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Original poster
IN A TIME WHERE racial discrimination is rampant and the Cold War is at its height, an ominous force looms over the wizarding world. Despite efforts to keep them apart, the magical and the mundane nonetheless overlap and bleed influence into each other. Muggles grapple with political and military disarray, while the wizarding community is faced with an enemy so formidable it is only ever mentioned in whispers: they call him the Dark Lord, and his followers, the Death Eaters.

Such is the influence of this rising group of supremacists that even Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, rumoured to be one of the safest places in the world next to Gringotts, cannot remain unperturbed for long. A new academic year has begun, and as students both young and old pour into the school's ancient halls, whispers of an unspeakable terror reigning within campus grounds abound. A group of pureblood supremacists, armed with dark intentions and even darker magic, now stand at the helm of the school. The well-being of half-breeds and muggle-borns alike hang in the balance.

Hogwarts is no longer safe.
Current Event -- Chapter 1: The Three Broomsticks
Date: Monday, September 1, 1975

A NEW SCHOOL YEAR is starting. While some look around anxiously, especially the muggleborns, who scream when they run through the wall towards Platform 9 3/4, others are more confident in their way around. Especially the seventh years who are looking forward to start their last year in Hogwarts.

Between the worried parents with well-meant advice, the pets that managed to escape and the bulks of baggage, a plan is brewing between the seniors. As the students wave off their parents and take their seats inside the Hogwarts Express, a flyer is passed between them.

It is laced with a special charm much alike the one used at the Halloween party from last year, however, this year only the seventh years are invited and the rest are left in the dark.

So, just like the invitation states the seniors sneak out of their dorms after the banquet. When everyone is asleep, or assumed to be, they make their way through the dark to Hogsmeade. There at the Three Broomsticks Inn, a party waits for them; they are starting the school year with a blast!
Write-up by FieryCold & Nemopedia | Coding by FieryCold | © Art by Andrew Davidson
Monday, September 1, 1975

A NEW SCHOOL YEAR is starting. While some look around anxiously, especially the muggleborns, who scream when they run through the wall towards Platform 9 3/4, others are more confident in their way around. Especially the seventh years who are looking forward to start their last year in Hogwarts.

Between the worried parents with well-meant advice, the pets that managed to escape and the bulks of baggage, a plan is brewing between the seniors. As the students wave off their parents and take their seats inside the Hogwarts Express, a flyer is passed between them.

It is laced with a special charm much alike the one used at the Halloween party from last year, however, this year only the seventh years are invited and the rest are left in the dark.

So, just like the invitation states the seniors sneak out of their dorms after the banquet. When everyone is asleep, or assumed to be, they make their way through the dark to Hogsmeade. There at the Three Broomsticks Inn, a party waits for them; they are starting the school year with a blast!
Melinda Geralds

Hogsmeade; Senior party

The smell of spilled butterbeer and sweat was heavy in the room. With the seventh years in the bar, most of them rosy coloured from the beverages had, the party was already well on its way. A joyful occasion indeed and Melinda smiled lightly at how carefree and light the whole atmosphere was. She was glad to have come, despite her earlier reluctance. The change of air was welcomed after everything from the summer.

Her glass of butterbeer was left untouched, however. Memories of her previous encounter with alcohol served themselves as plagued teachers. Never again, she told herself. The price had been too large for her pride. This year she was going to be wiser, better. Leaving behind the failures of her sixth year and revamp herself before graduation.

"Enjoying yourself, midget?" a deep voice came, a source of warmth sitting down next to her. Looking up with a pouting glare, ready to throw something back, her breath halted and her heart thumped.

A familiar tall figure sat beside her. The first thing the girl noticed was that he had grown, making her narrow her eyes at the thought of how much taller he would, and could, become. Eyes travelling over from his shoulders to his face the girl bit down on the inside of her cheek. He had become broader, more muscular and it caught her attention in a way she didn't want to admit to. The long summer had allowed them to mature a little in their appearance, but unfortunately left certain other aspects untouched it seemed.

"Maurice," she greeted the half-breed. Mentally she cursed herself for not drinking at least a sip of butterbeer. Feeling her cheeks flushing the girl quickly hid her face behind a curtain of hair. Curling her fingers around her glass she then downed the liquid in one go, almost choking herself. Her nerves still high.

"Hey, calm down with that," Maurice's worried voice came, a reluctant hand touching her back. It was gentle, like the half-giant was known for, and she hated how much she liked the attention given.

Snapping away from his touch as if it burned her Melinda glared at him, ready to bite. "Don't-"

"Touch you? Gotcha, sorry, I only wanted to help," the boy quickly pulled his hand back, guilt written on his face and his shoulders tensing up as if on guard. He was expecting an insult from her, like she had done so many times before with and without reason. The Gryffindor could feel her face fall a little, but pulled it back into a plain expression. This was usual, a normal response, as it was supposed to be.

"I'm fine, thank you," she responded awkwardly, shifting a little in her seat. Surprised at the reaction Maurice relaxed, allowing himself to smile at her. Perhaps this year could be different, the both of them thought, maybe even become friends. However, an air of wariness still remained. Awkward silence filled between them as they stared in their cups.

"Aren't you warm?" he asked, pointing at the long sleeved vest Melinda was wearing. It was another attempt to strike a conversation, but the girl was far from her element tonight.

"I…" pulling at her sleeves the girl avoided eye contact. "It is fine, just chilly," she awkwardly said, quickly getting up from her seat. An obvious lie as her face was glowing and her hair sticking. Maurice didn't pressure on, however, falling silent over the girl's strange behaviour as he watched her. "I'm going to take another pint," she announced, picking up her empty glass. Another lie. She didn't want to down alcohol ever again, but she needed the excuse to escape him.

Turning around she thus started to walk away, hoping to disappear into the crowd, but heard wood scratching and footsteps falling behind her. "I will come with you," Maurice happily announced, and to her horror she found that the male had nothing to drink either. Completely oblivious to her distress the boy kept on smiling as Melinda's panic rose further, annoyed words blubbering inside of her as she shoved her glass in his arms.

"Stop following me around, you half-"

Melinda's voice halted, frantic eyes meeting a pair filled with hurt. They both knew what the Gryffindor was about to call the half-giant, and they both knew that the crowd surrounding them was watching how the scene would unfold. Melinda didn't dare to finish what she was about to say and Maurice took the glass from the girl. His expression was unreadable by now and her arms fell limp, too shocked to say anything.

"Sorry," Maurice mumbled, eyes downcast and shoulders hanging low in humiliation. Melinda wanted to amend herself, but her pride held herself back as her expression grew dark. At any other given moment she wouldn't hold back her words. However, at this moment she felt mortified that she had even let it slip past her.

Straightening up the girl gave him a look, her fists clenched in frustration. She took pride in her reputation, but right now she was disgusted how it was dictating her actions right now. "As you should," she told him in a flat voice before turning around on her heels. Mentally she cursed herself for not being stronger, but it was too late already. The damage had already been done and the world resumed as normal.​

Colour: #e85065

EDIT: ugly banner be ugly...
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Location: Hogsmeade » Three Broomsticks Inn
Mood: Cheers to the new year, I'll drink to that~
Interactions: Andrew (NPC)
Mentions: @Nemopedia - Melinda Geralds, Maurice (NPC)

"See, I told you, you can trust me. Everything's going according to plan--" "Laugh like you just said something hilarious" Sabrina cut him off, speaking to him in hushed tones before laughing herself. She leaned closer to the boy with dark hair, a glimpse of excitement on her features. Her slender fingertips brushed across his arm delicately as she lowered her voice, even more, to talk to him, "Remember, I told you we needed to be discreet. People were beginning to stare. So we'll talk about it later. You've done well, though." Andrew looked like a puppy who just got praised for being a good boy the way his face lit up at her words.

