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[Library > Great Hall > Hufflepuff Common Room]

Montgomery Knight sat at a table in the library alone. He had been interrupted from finishing his work by the peculiar Kiyoko Oshiro. To be fair, most of Montgomery's acquaintances were peculiar to him at first, but over the years his understanding of others has grown, if only a little. Perhaps with more time he would be able to understand the Japanese transfer a little better as well. Her circumstances would likely prove interesting to him. Montgomery had accepted that strange request of hers, but whether she would be able to benefit from it would be up to her.

Less peculiar was Orochi, whom Montgomery found to be somewhat relatable with his straightforward manner and general disinterest toward recent occurrences. They were alike in that they were both persistent observers and could see things for what they were: mundane and insignificant. There was another who was always watching, but Montgomery knew that she saw things differently.

Montgomery packed up his belongings after finishing his work and walked to the Great Hall for supper. The room filled with excited, lively students gathering for the feast. Montgomery quietly ate a few small portions of food and promptly left. There was no reason to stay since Elizabeth wasn't there. He had thought she would be there, just as she was every year. But he was wrong and it seemed that he wouldn't see her at all tonight.

He walked down the empty staircase and corridor to reach the Hufflepuff basement. He tapped the correct sequence and entered the warm and quiet room. Near the fireplace, there was a sofa that he had woken up in earlier that day. In fact, it had been a long time since Montgomery had gotten a full night's sleep in his own bed. A responsible prefect on night duty would have surely sent him to his bed, but Montgomery was the prefect signed up for night duty and he certainly wasn't responsible. He sat down on the sofa and waited. It was a little earlier than usual, but he knew she would join him soon.

Characters mentioned:
@Crimson77 - Elizabeth Silsbury
@Namory - Kiyoko Oshiro and Orochi
@VocaStar - Charlotte Monrova

Hufflepuff Common Room

She had stood in the same corner nearly motionless for a few hours. People had walked in and walked out, barely noticing her presence, which was usual. Many people weren't aware of her existence since she wandered the school like a shadow. She crept in dark corners simply because she was the most comfortable in them. However, currently the entire room was darkened. The hours had passed and evening had come and would go like it always has. That's what Minutes always said, anyway. She would have been very comfortable wandering around the dim light but she stuck to the familiar corner. Whispers fluttered around her ears like voices without bodies. Carrying conversations and chatting about this and that.

'Did you see those students in their costumes? That party looks like it's going to be a lot of fun' Eyes mentioned. She'd been talking about it quite a bit but Charlotte knew that was because she wanted her to go. The others buzzed about it as well but Charlotte only smiled. 'He probably won't come tonight deary, he'll probably be at the party too' Well she couldn't be too sure about that. Jack didn't seem like the type to go to those kinds of things. Then again she could be wrong, most people liked to have a good time. And he was quite popular. It was likely he went. But she stood, planted in her corner. She thought about going and considered it but she was dedicated to waiting for her friend. There were few people who could stand to be around her, so she cherished the few.

The door opened, but Charlotte didn't flinch or move a muscle. She could have passed as a statue. The brunette boy she knew only as Jack calmly and casually walked in and took a seat on their couch in front of the fireplace. 'He's early' Minutes observed. Charlotte pulled a small book from her robes. He was early, she wondered if he was going to leave early as well. She would try and be quick then, she didn't want to take too much of his time. The whispers picked up as her silent footsteps brought her out of the shadows and into the dim room. She crept beside the couch clutching the small, blue book to her chest. "Evening, Jack." she smiled. "Mind if I take a seat?" she didn't wait too long for an answer since she assumed that was why he was there and only said it for formalities. It was simply polite to ask and princesses were polite. She sat down beside him and looked down at the book she held, running her hand over the worn cover. "I thought you would go to the party..." she looked up at him. She was thankful that he showed up, she loved being around people but was never allowed so close as Jack let her be to him. A lot of times their skin even touched. It all sounds so romantic but the spider girl had lived alone most of her life and secluded so the tiniest details mattered. But if Jack wanted to go to the ball and dance the night away with a princess then she wanted him too. He deserved to have fun too. After slaying giants and all that.

@Strayed > Montgomery Knight
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Taking a look at her two companions, Stella flashed them a brief smile, before walking in. Instantly, she was assaulted with the smell of food and too many people, along with something that might have been candles, or some kind of mild perfume. Still, the ambiance was nice. An odd sort of red glow filled the room but it was in no way unpleasant. It actually had a bit of a soporific effect for her. She looked around the room, trying to find someone she recognized, while she drew a great deal of attention thanks to get hair making her taller than everyone else in the room, others were less noticeable. Pushing past a particularly tall oaf, she suddenly had a clear view of the food table. Thank goodness. She was starving. But that was when she was stopped in her tracks by a couple very passionately making out on the other side of the table. Oh for goodness sake, couldn't these love birds take their sexual urges somewhere else? Perhaps somewhere a little less public. She grimaced slightly and backed away from the table, about to turn and warn Seri that maybe they should come visit the table later, when something stopped her. Stella frowned, trying to pinpoint what exactly it was about the couple that made her feel like she might know.... That hair style. He'd been leaning over a bit, so she'd missed it at first but that was definitely Romeo Cooper, the turfhead himself. Her eyes widened in surprise for just a moment, then she doubled over and began laughing. Priceless, absolutely priceless. Forgetting that Seri was not far behind her, she maneuvered her way closer, until she could properly see the pair's faces. It was Romeo and, if she was not mistaken, that girl who'd gotten into, and started, a great deal of trouble lately. Melissa, or something of that nature. The blonde girl covered her mouth and continued to giggle, finding this entire circumstance rather funny. And hadn't she heard something about her dear little friend the cockatoo not being too keen on sexual relations. She was never letting him live this one down. To think he'd finally earned his nickname of loverboy.

Unable to resist, she pursed her lips, put two fingers in her mouth, and let out a loud wolf-whistle. It was not, perhaps, the most polite of things to do, but it was definitely the least vulgar of the most direct options she had in front of her. The second she did it, she turned on her heels, and tried disappearing into the crowd, hoping he wouldn't realize it was her. Giggling, she turned her head to look for Seri and caught sight of Lizzy instead, very cutely dressed as Alice of Wonderland. She wondered idly where Fairlie had gone, probably off flirting with her many fans. Poor Lizzy, getting ditched by friends twice in one night. Deciding that she didn't much care what happened to John at this point, and realizing with some frustration that she'd thoroughly lost Seri, the half-mer began making her way towards Lizzy. On her way there, she became aware of one of the disadvantages of both being overly noticeable, and wearing something that exposed a good portion of her back, midriff, and one leg. A boy who looked a bit oddly flushed came a little too close for comfort. "Hey, would you like to-" his question could've been perfectly innocent, but as one of his hands came around to touch her back, Stella didn't feel like taking the chance.

She kept it simple. Before he could finish his sentence, in one quick motion she slid her wand out from the side of her dress, where she'd managed to clip it in a make-shift fashion, and said, "Flipendo" without really looking at the boy. He was knocked backwards, narrowly missing a guy with a tray dressed like a vampire. Tucking her wand back into the side of her dress, she finally made it to Lizzy. "Hello Lizzy, having fun?" She gave her friend a stolid look, truly asking the question, and not just trying to be nice.

Characters interacted with:
Romeo Cooper - @Wicked
Elizabeth Silsbury - @Crimson77
Random Male - NPC

Characters mentioned:
Seriphim Brimm - @Azzy (sorry, I kind of ended up having Stella accidentally lose her)
Melinda Geralds - @WishfulNemo
Crispy Fairlie - @VocaStar
Jack "John" Sullivan - @Strayed
[fieldbox=Hogwarts; Room of Requirement, yellowgreen, solid] For someone who was just getting a refill Romeo was taking awfully long. While considering that the boy might be lost in the crowd, distracted or held up by someone he still worried. August didn't take the Gryffindor as someone who would ditch him without a word. Besides, the punch was just down the table so all he had to do was follow the table. No one would or should get lost with that line of logic. The fact that he was thirsty again, after a drink and that the drink just tasted plain weird all added up to his worries. It was a combination of these little details that unsettled the Turk a little.

