Guardian Angels

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Drakken opened his eyes when Rena began to stir, and upon her noticing she was using him as a pillow currently, she let out a tentative 'good morning'. Drakken yawned and looked at her, his eyes not necessarily condescending, but... different. "Morning" he said softly in response, "how are you feeling?" he really wanted to scold her about leaving like that, but of course she probably wouldnt listen, it was like she didnt even know that he was trying to keep her safe... at least an apology was in order, but he most likely wouldnt even get that.

Rhapsody became silent when Anaella appear and turned to her with as slight bow of respect since Michael begun his speech. She contemplated about the Demons as her mind raced with thoughts of Joseph as her back stiffened and her head raised with her chin up as her muscles twitch from the thought of battle, especially know now this day of age on Earth. She was thankful that she was already helping Joseph with his training, but now things needed to become serious and she couldn't agree more. She sighed when Michael mentioned the Christmas party after Drakken and Natsu. Still, their hearts needed enlighten and hope needed to restored and the Humans always could use a reminder to celebrate, for having the life that's been giving. "Yes…"She finally said turning to Elena and a small smile was found on her sad face. "The Party is for the humans to meet up and gathering to know they are not alone. We are here to give them hope. We all can help each other to Train with one another, to become reunited stronger than ever before…"


Kimi's eyes that were once a soft colored hue of honey slowly turned into a bright blood red as she begun the transformation. Her hair begun to grew longer as she sprawled out in the bed as her long curved horns grew above her ears that also grew and became pointed at the tops. Screaming at the top of her lungs, her body thrashed in the bed as she ended up on her stomach as long demonic leather wings grew from her back. The transformation was complete and a strong gust of wind came from no where and accepted her a new element as the wind twirled like a tornado in the room to lift Kimi up and place her on the ground. She was breathing heavily as she grinded her teeth as her body swayed to get used to the balance of her wings. She spoke up in a polyphonic dark two tones in one, "What the fuck do YOU think YOUR doing?" Her head tilted as her blood eyes narrowed at Natsu in her once human bed. The wind died down just abit as she slowly stood up on her own. "SOOOO This was YOUR plan…to give me up for another!" She felt her power of another, calling out to her like a beacon, as she forced herself to stay here to reckon with Natsu. The images of Daniel flashed before her mind, as the truth was slowly revealing to her. She cried out on disbelief as she growled in anger. "My name isn't Kimi anymore…."Her voice was unusually high pitch then lower when she spoke her name evilly. " Its Kysindra…"
Natsu looked at Kysindra and grinned she looked every part of the demon queen he hoped she would but her accusations made him wince. He shook his head and approached her and gently brushed his knuckles against her cheek "of course not Kysindra you are the only woman for are now my demon queen and you are every but as powerful as I knew you would be. But you are no longer human which means you can't do mundane tasks for me anymore I need a new human to control so I can send her on tasks like I used to have you do your role is much bigger now it is far more important you are a demon queen those tasks are beneath you and you shouldn't be taking orders you should be giving them alongside me"
She brushed off the sand from under her feet before she walked properly into the little cabin, and put her hands under the tap, letting water pour down over her hand, washing off the sand. "I just don't want him to think he can just walk over the lives of any human being" She wasn't looking at Vergot right then and there even, she was looking at her fingers. The fingers that had created more than just one piece of art, that was used to make beauty even in the cruel. Now they were meant to be used in causing destruction of someone else.
She took a deep breath, before she turned back to Vergot again, smiling with determination. "We'll crush him, but what would happen after? Who would lead the demons? What would happen between the demons and the angels? What would happen between the demons and the humans?" She didn't like that there was unanswered questions, questions it wasn't even really possible to answer beforehand. "What would we do with food?!" She rolled her eyes and chuckled gently. Food was important. "After all, if Natsu disapear, by the hands of one of us, you'd probaly have to take over his position. Am I meant to go back to the kitchen myself? We both know that's a terrible idea"

