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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
1975. A time of struggle for muggles and wizards alike. While the cold war is at its height, the wizarding world is faced with a war of its own. The Daily Prophet has reported nothing but bad news as of late. There have been disappearances, murders, dark marks in the sky, and sightings of strange men in masks. Whispers say this is all the work of the Dark Lord, an enemy so formidable no one dares to speak his name.

A dark cloud hangs over Hogwarts, for even its peace has been disturbed. The promise of a new academic year and its would-be adventures are instead shrouded in unspeakable fear. There are those who come to Hogwarts with dark intentions and even darker magic. No one knows who they are. They stay in the shadows, bearing the faces of old friends or foes, whispering, scheming...

In this age of growing racial prejudice, the well-being of half-breeds and muggle borns hang in the balance.

Hogwarts is no longer safe.
Current Chapter 6: A Solemn Supper

Date: Wednesday, October 8 1975
Time: 6pm
Event: Feast at the Great Hall
Weather: Cloudy

Hogwarts opens its great doors once more, though the students that choose to remain are anything but great in number. If, at the beginning of the school year, the halls were flooded with streams of black robes, it is now reduced to a trickle. And what would customarily be an exited hubbub is now uncomfortably quiet, occasionally permeated by whispers of uncertainty and fear.

Something about Hogwarts has changed. Something more than the Chamber of Secrets being opened then closed once again. Something more than the appointment of the new Headmaster Demetrius Creed, whose very existence seems to be shrouded in mystery. Hogwarts itself seems foreboding somehow. Like some dark and evil spirit has possessed its very walls. For the castle towers now stood frowning upon the encroaching students like it loathes for them to come back. There will be no warm welcome, no semblance of a joyous celebration to be had. There is only the beginnings of an omen.

But even in the darkness, there is hope. The two students who fell victim to the Basilisk are now cured and well, even if the trauma remains with them and will haunt their dreams for some time.

Today, they will be rejoining their classmates who, upon their arrival, are immediately ushered into the Great Hall for supper. There, half the former staff awaits them upon their usual seats at the great table, whilst the other half seems to have been replaced by unknown and unwelcoming new faces. The usual seat of the Headmaster is curiously empty.
Write-up by Adrian | Coding by Adrian | © Art taken from Pottermore

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Jasper Grey

Jasper thought about her question...what was it like being Cyrus twin... "Honestly, i don't know any different. She's always been there," He mused in a thoughtful tone. He gave a light laugh as she mentioned her brothers. "I suppose it's not so different to that," He said with a light shrug. He loved his sister and wouldn't want a thing to change, even if she did get on his nerves sometimes.

Jasper winced slightly as the topic of Joan and breakfast yesterday refused to go away. "Well, you're not exactly the sole cause of that..." He said slowly, his brain telling him to shut up, but he wasn't an overly big fan of the idea of staying quiet anymore. "I should probably apologise too," he said lightly, sliding his gaze away. "On behalf of my sister as well, it's extremely unlikely she'll ever apologise to you." He tapped his foot slightly before glancing over at her again. "We were the one's who hit you with the apple after all, although it wasn't intentional..." And it had been funny for a few moments there as well. Turns out he sucks at this. "Sorry 'bout that."

He followed her glare towards and Owl that seemed to be glaring right back, with that usual wide eyed owlish look, the things definitely had a strong stare on them.

He released a laugh and as he gazed into the messy Owlery. "I think they do enjoy leaving it for as long as possible so they can give the job to some unlucky student's, that just happens to be us," He said in amusement. He tilted his head thoughtfully. "I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was." He would love to see Thomson get a good punch in the face, he definitely deserved it. "There's still time, I'm sure he wouldn't be hard to find," He offered with a small smirk of amusement. "Did you actually attend this party we're all being punished for?" He asked curiously.

