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[Hogwarts; Room of Requirement]

The look of horror that crossed both faces delighted Garaile immensely. His grin widened from ear to ear as he watched Anice blush trying to cover herself. Wasn't she adorable? She tried to protest against his earlier statement, but the journalist brushed it off. He didn't care for the truth, he didn't write for the truth, but for sensation and the truth wasn't sappy enough. He knew that the girl couldn't help but react, seeing her uptight character, but Garaile couldn't help but forever chuckle at how naïve she was. Perhaps it was for the better to have her so innocent. The Weasel wouldn't have half the fun he had now if she wasn't.

And the silent storm Luke's expression held! Garaile triumphed at the reaction, his eyes glazing over the anger bristling in the half breeds eyes. The Weasel almost felt sorry for revealing his secrets in such a tacky manner, however the boy was an artist. He needed to reveal this story to the rest! He was obligated to do so. Now that he had hit the hammer on the nail all that was up to him was to cause an uproar in the school by revealing his little secret. Garaile, as a muggleborn himself, didn't give a rat's ass about the prefect's blood purity, but he knew that enough in school did. Enough to cause an uproar tomorrow. At least it would show the boy who were his friends and who not. In the end the Slytherin was doing him a favour. Who knows, maybe that even dear Anice would leave his side once this was revealed? It was a good thing that Garaile had never been the one to care for his image, or that he lacked some sense of morals. Otherwise he would never manage to get any of his work done.

However, just as Garaile was waiting for Luke to attempt an attack on him, expecting some sort of jinx to come forward, something entirely unexpected happened. Feeling himself being pulled away by the zombie princess Garaile soon found himself to do the last thing he had ever expected and hoped. They were sitting close enough to each other already, the booth being not all that big and the disgusting smell of the gummy bears filling his nostrils. Yet, despite the lack of own room, the girl had pulled him closer. She didn't reach for his face to slap, or head-butt, him like he had experienced a few times and expected to happen now. No, she actually kissed him! Pressing her lips against his so that he could taste the sweets on her lips, along with the lingering taste of the alcohol they had been soaked in. Freezing up Garaile stared at the girl flabbergasted. Did she just really?

The kiss was brief, but it was enough to leave the boy utterly shocked as his mind went blank. Whatever had happened still needed to register in his brain it seemed, or had actually caused his brain to explode. Why was she kissing him? Wasn't she supposed to loath him like the rest of the school did? Wish for his death, wanting to hit him, hurt him, make him meet his early end? Questions ran through the Slytherin's mind as he tried to understand what had just happened.

A flash behind him lit up the booth for a while, dying out second later and Garaile knew that this meant someone in the crowd had seen them. Why now of all times? Garaile could swear that his luck just turned against him in a matter of seconds. The control he had earlier, the power that had gone through his body as he had Luke cornered all disappeared. Now, to make it all worse, someone had actually caught him in his weakest moment! Gulping, Garaile tried to gather himself again, trying to regain control of himself and the situation. He had to catch the culprit later and force them to delete the picture. It would be bad business for him if this story got out. Why did this girl act so unpredictably? Why had she suddenly decided that she was drunk enough to kiss him? Him, of all people she had decided to give him a kiss! While he was still stuck in that loop of thought Luke brushed the girl away, effectively ending the kiss. Casting a spell over his shoulder the Weasel got hit by the small jinx that the prefect mumbled before hurrying out of the booth. A good thing the journalist would later admit, as it knocked him back into reality.

"Eugk." The gagging sounds he made wasn't even all that disgusting compared to the slugs that came out of his throat. Letting himself fall in the seats Garaile held his head between his knees, vomiting more slugs as he stared at the ground wide-eyed. Watching the slugs crawl away the boy tried to organise the rush of events earlier, wondering what had happened and how it all escalated. He was at the top of his game, he was on fire! However suddenly he felt very exposed and weak, thrown off and discarded as he remembered Anice kissing him again. What was this supposed to mean? Wasn't a kiss a form of affection only shared between loved ones? Garaile was convinced that he didn't belong under the category of 'loved one' in Anice's list. Or anywhere near that list with anyone at all. Why would he be there anyway? He didn't belong there, he made sure that he would never make it into the list. Yet someone had shown a form of affection to him, though deliberate and most likely insincere it triggered something inside of Garaile. An empty longing that hurt and ached, but at the same time made his heart beat in hope.

Characters mentioned/involved:
@VocaStar 's – Anice Runeswell
@Faust 's – Lucas Grey​
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Room of Requirement

"But Princess! I taught you to at least mingle with men," Jayden said with what sounded like a concerned parent, but dropped quickly to his usual sardonic voice as he tilted his head and as his gaze fell upon Garaile; "and not with animals."

Meanwhile Sabrina was smirking herself, proud of how quickly she responded to this momentous occasion. Waving in the direction of one of her lackey's she traded off her camera. "Don't let anything happen to this, okay?" But before he could leave she grabbed ahold of his cape, and took the camera back, taking the film out of the camera before handing the camera back to him and letting him leave. She wasn't taking any chances. Of course while she was preoccupied, the scene was continuing to unfold at the booth. The Skeleton boy now had Anice's hand and seemed to be pulling her away, but not before he shot a spell in Garaile's direction, causing the unsuspecting fool before her to lower his head and proceed to vomit slugs all over her nice floors. Sabrina's eyes widened as images of everything she worked hard for, going up in flames, flashed before her eyes.

Overly dramatic? Hell yes, but no one ever said she was the Drama Queen.

Sabrina rushed forward, her wand at the ready. Despite being buzzed she still had a clear enough mind to fix the situation at hand before letting it get out of control. "Finite" she mumbled as she cast the counter spell on Garaile to stop him from vomiting slugs. She sighed before quickly whipping around to face the Skeleton. Closing the gap between her and the Skeleton she slammed the heel of her foot down on his and grabbed his shirt, pulling him down close to her. Her crimson eyes were ablaze and she glared at him. "Excuse me, but I'm going to have to ask you not to cause a fight at my party. Do I make myself clear? This will be your only warning. Next time, I'm kicking your sorry ass out. " Pushes past him and grabs Anice's hand, "Oh, and I'm taking what belongs to me." With that she dragged Anice back towards the center of the room where the stage was. Passing by Jayden she mumbled, "Let's go"

When she reached the stage she let Anice go and crossed her arms in front of her, tapping her foot and shaking her head. Sabrina didn't like it when people had to disrupt the atmoshphere of her party, with stupidness like this. "Anice, darling. Daddy and Mommy have something we need to talk to you about." She said while looking at her,of course referring to herself and Jayden as Anice's parents, "Sweetheart, you can't go around kissing random boys. It gives them thoughts. Naughty thoughts. And we don't anything to happen to you. " her tone of voice soften a bit, as if she was talking to a child. Though Anice was drunk, thanks to her, so a childlike state she was most definitely in.

[glow=purple]ooc: Short post! Yay >_>[/glow]

Characters Mentioned:

@WishfulNemo > Garaile Scriven

@Faust > "The Skeleton" Lucas Grey

@Wicked > Jayden Everdragomir

@VocaStar > Anice Runeswell

NPC: Sabrina's Lackey
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Room of Requirement
The kiss lasted a bit longer than Anice had anticipated. She probably should have stopped after she realized Luke wasn't running and nothing was going to happen. But she didn't really know what would happen after it ended. So she just kind of...kept going. It wasn't like it was particularly unpleasant either...and usually she'd immediately extinguish those thoughts from the core of her brain, but seeing as she was intoxicated, the thoughts dwelled and grew. It wasn't bad at all. In fact..it was kind of good. Maybe even really good. Something about being a little...wild was fresh and exciting to her, causing her to tingle up. She felt different. Almost like she had found some new freedom. A flash came from outside the curtain, someone had taken a picture of the scene. But for some reason unknown to her, she didn't mind. The fact that people were watching her actually brought more excitement. What was this new, strange feeling? She could even feel a moan rising in her throat before she was suddenly pulled away.

Lucas tore her and the weasel apart. She'd almost forgotten who she was even kissing, though in her drunken state, she didn't really care. She was a tad irritated that she had been interrupted, seemingly forgetting why she'd even done the act in the first place. As she was dragged out of the booth she felt her knees were weak and she nearly tripped, but she was able to stay up by using her skeletal friend for support. He seemed upset and she wondered for a second if maybe she sensed some...jelousy? Though the thought quickly passed as Lucas ungracefully whipped around and muttered 'Slugulus Eructo' in Scriven's direction. Her eyes widened as the journalist was hit and knocked back into the couch. Slugs began to violently spill from his mouth onto the floor, making Anice feel sick herself. The sight didn't last long since a vampire queen that Anice recognized as Sabrina casted a counter-curse and marched up to the white-haired student.

She seemed even more angry than Lucas was as she slammed her heel into his foot. Anice clenched her eyes and winced in fear. Even though none of the anger was directed towards her, she felt like a guilty child since it was her fault. The queen began to speak roughly as she reprimanded him. "Excuse me, but I'm going to have to ask you not to cause a fight at my party. Do I make myself clear? This will be your only warning. Next time, I'm kicking your sorry ass out." With that she pushed past him to Anice who had been trying to hide away and not be seen. Sabrina grabbed her hand and lashed at him, "Oh, and I'm taking what belongs to me." and with those final words, Anice was dragged away from the scene, yet again. Her head hung low as she looked at the ground, stumbling behind the dominant pink haired student. She really was beginning to feel like an inanimate corpse as people felt the need to constantly rob her grave and lug her around every which way. However, currently, she really did need a guide as she felt she could barely stand.

When they reached the stage, Sabrina let her go and Anice's legs could finally give out. She slunk to the floor and looked up at the half-veela who now stood in front of her with her arms crossed. The angle made her roommate look much more intimidating and Anice in her child-like state cowered. "Anice, darling. Daddy and Mommy have something we need to talk to you about." Sabrina scolded. It was almost like Anice was being scolded by her actual parents, and worst, her actual mother. In fact, the way Sabrina spoke was so much like her mother, the situation became rather real to her. "Sweetheart, you can't go around kissing random boys. It gives them thoughts. Naughty thoughts. And we don't anything to happen to you. " her tone had softened but Anice couldn't help the tears that were welling up in her eyes. Her lip quivered as they bubbled up and began to overflow. Suddenly she clung to Sabrina's legs and hid her face in them. "I'm s-sorry mommy!" she cried. In truth, if her actual parents had found out about her kissing the muggleborn, she'd be slaughtered. The freedom she was feeling earlier was now replaced with immense guilt as her own twisted sense of reality hit her. In fact there were a lot of feelings that were whirring around in her that she was letting out in her drunken state. Along with those feelings came energy that began spilling from her. Sabrina's hair and cape began to shift around chaotically as the mysterious energy whirred around them. It started slow but began to get much stronger then slow again. As the party was in full heat, only the people nearby noticed. The energy picked up on and off like a broken light and Anice only sobbed clinging to her "mother's" legs, either not noticing or not caring. Surely if she were in her right mind, Anice would have murdered herself.

@WishfulNemo > Garaile Scriven
@Faust > Lucas Grey
@Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher
[ ooc: Sorry guys, I've been busy as hell as most of you are aware of my life situation. But I'll try to get back to posting. After Jay I'll also focus on my Gryffindors. ]


[glow=green] Room of Requirement[/glow]

Very much soon after his snarky commentary, things took a very aggressive turn. The skeletal looking boy lost it. He jumped up from his seat with a sudden new found determination that only an angry drunk could possess, tore the kissing duo apart and grabbed Anice by the wrist and started dragging her away. Jay simply stood idly, his eyebrows shooting almost up to his hairline by the sudden twist, not entirely sure how he should have reacted to the thing; thank the stranger for pulling the snogging duo apart because obviously Anice could do much better than the Weasel, or go after them because he did not exactly like to see one of his people being dragged around like a rag doll. Who was this punk for the Runeswell girl anyway?