Kysindra shifted her head away from Natsu when he tried to touch her cheek. Her bright red eyes narrowed with jealously as she felt resentment toward the Lord Demon. Becoming a demon enhanced her emotions yet uncontrollably, as her blood felt like it was still burning from the new transformation. Her wrist flicker as the wind command to die down completely as her leather red wings slowly stretched out as she cracked a wicked grin at Natsu. "SO, you have failed to tell me before you change me, knowing their might have been some sort of DOUBT, that'd I would back out…YOU betrayed ME Natsu!" The talons on top of her wings clawed the air with irritation to strike him down from the hurt she felt she acted out on anger. Her voice became oddly sly now as her wings folded down, as she approached Natsu closer. Walking in seductive once Kimi way as her hips sway side to side she said, "Well 'King' Natsu, I fear nothing…And you're right My love…"She leaned up as her bodies almost touched as she whispered in his ear, "No one tells Kysindra what to do now…" She pushed Natsu as hard as she could at her old bed and as a distraction she jumped back, called forth the wind to lift her into a mini tornado and quicker than her wings, she was gone in a mere few seconds.She ended up at Rena house where she felt the presents of a familiar Demon and fell to one knee breathing hard. She called out in a two tone voiced, "Drakken...." And hoped he'd come.​
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The sound of wind picking up unexpectedly made Natsu curious, as did the two toned voice that had called for him. Carefully, he stood up, making sure not to wake Rena who had fallen asleep again and made his way outside. What met his vision took him by complete surprise... a demonized Kimi... and it would seem that the wind whipping around her body, that she had accepted and element. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and approached the new demon who seemed a little wore out, "Kimi? So... he finally did it huh? Are you feeling ok?" he asked, kneeling next to her.
Kysindra long curved black horns bobed up and down as she nodded to respond. She looked up at him and in her eyes, he could feel the emotions pouring through her, anger, resentment, sorrow, and pain, yet through all that, she did crack a small smile up at him. Her long pointed ears twitched to his words of reassurance. She study his blue eyes as her bright red ones searched for some truth if he would be commanded to kill her or not from Natsu, since the little incident with their little spat in their love affair. She wasn't used to her powers and felt like coming here was the safest place, ironic in that. She spoke out in soft tones, "It's Kysindra now…and to be honest…I want to just end it now…" almost sadness devoured in her voice held but she wouldn't reveal it in her face as she slowly got back to her own two feet. "I'm…sorry Drakken…to bother you and Rena…I had no choice…I felt a lot..safer coming here. Funny hm?" She took a step back from him in case he would try to beat her down at her weakest.​
The emotions that Drakken could feel from her was immense, the amplification of becoming a demon, he knew that feeling. Memories of when he became a demon came back to him, the feeling of anger... sadness... remorse... she was going through hell, and it would only get worse. After some seconds, he took a few steps forward and studied her face, though demonized, still resembled her human form. "I can honestly say I am surprised he did this so soon... but you can never guess with him... come inside, you are exhausted after your transformation. I know that feeling pretty damn well" he said as he held a hand over to her in invitation, gesturing to the house. "Just stay quiet, Rena is asleep"
Kysindra watched him more alert now, when Drakken approached her as her wings shifted uncomfortably as though she was ready to depart. She remanded silent as she watched him observer her. She meant no harm and only deep down, wanted to be consoled and Drakken could sense it. She hadn't know how to control her emotions or explain them, other than they just acted out on their own. Once Drakken told her to 'come inside' and she looked down to his hand in gesture to welcome her, her heart dropped with relief. She was thankful and thought to herself that she would honor is rules of the house and return his favor, one day for taking her in. "Thank you…Drakken…I also need to tell you before something happens, I feel like something is going to happen…" She felt the tug of something inside wanting her, as images of Daniel flashed before her head. " Daniel Trenton Barns…" Her eyes flashed a red light from her speaking the name. She fell over onto Drakken, from exhaustion as she smiled weakly, the only time she had smile innocently and caring as her two tones voice soften into a whisper, "Come find me…" And her body slowly faded into the same red light as her demon soul was sucked in Daniel crystal that commanded her. She would be unconscious in the crystal for some time to regain from strength back.​
Natsu fell back upon the bed with a growl and looked at his fleeing queen with anger and remorse. He knew her emotions were out of control with the transformation but he hadn't thought they'd be this bad. He hadn't meant for this outcome that was clear but what he had told her had been true. He needed a new human to do tasks she could no longer do and he sighed when he knew he should have told her first. He slowly opened the telepathic link between them that would easily break through her unconscious form and ring softly in her head. The words he would utter would be something he had never said before to anyone but this time he said them with the most truth and remorse for what he had done "I'm sorry for hurting had not been my intent and if you now hate me and no longer wish to be mine I understood but know this..I love you Kysindra and to me you shall always be my precious Kimi"
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|Daniel|@Poetic Justice
Daniel's spin slowly stopped as a strong gust came through his inn, blowing the door open. Daniel tilted his head slightly to look around the crystal, Nothing and nobody came after. "Kids, aren't they lovely." Just then he felt the crystal surge with power and glow like a video game item. "You gonna show your true colors?" He leaned a his head on his hand and crossed his legs. He then set it down and tapped it watching it teeter on the counter. "Do something, damn it. I got you a comfortable box and everything you better entertain me."

