "I can also get you some stuff to replenish blood faster." The shadows start whipping up around them in a grey and black frenzy. The birds all flew away in a flutter of feathers and squawks. It seems the natural inhabitants of earth weren't so found of the demonic invaders. He moves forward and put his hand on Zane's shoulder before the shadow envoloped them and they disappeared, only to reappear in Ghanyve's apartment.
"Weird, Mercy is usally home by now. Maybe she went to breakfast."
Zane watched as he reappeared in another place again, except this time he had been expecting it so it wasn't so confusing. "Who is Mercy?" He asked looking around the apartment.
"Oh, my roommate," he says with a smile as he points to a picture of them on the wall. "We've been good friends for a long time." Ghanyve walks over to the bathroom to grab some pills and other stuff for Zane. His tilts her head at Mercy's medicine container. Her daily dose measurement was still there. Weird. He checks him cellphone that he had left on the charger in the kitchen. No new texts. Also Weird. He quickly sends one Mercy: Hey Merc, you forgot your meds? also, why didn't you say you'd be out this morning xD whatevs, kisses and all that jazzGhanyve sighs and puts his phone back down. "Ready to get you home?"

Mercy's pocket rings with a default cell-phone ring
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