Hisakawa Koukou: School of Anime Cliches

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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[BCOLOR=#ff0000][I'm Writing this in Big Letters Because This Post Is Important!][/BCOLOR]

So I've set Robert free so he can wreak havoc and get things chugging out there - and hopefully that was the only thing that made the RP 'brake' there. He also successfully started the first step on Hakuno's story.

It's going to be up to you guys to try starting something up clubwise. I have Mayu available to initiate the 'club plots', but that requires knowing one of the clubs is doing stuff.

The stuff with the class representative elections showed me how you all react to me doing an 'on the rails' sort of rp running (at least in my mind). The club time is the chance to show me how you guys run 'off the rails/freeform' as Karakui advocates. Please give me this chance to not do things exclusively on rails as a GM just to keep the RP rolling!

I don't have the drive left to post everything Karakui needs to update. So for now, here's Ehb's posting ratings of people in the RP.

This is what I mentally think of the players in the RP at the moment in terms of their 'posting reliability.' To keep it simple, look at the 'in summary part'. If you're in the upper two tiers, then you're fine. The lower half is for people I think may be gone. Though 'creatively' named, don't feel discouraged if you see yourself listed as a 'secondary character'. It simply means your posting rate isn't as high as the regulars, and you'll still be kept in mind. What it really says is: 'I know you're involved, but can't post all the time, and I eagerly await those moments when you are able to post more'.

@Karakui - Ethernet Cord in a Palm Tree.
@RareSecret - Dubious But Still Involved.
@NyanMoe ❤︎(≧ω≦)❤︎ - Almost OOC Exclusive. We're kind of losing you in the OC...!
@Lady Sandra - Quiet due to Class 3-A's situation. Please feel free to come back in the clubs.
@DANAsaur - Has worryingly gone quiet.
@Cactush - Never Finished Profile. Assumed as Dropped.
@GreenSea - May have dropped?
@growl - Involved.
@Katsumi Y. - Gold Star Reliable.
@Cookie And Cream~ - Involved.
@Kitsune - Has been quiet, but has stated intentions to return.
@VengefulPeanut - Gold Star Reliable.
@XxDreamingxX - Gold Star Reliable.
@Rithas - Gold Star Reliable.

In Summary:

Main Characters - People to Fix Plot Things On:
Peanut, Dreaming, Rithas, Katsumi, Ehb

Secondary Characters - People I hope ups their posting rate someday:
Growl, RareSecret, Growl, Lady Sandra, Nyan, Cookie and Cream

Background Characters - '...Where did they go?':
Danasaur, Karakui (Holiday), Kitsune (intending to come back?)

Written Off? - May Have Dropped:
GreenSea, Cactush
I do intend to return! Just need to figure out how...Any ideas?
[BCOLOR=#ff0000][I'm Writing this in Big Letters Because This Post Is Important!][/BCOLOR]

So I've set Robert free so he can wreak havoc and get things chugging out there - and hopefully that was the only thing that made the RP 'brake' there. He also successfully started the first step on Hakuno's story.

It's going to be up to you guys to try starting something up clubwise. I have Mayu available to initiate the 'club plots', but that requires knowing one of the clubs is doing stuff.

The stuff with the class representative elections showed me how you all react to me doing an 'on the rails' sort of rp running (at least in my mind). The club time is the chance to show me how you guys run 'off the rails/freeform' as Karakui advocates. Please give me this chance to not do things exclusively on rails as a GM just to keep the RP rolling!

I don't have the drive left to post everything Karakui needs to update. So for now, here's Ehb's posting ratings of people in the RP.

This is what I mentally think of the players in the RP at the moment in terms of their 'posting reliability.' To keep it simple, look at the 'in summary part'. If you're in the upper two tiers, then you're fine. The lower half is for people I think may be gone. Though 'creatively' named, don't feel discouraged if you see yourself listed as a 'secondary character'. It simply means your posting rate isn't as high as the regulars, and you'll still be kept in mind. What it really says is: 'I know you're involved, but can't post all the time, and I eagerly await those moments when you are able to post more'.