They were teens, it would be naïve from August if he believed that no one who would try to 'spike' up the party. He hung too much around Romeo for that. The foreigner knew how to expect everything that could go potentially wrong or get them in huge trouble. It was the adrenaline, the rush of excitement and the kick they did it for. Something even the Ravenclaw was weak against for he was young and at times stupid as well. The fact that he still tagged along in Romeo's adventures proved it all.

In short, August had his reasons to suspect that something was in the punch. Usually the Ravenclaw didn't care much for mingling in the business of others, but he did think that he should act as the 'concerned' friend for now. Who knew what the overly enthusiastic and idiotic Gryffindor was to do if he really was tipsy, or worse, drunk? The boy needed someone with some common sense to watch over him. It just so happened that this unfortunate role was August's. Or at least, it was a task that the Turk assigned to himself after a few stays at the Hospital Wing.

He just didn't expect that of all the things that could hold Romeo up was a shameless make-out session. Finally catching sight of the Gryffindor August froze to his spot as he realised in what state he had caught Romeo. With wide eyes August didn't know where he had to look as his eyes darted to the side awkwardly. However, realising who exactly Romeo was kissing August couldn't help but stare at the couple. Could it be? The boy couldn't believe it, but it seemed that the girl was no other than Melinda Geralds. Midget, troublemaker and pureblood supremacist Melinda Geralds. Who was making out with Romeo Tobias Cooper. A halfblood and the joker agonised her on a daily base, or plainly put; the kind of folk the girl would avoid to be seen with. August knew that his friend was easy to get along with, but Romeo wasn't easy in that sense. Neither was the girl known to be friendly either, or at all. What had happened while Romeo was getting himself a refill?

The whole scene was ridiculous and became more so as the couple stumbled into the table behind them. It slightly startled the poor figure at the other side of the table, but caused laughs from the rest of the crowd as well. The Ravenclaw would have followed suit if he wasn't so awkward in revealing himself in public. Instead August pressed a smile into his fist, shaking his head at how shameless the couple was. At least he wasn't alone in his surprise and amusement, judging from the whispers next to him.

Turning around on his heels the boy decided to retreat for now, noting down a few jokes he could make once Romeo returned. It seemed that for now he was to seek out other company, Romeo was after all very occupied with his lips.

Characters mentioned/involved:
@Wicked 's – Romeo Cooper
@WishfulNemo 's – Melinda Geralds
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[Hogwarts; Room of Requirement]
She had no idea what she was doing, but the warmth that surrounded her felt nice. It was welcoming and gentle and it made Melinda wish to pull it closer. In the back of her mind there was still the intention to prove that she wasn't a little girl anymore. However, it was pushed back by her inner hedonist who just wanted to savour her time a little longer. This was far from how Melinda usually would choose to spend her time at a party. It was opposing to everything that usually ruled the girl's actions and thought process. Yet it felt so very nice and different that she gladly replaced it for now. It was a feeling of confidence and warmth she hadn't enjoyed in a long time. The girl felt like the old sarcastic and arrogant Gryffindor she was at the start of the year, the girl she was supposed to be.

Though the couple stumbled around clumsily neither of them seemed to have the intention to release the other. Finding support at the table to balance them, the boy slipped his hand around her waist as Melinda grabbed a handful of his shirt. She had lost sight of her original goal and didn't seem to mind or eager to get back to it.

It did seem that some thought otherwise. No matter how indulged Melinda was in her own world she was pulled back into reality when a student pushed aside them for the table. "Get a room you two," he snapped, annoyed for whatever reason. It was one of these unoriginal students who had thought that cutting two holes in a blanket would make a decent costume. Maybe it was because of the costume that the student was so unreasonable, but the Gryffindor had something else in mind. Breaking out of her trance the girl pulled herself back from Romeo, staring at the student with half-lidded eyes. Though back in reality Melinda wasn't sober yet.

Giggling a little the girl fiddled a little with her hair. The bun on her head a little too tight for her liking as she plucked at a few hairpieces. After she managed to release her hair the girl tugged at the blanket of the student. "Are you jealous?" she inquired boldly at him before she stepped closer. Fluttering her eyes a little she rose up on her toes again kissing the spot where she assumed that the mouth was of the 'ghost'. This time the kiss was much shorter as she pulled back moments later. "You're so simple," she insulted the boy who stood frozen in place. Giggling at the flabbergasted reaction Melinda stepped back her hand reaching over to a goblet on the table. "Now there is no reason to be jealous," she cooed at the male as if she had just done him a huge favour.

Taking a sip from her drink the girl then waved them. "It was nice kissing you guys," she snorted at her own joke, realising that she didn't even know the other boy. Flashing another smile the girl turned around on her heels proceeding to push herself through the crowd. This felt nice she found, thinking and wondering if she should continue with what she had been doing. There were enough people at the party who seemed lonely like she was. It sounded like a nice way of spending her time, at least it sounded nice now at the moment. Flush with all of the drinks she had the girl didn't realise how this would affect her tomorrow and didn't think of it either. It didn't matter now as she enjoyed her time. Just who was she going to target next?

Characters mentioned/involved:
@Wicked 's – Romeo Cooper
NPC – Blanket boy


[Hufflepuff Common Room]

It didn't take very long at all. Montgomery's eyes were fixed on the fireplace when a familiar presence crept up to him from the side of the couch. He always listened for footsteps but never heard any, so he could only recognize that she had arrived from her gentle greeting.

"Evening, Jack." He didn't look at her. Hearing the familiar voice brought upon a visceral stir. "Mind if I take a seat?" Montgomery was about to answer when he felt the couch lightly shift, causing him to turn his head. Charlotte Monrova was a pale girl with soft features and countenance.

"I thought you would go to the party..." She looked up at him from her book and met his eyes. Charlotte's eyes were a reddish shade, not unlike his own. Yet the expression she conveyed couldn't have been more different. Momentarily, his thoughts faltered and it took a few seconds to properly register her words. There was a party tonight, which explained the absence of his acquaintances. Finding out now didn't particularly matter though because if possible, Montgomery Knight preferred to stick to his routines. He gave a delayed response.

"I'd rather be here." It was an honest desire, but one that didn't entirely make sense to the boy. After all, there was still homework to complete and reports to meticulously file. Montgomery looked away from Charlotte and fixed his eyes upon the fireplace again.

There was still Elizabeth whom he hadn't seen or heard from since yesterday's incident. It wasn't like her. Montgomery's mind had been pondering on it and it was clear to him that she had been avoiding him, but he didn't have anything concrete as to the reason why. In other words, he needed to investigate.

"Charlotte, did I do something wrong yesterday?" He needed to ask for a different perspective and he knew that she was always watching. Charlotte was a persistent observer much like himself but she wasn't like him. Montgomery knew better than to treat real life like a novel, but to Charlotte everything was a fairy tale. And because of that, perhaps she could see something he couldn't.

Characters mentioned:
@Crimson77 - Elizabeth Silsbury
@VocaStar - Charlotte Monrova
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Hufflepuff Common Room
He waited a moment to respond. "I'd rather be here." He said, turning back to the fireplace. His response set a small smile on her pink lips. She knew what he said was true. From meeting and watching Jack over the years she learned that he was very honest and took the most direct route to solve problems. Though his actions were rarely impulsive, but thoroughly calculated. He had a sense for justice and did what must be done for that justice to be served. That earned him the title of Jack. The Jack who slayed giants such as a fire snake set loose in a classroom of vulnerable students. Her spiders excitedly told her about the events that occurred in the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom the day prior. And she heard people talking about it earlier that day during classes while she wandered unseen. An injured student and an uncontrolled Fiendfyre endangering the students in a fit of chaos. She wasn't at all surprised when her spiders told her that Jack had bravely extinguished the danger, though his arm had taken quite the toll.

