Hetalia; Revenge of the 2ps

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Olivia advanced towards Uinta, singing softly under her breath, "Pub and go! Fish and chips~" She smiled. "I sing it better than anyone else."
She took her knife out. "Ready, set, go…." She braced herself and lunged.
Uinta ran away from Olivia. 'The house she came out of might be Alice is,' she thought trying to open the door. But oddly to her surprises the door opened on it's own
"Sheep's Criminy, get inside little girl!" Scotland yelled grabbing her and getting her inside safely. Scotland picked her up and ran up the stairs to the roof having no time to close the door behind him.
"Looks like Big Brother's 1p is here," Olivia said calmly. "Oh, well, I'll let myself in."
"Not so fast." Wales stepped in the way. "I won't let you hurt anyone. What have you done with my bro-sister?" he corrected himself bashfully. It was so easy to forget that Alice was the female version of England.
"Like I'd tell you."

China clutched his chest. He couldn't fight like this any longer. "Ivana…..we need to get out of here….please…."
Ivana shoved Andreinia back and ran down grabbed China. "Just run!!," she yelled bashing though the doors to the courtyard. She had to get to England, her beautiful England.

Scotland and Uinta were on the roof. "Lass stay back if England try to get you jump off," Scotland said in his Scottish accent. "Why that would kill me" "JUST TRUST ME!!" he yelled pulling out a sword.
Wales watched his brother from up above and gave a little smile as he kept Olivia from barging in. "Hey, Scotland, I need backup!" he shouted. "This girl is a maniac!"

China followed Ivana with a worried expression. "I hope Uinta is okay….aru…." he muttered as he kept running, his face suddenly going red.
"I now that, but I'm sure help will arrive," Scotland said optimistically.
Uinto mean while was looking down to the ground there was a ally they might be able to get away from that way if they had a way out.
Ivana ran down the street and saw a house with one of the doors open. "Lets hide in here we might trick them if not we can surprise them," Ivana said running to the open building.

(I'm thinking England is in there, maybe they kiss when they see each other :3)
Alice heard the sound of the door opening and struggled against the ropes. What if Olivia was back for more? What if she had brought Ivana with her as a captive? What if….she sighed. Yeah, right. Her male self had disappeared mysteriously, which was why she had to go to the meeting. Somebody had to represent England, and who better than his female counterpart? Dammit, why did you have to disappear in the first place? She lowered her head and let the tears fall; nobody was here to watch her cry, after all.
Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice. "Alice? Is that you? I thought I heard you crying."
"Alice, where are you? I can't see properly…."
"Are you…." Alice squinted. He was tied up, just like her. His eyes looked glassy. Not a good sign. "Arthur. Is my hair up or down?" Please, say down, please say down….
"I don't know. I can't…."
"….see, yeah." Alice gulped. Come to think of it, her vision was worse than ever….what did Olivia do to her?

China entered the room completely. "I think that she is down there," he muttered, pointing at a set of stairs leading downward.
Ivana ran down the stairs in hope of finding Alice, her love. It was clear she was down her Ivana could hear her sweat voice. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness Ivana ran at her then went on her knees and hugged her. "Alice!!" she yelled tears going down her face, "Don't leave me again. Swear you won't" she collapsed on her in embrace.
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"Ivana?" Alice tried to make out Ivana's face, but she couldn't. "Is that….you?" She didn't say anything else; just looked at her. If she was losing her eyesight, she at least wanted to see Ivana. "I'm so glad you're here…." she muttered, accepting the embrace. She didn't know what she was doing now, but she slowly moved her lips towards Ivana's face, then kissed her, just as her eyesight faded and she could see no more.

China watched Alice kiss Ivana, then noticed something; her eyes. "Ivana," he said slowly. "I have a bad feeling….ARTHUR!" He ran over to his ally and used his sword to cut the ropes. "Glad you're okay, I was worried….are you….never mind, aru. We need to go, now…."
"China….bloody hell, is that-"
"How many fingers?" China interrupted, holding up three. "How many?!"
Arthur said nothing.
Ivana was confused on what just happened, she continued to kiss her for a moment then got up to see China next to them.

(Sorry for the one liner)
China looked sadly at Arthur. "You're blind, aren't you?" he whispered.
"No," Arthur lied.
"Then how many fingers?!"
"I….you…." Arthur protested. "I don't know."