Sabrina couldn't help but giggle at his facial expressions. As long as she had known the kid he never grew out of this. Whenever she would praise him he would just get so happy. Well, she could understand that a bit, he was a hard worker, usually did the things Sabrina asked him without question, whether good or bad. By now she kind of viewed him as a disciple or apprentice of hers. The art of manipulation was a tricky road to travel, but with the right guidance, she believed one could handle most of what life would throw at you.

Raising her glass of butterbeer to her lips, she scanned the room. Music was playing, people were being served well, hearty laughter echoed around the room, so far everything looked like it was going well and everyone was enjoying themselves. Honestly, if she had to say so herself, she appreciated this small little gathering than her annual Holloween Parties. While of course, those were on a much bigger, extravagant scale, this little backdoorsy chill place, was refreshing compared to the madness she was used to when organizing get-togethers. Of course, she would've changed a few things about this if she could've but then that would've revealed that she was the one who planned the party, instead of Prince Charming, and she couldn't afford to have her iron locked cover blown.

Sabrina glanced back over towards Andrew who had a couple of sweets laid out in front of him. He was about to take a bite out of his brownie when Sabrina reached across and pulled a piece off from the opposite end and popped it in her mouth. It tasted good, like really good, but something was off and she couldn't put her finger on it. Still, she didn't linger on the thought any longer and polished off her butterbeer. She had to remind herself to slow down, though, even though the taste of the butterbeer wasn't different it was still spiked.

"Stop following me around, you half-" a high pitched voice speaking in too loud of a tone ripped Sabrina out of her thoughts. Slowly glancing over she watched the scene go down between the half-giant and the little midget, Melinda Geralds. The only reason why Sabrina remembered her name was because last year this little half-pint of a pure blood caused a lot of trouble. The young cub had quite the reputation going for her, that was for sure. Sabrina's gaze shifted between the obviously hurt half-breed boy and the little gnome with a big mouth. The girl stopped herself short, though, not finishing through with her attack, Sabrina's eyes narrowed. She wondered why that was, was she going to drag this out longer? Did she feel bad about what she said? No, she couldn't have, what pure blood cared to think about what they would say before they speak it? "Sorry," the boy mumbled in response, his shoulders hanging low in obvious humiliation. "As you should," Geralds replied before turning on her heels and leaving. Sabrina could feel her fingers curl into a fist, glaring at imp as she stormed away.

Sabrina reached for her glass of butterbeer only to realize it was gone, much to her dismay. She sighed and ran her fingers through her blonde locks. So much for having a good start to the year. The first day back and already she was reminded how much she hated purebloods. "Absolutely disgusting," she muttered under her breath.
ooc: Yes the butterbeer is spiked, yes the sweets are boosted, aka eat them and you're gonna get high as a bird. I think that's all I really wanted to shout out. Y'all, sorry if this sucks, I haven't played the princess is like a million years ;A; Gomen. Oh I remember, this is what Andrew looks like so CLICK DIS

- 84ACA4 | Andrew's Color
- e85065 | Mel's color (?)
- BDD5A1 | Rina's color

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Interactions: @Princess Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher

Anice entered into the inn from the cold outside, letting the warmth of the crowded space embrace her chilly frame. She looked around at all the seniors talking and having a good civil time. It was a little loud, but nothing less was expected from a group of spirited teenagers. She eyed the bar that was whipping up butter beers left and right for thirsty customers. Anice herself loved the overly sweet creamy taste of butter beers, but she had a bit of distrust for drinks at events such as this. It might have had something to do with a certain get together last year that had gotten a bit out of hand, but mostly she was just being careful; or that's what she told herself.
Either way, she decided against getting any drinks.

Clutching her coat she eyed the room. Her anxiety was always at it's highest around crowds, the loud noise and audience made her feel like any minute she could explode into chaos. She took a deep breathe and saved face, waving to people as they walked by and waved at her.

You look dumb just standing here by yourself...

She looked around for familiar faces, she knew quite a few people but no one she thought she could spend more than 3 minutes with without it getting awkward. Finally she made her way over to the bar and smiled at the tender, "N-Nothing, I'm just sitting..." she made an effort to laugh. The bar tender nodded and moved on. She sighed before she noticed two heads bobbing, talking closely to each other in a room full of people who were talking loudly simply to be heard over the noise. It was suspicious but she didn't mind that as much as who the two students were.

Anice stood up and walked over to the two, grabbing a certain blonde by the shoulder. "Hello Ms. Gallagher!" she smiled. Sabrina Gallagher was a well-known half-breed around the school, she had made quite a name for herself around Hogwart's halls. Being half-veela she was exceptionally attractive to males which often put her in the center of drama. Anice was never one for drama and she did a pretty good job of staying out of it. At least that was until she was roomed with the blonde the year prior. Somehow Sabrina managed to cause a tornado of drama around her and sucked Anice into it. As easy as it would have been to simply cut the blonde off, she found that she had grown on her.

And even if she hadn't, a recent discovery would have made it difficult to rid herself of the girl. Sabrina was the daughter of Anice's estranged uncle. Making the half-breed her cousin. The two found out over the summer when Anice had visited Sabrina's home and after a small conversation with Sabrina's father, things came out rather quickly. It seemed Anice was stuck with her no matter what.

Anice peered over and smiled to the other student seated. "Why Andrew aren't you a bit young to be attending this event?" She eyed the both of them and cocked an eyebrow, "If I didn't know any better I would suspect that the two of you were up to something..."

Anice color: #ed7e7e​
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Hogsmeade: Senior party

Amused, Garaile watched the scene unfold from his spot at the bar. The poor boy never could do anything right in Melinda's eyes, it seemed. Always ending up being yelled at, or insulted. There was no nicer going on about it for little Geralds, but that made it all the better to write about afterwards. More rumours to spread, after all.

Taking another sip of his glass the blond ordered two more glasses for himself, a delighted grin spreading across his face when he saw another couple arguing to each other, tipsy on their drinks. He could tell that it was mostly liquor doing the talking for them, but that they were nearing the point of breaking up. Not too surprising for their age category, or anyone who claimed to be in love.

However, something else caught his attention. Not too far away from said couple another familiar figure was sitting quietly by herself. Unlike him she wasn't paying much attention to the crowd, or enjoying herself at all, sitting like she couldn't quite enjoy herself.

It was Anice, refusing any drinks as she made herself awkward at the party. Why in the world she had decided to join the seniors here was beyond him. Garaile supposed it had to do with Sabrina's influence, it must have. Though, he was grateful for her appearance. His favourite object for terror had appeared and he simply couldn't let this prey go so easily. She seemed to have learnt from her past mistakes, careful to avoid the butterbeer like a pest. Wise, but disappointing. It would take out half his fun when messing around with her, but add the more challenge.

Watching the Slytherin girl walk off into the crowd, her eyes lightening up in recognition, the Weasel knew that someone should be near that she was more comfortable with. Most certainly a friend, as he was confident that she wouldn't have looked half so happy if she had spotted him.