Before Jay could open up his mouth to protest verbally to let Anice be, the skeleton whipped suddenly around, his wand pointed towards Scriven's general direction, the aim about as precise as a Flobberworm high on shrooms. Unfortunately, Jay was standing a bit too close for Garaile for his comfort when the slug vomiting hex was chanted, and he had to duck out of the way. The spell hit its target, leaving the school journalist staggering and soon emptying his stomach and mouth from huge slugs. Jay made a disgusted sound somewhere from the back of his throat, stepping away from Garaile so not to get any of his stomach fluids splattering his shoes. It pleased him to see his fellow housemate getting exactly what he deserved for a change, but maybe this love triangle dispute could have been handled somewhere more private?

"Well, that escalated quickly." Jay commented, his gaze whipping between Garaile and Jack Skellington.

Sabrina seemed to think something along the lines, as she rushed forward and let Garaile off his misery by ending the hex with a swiftly chanted Finite. In Jay's opinion, the damn Weasel could have done with a few more minutes of puking, but Sabrina thought otherwise. With a sigh, Jay looked as the Veela girl marched up to Anice and the other kid and stomped her heel on his foot so harshly that she could as well been walking on knives all night. The dhampir boy simply observed with a mild curiosity, seeing as he was not needed here when Sabrina had it all under control. But he stood idly by as a backup, in case the white haired Jack Skellington would try something stupid. In case that happened, Jay would break the skeleton's bones without any hesitation and make sure he would be hospitalized for few days trying to grow the too badly shattered ones back.

Now Sabrina was grabbing Anice instead, dragging the wobbling girl with her. Jay saw the Corpse girl stagger around on her footing, and he felt a little sorry for her, and maybe tiny bit guilty for not warning her about the alcohol. He did not know she was going to get this smashed and this fast. "Let's go." Sabrina mumbled to him as she passed him with Anice. Jay glanced at Garaile one last time, his gaze rather disinterested about his fellow housemate's condition, before he turned his gaze towards the other boy who had been dragging Anice around just now. For this one, Jay's sharp blue orbs were giving off a warning look that promised pain and humiliation if he would step even a toe out of line again. Because if his Veela friend just asked, the fifty attack dogs that were in a single leash behind this look would be unleashed, and that the stranger would come to regret quickly.

The half-breed boy turned around and followed the two girls, his footsteps not as brisk as Sabrina's and far more steady than Anice's was. He was taking his sweet time, feeling no need to hurry up, picking up a new goblet from one of the waiters as he went, sipping its context as he caught up to the girls. Anice was sitting on the floor, her gaze somewhat defocused and seeing her so out of it made Jay feel a little pang of guilt again. Someone could easily take advantage of her like this, and as much as he wanted her to loosen up and have good time, he also did not want her to have memories that she would regret. Or having someone laying their hand on her when she would never let them do that while she was sober. It made him feel conflicted towards her, seeing as he had never even gotten a thank you for yesterday, and because of her, his arm was still hella sore. Next time he would push her in the line of fire himself. But seeing her like this, so vulnerable, made Jay feel another surge of protection. The same kind he felt for Kiyoko and Sabrina, or anyone else he might have happened to care for. This made Jay question it if he just might take another shot of fire for her instead of using her as a human shield. Maybe he had also hit his head yesterday?

Sabrina had launched into a very parental like scolding, and Jay wondered if she was really just faking it for the sake of a joke, or if she actually cared for her roommate underneath that act more than she was willing to show without a facade. He smirked behind his goblet when she called him the "Daddy" as the earlier joke seemed to have taken a somewhat permanent root between them, and was obviously continuing. Her tone softened towards the end, and Jay wondered if his earlier analysis had been a spot on. However, Anice's eyes suddenly welled up with tears, which made Jay freeze in surprise. Then her lower lip started trembling, and the dhampir boy could only brace himself for what was coming. "Runeswell, please don't--"

But it was too late. Her eyes were now flooding like two miniature waterfalls and she reached to hug Sabrina's legs, hid her face in them and broke into loud sobbing. "I'm s-sorry mommy!"

Jay lowered his goblet in surprise, staring at the crying girl in bewilderment. It seemed like she was more drunk than he had even anticipated. But then something else threw him off even more; suddenly Sabrina's cape and hair seemed to pick up some wind. But it was not possible, because the air in the room was completely stagnant. There was no wind. He had seen something like this several times before; with himself. Her magic was leaking out due to her emotional state, and maybe because she was drunk, it was even worse than normal. She needed to calm down, or somebody might get hurt. For few seconds, he simply observed again, as the power seemed to pick up and slow down, like a broken switch that could not quite decide if it should power up an engine or not. Carefully, Jay placed his goblet on the stage and walked up to the nearest buffet table, never getting his eyes off from the two girls. He picked up the first thing from the table that his hand could reach, which happened to be a brilliantly red colored candy apple in a dark twig. With it, he quickly made his way towards the Slytherin girls again, and as he got closer, his steps became more careful. He approached Anice like an wounded animal, with obvious care and caution.

"Hey," Jay said quietly, his husky voice now having a soothing tone, hoping he would not just freak her out more as he crouched next to her, "'S all okay, Runeswell. Don't cry, it's all okay."

He never made an attempt to touch her, as he was not sure if she would allow him. Jay made sure to mind his boundaries with her carefully, because he did not want to upset her even further. He whipped up the candy apple between them, offering it for her. "I got you something nice. Nothing bad happened, we're here for you. And if somebody will try something nasty with you, just come to me and I'll deal with them for you. Alright?"

For the briefest moment, the raven haired boy wondered if this is what it felt like to have siblings.

Characters mentioned:
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Faust - Lucas Grey
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Hufflepuff Common Room

As expected, the question didn't seem to stir him one bit as he calmly replied, "The fracturing was extensive, but I was able to make repairs with a fair amount of difficulty." Charlotte's eyes met his and then went back to his arm. What was he saying? That he had fractured his arm extensively? And in a little more than a day he'd fixed it with fair difficulty? Something was definitely not right with that story. She wasn't really a medical expert, but if he had fractured his arm very badly then surely there would at least be a sign of injury? And almost like he'd read her mind he added, "It's in working order now and there's no residual damage." he slipped off his robe and pulled his sleeve back, showing her his forearm completely unscathed. She blinked in amazement. Surely there had to be some kind of strong magic behind this endeavor. She had to admit she was impressed. Without a thought she took his arm in her hands and began to inspect it more closely, tracing his faint veins under her gloves. "Amazing..." she said under her breathe. "There's absolutely no sign of injury whatsoever..." While it was a possibility that everyone was just pulling her leg, her spiders weren't the kind to lie, especially to her. And Jack hadn't lied to her the whole time she'd known him. It was amazing and shocking.

"You fixed it all by yourself? Tell me your secret..." she said as she looked up at her friend. It wasn't until she did this that she realized how close they were. She could see the details of Jack's face clearly. The light from the flames danced around on his face in a chaotic rhythm. His reddish-brown eyes looked back at her. She wasn't allowed this close to people, yet he didn't cower from her or even flinch. So she stayed where she was. It was definitely an invasion of personal space, but Charlotte had a very little understanding of such things. She enjoyed being close to people. They were warm and soft and there were so many things that went into them. She liked the smell of their skin and their hair. She longed for the clammy, sweatiness one got from holding another's hand. People were such beautiful amazing creatures. That's why she wanted to be close. But she understood why people ran from her. Even still, when she was permitted, she would abuse it. She smiled up at her friend and continued to look at his arm. "Amazing..." she said again.

@Strayed > Montgomery Knight

Room of Requirement

The half veela felt pretty proud of how things were working out so far. Hopefully scolding Anice like this would make it stick. Sabrina couldn't just have her getting into trouble like this. Or worse, trouble finding her. Okay, so maybe she was feeling a little guilty about Anice ending up in this situation. After all, it was her fault. Not only did she neglect to tell her roommate about the alcohol here but she basically forced the alcohol down her throat. Granted, she had no idea Anice would end up how she was, nor did she have any clue that she would act the way she did. So, she had to lay down some ground rules. She wouldn't have anyone taking advantage of Anice in her fragile condition. Because then the blame would fall solely on her shoulders. She didn't want to go on with her life with that kind of weight holding her down. Not only would Anice resent her but Sabrina wouldn't be able to forgive herself. Big shocker, yeah, she actually cared what she thought. Not that she would say that out loud or anything. She had to save face, after all she was Sabrina Gallagher.

"And another thing, you need to stop letting men drag you along like you're some sort of toy. You are a woman, a proud one, act like--" She added. Her eyes were closed as she continued to nail the parental role. That was before she was interrupted by Jayden.

"Runeswell, please don't--"

Sabrina opened her eyes to see Anice's expression shifted and her eyes started to tear up and her bottom lip began to tremble. Wait, what? What was going on? She wouldn't? Right? Sabrina didn't mean to get her upset, she was only trying to remedy her own mess, but apparently things weren't going as well as she thought they were. Her scarlet eyes widened as she braced herself for what happened next. "I'm s-sorry mommy!" Anice wailed as she clung to Sabrina's legs, her tears streaming down her face, only to be hidden as she buried her face in her legs. Sabrina had to steady herself from the sudden impact, then glanced down, panic in her eyes. Oh God. She made her cry. Oh shit, what was she supposed to do?! The roles were usually reversed, she was usually the one crying, not the other way around!

That's when something strange started to happen to her. Her hair and her cape started billowing around in the wind. Here's the thing, they were in a room, where there was no wind. Her eyes widened as her heart rate began to pick up. This was not good. This was not good for her, this was not good for the people at this party. This was just not fucking good. Sabrina's eyes narrowed on Anice. This didn't start happening till she started freaking out. Was this her? She knew about magic going crazy sometimes but she thought that once a witch or a wizard got stronger this little dangerous side effect went away. She had to stop this, but how? She reached down and started to pet Anice's head. "Shh, Shh, j-just calm down. It's okay, everything's fine okay? There's no need to be upset." She bit her lip, it wasn't working, fuck, if Anice didn't calm down soon, everything was going to be ruined.

That's when her eyes locked in on Jayden's movements. He placed his chalice on the stage, still looking at the both of them before starting to walk away. "H-Hey! Don't leave me alone! Hey!" She whispered after him. But it did no good. She glanced back and forth between Anice and Jayden. What was she going to do? Hell, now Sabrina felt like crying. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Still, she continued to try and soothe Anice by petting her head and assuring her things would be alright. Not that it was having any positive effect.

That's when Jayden was back, she sighed. So he wasn't leaving her out to dry. To fend for herself, thank goodness someone had her back. "Hey," Jay said quietly, his husky voice now having a soothing tone, "'S all okay, Runeswell. Don't cry, it's all okay." In his hand he held a candied apple. Sweets! That's right, that always worked with Anice right? Jayden was a genius, thank heavens someone was thinking straight, Sabrina was sort of in a panic. She continued to watch Jay work with Anice, "I got you something nice. Nothing bad happened, we're here for you. And if somebody will try something nasty with you, just come to me and I'll deal with them for you. Alright?"

