Hisakawa Koukou: School of Anime Cliches

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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It's up to you, the class reps meeting can be a whole scene or down to a minor footenote if you want it to, as all you really need to do is show who you are.
OK. There's still a space with Mayu in room 7 I think. I haven't updated the first post with any of the newer characters yet though so I might be wrong.
It would seem so. Now for the Light Music club to make too much noise and piss off the arts and crafts club next door!
Okay. I'll wait for the RP to get to the point where I can jump in.
Okay, all the classes should be in after school mode now. So clubs, going out into the town, etc. Be careful not to spread yourselves too far out, or things might slow down and call for time to be auto moved forward. The next major 'time slot' will be dinnertime.

For the class representative types, all you really need to do is make a footnote about introducing yourself at the teacher's office, and you can proceed forward however you like. If I had an actual teacher character, I would be bringing up a mention about what happened at 2-A, but alas, I don't actually control a real teacher. But teacher characters can assume that Biology-sensei made a mention of it for a conversation.

Anyway, it's all pretty much freeform here, everyone is free to freely make this time mean something.

Okay. I'll wait for the RP to get to the point where I can jump in.

That point can be now, since clubs have started.

It's okay! I'll await for your final answer.

I'm fine with Elaina being in Mayu's dorm. There is also @NyanMoe ❤︎(≧ω≦)❤︎'s character as well. You two have the option of adding a new room or dorming with Mayu. just mention it here in the OOC.

@NyanMoe ❤︎(≧ω≦)❤︎
Sorry I took so long to okay to actually respond to your character submission! Akane is okay. For her dorm assignment, it's kind of a toss up between her and Aguillon on account of Aguillon's posting dependability. But since you also mentioned it first, I'm just gonna take the easy way out and let you two decide whether you want to get a new room or not.


Akane Natsumi

PS to All
I was also going to update this post with things than need to be updated in the intro post and various other things. But My time's ruin out for the moment. I'll have to get to that lengthy thing later.
Okay, all the classes should be in after school mode now. So clubs, going out into the town, etc. Be careful not to spread yourselves too far out, or things might slow down and call for time to be auto moved forward. The next major 'time slot' will be dinnertime.

For the class representative types, all you really need to do is make a footnote about introducing yourself at the teacher's office, and you can proceed forward however you like. If I had an actual teacher character, I would be bringing up a mention about what happened at 2-A, but alas, I don't actually control a real teacher. But teacher characters can assume that Biology-sensei made a mention of it for a conversation.

Anyway, it's all pretty much freeform here, everyone is free to freely make this time mean something.

That point can be now, since clubs have started.

I'm fine with Elaina being in Mayu's dorm. There is also @NyanMoe ❤︎(≧ω≦)❤︎'s character as well. You two have the option of adding a new room or dorming with Mayu. just mention it here in the OOC.

@NyanMoe ❤︎(≧ω≦)❤︎
Sorry I took so long to okay to actually respond to your character submission! Akane is okay. For her dorm assignment, it's kind of a toss up between her and Aguillon on account of Aguillon's posting dependability. But since you also mentioned it first, I'm just gonna take the easy way out and let you two decide whether you want to get a new room or not.


Akane Natsumi

PS to All
I was also going to update this post with things than need to be updated in the intro post and various other things. But My time's ruin out for the moment. I'll have to get to that lengthy thing later.
Thank you so much! As for Dorm Assignment I'd be happy to have Akane Dorm with Miss Agullion if it's alright with @XxDreamingxX (who knows it might cause a bit of drama).
Posted for Ai and Robert, getting them ready to move on with the rest of the day. Will post for Toshi tomorrow. For now, it is time to crash as I am tired. *Yawns* Oyasuminasai, mina-san~!
My dog died :(

Fifteen years of awesome
My dog died :(

Fifteen years of awesome
Sorry to hear that *Hugs*

My cat died earlier this year, she was around the same age as your dog ;-;

Rest in pieces my beloved Tessie Bailey Blossom Pepperdoodle Von Yum Yum
My dog died :(

Fifteen years of awesome
At least it was fifteen years of good times, yeah? *pats*

Rest in pieces my beloved Tessie Bailey Blossom Pepperdoodle Von Yum Yum
That's a beautiful name cx


I'm sorry for being slow, but as I stated some pages back, I've hit a really busy point in my life and it will take some time for me to adjust. I'm maybe kind of running late for something even as I type this. Please be patient! *bows* *runs off*
At least it was fifteen years of good times, yeah? *pats*

That's a beautiful name cx


I'm sorry for being slow, but as I stated some pages back, I've hit a really busy point in my life and it will take some time for me to adjust. I'm maybe kind of running late for something even as I type this. Please be patient! *bows* *runs off*
Thanks. I think it's a beautiful name too. Ridiculous, but beautiful.
At least it was fifteen years of good times, yeah? *pats*

That's a beautiful name cx


I'm sorry for being slow, but as I stated some pages back, I've hit a really busy point in my life and it will take some time for me to adjust. I'm maybe kind of running late for something even as I type this. Please be patient! *bows* *runs off*
Take your time, m'dear. We all have those busy periods.
It's not quite a pet, but my grandfather died a while back.
After reading the most recent replies... I think I'm gonna take the rest of the weekend off...
Good idea. Y'all we're stopping talking about dead relatives and pets and whatnot now. They're making Ehb sad.
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