"Thanks!" he told the bartender when two glasses headed his way. Taking them over the boy then turned himself into the crowd, eyes expertly scanning out the many faces until he found what he sought. A glint in his eyes, corners pulling up slightly, the male thus made a beeline for the table, sliding himself casually next to his earlier object of observation. Putting down one of the drinks he lent over the table with one arm.

"My, what a crowd I find," he cheered, taking a large sip. Savouring the taste of the butterbeer, licking off the cream from his lips, the boy sent a wink over to the girls.

"And these look like some delicious treats. Mind sharing, Hippy?" he then turned to Andrew, ignoring the fact that this boy was one year too early to be considered a senior. Being a lackey of Sabrina brought along a few privileges, Garaile knew that from experience. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the boy was invited as well. What should be surprising was if the two of them hadn't planned anything to spice up the party, and Garaile was sure of it that it was around somewhere. He just had to wait.

Mentioned/interacted with:
@Princess Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell
Me - Melinda Geralds

Colour- #630102

Hufflepuff || Duel Club Captain || Blue Spruce Wand || Pure-blood
Hogsmeade Three Broomsticks Inn
Mood: ...just one more year...
Interaction: General
Mention: Kyler - NPC || Declan - NPC || Garaile Scriven - @Nemopedia || Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar || Sabrina Gallagn- @Princess Misaou || Melinda Geralds - @Nemopedia

Raina almost dragged her feet on her way to the Three Broomsticks Inn. Honestly, she should have been studying for the all future-determining wizard's tests, otherwise known as the N.E.W.Ts - the same tests she had been studying for since last year, but of course her roommates decided to stay in instead of attending the little start-of-the-year bash like every other normal student and fill the room with smuggled sweets and annoying giggles. It would have been easy enough to tune them out, or relocate to the common room, but instead she slipped on her darkly died denim jacket and headed out into the cold night (considering everyone and their grandmothers could get by whatever passed for the nightly watch these days). Despite all the trouble the Halloween Party thrown last year brought the attendees and her conscious or whatever telling her it was a bad idea, the Three Broomsticks came into view.

It dawned on her this was the first non-mandatory event she was attending. Because unlike most students she actually had homework and projects and studying and research that took up most of her free time. Never mind the fact these events attracted nosey little weasels. She swore half the school were masochists. Yet here she was in her seventh year standing outside of the very inn hosting the party with her hands in the pockets of her jacket and her hair down. It was odd to think this was her first party. She could only think of a handful of people she actually knew. Even less she could think of she talked to on a daily basis. She wasn't exactly a social butterfly, not when so much was riding on her being the perfect little pureblood. All it would take was one wrong thing said, one drink too many, and this six year masquerade would come undone. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea. Even from where she stood it sounded like there were a lot of people...

What the bloody hell? When did people ever make her nervous?!

Her ever present annoyance spiked and with little more force than necessary burst through the front door. With thick wood bounced against the wall and she paused at the attention she drew to herself with the simple action. She glared and kicked the door shut behind her, crossing the room to get herself a butterbeer. She must have spent too much time with Selene as she found herself discreetly surveying the room from the corner of her eyes. She managed to spy three people she recognized right off the bat: Anice, Sabrina, and Garaile all in one convenient little place. In other words a pureblood, a half blood, and a half breed were sitting together; it sounded like the start of a bad bar joke. She snickered to herself and, butterbeer in hand, went to claim herself a seat in a relatively quiet corner. She passed another familiar face, Melinda Geralds, who was someone she honestly didn't expect to be here. She didn't exactly have the greatest reputation when it came to these gatherings but if she liked being splattered over the news that was her business. Some people like that kind of attention.

She plopped down and sprawled her legs across the seat next to her. They were clad in black tights from her dark jean shorts down to her black ankle boots. Not exactly most people's first choice for a September night outing but Raina never really did mind the cold. She tried not to think to hard about why that was and sipped on her warm drink. With nothing else to occupy it, however, her mind crept back to that morning on the platform of 9 ¾. Her father and mother had been there to see them off like every year with the addition of Declan, who, for the first time since she began her years at Hogwarts, wasn't boarding the train with her. He simply stood by with his hands tucked neatly into the pockets of his pants and a look of indifference settled on his lips and brow; not his eyes. Though he tried to bury it, hidden in his eyes was a look of uncertainty. Declan was never uncertain. It was almost offending to be honest.

Of course she couldn't ponder this in peace because once they were settled on the train and they were moving, Kyler decided to finally pipe up with his own news, "This is my last year here too." It didn't surprise her in the least bit Kyler didn't feel the need to pursue an education passed five years and honestly, she couldn't see him taking an interest in anything that would require a full seven year education. There were other implications still there though and that bothered her. So she did the only reasonable thing to do, and snickered.

"Declan is going to skin you alive if he heard you say that." It was a lie, but if Raina was good at anything, it was lying through her teeth-- even if it was to her own family. Maybe in another lifetime it would have been true, but as it stood now neither one of them could of stood the thought of their baby brother going to Hogwarts by himself. Not for another two years and certainly not with tensions so high. She felt guilty about it, but if she were to say anything else that would only add more unneeded anxiety to the stress he was already feeling on a daily basis. He could try to hide it all he liked but she knew him too well.

"That's why I told you."

Raina sighed and swirled the liquid around in her glass. Just one more year. She ran a hand over her eyes and caught a glimpse at her scarred palm. Well that was one less thing off her plate at least. Six years spent researching Djinn hasn't really yielded much results. Spending her seventh year researching her own damned race when she should be studying for the NEWTS just seems like a waste of time now.​
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ooc: I was given permission by @Princess Misaou to godmod Sabrina (even thought it's not exactly god modding since she told me what she was gonna have Sabrina say generally and I'm just basically writing that down lol)


Interactions: @Princess Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher
@Nemopedia > Garaile Scriven

Turning around, Sabrina's blue eyes widened seemingly surprised by the sudden encounter. It only took momentary eye contact for the blonde's lips to curl into a grin. "Anice?" the amusement behind her voice was as obvious as she was trying to make it. Anice smiled back, a bit more polite than the half-veela who seemed to already be on the tipsy side. "This is a surprise," she teased. "What are you doing at a party like this? Perhaps you've learned a thing or two from me?" Anice stifled a laugh, she realized how strange it was for her to be here. The truth was she was only attending to make sure no one got into too much trouble. She was never one for parties or "letting-loose". Even in her own group of friends she was seen as more of a motherly figure, and she didn't mind it. So it must have been weird for people to see her here. Then again last year did make quite a dent in her reputation, she felt as if all eyes were on her. Waiting for some huge dramatic scene.

'Not this time' she swore to herself. This time she was going to do her job and ensure the safety and well-being of her peers. Anice smiled, her answer prepared well ahead of time, "Well-"

"My, what a crowd I find," Anice was cut-off immediately by an all-too-familiar voice. Scriven took a large sip from his drink and licked the cream from his lips before winking at the girls. It didn't take even a second for the annoyance to set in. Anice cocked an eyebrow, obviously unimpressed. Scriven somehow managed to get under her skin even after all these years. Before it was mild annoyance and tolerance but ever since last year...well things were different. She felt uneasy, especially now that they were at a similar event. She had to be careful.