Sabrina continued to pet Anice's head, "That's right, we'll take care of you, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Everything's gonna be okay sweetie, I promise" she added, her voice soft as she continued to caress her head, like her mother used to do to her when she was upset. Hopefully this would work, if not, well, she'd be saying her prayers.

Characters Mentioned:

[glow=purple]@Wicked > Jayden Everdragomir[/glow]

[glow=purple]@VocaStar > Anice Runeswell[/glow]​
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[Slytherin Dorms > Room of Requirement]

Peter Berlioz tried and failed to avert his eyes from Kiyoko's appearance. He couldn't help but fixate on her black eyes and deathly pale countenance. Peter felt somewhat uncomfortable, but Kiyoko was his friend. There was no sense in being so bothered by a silly costume.

As he was thinking that, Kiyoko held her fan over the lower half of her face, creating a ghastly grimace. For some reason or another, the French boy had a sudden urge to walk away and bundle up in some warm, safe place. It was quite clear that Peter was somewhat disturbed. He shuffled his feet nervously until Kiyoko closed her fan and chuckled. With a friendly smile, she said, "Gomen, I couldn't resist."

Peter looked down in embarrassment, beginning to blush. He knew Kiyoko was just teasing him in good fun, but his squeamishness towards certain things wasn't something he was particularly proud of. "Aside from my cruel games I hope your evening is going well, Monsieur Berlioz."

Peter hadn't had too much of an opportunity so far to gauge market interest in his products, but the atmosphere of the party itself was impressive and the short boy found himself enjoying his first social gathering in a long while. The briefcase he carried with him remained unopened for now.

"I'm definitely having a good time!" he told her with his typical cheeriness. Upon thinking further, he realized that she came by alone. Mr. Everdragomir was probably still hospitalized. Despite wanting to do business at this event, he could hardly just leave his friend with no one to play with. He smiled warmly at her and intentionally took on an overly polite tone, "I see you are unaccompanied this evening, Mademoiselle. Would you care to keep me company tonight?" After all, it would certainly be more fun this way.

Characters mentioned:
Namory - Kiyoko Oshiro

((Sorry, the first paragraph is kinda sloppy and quick))

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♥ Room of Requirement ♥
Normally, Maia would have been early and raring to go to a gathering such as this, but as she rarely ever actually read the notice board, she hadn't heard about it until classes were over, as people were trickling down to dinner. Wanting to join in on the fun, she'd rushed to prepare a costume for herself. Maia did not usually celebrate Halloween. It wasn't because she hadn't wanted to, but because she didn't really have the means to. In the orphanage, they'd never celebrated Halloween, and she had no money to waste on fancy new clothes every year. Being able to celebrate it with the school in the Great Hall had been a wonderful new experience, but she finally had the chance to go to an actual Halloween party. She was not going to pass it up. She didn't have much to go with, but with her only formal white dress, and a basket of flowers, voila, a flower girl. It wasn't anything special, but it was good enough for her to be allowed in. The atmosphere was... stunning. A dance floor, loud laughter, an odd sort of heady scent that came from red candles that matched the glow that infused the room, it was unlike anything Maia had ever seen before, and certainly unlike anything she'd ever dreamed of. Compared to the people who had put massive amounts of make up on and were wearing clearly new clothes of every culture and style, the little Ravenclaw knew that she looked abysmal in her yellowing, second-hand white dress, but that knowledge wasn't enough to pull her down. She stared around the room, mouth open wide with uncontrollable awe and excitement.

She turned and turned, trying to take it all in. The people, the lights, the sounds, the smells. She bumped into someone dressed in a pale blue suit, and they turned angrily, seeming rather more aggressive than was usual. When he saw who it was, however, he recoiled, "Urghk. You!?" The short brunette blinked innocently at him, but before she could say anything, he had stumbled backwards, fallen on top of somebody else, and then promptly been laughed down. His reaction was... somewhat unusual. So... open. People typically had three reactions to Maia. The first was to be extremely uncomfortable. The second was to find her cute and pamper her in some way. The third was what she called the "insta-bitch" face. Boy or girl, it was a rather accurate description of how some people couldn't help but grimace the moment she entered their line of sight. Recoiling was understandable, but it was rare that they were so open about not wanting her a step closer. Funn.

She moved further into the crowd. Anyone who noticed her instantly moved away. She giggled. It was like parting the Red Sea. A vampire offered her a drink, but she was too excited to drink it, and a little worried about spilling it over her dress, so put it down. Suddenly, someone tackled her, hiccuping slightly as they hugged her. She looked down at them in slight surprise. The girl in particular was one of the ones who treated Maia like a small animal, but she looked a bit odd, as if she had a fever. She looked sort of flushed and droopy, but when Maia put her hand on the other girl's forehead, her temperature seemed no higher than usual. Dragging and yanking on the girl, she pulled her towards a booth. Just as they reached one, however, the girl jerked awake, and made a break for it. The motion startled Maia and she fell onto her butt in front of the booth, letting the other girl escape easily. What was going on with everybody, today? It was only little things, but some people seemed to be acting sort of strange.

Maia shook her head, then laughed. It was amusing, anyways. She stood up again and patted herself down carefully. Her dress was a fairly conservative thing, short-sleeved and made of stiff material. It reached to about her knees, and the skirt had two layers, while the top was only adorned with a few ruffles. There were small stitch marks on one sleeve that had been there since before Maia had bought it. It was horribly out of fashion, but still good to wear, and she didn't want it to get dirty. She was wearing her nice, short-heeled back shoes to go with it, but no stockings, which must have looked strange. Oh no.... Her flowers had spilled everywhere. She'd had to transfigure an old, and very ugly, straw hat she'd begged from one of her roommates into the simple straw basket she had now, but she'd had to conjure up those flowers. Roses, daisies, and a lot of her favorite white camellias were there. With a little pouting sigh, she scooped up a majority of the flowers, now sadly wilted and a little bruised, and dumped them back in her basket. Her hair, which was unadorned besides a small wreath of flowers, had gotten somewhat messy, bits of it sticking up.

Sliding into the booth she'd been about to pull the other girl into, she began fixing her hair a bit and arranging her flowers again. When she looked up, she saw a pair of boys in the booth in front of hers. One of them had a lot of make-up on, the other was dressed like the Mad Hatter. She couldn't tell who it was, but before her eyes, a series of strange events suddenly burst into motion. Maia watched in slack-jawed amazement as one of the boys was suddenly yanked forwards in what looked like a kiss with the girl across from him. A flash of light and a loud click confirmed that a picture had been taken of the kiss, or whatever it was, and before she could finish blinking away the spots in her sight, the other boy had jumped out of his seat, dragging the girl with him. Wait, was that Anice Runeswell, Slytherin prefect? What an exciting night, already. Maia could feel a smile of barely repressed laughter lifting the corner of her mouth, when the boy who looked like a skeleton shot a very very clumsy spell at the one still sitting, apparently just as stunned as she was. The mad hatter promptly began coughing slugs, but was again relieved by the appearance of Sabrina Gallagher, dressed like a vampire and clearly less than pleased that the function had almost been ruined. She stole Anice, helped by her friend, the actual vampire, and was off like a whirlwind.

Maia blinked twice, trying to take it all in. What was one supposed to do about something like this. Snagging a goblet from a vampire waiter close by, she gulped down some of its contents. She looked down at it distastefully. What was wrong with this pumpkin juice? It tasted gross, kind of bitter and burning at the same time. It made her feel more thirsty than she'd been before. That was unpleasant. She looked back at the poor boy who'd probably just had his night ruined, and suddenly recognized him. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, a look that probably would've horrified said boy. If it wasn't her favorite reporter?!

Bouncing from her seat, she slid into the seat next to him, throwing her arms around him with a happy, "Raileeeeee!!" She'd forgotten her basket on the other table, as she pressed her cheek against his shoulder. "Hey! Would you like to go dance? I want to dance!" She said, perkily. The small girl was perfectly well aware that she was probably the last person he wanted to see right now, but at least the aggravation of hating her pestering him would take his mind off of what had just happened. Besides, it wasn't like his night could get any worse, so why not? "Pleaaseee?" She looked up at him, her light brown eyes supplicating, but her arms still firmly wrapped around him.

Characters interacted with:
Vampire Waiter - NPC
Random Girl - NPC
Garaile Scriven - @WishfulNemo

Characters mentioned:
Lucas Grey - @Faust
Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar
Sabrina Gallagher - @Misaou
Jayden Everdragomir - @Wicked
[fieldbox="Room of Requirement, goldenrod, solid"]

  • Character In Use: Seriphim Brimm
  • Doing?: Unintentionally getting drunk, flirting, getting into trouble.


The fox stood at that table for what was rapidly seeming like hours, continuing to sip at the spiced Pumpkin juice that she hadn't noticed was making her body feel light. The juice that was making her cheeks flush, and her eyes glaze. The juice that made her sway on her feet, made her fox ears limp and droopy, and her tail sway idly behind her as she absentmindedly stared out into the crowd of sloppy dancers. In reality, she'd only been standing there for the span of maybe twenty minutes, not sipping the juice, but partaking in large gulps only to refill for a second cup full. The poor girl hadn't known she was drunk, and was too far gone to even realize that anything was different. She just noticed that this party, which had been such a drag at first, was quickly becoming more tolerable with each mouthful of juice she took in.

Seriphim was now off in her own little world, not particularly caring about the looks from sober peers who knew full well that the normally timid, and introverted Puff was completely plastered beyond knowledge. She gave them a crooked smile, and continued to partake in drink and food, the ginger girl popping a fluffy, red Marshmallow into her mouth. "Mmmm..." she would hum to herself after every bite before dropping her hand too her cup, and drinking another gulp. Seri continued this pattern until a rather familiar voice snapped her out of her daze,"I wouldn't drink too much of that, Sera," The girl looked over to see August, her lips immediately turning up into a smile as he continued,"Gryffindor seems to be setting an example of what will happen if you do," Gryffindor? What had the Lions done now? Seriphim simply giggled at the Turkish boy, set her cup down, and turned to him taking a moment afterward to steady her balance, and focus her gaze so as to make eye contact...even though her duel toned eyes seemed to be staring past him rather than at him. "Did you come with some-- Heellooo Suuu~" Seriphim slurred, a dainty hand raising to wave. She clearly let everything he just said go in one ear, and out of the next completely cutting off his last question. She decided instead to focus on his costume,"My my *hic* arent you awfully handsome tonight~" she giggled, and took a step towards him, her hand moving to rest on his revealed chest. "I havent seen you show *hic* thisss.....much skin. Ever.." she let herself giggle again as her hand fell from his chest.

Her smile never wavered as she looked at him, and then out onto the dance floor. It was almost like fate that her eyes should fall upon the group of Gryffindors gathered there. Hadn't August said something about them? Seriphim watched them curiously for a second before attempting to do a goodbye wave to August and walk away at the same time. It really just seemed more like a flailed hand movement and a stumbled turn though. The girl in the mask...the pretty one in the cocktail dress. Seriphim wanted to talk to her. The fox walked directly at Melinda bumping into passers by, but seeming to not even notice. The girl came to a stop in front of the three, the giant, one she vaguely recognized as Auri, and Cocktail girl. Seriphim gazed at Melinda for a long moment, blinking and trying to focus her eyes on her features to see if she would recognize her, but she just couldnt quite get a handle on things right now. She was awfully light headed, her hand reaching out to grab Melinda's shoulder.