Her eyes wandered to the arm in question. It looked fine, as if nothing had happened. Perhaps her spiders were so excited they added details in the story that didn't belong. She was glad he was alright though. "Charlotte, did I do something wrong yesterday?" he asked in a troubled tone. She thought about his question. Something wrong? Not that she could think of. Her spiders knew more of the event since they'd seen it, but all they had was praise for the heroic acts of Jack.
The fireplace crackled as the hot light illuminated their faces and the area around them. She could tell something was bothering him, the shadows on his face reading concern and confusion. Earlier she had heard a group of students that were less aware of his heroic acts, calling him ruthless and brutal, but she didn't think that was a popular opinion. Perhaps these murmurs were the source of his doubt.

She moved a bit closer, hoping to be of comfort. Though she was unsure how much she could give, her friend was upset and she needed to help him. She needed to remind him why he was her Jack. She carefully placed her gloved hand on his back, "A lot of times, great heroes don't get the praise they deserve. They slay a giant, and save a town, but the townspeople only look in fear at the hero that could destroy what no one else could. His strength frightens and intimidates them, but they forget that he only wants to help them. Eventually they'll realize that his actions are heroic and just when they realize the good he brought upon their lives. But he has to give them some time to adjust. He can't let their anger brought from fear tear him down." she smiled and moved her hand to touch his arm. "You saved a class with your actions. Even though some people might be a little intimidated, you did what you did for them. You're a hero, Jack." And she believed every word of it.

@Strayed > Montgomery Knight​
[fieldbox="Room Of Requirement, yellow, solid"]

  • Character In Use: Seriphim Brimm
  • Doing?: Hanging out at the snack table questioning her decisions.

John's answer to her question was exactly the answer she had expected...though she would have liked to think that the Egyptian would have at least attempted to remember who he had forced to be his date. The ginger girl sighed as the other continued to speak. "I wouldn't stick around here if I were you. Knowing him, he's already at the party flirting around. You should just head up with us." Seriphim couldnt help, but to frown at that. She knew he was right, and as he set himself in motion, grabbing Koi's hand, and dragging her along behind him towards the party, she followed quickly behind them both. They continued on their way until they reached the Seventh floor. And there, behind the tapestry was the entrance to the party. Seriphim, Koi, and John all entered at the same time, and once inside, Seri was greeted with a subtle ambiance of red color, and sweet smells. The had apparently missed the opening ceremony because the party was now in full fling, but she assumed it was just as grand as the rest.

She was so lost in awe at how stunning the room looked that she had unintentionally lost track of Koi in the process...which was a little more than an uncomfortable fact considering there were so many people here, and she hadnt even noticed that she had also lost track of John until she turned and realized she was standing alone like a space cadet. It was only when she was greeted with a familiar accent, and a large hand grasping her shoulder that she snapped out of her daze, and met the amber eyes of Jabari Asim. As she looked up at him, she couldnt help the scowl that followed. The fox girl was bitter at the boy dressed as a traveling swordsman. She was sure no one would blame her for it either. Besides, Jabari seemed to find the scowl cute because he just grinned, and patted her head, petting between the ears that twitched with irritation upon her head,"Ah~ Foxy, you decided to make it. I figured you would...see I got distracted on my way to get you and just ended up here without you." The tip of her tail twitched at his excuse, mainly because as he spoke, his eyes were following the asses of a elf, and a fairy as they strode by batting their too long eyelashes at the flirtatious boy in front of her. When he finally regained to ability to focus again, he looked her up and down, a frown on his lips,"The robes dont do my costume choice much justice, so they? Lets get rid of those, shall we?" he hadnt even waited for her response, and proceeded to remove he robes to reveal the rather...well revealing outfit he'd chosen. Despite the fact that she had resisted a bit, she was now standing there in the short kimono, her tail now swaying back, and forth nervously as Jabari's eyes scanned her until he gave a nod of approval. "Very nice, Foxy. You know, for a girl who doesnt stand out too much, you clean up nice. You're actually rather pretty." She groaned at him, her cheeks turning bright pink as she crossed her arms over her chest, her dual colored eyes finding the ground. "Thanks...I guess..." she murmured, but when she looked up once more, Jabari was walking away chasing a cat girl's tail, and wolf whistling like a moron.

She stood there for a moment in utter fear for what she was wearing, and feeling rather exposed to the eyes of perverts before she gathered up the courage to slowly make her way to the snack table. Asim really had the nerve to get her here dressed in this skimpy costume, and then ditch her. It honestly made her very angry, and that was a hard thing to do. Seri sighed as she grabbed a cup, and spooned in the offered punch. She took a sip soon after, and was greeted with a fruity taste. A hint of something funny tickled her tastebuds as well, but she couldnt quite pin point what it was. She'd just stay here, and drink punch..stick to herself and hopefully not be bothered by anyone who she didnt have the need or even want to talk to. In fact, she had decided that even coming to the party was a terrible idea.



@Strayed - Sully
@firejay1 - Koi
NPC - Jabari Asim

bannerfans_15063723 (5).jpg
♠ The Room of Requirement ♠
To say Avery was bored would be a massive understatement. The reason he did not usually go to parties had somehow accentuated itself in this secretive gathering of many of the craziest people in school. While Avery was perfectly comfortable alone, perfectly comfortable just watching people, and perfectly comfortable talking to people, he wanted to have some fun on nights he decided to take off, and watching the people here did not provide that. There were a few couples making out, some dancing in odd ways, some goofing off and playing tricks on each other. It was a mental exercise, trying to keep track of everything and everybody within his line of sight, but he hadn't come here for a mental exercise. He'd seen Stella Prince walking in - who wouldn't with that hairdo? - but the girl always seemed to find the need to make some snide comment about him. That was amusing in its own way, but it didn't promise to make his evening less of a waste of time. He glanced at the windows at the other end of the room. Thankfully, the storm had quieted for the moment, and there didn't seem to be any chance of them entertaining one of the Prince girl's massive lightning-induced breakdowns yet, but that was just a side thought.

Idly, he picked up a goblet from one of the vampire waiters, smiling and thanking the other boy - at least he thought it was a boy under all that make up - for the drink. Not a very lively bunch, these ones. Then again, they were the waiters, they couldn't just stand in the middle of the crowd getting it on with someone else. It made him feel almost bad for them. He took a sip of the drink and by some miracle managed to swallow the mouthful without shock raising his eyebrows. The boy had never had a problem with disgusting food that most people would spit out, but he was sure it might come in handy to be able to eat or drink anything without making a strange face about it. And he'd been right. Letting his eyes casually scan the crowd just once to make sure no one was looking at him, he looked down at the goblet in his hand. The juice was a deep orange color, swirling around smoothly in the metal cup and looking no different from the normal, innocent pumpkin juice, but Avery knew alcohol when he tasted it. His mother had decided that he'd better learn how to drink responsibly at an early age, and so had introduced alcohol to him several years before he'd been accepted to Hogwarts. She'd taught him how to recognize when it was present, what kinds there were out there, excluding the wizard brands since they hadn't exactly done this with his father's consent, how much to drink to be polite without getting thoroughly smashed, and how to tell what was high quality and what was not.

When he'd returned home from Hogwarts in his third year, she'd sat him down and, to the astonishment of both him and his father, demanded the two of them have a drinking contest. It had started with a calm conversation about school and ended with a tussle that had left two very off-target bullets lodged in the wall of their kitchen, himself pinned to the wall by his clothes with kitchen knives like some kind of Jesus statue, a large chunk of his ponytail missing, and their poor wooden dining table completely destroyed. If his father did not regularly renew a sound barrier spell attached to the wall of the house, someone would have probably called the cops. Apparently, his mother was a happy drunk, he was an angry drunk, and neither was a good idea when both were lightweights and had something akin to military training. According to his surprisingly untraumatized dad, his mother had laughed at his long hair and sliced a portion of it off, Avery had lashed out, and they'd gotten into a miniature war until his mother had had the "good sense" to make sure he was stuck on the wall until he calmed down, never mind the fact that slamming knives into your sons clothes at close range was dangerous when he was trying to break your wrist. Oh, and the extra knives lodged in the wall around his head? Those had just been for practice, because throwing knives at people wasn't dangerous at all when your senses were blurred with alcohol. It must have been divine interference that he was still alive after that ordeal.