"And these look like some delicious treats. Mind sharing, Hippy?" He regarded Andrew. Anice crossed her arms, "Always such a gentleman. Aren't you, Scriven?" She said with obvious sarcasm. She knew exactly what the journalist was here for. Looking to prey on any sort of story so he could blow it up into a huge soap opera for his pseudo-newspaper. It earned him his nickname and the name of his paper. Scriven was a weasel in every way.
Well tonight there was a guardian, and it was up to Anice to make sure Scriven didn't have any material for his paper. Nothing personal, Anice simply preferred her school to be drama-free.

"I hope you're not looking to make any trouble tonight," she began. "I'm keeping a close eye on this event, I'd really rather not get my hands too dirty." She smiled at the Weasel before picking up one of Andrew's treats and taking a bite. Her eyes sparkled. Andrew seemed to have a gift for baking.​
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HE LINGERED some distance away from the Three Broomsticks Inn, basking in the glow of a street lamp. The chilly September breeze made his cheeks flush, but what really made him shiver was the thought of being seen out here in Hogsmeade. Alistair was not certain how long he had been standing here in the dim light. It could have been minutes or hours. But despite the temperature and his aching soles, he could not bring himself to enter the pub. It was only his first day back at Hogwarts, his first day as Head Boy. Yet here he was, already at the precipice of trouble. Perseus would have a fit if he knew.

Glancing up at the dark sky, Alistair quietly cursed his brother for dragging him into this mess. Just a little over a few hours ago, they had received invitations to a party that was to be held here. Under normal circumstances, Alistair wouldn't have thought twice about rejecting the invitation—he'd have said no and firmly stood his ground—but Zed had pleaded him to come, reminding him of how little time they had spent with each other over the summer break. It worked, as much as Alistair hated to admit it.

Damn his brother and damn his own conscience. The moment they had arrived at Hogsmeade, his ever so scatter-brained elder twin had left him behind. One second, Zed was right there walking next to him. The next, he was gone, as though he had apparated. Alistair had been faced with no other choice but to find the Three Broomsticks on his own.

He kicked a pebble, releasing all his frustrations onto it. But his thoughts were disrupted when a group of students entered the pub, their boisterous laughter following them inside. The moment they opened the door, warmth trickled out of the room and ghosted over Alistair's frame. The male bit his lip, hesitating. His stiff fingers twitched with an urge. Perhaps he ought to warm up inside for a little bit. It would be nice to have something to sit on, too. Maybe no one would really mind if he was there.

"Just two minutes," he promised himself as he strode towards the door. Though he could risk his reputation by being seen at the Three Broomsticks at an hour like this, and on a school day no less, the promise of comfort was just something he could not resist. Even those hot-air charms he'd been conjuring over the past few minutes or so were no match to that.

Entering the inn, the male blew heat onto his shaking fingers, sighing almost as the cold slowly seeped out of his frame. The sudden change in temperature caused him to shudder ever so slightly. With a cough, the male composed himself, and then he strutted across the room as if nothing was out of the ordinary, even though everything about him clearly was. He proceeded to search the crowd for his brother, trying not to make any eye-contact with the other seventh years, but it was someone else he saw first.

"Geralds," he said, almost in surprise, then he saw the look on her face. With a raised eyebrow, he remarked, "You look like you could use a drink. That, or you have had one too many." He paused just then, noticing that people had been staring. All of a sudden, he felt self-conscious, even though the attention had not been directed at him. Shifting on his feet, he ventured to ask, "Did something happen?"

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted with:
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia
- Mentioned:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13

Colour tag: #339966

Location: Hogsmeade » Three Broomsticks Inn
Mood: Cheers to the new year, I'll drink to that~
Interactions: Andrew (NPC), @Nemopedia - Garaile Scriven, @VocaStar - Anice Runeswell

Sabrina's smirk didn't fade as her bright orbs stayed locked on her cousin's face. She was sure Anice was gonna come up with some excuse about how she wasn't here to enjoy herself or she wasn't curious about what was going on. Still, she was sure, since Anice had a knack for finding trouble, that the good intentions she had for being here would go out the window the later it became. And not just because Sabrina loved putting Anice in those compromising situations. Anice didn't get much out before they were interrupted by another unexpected guest. "What a crowd I find" a familiar voice spoke up, cutting Anice off from whatever she was about to say. Sabrina turned her gaze to find everyone's favorite weasel talking a seat at her table. "And these look like some delicious treats. Mind sharing, Hippy?"

Andrew turned is amber eyes towards who he believed to be like Satan the deceiver himself, Garaile Scriven. Working side by side as closely as he has been with Sabrina, he was introduced to the weasel's services long ago. Unlike with Sabrina, working for him wasn't nearly as enjoyable. Like most of the populace at Hogwarts Garaile rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't understand how he could be so buddy buddy with someone like Sabrina. He didn't really know how to feel about him, the fact that he couldn't trust him made him wary of him, a lot. Shrugging the boy slid his treats towards the middle of the table for everyone to grab.

"Always such a gentleman. Aren't you Scriven?" Anice said, sarcasm dripping from her tone of voice like venom. Sabrina glanced at the red head, raising an eyebrow at her, thoroughly amused by this situation. Ever since the incident last year that landed them both in the gossip paper, she's been a bit more hostile to the guy. It was so amusing to watch Anice the lawful good girl be so unraveled by this one guy. " I hope you're not looking to make any trouble tonight." She started her lecture which Sabrina couldn't help but chuckle softly at it, "I'm keeping a close eye on this event. I'd really rather not get my hands too dirty."

Sabrina's hand flew to her chest dramatically, "Us? Getting in trouble? Well now Anice, I'm offended you would think of us as such...lowly delinquents." She sniffed a bit for added dramatics, "I mean, we're harmless Angels, can't you see?" As if on cue Andrew and Sabrina smiled sweetly at her, batting their eyelashes in her direction before glancing at each other and laughing.

Sabrina turned her gaze to Garaile next, "Long time no see Lele," she smiled, calling him by her pet name she had for him, "What brings you to grace us with your presence this fine evening?"

ooc: I'll add proper coding and colors when I'm at home, I typed this on my iPad while at school.
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Hogsmeade: Senior Party

He purposefully scooted closer to the prefect, shoulders bumping and arms brushing past each other. Anice had always been easy to rile up, and while Garaile loved to provoke people, he also found her to be boring at times. That was until last year, when she took him by complete surprise. Who knew that she held such boldness within her? It fasicnated the boy who wondered how much more he could push her before she fully went bullocks.

"Have you been watching me, m'lady?" he quipped at her while picking up a brownie. "At least I asked," he continued sarcastically, taking a bite out of the sweet. The sweet sensation of chocolate took him into a moment of bliss. However, his attention was whisked away by someone less sweet and more bitter.

"I hope you're not looking to make any trouble tonight," Anice spoke. The Weasel gave her an exasperated gasp, his eyes wide and his expression offended. "I wouldn't dare!" he pitched, pretending to be innocence himself. "Besides, it is them you should really worry for." Garaile nudged his head towards the rest of the crowd with a smug look. Her attempts at trying to be diligent was too adorable, and fruitless. She was watching the wrong person for trouble tonight.

Sabrina and Andrew seemed to have much the same reaction, even going as far as to smile on cue. Despite the fact that the hippy was a year younger, and completely in awe with the princess, the pair had a nice chemistry going on. Proof being how they seemed to pull off that move so perfectly, and how the blondine had kept around the pup for so long as she did. It amused the Weasel, who knew that the only reason Andrew stayed around was for Sabrina. The junior was a smart boy for recognising his plagues.

