Ghost Isle Boarding School [IC] [OPEN and ACCEPTING]

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"Very nice. God of burial and funeral rights. I sensed that you didnt wish to tell me who your father was. Am I right in saying that it is because most people would be off put by your heritage? If so, dont worry. Im not off put in the slightest. Vampires have a natural affinity for death." The entire time he spoke, Kain betrayed almost no emotion. His hands were methodically clenching and unclenching as he spoke. "I do not know much about a demigod's power. I wish to see how much they rival that of a vampire."
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She looked over at him."You like a challenge I can sense that." she said with the first smirk on her pretty tanned face.

"But of course. It is in a vampire's very nature to love a good test of physical strength. Its not uncommon to see two vampires trade blows for a few hours, shake hands, then part ways."
She still smiled. "I love a good challenge, but I am sure we would get expelled for fighting on school grounds." she said as the wind whipped her dark curls onto her face, her golden green eyes giving off a glow.

"I suppose you're right. I would feel horrible if I was responsible for your expulsion. However, we could very well have a test of strength right now. We could have what the humans call and 'arm wrestling' competition."
"Well if that is all, ms. God, I should be getting back to class." He was about to walk off but he stopped and said "oh and if you don't already have a date, would you like to go to the back to school party with me? I'm not that into parties but these are actually a lot of fun. It's not a date but just as friends. It's always better to go with someone then to go stag." He gave her a kind smile. "I hear this year is going to be one of the best. If your going with your boyfriend then forget I asked." He kept his watchful eyes on her. He was like a cat stalking his prey, waiting for the right time to strike.

@Angelic Fusion

Avalia turned around to look at him once more as he walked away. She was blushing already and it was impossible for her to hide it. She felt tight in her own skin and compact like she was stuff in a sack. "Well... I am going alone but it looks like I wont be anymore... I hope there is stuff to drink.... I was called a Heavy Weight drinker... Its in my blood." She said before giggling. "I look forward to it Mr. God.." She responded to him with a sly smile. "Well, in that case I will go back to my Guitar class. I will see you later then." She said not picking up on his eyes.
Declan took a minute and really thought about Sydney's question. He had always had a very close bond with his brother, hell they felt each others pain, but he wasn't exactly sure how his brother was. "Starts in about 10 or 15 minutes." Declan chewed his bottom lip, thinking about how to answer her other question. "Honestly, I think he's alright in some places, but he's hurting in others. I really think he's just angry, ya know? Has a lot of anger pent up inside of him." He looked over at Sydney

Alexiana stood up and laughed, taking Axel's hand. "Shall we set off m'lord." She put on a fake British accent. Her cheeks glowed a light pink color as she slipped her hand into his.
She smirked. "I think that is a very good idea Kain." she said her eyes lighting up with the challenge. She then watched him her smirk getting bigger.

Kain smoothly grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside her desk. He sat down in it and put his right elbow on the table, his pale hand open expectantly. The vampire wore an expression of slight eagerness on his face.
Axel smiled widely as he took her hand, holding it gently, and raising himself from the bow. "We shall." He said in an English accent as he lead her towards the building. He laughed a bit as they walked away. "Sorry, I just had to do that. I had been thinking of that joke since the last day of school." He admitted.
Lucifer smiled at her. He liked making her happy. He leaned back into his seat and looked out the window. He didn't know what to say or do. There was something growing inside of him, but he wasn't sure what. It had been years since her thought of his family, he wondered where they lived and if they were happy. He grew sad thinking about them, and about how he couldn't visit them because to them he was murdered. He frowned. Every part of him ached with the need to see them, this is way he forgot them in the first place. Shaking his head and trying to refocus back into reality, he looked at Rose. "It is nice to know you like your gift." He smiled and looked down at the book, than returned his gaze back to her eyes, "Just to make this clear, you really make me happy, Rose."

@Poisoned Rose
She sat down next to he and her tanned hand slipped into his own she wore a similar expression. She has never lost a arm wrestling contest with anyone including her father. It made her body tingle to think about what would happen. He could feel the strength in her hand as she held in there.

"You definitely have great strength." Kain noted with eagerness. "Now we shall see who is stronger." He began to apply a great amount of force on her hand.
With little to know effort she started pushing onto his own arm, he could feel immense strength from her arm as her muscles tightened in her own arm. He could feel that this excited her.

"Very nice!" He chuckled. The force she was applying didnt even faze the vampire as he slowly put more force behind his arm, enjoying the challenge the demigod was giving him.
Of course his force did not do much to her arm either it seemed both of them pressed against each other with the challenge. Both enjoying the excitement.
"Did you know that once when I was at a human bar, a man insisted he would beat me in an arm wrestle. I ended up ripping his arm off my mistake."
She laughed at his humor then."Well maybe he shouldn't have opened his mouth." She said.
"No, he should not have. I still felt pretty bad though. Contrary to popular belief, not all vampires enjoy inflicting pain upon others." He showed no signs of wavering under the stress of Khepri's strength.
She continued neither waving in strength."I believe you I mean what is that saying? Do not judge a book by its cover." She said enjoying their conversation as well.