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★Outside the Hufflepuff Basement★

She looked reluctant to spill the beans. She bit her lip nervously and shook her head at the ground. "If I tell you... promise you won't freak out or anything?" Crispin nodded affirmatively. If he were any poor creature cursed with a tail, it would be wagging. The Hufflepuff turned to him. The serious air that hung around her was unfamiliar, it gave Crispin a nauseous feeling. He kept his eyes on her, ready to consume every word she was about to say and let it nourish his hatred. She started slowly, as if she were very carefully picking her words, "It was someone we knew." Crispin had an idea of who that might be. However, he didn't want to interrupt her and gave her his full attention. "And he..." she paused, "he murdered someone." Crispin stared at her blankly, he let the words sink in. These were very dark nightmares she was having. If they were a divination of any kind, it would probably be wisest to talk to someone who actually knew what the hell a dream like that could mean. She further explained, "Without feeling any sort of remorse or pain, he just... killed him. Right in front of my eyes, and it was horrible." Her distress was eminent as she buried her face in her hands. The last description assured him they were talking about Knight. On top of the fact that Montgomery was one of the few mutual "friends" they had. Crispin had known for the longest time that Montgomery was a ruthless psychopath. It was only about time that others began to realize it.

Even though he couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for the poor girl. Finding out that the world isn't all cherries and roses like this. But it was inevitable. The small pity he held for her was overtaken by his immense excitement that he wasn't alone. That Montgomery Knight was finally being seen as the cold, heartless, jackass that he was. Crissy reached up and lightly pryed Elizabeth's hands from her face. He spoke in a soft tone, "Hey...It's okay.." he realized he needed to comfort her, as this would be hard on anyone. And even though usually he wouldn't care, he kinda wished someone could have comforted him when he had been in the same situation. As sappy and horridly cliché as it sounded to himself. "I know...those dreams must have been really scary. But I'm here for you, Lizzy." He looked down and pondered what he should say next. Now he was the one who was picking his words carefully. "I...I know it's Knight..." he paused. "Lizbear...It's..best to stay away from people like him. He's-" he stopped. No, it was better to just warn her and spare her the details. "I'm just really worried about you is all." he finished with a solemn smile.

@Crimson77 > Lizbear Silsbury
@Strayed > Montgomery Knight
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♠ Slytherin Dungeons: Dorm ♠
Contrary to popular belief, Avery did not enjoy classes anymore than the next impatient teen, and let out a quiet sigh of relief as the bell rang. While he packed with speed and precision, being the gentleman he usually was, he held the door open for his classmates and was one of the last out. He left the room thinking about tonight. He had, of course, solved the riddle relatively quickly, but he wasn't much of a social animal. He felt no obligation to go, no pressure from friends, as he didn't have many people he was close to. Perhaps he would go just for the fun of it. As he mused thoughtfully, he kept sweeping his black bangs back from his forehead in an absent-minded fashion. His grey eyes stared broodingly in front of him, not quite focused on the hallway he was actually walking through.

He made his way to the Slytherin dungeons without really thinking about it. Slipping inside unobtrusively, he automatically began unpacking his things, setting them aside to begin his homework. He was laboriously making his way through his History of Magic essay, which was due in a week, when his mind wandered back to the party in two hours. Should he go? Today was Halloween! He should relax a bit. For sure the other Slytherins around him weren't wasting their time on an assignment due a week later. There was a restless energy in the air. Putting down his quill gingerly, he thought carefully. As if able to tell her master was in trouble, Layla slinked around him, appearing rather suddenly, before curling onto his lap contentedly. He petted her soft fur gently, allowing himself to think calmly. "So, what do you think?" He asked her, as if she could actually answer. She gave him a scornful look and a yawn, before reaching her paws up, claws extended, to send a rip down the center of his piece of parchment. She was being rather clear today. He smiled slightly and packed it away, returning to his dorm room to look for something to change into. It looked like he was going after all. Well, at least he could be sure that something interesting would be happening there, and he might be able to catch a glimpse of Anice, as well, no doubt tutting at the state of youth wizard culture, while taking advantage of any candy they might be offering.

Characters mentioned:
Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar
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~ Outside the Hufflepuff Basement ~

"Hey...It's okay.." Crissy spoke, a tone softer than ones she usually used. "I know...those dreams must have been really scary. But I'm here for you, Lizzy." Elizabeth kept her head down but was ultimately grateful and merely listened to what her best friend had to say about the situation. It was scary but it was also equally as disturbing. It was something Elizabeth always wished she never wanted to see again."I...I know it's Knight..." she paused, and Elizabeth wasn't surprised she figured it out and merely nodded her head in confirmation. "Lizbear...It's..best to stay away from people like him. He's-" she stopped. He's... what? Elizabeth wanted to ask but bit her lip shut. It was better she not know. "I'm just really worried about you is all." she finished with a solemn smile.

"I... I'll be fine, Crissy." Elizabeth mumbled, looking from their hands to her face. Squeezing Crissy's hands lightly, she offered the best smile she could muster, "I just, I don't know what exactly I can do right now. I don't-" she shook her head as she spoke, taking in a deep breathe as she did. She paused in her speech knowing she shouldn't drag Crissy into her own conflict and problems; it was a selfish act. Elizabeth then let one of Crissy's hands go and tugged on the other as she walked ahead slightly, "I don't want to think about it anymore. This conversation is banned until after the dance, alright?" Elizabeth stated, though she ended it in more of a question rather than a statement.

Characters Interacted with:
@VocaStar - Crispin Fairlie

Characters Mentioned:
@Strayed - Montgomery Knight
[BCOLOR=transparent][ ooc: I hope this is okay! Sorry it's late.... ^.^" ][/BCOLOR]​