Mentions: Cyrus Grey @Bubbly Potions - Sanguine Faust @Sanguine Fox - Rory Thomson @Adrian
Interactions: Sanguine Faust @Sanguine Fox

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Interactions: Jasper (@Winterswing )
Mentions: Cyrus (@Bubbly Potions ), Joan (@Adrian )

Sanguine was smiling when he spoke of being a sibling, but it was quick to vanish. Her eyes widened as she seemed to stall at that moment, her expression shocked as she stared at Jasper unmovingly for a moment or two. She finally moved when she had to take in a quick breath of air, her eyes flickering to the floor a moment as her fingers slowly curled into a fist on her lap, forming into a tightly pressed fist. Everything that had been plaguing her the past day…was a result of him and Cyrus? Pursing her lips together into a thin line, Sanguine took a deep breath through her nose.

Now she had even more reason to apologise to Joan!

A minute or two passed before Sanguine had enough sense to have fully controlled herself from lashing out in some way. Her fist unclenched, her eyes opening and limbs dropping tiredly to her sides. "Its…. You know what, Its fine." She grumbled out, "I need to apologise as well, I guess. I completely lost it – I don't really remember punching her that well. She is your friend and I did that…I'm planning to apologise to her when I can…it's just hard." Sanguine was not the best talker, even more so around those she was often fighting with. She hated that weakness.

Running a hand against her face she settled her head in her palm again, feeling a headache form from the stress. She did smirk at the improvement in the conversation, especially when it came to getting back at a certain red-haired gremlin. "It is always those assholes. I will get that little gremlin though the second any of them go after my friends. I smashed their stuff last time…" Her smirk was practically feral as she flexed her fingers lazily, her imagination wonderfully crafting an image of her holding a terrified Rory over a particularly high ledge. Maybe a window in a high tower? "I was there. Ended up arguing with Joan and your sister coincidentally. I think the three of us have clashed way too many times in the past few days." She paused, looking over to him, grinning slightly. "You? Did you get dragged into that chaos?"
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Jasper Grey

Jasper was mildly surprised by the fact he hadn't received a fist to the face himself, given how the girl had reacted yesterday. He gave her a quick glance, making sure she wasn't about to rage before relaxing slightly. It just go'ed to show, no one was what they seemed. He stayed quiet, not wanting to push his luck. It was best to just let her speak up first, rather then say anything himself.

He tapped his hand lightly against his leg and tilted his head again, gazing at the redhead thoughtfully. He was pretty sure, Sanguine apologising to Joan would be more shocking then the act of punching her had been. "No need to make a big thing of it, it was a heat of the moment reaction," He said lightly, giving a light shrug. He was kinda surprised by how much she seemed to be thinking about it.

"Nothing less then they deserve, if you do get your hands on the little bugger I'd be more then happy to help throw him from the highest point of the castle," He said, partly joking and partly not. The whole newspaper club just screwed over peoples lives, it's amazing the school hadn't put a stop to it already.

He snorted and shook his head. "Didn't go to the party but still paying the price. The more i hear about this party the more i like the fact that i missed it," He said lightly. "Sounds like everyone had a shitty outcome...." He flicked his gaze down to the crap covering the ground which made him smirk slightly in amusement.

Mentions: Sanguine Faust @Sanguine Fox -Joan Lambert @Adrian
Interactions: Sanguine Faust @Sanguine Fox

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Interactions: Jasper (@Winterswing )
Mentions: Cyrus (@Bubbly Potions ), Joan (@Adrian ) Rory (@Adrian )

Sanguine just grinned a toothy grin at the thoughts of throwing Rory and his minions out a window. A sharp bark of laughter fell from her lips as Jasper seemed to hold a similar opinion to her. It just proved to her that the terrible group of low lives were hated and that she adored. "I will get my hands on the gremlin, I just need a solid excuse to. It would be pretty low of me to attack him without a reason – I normally avoid that." She mumbled before shrugging. "One story on me or anyone I like – He is going to regret it." Sanguine hiss, narrowing her gaze at it slid back up to the top of the Owlery. "Cause' I'm contemplating holding him out a window till he squeals like a little girl for all the school to see and hear, you know?"

