Guardian: The anarchist

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She nodded, sighing softly. She hoped Abraxas was right. It made her heart ache to wonder what life would be like without them, knowing they had been alive this entire time. Closing her eyes, she put her hands out towards the fire to warm them for a moment. "What did the note say?" she asked him, slightly curious. Obviously she would not have been able to read it, and if it gave him such a reaction, she wanted to know what would be happening.
Shaking his head Abraxas tried to put it in basic terms because what was going to happen would be across the land. "The note explained that he knew what I am and it was written in gaurdian text...that could only mean one thing, he is a guardian that has left his race to come here" taking a long pause Abraxas lit a smoke "he will try to kill me, but when guardians fight it lasts for days and countless destruction is caused. Sadly what this means is that the old ways are no more and that my home is gone. The planet won't even be inhabital any longer." Letting his head sink down looking at the floor "what this means for my kind I do not know because guardians are not allowed to have children but I'm sure they have ignored that rule." Taking one last pause Abraxas whispered "I will have to kill them all..I will have to cause my races own extinction."
As she listened, she could feel the sadness in his words. Getting to her feet, she walked over, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle embrace. "I'm sorry," she said softly, blinking back tears. Even if he was tough on the outside, she could only imagine what he must feel, having to bring an end to his own kind? After a few moments passed, she realized what she had done, and stepped away from him, turning to look back at the fire. "I can't imagine what that would be like.. And, there is no other way?" she asked again, glancing back at him quickly before gluing her eyes to the fire, ignoring the warmth as it dried out her eyes.
He gently held one of Lily's hands as she hugged him feeling her kindness sad when she let go Abraxas sighed "and you will never have to know what that will feel like lily..but these events of my kinds extinction will not happen for thousands of years." Looking at lily, Abraxas said "that will harm your eyes my dear."
She blinked, letting moisture return to her eyes. With a sigh, she glanced back at him for a moment, then heard her stomach growl lowly. With a sheepish smile, she laughed lightly. "So, what's to eat?" She asked, adjusting so she sat cross legged on the ground.
"A good question if I have ever heard one." He said standing up spawning a ghostly bow, Abraxas walked out of the cave and into the blizzard feeling the cold go through his rags and clothing chilling to the bone. The first time he was happy on this planet so far, finding a small animal climbing a tree he shot the arrow into its head. Climbing the tree Abraxas heard two people walking in the snow so he hid waiting for them to pass.
She watched him leave, disappearing into the white and cold. She hoped he'd be safe.. standing, she walked around the cave slowly, patting the horses gently. After some time had passes, she began to worry.
She knew he could take care of himself pretty well, but maybe he got lost? Inching her way to the caves entrance, she tried to see through the blowing snow, but nothing. What she did hear though were faint voices on the air. She ducked back inside the cave out of sight, hands resting on the daggers in case.
As the two men passed by they were traveling elven civilians so no threat to him. Jumping down off of the tree with his catch Abraxas landing silently he crept around them going back into the cave. Where he saw lily waiting ready for danger "no worries Luna favors us this round ms. Lily they mean no harm."
Upon seeing Abraxas return safe, she dropped her hands, relaxing once more. "That's good," she replied, glancing at his catch. "That'll make a good meal," she said,.going over to the fire, placing a few more dried twigs she found to keep it going and hot.
walking next to the fire Abraxas began skinning the small critter to get ready to cook it for lily. "I sure hope it does ms. Lily, are you keeping warm?" Pulling out a small blanket he draped it over her. "We are off into the woods enough to where the orcs don't want to come out this way in the cold."​
"Yes, plenty," she replied, though she still pulled the blanket tighter around her. She watched as he went about preparing the critter to be cooked. "S, who were they?" She asked after a moment. "Just more travelers? "
Nodding while he began cooking the critter abraxas said "just nomads wandering in the storm." Switching clothes so as to be more ready for travel than a lavish party abraxas said abscently "excuse my indecency ms. Lily."
Seeing him start to change, she averted her gaze. Then, she looked down at herself. She was still in the gown she had worn to the party. It was a little dirty now, which made her sad. "Oh, it's okay," she said, looking back to him. "I should Probably do the same." Getting up, she rummaged in her bag and removed her usual attire. Keeping to the shadows as best as possible, she changed quickly m. If one were to look close enough, they'd see most of her back was covered in scars, white raised bumpy lines that criss crossed all over. Returning to the fire, she pulled the blanket around her again
Sitting down next to lily, abraxas grabbed some of the cooked meat and cut some off handing it to her. "Your kind does fascinate me you know? I have seen people filled with love and peace but then at the snap of a finger you are trying to kill each other...I kill because I was bread many innocent people murdered..." Shaking his head chuckling abraxas said "perhaps it is best that each human can kill."
Taking the offered food, she took a few small bites. "At least you can't control when you kill. Unlike us, we have the choice to fight of not. And it's usually because some king or powerful person doesn't want to think rationally, "she said, waving a hand in the air. "If those in power would take time to talk, listen, think. Maybe we wouldn't be at war." A sad smile appeared for a moment, vanishing just as quickly as she took another bite of food.
Saying under breath while looking into the burning wood he murmered "they never will.." Slapping his thighs abraxas stood up and smiled saying with much enthusiasm "I have an idea ms. Lily!" Looking her up and down smiling "I want to make you your own set of armor, like mine but it will mold to your personality."
Hearing him mutter under his breath, she sighed, knowing it was true. There would always be conflict.
His sudden change of attitude surprised her a little, looking up at him with an eyebrow arched in curiosity. "Really? " she asked, a flicker of excitement coursing through her. "Are you sure, you don't have to, you know. You've already done so much. "
He laughed at her statement and clapped his hands together "hardly! There is centuries of work to be done!" Pacing abraxas squared in front of lily looking in her eyes. "The armor of the future queen must be strong, flexible and strike terror in the hearts of her enemies." Are you ready for the trials to become a warrior so skilled that you will be mistaken for a goddess?"
She watched, raising a brow at his question. Was she ready? In comparison, she felt weak, sloppy. But deep down, she yearned to prove to people she could be strong. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply, slowly exhaling. "Yes, I'm ready. "
Smirking at her slight hesitance he said "good because you have no choice I have chosen your destiny lily. It is a good one do not worry." Grabbing a small piece of metal out of his sack abraxas put it in Lily's hand smiling "this element is like no other, for i5 will bend to a will strong enough to control it. Your first task is to symply bend it with your mind." Crossing his arms abraxas sat across the fire watching her.
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