[BCOLOR=transparent][ Hogwarts Castle; Transfiguration Classroom -- Library ][/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]As the bell to signal the end of the day's classes chimed, the sound of hushed voices halted, the steady rhythm of ink tipped quills hurrying across the paper's surface drew to an end and the lecturing of teachers was cut suddenly short. Without so much as a heartbeat's hesitation, students began to rise from their places, the distinct sound of books slamming shut and wooden benches dragging across the stone floor rang out in eager discordance. A few students began to chat as they packed up their things, others waited and continued their gossip on the way out of the room in their little pods of friends. As her peers began to steadily trickle out through the door, one figure remained unchanged. A girl in the front row continued to look down at her page, scribbling across her parchment with her head of dark brown hair bowed over. The late afternoon light sifted in through the window to lie across her page, the back of her head and a few stray hairs that diverged from the rest of her silky waterfall of straight locks gleamed. She was muttering beneath her breath, silently uttering the transfiguration notes as she scribbled them down in a sloppily elegant scrawl. Kiyoko Oshiro hurriedly wrote out the last line and let out a small sigh before standing abruptly and beginning to pack away her things. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Within moments her books were bound and in her bag, her ink well was sealed and her quills were away in a worn little box she used to keep them from being torn up within her school bag. The last thing to be rolled up and put away were the spare notes she'd been writing for Jayden. Thanks to the incident yesterday he had been absent, sleeping away in the infirmary, and unfortunately it was hard to ignore the fact that he wasn't there. She'd half been waiting for the door to her classroom to open suddenly, followed shortly by his husky voice chiming in over the professor, cutting them off with a snarky comment before he promptly sat down beside her.[/BCOLOR] Though she knew it wasn't going to happen and while she was aware it was impractical to expect it, every late student at the beginning of each period had still been a disappointment. Sabrina's mysterious lack of presence only emphasized how alone she felt. She plucked her closed bag from it's perch on her desk and made her way through the door with it slung over her shoulder, leather strapped across her chest. As she walked her robes billowed behind her, she maintained something of an arrogant expression to onlookers, blankly staring ahead with a humorlessness to her and a dull look in her sharp eyes, as if the world around her was unworthy of her attention. In all honesty, she simply wasn't in the mood to care about any of them, and so she didn't.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her thoughts were exclusively on herself, on her own life, her own problems. She was unconcerned with the glances she was given over the shoulders of others, and the loud whispers of her name that flitted about around her. More than anything she wanted to see Jayden, to make sure he was okay and awake, but she dreaded it at the same time. Yesterday it had been all she could think about, after having been dragged around by Andi Grace for the delivery of a message that the pleasant yet loud young Gryffindor might forget she'd gone on a run to clear her head, raged at a tree, showered and then sat reading by Jayden's bedside in hopes that he would wake up. She'd been sent to her own bed by the matron, having skipped dinner in waiting, a quick trip to the kitchens had satisfied her, and then she curled up into bed. Since then she'd gone through her day with nothing to really distract her, at breakfast the school paper, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Hog Topics[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] had been interesting to a degree and before that the Slytherin billboard had provided her a short lived occupation, but in regards to distractions that had been all. Instead she was faced with the fact that she felt guilty, and when she began to question why that was the girl wasn't happy with the answer. She blamed herself, and with due cause, she didn't want to face him, over the course of that day she became so much more aware of how badly she'd failed him. As she thought about it now her features cracked, her brow furrowing and her frown deepening. In that moment she became more aware, and slowly she glanced to her left toward a group of two girls who were looking over at her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They locked eyes, and hurriedly turned away, whispering amongst themselves, she raised her eyebrow at that, but turned away and continued to walk, quickening her pace slightly. After walking a while longer in the direction of the library with the intention of returning a book she was forced to stop. Out of the corner of her eye she's seen a pale blonde figure detach from a small gaggle of Slytherin boys and begin to saunter over toward her. She continued to walk as if she hadn't noticed, but was halted suddenly when the page fluttered in front of her face, held in place by a boy's thumb and forefinger,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR]"So, is it true?"
[BCOLOR=transparent]The Weasel[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]'s bold title glared at her and she narrowed her eyes to glare back scrutinizingly. She'd seen the around, pinned up, heard bits and pieces about it,. Honestly it hadn't taken a genius to figure out just what the tabloid was with a few short words read, but she'd shortly lost interest without having made it through the first article, Kiyoko had never been one to overly enjoy gossip, at least not excessively. She found it rather than frivolous, fabricated dribble, baseless really. In short, a waste of time.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Malfoy, what's this about?", She asked suddenly, her eyes darting away from the paper to toward him, she had peek around the page to catch his eye.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]She stared at him, "Is what true…?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The girl questioned, he looked surprised for a heartbeat, and that swiftly changed to impish, amused even. The boy whom she'd made peace with a matter of days ago simply grinned, "Just read it. You'll understand."[/BCOLOR]
With that he waved and broke away, she stared after him a moment and glanced back at the page, folding it neatly in half, as she curiously watched Scorpius Malfoy re-join some Slytherin boys, she pocketed the article and moved on.
[BCOLOR=transparent]The Weasel[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], and Scorpius' curious attitude handed her another distraction and she strode into the library, her mind buzzing with a dozen questions and a thousand worries. She was stuck wondering just what he meant, and though she didn't want to fold into reading something so petty not knowing was driving her mad. Silently debating whether or not to read the tabloid, she walked up to Madam Pince's desk, handed her the books she'd borrowed and turned to find one of the initial reasons she'd come, that is to find a title to help her improve in potions and try to claw her way out of third in the class. Instead she caught sight of a familiar figure a table away from where she stood, facing away from her and without a moment's hesitation. The Asian girl moved closer, standing to his right just within his vision,[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Good Afternoon Mr. Knight" She greeted with a small smile and a slight wave.[/BCOLOR]


Characters Mentioned -

@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir & Andromeda Grace
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@Strayed - Montgomery Knight

NPC - Scorpius Malfoy
Felix Bell.jpg

(OOC: Will be quite short but just to move him out of the way till later on ^^)​

Hogwarts; Hallway
He made a slightly frowned, somewhat disgusted facial expression when his shoulder and neck started hurting. Then again, it was so worth of a good old shoelace jinx. Among other wondering faces, soon the two familiar bright faces appeared in his sight range. "Do you think he's going to be alright, Stella?" Her giggle made him put on a goofy smile on his face instead. "Actually, pretty sure I am dying here..." He joked and scratched his beard. "The ceiling has always been that high, you dork." Felix raised his eyebrow. "Well I am sorry I just got used to a whole different perspective...and weather up here. You know all those times when you were oblivious about it even raining? You're welcome. It was raining cats and dogs me lasses." He chuckled. Truthfully he never hated his heights at all. His shoelaces separated and Stella mumbled indifferently "Indeed it has." Felix glared at her somewhat confused by her calm gentle face that almost made him blush again. Was he embarrassing them? He wonder that only several times ever since he met them. He hoped not. The Irish boy grabbed her hand gently and sat up straight, rubbing his neck lightly after cracking it way too loud and making many disgusted students scatter. It was indeed an unpleasant sound sounding like his neck is breaking rather than popping back into it's place after being slightly dislocated. Not all managed to get used to it as easily. "Thanks." He smiled at her. Both of them were indeed true friends no matter how weird it might have seemed hanging out with someone like him.

As the crowd went on with whatever they had to do, Elizabeth proceeded "Sorry Felix. I forgot I had a meeting with someone. Stella, do you want to come with me? I'm meeting Crissy in front of the cellar. You want to join me?" Felix shook his head almost immediately. "Don't worry about it. I got this. Go on." Stella hesitated for a while before replying. "Sure, I'll go with you." Felix made a shivering body movement as a sarcastic addition to Stella's glare. "It's his punishment for threatening to dance with me." Threat? Did it ever sound like one? Felix panicked deep inside. What if she was really offended? She couldn't be, could she? "Why...I would never, EVER do such th..." However, the girls were already on their way. He let out a deep sight of relief and disappointment at the same time, leaning his long arms over his knees. "Well, that was quite interesting..." He chuckled and reached in his pocket, sitting there in the middle of the hallway, in a Turkish seating way, with his backs straight, looking like he is meditating. Just as he unwrapped an apple flavored lolly pop and put it in his mouth, Lady found her way through his ginger hair and jumped on his shoulder, then wend down his arm and made circle around him, somewhat worryingly. She was too shy to do so while there was so many people around. The tiny mice sat in front of the boy and wiggled her nose. Felix nodded. "Oh no worries, I am quite fine, my Lady." He reached and fixed the bow on mouse's head before he handed her a Bertie Bot's Bean.

He chuckled lightly as the mouse munched on the bean. Even though most of the time all four of his mice were around, Lady was there with no exception. Just as she was now. As he watched the mouse eating, he noticed something around it's neck. Not having his glasses with him, he narrowed his eyes and leaned closer. It was obviously some kind of a tiny paper note tied lightly around the mouse's neck. "What the..." In wonder, he reached and pulled the string lightly till the tiny note got separated. It was so small it was almost impossible for him to properly unwrap it. Even more fascinating thing was how it is folded so many times. It felt like it took ages to unfold it to it's proper size. once he did, he confronted a painfully tidy and carefully quill-written message. However, the
message itself was anything but friendly. It stated:

"You really think I am not as aware as I am that you missed out the last time when we were supposed to be training?! You out of all people! I did this because you are impossible to find! ...Unlike these...creatures of yours. My office, time NOW! from as soon as you get this. We need to talk.

Mad(am) Watkins"

Reading it, he could feel Madam's disappointed glare, creeping over him and he felt chills down his spine. "We have to talk" never sounded good with anyone saying it. ESPECIALLY when it was coming from Madam Caia and her insane obsession with trainings. "Holly mother of all shits I am screwed, am I?" Felix rarely ever used any profanity as clearly as he said it now. His eyes darted back to the note.

"P.S. Can you please remove your rats from my office? They are scaring my bird featherless!"

Bird? Right! Ever since Madam Watkins swore loud and clear in the middle of their Quidditch practice the first time his mice jumped out of his hair, he was pretty convinced that she was the one that wasn't really a fan of rodents. But before his mind managed to debate on that matter, he grabbed Lady, putting her in his hair and stumbling before he managed to run as fast as he was able to, swearing along the way, leaving students in his way oblivious about what the hell just happened.
@Crimson77 > Elizabeth W. Silsbury
@Lunar❖Hwajae > Stella Prince
@Ritual Lobotomy > Madam Caia Watkins
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[ooc: I've decided to go mobile on this one since I've lost my touch with my computers. (Dumb things) Sorry this post sucks in advance and sorry I made y'all wait ;A; I'll tag everyone and add color later ]


[ Hospital Wing ]

The fair haired, half veela girl tapped her finger against her lips as she thought about what to do next. She totally blocked out what the two boys were bickering about, losing interest rather quickly. Sabrina had more important things to think about, like how the hell she was going to get Jayden out that damned bed and out this hell hole of a medical wing. This would've been a lot simpler if she didn't have to worry about an extra variable in her plan. A wild card.