As she did, the room began to spin, and Seriphim found herself leaning on the masked girl for support. The fox looked up into Melinda's eyes, and smiled,"The room is spinning..." she murmured, still giving a glossy gaze to Mel. After a moment of gazing, Seriphim found Melinda to be rather attractive, and gave the girl a flirty smile,"You're really pretty... *hic*" she giggled before standing up straight, and letting her other hand grasp Melinda's other shoulder, turning the girl to fully face her. Seriphim then dipped in leaning toward the slightly shorter female, her lips soon finding Melinda's own. The fox girl kissed Melinda on a whim, one of her hands moving to press gently to Melinda's cheek. She'd completely ignored the presence of Etienne and Auri mainly because she didnt exactly have the brain capacity at this moment to handle multiple things at once. All she knew was Melinda was pretty, and she had the intense need for a kiss.


Characters Mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - August Yilmaz, Melinda Geralds
@Mglo - Etienne Stark
@Bakugou - Aurelia Faulkner
OOC: Lemons, anyone?


[glow=white]|Room of Requirement|[/glow]

It was rather satisfying to watch Garaile throwing up slugs, the guy got what he deserved for being so darn nosy. Unfortunately, the feeling didn't last long as someone quickly cast a counter-spell on the Slytherin journalist. Lucas didn't have to wonder who it was for long, because he felt a sharp pain on his foot and a hand grabbing his collar soon after, pulling him down slightly. It was now Sabrina that stood in front of him, obviously not amused by his recent actions. He winced, the stomp hurt like hell, but he managed to endure it... his senses were dulled due to the amount of alcohol. Besides, the pain was drowned out by the feeling of his blood boiling over. Everyone seemed to be against him this night, it annoyed him to no end. Though there must have been some sense left in the boy as he did nothing but glare with the same intensity as her, despite being very upset about that picture she took earlier. And if he did anything he'd be beaten to a pulp by Jayden who was not standing too far away... it was best just to stand there and take the blame. "Excuse me, but I'm going to have to ask you not to cause a fight at my party. Do I make myself clear? This will be your only warning. Next time, I'm kicking your sorry ass out." Lucas didn't feel like saying anything and replied with a frown. What would she had done if she was in the same situation? It would all have been avoided if Luke had the ability to lie, but unfortunately for him he was born without said ability. He didn't want any of what happened tonight either, all he came here for was to have fun. And he was enjoying himself somewhat as well, until everyone decided it was a good thing to ruin it. Sabrina then pushed past him and grabbed Anice's hand "Oh, and I'm taking what belongs to me." And there goes the only chance of this night redeeming itself, great... Well, it was probably better for Anice, she'd had a rough night as well. And it wouldn't be very fun to be around an angry Lucas either, so while he was angry with her being taken away, he was also sort of relieved. The two then went away, along with Jayden who sent the skeleton a very nasty glare, a warning not to step out of line, before he followed them. It was a good thing that Jay didn't know that it was Lucas behind all of this make-up. Then again they'll all know soon enough anyway, Scriven was going to make sure of that. Darn Scriven, the only one to blame here was him as always. But nope, Luke's the one to blame whenever he's involved. For good reason, of course, but this time Lucas really didn't feel like the one to blame. Now what would he do? Everything had been taken away. His money, his secret, the only chance of this week having any chance of him having fun. Not to mention that for an undetermined amount of time he'll be walking around school without knowing where people stand. It's never bothered him before... but he really didn't want to lose the few friends he had. He knew that if they truly were his friends, they wouldn't mind. But he couldn't help but feel unsure... he wasn't really a good friend all of the time after all, seeing how he often pulled pranks on them.

Lucas stormed off into the crowd, which parted pretty easily upon seeing the angry glares he was sending. He moved his way through and stopped when he got to the other side of the room, near the entrance. He leaned against the nearby wall, he would have punched it, but decided against it because rock wasn't very punch-able. He didn't know what to do, never had he felt so mad before. He felt like blowing something up, or at least get to punch something... but he didn't want to ruin the mood of this party anymore. There'd been enough drama for him this past week... and as much as he wished to deny it there was more to come. What would people do now that word of him being a half-fae got out? People were scared of Jay because he was a Dhampir... but who would be afraid of a god damn fae? It would have been better if he knew what being a half-breed of that sort entitled, but he never got to know that. He didn't know anything about his race. Nor did he know where'd he'd learn anything about them, he swore that he'd searched through the whole library in order to find any sort of clue, but to no avail. Were there any of his kind left anyway? The only one he knew of was his mother, who's been dead for years, but otherwise he'd neither seen nor heard about any others. He sighed, living without truly knowing yourself was a bother. The crowd was loud and irritating... he didn't feel like being here anymore. But he didn't feel like standing up and leave the party neither. Life sucks. He hoped that at least Anice was having fun, though that'd be sort of sad as he wouldn't be there to see that smile of hers.
Characters Mentioned:

Sabrina Gallagher @Misaou
Garaile Scriven @WishfulNemo
Jayden Everdragomir @Wicked
Anice Runeswell @VocaStar

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Room of Requirement

With more and more power the wind went, tossing things about and then slowing before it picked up again. Anice payed no attention to the power that was leaving her body but instead just continued to cry on Sabrina's legs like a child. It was definitely a strange sight for anyone around, as the prefect was usually the one treating others like children. However, in her drunken state, the tables had been turned. Though the energy emitting from her was unnoticed or ignored by herself didn't mean that it went unnoticed by others. Sabrina seemed to be in a panic as she urged the girl to stop crying. "Shh, Shh, j-just calm down. It's okay, everything's fine okay? There's no need to be upset." but it was no use. Anice was already at it, tears endlessly streaming down her face as she cried loudly. The music drowned out her sobs of course, but people around still backed up to get away from the danger zone. Then she saw someone approaching her from the corner of her eye. She peeked up to see the dhampir, now dressed as a scary demon lord, inching towards her carefully. She winced in fear of him, and clung tighter to Sabrina's legs. But then her eyes caught onto what he was holding. A gorgeous red candy apple, coated in sweet delights and shining radiantly under the party lights. Suddenly her tears stopped running and she only stared at the apple, seemingly mesmerized. Her eyes followed it as the half-dhampir boy got closer.

"Hey," his voice was low but soft. Anice flinched the tiniest bit. She'd forgotten he was the one carrying the apple and had been so focused on the treat that she almost convinced herself it was simply floating to her. However, now her magenta eyes met his icy blue ones as he crouched next to her. "'S all okay, Runeswell. Don't cry, it's all okay." she only looked at him and sniffed, a couple tears still in her eyes. The mysterious wind began to slow and only rustled a few things around on the floor. Now that he was closer, she could see his face more clearly. She remembered a heat...like fire. Jayden Everdragomir, he was her...friend?...No. But he had saved her. She remembered that. After she had put a name to his face, the fear she felt melted away.

Then her focus was deterred as he lifted the candy apple between them. "I got you something nice. Nothing bad happened, we're here for you. And if somebody will try something nasty with you, just come to me and I'll deal with them for you. Alright?" The red apple stared at her in all it's beauty. She felt as if she should bow to it's majesty, but instead remained where she was and stared back at it. She looked up at the raven haired boy as if she were asking if she could really take it, and then her eyes moved back to the candy apple, her hands slightly shaking as she took hold of the stick that held the treat. She felt a soft hand pet her head as the soothing voice of her roommate continued, "That's right, we'll take care of you, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Everything's gonna be okay sweetie, I promise." The comforting words from her companions made Anice feel this warmth inside her. It was nice. It was a feeling she only had faint memories of, when she used to play with Fyn. She closed her eyes and licked the apple, letting the sweetness calm her nerves. It was definitely happiness. That was the word for it. The wind seemed to have come to a halt and the air was still.

And then she remembered she had something she had been meaning to do. She looked up at Jayden and then awkwardly moved closer. Wrapping her arms around him she gave him the best hug she could manage in her position, without touching his injured arm. "Thank you. And I'm sorry." That's right. Those were the words that were stuck in her throat earlier. And saying them felt like a load off.

@Wicked > Jayden Everdragomir
@Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher

Room of Requirement

What the rest of the conversation sounded like must not have been that memorable, because he didn't remember a word of it. Though it was clear to him now that the source of the alcohol was definitely in the punch, and that was all that mattered. He would stay away from drinks. He noticed that a crowd had circled around the booths, and his curiosity led him to see what was going on. His first thought was that a fight was going down, and he wasn't far off. He snuck into the crowd, being thankful for his small size for once since it made it easier to maneuver through the mass. Once he caught sight of the scene, a bright light flashed. Someone had taken a picture of whatever was going on, so he'd probably see it in the paper or something. That or blackmail was going down. Which wasn't surprising to the young blonde boy. You gotta fight for your own in the world, dog eat dog. Anyway, the scene was unfolding as a Jack Skellington dragged a corpse girl out of the booth. Crispin wasn't at the best angle, so he couldn't exactly make out who was who. But what he could tell was that the both of them were white girl wasted. Skellington made an impressive whip around to face the booth. Impressive as in he didn't fall down, because Crispin was almost positive he was going to fall. And then the white haired student shot a green beam into the booth with ultimate precision. Crispin smirked, Mr. Jack was looking like a good candidate for his little plan. After that, yet another student joined the mess, stomping on the Pumpkin King's foot (clearly she didn't know he was royalty). The pink haired girl (which he was almost sure was Sabrina Gallagher because he felt that weird attraction) dragged away the corpse girl and the crowd began to disperse. The action was over it seemed. However Crispin stood where he was, keeping his eye on his target.

Shaky bones stormed off into the crowd, parting them pretty easily. However Crispin followed after him excitedly like a predator stalking his prey through tall grass. Finally the boy stopped near the entrance and leaned on a wall. He looked like he was fuming. Crispin only stood back for a while and watched, studying his gestures and trying to find a window of opportunity. He went to a nearby table and filled up two chalice's with pumpkin juice, just so he'd have a way to break the ice. He looked into the chalice and fixed his face, then he gave himself a quick boob check and began to walk over to the male. His little heels clicked as he approached him. He held up the chalice, offering it to the mystery student as he looked up at him. The boy was tall and familiar. Though it was a bit difficult to make out who it was exactly, especially with those huge holey eyes. The young blonde boy spoke in a soft tone, "Hey...I saw what happened back there..." he looked into his chalice. "I guess it's kind of a shitty night for the both of us, huh?" he let out a small nervous laugh. He was quiet for a bit then spoke up. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you...I just..thought maybe you'd like some company.." he was quieter, seemingly timid in his statement.

@Faust > Lucas Grey
@Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher
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[Hogwarts; Room of Requirement]

Granny told him a story once, one that helped him understand why his parents didn't dote on him like other parents did. Why they always left the home as empty as it was and rather worked then spending time together as a family. The boy had always known from a young age that something lacked in his house, however he never really knew the word for it until granny explained it to him. Between the four walls he had grown up there was a distance between the members, an invisible wall no one could pass.

"Garaile," his grandmother had said, after the story had ended. "Garaile, just know that both your parents care about you. Just not about each other. There is love, just none between them." She had tried to explain to him, but the boy had never really believed the words. How could they love a child born from a relationship as strangled as theirs? It seemed that the only reason for his father to date his mother, and eventually married her, was all to provoke another. The young Scriven senior had made himself many enemies whom he wished to agonise by using all sort of means. One of them happened to be his mother who unfortunately had truly loved him at one point. However, even that love died out as they married and went their separate ways, but never divorced. Why they stuck to each other was beyond Garaile and his grandmother, but they both assumed that it was to keep face. A terrible reason, for divorces were so common in this century, but yet they stuck to each other, living together as strangers.