A smile faintly remained on her lips as she nodded. "Your help is welcomed though – always in for making a twisted rebellion against that lot." She imagined it often, though it was normally a far more violent and vivid imagination of the group's demise. That or them being left on a deserted island together. Sanguine was pretty sure that would break them – without the school population to torment they may even turn on each other. "If only I had a random island…"

She was surprised to hear he wasn't at the party, enough so that her gaze slipped back to him, her brow raised curiously. "Damn, you are pretty lucky then. The party was a piece of shit." From the glimpses she got before getting into her usual drama, it had no control as obviously drunk students stumbled around or were passed out across one another. "From what I saw, which wasn't much I pretty much got into an argument with Joan and Cyrus in a snap – it was bloody hell in there. I'm pretty sure half the room there was drunk off their heads – unconscious some of em." She explained briefly, shrugging her shoulders. "It smelt disgusting in there, nearly as bad as this place. The bloody newspaper gremlins fucked up though and published that story and now even the innocent ones are punished." Sanguine shook her head lazily, yawning slightly. "It ain't right, at all."
Cormorant Garamond
IM Fell English SC

Oliver Whitefang
raw - jim williams​
Oliver had hoped Lynn wouldn't approach him, but of course she did anyway. He had the worst luck right now, it seemed. He tried his best to hold his breath as she inched nearer to him, and as a result, he could hardly pay attention to a word she said.

"Yes," he said simply as he stepped backwards in the subtlest manner he could manage, looking paler with each passing second. "I wonder where they've all gone off to."

Refusing to meet Lynn's eyes, he instead diverted his attention to the window, hoping that his distracted expression would deter her attempts at conversation. Where were the others?



Jasper Grey

Jasper laughed as he turned slightly so he could lean back against the door frame into the Owlery. "Given the current flow of unsavoury stories coming from the little creep, I'm sure your opportunity will come sooner rather than later.," Although he had a current target which seemed to be all about Persephone Gaunt. He wondered briefly, if that was the reasoning behind the she-demon's interrogation of girl just the day before. He found extremely entertaining, listen to all Sanguine talk of what Rory's fate would hold if the girl got her hands on him. "It would be the joy of all of Hogwarts," He said with a chuckle.

"It would be satisfying to see," He mused. It would be nice to see them taken down and unable to hurt people anymore. He blinked a little before giving her a bemused look. "What would you need a random island for?"He asked blankly.

Jasper wasn't about to admit that he'd been up to something that could have potentially gotten him into a lot more trouble. "So I've heard," He honestly hadn't heard one good thing about it, though some of the stuff people spoke about sounded like they could have been a good laugh. "I'm curious, how they even managed that, security around here has been pretty tight," He murmured. It was pretty impressive. It sounded like a challenge that could be fun to try out, not with alcohol, but something else, equally fun but not allowed.

He should really just stick with the Pollyjuice potion, there was no point pushing his luck further. He thought that now, but it was unlikely to stay that way. "It isn't right, but there's nothing to be done about it." He glanced back towards the school, not because he was tiring of his current company, but because everyone was taking their sweet time. "Surprised the infirmary doesn't have more student..." He said with a shake of his head. It wasn't all that surprising that his sister had gotten into a fight at a party or that Sanguine had been a part of it or Joan, it was a fairly common occurrence.

Mentions: Sanguine Faust @Sanguine Fox -Joan Lambert, Rory Thomson @Adrian - Cyrus Grey @Bubbly Potions
Interactions: Sanguine Faust @Sanguine Fox

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Delynn Von Kronig
Hallway Cleaning Detention Meetup


Alistair Blackbourne
Lauren Harrison
Ren Pearce
Oliver Whitefang

Alistair + Oliver @Adrian
Lauren @Bubbly Potions
Ren @Vio

❇ ❇ ❇ ❇

Hearing his voice Lynn glanced over and smiled. "So you know what I mean. But yeah, I wonder where they all went. It was normally a sign of danger somewhere back home. But... uhm nothing bad happens at Hogwarts. At least nothing common enough to worry about. Right?" Lynn feigned a smile before glancing over her shoulder to see him looking the opposite way. Looking back at the paintings she took a moment to walk up to them. Running her hand on one of the portraits she let out a sigh.