Her azure eyes narrowed on Garaile, his lips were moving but Sabrina was so deep in thought that no audible sound reached her ears. She continued to tap her finger against her lips. How was she going to do this exactly? It would be a shame if all her other hard work went to waste because of a slight hiccup now.

"I suppose you aren't here just for a friendly visit either?" Jayden spoke softly to her.

Her azure gaze flickered over to her side to look at her friend. She smirked, "Obviously not." Then she turned her attention back to Garaile.

In a quick, fluid movement, Sabrina leaned forward, wrapping her hand around his tie and pulling Garaile closer to her. Her gaze was strong and "electric". Enough time had been wasted already, her time was precious and she refused to be held up any longer.

"Lele, darling, I love you really, but I've grown tired of listening to you and Jayden bicker back and forth like children. You know just as well as I, that my time is precious. I have things to do, people to see. We both have only 2 hours before the party so let's move this along now, shall we?" She said with a smile as she whispered to him. Her tone was light but it had a seriousness to it. "So if you'll excuse me I'm going to steal Jayden now. I do expect you to keep this a secret, for now at least." She said with a pointed glare. She wouldn't have anyone ruin this before the party was over.

Sabrina then turned to Jayden, "If you want to get out of this hell hole I expect you to make haste. I'll distract the wench over there," She pointed in the direction of Madame Pomfrey, "You should be able to fix up everything over here to make it look like you're still here and escape at the same time. Don't mess up."

She patted his leg and then pinched her chest to make a red mark, before getting up and heading over to Madame Pomfrey's direction. "Madame Pomfrey! I just remembered, I need you to check something out for me." She said now standing in front of the old woman. Putting her excellent acting skills to use, she feigned surprise and concern. "I've had this mark on my breast since yesterday and I didn't know what it meant. I hope it's not something serious!"

Characters mentioned

@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir

@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven

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Hogwarts; Music Room

Seriphim stood clutching her violin awkwardly in her hands just as Lucas Grey raised his voice, and snapped at her. "Really now, I am HERE you know so don't speak as if I don't exist, Hufflepuff. Besides, this isn't YOUR room now is it? I-". She ducked her head into her shoulders, an closed her eyes turning her face away from the boy who clearly took her words in the wrong way. She wouldnt blame him though. She knew the way she spoke sometimes, and worded the things she said was odd. The girl frowned...she'd interrupted Su, and him, and then she had offended the boy at the piano. It may have been better for her to go. "I-I'm sorry....I'll just g---" She was about to dismiss herself when August spoke up for her as he seemed to have a habit of doing. "Sera didn't mean it like that," She let her eyes fall upon Su, and the smallest of smiles seemed to pull at the corners of her lips. Always to the rescue he was with her. He proceeded to speak as if he were trying to dilute the negativity in his favourite room,"Sera, you can just play, if you want. Luke here is just interested in learning the piano," Ah...so his first name was...Luke? No matter, something else had caught her attention there. He was interested in the piano. It seemed to change Seri's mood in an instant when she heard that, and her frown turned up into that bright smile once more as it was directed towards Luke.

"Neh, I can help out if you like. Piano and violin accompaniment is my favourite thing ever....ill try to play along with you..." She didnt often offer to help in any sense when it came to her having to play in front of someone she didnt really know, so this was new for her....but she felt she needed to do something in some way to make up for her offensive words before.. The girl grasped her bow, and violin close to her as she approached Su's side, and beamed her smile at Lucas.

Characters Mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - August Yilmaz
@Faust - Lucas Grey​

|Music Room|

August seemed shocked over Luke's little outburst and he could understand why, August had never seen him like that after all. As far as Luke can remember he have never been angry around August, sure, Luke was initially very mean to the guy until the Turk snapped. Luke wasn't as keen on harassing him after that, though this doesn't stop Lucas from throwing one or two mean comments at him now and then. Either way, Luke was now feeling quite embarrassed and looking at the Hufflepuff who was now frowning. "I-I'm sorry....I'll just g---" Wh-What? No, don't go! That'd just make him feel even worse! He felt stressed, nervous and all sorts of negative feelings at once, oh Merlin he's making a girl leave the room! He had to do something... just something! He was just about to open his mouth to say something, but August beat him to it "Sera didn't mean it like that." Yes, Luke had already gotten that much after he'd cut himself mid-sentence back there, if he hadn't felt a bit off due to the Hufflepuff he'd probably replied back with some sarcastic line. Looking at the Hufflepuff, who August called Sera, she was now smiling faintly which made Lucas feel relieved... it was a good thing his roommate was here, knowing himself he'd probably made things worse. "Sera, you can just play, if you want. Luke here is just interested in learning the piano." Luke nodded quickly having decided to keep his mouth shut for the time being. After having heard that, Sera's face turned into a bright sun as she smiled towards Luke. This... This wasn't good, this made him feel worse.

"You know," Upon hearing August's voice again, Luke jumped out of being scared. He threw the brown-haired Ravenclaw a nasty glare and almost yelled "What" at him, but managed to quickly stop himself from that. "I'm not a master, yet, but if you want I can teach you bits of the piano? Only if you want, of course." That... wasn't a bad offer, Luke had thought about asking August himself after all. "I said would-be didn't I? I didn't say that you were one. But I was thinking about asking you anyway, so sure." Luke said and smirked slightly. He's never seen August play the piano before, but he was in the orchestra after all, the guy surely knew just as much as his former teacher if not even more. "Neh, I can help out if you like. Piano and violin accompaniment is my favourite thing ever....ill try to play along with you..." Sera explained... Let's just call her Sera for now, Luke doesn't really know her name anyway. But she'd play along with him...? Lucas didn't really like that idea, or... well, he didn't mind it but seeing as he's not that good his part would just make the whole thing sound bad, wouldn't he? Sera grabbed her instrument and walked up to August's side, then beamed an even brighter smile than the one before at Luke who couldn't help but blush after seeing said smile. Sh-She's too cute! Get her away! Lucas can't handle thing anymore. Luke looked away, still blushing "S-Stop smiling like that, i-it isn't like I've forgiven you or anything..." He stuttered, feeling his cheeks burn red. Ugh, so embarrassing, this definitely isn't good for his pride. And what would he answer her? It didn't feel right to just disagree to the idea of accompanying the two instruments. But what else could he do... He's not good enough with the piano for such a thing yet. He sighed and calmed himself down, staring at the piano as to not stare at Sera's smile and make himself say something mean "I'm afraid such a thing would be disastrous, it'd sound horrible. I'm sure you'd do good, but I wouldn't." He answered her, trying to be more polite this time. August would surely play the piano with her, Luke could simply watch and listen in the meanwhile. "Yes, this would be a good opportunity for August to demonstrate his skills." He said and nodded twice.

Characters Mentioned:

@WishfulNemo - August Yilmaz
@Azzy - Seriphim Brimm
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Hogwarts; Music Room
To his great relief both Sera and Luke quickly let go of the earlier tense mood. The smile of the Hufflepuff returned, gracing her features again as she moved over to the foreigner's side. To August's great surprise she even offered to play an accompaniment with the prefect, something he hadn't expected her to do because of her shy nature. It surprised him pleasantly though, glad to see the girl growing more confident in her own talents. The answer of Luke didn't faze August too much. He knew that he would end up helping out the blue-haired lad anyway if he were to bump into the prefect again inside of the music room.

What did surprise him was the slight hint of pink that tinted the face of Luke as Sera smiled at them. The flustered face of the Ravenclaw prefect was an amusing sight. August couldn't help but to laugh at what Luke had to say. It was a modest laugh, but expressive as the Turk threw his head back into his neck. He couldn't exactly explain why it was all so amusing to him. The flustered face in combination in what Luke had said entertained August. Pressing the knuckle of his left hand against his lips August shook his head. "Like I've forgiven you or anything," he let out in a chuckle, mocking Luke a little. "I've always thought of you as the more honest kind, Luke," the tan male grinned before he turned around to the piano, hovering over the keys with his hands.