From that moment on, the Slytherin hadn't touched the stuff, but he hadn't forgotten how it tasted. A mouthful should be fine, but he left the rest where it was. He shook his head. He wouldn't have come if he'd known alcohol was being formally served to everyone. He scanned the room again, this time taking into consideration this new piece of knowledge to adjust the information he'd taken in about the people here, especially his fellow classmates, whom he'd thought he'd gotten to know fairly well. Some people were clearly sober, others... not so much. Slightly torn between the desire to laugh and the desire to help some of the poor suckers who had clearly never tasted alcohol before, Averill began pushing his way through the crowd to reach the snack table. He wasn't planning to confiscate it or anything, that was a prefect's job, and might ruin some people's soon to be very exciting nights, but he wanted to see if there wasn't some drink that wasn't spiked, since he knew he'd eventually get thirsty, as would other innocents. However, just as he reached it and managed to grab a goblet of plain water someone shoved into him and sent him stumbling slightly backwards. He staggered for a second, before twisting slightly to prevent the cup from spilling. He regained his balance and found himself facing the candy table. A whole table devoted to candy. A small laugh touched his eyes as he noticed the person there, talking to a skeleton covered in pumpkin guts. He should've known Anice Runeswell would be found right there.

And she was holding... Oh! In two long strides, the long-haired boy reached his scantily-clad friend. He turned to her companion and said, "Excuse me for intruding on your conversation, I just needed to speak to Anice for a bit." Now that he was a bit closer, he realized the other person had gone for a fairly good replica of Jack Skellington, a popular Halloween figure among the muggles. If he was right, the person under all the make-up was Lucas Grey, but it was hard to tell in this kind of light. Placing his own goblet on the table surreptitiously, he plucked the laced juice from Anice's hands, smiling politely. It was probably a good idea to just be honest with this one. "I hope you don't mind me taking this off your hands, but I don't think you'd approve of what's in the pumpkin juice tonight, Anice." His tone was serious, and quiet enough that only she and her companion could hear, but it couldn't hide some slight amusement as he wondered how she'd react to being informed what might be in there. Placing the juice carefully down next to his own goblet of water, he dug into one of the pockets conveniently provided in his costume and pulled out a small hard candy covered in an obscenely bright wrapper. "I know you have every candy you could possibly want in front of you, but would you like to try this?" He said, to distract her. It was a pineapple-flavored candy with a gooey center, or so the house-elf had said when he'd gotten it from the kitchen. What he didn't know was that it was a pineapple-flavored candy with a gooey banana-flavored center laced with a little black pepper. It was one of many insane creations one of the house-elves had thought up specifically for him, since he seemed to like even the most disgusting of flavor profiles, not that Avery knew anything about that. Picking up Anice's old goblet quite naturally, he left the goblet of water next to her in case she wanted something to drink.

Characters interacted with:
Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar
Lucas Grey - @Faust

Characters mentioned:
Stella Prince - My Character
Desiree Trevelyan - NPC (his mother)
Lysander Trevelyan - NPC (his father)
Evil Candy-Making House-Elf - NPC
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~Room of Requirement~

"Well...okay...but I don't want to leave you here alone..." Crissy stated as she eyed the entrance. "I'll just wait by you until you're other friendscome." Crissy suggested and Elizabeth couldn't be happier knowing Crissy wouldn't abandon her in such an odd environment. Nodding her head in agreement, Elizabeth uttered a quick thanks and observed the party. Everyone was laughing, dancing and talking; Elizabeth felt extreamely out of place in an instant. She was pulled from her thoughts when Crissy said, "O-oh...hey! Isn't that phallic creature your friend Stephanie?". Elizabeth followed her gaze as to what her friend was referring to. Elizabeth opened her mouth to say something before Crissy cut her off, "Well, then I guess I'll leave you to it, Alice. If you need me, I'll be around."

Elizabeth wanted to tell her that if Crissy was leaving not to find her, but all she could muster was a "Cri-...", and with a small pat on her back, the succubus was gone. Letting out a sigh, Elizabeth shook her head knowing it would have been pointless anyways. Crissy and her mentally knew that they were never coming out of the party together even before they made it to the party. Suddenly, she heard "Evening Crissy." a girl Elizabeth knew as Oswin Ravenwood greeted. Her eyes met with Elizabeth's and she greeted as before, "Ms. Liddell...". After which, she folded her arms and merely stared at them.

"Ossy!! You look so cute~" Crissy burst in excitement, as she gestured to Elizabeth. "You've met Elizabeth, I'm sure. My favorite Hufflepuff." Elizabeth couldn't help but smile as she heard the statement, all while Crissy clung to her arm happily. "Ms. Ravenwood." Elizabeth greeted back with a curt nod. "You do look lovely." she stated, siding with Crissy's words as she one-over Oswin's attire. It was cute and Elizabeth felt it suited her. "I was about to go and let her party with her more lively friends." Crissy stated. Elizabeth let out a laugh, it was quite the opposite actually. "You will be okay, right?" she asked and Elizabeth looked at her reassuringly, "I will be fine, Crissy." she stated. Crissy probably felt happy with the answer and turned to Oswin, taking her by the wrist and dragged her away. "Have fun Lizzy~" she cried out. "You too! Make good choices!" Elizabeth cried back, shaking her head with a small smile on her face at her friends' antiques. Poor Oswin.

Elizabeth then turned to the direction she saw Stella and Seri walk in with Stella's date, she guessed as she couldn't see him clearly but a mop of red. However, when she searched the crowd she could see only Stella making her way to her. Elizabeth watched as a boy approached her and not five seconds later get knocked backwards. Elizabeth covered her mouth to hold back a giggle as Stelle coolly made her way to her, as if nothing had happened. Stella's costume was stunning what with the design and fashion. "Hello Lizzy, having fun?" Stella asked, the most serious look on her face, quite the opposite expression from how you would usually ask such a question. Non-the-less, Elizabeth offered her friend the same reassuring look she offered Crissy a few moments before. "Yes, Stella. I'm having a blast, even more so now that you're here." she grinned. However, Elizabeth knew she wouldn't be able to keep up the act. She was merely counting down the seconds now, to when she felt would be a good time to leave; and she was hoping it would be soon. "Might I add, you look incredibly stunning." She complimented. Looking around beyond Stella, Elizabeth asked, questionably, "But..Uh... where's Seri? Wasn't she just with you?"​
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♣ Room of Requirement ♣
"Yes Stella. I'm having a blast, even more so now that you're here." Lizzy smiled, and for a bit, Stella actually believed that her friend might be having a good time. Her smile felt genuine enough, but it also felt... a little tired. She wasn't quite sure what to think of that, and didn't say anything, just scanning Lizzy's face for signs that something might still be wrong. "Might I add, you look incredibly stunning."

Stella laughed. "I think the word you're looking for is 'striking,' Lizzy. I certainly don't look beautiful in this get-up, but I get the oddest feeling everyone in the room turned to stare when I walked in the room." While she was smiling, she did mean it somewhat seriously. The second she'd walked in the room, she'd been sure some people had stopped to stare, a few actually openly gaping, some even laughing. It was something of an uncomfortable feeling for her, as she'd always tried to keep her head down and not draw attention to herself. It was how she'd stayed out of trouble so long, despite being a half-breed who knew three other people's secrets as well. She also felt a little ridiculous again, even for the people in this crowd. No one else had decided to go for personally embarrassing. Why had she-? Oh right. She really wished she could strangle John. If it hadn't been for him, she would be snuggling into a chair in the common rooms with a pillow over her head.

Then, Lizzy mentioned her other companion. "But.. uh... where's Seri? Wasn't she just with you?"