"Sheer curiosity." Alojz bored came out and stood next to her [spoili][/spoili][spoili][/spoili][spoili][/spoili][spoili][/spoili][spoili]
[/spoili] "How do events such as these entertain you humans. I'm tempted to take each one of them to the tip of my scythe." Alojz turned his head toward Ren. His posture always remained a perfect line and he never slouched or leaned on anything. "Ren if you ask me, if it is within my capabilities it will be done." Alojz let only Ren see him.
Ren didn't move a muscle while the demon materialized, even if he could sense her surprise in seeing a white haired boy, pretty cool in all truth, with something floating behind him appear on her side. Some guests walked past them, ignoring the demon, and greeting her "Good evening, president, I am quite sure President Stride is inside" she said suggesting him not to disturb her any longer. "Curiosity uh?" she said in his mind "You didn't seem to me the type to be curious" she added glancing at him. He wanted to kill all of them. She could feel he wasn't lying on that but then, he just blurted something strange: . "Ren if you ask me, if it is within my capabilities it will be done." he said... but why? "Barna... I don't need your abilities to have something done for me. I don't need anyone, I'll get what I want with MY means, not my father's or anyone's." she said out in a whisper. "I'll have him call my name with my own effort." she added smiling at him before chuckling lightly. "Humanity IS interesting, Barna, and I personally enjoy these occasions for they just show how much the heart can be swayed away by the mind" she then pointed at the guest she greeted before "Look at him. He came to me to snatch away some agreement with good condition for his business but I sent him inside to my father and he still hasn't talked to him. Heart wants one thing, Mind makes him do another" she said again in his mind, putting the glass on a butler's tray as he passed and looked at her Demon, waiting for his opinion. He was... peculiar, with a strange way of dealing with situations. She wanted to know more.
Kysindra essence swirled violently within the crystal as she cried out a piercing scream as her demon soul pulsed out energy out the crystal. She knew something beckoned deep in her soul and she didn't understand and feared what was going on. Hearing Natsu voice softly in the distance trigger a painful stab in her heart especially when he called her human name. "Why did you leave me…why am I alone?"Hot tears streamed down her face and suddenly a black wind hurled into Kysindra as she tried to call out but begun to suffocate as she clawed her throat as Daniel determined the crystal to awake. Daniel would feel the effect of this and sense the ominous aura now radiant from the crystal. It whispered within his mind her name "Kysindra…" The darkness consumed her as memories flashed before her of Daniels past and generations of his bloodline. "What is going on! This is what I felt? Is him?" A shatter of knowledge flooded her mind of becoming a Guardian as the connection between Daniel and herself became sealed and bonded. All he would need to do it call forth her name, and she would have no choice but to materialized into the mortal realm again.​
Alojz looked at the man then back at her. "You're contradicting yourself. If you feel to be recognized you must deal with things and "change their hearts" yourself." Alojz walked forward as to show an example. "You'll have to do this soon so don't fret." He summoned his scythe and walked into the very middle of the room. "You work with a demon now. It's time you learned not to show mercy." Alojz made himself visible to everyone and started twirling his scythe around. They all took steps away from him.