Now that everything died down a little the foreigner's wish to play grew even more than before. However unlike before, where he just wanted to make sure he wouldn't grow rusty, he wanted to play a happy piece to celebrate the mood. When Luke turned down the offer for the accompaniment and proposed another idea instead, August turned his attention back to the other two. "That sounds good, no?" he smirked at the pair next to him before he took place on the seat in front of the piano. "If you would allow me?" eyeing Luke, with a slight spark inside of his eyes, the Turkish male pushed his peer off the seat he was occupying, making himself comfortable in front of the instrument. Making the count inside of his head the boy then placed his fingers over the keys determining the rhythm to himself. Pressing down to play the first tunes August then relaxed a little as he let his hands do the work for him. He knew that he hadn't discussed with Sera about the piece they were to play. Neither had he bothered to give the girl a warning about what he was to play. He found no need for discussion, trusting the Hufflepuff to catch up on him he had started.

Characters mentioned/involved:
@Faust 's Lucas Grey
@Azzy 's Seriphim Brimm

[Hogwarts; Hospital Wing]

It seemed that Jay had lost interest in whatever Garaile had to say. A shame, for Garaile found that his news and rapping mouth was ever so interesting. Just like the papers he wrote and the articles posted in the Weasel. He was just about to say something when Sabrina turned towards him, pulling him closer to face her on eyelevel.

"Oooh, hot, princess~" he sang, his voice growing a little lower and his eyes darker. His smile however stayed in the permanent position it seemed to have grown in over the years. He let the girl pull him wilfully, knowing that resisting wasn't going to help him much in this case. Besides, it seemed that his dearest 'friend' wanted something from him and as a valuable business partner he couldn't deny her that.

"Lele, darling, I love you really," She started. Garaile just grimaced a little at the word 'love' as he couldn't help but roll his eyes a little. He couldn't take the words seriously, or the emotions, neither could he grant their so called 'friendship' any credibility. Mouthing back a 'you as well' with a dramatic squint in his eyes the blonde kept on listening, only half caring about what she had to say. After all, she was a valuable piece inside of his spill of business and he couldn't afford to lose her. Yet. Eyeing over to Jay the boy wondered what the dhampir thought of the little act the two of them performed.

Giving his fellow dormmate a wink Garaile then lifted Sabrina's chin with one finger, his grin turning a little more seductive as he looked down into her eyes. "Everything for you, my dearest Rina," he blew in her face before letting go as he made a spin, placing his hands on his back in an innocent, yet playful manner. "It was nice talking to you, Everdragomir." He bowed generously for the wounded boy before he then made his way out of the infirmary. Giving one last glimpse into the room the Weasel giggled to himself, watching how Sabrina was keeping the nurse busy, before he disappeared around the corner.​

Characters mentioned/involved :
@Wicked 's Jayden Everdragomir
@Misaou 's Sabrina Gallagher

ooc: 1) I like this picture too much to leave it to dust any longer. XD 2) Sorry for the wait, I thought you guys were waiting for August.

[ ooc: With a little help of @Misaou we kind of made a collab post to make this faster.

Important info to all players!

Also, note for everyone; you have a week to wrap up whatever you're in middle of. We're time skipping to the party or we'll never get there. Sorry not sorry. ]

[glow=green] Hospital Wing Hospital Corridor [/glow]

The azure blue eyes of his half-veela friend flickered to meet his ice blue ones that were filled with questions that demanded answers. And when she did finally answer, she was quite the frank one about it, dropping it to him like she would regard him as an idiot to even consider otherwise; "Obviously not."

Then as she turned her attention back to Garaile, Jay could not hide the little twitch on the left corner of his mouth, as her ever curt attitude amused him. In the beginning when they had met, she had been all smooth talks and Daddy's Good Girl-politeness and spiced with occasional well placed playful flirt. Which of course had turned out to be a completely fake personality to try to get into his good graces, for whatever reason he could not quite fathom. No matter, the contrast was of the Sabrina Gallagher from few months ago to the one he now personally knew up and close today, was almost ridiculous. But he liked her real personality far better than the one she had originally offered... Not that she needed to know that, though. Now only if other people outside their little social circle would know how the Sabrina Gallagher behaved around him, they would be flabbergasted.

Garaile looked like he was about to waste more air again, but Sabrina stopped him by grabbing his tie and pulling him down on her eye level, not bothering to stand up herself. Her behavior was commanding, as she was pulling another one of those Boss Lady moments flawlessly, demanding respect from the two hooligans in the room. Even Jay felt it, and was only glad that he was not the one on the other end of that tie. He scuddled back on the bed and leaned on the bed's post, listening in on their quietly exchanged conversation with half interest as he tried to find a comfortable position.

"Oooh, hot, princess~"
"Lele, darling, I love you really, but I've grown tired of listening to you and Jayden bicker back and forth like children. You know just as well as I, that my time is precious. I have things to do, people to see. We both have only two hours before the party so let's move this along now, shall we? So if you'll excuse me I'm going to steal Jayden now. I do expect you to keep this a secret, for now at least."

Jay had looked up at the mention of stealing him away. Now we were talking! Finally something worthwhile! His eyes darted between his housemates in still silence, urging either of them to speak so he would know how this would play out. Garaile eyed him briefly, before winking at him like the two of them would have been partners in crime now, and then proceeding to play some seductive moves on the half-veela. Jay's eyebrows knitted together in silent disapproval of the idea for having to place any amount of trust on the Weasel at all, and moved his gaze away from the two, feeling the urge to vomit for having to watch them flirt up close. Garaile would definitely rat them out. Or weasel them out, he guessed...? In any case, this just spelled out bad idea from the get-go.

But surprisingly, the Scriven boy decided to play along with Sabrina's scheme. When he was done eyefucking her and being all Hollywood suave, he spun away like a ballerina, and then regarded Jay with a brief "It was nice talking to you, Everdragomir," before he started making his way out of the Hospital Wing obediently. It was rather... suspicious. Jay watched him go, wondering what kind of dirt Sabrina got on him to have the young journalist wrapped around her finger like that, but the puppeteer in question turned to him and demanded his attention.

"If you want to get out of this hell hole I expect you to make haste. I'll distract the wench over there," she said in a quiet voice that had Jay leaning towards curiously, making him feel all giddy inside, like they were together in a conspiracy against the matron. Sabrina pointed at the aforementioned, her voice commanding as she continued to lay out the instructions for him to follow; "You should be able to fix up everything over here to make it look like you're still here and escape at the same time. Don't mess up."

Now the crooked smirk was pulling up the left corner of his mouth again. Jay saluted her lazily, and whispered back to her with his still a little hoarse voice that was in the point of cracking. "Aye, aye, Captain."

She patted his leg, pleased with his co-operation. Then she suddenly reached her hand up and pinched her chest, and hard. Jay blinked in confusion, not understanding what in the name of Merlin she was doing that for. And quite frankly, it looked a bit painful. Before he could question if she had gone mental, she got up and started approaching Madam Pomfrey, meaning that their secret operation had already begun. Jay remained seated on the bed, his brain kicking into new gear, looking around in the room. He knew that he only had few seconds to form an escape plan, and even if Sabrina trusted him to handle it and Jay himself was aware that he was more clever than the average, the expectations were quite high! She should have at least given him few minutes to--

"Madam Pomfrey! I just remembered, I need you to check something out for me."

Oh, for Merlin's sake... Jay shuffled around in the bed, trying to move as quietly and unnoticeably as possible while Madam Pomfrey raised her eyes from the parchment. Sabrina was now standing in front of her table and had her full attention, but she could still see him over Sabrina's shoulder and notice he was acting suspiciously, if he made any hasty moves. Jay frowned, picking up the pillow from behind his back, eyeing them. She needed to get her away for a minute, or he could do nothing. But she already had it covered.

Putting her excellent acting skills to use, she feigned surprise and concern, making Jay finally realize why the hell she had been pinching herself. "I've had this mark on my breast since yesterday and I didn't know what it meant. I hope it's not something serious!"

That got Madam Pomfrey concerned. She glanced at Jay, who froze and tried to look as innocent as possible -- which was not easy with a face like his, mind you -- and then turned to Sabrina, addressing her. "I'll see what I can do, my dear girl. Come to my office and we'll have a look."