Stella cast a frustrated look around her. "Yes, she was, but I've lost her, and now I can not find her. She's turned into some sort of ent-wife, honestly." She said the last sentence with a bit of an ironic smile, but did mean it seriously. She hadn't meant to lose Seri in the excitement, and could only hope her second naive friend would be alright on her own. She shook her head. "In any case, I wanted to talk to you alone a bit, Lizzy." She held up a hand to stem any excuses or awkward stammering. "I have absolutely no intention of asking you what exactly happened between yourself and Knight, though I'd certainly be willing to listen if you want to talk about it, but for tonight, just try not to think about it, okay? Knight isn't here, he doesn't have any interest in these gatherings after all, so," she slapped both hands onto Lizzy's cheeks and pulled gently, making the girl's mouth make a funny shape that wasn't quite a smile, "just focus on the funny things, like the fact that everyone here looks ridiculous, ourselves included." Stella made a face to match the look on Lizzy's, stretching her mouth as wide as she could make it without the use of her hands, then laughed gently, making fun of herself in the hopes Lizzy would find some enjoyment doing the same. "C'mon, cheer up! You're Alice and this is Wonderland. I'm just your friendly neighborhood talking banana, where would you like to go, Ms. Alice?" She gave a little curtsy, a little nervous about giving a full bow with a dress this low.

Characters interacted with:
Elizabeth Silsbury - @Crimson77

Characters mentioned:
Jack "John" Sullivan - @Strayed
Seriphim Brimm - @Azzy
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[glow=purple]❤ Entrance Hall || Grand Staircase || Ravenclaw Tower: Girl's Dorm ❤[/glow]

The native South African girl brought her small hands to her lips to cover her yawn. She had just finished eating in the Great Hall and she was a bit tired from her travels and all the activites she participated in today. Hopefully, she would be able to get a good night's rest tonight. Maybe a relaxing bubble bath would help. Or a hot shower. That sounded amazing right about now. She yawned again, this time her deep azure eyes teared up a bit. She was exhausted, but she couldn't help but look forward to her new life here at Hogwarts. To spend the rest of her school days as a member of the house of sapphire and bronze. Hazel couldn't help but feel like this year would be different for her. That everything she desired would fall into place. Sure, that was wishful thinking, but she would rather believe that than lose all hope.

Her robes billowed around her as she made her way to the Ravenclaw tower. If she remembered correctly she should be heading in the right direction. The Headmistress had made the directions clear enough. Now all she had left to do was to recall them, which was easier said than done when sleepy. Apparently her belongings should be outside her dorm room, waiting for her. Hopefully someone didn't go through her things and take something. Another unknown factor was her roommates. At her previous school her roommates were hardly in the room and they didn't talk to her. To them, Hazel was just another body. She would say it didn't bother her but that would be a lie. She always imagined being close with her roommates like how the protagonist is with their roommates in movies and books, sadly that never worked out for her.

She always blammed herself for being so damn strange. Socializing wasn't her forte at all. She wasn't that good at expressing herself either, which just made her awkward. So no wonder she never had people to hang around with. If one thing Hazel knew well, it was that people don't like awkward. Without meaning to, sometimes she can find herself in awkward situations and she's the only one to blame for it. So it wasn't that she was some freak or something, she was just...a little awkard and rough around the edges. But even though she wasn't a freak, that didn't mean she never felt like one. The process of making friends was a tough one, but one Hazel was determined to master nonetheless. She would always be the first one to point the finger at herself, like she was the reason she didn't have anyone close to her.

Even now she knew it was going to be hard to make relationships with people. Especially since she was the new transfer student and everyone had already formed their cliques. But more than anything, Hazel wanted someone she could share her feelings with. She would need to step out of her comfort zone to be able to obtain this someone of course. Which, let's be honest, scared the living shit out of her. Still, it had to be done. Hazel pursed her lips as she stood outside of the dorm room which she assumed to be hers since her things where outside of the room, like she was told they would be. She inhaled sharply before turning the nob to her new room.

There wasn't anything special about it. Just your normal dorm room, still, she could tell that the people living here had added their personal touches to the room too. Personalized blankets and pillows and such. Hazel was excited, regardless if this room was simple or not. She would be spending a lot of time here and a lot of time with the people here. She was determined to do her best. Hazel dragged her things into the room and took a vacant spot in the room to place her belongings. She figured she would unpack tomorrow. For now she just pulled out her pajamas and the rest of the things she needed to get ready for bed. She got ready pretty quickly, taking a shower and washing her hair. Then getting dressed and combing through and braiding her hair. She had to do this otherwise it would be a beast to tame in the morning and Hazel was no morning person. Collapsing on her bed she looked around. She wondered where her roommates were. She wanted to meet them, but at the same time she was nervous to meet them. The sooner the experience happened the sooner she could put it behind her.

Hazel yawned once again before getting comfortable in her bed. Usually it takes her a while to fall asleep, but she was worn out today. She could feel her eyelids growing heavy and her breathing slowing. Today was eventful but tomorrow would be even more so. She wasn't sure she was ready, but then again, she probably would never be. She'd face whatever the this place had in store for her tomorrow. For now, she would just enjoy her rest. Hazel cuddled her pillow as she drifted off into dream land.

[glow=purple]OOC: Boom! Hazel's in mofo's and before the deadline! Whoop, look at me finally doing what I should've done a long time ago! ;A; Don't be like me kids Dx[/glow]

Characters Mentioned:

*All NPC"s


-Hazel's roommates Clarissa & Maya
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[Hufflepuff Common Room]

Montgomery didn't know what to expect from Charlotte, but if he had made some mistake at some point, perhaps she would admonish him. With his eyes fixed ahead, he didn't expect to feel her hand placed gently on his back. She had his full attention.

"A lot of times, great heroes don't get the praise they deserve. They slay a giant, and save a town, but the townspeople only look in fear at the hero that could destroy what no one else could." Was she even talking about him? Montgomery could understand being feared, but he couldn't understand how he could be a great hero. Certainly, her allegory was mistaken.

"Eventually they'll realize that his actions are heroic and just when they realize the good he brought upon their lives." The boy shook his head a little. Charlotte had to be wrong or she had to be talking about someone else.

"But he has to give them some time to adjust. He can't let their anger brought from fear tear him down." Montgomery knew that he ought to tell her that she had made a mistake, that he didn't believe anything she had just told him. However, he felt her hand move to his arm and the unexpected movement caused him to look at her.

"You saved a class with your actions. Even though some people might be a little intimidated, you did what you did for them. You're a hero, Jack." Charlotte smiled at him. His thoughts faltered again, he must have been fatigued. The long day was catching up to him.

There was no mistaking it, she thought he was a hero. But there was nothing heroic about what he had done. Montgomery Knight had never done anything good for anyone. He was never a hero and he knew that better than anyone. He only did what he had to do.

He was reminded of a passage from Anouilh: The mast was splitting, the wind was howling, the sails were beginning to rip. Every man jack on board was about to drown—and only because the only thing they thought of was their own skins and their cheap little day-to-day traffic.

Montgomery thought that when faced with such a scenario, the solution was obvious.

You grab the wheel, you right the ship in the face of a mountain of water. You shout an order, and if one man refuses to obey, you shoot straight into the mob.

"I was simply performing my duty," he said in his cold tone. That was all there was to it. If she kept on believing otherwise, he would undoubtedly fail her. That's what he had come to believe.

"I appreciate your assistance and I'll think about what you said." He had expected to be rebuked, instead she condoned what he did in its entirety. Even though he disagreed with her assessment of what he was, he felt his chest ease. Listening to Charlotte tended to affect him to some degree, he attributed it to the timbre of her voice. Without a thought, he leaned in closer to her. "What have you selected tonight?" The stories Charlotte selected were different from Montgomery's usual tastes, but they were intriguing in the sense that they were allegorical. And perhaps they contained something he lacked.