Scoffing to himself Garaile shook his head. Their love story sounded like a blander version of Wuthering Heights, worse and stuck in a modern coat. However, there was no reason for him to contemplate on these memories, to sit and stir himself into a depression like others did. He was different, the Weasel knew that he was meant for something greater than the average student here at Hogwarts. He had made himself a purpose instead of wallowing over the lack of love in his life, for he knew he didn't need it. After all he had grown up so tall and handsome without an ounce of it, so why would he need it now? Readying himself to get up, deciding that the night was young enough to wreck it for a few more souls, Garaile was just about to get up only to be pushed back again.


A sharp noise entered his ears, making Garaile flinch as he knew that only one person at school could make such an awful sound out of their mouths. Feeling how a pair of arms wrapped themselves around him the Weasel felt disgusted by the thought that this creature thought that they were friendly enough for a hug. He didn't show any of this contempt however, flashing his usually bright smile again as he looked down at Maia, one of the many insignificant presences Hogwarts housed. It just so unfortunately happened that this insignificant presence was desperate for approval, forcing herself up to anyone that moved. If Garaile had any proof he would have painted her off as the school's slut. Believing that the only reason why she batted her eyes so innocently, or tried to be innocent, was because she wished for someone to bang her. Too bad Garaile had no lust at all to touch her, or to even sit next to her. So when the girl asked him for a dance the boy grimaced at her, picking her arms away from his waist.

"Now, now, little bug," Garaile started, his eyes held a dangerous glint as he spoke. Why was this girl bothering him? Had she seen everything and taken pity on him? Grinding his teeth the boy mentally scoffed at the thought of it. He didn't need any of her pity, he didn't need her sympathy, but he especially needed none of her faked innocence around him. "I wouldn't want to crush you, yet," he continued as he pushed the girl off him. Why was this disgusting creature touching him so freely? Sucking in a breath the boy then stepped out of the booth, ignoring the girl. He had something better to do than to dance, than to waste his time on a female, on something so fake.

The party was still going on in a full glory, as if nothing had occurred earlier. People were still snogging each other, too drunk to know who it was they had caught with their lips. With another look Garaile noticed that Anice had slumped down to the ground, crying as Sabrina and Jayden Everdragomir hung over her. Grinning to himself the boy couldn't help but think how much it looked like that the two of them were bullying the zombie. However, he soon noticed something wrong about the scene. Eyes widening the male stared at the objects that started to fly and a strange gush of wind blowing past them. There were no windows in the room, neither any ventilators, so where was this wind coming from? Frowning a little Garaile wondered if he should step closer to the group, but something inside of him prevented him from taking that action. It seemed he had something worth investigating on later.

Long it all didn't take as Jayden seemed to be doing his best in comforting the girl. Watching how he was handing her an apple Garaile tried his best not to burst out into a laugh. This boy really was some source of entertainment! Shaking his head the Weasel was about to turn away, in a search of another target, as he suddenly saw Anice reaching up to him for a hug. She was hugging Jayden Everdragomir!

Eyes widening up again the blonde was reminded again of what had happened earlier. The girl really was something, boldly pulling people into kisses and hugs without a care in the world. Scoffing a little the Madhatter shifted his hat a little, nodding to himself. So that was how it was, it was nothing special to her. Hugging and kissing meant nothing and were done without love. Garaile should have figured that instead of trying to look for something behind it. Of course the girl hadn't kissed him with the thought of more. Scoffing a little the Weasel clicked his tongue. It seemed that his favourite prefect was a lot more promiscuous than he had thought.

Now with that behind and confirmed the male could move on. Pushing himself into the crowd the Weasel decided that it would be best if he tried to get rid of Maia as soon as possible. Weaving himself through the mass the male seemed to catch onto small interesting details, some that would make it in the papers and some he decided to use as blackmail later.

Seriphim smothering a Melinda, was for example a good story he would keep behind. The girl wasn't interesting enough to appear in the papers yet, but surely he could blackmail the little Hufflepuff to do his bidding. Deciding that she was more useful as a pawn the Weasel continued to scan the crowd, watching how Etienne was standing not too far away from them and that there was a flabbergasted Aurelia standing next to him. All uninteresting, but could be potentially something.

It seemed that there were only a few high lights on the party. Most of them not even worth the mention in his paper. He really needed more to get through the night, more excitement, more scandals, more than people kissing and crying prefects. Reaching the buffet table Garaile then caught himself a goblet, downing it in one go as he was feeling thirsty. A big mistake he later found as he found that it was spiked. Figured, he should have known it, seeing how the party was going. It had just momentarily slipped his mind because of everything that happened, a strange occurrence with the usually so organised journalist. Heaving another sigh Garaile shot a look up to the vampire boy that was pouring in the drinks. Such an unfortunate soul, to be stuck at the table serving others.

"Say, any interesting stories?" Garaile barked at the male, a smirk forming over his lips as he watched the boy flinch. "N-No…" was the unsure answer and the Weasel rose a brow. "You sure?" he continued, as he was pressing for another answer. "You didn't read or heard anything interesting, recently?" he asked. The boy's pupils then flashed to the sides, apparently looking for help as he gulped. A conversation with the Weasel was never pleasant, but at least it gave him the energy and confirmation he needed. He was still the same old and despicable self. "Then," Garaile laughed as he pushed the glasses aside and hoisted himself onto the table. "Allow me~" he sang and spun around on the table before he kicked a few goblets our of his way.

"Sonorus," with one lean movement he had pulled his wand from his hat and pointed it at himself, casting another spell on him. "Ladies and gentlemen!" Garaile started, his voice basking over the crowd as the amplifier charm was doing its job. Smirking deviously at himself the boy made a bow on the table as the students turned to him. "Hear me on! I shall now read you all a story that should be familiar to all!" he continued, his hand reaching over to the copy he had in his pockets. He had meant to give it to Jayden earlier in the hospital wing, but Sabrina had told him to leave and forced him to put off his plans. However, now that there was this crowd the Weasel decided that it was the perfect moment to reveal it to all who hadn't read it yet.

"To all my loyal readers, thank you for taking the effort to listen to me," Garaile smiled as he spread his arms wide. His eyes were twinkling as he stared at the faces that were looking up to him. Some in confusion as they wondered what he was doing and others in contempt, hating the very sight of him. "To these who haven't…" he lowered his gaze for a while, as he chuckled at himself. "You will thank me later," his voice lowered in sound as he said that, adding a certain edge to the whole announcement. Folding the paper open Garaile revealed to himself his own underground work, raising it up so that he could properly read it before he sucked in another breath, reading the first line of the desired article out loud:

"Shocking: Is Jayden Everdragomir threatening girls into dating him?"

No one would really know the motivations behind the Weasel's actions. Maybe he liked to be hated by the rest of his peers, or maybe he forced himself to be hated. Whatever the reason Garaile seemed to enjoy the shocked expressions and the humiliation on the faces of his targets. Taking glee out of them before he proceeded to read the rest of the story to the students.
Characters mentioned/involved:
NPC - Grandmother Scriven
@firejay1 's - Maia Alvey
@VocaStar 's - Anice Runeswell
@Wicked 's - Jayden Everdragomir
@Misaou 's - Sabrina Gallagher
@Azzy 's - Seriphim Brimm
@WishfulNemo 's - Melinda Geralds
@Mglo 's - Etienne Stark
@Bakugou 's - Aurelia Faulkner
NPC - Vampire boy
[ ooc: Jesus this sucks. Sorry >.> ]


[BCOLOR=transparent][ Hogwarts Castle; Room of Requirement ][/BCOLOR]


The way the french boy's cheeks began to glow in embarrassment drew a weak feeling for regret from the asian girl, but she'd already apologized, and honestly it had been rather... entertaining to see him so uncomfortable. His silence, however, didn't last and he soon returned to his regular cheery self, "I'm definitely having a good time!"
She smiled weakly, "That's good, I hope you continue to enjoy it"
The girl scratched her cheek, looking around for other familiar faces as Peter continued to talk in his happy tone, "I see you are unaccompanied this evening, Mademoiselle. Would you care to keep me company tonight?"
She blinked, gripping her fan within her sleeve and pulling it out, "For now I suppose. Though honestly I don't think I'll be much fun tonight".
She smiled again, and shrugged, fan in hand. When suddenly a little red bird landed on the edge of her closed fan. The black haired girl blinked in surprise, turning her full attention to the crimson creature that shuttered and turned into a quill. As it began to flutter to the floor she caught the feather, which then began to glow at the tip. The quill itself rose and began to spell out flaming letters before her,
That horned boy of yours.
He is glaring at you like a dumbass.
But what he really wants to say is...
You are beautiful."

There was a short pause in the text, before it continued

Tell nothing of this.
I love my life ;3; "

The flaming letters lingered there for a moment longer as she read them over, before fading into nothing. Kiyoko clutched the feather for a moment longer before pocketing it, she stood, blinking curiously and glancing around for both the sender of the little bird, as well as the horned boy the letters spoke of. He caught her eye from across the room, chatting with a pink haired and ever-pretty Sabrina Gallagher. From where she stood, he seemed to be have a good enough time without her, if nothing else he was preoccupied... too preoccupied to have, maybe stopped by any time throughout the day to let her know that he was alright... Internally she squirmed as she recalled how worried she'd been about him for the last day and a half. With a final wistful glance in his direction she turned away with a small frown. Her attention returned to Peter, ignoring most of the action going on around them, though she felt a shift in the atmosphere as a weak breeze rustled her hair and kimono. She barely took note of it

"Ladies and gentlemen!" An utterly unfamiliar voice began loudly, Kiyoko turned her eyes toward a boy dressed in some odd suit as he bowed to his audience, "Hear me on! I shall now read you all a story that should be familiar to all!" He continued, reaching into his pocket and drawing out a copy of... The Weasel, a cruddy gossip column Kiyoko had been introduced to earlier that day. She, and quite a few other members of the crowd shifted uncomfortably at it's appearance. Her hand tightened around her fan as she watched on, moving slowly closer to the boy on his makeshift platform.
"To all my loyal readers, thank you for taking the effort to listen to me," The boy smiled as he spread his arms wide. "To those who haven't…" he lowered his gaze for a short moment, his shoulders shaking slightly with laughter.
"You will thank me later," The edge to his voice made her narrow her eyes in distaste and suspicion. He continued, moving and beginning to unfold the paper in a slow, taunting manner before beginning to read aloud, "Shocking: Is Jayden Everdragomir threatening girls into dating him?"
That, was the last straw for the asian girl. First with Scorpius taunting her about it, and then her steeping angrily all day on various aspects of her stressful existence... This showboating, dramatic, revolting little wretch had finally struck her final nerve. Kiyoko Oshiro grit her teeth and began to trudge through the crowd, pushing and pulling those in her way out of her way until she reached the foot of the table. Without thinking, she gripped the boy by his ankles and pulled his legs from under him, "No, no he is not."
She growled, with narrowed black eyes set on him.