The elder woman stood up, brushed her robes down and beckoned Sabrina to follow. The moment she turned her back, the half-veela snapped her head towards Jay, mouthing an obvious 'Go, go, go!' to him before she followed after the matron. But it was really unnecessary, because the moment Madam Pomfrey was in the office, Jay was already up and about. Shuffling quietly, he darted between the empty hospital beds, glad to be the only patient at this time, picking up pillows on his arms from random beds here and there, and trying to make it look like their sheets were undisturbed. Even the soft touch of the pillows against his bandaged arm made him wince and ache, but he endured it quietly. When he had enough pillows, he shuffled back to his bed, hearing a quiet conversation from the office, as the door was left ajar.

"Please remove your shirt."
"Yes, Madam."

That made him almost stumble on his feet as his gaze immediately flew towards the door. Damn it, hormones! Now was not the time to imagine his half-veela friend stripping! Shaking his head and giving himself a slap on the cheek for a good measure (because obviously if he was not going to do it, Sabrina would if she ever found out), the boy flipped away the blanket and started pushing pillows on the bed. He tried to make them into a shape that would resemble his body lying under the covers; the oldest trick in the book.

"The skin looks a bit irritated, but that's about it. It's nothing to be worried about, sweetheart."
"Really? Thank goodness!"
"Yes, but because of the red splotch, I'll give you some of my ointment I made for rashes. Here you go, just add it to the red area at least once a day and always right after a bath."

There was a sound of footsteps, making Jay freeze. Shit! Were they done already?! He was not! Quickly, he threw the blanket over the pillows, and at the same time the door opened a bit as Madam Pomfrey had grasped the handle.

"But is it alright if I use it more than once a day if I feel it's too dry and irritated?"

Hearing Sabrina suddenly call out to the matron to stop her entering the room just in time -- otherwise she would have seen him still standing next to the bed with a lump that was supposed to be him -- made Jay almost topple over with relief. The adrenaline was making him jittery, and his instincts were high strung. Madam Pomfrey had stopped, her hand still in the door handle, her head turned in Sabrina's direction as she gave her the answer that it was fine to use the ointment more than once a day and it would do her no harm. In the mean time, Jay picked up his shoes into his healthy hand and made a mad dash past the office door as quietly as he could. When he saw movement in the corner of his eye, he dived behind one of the beds, not too far from the door to the corridor. But it was only Sabrina, stepping past the matron and buttoning her shirt. Her eye landed upon her dark haired companion who was trying to desperately hide his big frame behind one of the beds. Her blond eyebrows pulled into a frown, and she glanced over her shoulder at Madam Pomfrey, who had thankfully stepped further into the office to retrieve something because she was not behind her, and Sabrina snapped her attention back to Jay, her expression irritated. She moved her mouth, not making a sound, but Jay was able to lip read her perfectly.

'What the hell are you still doing here! Get out!' She pointed furiously at the door, and Jay stood up, now pointing back and forth between the door and the office, trying to explain wordlessly that it was not his fault.

'I'm doing my best here, but--'
'Get. Moving. Now!'
'Okay! Fine, fine! God!'

Jay shook his head with a roll of his eyes, and proceeded to jog out of the room -- almost. Suddenly, just before the door, Madam Pomfrey ducked into the room making Jay dive behind the pillar on the very last moment. The old woman approached her table and sat down, turning to look at the beds.

"Oh? Seems like Mister Everdragomir finally settled down and realized that sleep heals like I told him it would." She said in what sounded like a pleasant surprise.

"You've got that right Madam. He's really irritating, but if you manage to get it through his thick skull, he might sometimes actually listen." Sabrina said with a singsong voice, making Jay frown and make a face at her remarks. She was fully aware that he was listening. "Thank you so much Madam for helping me out, and taking care of my friend. I'll take my leave now, good day!"

"It was not a big deal, this is what I'm here for, Miss Gallagher." The old woman simply stated, and by the sound of it, she had picked up again her quill and started scribbling on the parchment. The sound of Sabrina's steps approached where he was hiding, and soon she was there, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Madam Pomfrey was not looking, before she nodded at him and opened the door to let them both out. Jay slipped past her, and relaxed only after Sabrina closed the door behind them and they had jogged down the Hospital Corridor further away.

The half-breed boy sighed, dropping his shoes on the outdoor floor that was radiating freezing cold through his socks to his feet. He pulled his tennis shoes on, breath turning into steam as he was breathing in the crisp autumn air that now smelled like freedom and rotting leaves. Then, he turned to look at Sabrina behind him, his face stale and voice sardonic as ever.

"Irritating? Thick skull?"

Characters mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
NPC - Poppy Pomfrey
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[Hogwarts; Gryffindor Girls dorms]

After reading the papers and updating herself on the newest rumours Melinda had spend the rest of her time turning around in her bed. Her thoughts twisted in all possible directions as one particular chant was screaming inside of her mind, taking up most of her attention, and leaving her unable to sleep. The girl felt weak and miserable, physically and mentally. Partly she was to be blamed herself, as she hadn't eaten yet, and slept through most of the day when she wasn't agonising to herself. However after the short moment that she left her room the girl felt even more distraught.

"I'm not," she groaned to herself from under her sheets. Pulling her blanket tighter inside of her fists, the girl pressed her head inside of her pillow. Face first as if she was trying to stop herself from breathing. "I'm not." She turned around to her right side as she clenched her eyes close, wishing for sleep to come and get her already. However there was no sleep inside of her anymore as her mind was wide awake. "I'm not a MONSTER!" she exclaimed, pushing herself up and she threw her blanket off. Grabbing her pillow she started to stomp it as she felt the frustration rush through her. "I'm not. I'm not, I'm not!" she pounded, as if she was trying to convince herself.

"Of course you're not," a voice came from behind the short girl, catching her attention. "And you would be an absolute dear if you would just come out of your bed and at least show your face to my party." Huffing to herself Melinda turned around to see who it was that bothered to talk to her. Though in the back of her mind she already knew as she had recognised the voice. It just didn't register yet that her friend Zoey had come to look for her until the dark girl crossed eyes with the pinkette. "Black." Melinda spoke breathlessly, quickly tugging her uncombed hair behind her ears. "Pleasure to see you here."

"It is Zoey, Mel," the fellow Gryffindor sounded hurt as she approached her childhood friend. Melinda just turned her head away from the other, ignoring the remark and the emotion in her eyes. "If it's about the party, I'm not going," the shorter girl answered briskly crossing her arms. There was no need for her to go, they weren't friends anymore. The 'dwarf' had broken it off.

However it seemed that Zoey had other plans in mind as she grabbed the pale girl by her arm. "Mel," she spoke sweetly to the girl, but the way Melinda's arm was held wasn't gentle at all. It was demanding and determined, coming from a personality who had never been denied her attention. Wincing a little the girl turned her head back to her old friend, making herself smaller in front of the noble in fear. "Mel, I might actually get insulted if you keep up this act," she spoke in an icy tune. Gulping a little Melinda nodded meekly, understanding that there was no escaping from the birthday party. "Y-yeah…" she mumbled as her arm was released from the tight grip, replacing it with a pair of arms around her. "Thanks, friend." Zoey released the girl and dropped a package on her bed. "An early birthday present from me to you, wear it to the party," the pinkette ordered and then turned around to leave the room, leaving Melinda bewildered.

Characters involved/mentioned:
- NPC - Zoey Black
- Hogwarts Castle -


Number one; levitating cards instead of crystal balls was a pain and was not the worst idea she had, but it was slowly proving her wrong, especially in this busy hallway. Number two; it failed to distract her entirely. Hell, number three; it should have prevented her from scowling at a certain someone who was already approaching. And to be frank; she was just wordlessly asking what the hell was the sudden mention of her surname for. Obviously, if someone heard their name anywhere, be it in a creepy haunted shack or a crowded market, they would search for the source. Cecilee, of course, was only doing that out of instinct. But, he probably did not catch the hidden message. Maybe she should have shook her head and walked away since she had some things to take care of and stuff. Okay, maybe not some stuff. It was Friday. It was Halloween. There was no plausible excuse to do her homework even if she was in bloody Ravenclaw. She was not even that exhausted. Her shoulders slumped, the cards going back to their barricade, just below her eye-level.

"Hey Marshall, what's up with the cards?" was the question Ryan asked her. Quite better than mentioning her little episode yesterday, yes. Still, were people interested in divination or should she explain Cartomancy's entirety. Probably the latter. Honestly, there were little to none, those who were excited at the thought of mind games, err, reading the future. They did not need to lack talent in the area to predict something.