Characters mentioned:
@VocaStar - Charlotte Monrova
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[glow=cyan]7th​ Floor Corridor Left Corridor Room of Requirement[/glow]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Madison yawned a little as she walked down the corridor to the place the party was supposed to be held, the clicking of her heels echoing off the stone walls. She had taken a nap after classes today because she was just drained. She had stayed up late again last night, thinking of more strategies and practice exercises for her team to work on. She had not meant to fall asleep, it just sort of happened once she laid her head against her pillow. She also did not expect to be so tired that she would sleep past her alarm, thus making her late for the party. So much had been on her mind already today that she had almost forgotten it was her birthday.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Another year older... Wonderful. She did not feel any different or anything. Which made her think about Zoey. As usual, Zoey probably had something painstakingly over the top planned. Madi had to be honest with herself, she was glad she was going to this other party than some stuffy birthday bash Zoey had planned. Madi pressed her hand against her stomach and took a couple of shallow breaths. She was dressed as a mix of two things; a hunter and red riding hood. Part of the costume had a corset to it. Madison had, her friend and roommate, Andi tie it for her earlier, but now she felt like she could not breathe. She hated being restricted, and this corset was very, very restricting.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Ugh… Andi… I can't breathe..." Madi said with a somewhat pained expression.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Andi, who had been skipping right next to her in a good energetic mood, smacked her between her shoulder blades enthusiastically, the force of it enough to knock the air out of Madi's lungs for a second. If Madison was having trouble breathing before, Andi definitely made sure that feeling was ten times worse when she knocked the wind out of her. All Madi could do was gasp for air and glare at her friend.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Don't make me do Heimlich on you!" The girl, who was wearing a American McGee's Alice costume with a fake blood on her apron, said with a little sly grin. Who knows, she might be grabbing a little higher if given the chance. But her face fell slightly more serious as they walked on. "Do you want me to loosen the corset? It doesn't have to be stupidly tight, you know."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Madi noted the change of tone in Andi's voice. Honestly, she felt that she could deal with it, but it was just uncomfortable. Like Andi said, it didn't have to be stupidly tight. "Do I? Please…" She gave her friend an apologetic smile. Ever since she had woken up late she had been asking a lot of Andi, who thankfully had been on time and ready herself. Madi felt like she was being more of a bother tonight than a friend. "Sorry about this." She spoke softly.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It's fine, love." Andi assured her with a dismissing wave of her hand, and jumped behind her as they stopped in the middle of the corridor, the hem of her blue-white dress billowing and revealing a bit more of her black and white striped pantyhose between the hem of her dress and the knee length black boots with multiple straps. Her fingers started skillfully tugging the strings in the back of Madi's corset, loosening it from the middle and giving her abdomen more room to move for larger breaths. When Andi was done, she tied the corset back again and patted Madi in the shoulder. "All done! Better?"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]The release of the hold the corset had on her felt magical. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, then turning to smile at Andi. "Much! Thank you. Now let's go, we're already late!" she said as she grabbed Andi's hand, leading her towards the party. The Alice McGee nearly stumbled on her booted feet, but let the other lead the way.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When they reached the seventh floor left corridor, next to a wall was a short male student dressed as a vampire with a cane. He looked at them as the girls approached, then turned to the wall opposite the ugliest tapestry Andi had ever seen, tapping his cane rhythmically against the ground. Madison gave Andi a strange look since nothing was happening at first, and the long haired girl just shrugged. But soon the wall melted away to reveal double doors leading the way to the party. Madi's eyes widened. She had no idea something like this was hidden here just under their noses! To put it simply, she was very impressed.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Stepping to the side, the short vampire boy with the cane gestured for them to enter the room. "Enjoy your stay in the coven, ladies." The doors opened from the inside for them like on cue, revealing a room that mirrored something out of a gothic magazine and various sounds flooded into the corridor; music, laughter, conversations. Madi's mouth dropped and Andi was outright gaping, her eyebrows lifted so high they were about to merge with her hairline at this rate. This was unbelievable, a room like this, inside of their ancient school! Just few hundred feet away from the Gryffindor Tower! Madi was really impressed. "Wow, someone went all out."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah, bloody hell." Andi agreed somewhat absentmindedly, her brain trying to process everything she was seeing at once. However, the girl got her cool quickly back and relaxed noticeably. "Well, moment's over. Let's get in before someone catches us and we end up being blamed for ruining the party." She turned to look at Madi, noticing her mouth still open and reached to grab her by the chin and forced it closed with an amused half-smile. They were still holding hands, and this time the long haired girl took the lead and started dragging the other in.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Come on, Little Red Riding-hood! Let's go find your Big Bad Wolf." She barked a laugh as she kept leading them into the mass of people, and the doors closed behind the duo, sealing them inside with the rest of the party people.[/BCOLOR]​
[BCOLOR=transparent][ ooc: I HAVE RETURNED. Here is post one, two more to go. ][/BCOLOR]​


[BCOLOR=transparent][ Hogwarts Castle; Prefect Bathroom -- Room of Requirement ][/BCOLOR]


The room was warm, and the air hung thick with steam. Hot mist was fogging the enchanted stained glass window across the way and Kiyoko Oshiro sat soaking in the scalding hot bathwater, the temperature of the water was reddening her submerged skin and leaving it raw as she scrubbed herself clean. She sat back, leisurely enjoying the exclusive pool sized bathtub that was available to her since becoming captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Her mane of freshly washed black hair was tied up and out of the way in a bun atop her head. As she melted in the glorious flurry of swirling multicolored water and bubbles she inhaled and closed her eyes, leaning her head back onto the stone edge of the bath. Each breath she took was deep, filling her lungs with a heavy and surprisingly comforti sensation.

As the asian girl lay half floating in the multicolored bathwater, her mind fell back to earlier that day in the library with her odd acquaintance. Montgomery Knight was one of the most peculiar people the asian girl had ever met, he was very different somehow. Knight was refreshingly and offsettingly straightforward, he seemed to see things just as they were. Despite his emotionless exterior and that piercing stare that left her feeling utterly exposed, she'd grown rather fond of him. One thing she'd noticed was that Orochi's mood seemed to brighten whenever he encountered the brown haired boy, which was potentially cause for concern, but she'd leave that for another time. All she was concerned about, was that the boy who had made a powerful impression on her had agreed to tutor her, and show her just how he managed what he did.

The hufflepuff boy had seemed... not quite hesitant to accept the humbled girl's bashful request, but more confused than anything. She was both comforted, and slightly unnerved by the prospect of dueling with Mr. Montgomery but above all else she knew that she somehow needed to do it. She needed to overcome this problem she had, this hindrance, or she'd lose her mind. For a moment, she was drawn back to the post-DADA mentality and her thoughts lingered on her outburst from yesterday... Running had always been an outlet for her, when school stresses became too much or when she was simply sick of people, she'd run. Run until her legs were aching, run until her lungs burned with each breath in, run until she collapsed or tripped on her own shaky legs. But yesterday had been different, yesterday she hadn't felt the underlying, programmed pride and superiority to the minuscule things around her.

She'd felt so... human, so insignificant and useless, she'd been reduced to something less than what she believed herself to be, less than what her parents wanted her to be, less than perfect. At that point in her run, the ache in her lungs was only just beginning to make itself known, and suddenly the girl was filled with a white, burning rage at... everything. She hated everything. Kiyoko turned and drew her wand. She hated Professor MacNeill for setting up the exercise, and doing nothing once things had begun to take a turn for the worst. She wordlessly slashed at the tree she'd stopped beside. She hated Melinda Geralds for losing her mind and hurting Jayden. She slashed again. She hated Jayden for getting hurt. And again. She hated Anice Runeswell for being in the way. And again. She hated Glesni Helling for making the situation that much worse. She hated. She hated. She hated... again. Again. Again.

And she hated herself most of all... she hated herself for hating them among other things. It didn't make sense to hate them. Most had done nothing. Helling and Geralds, sure, they'd been in the wrong. But Professor MacNeill, he was a victim in his own right. Runeswell... there was no justification for that thought, what else could Jayden have done, just let the girl get hit? Just step out of the way and let her burn?
Her insides curled up in disgust and self-loathing. She tossed her wand aside, closed her fist and punched the tree. Cutting her knuckles on the bark, the pain shocked her, and she paused a moment, then a voice broke in. She glared and the snarky, bright haired stranger, his light green eyes were appraising her, his expression ridiculed her, and she had drawn near only to retrieve her wand.

That was probably when she'd decided she needed to talk to Montgomery, though she didn't actively plan it until she'd seen him in the library, and gone through with it before she could reconsider. She inhaled, and opened her eyes. Drawing her hand from under the water. The tips of her fingers were beginning to prune, and upon seeing that she quickly scrubbed herself off again before standing and drawing a towel around herself. Carefully, she climbed out of the water and made her way over to the costume she'd brought. Even now she wondered if she should go. Kiyoko'd never been a party person, she generally disliked people altogether. But she really, really needed to get away from herself and her thoughts. She needed to see pleasant things. Happy things, and then maybe she'd feel better.