@Karakui - Ethernet Cord in a Palm Tree.
@RareSecret - Dubious But Still Involved.
@NyanMoe ❤︎(≧ω≦)❤︎ - Almost OOC Exclusive. We're kind of losing you in the OC...!
@Lady Sandra - Quiet due to Class 3-A's situation. Please feel free to come back in the clubs.
@DANAsaur - Has worryingly gone quiet.
@Cactush - Never Finished Profile. Assumed as Dropped.
@GreenSea - May have dropped?
@growl - Involved.
@Katsumi Y. - Gold Star Reliable.
@Cookie And Cream~ - Involved.
@Kitsune - Has been quiet, but has stated intentions to return.
@VengefulPeanut - Gold Star Reliable.
@XxDreamingxX - Gold Star Reliable.
@Rithas - Gold Star Reliable.

In Summary:

Main Characters - People to Fix Plot Things On:
Peanut, Dreaming, Rithas, Katsumi, Ehb

Secondary Characters - People I hope ups their posting rate someday:
Growl, RareSecret, Growl, Lady Sandra, Nyan, Cookie and Cream

Background Characters - '...Where did they go?':
Danasaur, Karakui (Holiday), Kitsune (intending to come back?)

Written Off? - May Have Dropped:
GreenSea, Cactush
Sorry XS~! but I think I need to drop the RP X(
Fewer males is always OK with me :P. It's up to you if you think you can't handle all the characters.
Males prevent yuri.
Oh my god, this jazz cover. I love jazz as it is but this is a whole new level of awesomeness. The picture and everything is just so... (forgive my weebiness here) kakkoi~!

Make her Isabella interact with Akane-San (my newest character).
Oh, I thought you were going to get Akane-booperwooper to interact with whatever character, but if you someone to interact with her first then I guess I'll go get Owen or something
Oh, I thought you were going to get Akane-booperwooper to interact with whatever character, but if you someone to interact with her first then I guess I'll go get Owen or something
I was hoping for Owen, Akane, and Isabella to all interact at once...
I tried to find a decent video of the kata that Robert is performing, Pinan Sandan, but all of the ones on Youtube are just so horribly performed :(
Oh good, it looks like everyone has a partner to reply to atm. It looks like I can let everyone lead themselves for the time being. *whew*

Oh, and just to have something on topic. When the day if over, should we move school time forward by several days, like to the weekend?

Sorry XS~! but I think I need to drop the RP X(
That's fine. Thank you for letting us know.

I do intend to return! Just need to figure out how...Any ideas?
The general idea is to usually go up and say hi to someone and see what happens.
Since most characters are in multiple clubs, another day may be in order to allow for that.
[BCOLOR=#ff0000]Things @Karakui Needs to Edit in the OP:[/BCOLOR]

Update Class Listings:

Homeroom Teacher : Kazuki Norio
Add Owen, Kadoka
Homeroom Teacher : Kiyonaga Yamakawa
Remove Ren
Add Akane
Remove Yuuto

Missing Character Sheets (Students and Teachers)
Is vastly outdated, Period.

Update Dormitory Listings
(Man the boys got it really spacious, give Karakui a heads up if something is incorrect here)

Girl's Dorm

Room 1 - Katsumi Yukimura and Mirabelle Orand
Room 2 - - - - The haunted Dorm oooo spoooky - - -
Room 3 - Hilda Narina and Mana Kada
Room 4 - Hirajikawa Fujiko and Reika Hanami
Room 5 - Isabella and Imogen Keyrair
Room 6 - Tsubaki Ai and Akuma Ayaka
Room 7 - Mayu Yorihase and (open)
Room 8 - Elaina Aguillion and Akane Natsumi

Guy's Dorm

Room 1 - (open) and Robert West
Room 2 - Hirabayashi Hiraku and Johann Harisson
Room 3 - Adrian Vaughn and Greg JJ Stein
Room 4 - (open) and Jean King
Room 5 - Jayson Hawthorne and (open)
Room 6 - Masanori Quinn and (open)
Room 7 - Marcus Kane and Owen Kane-Galbraith

Aaand I think that's all that needs to be updated. (Sorry in a hurry this morning)
Guy's Dorm
Room 1 - (open) and Robert West
Room 2 - Hirabayashi Hiraku and Johann Harisson
Room 3 - Adrian Vaughn and Greg JJ Stein
Room 4 - (open) and Jean King
Room 5 - Jayson Hawthorne and (open)
Room 6 - Masanori Quinn and (open)
Room 7 - Marcus Kane and Owen Kane-Galbraith
I don't know if I messed up in the CS, but is it okay if I have Owen in some other. It doesn't matter too much...
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