"What if you could just trace your finger around and jump inside. Like, how do they get in there?" Lynn wondered openly. Turning back she walked up next to him not realizing him trying to get away, her own social awkwardness showing through in not picking it up. "I dont even hear footsteps. Do you think the others just ditched us... expecting us to do the work?" Letting out an audible humph Lynn blew her bangs out from in front of her face. Crossing her arms she shook her head "I bet they did. They know I will do it." Lynn mumbled out before turning and beginning to walk slowly back to where she was sitting against the wall.
Lauren Harrison
Hogwarts (Hallway)
Alistair Blackbourne - @Adrian
Anastasia + Henry Chen

Mornings certainly weren't Lauren's forte, that was an understatement to say the least. It had appeared that secrets from the party had come to the attention of the school staff— thus including her rather tender first kiss with Henry Chen… A one solid moment where her heart got the better of her and the moment was there was now well known between all students and now staffers.

It made the anxieties burst to life, and the struggle of getting out of bed so much worse. This without a doubt wasn't her first detention— and certainly wasn't about to be the last.

Yet, upon reading the list of students she felt a twinge of fear upon noticing Alistair Blackbourne's name was sorted into her group. It was ancient history what happened but something stuck by her as a permanent reminder of some people weren't the most accepting of her sort. Nonetheless she avoided Blackbourne like the plague— never again hoping to disturb the likes of the now head boy. She could only hope that today went through like a breeze— it wasn't the first time she had cleaned without magic.

Wandering down the halls with a lazy pace Lauren had her hands tucked into her pockets, her eyes thoroughly glued to the ground in front of her. She wasn't particularly messy— Annie helped detangle and fashion her hair into a dated bun (which suited Harrison's face shape rather swimmingly). Lost in thoughts of what the day would bring her with the most unlikely of people around her. Before long she heard a voice and quickly lifted her head with a curious gaze.

"Oh- ah, hello." Laurie politely returned the greeting with a level of insecurity. "How are you doing this morning? I mean- you kinda got dragged in the papers yesterday… Are you okay?" The girl asked in a light tone of voice, her big heart very apparent on her sleeve. She showed little awkwardness now at him starting the conversation, or at the very least he made the effort to greet her. It made her feel a little better checking that he was okay— since he was also affected by yesterday's paper.

"I'm sorry to pry… Just seemed rather unfair to me. Annie was pretty upset after yesterday," she said with a frown.
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Ash Caster
Ash picked off pieces of his muffin as he headed out of the castle towards the greenhouse. He almost wanted to reach into his pocket for the rumpled paper he'd been given that morning, just to double check he was going to the right place. His name had been added to the bottom, as if an after thought. Perhaps they'd just forgotten to add him until they checked over all the names again and saw he was floating there without a punishment.

Not that this was the worst punishment, he knew some of the people in his group and he had Elise his best friend, she was always fun to talk to and hang out with.

He glanced down at his half eaten muffin and wished he'd brought another stashed in his pocket or something...Oh well, he'd just have to wait until lunch. He'd rather not be stuck in detention too long, (something he hadn't actually had before) he didn't like the idea of it cutting into the time he needed for other things.

He slowed his pace as the greenhouse came into view, keeping an ear out for any screams that may signal his group had started without him. However, he heard nothing, so he took that as his sign to continue before they did start. He shoved the last of his muffin into his mouth and jogged the last of the way, straightening out his shirt as he walked inside and looking around. Almost no one was here except Effie and Elise. He brightened, at least he didn't have to try and guess who was who. "Elise!" He said happily, coming further inside. "Hi Effie," He added in a friendly tone, offering them both a smile.

Mentions: Elise Campbell @Sanguine Fox - Effie Campbell @Vio
Interactions: Elise Campbell @Sanguine Fox - Effie Campbell @Vio
The obnoxious ringing of a morning alarm sounds out in one of the Gryfindor rooms. The room home to five girls, but one in particular was quite the odd one. Some think she was sorted into the wrong house, her eccentric pass times a large source for such talk. However, she had that sort of an undeniable Gryfindor like charm to her that worked on most across all houses. Though her room mates knew she was a total beast in the mornings. Black manicured claws shoot out from underneath fluffy throws latching onto the annoying contraption and tossing it against the wall next to her bed. It busted upon the impact, probably the third one this week, and its ringing subdued. There was a hellish groan emitting under neath the several layers of fluff and stuffed animals, and everything started to shift as the witch underneath began to stir.

"Liz you're going to be late if you don't get up." One of her roommates said to the lump of bedding and stuffies.