She needed to see the faces of people she gave a damn about... she needed to see Sabrina. She needed to see Jayden, and that was all that she really wanted right then. She had been wanting to see both of them for awhile, Sabrina had been busy however, and though the half-veela was the closest thing she'd ever had to a female friend Kiyoko didn't feel important enough to bother her with her problems. As for Jayden, she'd been unable to see him, because he'd skipped out of the hospital wing. The green-eyed girl chuckled at the memory of the made up pillow body she'd encountered that afternoon after stopping by with a book to read to the unconscious boy. Madam Pomfrey had remarked on how she'd better not wake him seeing as he finally fallen asleep. Kiyoko had promised to be on good behavior and the dame had returned to the back room, with only a small glance of suspicion.

During the first few moments of her visit she noticed a lack of rather important movement in the covers. The sheets didn't stir with the slightest breath and with a quick glance toward the back room's door Kiyoko leaned forward and pulled back the top of the covers to reveal a lack of Jayden. She pulled the sheets back over and crept out of the room shortly , leaving to do her homework. The reluctant reading of the 'Hog Topics' paper and beating of Scorpius Malfoy had followed one another in quick succession, but her feeling of outrage had come and gone as she quelled her anger on the realization that it simply wasn't worth it. People would gossip, and there was no point in fueling the flames with a reaction. People had said worse things about her, and they would continue to do so as long as it suited them.


As she tied the nagajuban loosely over her undergarments, the girl paused a moment and appraised her reflection in the mirror that was fogged around the edges. Had her eyes not been such a stark color, and were there a half empty bottle of sake in her hand she could have been her mother... Her expression darkened and her stomach twisted. She draped the date eri and the kimono on quickly, avoiding eye contact with the mirror as she tied the obiage, obi and obi jime. Her wand and the enchanted fan hung in her sodetache, hollow lengthy sleeves which she had often used to hold various things such as snacks when she was younger. Her mother had never been happy after discovering crumbs in the stitches of the cloth.

She let her hair down, using one golden hairpiece to pin part of her damp black waterfall of hair in a pretty way. And finally she drew close to the mirror and used her wand to make her skin look deathly pale. She appraised her reflection for a moment, and took another step closer to peer into her eyes. Using her wand was too risky, so the girl simply focused, and began to utter a spell. Nothing happened at first, nothing except her voice echoing in the cavernous room, and then something flickered and her eyes blackened into bottomless black pools. The shade engulfed her emerald green, spreading from the pupil outwards like an inkblot in a small pool of water. Her smirk at her success added to the eeriness in her expression and with a final glance over herself she left.

She walked soundlessly through the hallway, traveling toward the place that the billboard invitation had instructed. She was joined by other costume-clad students the closer she grew to the room and by the time they reached the desired hallway there was nearly a dozen of them, they were greeted by a vampire servant, and led to a peculiar hallway where a door suddenly seemed to appear. The lot of students were let in with gasps of awe and excitement, Kiyoko simply drew her fan, looking wide-eyed around the room and veiling her face with the monstrous illusion. The abyss of swirling red and black decor opened before her and steadily she stepped inside, scanning for a familiar face anywhere.


Characters Mentioned -

@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@Strayed - Montgomery Knight
@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell
@WishfulNemo - Melinda Geralds
@Ritual Lobotomy - Glesni Helling
@Erranruin - Prof. Aled MacNeill

NPC - Scorpius Malfoy
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Room of Requirement

He was snapped back from the impulsive snogging session by a rough push and cranky lash of words; "Get a room you two." The short girl withdrew away from Romeo, who was now blinking owlishly and trying to gather his bearings, still having to lean onto the table behind him so to not fall down. Melinda Geralds had just successfully swiped him off his feet! Well, almost. Damn close enough.

While Melinda was focusing herself onto the ghost boy who by the grumpiness level also could have needed some loving, Romeo corrected himself and blew his cheeks before exhaling. He was still confused over what in the name of Merlin just happened that he did not realize to feel ashamed as of yet. His lips felt slightly swollen from all the smooching and the Gryffindor felt lightheaded from all the sudden heavy releases of endorphin in his brain. Lifting his fingers to touch his own lips, the flabbergasted boy turned to look at Melinda just as she released her hair like a freaking pocket-sized model from a shampoo commercial. At this point, both he and the boy in the blanket were outright gaping.

"Are you jealous?" Melinda had asked the other boy, and approached him like seduction on feet. Romeo's eyes flew wide as he witnessed her raise on her tiptoes again and kiss now another boy. The ghost stood rigid, surprised about as much as Romeo had been, and before he could do anything the kiss already ended and Melinda giggled and cooed; "You're so simple. There's no need to be jealous."

Then the outrageous Gryffindor girl took a sip of her goblet and waved at them like it was no big deal. "It was nice kissing you guys," was all Melinda said before flashing one final smile at the two boys who only kept staring, unable to say anything before she was already gone.

The two kiss victims stood there in stunned silence for few long seconds, before Romeo finally spoke; "Well, I'll be damned. I guess Junior has grown up."

The ghost turned to look at the Gryffindor at that statement, but Romeo was unable to read his expression due to his costume covering his face, but he was guessed it was pulled into a flustered confusion. But he was quite sure that Melinda Geralds had possibly just stolen the poor kid's heart, and would be having the poor soul (heh, get it?) wandering after her from now on in the hopes of getting a date. The two shared a long look and Romeo just shrugged, unable to explain what all of that just now had been, grabbed his goblet and started slipping out of the crime scene.

When he was in the crowd again, Romeo wiped his mouth to the back of his hand, still reminiscing on the feeling of the girls lips on his. It would be a nice memory if nothing more, because a kiss like that you do not forget that easily. What exactly it had meant, Romeo was not sure, and it seemed silly to worry about something so trivial. But if Melinda wanted to do that again, Romeo would not really mind having another round, though he would probably rather keep at it in hugging level.

"Where the heck did August go?" He found himself mumbling to himself, craning his neck in the middle of the crowd as he tried to find the pirate boy. But it seemed like there was no sight of him, like he would have packed his treasure and sailed away. Romeo sighed and ran his fingers through his dark locks, arranging his bangs briefly and looked around, now giving up on Captain Firefly for the time being. He spotted several familiar faces here and there, others he knew well, others he only knew by name. Taking a sip of his drink, he decided to clear his head by himself for a while instead of approaching anyone for the time being.​

Characters mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - Melinda Geralds, August Yilmaz

>Room of Requirement<​

Truth was, Etienne had set out early to the party. However, as he made his way through the corridors his decision had faltered, and with each step become increasingly doubtful. After all, he hated crowds. Especially party crowds, which were very, very different from Quidditch crowds. He'd doubted himself so long that by the time he decided to turn back to Gryffindor, he'd already passed the half-point and turning back when he was already half way there seemed cowardly. After that, he stubbornly forced himself forward, but through intricate directions, carefully moving in his usual stealthy fashion as he delayed his own arrival.
Why had he even considered the idea, he wondered. Especially when the plague doctor mask he was wearing had mysteriously appeared in his bag, a doodled note tagged onto it. Alright, alright, he admitted it had been kind of cool and nice that someone would go out of their way to encourage him. Still, that it had, in all likelihood, been his creepy stalkers made him consider his own sanity. Oh flobberworm! What if the mask had been enchanted or something?! Suddenly he gasped, what if Ethan Stark was at the party...

And with that last thought Etienne Stark had turned around and looped a couple of towers before coming back on track. He had finally arrived to the right floor, but was now unfashionably late. Not that fashion rated anywhere near his top list of concerns. He figured if the mask had been enchanted it would have shown it already, and if Ethan was indeed at the party it wouldn't matter much if Etienne's face was completely hidden. Sure, his height was a dead-giveaway, but knowing his face was hidden from view was somewhat of a comfort.

The dark boy rushed his entrance hoping to get it over with quickly, but almost immediately thinking perhaps wearing a costume based on the Holt twin's taste style had not been the best idea.