Characters Mentioned -

@Strayed - Peter Berlioz
@Ritual Lobotomy - Felix Bell
@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
[ ooc: Unleashing the beast first time in forever. Prepare your butts. (◡‿◡✿) ]


[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

The Prefect seemed to be enthralled by the juicy red candy apple, her magenta eyes possessed by a greedy drunken gleam, the tears already drying on her cheeks after leaving a rather grotesque looking streaks on them with her mascara. Somehow it just ended highlighting her undead get up into a notch scarier one. However it seemed like his peace offering was enough to calm her, as the magical turbulence around them slowly died out and she reached slowly with shaking fingers to grab the sweet from him, and Sabrina did her best to caress her head and mumble sweet nothings to her. Jay was not entirely sure what to think about what just was about to go down; he had seen magic leaking out before, mostly in the younger kids, and as he was a prime example of one in such a late age due to his poor control over it and his emotions that tended to get the better of him. But he had never seen it before with such strength before. His came mostly in short aggressive minor bursts, and they were gone as fast as they came. But Anice's was more... Prominent. More present. Just... more. And what he had seen, seemed to be only the prelude to the sleeping power slumbering in her, as this had felt somewhat sluggish. He would have lied if he would have claimed he was not tiny bit concerned of what she could be capable of when she was actually letting it out. However, as per usual, it was really none of his damn business. Even though he was curious as hell about it.

Then suddenly, just as he was about to let out a relieved sigh, it got stuck in his throat when the corpse girl suddenly went for a hug. And rather awkward one at that. Freezing up at the moment she was pressed against him, Jay who was crouching on the ground, nearly lost his balance as she was leaning on him now quite heavily. His hands flew up in surprise just as his eyebrows did, and he kind of stood there frozen like a salt statues while the girl mumbled her thank yous and sorries. The half-vampire let out a little strangled sound from the back of his throat where the earlier sigh had gotten stuck, feeling the tips of his ears start to heat up along with his cheeks, and his eyes darted up to Sabrina in half panic, as if pleading her to take Anice off him. The whole thing was just overall uncomfortable experience, the show of affection making him want to squirm, the really ample soft chest pushed flush against him which made Jay swallow and pray God to give him strength to not look down. The Heavenly Father was surely testing his willpower right now.

Before he was going to crack under the pressure, Jay grabbed Anice by the shoulders and pushed her away from himself, keeping her in arm's length. Looking rather freaked out, the boy seemed to have hard time picking the right words, stumbling on his words before he breathed them out in one single word vomit. "Eh, uhh... Y-you're welcome and d-don't sweat it!"

To be honest, he was not entirely sure what exactly the Runeswell girl had been thanking him for and what the apology was for. Maybe they were about the yesterday, maybe they were about the given moment. Who knew, maybe they were a little bit of both. But Jay did not really care, he just wanted her off him with those rather distracting... Well, yeah.

He scrambled quickly up from the floor, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, falling in silence when he did not know what to say. He tried to get his head back together, but the alcohol he had been consuming through the evening had sneaked up on him by now, and it felt like a nice warm buzz. He was not exactly drunk, maybe more like lightly tipsy, just enough for him to probably do something stupid out of impulse and then regret it the next day, if he was not careful. The Firewhisky could be tricky with its short bursts of bravery and moral lowering capability.

A clatter of goblets and shattering of glasses could be heard over the joyous crowd of people, but Jay did not really pay any mind to it first. To him it was just some drunken fool staggering in their own feet and managing to pull down a whole table with them, but it would be nothing that few well placed spells could not fix. But suddenly a voice boomed over all of the chatter, commanding the room with an amplifier charm. It made people turn their gazes towards it, Jay included, and he realized he was looking at Garaile Scriven standing on a table. One of Sabrina's vampire lackeys stood next to it, looking lost and panicky and unsure what to do with the drunken Weasel who was putting on his own show.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Garaile started solemnly, like he was about to announce the arrival of the Queen of England herself, bowed at his audience and continued, "Hear me on! I shall now read you all a story that should be familiar to all!"

Jay frowned, glancing at Sabrina and cocking up his right eyebrow at her, like he was wordlessly asking if this was part of some of her plans that she simply had not let his vampiric friend on. He turned his sharp gaze back to the Scriven boy, warily, having an ominous feeling about the whole thing. He watched as his fellow Slytherin pulled out the trash tabloid that the infamous Weasel wrote himself, suddenly recalling their earlier brief discussion back in the Hospital Wing few hours earlier. Garaile's words from back then whispered to him from his subconscious like a den of venomous snakes.

"Are you accusing me for not doing my work?"

The heavy feeling in his stomach weighed like lead.

"To all my loyal readers, thank you for taking the effort to listen to me." Garaile continued on proudly and spread his arms wide, like he would have wanted to give everyone in the room one big choking hug. "To these who haven't…" The boy chuckled and cast his gaze downwards, and Jay would have sworn the words were directed at him personally, even if Scriven never said his name or even looked at his direction. The amplified voice lowered a bit, giving the Weasel a darker, almost sinister edge. "You will thank me later."

Jay did not take his gaze off the Scriven boy, and his fingertips twitched. If this was about the yesterday, he was quite sure that he could not really care less for whatever Garaile had to say about it. His pride was already in tatters, his arm was like a painful reminder of his stupidity, and everyone had seen him pass out like a fucking damsel in distress. He had already done all the damage himself, and surely even Garaile could not make it worse even further. And if he was lucky, maybe this was not about him at all. But instinct was telling him otherwise. Jayden Evedragomir was never that lucky. So rolling his shoulders back, Jay stood up straight, bracing himself for whatever roast that was about to come.

Garaile folded open the paper, taking his sweet time to drag on the moment. However, when he finally read out loud the article, it was like a punch into Jay's gut.

"Shocking: Is Jayden Everdragomir threatening girls into dating him?"

He stood there rigid, every muscle in his body tense as the words slowly started to register. People were turning to look at him, pointing their fingers, whispers and murmurs now taking over the mass of people in waves. He had never exactly been a fan of attention, but he had gotten used to most of the stares of scorn. But this... this was beyond humiliating. And even though about ninety-nine percent of the student body knew that Scriven's paper was absolute rubbish, they were now lapping up his words like honey. Simply because it suited them and they enjoyed to see the Bulgarian Dragon squirm.

Couple of girls laughed in the crowd, but Jay could not see who it was.

A Ravenclaw boy few feet from him scoffed disgust.

Some drunken Gryffindor yelled an angry slur with his name attached to it.

He looked around, but only saw hostile expressions or pitying faces. Being under such heavy scrutiny, under such accusations made him feel like there was not enough air in the room. Panic was gripping him as he wondered for those brief seconds if he would forever be taken as some loser that did something so pathetic because he could not get anyone else otherwise, while Garaile proceeded on reading the article out loud. But in the midst of all the anxiety, he could not even hear a word.

But then the panic was wiped away with a shock of the thought that came upon him.

He was not the only one that was being trash talked here. Garaile was practically also writing about Kiyoko too.

And speak of the devil, the girl in question had meanwhile made her way to Garaile, her stomping steps powered by her fury. Jay watched as she grabbed the Weasel by the ankles, and yanked, pulling his legs from under him and making him fall on his bottom on the table. She growled something at him, but Jay could not hear it over the surprised gasps and murmurs of the people. And not over the high pitched buzzing sound in his ears that was now quickly drowning all the other sounds around him. Jay lowered his gaze, the dark bangs of his raven hair veiling away the expression of his eyes.

That little shit was embarrassing the only person he really cared about.

His breaths started growing more deeper, more controlled.

That piece of human trash was slandering her all over like she was a powerless victim.

A low, guttural predatory growl rose from him. The closest people turned to look at his direction, their faces blanching and they quickly took few steps away from him.

He did not really give a shit about himself that much. Maybe Jay would have simply ended up even brushing it off if it was only about himself, deciding it was not worth his time. But there was a line, and Garaile had crossed it.

And that motherfucker was going to pay for it with blood.

Raising his gaze now, the eyes flashing briefly with a crimson hue which was only a quick glimpse to everyone else around him for what Jayden Everdragomir was seeing right now; red haze. His mind was consumed by primitive rage, and Garaile Scriven had managed to let out the caged beast within him, that he had lately been carefully guarding under lock and key. And Jay was not going to take the responsibility for what it might do with its newly gained freedom.

He started taking slow steps forward, his eyes never leaving their target. Some people realized to step out of his way, but there were mostly the poor bastards that were more focused on the front and their backs were towards Jay who was making his way towards Garaile. The shadow cast behind him took gruesome forms that flickered like it had a life of its own, having an identity crisis if it was a trying represent a human boy or a beast. Jay lifted his healthy hand to untie his cape that fell from his shoulders, falling heavily on the ground, and now he advanced forwards wearing only all black. His steps were now picking up speed, and he pushed people out of his way. But when he was close enough, he decided the sea of people was slowing him down too much, as it was more packed towards the front where the show was taking place. So he took few running steps, and bounced, lithe and ferocious like a leopard, using a short Gryffindor boy as a stepping stool, who yelped in surprise and pain when his back and shoulders were pressed down with the sudden human weight. Before the said boy collapsed under him, the half-breed boy was already on the move, simply walking over couple of people and sending them stumbling backwards with shrieks. And then, he leaped.

Landing on the table on top of Garaile with a loud crash that sent the table screeching backwards on its feet, Jay placed his knees on both sides of the other Slytherin's sides, trapping him under him as his hands went for his throat and slammed the boy's head against the table. And there he stopped, staring Garaile in the eyes, his upper lip rolled up into a soundless snarl, revealing his teeth and sharp fangs like an angry dog. His bandaged arm was not sending any pain signals anymore, all the hurt forgotten completely when adrenaline was roaring in his veins like the mountain rapids.

And then, swiftly without much of a pause and before anyone could stop him, Jay had plunged his left fist into Garaile's face. He felt something crack under his knuckles, probably the boy's nose, and Jay felt a brief surge of sheer sadistic satisfaction. Blood sprayed around from the said nose, splattering the half-breed boy's face like a grotesque warpaint. And he smirked, in a way that could only be described as chilling, wearing it with pride.

"...I hope you've had your fun, Scriven," Jay informed the boy with a broken nose as he sat a little back, still hovering over him, the tone of his voice sinister just how much pleasure he was taking for getting to punish the other, "Because I'll be making sure you won't be writing for awhile."

And on cue, he reached to grab Garaile's right hand by the wrist with both hands, and snapped the bones loud and clear.

Characters mentioned:
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
Last edited by a moderator:


[Room of Requirement]

When Jack Sullivan entered the party room he saw lavish decor, was hit by the aroma of delicious foods wafting through the air, and was met by an impressive space that could easily accommodate the large volume of people that flooded in. A grandiose experience that barely registered to him because he was too busy fixating on Stella's bare shoulders and back. The other girl they arrived with might as well have just melted into nothingness.

He was stunned, left straggling behind as Stella moved on ahead, let out a whistle, hit some guy with a Knockback Jinx, and struck up a conversation with a distinctly adorable blonde girl she seemed to know. And still, nothing but her yellow clad body really registered to him.

This wasn't supposed to happen. When Sullivan won the bet earlier and told the girl to come as a banana, he thought it would be amusing to him and that he could tease her about it. He just told her to come as a banana. Yellow and funny shaped! How could it go wrong?!

He found his gaze wandering to her skirt and he quickly brought his hand to his eyes, shaking his head in flustered bewilderment. Stupid sexy banana.

Sullivan stood there for a long while at a loss, probably appearing rather strange to anyone who caught sight of him because his hand was firmly planted to his face still. He probably would have remained like that for a while longer had it not been for someone hooking their arm loosely around his neck. The gesture was familiar, as was the accompanying voice. "Well good evening Mr. Sullivan."

It was Sullivan's friend and fellow Quidditch player, Sethen Lockett. A handsome man so good at beating they started calling him a demon. Being in casual, close proximity with Sethen was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was something that was very welcomed at the moment. After all, there's nothing like homoerotic undertones to chase away those lewd banana fantasies. He slipped out of his friend's arm to turn his attention to his rather distinguished costume.