She inhaled sharply, flicking her wrist downward to collect the cards back into a deck before she began talking out of topic all of sudden since she was kind of going to answer McCallion. "Got bored," Cecilee responded, shrugging. "Cartomancy, a way of Divination. Or solitaire, if I look that desperate. You do know solitaire, right? Muggle card game?" In her defense, the relevance of solitaire to Cartomancy, at least to her, was because she never finished a game because of some rude thoughts intervening her card games. As the deck of cards was floating in front of her (and she was bored, like what she said), she swished her wand from right to left, laying them on the air, faced down. Out flew the words from her mouth in nonchalance: "Want a reading?"

Yes, she was definitely dying from average socializing, so why not tell a fortune? Bloody hell.

"Of course, there's the pre-reading that tells me that you shouldn't do your homework on a Friday," she muttered, gesturing at the cards for him to pick any one of them, unmindful of what escaped her every time she set up a fortune telling scenario. Maybe not, but she was bloody right about lazy Fridays. It was Friday, the start of the weekend! "There's always that thing happening for Hallow's Eve."

❨Hallway Outside of Classroom 1B❩

She kind of sighed as she made the cards fall back together. Maybe Ryan should feel bad. He was bothering someone he barely knew to talk about fooating cards, which really shouldn't be that strange a sight---you could argue that a screaming, flaming boy was a lot stranger. Ryan questioned that a lot less. Nonetheless, she began to speak, so Ryan listened.

"Got bored," she began with, shrugging as she spoke. Well, of course. That made sense. Ryan would float a bunch of cards in the air too, except he'd probably make them all fall after a few seconds if he got distracted. Or just to watch them fall. Maybe he was better off just watching people make cards float around. Or maybe listen to the entirety of a person's explanation. Which he did in this case, luckily.

"Yeah, I know solitaire. I played it a lot when I was younger." Which sounded lame, but it was always good to build up on pointless skills when he was supposed to be eating dinner. "Cartomancy, that sounds cool." Okay, for him, not really. Ryan didn't really care for any form of divination. It wasn't something he had any skills at whatsoever. But showing complete disinterest in things seemed rude. He didn't have any reason to be rude, so it'd be rather pointless. Which is why, instead, he smiled as he spoke and tried to sound as interested as possible.

Maybe that worked, or maybe she just wanted to do something besides stand there, as the very next moment she was waving her wand, the cards splitting up again to lay facedown in front of her. "Want a reading?" Ryan had to admit, it looked pretty with the cards floating like that.

Cecilee muttered something as she motioned for him to pick a card. He didn't pay her much mind though---for one thing, he couldn't hear her all too well. Even if students seemed to clear out of the hall pretty quickly, people who took their sweet time could also be pretty loud. Then again, they weren't the ones who yelled out people's names in the middle of the hall... She was saying something about homework. Which, of course, Ryan wouldn't be doing today. No Friday night should be spent on homework.

Ryan pointed out a card at the side, moving to that side as he did so, to move closer to the wall. Better to be standing against a wall than being a random blockade in a hall. It was funny how thoughts like that just hit him at the most random of moments. Honestly, if he were actually an issue, he'd probably have been knocked over and tramped already. Then he wouldn't need her to read his fortune. He'd know everything on his own.

So it was from his new place that was just a foot away from where he was standing previously that he heard her speak again. What a curious thing she said, too. Even though he was really wanting to get the reading, thank her, and then run back to the dungeons to figure out what he should wear, he asked one question. "What thing?" Hey, it really wouldn't take her more than a few seconds to answer. Then they could go on their merry way.​


Hogwarts; Music Room

"S-Stop smiling like that, i-it isn't like I've forgiven you or anything..." Stop smiling like that? Was she smiling a certain way? She could care less at this point if he had forgiven her...she didnt daddle too much on that. Was her smile funny? Seriphim tilted her head to the side ginger hair falling over her shoulder as she did. Her smile faded a bit, and her gleaming eyes seemed to soften as she gazed at him. He wasn't such a bad person....maybe he just didnt know how to deal with people....she didnt either. Seri held her violin close to her chest as she eyed the two boys before her wondering if anything playing was going to happen today. Just as those thoughts passed through her mind, Boy Blue spoke once more. "I'm afraid such a thing would be disastrous, it'd sound horrible. I'm sure you'd do good, but I wouldn't." Could he not tell that she was just as embarrassed if not just as nervous as he was when it came to playing around strangers. The thought of it now caused her stomach to knot, but Sugust was around, and so....she should be fine. Hopefully. As if he was reading her thoughts, Boy Blue offered up an alternative to him playing. "Yes, this would be a good opportunity for August to demonstrate his skills." Ah yes, this would make both her, and Luke more comfortable with the situation. She nodded her head in agreement, and turned to Sugust who had already taken it upon himself to move over to the piano.

"That sounds good, no?" He stated as he booted Luke off of the stool in front of the piano itself. "If you would allow me?" Seri just laughed and took her place next to the piano just as Sugust had started letting his hands dance over the keys, a light hearted and happy piece filling the space of the music room. No, they hadnt discussed what to play, they hadnt needed to. Seriphim listened for a few moments, her eyes falling on Luke for a few moments as the knot in her stomach tightened a bit, and then...she lifted her own instrument letting her chin lay upon the rest. She lifted her bow, and waited for her time to join in taking a deep breath before she relaxed and pulled the bow over the strings of her violin joining in on the piece in a place that nearly made it seem like that was how it was to go. She barely thought about what notes she was playing, it seemed to come naturally as she lost herself in the music. Her body swayed with the tune, her eyes closing as she accompanied Sugust. She had forgotten that anyone but them were present. Just the two of them, the perfect duet.

Characters Mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - August Yilmaz
@Faust - Lucas Grey​

- Hogwarts Castle -

Cool. At least she wasn't the only one engrossed in mundane card games, but it looked like he didn't legitimately like Divination. Well, Cecilee couldn't blame him. She knew a lot, and by a lot she meant quite a handful, of people who despised and loathed the subject. For starters, her father hated it like the plague. McCallion did good not to sound rude about it. Cecilee wasn't sure how she would defend her buried love-hate relationship with the elective. Hell, it was literally hell to sit through. For some. Obviously. Judging from the faces she had observed frequently. Moving on from her debatable thoughts, she smiled a fraction, which disappeared almost immediately, her face falling back into blankness. She watched him (a little) patiently, tilting her head as she eyed the cards one by one. Not that she knew which card was which. On the bright side, there were no dull ideas flashing through her mind, such as the weather forecast, the dinner menu, and whatnot. Dinner appealed to her, though. She was dying for food to some extent. Who wasn't?

Soon enough, McCallion pointed at a card on the side, moving toward said card, to the wall. Ah, he came to a quick decision. Maybe she should've briefed him about how it becomes accurate, but that would take time. Or not, considering she would only have told him to run his hand over the cards and choose which one managed to attract his touch. Cecilee didn't regret it. The faster she read the card, the sooner they parted ways. Whether she was going to the party or not was still up for debate, knowing how her mind works. Ever changing like the bloody weather. It was a miracle how she managed to turn in complete essays for class. Flicking her wrist to collect the ignored cards, Cecilee pocketed them, already reaching for McCallion's chosen one. Like all the times when she was in a hurry, she tucked her wand into her sock, straightening her robes afterward.

"What thing?" he had asked, catching her last suggestion. McCallion probably had seen the note for the party. Every student should've had. And she suspected the host to reign from either Gryffindor or Slytherin. But, cryptic as she was at the moment, she didn't like mentioning it out loud as she herself wondered if she should go. Maybe she would. She caught herself snorting quietly at that, dropping the forming smile on her face as she turned the card over.

Queen of Hearts.

Maybe the King of Hearts wasn't in the set to choose from, but one look at it sent a familiar sensation from her chest, connecting with her line of thoughts. Okay, maybe this was quite laughable in some ways. Her Inner Eye seemed to have adapted her terrible, morbid sense of humor, but a reading was a reading. Since he chose the bloody card, Cecilee gave him a grin, showing him what he had picked.

"Queen of Hearts, quite a surprise," she told him, oddly eager to tell him his vague reading. The Ravenclaw continued, answering his previous question indirectly, "Try not to wear something over the top or under the bar for tonight's party and you'll probably have a blast. Eat like royalty, McCallion. Don't know whether this is a good fortune or bad, but, see you around!"