To Ren: "This is how you change their hearts. Not the mind."

Alojz pointed to what seemed like a human pairing. "You. Male. Your friend shall die in three seconds if you can not defeat me. 3. 2." The man charged at Alojz and Alojz smirked. "At least you try. 1." Alojz swung his scythe upwards sending a blast through not only the man, but a whole quarter of the crowd that surrounded him.

To Ren: "Lesson number 1: Show no fear. No one will hurt you or recognize you in the armor I shall bestow upon you. You may leave my contract, but that just means all the more reason for me to take your life as well. You with a demon now, no god, human, or angel will save you. I'm all you have Ren."

More tried to brave Alojz's power and he decided to be fair just using his scythe to slice them to pieces.

To Ren: "Note #1: Your training is starting in this moment, but I think I will only be able to cover three lessons with these sinners. Lesson# 2: You have no magic just a weapon that suits you. I will teach you how to use it more precisely."

Now mostly only women remained and Alojz didn't like the mostly part so he used his shadow scythe move and took out all the other males besides Ren's father. Not all the women had committed great sin so Alojz was unable to take all their lives. The remaining women left and Alojz used a shadow whip to keep Ren's father still.

To Ren: "Lesson #3: There are no other allies then those with contracts. No connections must remain. Especially because of your frail human heart, you will surely die from a hallucination. It's a common demon persuasion skill. I need you to kill your father."

Ren's armor came onto her along with her weapon(s) summoning by her side.

To Ren: "His life means nothing to you. He will only go through more pain once you and I rule along side our master. End him now."

Alojz kept a grip on the struggling man, nothing but the sound of his grunts fill the room at the moment. Dead bodies lay everywhere.
|Daniel|@Poetic Justice
Daniel suddenly felt a headache and all the information he needed to know about the crystal flowed through his brain like he knew all along. He suddenly felt a strong pull to call the name "Kysindra..." Daniel would watch as the crystal reacted to the call.
Rena woke up again and looked around. Drakken was no where in sight, but she still had her skirt on. She walked upstairs and took her clothes off and pulled on an overly large shirt and took her socks off replacing it with a pair of striped thigh-high socks. She walked downstairs and poured a glass of milk.

Kysindra ended up leaving, speaking the name of her new human. Drakken couldnt help but be surprised that she was assigned one so soon, but then again, they were short on demons as it was, considering that they were short one now. He stood back up, having a feeling he would see her again before walking back to the house, seeing that Rena was up again and pouring her a drink. "How you feeling?" he asked her as he slumped down on the couch.
"I'm fine. Don't remember how I fell asleep actually." She took a sip of her milk and smiled. "Hey, Drakken do I got a milk-stache?" She giggled a little and wiped it off. "Now, that I think about it you just came inside... where were you?" Rena started moving her feet up and down like she was a cat plucking at the word flooring, she was getting ready to pounce Drakken if necessary.
Drakken sighed and replied, "You wanted to go after Kimi after the whole shitstorm happened. I stopped you and you kind of... passed out. You dropped your jewel by the way, the one to summon me with? Dont do that again." he said somewhat sternly, but only just. He rolled his eyes at the mention of her milk mustache.

"Well... Kimi was turned into a demon, she is Kysandra now. I think she got upset about something, and she ended up looking for me. But she was different... I didnt sense the wicked darkness she had before... I dont know. But she left, found out she got assigned to a new human."
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Ren looked at her demon as he got his weapon materialized in his hand and as everyone else, at the party, stepped back to escape his blade. Unfortunately it was for nothing. Before Ren's brain could process his doings, he had already killed over ten people, lecturing her with strange lessons on changing someone heart by fear. At one point her hair had turned blue, her appearance had changed completely and she had a bow-like thing attached to her left arm. As she looked at herself the demon had already killed almost everyone and was now threatening her father.