"Good evening to you too, Mr. Lockett! You're looking even more fabulous than usual." He grinned and wondered just how many of his friends were here, off in the crowd somewhere. Sullivan was pleased. After the recent disasters at the school, he felt that a good, fun party was just what the everyone needed to wind down from everything. A perfect place to take it easy.

The redheaded prefect glanced back over to Stella and saw her accompany someone to the dance floor. And here he thought she was just going to blast all of the hopeful dudes like she did the guy from earlier. Upon thinking about it further, Sullivan recalled that she even tried to blast him when they first met and he hadn't even done anything to her yet! She was pretty, but also pretty crazy. Maybe she was secretly crazier than he was, but that certainly wasn't a bad thing.

Just as he was thinking that, something strange happened. A voice echoed from farther up in the room, emanating from some well-dressed skinny guy standing on the buffet table. "Ladies and gentlemen!" The guy smiled and bowed. Sullivan wondered for a moment whether this was part of the show or not.

"Hear me on! I shall now read you all a story that should be familiar to all! To all my loyal readers, thank you for taking the effort to listen to me." Upon hearing the word readers, Sullivan surmised that the funny looking guy on the table was Gar- something. His name didn't matter, the point was that he was probably that prick who authored The Weasel.

"To those who haven't…You will thank me later." The Weasel guy unfolded a piece of paper and held it up. Then he proceeded to loudly proclaim his latest headline: "Shocking: Is Jayden Everdragomir threatening girls into dating him?" Jayden Everdragomir? As in that half vampire that got hospitalized yesterday? And evidently, the skinny Weasel guy stepped up onto the buffet table and amplified his voice to...question his sex life? Ah, that's right. Tabloids.

And very quickly, things deteriorated. Sullivan hardly thought anyone would take the gossip in that publication seriously, at least not that seriously. Clearly, he was wrong because that Asian babe he saw during yesterday's jog proceeded to pull out the Weasel guy's ankles.

Sullivan had a bad feeling, so he waded through the stiffened crowd as quickly as he could. But as he made his way towards the commotion, he saw him. Tall, muscular, and mowing over people like some kind of steam roller. Sullivan knew who he was from the descriptions he came across when looking into the rumors, but this was his first time seeing him in the flesh. The half vampire jumped on top of the weasel, slammed him down hard onto the table, and proceeded to punch him in the face.

Soon afterwards, it looked like he was breaking the poor bastard's hand which was confirmation that this Everdragomir psycho was clearly bat shit crazy. Actually, wasn't this guy supposed to be in a bed recovering from having his skin melted off or something? The prefect guessed it showed that it took more than grievous wounds to keep Slytherin pricks from messing up a good party.

Anyway, Sullivan wasn't planning on killing any monsters tonight. He pushed his way through the crowd and finally got a clear angle with good range. Drawing his wand quickly, he aimed directly for the half vampire's abdomen.


Characters mentioned:
@firejay1 - Stella Prince
@Azzy - Seriphim Brimm
@Crimson77 - Elizabeth Silsbury
@Ritual Lobotomy - Felix Bell
@Namory - Sethen Lockett and Kiyoko Oshiro
@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir


[BCOLOR=transparent][ Hogwarts Castle; Room of Requirement ][/BCOLOR]


The slim boy hit the table top with a satisfying thud, and a little piece of her tingled with excitement. Her hands shook ever so slightly before she clenched them tightly. The air was still it seemed, stiff, people tensed at her action, and even she was taken aback by what she'd just done... She could have hexed him, the Oshiro girl was aware of this, but it felt like something she needed to do. Something she needed to feel for herself. She stood there for a moment, before slowly looking over her shoulder at the crowd of wide eyed peers who gawked at her, costume-clad and all too colorful... 'Such an eyesore.'
She thought quietly as she looked over the room of alien faces, no matter where her eyes fell, they seemed to land on strangers... And then a glimpse of movement caught her eye. She directed her gaze to the black haired boy who drew closer to her with every step, and with wide eyes she watched on. Jayden vaulted himself off of some kid's back, landing on the table and plunging his fist into the boy's face. Kiyoko whirled on her heel, taking an instinctive half-step back and smiling at the motion despite herself. The feeling of excitement grew and spread from her core to the tips of her fingers. The familiar husky voice she knew so well was low, and dangerous as he spoke to the other boy. Jayden's hand shot out, seizing the weasel's wrist. She flinched as she heard his bones crunch sickeningly.

Her smile vanished.

A sudden cold rush of flooded into her, made up of both terror and alarm, yet she felt a shred of pride and respect for her boyfriend. She remained silent, despite the stirring in the room when something distinctly different rang out.
Kiyoko. A slick voice whispered. Kiyoko. Behind you. Behind you.
The beginning of a incantation caught her ear, and instinctively her fingers twitched for her wand. Instead, she spun around to face the crowd. Her eyes widened as she realized she steapped directly into the path of a spell. The bracelet on her wrist stirred, and her arm moved of it's own accord to place itself in line with the red beam. The stupefy spell struck, and drew away, looking as if it had hit some sort of invisible wall. The red light pulsed, once, then twice, before the spell began to spiral, retreating into the bracelet, which glowed red for a moment longer before fading. The girl plucked her wand from her robe quickly, the dark wood gleaming darkly in the dim light of the room. Her black eyes narrowed on the caster...
"You...?!" She said with a note of surprise in her voice as she eyed the red haired boy she'd encountered yesterday on her run. She frowned, "Try that again, Rougie, and you'll regret it."
Her muscles were tense, and she used the corner of her eyes to watch for anyone else as trigger happy as the boy in front of her. One girl moved to attack, and wordlessly a bowl of punch went flying from a nearby table to drench the girl.
"You know, this was not how I imagined the evening would go, I just wanted a glass of pumpkin juice and something sweet to snack on...." She said with a mocking tone of exasperation and a mild sigh, trying not to let how on edge she was show.


Characters Mentioned -

@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Strayed - Jack Sullivan
@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir

bannerfans_16025111 (1).jpg
♥ Room of Requirement ♥
"Now now, little bug. I wouldn't want to crush you... yet." And with those words, the weasel squirmed out of her grasp. Maia laughed as he left. She didn't try to stop him; she had realized years ago that she was physically much too weak to stop anyone from doing anything they wanted, and in any case, she was affectionate, not clingy. She didn't like people so much that she'd be unable to live without constant skin contact. He was so cute, though. It was something about the way he kept threatening to kill her when she knew he'd never do it. She had no doubt that he truly did hate her from the bottom of his soul, but he'd never kill her. If he was going to do it, he would've done it by now. She giggled to herself, as she watched him go, crossing one leg over the other and leaning forward, engrossed in her own thoughts. But then, of course, he had to ruin it. He was cute when he threatened to kill her, or walked around with that confident swagger that simply made him seem more vulnerable to her, but when he started attracting attention to himself on purpose so he could sell one of his trash stories, that was when he became very ugly indeed. It was a sad transition to see.

She shook her head and was about to turn away from the spectacle with a disappointed sigh, when there was suddenly a yelp. Her head swiveled back around suddenly and her mouth formed a perfect little "o" as she was just in time to see Jayden Everdragomir launch himself off of another kid's shoulder and pummel Garaile in the face. Maia bounced up and started running, but this time the crowd didn't part for her. They were all too preoccupied with the situation at hand for anyone to notice little Maia trying to push her way through. "Let me through." She snapped in frustration, but no one was paying her any attention. She couldn't see what was going on either. Too many too tall people were blocking her line of vision. Her hand reached into a small pocket in her dress for her wand, but she immediately thought better of it. There was a loud snap and an amplified scream of agony, and Maia could guess, with horrid certainty, that it was a bone. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just the table. Mother of Merlin let it just be the table. There'd already been one death this year, there shouldn't be another. What was going on? No, the Bulgarian dragon was fierce, to be sure, but he'd never killed anyone before, it must just be the table, but tables didn't make that sound. Maia felt sick to her stomach, but continued to fight her way through the crowd, managing to make it just as the Japanese transfer flipped a bowl of punch onto another girl, glaring intently at a redhead Maia recognized from quidditch matches - Sullivan.

What to do, what to do? "You know, this was not how I imagined the evening woud go, I just wanted a glass of pumpkin juice and something sweet to snack on." The other girl's tone felt... almost condescending, as if it was all everybody else's fault. It made Maia angry.

Keeping her wand down, she jumped in between the two, arms spread wide as if she could possibly protect anyone with only her bare hands. "Stop!" She spluttered, feeling suddenly very frightened and foolish at the same time. She couldn't think of anything else to say, oh Merlin's beard she should've just left the whole thing alone. She wasn't a Slytherin or a Gryffindor, she couldn't do this. Tears of anger and confusion welled up in her eyes, but she wouldn't cry. She didn't cry in front of anybody, and especially not in front of so many people. By some miracle of self-control, she managed to fix her watery gaze on Kiyoko's face without letting a tear fall, her face contorted with the effort it took to make sure she didn't cry. That was when her eyes flickered to what was behind Kiyoko. Jay was still on top of the table with Garaile, something clearly wrong with the second boy, his nose bloodied, but clearly not his only injury. "Raile!" The shock of seeing someone hurt caused her urge to cry to disappear abruptly. She stared at Jay, then at Kiyoko, eyes wide and horrified. Even if the reporter had been irritating at times, and had definitely spread nasty lies about Jay, was it worth this? She didn't understand boys, not at all, and this vicious vixen in front of her, she didn't understand her either. "Jay..." she said, in quiet disbelief, unable to get any words out of her mouth, or move a muscle. She stood frozen like that, arms still spread out protectively in front of the Sullivan boy, fear turning her muscles to jelly.

Characters mentioned:
Garaile Scriven - @WishfulNemo
Jayden Everdragomir - @Wicked
Kiyoko Oshiro - @Namora
Jack Sullivan - @Strayed

[Hogwarts; Room of Requirement]

The gasps and whispers that sounded in the room delighted Garaile. The thought that he was swaying a whole group in believing his gossip, that it was him who could forge an image for someone. Jayden Everdragomir had once been known as a bully, a big, large and scary one. However, it seemed that recently he has made himself a better man, or at least, from the stories that Garaile heard it sounded as if he wasn't as entertaining as he used to be. Where was the bull he could write the dirtiest and most slanderous stories about? Garaile was only returning a favour by giving back what originally had been his, but it didn't seem like many could appreciate it.

"Whoa!" with the charm still in power Garaile let go of a surprised shriek when he was pulled by at his ankles. It was a small and soft hand, but it hid a fierce power of anger as the Weasel's back fell onto the table, his head hitting the table blade. For a short moment the boy didn't move, dizzy by the stars he saw flashing in front of his eyes, but he soon regained himself again as he tried to scramble up. "No-"

Before he could even utter a word another presence jumped on top of him. This time the body was harder, more callous and Garaile knew it was a male. Now he wasn't one to care about sexuality, however the thought of being jumped by a male wasn't part of his fantasies. Of course he knew that the presence didn't force themselves on top of him for the reason of affection, or love, if the punch that landed on top of his nose gave anything away, but it was a thought that randomly crossed his mind. Another sharp pain flashed in front of the Weasel's eyes before it turned into a throbbing and nagging sort of pain. Feeling a warm liquid dripping down from his nose and over his face the boy knew that he wasn't going to escape unscathed.

"...I hope you've had your fun, Scriven," A low growl said to him. The journalist immediately recognised it as his fellow Slytherin member. It was none other than the main character himself that had attacked him. Jayden Everdragomir, smirking a little Garaile was about to say something, but the blood that streamed down his face and the fact that he was unable to breathe through his nose made it hard. Instead he just smiled knowingly. Fun, of course he had fun. Garaile wouldn't do it if it wasn't for his own pleasure.