And with that, she turned away, pocketing the Queen of Hearts. Cecilee was hoping to finish off her stash of Pumpkin Pasty before six.

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[T'is short because... Because.]

❨Hallway Outside of Classroom 1B❩
Cecilee collected the cards, save for the card he'd picked, tucking her wand away in her sock. Since sleeves and pockets must not have been helpful enough for wands. She didn't technically answer him, besides snorting a little and smiling. Her smile turned to a grin as she showed it to him. Queen of Hearts. Ryan had no idea what it meant, though he didn't really fancy queens and hearts and the like. Oh well. She seemed happy, in any case.

"Queen of Hearts, quite a surprise," she stated. Surprises were never really something he liked that much. Unless someone explicitly told him it was a really amazing surprise that he would love with a burning passion, which no one has ever told him. But he was kind of committed to this surprise, so he just stood there and listened as she started explaining. The party, huh. Well, of course. Everyone was talking about the party, albeit in whispers so the teachers wouldn't notice. So of course whatever she said would be about the party.

"Alright then, see ya, Marshall!" he said to the girl as she turned and started away. He himself started walking away too, humming quietly as he did. A sign of happiness, maybe. Mostly he just did that because he was bored though. All he needed to do now was figure out what he wanted to wear. He could do that.​

[fieldbox="Hogwarts; Music Room, goldenrod, solid"]August began laughing after how Lucas had acted, which only helped him grow even further embarrassed. It wasn't a very loud laugh, but even so it was quite expressive. The Turk put a knuckled fist against his lips and shook his head and imitated Luke's words, to which Luke furrowed his eyebrows with slight anger and annoyance, he always hated being on the receiving side of mockery. "I've always thought of you as the more honest kind, Luke." The tan Ravenclaw grinned. Lucas WAS the honest kind of man, he wasn't afraid of speaking the truth... but in these kinds of situations he couldn't quite bring himself to be that way, it was an odd combination of honest dishonesty and he had no clue how that worked out in all honesty. Either way, August seemed to agree to Luke's proposal and he seemed quite happy about it, smiling the way he did. He sat down on the seat in front of the piano and looked at Lucas "If you would allow me?"he asked with a bright spark in his eyes. However, before Luke was even able to open his mouth his roommate had already pushed him off the chair and had made himself quite comfortable where he was sitting now. With a low growl and a mumble about how rude that was, Luke went to get a chair and put it down beside the piano to sit on. August began playing, his fingers were dancing around on the keys. It was a happy and bright sort of tune, much different from the sad and heavy tunes Constance used to play. Looking up at Sera, Lucas could see that she was sort of nervous, but even so she lifted her violin up to her chin and let the bow hang over the strings as she waited. Then, a short few moments later, she began playing a melody herself. The both of them sounded so in tune that Luke couldn't help but believe they'd practiced this before-hand, which they must have done for it to sound this natural. The two instruments sounded so well together that it was simply astonishing. Luke could feel his eyes watering, but he kept the tears back and cursed his heart for being so overly sensitive. He found no words to describe how beautiful he found this to be.

From the corner of his eyes August could see the annoyed face of Luke. Displeased with being pushed to the side and displeased to be laughed at. Not that August cared about how the prefect felt at the moment. As soon as his fingers touched the piano the male lost himself in another world, moving his hands over the keys on instinct, as if it was the only thing he knew how to do.

When Seraphim's violin sounded August closed his eyes, taking in the sound as he started to slow down his piece a little. He wanted to pay attention to what the Hufflepuff was playing, smiling a little as he craned his head backwards. Opening his eyes again the male straightened himself again as he decided to take the lead again, gearing up the tempo a little as he pleased. Slipping back into his own world again in which nothing existed but music.

Seriphim had completely absorbed herself into the music, stringing the violin as she followed Sugust's lead on the piano. The way the couple played went so naturally, so fluidly, there was no need for nervous exchanges of their eyes, nor was there place for doubt inside of their pieces. They played with confidence as they let their hands speak for them.

It came to a surprise thus when August suddenly stopped playing midway. His hands freezing as they hovered over the keys, disrupting the deep concentration of his partner. "Su?" waking up from her daze Seriphim turned back to reality, staring at August in a confused manner. Why did he stop?

Clenching his jaw for a split second August turned around with a slight smile. "I think Luke here is starting to feel excluded, no?" he chuckled, nodding towards the blue haired prefect. It was a lie, August just needed an excuse why he had suddenly stopped playing and the fellow happened to be near. Knowing that Seriphim wouldn't buy that excuse from him the foreigner quickly stood up, rubbing his hands into each other. They felt sore.

"I need to prepare for the party," he announced and flashed another smile."I'll see you there, Sera, Luke," he made a short bow towards the two of them before stalking off towards the door. "Luke, you can think it over, if you ever feel like studying the piano you know where to find me," the male followed hastily behind before he exited. He had almost forgotten about the reason why Luke had been the audience at all, but at the moment he didn't seem to care too much as he disappeared.

Characters Mentioned:
@Faust - Lucas Grey
@WishfulNemo - August Yilmaz
@Azzy - Seriphim Brimm[/fieldbox]
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[glow=red][fieldbox="Message from the Game Master, red, solid"]

[ ooc: Sorry this took like forever, guys. Like most of you know, I've been busy as fuck lately and there's also been other reasons why I've kind of been neglecting Hoggy. However, I managed to shake off the stress and work freeze and I'm here again in full power! Hey ho, let's go! Me, @Misaou and @VocaStar did a thing together.

Also on another note, I don't usually care for MCR, but I can just hear all of our crazy kids in this song. ]


The Great Hall

The Clock Tower chimes as a mark of the sixth hour after noon. The unsuspecting students and teachers head towards the Great Hall to enjoy the well anticipated Halloween Feast; all the long tables are filled with the most terrific foods, and it is obvious that the House-elves have outdone themselves again this year. There are whole roasted hogs and chickens, potatoes in all shapes and forms, dozens of different gravies, handful of different types of pies, Wizard candies everywhere for everyone to enjoy and the pumpkin juice is flowing endlessly for the thirsty. The ceiling is showing the stormy sky outside, the lightning flashing and thunder booming through the halls like a drum, and the floating candles have been replaced with floating carved pumpkins that have a flickering grin and eyes. Occasionally one can see bats flying about among the pumpkins and hear the beat of their tiny black wings and shrilling squeaks. The atmosphere in the hall is eerie but merry, and some students have made sure to wear some kind of funny or scary costume for the feast. Even some teachers have joined in on the fun, trying to outdo each other with their magical outfits as this year too, the winner is promised with a nice bottle of good quality brandy.

However, in the meantime elsewhere...

7th​ Floor Left Corridor

The House-elves are not the only ones who have outdone themselves. Sabrina Gallagher has made sure to test the clever and cunning minds of her respective peers, and only the chosen ones who have passed the test of the Slytherin's wit, have gotten the invite to another party. This is in a smaller scale, more private and more intimate and its exact location has been shrouded in mystery. So far, nobody has been dumb enough to try to tattle to the school staff about the party. Even if the students do not know that they are automatically cursed after reading the message, they have a hunch that something like that might be afoot since the way the message is displayed is already clever enough. Surely whoever who made it was also clever enough to take care of the possible snitches that might be waiting for their moment to get more house points by sacrificing the fun of everyone else.

While the attention is in the Great Hall, a handful of teenagers in every house use this as a distraction and make their way into the seventh floor, all in various interesting costumes of their own. Some have brought forward their own snacks and drinks to add into the party menu, which is very thoughtful and well appreciated by the hostess. Once enough kids have gathered in the hallway, one of the fourth year Slytherin boy students that is known for being one of Sabrina Gallagher's closest lackeys, with two sixth year boys in tow, approaches the group. The boys have dressed like vampires, and are playing the role well. The youngest of the three who is also noticeably shorter than his older escorts, a fair haired pretty faced boy wearing a stylish Gothic three piece suit and a cape and carries a fancy cane, introduces himself as one of the servants of the Queen of the Night and welcomes their beloved guests into their coven that resides not far from here. He also encourages them to make haste, as their Mistress does not like to be kept waiting. The fake fangs flash as the trio smirks, turning around, their capes billowing dramatically as they lead way.