Alice's face was red once the kiss ended. "Sorry, I forgot to ask if it was…okay," she said meekly, trying to ignore the blindness. "The kiss, I mean."
"You're avoiding the question, both of you!" China shouted.
Ivan's turned around to see the man. Her face was red as well, she got up. "Who are you, what did you do to her!!" She yelled grabbing the mans caller her fist tightly ready to punch next to his face.
"Oi! Don't hurt my male self!" Alice shouted, knowing what was happening and grabbing Ivana's arm. "He got captured, too. I don't know how to explain it, but...if you hurt him you're hurting me!"
"Alice?! Oh, thank God." Arthur smiled. "I can't see you, but....oh, no, are you tied up?"
"Not anymore," China murmured, cutting Alice loose.
"Agg," Ivana said letting Auther go and turning back to Alice. Ivana grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her up. "We got to find Uinta and make sure she's all right.." she said.
"Er…right," Alice said, clutching Ivana's arm for support. "Sorry, it's…dark in here." Either way she couldn't see...
"I can see just fine," China remarked.
"Oh, my glasses are off," Alice said hastily.
"No, they aren't. They're on your face, just like they should be. Alice, what's going on?"
"Oh, no, you overused your magic, too?" Arthur groaned. "Great…"
"What do you mean you over used your magic?" Ivana asked in worry. She clentched Alice's hand. Ivana was never concerned was she blind? Was is unable to see her love's face anymore? Ivana tried to calm down as these thoughts ran through her head. Ivana stopped thinking about the bas thoughts and focused on Alice who seemed to be confused.
"Ivana, I'm fine, really-" Alice said hurriedly. Her voice wasn't convincing at all, however...she tried again. "I feel brilliant, you just saved my life...another minute here and I'll scream...please! You've got to believe that I'm okay!"
"Alice, stop with the bloody panicking!" Arthur said sharply. It was clear that he had gone through this before and this was Alice's first experience with going blind. "I know this is hard, but you have to bear with! Okay?"
"Okay," Alice choked, tears rolling down her face.
"Please don't cry," Ivana hugged her and wiped off her tears. She stroked her cheek and then shakes her head to get back to focus. 'Dammit her cheeks are soft," she thought. "Lets get out of here before that bitch comes back, we still got to safe Uinta," she said grabbing Alice's hand and walking towards the stairs.
Alice nodded. She knew that Ivana would be her guide as she went up the stone steps, out of the cellar. "Thanks," she whispered. She heard Arthur and China conversing, laughing at some joke that both of them knew.
Wales vs Olivia, Near Scotland's House
"Dammit, she's gaining on me! Alice, can you hear me?!" Meanwhile, Wales was desperately using telepathy to contact his sister. For some odd reason, she wasn't answering. He tried Arthur. "Arthur, are you there?!" No answer. Wales groaned. He blocked another attack with magic and shot at Olivia again, using his pistol. Olivia laughed cruelly and sent a ball of fire at his head. "Oi, Scotland, I could really use your help right now!" he screamed, now really frustrated.

[bg=#FFFFFF]My super cool post with slides. Each slide has a different character!![/bg]
Picture of Elizabeta
Elizabeta was in deep pain, her heart yearned for love as Austria has dumped her. The agony burned her every limb, making her enable to speak, walk, or do anything. Hungary was left to Slovenia, her sister, to care for. But Hungary was heart broken and nothing could change that no matter what man and girl came. She would never be happy again without her Austria. But it was a strange day, as someone came knocking on her door when Slovenia was gone. She didn't move though. Elizabeta sat there in her bed crying softly and slowly.
Picture of Ivana
Ivana looked back at them a grave look. Ivana with Alice climbed the stairs once more and sat Alice done on the ground. "Here's the plan, China will take you and Arthur some place safe. I will go and find Olivia and stop her from hurting Uinta. Tell china that OK," she said kissing her on the forehead and running out the door. She dashed down the street and saw Scotland and Uinta on the roof. "What the hell are you two doing up there!!" she yelled.[/bg]
Picture of Uinta
Uinta looked down and saw what looked like to be Ivana. 'Thank God," she thought. "Ivana get in the ally I think Olivia and Wales are down there," she yelled on the top of her lungs. She was glad Ivana was here. But she noticed that Olivia might have heard her so maybe it wasn't such a good idea to shout.[/bg]

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