The girl groaned again, then let a low hiss at her roommate effectively slamming the door to their room during their departure. Liz hated loud noises due to her sensitive ears. Perhaps that's why she always broke the alarm clock. Piercing grey-blue eyes glare at the door as the witch released her head from underneath the covers. She didn't want to get up from bed. Being friends with Rory and the others gave her an advantage and she knew well in advanced that bitch Juniper set her up to work the greenhouse. Liz and dirt did not go together, and on top of that they had to work with mandrakes of all things. That woman was defintely getting her dry cleaners bill that's for damn sure. Tossing on a pair of workman's jeans oversized t-shirt, probably left behind by one or possibly two of her many lovers, and some socks and running shoes she leaves her room with a bag on her back and a brush in hand. She ran the brush through her blonde locks while she made her way to the Great Hall. There was a cute smaller girl waiting at the door for her, holding what appeared to be some papers and books in her arms.

"Aaah Beatrice. Good morning pet~" Liz's honeyed voice cooed at the girl upon seeing her. Kissing the girl on both her cheeks good morning. The girl was flushed at the affection and handed the papers to Liz with a small smile on her face. This was something that happened often between them outside the great hall. It was a little arrangement they had, Beatrice did mostly all of Liz's homework and in exchange they had....fun together. Either way it was a win win for Liz, who quite enjoyed their little deal. Turning around she looks over her shoulder at the girl. "Put it in." she says lowly, which only made poor Beatrice's cheeks turn redder. When the girl did as told Elizabeth turned back to face her, and ran her manicured fingers through the girls long dark hair. Then she cups the girls chin, her thumb brushing lightly against Beatrice's lips. "Good girl. Will I see you tonight pet?" She asks, her tone was lovely with no trace of malice in it, but there was no doubt an air of superiority in it. Almost condescending. Though Liz didn't wait for an answer, she could see the lust in the girl's eyes. Letting go, a cunning smirk tugged at the corner of her own glossy lips. "Have a nice morning Bee." She calls out as she walks past the girl into the Great Hall. Once inside she sat among her usual entourage and had a fulfilling breakfast. She was in no hurry to get to the green house, but surprisingly enough when she did arrive not everyone was there yet.

Let's see if I remember who is who... The witch thought to herself as she approached the greenhouse. The small one is friends with my Davi, Effie I believe is her name. Ah yes, Wallace's sister. There's no denying that with that ugly hair color. Then that must be the other Campbell, Elise. Whose the boy though? Hm, I can't deny the brunette and the boy are cute. Maybe I'll have some fun today. Ive always wanted to mess with the little mouse... Liz finalizes as she puts her thoughts with Effie in mind, and decides to put on her signature charming smile. It worked on mostly everyone, this faux friendliness Elizabeth wore so well. "I see I arrived right on time. That's a first! Hello little mouse.~" Elizabeth greets Effie casually with the girl's petname. Davi had warned her to keep away from Effie, but there was nobody at this school that this vampire feared. Not even Effie's protective older brother, and Effie just smelled....so delicious. Turning to Elise she continues "You must be Elise. I've heard of you. I don't think we've actually met though. I'm Elizabeth Hawthorn." Liz introduces herself to Ash and Elise as she stuffs her hands in her pocket.

Interactions: Effie/Elizabeth (@Vio ) & Ash (@Winterswing )
Mentions: Kaden (@Vinn ), Morrigan (@Bubbly Potions )

Elise had been waiting patiently in the greenhouse, her eyes studying the looming plants around her with a critical gaze. Though it was a detention, her love of gardening was not affected as she marvelled at the variations of plants painting the location with shades of green. A faint smile graced her lips as her fingers gently pet one of the nearby leaves. Her musings on the varying plants were disrupted by the sound of another entering, a sound that garnered her blue gaze to the entrance. Ecstatic, she grinned happily as her cousin Effie appeared. "Effie!" She cooed, hurrying over to the younger Campbell's side to pull her into a hug. "How are you! Are you okay? No one is bullying you right?" Her hurried words tumbled from her lips like a storm as she released her only far enough to study her face carefully. Elise adored the younger girl, her mothering tone always coating her words when she found Effie. With her cousin, she was always worried if she was okay. It took her a moment to realise her babbles and drop her hug from the girl, stepping back slightly. "Sorry! Sorry! Can't help rambling – how are you, Effie?"