"These are good, boy," Garaile smirked, popping the last bite in his mouth. Rubbing his fingers to get rid of the remains, he send a knowing wink to the boy. Just for good measure. Garaile did enjoy his image greatly, after all.

"Long time no see, Lele." Turning his head towards Sabrina he flasked another smile. "Is it? I thought we lived nearby~" he cooed at the girl, thinking of the little muggle neighbourhood where they grew up together.

"Though, I did enjoy my summer in Austria for a week," he mused, recalling how his grandmother had decided to take him out for 'fresh air'. He would have sat home otherwise, causing mischief and spending his parents' money lavishly. Not that they ever spend it on anything else but him anyway, besides, they had more than enough with their work-a-holic tendencies. It was a nice break nonetheless.

"And why shouldn't I be here on this fine party?" the boy's eyes glistened, his hand reaching out to pinch Sabrina's nose. "I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun, Rina-dear." After all, parties such as these always spelled out drama and how did he have a love for trouble.

Hexcode: #630102

@Princess Misaou, @VocaStar
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Melinda Geralds

Hogsmeade: Senior party

She could still feel her heart pounding in her throat, distressed over the earlier encounter with Maurice. Ever since last year Melinda had felt uncomfortable around the half-giant. What exactly had gone and changed between them escaped her, but she was sure something had happened for this shift to happen. Melinda Geralds wasn't usually uncomfortable or shy around others. Especially not these that she felt beneath her. So why?

Well, she had an idea of why, but she would rather be hit by an Avada Kedavra than ever admit such a thing.

Deep in thought she stalked her way out, dodging bodies and mumbling something that was supposed to be a snarky apology. It was inevitable that she would run into someone eventually, and the girl stumbled a little when she did exactly that. "Ugh," she growled at herself as she rubbed her forehead. Wanting to yell at the person for not watching their path, though she was to blame as well, her blood ran cold when a familiar voice called for her.

Talk about timing.

"Blackbourne," she greeted Alistair with a sigh. Despite being supposed childhood friends, and even intended to marry each other, the two of them held an unusual distance. It was a shame really, but Melinda didn't have time to mull over relationships now. Besides, the idea of marrying him still displeased her, but she held both the Slytherin and his brother dear enough as not to wish to tarnish their reputation along with hers.

Scanning the crowd the girl hid her arms behind her back, her left hand holding tight onto her right arm. She didn't like these prying eyes on her, but the Gryffindor guessed that they all wanted to see her snap at her fiance as well.

Ignoring the question about the drinks, feeling a slightly insulted that he would think that she couldn't discipline herself, she took in a breath. Perhaps last year such was the case, as she hadn't expected it, but she was wiser now. "Nothing happened, nothing that concerns you at least," she calmly replied, eyes turning up to the headboy. She could almost hear the thoughts of these watching them. Judging her, demeaning her, calling her out on her lie. It was a good thing that the Slytherin wasn't here earlier to witness the situation. She just had to pretend and he was none the wiser.

"Besides, what are you doing here?" She narrowed her eyes at the long haired lad. Alistair wasn't one to break the rules. Especially not now, when he just got hold of the prized badge as a headboy. However, she had to admit, she didn't spend much time with any of her childhood friends over the summer. Who knew what had changed?

Hexcode: #e85065

Interactions: @Princess Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher
@Nemopedia > Garaile Scriven, Melinda Geralds
@FieryCold > Alistair Blackbourne

"I wouldn't dare!" Scriven began, his eyes wide. Anice only squinted. "Besides, it is them you should really worry for." He said, trying to shift Anice's attention. "Us? Getting in trouble? Well now Anice, I'm offended you would think of us as such...lowly delinquents." Sabrina joined in on the dramatics. "I mean, we're harmless Angels, can't you see?" Andrew and Sabrina said together, as if on cue. Anice would be impressed if she wasn't annoyed.

Scriven complimented the boy's sweets, the one thing Anice could agree with. "Long time no see Lele," Sabrina greeted Garaile. Anice cringed. The cutesy pet name didn't befit someone like Scriven. "What brings you to grace us with your presence this fine evening?"
He flashed a smile,"Is it? I thought we lived nearby~"
Oh that's right. Anice always forgot the two were friends in their childhood. It didn't bother her before but now that she knew Sabrina had Runeswell blood, the thought made her skin crawl. She didn't know what it was exactly. Maybe it was her friendship with Fyn, the thought that it could have been Scriven gave her chills. Or maybe the thought that he would always somehow be around through Sabrina. Probably a mix of both.

"I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun, Rina-dear." She had spaced out in thought but caught his last sentence. Anice looked at the both of them before taking a few brownies and wrapping them in a napkin. She knew the three of these students together would be causing trouble. She wondered of it would be safe to leave them by themselves, but as long as she checked in on them it shouldn't be too bad. She spotted two familiar faces that she was shocked to see. "Well it's been fun, but I think you children will be able to take care of yourselves for a bit." She said patting Sabrina and Andrew on the head. She turned to Scriven, who she now realized was a bit too close for comfort, "oh-" she took a step back. Her face reddened a bit but she held composure. "I'll be keeping an eye on you, Scriven." She said, her tone rueful.

With her brownies in hand she made her way to Melinda and Alistair, seemingly mid conversation. She was surprised to see the two there, Melinda had had a similar incident to Anice last year, only she'd argue it might have been worse. And Alistair was not the kind of person for these kinds of events. Though she wasn't either, but alas here she was. The only reason she could imagine he'd be here is if Zedekiah had something to do with it. She wondered where Zedekiah and Madison were...
"Good evening," she smiled, walking up to the two of them. Melinda looked rather upset, but she always kind of did. Alistair had an expression of worry or some kind of mix of that and something else. "Ope, did I walk in on a couple's quarrel?" She nervously joked. Anice wasn't great at lightening the mood, but hell she still tried.

Anice color: ed7e7e



IT WAS WITH a seemingly disgruntled sigh that Melinda greeted Alistair, calling him by his surname like he did with her. She had hid her arms behind her back and Alistair, ever so observant, noticed how she seemed to be conscious of the stares as well. If any, the prying eyes seemed to bother her more than it did him. She ignored his question about the drinks, and instead played it down with another sarcastic remark. Judging from her reaction, it was clear that something did happen, but as she was unwilling to share it, he was not about to probe further. She was at least right in that it hardly concerned him. While a part of him remained curious—and maybe a small part of him was even worried—it didn't seem to be a pressing issue at the moment, and he was not about to try to pry the truth out of Melinda of all people. And so he merely shrugged at her response, trying his level best not to roll his eyes. It took up more strength than he would like to admit.

Then she squinted at him, suspicion written all over her face. He already knew what she was going to say before the words had even left her mouth. He had known her long enough to know what that look meant. Sure enough, with what came across as an accusatory tone, she asked him what business he had here at the senior party.

Trust me, I've been asking myself the same question all night, was his mental response. Letting his face fall into a look of exasperation, he rubbed his temple with two fingers, in part to hide his face, and also because he was starting to feel an oncoming migraine. Closing his eyes, he let a small sigh escape his lips, "I have no idea. My brother forced me to come with him. Now he's gone and I can't find him." That wasn't the whole truth, not really. The truth was that Zed had begged him to tag along, and Alistair had somehow found it in him to give in. But he was not about to admit this weakness. "Grandfather will not want to hear about this. Though I should say the same about you—"

From the corner of his eye, Alistair noticed that someone was approaching them. He stopped mid-sentence and turned his head, all set to greet the newcomer with his usual mask of composure. But it turned out that it was just Anice, who happened to be another childhood friend of his. She addressed them with a good evening and a smile, though Alistair barely paid any attention, too busy wondering what the Head Girl was doing here at the senior party. She just never seemed like the type. Then again, he wasn't exactly one to talk.