Around the corner, there is a god awful tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy attempting to teach trolls ballet that turns some heads. On the other side of the tapestry, there is just a plain stone wall. However, their guides stop and turn to look at the wall, and once everyone has settled, they fall in anticipating silence. The fourth year boy taps his cane against the floor three times. At first, nothing seems to happen and some confused murmuring fills the air. But it all stills when all of a sudden, the stone wall seems to melt away and give way for impressive sized double doors. The fourth year boy turns and flashes a fanged smirk at the audience that has fallen into dumbfounded silence, staring big eyed at the doors that literally appeared out of nowhere. As the older vampiric escorts walk forward and push the doors open, the youngest guide turns around, his cape dramatically billowing behind him again and announces.

"Welcome to our humble coven, our dear guests. Please, try to enjoy yourselves and have a bloody good time."

Room of Requirement

The sight that the double doors reveal behind them is stunning. There is a large room that is decorated with eerie beauty; the color theme is red and black, and there is lots of silks and satins and velvets used, candles and red roses everywhere to bring forth a Gothic ambience. There is a lounge area with various booths and seats and plush pillows, with lots of room to dance and socialize in the middle of the room and more intimate corners reserved for snogging that is bound to happen. Snacks, drinks and candies of all kind are sprinkled around the room, the tables nearly bending under their weight; and few suspicious looking steaming cauldrons filled with punch that most likely has something else in it than just juice alone. The cauldrons were steaming white fog that dripped from their sides to the floor, that was like a thick lazy mist in their feet as the astonished students walked further in. Money had not obviously been spared while organizing this party, as the furniture seems to be high quality antique, and many wondered how they had managed to bring everything in here without anyone noticing that something odd was afoot. Few know that actually most of this furniture is provided by the room itself. With only some decorations, food and beverages have needed to be brought in here. The students step in and ogle around, murmuring and exclaiming in admiration of the brilliant work that has been done to make this happen.

The Queen of the Night, Sabrina Gallagher, is sitting legs crossed elegantly on a throne-like high backed chair that is on a platform so she can gaze upon her subjects. She is dressed like a vampire herself too, her usual honey blond hair now bubblegum pink and worn in high pigtails, her eyes glowing red like blood, her skin painted pale like the moon, and wearing something scandalously revealing that suits her perfectly. Around her, there are various other people lounging on smaller seats or the steps of the platform, most of them her lackeys that are dressed like her vampire servants.

But two of these people around the throne stand out from the rest, as they are not dressed like vampires; first is a girl wearing a short skin tight dress of multiple colors, shredded black stay-ups, candies attached to her dress and caramel brown hair that is worn low in loose pigtails. Her complexion is tinted green and several deep gashes cross her skin that are stitched together like they are barely keeping her limbs together. Her eyes are glowing hot pink and are in interesting contrast with her intense green eye makeup. She is like the Corpse Princess, sitting on the armrest of the throne on the Vampire Queen's left side, but unlike the aforementioned she is not confident in what she is wearing; Anice Runeswell keeps pulling her short dress down in attempt to cover herself more, and then pulling it back up to cover her top, constantly muttering in irritation how "This is too short. This is not a dress, this is a bloody sausage casing!" How in the world the very well known strict Slytherin Prefect ended up as one of the guests of honor in this party that is obviously breaking multiple school regulations is unknown, especially when she looks like she is in fact not very happy to be there in the first place.

And then, little bit behind the corner on the right side there is a tall looming horned figure. It is obviously a male by physique, but he is wearing a regal looking cape that hides away most of his body and he is standing farther away from the rest of the people, in the shadows that seem to be darker and more intense from where he stands. His presence seems intimidating to those who look close enough to notice him, but most of the eyes brush over his shrouded figure as his existence goes unnoticed. Their attention is more drawn to the platform that holds the more impressive sight of the vampire court and their other undead guest of honor.

As the guests have flooded in and the double doors are closed behind them, Sabrina the Vampire Mistress raises from her seat gracefully and spreads her hands as if to take them all into a warm welcome hug and she speaks as she approaches the edge of the platform, her heels clicking and the echo bouncing from the walls.

"My, my! What juicy looking guests we have tonight!" She speaks with a darker tone than usual to her more bubbly one, but still manages to sound more pleased than grave. A sinister chuckle escapes her lips, and she hides her devious smile behind her hand as she deliberately looks at the guests hungrily like livestock. Lowering her hand and crossing them playfully behind her back, Sabrina continues; "I bid you welcome among our kind, my dears. Let me introduce myself; I have many names, but you shall address me as Your Highness, your hostess for tonight. My kin and I have worked hard to please you and fulfill your utmost desires."

At the end, her voice drops lower and turns more sensual, and she makes a show of how her tongue quickly licks her fangs that are protruding from her upper jaw. Some gasps escaped the enthralled audience, and she lifted her chin proudly, very pleased with the reaction. But she was not done with them yet.

"Tonight we shall feast!" Sabrina announced, her voice rose theatrically and it carried over all possible whispers in the room, stalling all conversations, drawing all eyes on her again. "Tonight we shall drink!" She continued, spreading her hands again and slowly walked backwards. But now, her shadow was growing, acting unnaturally, seeming to do its very own thing behind her; it grew bigger, wider, and the outlines were showing a monster that had wings like an enormous bat spreading them open, darkening the room behind her. The effect was amazing and more surprised gasps escaped the audience, and mouths were dropping and some started clapping, wondering what kind of magic she was using for it. Yet again, the sharp eyed would see the looming male figure in the background, now moving his hands like a puppet master that had invisible threads wrapped around his fingers. The smart ones would realize that this young wizard in question was responsible for the impressive shadow effect, in complete control of the horror displayed for them.

"It's All Hallows Eve, and tonight is the night the dead shall not rest. Tonight is the night all your nightmares shall come true." Sabrina went on, her voice seeming to become more and more commanding, acting her role so well that some people actually forgot that she was not actually a vampire queen. Then, her hands still raised, she stopped and smiled, the massive shadow behind her stilling, its wings spread wide open now like it was ready to jump on all of them any second. Her voice dropped to almost a grave whisper, her blood red eyes mischievous as she ended her speech.

"Good night my dear mortals, enjoy yourselves... but don't let the dead bite."

And then, all of a sudden, she flung her cape in front of her face and seemed to fall through the floor into her own shadow which made some of the girls in the audience scream in surprise and grasp the closest near them. The monstrous shadow disappeared the second Sabrina Gallagher was gone, and so was the Shadow Master, who had stepped behind the curtains and disappeared too.

The whole room fell in dead silence and stood still.

And then silence was broken like on cue when everybody started applauding, whistling and praising the show that had been performed for them. The vampire lackeys put on the music that started blaring from the gramophones across the room, playing the latest hot wizard band. The guests started socializing and getting food and drinks, and so the party had finally officially started.

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Outside the Hufflepuff Common Rooms​
Stella's lips were pressed so tightly together they made a thin, unforgiving pink line on her face. Her arms weren't crossed across her chest, but she was making a face that basically said the same thing: I'm waiting. Impatience implied. Her previous equanimity moments before had been replaced with a general sense of irritation. The clock rang six and people began heading towards the Great Hall to enjoy their feast, but she stood outside the Hufflepuff common rooms like a lunatic, waiting for John to show himself. True, it wasn't like they'd set a "I'll meet you here" kind of date, but punctuality wasn't a sin. She'd forgotten about the lightning altogether, and was simply indulging herself in her frustration with herself for making the bet in the first place. What she wouldn't give to just be another one of the students heading off to enjoy the feast. Who know what would happen if the teachers found out, too. She was getting a couple weird stares. Though her dress was hidden underneath her wizard robes, her hair was still sticking straight up like a beacon of the lunacy she was catering to. Even among those who had put in an effort to dress up a little, she looked definitely odd. A couple people passing her had even laughed, which had made the irritation blossom in her chest rather quickly.

Ten minutes. She decided. She'd wait ten more minutes maximum, and then she'd attend the part by herself, bet or no bet. It felt stupid to just stand out here. Never having been on an established "date" before, Stella wasn't really comfortable with the concept of waiting for a guy to pick her up. It made her feel so uneasy, especially someone whose reliability was... not always reliable. Staring resolutely ahead, and ignoring the other people around her, she waited with a face like a stone statue, annoyance oozing from every pore.

Characters mentioned:
Jack "John" Sullivan - @Strayed
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