Before she could get an answer, Elise heard a familiar voice that caused her to spin and smile brightly. Not only did she have her cousin in detention but her best friend! Her cheeks seemed to brighten with a light dusting of red before she reached out and wound her arms happily around the other. "Ash! Where have you been? I haven't seen you at all since we returned! I was worried! I have sweets for you in my back you know? I also have some for Henry and some others, but I haven't had a chance to give them out yet…" She mumbled before tightening her hug for a moment, only to let him go for a second. "This Is good! I mean – detention isn't good. At all. But at least I'm with you and Effie!" She chimed, her anxiety about the detention drifting from her mind with each passing second.

Then came another. Blue eyes studied the blonde carefully for a moment, cautiously even. She had heard of Elizabeth before but not met her, so she was quick to take in all she could about the other. When Elizabeth turned to Elise, her internal musings halted as a smile lit up her features. "Nice to meet you, Elizabeth." Elise greeted with a happy grip, her arms dropping behind her as she let her fingers entwine with one another to stop her usual nervous habit of cracking her knuckles. Meeting new people was unnerving but exciting at the same time. "I am Elise Campbell, it's a pleasure. I've heard of you from people as well occasionally. I'm glad we get to finally meet!" She uttered with a bright smile on her lips. Looking at Effie, Ash then Elizabeth her expression seemed to soften till only a smaller smile remained, her gaze steeled slightly. "At least four of us are here now…We could start the work? The rest will have to catch up and do their share.". Elise wanted to get this over and done with – she already felt ashamed that as a prefect she was in detention of all things.
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Cormorant Garamond
Spectral SC

Henry Chen
"Shut up, asshole," Joan all but nearly yelled, giving Henry a hard punch on the shoulder for good measure. If it hadn't been for the teasing smile on Henry's face, one might have had the idea that a fight was about to break out between the two. "This is all your fucking fault. Now, come here and give me a hug."

""Noooooo way, friendo," Henry laughed as he hid behind Piper, putting his hands on her shoulders as though to use her as a shield.

A dark smile spread across Joan's face as she walked calmly towards him, arms open and palms spread.

""Stay back, smelly vinegar monster!" A few long strides later and he was hiding behind Leo now. ""Help me out, man," Henry cried out, laughing to the point of tears.

@Sanguine Fox
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Cormorant Garamond
IM Fell English SC

Oliver Whitefang
raw - jim williams​
There wasn't much that Oliver wanted to say to Lynn. In fact, he didn't wish to talk to her at all. He hoped that if he kept his answers as abrupt as possible that she'd eventually leave him alone.

Oliver returned the smile, albeit just as forced, then continued to stare out the window. And yet, despite his silence, Lynn continued on talking, seemingly unfazed.

She was closer than ever now. Oliver could smell it. Her blood.

A sigh escaped his lips just then. He brought his hand up to his head and rubbed at his temples, feigning a headache. Oliver considerably paled up, and a bit of sweat started to form on his brow.

"Oh, really?" He said, a little sharper than he had intended. "Maybe we should leave, then."


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Rory Thomson
Rory's lips formed into a thin, straight line that seemed to be getting smaller with each passing second. It was increasingly proving more difficult to stay sane while working with these haughty purebloods. It was all he could do not to shoot back a response that would have surely only gotten him on Juniper's bad side. A place he didn't want to be on, regardless of how he felt about her. She was useful. Powerful.

At least for now.

"Oh?" His interest was piqued at her not-so-subtle hints. Juniper had been brewing a plan, and for the first time, Rory did not know what it was. His curiosity overrode his annoyance at this realization, but only by a little bit. "And what outcome are you hoping for?"

At the sound of footsteps, Rory turned around to find Echo standing some distance away. He greeted her with a smile, as if her current problems hadn't been his doing at all.

"Echo! I'm glad you're here. How are you? How's..." He trailed off, looking uncharacteristically worried all of a sudden. "How's Alistair?"