The question was right at the tip of his tongue, but before he could ask, Anice interrupted, "Ope, did I walk in on a couple's quarrel?" Her mouth twitched into a nervous smile. What she was so nervous about, Alistair couldn't say. It wasn't like he and Melinda were arguing. This was simply how they normally interacted with each other. Then again, what was normal for them might not be so for others.

"Quarrel? Couple? I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about." He deadpanned sarcastically. Despite his tone however, he was actually quite glad—or more accurately, relieved—to see Anice at the party, no matter what her reasons for attending might be. The two had been rather close ever since their childhood years and even had a bit of a "history", so to speak. Though that was forbidden territory now, and Alistair did not even dare think about it.

"Fancy seeing you here, though. You're not going through a rebellious phase, I hope?" He gave her a small smile, the kind he reserved for close friends, before letting his gaze fall upon the napkin in her hands. It seemed to be wrapped around something. Nodding towards it, he asked, "What's that you've got there?"

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted with:
Anice Runeswell @VocaStar
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia

Colour tag: #339966

OOC: Not fully back yet, just popping in to post this.

Location: Hogsmeade » Three Broomsticks Inn
Mood: "Afraid? Ha, what should a lion fear?"
Interactions: Raina Summers - @Noctis the Devious
Mentions: Alistair Blackbourne - @FieryCold , Melinda Geralds - @Nemopedia , Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar , Zedekiah Blackbourne - @darkflames13

Madi shivered as she wrapped her arms around herself in hopes to bring her more warmth. The invitation had said to meet at Three Broomsticks but she had been running a little late. Jasper wasn't feeling too well ever since they had arrived back at Hogwarts and Madi had been worried about him. She couldn't just leave her baby there all alone and feeling bad so she made sure that he had everything he needed and would be fine without her. It took a little while for her to allow herself to leave. She kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong and would go wrong, she just couldn't stand it. Even now she was having an inner battle whether she should keep going or turn around and head back to the castle.

Just to be clear, Madison was no coward. She wouldn't be running back to the castle simply because she was afraid she might get in trouble here. But instead, her worry for her cat, her best friend, would alone be enough to drive her back there and miss out on all the fun here. Still, her feet continued to travel forward even while she wasn't sure what she wanted in her mind. The cool breeze blew her hair in her face. The air was so frigid it caused Madi's eyes to water a bit. While she was still undecided about what she was going to do, this weather was a good motivator to get her to the Inn. She had had enough of the cold and was ready to go inside for a bit.

When she reached the inn all the hesitation that was in her left her body as she quickly opened the door, the warm air rushing to meet her face caused her to sigh in relief. It seemed the party was already in full swing since there was lots of laughter and chatter going on. The servers couldn't serve enough butterbeer faster and there also seemed to be a display of sweets out for them too. Hell, someone even had some music playing in the corner. This was cute, Madi was glad she was here. She could feel the room bursting with energy and she just knew, no, she was expecting something good to happen.

Her azure eyes searched the room for familiar faces, her gaze falling upon a lone Hufflepuff who seemed to be trying to find her hopes and dreams in the bottom of her glass. Madi grinned before crossing over to join her. Coming up from behind she smacked the Hufflepuff on the back before erupting into laughter. "Why so melancholy Raina? You're at a party! Lighten up!" She smiled at her before taking a seat beside her, taking off her coat and gloves as she did so. It was only when she began to take off the glove on her left hand that she realized she had forgotten something important to leave in her room.

Her eyes grew wide as she quickly put her hands underneath the table. This time when she pulled off the glove ( her left handed one that was half on half off) and pulled the ring that was on her ring finger off with it. She didn't want anyone to see it and she didn't want to be reminded of it. She couldn't believe she had forgotten to take the bloody thing off and leave it in her room. She shoved the gloves deep into her jacket pockets.

She felt paranoid all of a sudden now that it was finally off. Back at home, it was almost as if Eugene always knew when she took it off and he would pester her and threaten her to put it back on. It was annoying and she was so glad she wasn't there. Still, though, somewhere in the back of her mind she couldn't help but be wary the fool might pop up out of nowhere simply because he sensed she didn't have it on again.

She hated the thing. She hated it the moment he made her open it and wear it. Her mom, however, was ecstatic. He seemed pretty pleased with himself too. Saying repeatedly that it was a physical way of saying that she belonged to him. Every time he would say those words to her it made her skin crawl. Madison didn't belong to anyone and she hated how he viewed her as some property he could claim. In fact, she had been done with Eugene for the longest time, in fact, her worst decision was messing around with the psycho, now he wouldn't leave her alone.

And even worse, now she was trapped in an engagement with him. She didn't want to admit it, but she was scared of him. There was something wrong with him, she had a gut feeling about it and she wanted to distance herself from him. But he had already sunk is teeth into her parents. There was nowhere for her to run now, still, she tried to have some hope at least. This ring was just a physical manifestation of all the mistakes she's made and the horror she's had to endure over the summer.

She motioned to one of the servers to bring her a butterbeer and they nodded understanding what she meant. Turning to Raina she smiled again, leaning forward on the table, resting her cheek on her hand. "So, what made you come here tonight? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm almost positive I haven't seen you at any party's before." Madison flashed a cheeky smirk in her direction. She knew she wasn't wrong, Raina Summers was your run of the mill anti-fun magnet. Madi had known Raina for a little while now and she can't recall the girl ever letting loose and relaxing at a party. Madi could say that because she attended the majority of them. So Hell had to freeze over for this girl to be here right now.

The server brought Madi her butterbeer and she thanked them before bringing the glass to her lips. That's when she spotted a familiar long raven haired boy from across the room. Madi almost choked on her drink realizing who it was. Alistair freaking Blackbourne, in the flesh, at a party, and an illicit one at that. Now if anyone surprised her more for being at one of these events, her childhood friend Ali by far took the cake. He would never, and she meant never, come to a social gathering like this. Suddenly she felt worried. Had he hit his head? Was he sick? Had he finally lost his mind? But she wasn't done her other childhood friends were here too. Both Melinda and Anice were with him.

Madi blinked a few times before rubbing her eyes. She must've been seeing things. This couldn't be right. All these people were the Anti-fun crew and yet they were here. Of all places, they could be they chose to be here? Surely Madi was dreaming, She held her arm out to Raina, "Pinch me because I've gotta be dreaming. There's no way you, Blackbourne, Geralds, and Runeswell are all at the same social gathering, at the same time." Madi made a note to go visit them once she was done hanging out with Summer's for a bit. "It's not even Christmas yet and it's a miracle," she muttered. She also made a note that she hadn't seen her favorite person, her partner in crime since they were little, the other half of Alistair, Zedekiah Blackbourne. Maybe he wasn't coming? If that was the case maybe it was Madi who was losing her mind because Zed not coming to a party but Ali instead just couldn't be right. Besides, she'd be pretty sad if he didn't show up. Making fun of people isn't the same when you don't have your partner to do it with.
A5B1CB - Symbol color
E4CAB9 - Word color
A95A77 - Madison's color

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Hufflepuff || Duel Club Captain || Blue Spruce Wand || Pure-blood || #665566
Three Broomsticks Inn
Mood: ...just one more year...
[BCOLOR=#000000]Interaction[/BCOLOR]: Maddison Van Reeden - @Princess Misaou
Mention: August Yilmaz - @Nemopedia || Alistair Blackbourne - @FieryCold || Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar || Melinda Geralds - @Nemopedia

She saw the figure approaching from the corner of her eye but made the mistake of not paying attention to it, too caught up in her own thoughts until it was too late and there was hand on back, the surprise of which nearly made her choke on her butterbeer. Couldn't the other person at least let her finish taking a drink or was that a subtle attempt on her life? For a moment she thought it was a really enthusiastic August but Van Reeden wasn't exactly a surprise. "Why so melancholy Raina? You're at a party! Lighten up!" She quirked an eyebrow.

