Gang Members Have Lives Too (Reboot) (Sign-ups/ooc

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I'm so sorry I haven't been getting notifications from the posts for some reason D=

I'm gonna post soon I'm so sorry
It's okay, I understand.
Funny you mention that. I'm actually almost finished with my post for the three! [Azalea, Vince, and Leon!] I'm bringing in Phantom as well so look forward to that in my post. Booda bam booda bing! <- Probably not even a real thing >.< xD
Funny you mention that. I'm actually almost finished with my post for the three! [Azalea, Vince, and Leon!] I'm bringing in Phantom as well so look forward to that in my post. Booda bam booda bing! <- Probably not even a real thing >.< xD
Okay, great! Though, on a side note, if Phantom is going to be a big part, I'm going to need you to tell me some information. You can do it through a PM if you want no one else to hear about it.
It's cool. I don't mind if everyone else reads it, but I have one condition. If I think that you may have given your character knowledge of what's going on based off what you as a person know, I will personally PM you and COMPLAIN VERY ANNOYINGLY. DON'T BE THAT GUY. HE SUCKS!!!

That is all. I'll get to work on it after I post my reply on the IC thread.
It's cool. I don't mind if everyone else reads it, but I have one condition. If I think that you may have given your character knowledge of what's going on based off what you as a person know, I will personally PM you and COMPLAIN VERY ANNOYINGLY. DON'T BE THAT GUY. HE SUCKS!!!
I just need to know things because this is my rp after all and I have to make sure everything's going to work with each other, I always ask everyone when there's a large idea that may have a lot of impact on the rp. Although, the gang as a whole are good at retrieving information, so I could feel like some things they would know if they really have all the members that they do, but I trust everyone to not overuse the information you give.
Phantom Gang Information

.:: Emblem ::.

.:: Gang Leader ::.
King || 21 || Male || Straight || Single || X

.:: Base ::.
Taken At a Distance, it's Bigger in Person || In The Lighter Part of the Woods at the Edge of the Town || Three Stories || High Protection

.:: How To Get In ::.
If you decided you wanted to joint the Phantoms, you better be ready. It's not easy. Allow me to list step by step what they do to you, before you're able to join. If you can take it that is.

1. You are blindfolded and your hands are tied behind your back. You are led down into the cellar, beyond the underground parking lot. You are to sit there and four of the most aggressive people in the gang are to beat you for six minutes straight. If you are able to keep yourself from crying out in pain, you've passed part one. You will be washed, and blindfolded and tied up again, then thrown onto a bed in a room to sleep.

2. At 7 am, you'll be awoken and taken back down to the basement, your blindfold still not removed. Your arms will be chained above your head and your legs chained together. Someone will hit you with a whip twenty times on your back, and you cannot cry. If you don't you succeed. You will be unchained and fed whatever King chooses to give you. Mind you, it will be utterly disgusting but you cannot gag.

3. You will be bandaged by one of the nurses the Gang has then later during the day, you will be blindfolded again and taken to the backyard. Your blindfold will be removed but you must battle the weakest gang member Phantom has to offer. Be careful though, even they are tough. If you end being beaten, you cannot cry from the injuries you will sustain. If you win, you will be awarded with a tasty meal.

4. You will be awoken the next day and brought back down into the cellar. They will strap you into a chair and you be shocked a few times. Remember, do not cry out in pain. If you are able to pass that, your blindfold will be removed. From there, you will have to use your senses to find your way from your chair to the comfy chair on the other side of the cellar. If you are able to, you will be rewarded with a day to relax but you will be watched very closely and you are only able to go to a few rooms.

5. This will be the hardest one. You will be chained out front to a strong tree branch that's low enough to the ground for the chain to reach around it properly and clip together. Four people, armed with knives, can do whatever they want with you for the next fifteen minutes. Everyone else will be watching and you cannot cry or yell out in pain or even whimper. If your able to get out of that, you've passed. A picture of you will be taken in your miserable state as a sign of passing and later on you'll be given your ID card as a sign that you've truly been accepted.

.:: For The Noobs ::.
• You will trained how to fight with a knife
• You will be trained how to work and wield a gun
• You will be taught how to ride a motorcycle
• You will be watched closely without you even realizing it, so don't make a slip up
• If anyone in the Gang finds you to be suspicious or untrustworthy, they can report to King and you'll be watched on even more closely

.:: Something to Keep in Mind ::.
• If you make a single slip up and declared disloyal to the Gang, you will be killed on spot without mercy
The Justice Task Force 101 does not approve of these vulgar, brutal and violent methods.

Seriously tho, I'd be dead IRL in just Step 1 alone. XD
Sounds like fraternity house initiation. Just without chains. Instead it's zip ties. That last one could be brutal and extremely lethal though. A bunch of psychos get 15 minutes to carve you up with knives? You'd be lucky to survive let alone not wimper.

@MiNaGi Avery is still in the office at HQ right? ;-;

Also... Uh... Sorry about not getting a post up yet. I will get a post tonight. I just got side tracked. Plsnohate.
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I know it sounds that way, but they can't kill you. If you were to die, King would punish those who were attacking you. And trust me, he'd torture them until they almost died to teach them a lesson.
Well. It's relatively justified then. "... can do whatever they want with you for 15 minutes." It'd be pretty easy to bleed someone like piece of meat. Blood loss and such.

Whatever, I think I'm a critic and that my opinion matters. I don't know, you know what you're doing. I'm just some guy.
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Nah, it's alright. Critics just make you better. So, I thank you.
Ranjou will not partake in that. xD Since he's part of the rival gang. The Phantoms are allies with the Tanaka's right?
So, the rival gang that has been harassing the Tanaka's... Is it them? O: PLOT TWIST xD
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