@Princess Poisoned Rose
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Deborah Johnson
The shrill screaming jolted Debbie from her thoughts. She looked up from the recipe book, frightened. But then the sound of laughter reached her, and soon enough, reason caught up with emotion and she calmed down instantly. She realized that whatever it was that had happened outside of the kitchen must have been a prank of some sort.

But her calm was short-lived. The next moment, she found herself staring straight into the eyes of her ex. The dreaded ex. Her heart skipped a beat, and not due to any lingering feelings she felt for the boy. Not at all.

Quit the bullshit, Debbie wanted to say, but instead the words that came out of her mouth next was: "You too."

Funny, she had only spared him one glance. It was too awkward to look at him. Even worse to be talking to him, when they hadn't really talked for ages.

"Not much. Same old," She said curtly, placing the recipe book aside and laying out the materials and ingredients. They might as well start working. That would at least give them something else to do. "You?"

She began slicing some onions. A mistake. For in her haste, she cut her finger, causing her to hiss in pain.


Theme Song: Again and Again - Holly Brook
Art: Batcii

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Piper Ryeland

Seventh Year, Hufflepuff

Mentions: Joan Lambert, Deborah Johnson, Henry Chen @Adrian - Leo Castellanos @Sanguine Fox - Tasha Wolfe @Vinn
Interactions: Henry Chen, Deborah Johnson @Adrian - Tasha Wolfe @Vinn

Piper was struggling to keep up with what was happening with so many people suddenly joining their little chat. Henry and she believed the other boy was Leo if she remembered yesterday correctly. Slowly she began piecing things together. The angry girl was here for Henry who was her friend, Leo was drawn to the sound but there wasn't a problem except the Gryffindor's current attire not that she seemed as angry about it anymore.

She blinked in surprise as Henry placed his hand's on her shoulders and hid behind her, the two of them managing to make a small laugh slip free of her. Even as Henry moved on to a better shield. She gave the other girl wide berth in her advances on her fellow Hufflepuff. She found the pair extremely entertaining. Though, if they both ended up covered in all that vinegar... well it would be unfortunate.

She gave a soft little sigh, recalling the detention she was suppose to be attending in the kitchen. She moved around the little group with another giggle. "Good luck avoiding her Henry, she look's very determined," she said in an amused tone. She turned away from them all to dash off towards the kitchens. She would have offered a little wave but the group seemed occupied.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the kitchen, grateful she wasn't too late. She feeling oddly chipper, given the misfortunes of the morning. She looked up at the two occupying the large space. "Hi Debbie, Tasha..." She said lightly, flashing a small, unsure, smile as she came further into the room.

Juniper Murray

Mentions: Morrigan Quinn, Persephone Gaunt @Bubbly Potions - Rory Thomson @Adrian
Interactions: Rory Thomson @Adrian
Juniper was impressed she didn't get a rise out of him. The little terror was more cunning then she'd expected, then again, this wasn't something that should have been surprising given the history he had in ruining other's reputation. What wasn't surprising however, was him interest in her plans; Thomson was like a bee to honey, unable to resist the temptation of a information that could possibly benefit him. Quite the cunning little mastermind.

"No need to ruin the unravelling by jumping to the prize." She said lightly. Morrigan was the only one she would be sharing her plans with and since her lover wasn't available currently, she'd be keeping it to herself.

She slid her gaze to the approaching girl whom stopped a short distance away. She felt a spark of icy humour as she observed Thomson and his conversational approach. He really was quite ruthless at times; it would almost be a shame if the basilisk were to end him, he was still quite useful, and reasonably entertaining.

She smoothed her thumb over the lockets rough surface, scanning the halls for another approaching Slytherin, the only reason she was even will to waste her time with all this.

Original By: Spectre of the Fade
Edits By: Bubbly Potions
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It was refreshing to finally be in a conversation that didn't involve any shouting or arguing. The morning started off calmer than he had expected.

"I'm perfectly fine," he said, but the sigh that followed afterwards indicated otherwise. The roller coaster ride he had unwittingly been a part of these past few days had taken a bigger toll on him than he liked to admit. "Exhausted."