"Really? And all this time I thought I was at a Wizard's Chest tournament." She smirked but it quickly faded when Van Reeden decided to shove her hands under the table in an oh so very conspicuous manner. Sometimes Raina wondered if she was truly the odd one for having how not to let someone know something is up down to a damn science. But for her it was a matter of seeing to the survival of her entire family. Most people her age didn't have to worry about something that drastic.

"So, what made you come here tonight? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm almost positive I haven't seen you at any party's before." Ah, hello my old friend. Just another thing Raina had gotten good at over the years; the art of redirect, and what better way to redirect a conversation, even an unspoken one, then by turning it towards everyone's favorite subject. But the thing was, it was one thing to know for herself she didn't attend these types of things and another for someone else to point it out, as if cementing the sentiment. She didn't think back to the time before she attended Hogwarts often, but now? How much time did she spend looking at old pictures of her mother in the family album all dolled up wishing to be in that position? It was as if Before Hogwarts was a completely different life entirely. Now that she was at a party, she couldn't be the person in the picture her mother was. She couldn't "lighten up".

Because all it took was one wrong move to undo several years. Wasn't that a bitch?

In the time it took Raina to do a bit of self evaluating it seemed Van Reeden had done some herself, and nearly choking herself on her drink in the process. Raina couldn't help the smirk. Leave it to Van Reeden to make a believer of karma out of her. "Pinch me because I've gotta be dreaming. There's no way you, Blackbourne, Geralds, and Runeswell are all at the same social gathering, at the same time. It's not even Christmas yet and it's a miracle."

Raina hummed her acknowledgement. "Not really. Despite all that happens humans have a bad case of perseverance. Apparently that also extends to their social life. How much do you want to bet they came to leave a better impression? Not in Blackbourne's case maybe. But someone who had to deal with what Geralds had to deal with would be eager to turn over a new leaf and Runeswell probably just wants to redeem her reputation. It's funny how much an opinion of a stranger can either make us or break us. She may not attend such gatherings, but that didn't mean she didn't pay attention.

She watched Van Reeden from the corner of her before inwardly sighing and mentally shaking her head. It wasn't any of her business but still she added, "But sometimes it takes a stranger to listen because as unaware as you are of their behavior, the awareness of the behavior of a friend can sometimes shut you up and and shut you out." She nodded to the other's hands. "Rule of thumb: don't forget what you don't want others to know. In a duel you could be broadcasting vital information with your body language alone and you wouldn't even know you just gave your opponent what they needed to beat you."​
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Melinda Geralds

Hogsmeade; Senior party
A sudden look of fatigue seemed to wash over Alistair when he explained the reason for his presence here, reminding the Gryffindor much to her own feelings when her friends decided to pop up at her house over the course of the summer. A feeling of dread that one couldn't resist or deny, no matter how much it tired them out. Not because it was tempting, but much because there was no choice other than to accept it. It made the girl scoff a little, amused at how easily Alistair was persuaded despite his ever so stoic stature and attempts to be aloof.

That he mentioned his brother only confirmed it to the girl who gave him a slight smirk of haughtiness. "Hmmm, yes, doesn't that sound familiar?" she mocked the boy. It was the story of their lives. Melinda didn't even have to guess how Alistair felt, she simply had to recall. After all, she as well was always pulled into the crazy antics of the group. However, not tonight, this time she had decided for herself to come, to take a breather from everything.

It did make her wonder where Madi was. Usually the girl would be eager to drag Melinda everywhere she went, but the one time Melinda didn't have to be forced her friend wasn't around to witness it. It saddened her a little, she wanted to spend some quality time with everyone once more. Who knew how much longer they could sit together carelessly like this? It made the Gryffindor almost regret what happened last year.

The Slytherin continued to speak, expressing his worries over his grandfather finding out about the party, and barely finishing his next question before Anice popped up from the crowd. The girl grimaced, glad for the arrival of the other as she didn't want to answer the last question. The answer was too sentimental, too embarrassing, and would summon too many follow ups afterwards.

"Ope, did I walk in on a couple's quarrel?" Anice innocently asked, making Melinda scoff once more. Some great humour the Head girl had, but then again, Anice never had been one known for her jokes. The Slytherin was great to poke fun at, however. While Alistair was being his almighty self again, denying the fact and continuing with polite inquiries the Gryffindor rather felt like breaking the mood more. She was tired of formal talk and the constant back and forths.

"It would be you before me who has a lover's quarrel with him," Melinda threw back at the girl, a sly glint appearing in her eyes as she crossed her arms. Being friends with the group for so long allowed them all to know certain facts about each other, making it so much easier to jab into an opening. And wasn't that opening Anice had given her beautiful? Melinda thought so as well, grabbing hold at her chance. "Am I wrong?" she continued, leaning forward a little teasingly.

Letting her eyes fall over what Anice held in hands the girl cocked her head a little to the side. She guessed that Anice was here to share something with the rest, as another ice breaker. Was she that hard to approach? Grinning a little wider the Gryffindor was glad that her attitude last year hadn't chased them off entirely. It almost made up with how she had snapped at Maurice earlier, almost, as the event was still lingering at the back of her mind. "That sure looks tasty," she commented, assuming that it were sweets. The Head girl had a taste for sugar, she remembered that, so what else could Anice be bringing over?​

Alistair Blackbourne - @FireyCold
Anice Runeswell - @VocaStar

Colour: #e85065
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Location The Three Broomsticks
When they'd received the invites to a party exclusively for seniors, Zed was more than thrilled. He saw it as an opportunity to spend more time with Ali. When he asked his dearest brother was coming, is answer was a clear no. The giant happy grin that Zed wore on his face upon asking, turned into a pout as huge as his former grin. Without really thinking, he said the first thing that came to mind. "But I never got to spend much time with you over the summer." In the end, his pleading had managed to convince his brother to attend the party.

The two of them were on the way to the Three Broomsticks when a ginger cat, scampering about had caught his attention. Like a moth drawn to a flame, he left his brother's side and went towards the furry feline. Zed spoke to the cat as if it could understand him. "What are you doing outside? It's cold out here," he said with a genuinely curious look on his face. As the words left his lips, an idea came to mind. A wide grin slowly spread across his face. "I know! I'll take you with me! I'm sure it'll be nice and warm at the Three Broomsticks." He didn't really give the cat much of a choise, as scooped him and gave him a little pat on the head.