Too late. He was in. And surrounded. The dark clad figure ambled his way nervously towards the walls, where he would stand out a little less. Hopefully. He looked around, searching the faces of those nearby and far. It was a habit, and a good one, that had helped him throughout the years in avoiding half-breed hating pure-bloods. But well, it sometimes served to avoid even friends. Melinda Geralds, for example, who would milk the situation while he was vulnerable and unable to fight back as easily as he could when not in the midst of a social event.

"Sheesh Etienne, why did you show up if the first thing you're focusing on is avoiding everyone?" he asked himself dejectedly. Really, at this point he feared he would dare himself to dance just to punish his cowardice. Meanwhile, Carrot, his Eastern Orange Newt, crawled over his chest in an eerie way the Holt Twins would highly approve of. Etienne had forgotten to put him back in his globe.

Characters mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - Melinda Geralds
NPC - Ethan Stark
NPC - Holt Twins

Hufflepuff Common Room
"I was simply performing my duty," he said coldly. Charlotte's eyes softened, as she could hear that he didn't believe her. However, it wasn't the first time. Jack had always had a hard time seeing himself as a hero. But it was alright, she knew he was. Even if he didn't always see it. He said it was his duty and she believed him, but no one was forced to do anything. 'Deeper down' she thought. Deeper down there was something there he wasn't fully aware of. She stroked the cover of the small book. "I appreciate your assistance and I'll think about what you said." She smiled, gazing down at the book, but listening to his promise. She felt small delicate legs tickle her as Fingers crawled up her arm. 'His arm has made quite the recovery! I wonder what kind of herbs he found to work that kind of magic...' the spider remarked. Charlotte's eyes wandered to his arm again. Did he really hurt it? If so, it must not have been that badly as the spiders said...though they never lied to her before.

She was tempted to ask about it when he leaned in closer and asked, "What have you selected tonight?" her thoughts were pulled back to the task at hand. "Ah! yes..." she said, bringing the book closer to him so he could see. She flipped the pages. "Tonight, I thought we'd read The Juniper Tree." she said. "Though this tale saddens me a bit to read, since the young boy in the story reminds me of my own young brother..." she said with a solemn smile. Then she looked up at Jack and gave him a reassuring smile, "But don't worry! It has a happy ending." She said as if she were telling herself rather than him. "Let's begin..." she said, as her dainty fingers continued to flip the pages until she found it. She pressed her fingertip lightly on the letters at the top of the page that read "The Juniper Tree". She was about to start when she felt that it was necessary she ask how his arm was doing. Just a strange feeling she followed. "Oh...before we begin...may I ask how your arm is doing? You got hurt pretty badly didn't you?" she said with nothing less than concern in her voice.

@Strayed > Montgomery Knight
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ooc: I did this through mobile whislt at work. I was serving a customer, it slipped my mind. Forgive me.


~Room of Requirement~

"I think the word you're looking for is 'striking,' Lizzy. I certainly don't look beautiful in this get-up, but I get the oddest feeling everyone in theroom turned to stare when I walked in the room." Stella laughed. Elizabeth shook her head, giggling as she did; insinuating that she stood with her original statement. Stella did look beautiful in her costume. It was very unlike her to wear something as revealing as such but none-the-less Elizabeth found it quite refreshing.

"Yes, she was, but I've lost her, and now I can not find her.She's turned into some sort of ent-wife, honestly." Stella explained. Elizabeth tilted her head sideways slightly, a confused look on her face. She was about to question what Stella had meant by Seri being an ent-wife but before she could speak, Stella beat her to it. "In any case, I wanted to talk to you alone a bit, Lizzy.". Elizabeth nodded her head. Stella sounded serious, and she decided it was best she listened. "Well, you have me. What did you wanna talk about?" She asked with a shrug.

"I have absolutely no intention of asking you what exactly happened between yourself and Knight," Oh. Elizabeth thought. She wanted to talk about this. It was just as well, that Elizabeth had forgotten about her worries when she was with Crissy not too long ago, only to be reminded of him again. He seemed to be everywhere whether she wanted it or not. Elizabeth's smile faltered but she quickly replaced it with another and patiently listened to Stella's words. "though I'd certainly be willing to listen if you want to talk about it, but for tonight, just try not to think about it, okay? Knight isn't here, he doesn't have any interest in these gatherings after all, so," Elizabeth knew this, that's why she came. Though now, she didn't quite feel as well. Suddenly, Stella slapped both her hands onto Elizabeth's cheeks and tugged on it gently. Elizabeth allowed it for a moment, unsure of what to do. "just focus on the funny things, like the fact that everyone here looks ridiculous, ourselves included." Then, she proceeded to smile as widely as she possibly could, making a distorted look which made Elizabeth giggle anyways. Elizabeth's hands now cupping Stella's over her cheeks. "C'mon, cheer up! You're Alice and this is Wonderland. I'm just your friendly neighborhood talking banana, where would you like to go, Ms. Alice?" Elizabeth shook her head at the length her friend was willing to go to make her feel better. Stella then proceeded to curtsy, which only made Elizabeth feel ever more grateful to have such a friend.

Pulling Stella's hands from her cheek, Elizabeth offered Stella a gentle smile. "It's very thoughtful of you Stella. Really. I'm incredibly grateful to call you my best friend." Elizabeth spoke, squeezing lightly on both Stella's hands in hers. "But I think I've had enough excitement for one night..." she stated, "It's not that I'm still upset or anything!" Elizabeth quickly added, "And it's not because I don't want to be here! I do! It's just-" she sighed, "It's just been a really long and exciting couple of days and I don't have enough energy stored in me for so much excitement." Elizabeth reasoned. Her face pleading for Stella to let this one go, "I think I'll just head back to the dorms tonight and get some rest, if that's alright with you?" Elizabeth mumbled, nervously.

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[Slytherin Dorms > Room of Requirement]

The previous night, Peter Berlioz had happily taken advantage of his roommate's hospitalization and converted his dorm room into a makeshift lab. He emptied his equipment from his expanded metal trunk and set up a well-functioning work station for himself, although in his rummaging he managed to litter a good portion of the room with various pieces of equipment and recently procured ingredients courtesy of Mademoiselle Brimm. By the the time Peter had gone to sleep, he had finished brewing enough fresh product to fill up his briefcase. In the morning, he got up early as usual and cleaned up the mess by hand with enough time to spare for breakfast.

As soon as he learned of the party, Peter was excited at the opportunity. This was the first major social gathering he would attend at Hogwarts and it would prove to be a good place to meet new people and potential customers. When Peter returned to his dorm room after school, he took a shower and organized his briefcase. He didn't have a costume, but he decided that it didn't matter so much as he appeared presentable. Thankfully, among the items he brought along was a traditional flatiron. Since Peter avoided using spell-work whenever possible, hand ironing was a necessity to him. After straightening out his slacks and button down shirt, he changed out of his school uniform and switched to a black tie.

Stepping into the designated party location surprised him. Up until now, Peter was thoroughly unimpressed by how drab and dull the locales were compared to Beauxbatons. However, this room was thoroughly and tastefully decorated in alluring reds and black. Even the guests wore costumes of high quality and Peter began to re-evaluate his opinion of what Hogwarts had to offer. For a while, he worked around the room getting acquainted with some new people and gathering some information. It was early and guests were still filing in. While looking around the room, his eye picked up on a girl with distinct and familiar black hair.

Excited to greet his friend, he briskly shuffled by several people and made his way toward the elegantly dressed girl. The last time he saw Kiyoko, she was still reeling from yesterday's incident. However, she seemed to enjoy Peter's cookies and cheered up at least a little. Smiling, he made his way up to her side but stopped short a few feet. His smile dissipated when he saw her face. He shook his head a little and walked the rest of the way up to the girl.

"Hello Kiyoko," he squeaked out. Peter Berlioz was usually outgoing and confident, but as yesterday proved he was also quite squeamish when it came to certain imagery. "Good costume." He smiled nervously and tried to not look directly at the lower half of her face, managing to practically stare at her forehead.

Characters mentioned:
Namory - Kiyoko Oshiro

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