Hunt And Destroy

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Zane looked up at the picture on the wall and couldn't help but feel his mood become a little more brighter. He looked over as Ghanyve walked to the bathroom and came out with some pills. He was about to answer Ghanyve's question when he heard the quiet ringing of a cell-phone. He looked around, "Was that your phone?" He asked wondering where the ring had come from.
Ghanyve tilted his head at Zane before looking at the table. "No, it wasn't my phone... but it sounded like Mercy's," he explains as he walks towards her room. Opening the door he looks around. Her phone is gone, as is her purse and jacket. "I don't know if she came home from work last night." Ghanyve walked over to his phone and flipped it open. He hit Mercy's number and held the phone to his ear. Now he was worried. She was so careful, meticulous, and time-conscious. Where was she? Then he could hear her phone ringing from outside the apartment building. "What the-?"
Emil pulled his gun as he made for the china shop, he could see faust hacking his way through a squad car.
"Faust just cant keep a low profile, can he?"
"he's Faust"
"point taken"
Emil tried his best to look for a safe way into the shop, nothing. Soon this would be a battle ground and Grendel knew it too.

Grendel shuffled through some papers when bullets broke one of the front panes of the shop.
He tured to the girl.
"I think it best we continue this search elsewhere. Faust is our cover, he needs all eyes on him."
He offered his hand to her. Take my hand.
Zane could hear the phone ringing outside. He could tell that something was wrong by the worry on Ghanyve's face. He looked over to the the went outside and walked over to it.

Serenity eye's widened as bullets broke through the front of the shop. She looked down at Grendel's hand and hesitated for a second, but then grabbed it.
Do you have a name, sweetie? Grendel inquired.
"Um, yes, its Serenity." She said quietly. She could hear lots of nose outside now and was wondering exactly what was going on out there.
Ghanyve followed Zane outside and froze. "No...." The ringing was coming from Mercy's pocket. A non-moving, broken-looking Mercy. He ran across the street into the alley. "No, no, no, no!" He kneeled down beside and pulled her into his lap, feeling for a pulse. Her body was stiff and cold. The phone kept ringing as it fell out of her pocket. His glamour feel as he started going into a frenzy. Ghanyve's eyes went black even as tears ran down them. His grip on Mercy's body was tight as he wrapped his arms around her. "Why....what happened?" He looked up to Zane, shadowy tears running down his contorted face. "Call an amublance or the police or something, please!" He held her face in his hand, her cheek smooth and waxy. "No, not you, Mercy. Why?" His shadows swirled around him as he leaned over her body and cried. He cried his heart out, but no-one was there to hear him.
Like no-one was there to hear her screams. He growled. Darkness started to swirl around him however the greif was too much. He just went limp on the sidewalk holding her. "She was my best friend, what happened?" His face was blank and his voice was dull.
"Mm Serenity, thats a lovely name, Well I'm going to need you to hold tight. Your powers are still developing so this might make you dizzy"
Grendel began to pull them apart into black ribbons of emptiness, little by little they and the books and papers fell away like ash.
Zane quickly called an ambulance, which he didn't know if it really made a difference or not but he needed to do something. He didn't know what to say or do that would help at all, but he quietly walked over to Ghanyve. He didn't know why, but for some reason he felt sick and really bad for Ghanyve. The guy who had attacked him and taken his blood was now crying with a girl in his arms, and Zane felt absolutely horrible about it. All he could manage to do was say, "I'm so sorry..."
Serenity held on to Grendel's hand tightly as everything fell apart, including herself. She wondered where they were going, but she couldn't open her mouth to ask him, so she just waited to find out.
Ghanyve slowly stopped crying and just lowered his head. "She was turning 21 in a couple weeks. We were gonna go drinking together..." He strokes her dark hair softly. "She had just gotten back together with her boyfriend too.... and she was finally talking to her older sister again." Ghanyve looked up at Zane with a faint smile. "Mercy was getting her life back on track," he manages to say before his face contorted into pain. He leaned over her body and hugged her tightly. "Why.... she couldn't have just forgotten her medication, what happened?"
Zane looked down at the girl. There didn't seem to be any wounds on her or anything that would kill her, maybe she had just forgotten her medication. He looked at Ghanyve again and he looked so sure that she would have just forgotten them, that the thought it it disappeared from Zane's mind. "Do you know if anyone would want to hurt her?" He asked even though the girl didn't look like someone anyone would even want to hurt, let alone kill!
Ghanyve shook his head. Tiny tendrils of shadows moved their way across her body. "Her organs failed... but both her ankle's are broken and she had a concussion before she died." He picked up her body and made to move across the street back into their aparment. His face was blank except for some dried tears. His previously bright eyes were dull. When Ghanyve looked at Zane it was almost like he didn't see him. "We need to wait for that ambulance, right?" he inquires with a dull voice.
"Um, yea they should be here soon." Zane said following Ghanyve back to the apartment. He looked out the window when he heard loud sirens from the ambulance screaming as it came down the street.
Ghanyve turned around as the paramedics jumped out of the ambulance. He was so out of it he let them take her away, strapping her into machines and closing the door. It was that resounding slam as the door shut that made him crack. Ghanyve turned around, the cops and paramedics ignoring him as if he wasn't there. Actually, to them, he wasn't. Turning to Zane, he waves his hand. "You should go home and forget about this...." Ghanyve looks up towards his apartment. "I need to leave before the hunter's come looking for me on account of her death... what kind of idiot kills the neice of the organization's leader, I don't know..." he growls to no-one in particular. His sadness was being overridden by anger. Pure, unregulated anger.
Zane watched the paramedics come and take the girl and leave. He needed to leave, Ghanyve was obviously very upset and it sounded like he needed to leave himself. Then he stopped when Ghanyve said something interesting. "Killed? You mean someone like you did this?" He asked.
"Whether intentional or not, yes. There's onryoakuma energies all over her, like a signature. It's familar but I don't know who it belong to." Ghanyve stands up and flicks his gaze to Zane. His eyes are completely black with white slits where his normal ireses would be. "I recomened you leave before I do something we both will regret dearly. Sharpened incosors drop again in a repeat of earlier that day. "Shadow demons can be rather... insticual creatures. And right now a member of my family, bloodline regardless, has been killed." Tiny slivers of darkness strech out and around him connecting his shadows to every single on in the city, searching around for that special energy that belonged to Mercy's killer.
The world reassembled in front of Grendel, he took a sigh of relief and eased his grip on Serenity's tender hand. Soon the papers followed, falling around them like autumn leaves. Then the tomes came in with a violent thud. The room was dim and liked wall to wall with bookshelves. In the center was a hand carved wooden desk made to match the rest of the work around the room.
"Welcome to my study.. In the human realm. You might want to sit down and catch your breath, sweetie. A trip like that is never easy."
Zane nodded understanding completely. "Alright I'm going to go now then." He said walking to the door. He walked outside and starting heading down the street back to his apartment.
Serenity sat around feeling a little bit dizzy. She looked around the room, there were bookshelves lined around the room and different papered were falling around them. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the dim lighting, which she could always see great in the dark so it was now easy for her to take in the rest of the room.
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