"Ali! Look what I--huh?" Zed turned around to show his brother what he'd found, only to find that his brother was gone. A frown formed on his face as he huffed. "He left me!" As if on cue, a gust of chilly September wind blew by and ruffled his hair. It had grown longer over the summer. He's let it grow out a bit over the break. It certainly wasn't as long as his brother's beloved tresses, but it went just a bit past his nape now. He sighed before turning his head back to the cat snuggled in his arms. "Guess you'll just have to meet him when we get there." He started walking towards the party venue.

On the way there, a certain thought he kept at the back of his mind started nagging at him. He left you because he doesn't want to be around you anymore. That one thought had been lingering in his mind for a while now--ever since Ali left home, to be more precise. Part of him believes that he's the reason why he left. Zed has learned not entertain those thoughts. It helped him to think about how Ali had agreed to come to the party with him. If he didn't want to spend time with him, then surely he wouldn't have agreed to coming... right? "Right," he mumbled out loud as he tried to convince himself that was the case.

The trip to the Three Broomsticks seemed longer than he remembered--likely because he accidentally took the long way there instead--but he eventually reached his destination. The warmth that emmbraced him as he entered the place was more than welcomed. Almost as soon as he entered, an already drunk senior nearly bumped into him. "Whoops! Sorry mate!" he said in between hiccups. Zed easily recognised him to be his roommate and couldn't help how his eyes widened with surprise. Sure he was never really close with his roommate, but he never thought the guy to be someone who would get wasted. His fellow senior didn't even wait a response from him as he stumbled his way back to where his friend was. Zed shook his head but had a small grin on his face at the encounter.

He started to make his way towards the bar, keeping an eye out for his brother as he did. Surely he didn't bail on him, right? This time, Zed couldn't quite confidently answer his little question. He knows Ali, he knows that he's a head boy now. His little search turned up with zero results. Even his childhood friends were amiss. Everyone simply seemed to be missing--or maybe Zed just didn't look hard enough? With a sigh, he went ahead and sat himself on one of the bar stools and gently dropping the ginger cat on the empty stool next to him. He wasn't exactly sure whether or not pets were allowed in this establishment, the last thing he wanted to happen was for the cat to get kicked back out into the cold streets.

An idea suddenly popped into his mind. Quickly, he took off the red and gold scarf wrapped around his neck and placed it around and over the cat's body. Once he was done, only the cat's head could be seen and only from his angle. With a smile, he put an index finger to his lips, gesturing the cat to stay quiet as his other hand gave him a little pat on the head through the scarf. He then gestured to the barkeep and ordered himself a butterbeer. His order arrived faster than he'd expected. It was almost as if he knew my order, he thought to himself as he took a sip of his butterbeer.

The sweet concoction warmed him up inside. He sighed, completely satisfied. The only thing that he could think of that would make this whole experience better was if his brother and friends were with him at that moment. He looked back at his feline companion with a sad smile. "At least I have you with me, boy."

Soon as the words left his mouth, the cat he brought with him jumped off the stool and scampered off. It was as if it took offense to his words which confused him. Did he say something wrong? Worried that he may get trampled by his fellow students, or worse, get caught by one of the servers and get thrown out, he went off to look for him, butterbeer in one hand and scarf in the other.

"Hey, have you seen a ginger cat--" Zed began asking the person nearest to him, only to realise midway that it was the very person he was looking for--his brother, Alistair. "Merlin! It's you! I finally found you Ali!" he beamed with joy, completely forgetting what it was he was going to ask. There was a feeling of immense relief that surged through him, quelling all his earlier thoughts of his brother going against his word and leaving him alone at the party.

Zed looked at the people who were with him. There was his fiancee, Melvin, whose presence wasn't much of a surprise to him; and then there was Anice, the Slytherin head girl. While it seemed odd to him at first for Ali to be hanging around with her, it occurred to him that Ali was also in Slytherin, not to mention he was a head student along with her. Sometimes Zed forgets that Ali was in a different house from the rest of their little childhood friend group.

"Wait," Zed suddenly said. "Slytherin head girl," he pointed an index finger with the hand that held his scarf at Anice as he said this. "Slytherin head boy." This time he pointed at his younger twin brother. "Both heads at a party," he gasped and turned towards Mel. "Am I seeing things, or is the world coming to an end?"

Interacted with
Alistair Blackbourne (@FireyCold)
Melinda Geralds (@Nemopedia)
Anice Runeswell (@VocaStar)

colour : #D7AE5E

Interactions: @darkflames13 > Zedekiah Blackbourne
@Nemopedia > Melinda Geralds
@FieryCold > Alistair Blackbourne

"Quarrel? Couple? I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about." Anice smiled. It wasn't unlike Ali to have her jokes fly over his head, she only ever rarely made any and if she did they usually made people wince. Similar to if an uptight principal would try and poke fun but end up making the students feel uncomfortable and altogether strange.
"It would be you before me who has a lover's quarrel with him," Melinda poked her own fun. However Anice's face flushed at the comment. "W-wha-?" It seemed even after all this time her friends would never let the pair live down their childhood affair.
"Am I wrong?" she continued to tease. Anice laughed awkwardly; what could only be a desperate request to move the conversation forward. It wasn't weird or anything around Alistair, the two were close. It would take more than a small romance in their second year to ruin their friendship. Still, something about the abrupt way it ended...and having it brought up again, struck a strange chord Anice.

However it seemed Alistair had heard the cry of help in her "laugh" and came to the rescue with a topic change, "Fancy seeing you here, though. You're not going through a rebellious phase, I hope?" Anice looked up at the taller figure that was Alistair and straightened her back as she inhaled,. "As head girl, it is not only my duty but my passion to watch over and enforce the rules and regulations set by the Hogwarts code of conduct. To do this I must always keep a watchful eye over my peers to make sure these guidelines are upheld." She said, almost as if she were reciting a speech. She then let herself relax into a smile, "In other words, I'm just chaperoning to make sure this party doesn't get out of hand." she said, taking a bite of the brownie she had been gripping.

"What's that you've got there?" Alistair asked, taking notice of the sweets.
"That sure looks tasty," Mel followed.
Anice looked down. "They are!" she began, excited by the sweet sugary taste. She realized she might have sounded too excited. "I mean they're just regular brownies.." she shrugged.
"They were just passing them around," She waved her finger in a round motion behind her. She didn't mention her earlier encounter with Sabrina and Andrew, it wasn't news that Anice and Sabrina hung around, they were roommates it was bound to happen in some way, shape, or form. Still she tried not to bring up her relationship with the half-veela too often if ever. These were purebloods. Her people. Her group. It was where she belonged, and she knew how things were. She knew what could happen if anyone found out about her feelings towards other bloodlines.

The chatting didn't progress much further when Zed bumped into Alistair, muttering something about a cat before realizing who it was he had bumped into. "Merlin! It's you! I finally found you Ali!" he said, seemingly overjoyed. Anice smiled. The twins were always close as could be, despite being so different from one another.

"Wait," Zed suddenly said. "Slytherin head girl," he pointed an index finger with the hand that held his scarf at Anice as he said this. "Slytherin head boy." This time he pointed at his younger twin brother. "Both heads at a party," he gasped and turned towards Mel. "Am I seeing things, or is the world coming to an end?" Anice chuckled before lightly slapping his hand away, "The only thing coming to an end is your wit." she teased. "I hope you're not getting yourself into any trouble." She was always cautious with Zed and Madi, the two were prone into getting themselves into all sorts of shenanigans, and they weren't in her house, so all she could do was watch. They worried her sometimes. Like any mother would worry over two young toddlers.

Anice color: ed7e7e​
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