Alistair wasn't sure how to feel at the mention of Annie. Though the two of them often worked closely together, for some reason Annie had always treated him somewhat coldly. He could never remember what it was he had done to slight her. Perhaps it was less that he had done something wrong, and more that women just liked to act dramatic over the smallest things. Or so he thought to himself, recalling the recent debacle with Echo and Percy.

"Everyone will forget about the gossip soon enough," he said with a dismissive wave, then glancing towards her as if he were just seeing her for the first time: "What did you say your name was again?"

- Interactions:
Lauren Harrison @Bubbly Potions

Colour Tag: #339966

Morrigan Quinn

Gardening was something Morrigan didn't picture herself doing on a Sunday during detention— and repotting mandrakes were a completely different story. Those things had a set of lungs on them and were good enough to make some faint. Dressed in pure black Morrigan ventured on her own towards the horrid greenhouse. The gleam of the morning light felt hot in her back, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

There were much bigger things to happen that day and she was sure to remind herself that amongst the group of idiots she shared detention with. This day was surely going to test her patience and calculations on other matters that Juniper were putting into play that very day.

Hogwarts detention apparently made it all too easy— thought the malicious young witch with a smirk. Juniper hand her plans— and how brilliant they were. Morrigan couldn't help but feel good about the results that would come from her counterpart's efforts.

Two Campbell's, Ash Caster, Karen Green and that strange creature Elizabeth Hawthorn, she continued to think about the people who would grace her presence once more. They didn't quite offer anything interesting— the most promising and perplexing of them was Hawthorn…

Her entrance came with an array of introductions between the detention group. Half of these idiots would have come across her in the hall, why should she introduce herself. "Who else is yet to arrive because the quicker this is done the better," Morrigan commented in a less than energetic and gitty tone of voice.

Mentions: Juniper Murray & Ash Carter - @Winterswing || Kaden Green - @Vinn || Elise Campbell - @Sanguine Fox || Effie Campbell & Elizabeth Hawthorn - @Vio ||

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Ivar & Cyrus
Ivar physically dragged Cyrus from bed that morning, and it was really trying. It was one of those mornings he had more apparent sympathies for her brother Jasper. Forcing her to get dressed— and scolding her into life rather than remaining his normal mild self was really testing him. It really gave him the question on what the hell did Tasha see in her, and vice versa.

Standing at the foot of her stairs waiting for her to make an appearance he groaned in annoyance. Both of the Grey siblings were hard work— but both for their own reasons. "Come on Cyrus!" Ragnulf yelled causing people to look in surprise, he very rarely spoke over a dull roar.

Meanwhile, Cyrus stubbornly dressed herself in slacks. Brushing out thick knots from her mousy brown hair. She was exhausted from last night and the heavy amount of energy that was taken out of her from casting an unbreakable vow with Rory Thomson to protect her stupid brother. It was odd that she didn't really remember climbing the stairs to her dorm room that night before. But, how would she get there if it wasn't for Rory.

Pulling her shirt over her head— Rus thought about what it could have been. Sitting on the edge of her bed almost bewildered by the severity of everything now. An unbreakable vow meant death if she were to break, and that almost scared her. This was the extent she'd go for her family— willingly give her all into a spell that really did knock the wind out of her.

Rising to her feet when she heard Ivar yelling, she shook her head. The daze had completely caused her to forget about him.

How that would please Ivar if she told him that…. Cyrus thought finally walking downstairs and joining Ivar. They walked towards the Owlery in silence. The almost familiar scent of owl shit made the girl squirm in discomfort. Walking upstairs looking at the scattered bones of mice that had met their end in the beaks of the many owls that called this place home it was enough to make bile crawl up the back her throat.

She looked pale, Ivar admitted quietly to himself watching Cyrus when they headed to the Owlery. Upon arrival she looked even worse that she'd even likely faint. In her condition maybe the strict magic ban on the detention students was a good thing. "Morning Jas, and Sanguine correct?" Ivar asked in a lightness in his tone, almost using an arm to keep Cyrus up and on her feet.

This was trash… Cyrus could full heartedly understand the crappy feeling of magic overuse and lack of sleep. Her vision was hazed and her step weak. Two owls that had made her a target the night before seemed to eye her once more. Beast and Athena — owned by Alistair Blackbourne and Persephone Gaunt…
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