However Jayden was far from done with him. Uttering a few more words that Garaile didn't really understand, or followed due to the adrenaline throbbing in his ears. Still seeing stars from the punch earlier Garaile winced because of the pain in his nose. This hurt a lot more than he had anticipated.

Feeling how Jay's hand wrapped around his right wrist Garaile's eyed widened as he felt how the bones snapped. Sucking in a breath through his nose as per accident, the Weasel screamed out in agony, feeling how the bones in his wrist were wrung like a wet dishcloth. His skin burning because of the way they were rubbed, back in the days they would jokingly call it barbed wires as kids, however this was much worse.

"AAAAAH!" The Weasel couldn't form proper words anymore as he screamed like a banshee, the amplifying charm still in effect, but forgotten by him and everyone else surrounding him. He could feel the tears burning in his eyes from the pain, as he continued to scream the lungs out of his body. The many signals his brain got to process, to work away, the pain it signalled back, it made it all impossible for him to think properly, much less notice what was happening in the rest of the room. He didn't notice how people were cringing in pain, covering their ears as they heard him scream, neither did he know about a junior that was trying to free him, or how Kiyoko had blocked an attack, and neither did he hear the voices that were chanting and shooting for him, them, for the fight. None of it all and honestly, it all didn't matter. He just wanted this monster off him before worse happened.

Feeling around on the table with his left hand Garaile tried to find something to get Jayden off him. The Weasel knew that he was too weak to do it on his own power, and with his dominant hand mangled he couldn't cast a spell properly either. Breathing heavily through his mouth, Garaile grabbed one of the goblets next to him. He could feel how it was still filled and how the content was sloshing out as he lifted it up, but none of that mattered. With one quick move he smashed the goblet into the side of his attacker's face, the content spilling over the two of them. Closing his eyes Garaile wailed out in pain again as he could feel the drink drip on his wounds, feeling how the small percentage of alcohol was burning his skin as he turned his face to the side in reflex. Another wrong move it seemed as his nose started to protest, burning in pain as the boy cursed to himself. This was not what he had expected to happen.

For someone who was wounded Jayden certainly had some spark left. Groaning again Garaile tried to hit the Everdragomir kid in the face again, however quickly changed tactics as he noticed the bandages on his right arm. Of course, he was still healing from the DADA accident yesterday! Throwing the goblet against Jayden, Garaile then grabbed the Slytherin by his right arm with his healthy one, plunging his nails into the limb as he pulled his lips into a stripe. He wasn't the only one screaming, he determined.

Jerking Jayden off him with one pull Garaile kicked himself free, pushing Jayden's leg away as to release himself from his grasp. Breathing harshly through his mouth Garaile then gritted his teeth as he put his right foot on the table and used it as support to lift himself up, pulling himself over Jay as to hover over the half breed. His healthy hand was still gripping on the burnt arm of the male, leaning with his full weight on the limb as his nails dug deeper into the healing flesh.

Glaring straight into the eyes of the dhampir, Garaile felt a certain anger welling up inside of his chest that he hadn't felt for a long time. Usually, the journalist hid these emotions, refusing to show them in public. However, whatever the case now he was releasing and showing them to Jay now. Shifting his weight over to his legs Garaile, as to balance himself, he then lifted his left arm as he punched square in Jayden's face. It was the same spot as he had been hit before by the half-breed. His punch, however, wasn't as controlled and powerful as it would have been with his right hand and it certainly didn't compare in power with Everdragomir's. All the more proof why this male under him was a monster.

Heaving a breath again Garaile then decided to surrender, knowing that a physical fight would be to his disadvantage. Crawling off the male, he carefully protected his right wrist before returning to the ground again, smirking painfully at himself. He surrendered, backed up.

Still unable to speak properly yet, because of his throbbing nose that surely was broken, the Weasel neglected to make any sort of announcement. He didn't feel like it anyway, for once. Stumbling back into the crowd the boy felt his knees buckling out underneath him, unable to carry his weight now that the adrenaline was gone. Surprisingly a few helpful students quickly caught him in reflex, but the jerk of the catch still shook him in pain. "Ouch," he tried to gloss over it, make it seem less than it actually was, but in truth he wanted to scream the world apart. This wasn't worth anything at all he thought, but showed none of his discontent. "Infirmary," he breathed to himself, his voice nasal and breathy as he didn't dare to use his nose and though he was speaking in, what seemed for him a normal volume, the amplifying charm that was never nullified did its job.​

Characters mentioned/involved:
@Wicked 's - Jayden Everdragomir
@Namora 's - Kiyoko Oshiro

ooc: Thanks a bunch for the patience!
[ ooc: Boom-boom-bang. Y'all wanted fast. Ya got fast. ]


[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

The scream of agony that Garaile let out was louder than Jay had anticipated because of the amplifier charm. The volume of it struck a sharp pain into his eardrums, making the boy wince and turn his head away automatically in instinct, his face contorted in pain, but only for a second. The loud scream was like straight out of a horror movie, and if this was not pumping up Halloween spirit, then Jay was not sure what would. If this would have been anyone else screaming other than Garaile, Jay would have almost felt bad. Almost. Instead, it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Making one of the people suffer who were most blatantly tormenting him since he had transferred, wiping away that smug smirk for a while and making them wail like a tortured cat was like music to his ears. It pleased him in a way that made him shiver in excitement, but also partly because he also managed to scare himself a bit by feeling like he did. Jay was fucked up in the head, and he knew it.

Someone decided to try and play the hero and try and save the weasel in distress. A loud, commanding chant of a stunning charm made Jay whip his gaze up from his victim, his piercing gaze that was burning with the hungry flames of vengeance landing on a redheaded boy that was pointing his wand from only few feet away. The tip was already bursting out red light, and even though his head was processing information fast, Jay knew his chances were slim. Letting go of Garaile's now broken wrist, he reached out swiftly for a silver tray lying on the table next to them, and lifted it up for it to either reflect the spell away or absorb the hit that could potentially knock him off the table. However, it was all unneeded when Kiyoko stepped up and did something without her wand -- or more precisely, her Famulus did. Orochi the Silver Talking Snake Bracelet was absorbing the spell, feeding on its magic as the redness disappeared into his metallic scaly form, like a miniature silver version of Apophis swallowing a palm-sized sun. Jay peeked behind his makeshift shield, momentarily forgetting Garaile completely and paying more attention to his girlfriend for having his back. Had he ever mentioned that he had the most awesome girlfriend in the world? Because he had the most awesome girlfriend in the world. He would have to thank her later.

The half-breed boy did not have long to admire Kiyoko to kick some self-righteous Gryffindor showboater ass, because Garaile did not remain passive for long. The journalist had found one of the still filled metal goblets on the table that had not fallen down in the fray or been kicked out by him before it, and grabbed it with his healthy hand. Too bad for Jay, as he realized it only when the said goblet had been smashed against his temple with force, almost doing what the Stupefy had been about to do to him earlier, making the Slytherin grunt. He staggered, vision exploding with white pulsating light, his balance compromised for few seconds over the other boy and the spiked punch wetting their clothes. The powerful swing and the sharp, thin edges of the vessel cut a little wound into his hairline that looked more dramatic than it was, and made blood pour in little streams. Someone was calling his name along with a request to stop, but Jay had no time to pay any heed to it other than recognize the words being used, and no wish to follow their instructions. Those few precious seconds were enough for Garaile to pick himself up and use them to his advantage, and aimed for his face again with the goblet, flinging it from his hand and forcing Jay into the defensive. The goblet hit him in the healthy arm, and he flung it away in irritation like swatting away a fly, his sight now starting to return fast along with his reaction time. But not fast enough, as Garaile seemed to still have some fight left in him.

The said boy used his unbroken hand to grab Jay's bandaged one, lips pulled into a thin determined line as he sank his fingers into it and raked his nails mercilessly, tearing the bandages away and revealing the still healing, blistered flesh. Jay let out now a pained, angered scream of his own as the blisters and skin tore, the searing pain overwhelming the adrenaline rush for a moment and sending agonizing signals into his brain. It was stunning, filling his sight with white again as he tried to lean away and pull his arm away from Garaile's grasp, only to cause more pain. The blond boy used the dark haired one's awkward position and balance for leverage, jerking and kicking the latter one off himself and making him fall on to his side with a heavy thud on the table, goblets and other dishes clattering loudly onto the floor. Hoisting himself up, Garaile was now looming over Jay instead, his eyes now flaming with anger too -- an expression very rare to be so visible on the infamous Weasel's face. It was a good look. Despite the nails that were still sunk into the raw flesh of his arm, it made Jay crack up a mocking smile in return, his other eye closed so not to get blood in it, which made him look like he was winking at Garaile too. Garaile lifted his healthy hand and landed a punch on him that wiped out the smile, and Jay tried blocking it with the best of his ability, but in vain. The fist connected in the same place that the goblet had already hit, making him see stars again and hoping that he would not get a permanent brain injury. Though looking at his grades, his teachers would probably think that he had not much to lose in the begin with.

Jay felt Garaile then scramble off him and off the table, making the dhampir sit up quickly to go after him once he felt like he was not going to fall onto his face. However, all the hits into the head was slowing him down, making him more sluggish, even if he was recovering fast. And the Weasel was backing up, smirking in pain while looking at Jay in silence. Jay wiped some blood away from his eyes, their gaze piercing holes into Garaile's forehead, asking for him to come back so he could introduce his fist to Garaile's face one more time. However, Garaile knew better than to go for the suicide mission, and limped away, stumbling into the crowd to lick his wounds. It frustrated Jay, who yelled angry slurs in Bulgarian after him as he climbed off the table, momentarily forgetting the right language and going for the one that he was more comfortable with in his anger. Maybe it was better for everyone else, because from what was obvious, Jay was saying something about Garaile's mother and it was most definitely not a compliment.

"...Shiban zadnik." Jay mumbled finally with venom in his words, spitting blood onto the floor as he seemed to have managed to graze his lips against his own teeth at some point of the brawl. Probably when Garaile had hit him. He leaned a bit on the table to catch his breath, still feeling dizzying spells a bit that made him slightly unsure on his feet, and collected some strength. He looked around, realizing some small girl had stepped between Kiyoko and the Ginger. It was Maia Alvey, or Connelly, Jay had never quite figured out which it really was, but called her Connelly because she requested that. However, teachers always called her Alvey, and it was confusing as fuck. What in the world she thought she was doing, was beyond him, but this was no place for Hobbits to try and save the Middle Earth, because they had crossed the border to Mordor just now. The people around them were mostly shaken bystanders, but some had started chanting "Fight, fight, fight!" at some point when he and Garaile had exchanged some punches, but was now dying out as the crowd was disappointed the entertainment was over. Sick fucks. But Jay was sure he was the sickest fuck of them all, because despite his anger, he found himself smiling faintly, pleased with himself and the chaos. It was exhilarating. It felt like forever since he had last had the chance to let out some steam.

So there he stood, bloodied and bruised, his clothes tattered and wet and stinking of alcohol and pumpkin, few buttons torn from the shirt, the bandages of his arm undone and the flesh smarting and raw, a mixture of blood of his enemy and his own on his face. But he felt better, no matter how the people looked at him. He felt good, and that was all that fucking mattered.

Characters mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Strayed - Jack Sullivan
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
@firejay1 - Maia Alvey (Connelly)
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