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nononononono' she thought in a sort of trance. Her mind was trying to escape reality, to tell herself it was all just her imagination. It wasn't real. "No, no, no. NO!" she shouted as he ordered her to killher father. 'Ren. Be proud. Be yourself. It's not like you haven't seen dead bodies already' and it was true, but seeing a bodyguard die to protect you and watching dozens of people die at the blade of a demon without apparent reasons was a bit different. Nonetheless she had to convince herself of it being the same or she would have thrown up and fainted, not necessarily in that order. "I won't kill president Stride." she said to his mind "And my mind is not so weak to be taken over by a mere hallucination." she looked at him with a challanging stare "Now you'll make the survivors forget what they saw and get back into your crystal. Alojs Barna." she said into his mind, a commanding voice as the crystal dropped on the floor and her foot kept it there, ready to step on it. "Ops... how clumsy I am." she said out loud, this time, in a cold tone.

|Anaella|@Andy and the other Angels.

The black winged one concealed her wings at her arrival and listened to everyone's point of view not really happy to delay the Christmas party and a bit upset about being forced to skip dinner but happy overall to be together again. Of course the others wouldn't know that much. She set to sit on a metal bar, one made for people to train in the park, the type children used to play and get hurt with, and looked at Michael and Aururum as they talked about training their humans, not really listening to them, and then gazed over to Rhapsody and Elena, wondering why she could never befriend them as she wanted... truth be told, they never really talked to or approached her when they were back in Heaven. Not that she accused them: she would have done the same with an angel working with Samael.

Right, Samael... 'Where are you, Master?'

Anaella was lost into her thoughts and missed on the question -was there even a question...?- they asked her, she only felt their gazes on her after several seconds "Oh, sorry I missed the follow up... there's no problem with me training my human" she said shaking her thoughts off and hoping to have guessed right what they wanted to know. "I have just a bit of a problem at the moment. I haven't a human to train. No one has claimed the crystal yet and you all know how bad of a teacher I am. More than that" she said looking at Michael "I have other duties and I'm pretty busy, as you all know well, but if someone needs a sparring partner I could drop by when I'm free. Is it ok?" she smiled to them, putting her chin on her hands, her elbows pinning on her knees. It seemed things were about to get fast peaced again but... she felt a strange energy-wave and her wings pushed to be freed "Wait, what? I'm not the only one feeling it, right?" she asked standing, in perfect balance on the metal cilinder.​
Alojz didn't move and only readied to end her life. The room sat like this for a while until Ren's father collapsed from suffocation "Ren, you are right not to be afraid of me. But, you have yet to learn this simple fact. I am not your servant in anyway." Alojz got a grip on his scythe and walked over to her father. "You claimed to have a strong mind, do not lie to my face. Negative feelings make us demons stronger, we are seen as evil by your kind after all. And as for your last request, It is not in my capabilities to wipe minds and." Alojz put the scythe around her father's neck and looked at her blankly. "I have a job to do Ren Stride." Alojz pulled up decapitating his head. He looked to Ren. "Are you angry? Because I killed your president? If so that's fine. You'll learn to use those feelings to your advantage."
|Ren| @ShiroKiyoshi

Ren stood there, staring at the demon that just killed her father calling her 'Ren', robbing the dead one of the chance to call her that even once. Her mind went blank as she felt something under her feet. Of course, the crystal! She quickly stepped on it and pressed until she felt the bead weaken. She felt it more with her innerself then her feet. After all, the bead linked them together and as he came out of it... maybe breacking it could help her get rid of him. She doubted she could destroy it so simply but something to him was bound to happen. She pressed more, feeling a strange energy burning up the more she pressed it, compelling her to stop but: she fought it and pressed more. "That was uncalled for." that was the only way she could think of to keep her mind sane. She wouldn't have given in to the shadows. She had lived in them for far too long.
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