Gang Members Have Lives Too (Reboot) (Sign-ups/ooc

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"Call me Ran. Certified and licensed pervert. I'm also a mechanic and a part-time policeman. I know. I'm awesome, right?"

"My father always taught me not to hit girls. And to hit the faces of those who do."

"Woaaaaaah! Is that a 32-bit Atmel AVR Microcontroller? I neeeeeed that!"

Name: Ranjou Terashima

Nickname: Ran / Mechanic-kun / Pervert-kun (by Anise) / Techno-freak

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Role in gang: None (Part of the Police (JTF 101) as the group's third-in-command, mechanic and spy)
Crush: Anise Nakano (eventually gave up on her since he knew that she liked Kimura)

Relationships (Justice Task Force 101):

Kimura Tatsujin - The two have a close brotherly relationship. Kimura met Ran during his time as a policeman-in-training. Kimura's first impression of him is that he is a violent delinquent of a gang (which is justified, as he definitely looks like one). Ran provoking him into a fight didn't help. They fought each other with their fists, and the battle ended up in a draw. With the two of them lying on the ground, that was the start of their friendship. When Kimura became a Captain of the JTF 101, he immediately recruited Ran to become a member of his Task Force. Ran agreed simply because he was bored and he had nothing better to do than tinker with machines. That, and because he may eventually meet a "damsel-in-distress" whom he can save.

Anise Nakano - The two have a vitriolic relationship. She is normally disgusted by her perverted antics, and Ran likes to tease and push her berserk button by calling her "Pettanko-chan" (which means flat-chested). Anise usually retaliates by uttering the word "Spiders", which freaks him out often since he detests them. Despite this, she and Kimura can rely on him when it comes to technology and she respects his fighting prowess. Ran used to have a crush on her, but eventually gave up when he realized that Anise likes Kimura. Ran supports and ships the two of them, acting as the gadfly and tease of the duo.

Delta - TBD

The JTF 101 crew - He is basically the third-in-command of the group. He loves to hang out with the other policemen of the JTF 101, and usually supports his perverted tendencies (being men and all). He usually spends his time sparring with some of them.

+ Independent
+ Knowledgeable about machines
+ Flamboyant
+ Protective of women
+ Keeps his promises
+ Perpetual smiler
+ Smart

- Perverted
- Arrogant (sometimes)
- Violent
- Always itching for a fight
- Likes to provoke people into fighting him
- Treacherous (his true allegiance is with Kimura and the JTF 101)
Ranjou Terashima never met his mother, as she died trying to give birth to him. Ran's father had a hard time getting him to grow as an infant since the man had no nutrients supplementing him. He required help from a day-care center for this. Miraculously, he survived. As a kid, Ran was raised to become a mechanic by his loving father. Thanks to his dad, Ran had grown a knack for tinkering with machines (and to a hilarious extent, a love for women). The two had a close father-and-dad relationship, fixing machines together and chasing after women together. His dad doesn't want to marry despite his perverted tendencies because the only woman in his life was Ran's mother. He didn't resent Ran for her mother's death because both him and her were a gift to him.

As time passed, Ran's dad grew old; with Ran being a teenager at this point. Ran's dad eventually had an uncurable heart condition. As they spent the last few moments of his life together, Ran's father told him to keep "being a man" (as a person and as a mechanic), never to hurt girls and whack the faces of those who do. He also gave Ran his most prized item, a big wrench that he always used to tinker with machinery.

With his father finally kicking the bucket, a crying Ran devoted his life to doing what his dad wanted him to do; becoming a full-time mechanic. He also became a part-time policeman, courtesy of Kimura Tatsujin, a member of the military police that he had met at some point in his life.

+ Anise
+ Tinkering with machines
+ Delta
+ Women in general
+ Erotic magazines
+ His wrench
+ Fighting
+ Junk Food


- People who harm women
- Spiders (he freaks out at hearing the word, and smashes them with his wrench immediately when he sees them)
Height: 5'9'' / Weight: 164 lbs. / Hair Color: Blonde / Eye Color: Blue



* Voice: Nobuhiko Okamoto as Karma Akabane (from Assassination Classroom)

* Theme Song: Battle without Honor or Humanity (by Tomoyasu Hotei)

* Extras:

- His only arsenal is his huge wrench, but he is extremely skilled in deflecting bullets and whacking people's faces with it. He is as strong as Kimura in that regard.
- He is currently a member of the rival gang, by orders of Kimura to discover their malicious plans. What Ran doesn't know is the fact that Kimura ordered him to for the sake of the Tanaka Gang's safety. As a member of the rival gang, he will eventually have to face some of the members of the Tanaka Gang.
- Will add more in the future!
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  • Like
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Oh hey it's a mechanic.
If he tried to be perverted towards Delta, Delta would be like: ... What?
Suishou.. Would not like him too much.
Telsa would be like: AzaleathereisafreakandI'mscaredhelp
.. This should be interesting xDD
Could be funny if he was talking to Luca and Cas like

I don't know I always found that contrast hilarious xD
He will be so utterly depressed xD

But a little happier when he realizes there are some girl on girl rawr in there too

He will be consumed by shipping






This is Team KARD (Kimura, Anise, Ranjou and Delta) of the JTF 101. The four major antagonists of the Kimurarc. Yes, this is turning into some RWBY shiz. XD

The JTF 101 is ready to kick some gang ass.

P.S. - Anise may or may not be controlled by my RP partner. C: It's up for her to decide.
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I'm soooorrrrryyyy ;^;

I was suppose to respond this weekend, but things got in the way T~T

"This world is beautiful and disgusting at the same time."

"We're free to make our own choices in life. Don't let the others drag you down with them."

"You didn't expect that a girl like me can kick ass, huh?"

Name: Anise Nakano

Nickname: Lieutenant / Princess / Nurse / An-chan / Pettanko-chan (by Ran)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Role in gang: None (Part of the Police (JTF 101) as the group's second-in-command and Medic)

Crush: Kimura Tatsujin

Relationships (Justice Task Force 101):

Kimura Tatsujin - Anise's superior and partner. Kimura is Anise's very first friend. They've grown close during their training; Anise was the only person Kimura had opened up to about his past. While Kimura had opened up to her, Anise never shared her side of the story, as she deemed her past too "painful" to put into words. Kimura understands this, and tells her to keep it to herself. It is because of him that Anise has learned to trust people, especially males. With the two of them being the cream of the crop in the young generation of policemen, it is natural that they'd become unbreakable partners. Anise personally thinks he is an idiot who keeps putting himself in impossibly dangerous situations, but brushes it off with a confident smile since she knows that he can and will do it anyways. It is obvious that Anise has developed feelings for him, but it isn't known (yet) if Kimura has reciprocated them. When the two work together, they are almost unbeatable.

Ranjou Terashima - The two have a vitriolic relationship. She is normally disgusted by her perverted antics, and Ran likes to tease and push her berserk button by calling her "Pettanko-chan" (which means flat-chested). Anise usually retaliates by uttering the word "Spiders", which freaks him out often since he detests them. Despite this, she and Kimura can rely on him when it comes to technology and she respects his fighting prowess. Ran used to have a crush on her, but eventually gave up when he realized that Anise likes Kimura. Ran supports and ships the two of them, acting as the gadfly and tease of the duo.

Delta - TBD

The JTF 101 crew - The other police members of the JTF 101 treat her as an idol and a gem. While most of them are obviously head-over-heels for her, none of them would attempt to court her (lest they'd get beaten up by Kimura). Instead, they have full devotion and respect towards her, Ran and Kimura. Her trust for every single one of them is one of the reasons that she is slowly losing her disgust for men. She treats them like a family, and would often hang out with them when Kimura is absent. Anise is the first person to treat their injuries whenever they sustain them at work. Their priority is protecting her; much to her chagrin since if she keeps relying on them, she wouldn't be able to hone her skills as an outstanding policewoman.

Relationships (Others):

Her parents - Anise's parents were very strict in trimming her into becoming a proper lady. However, this is because they loved her so much. Anise loved them back and knew that they were doing it for her sake. Their deaths scarred her for the rest of her life, although it did spark her desire to become a policewoman.

Maria - She is one of the Nakano family's head maids. Maria felt horrible about what had transpired at the mansion, and decided to take her in. Anise is indebted to her because of this, and they share a close sister-like relationship. She visits her from time-to-time, sharing stories about her life as a policewoman, and her obvious crush on Kimura.

+ Dignified and Proper
+ Responsible and has a sense of duty
+ A mother to her men
+ A heavy sleeper
+ Cool, calm and collected
+ Cheerful and girly outside of work
+ Always worried about others (especially Kimura and the other police members)
+ Devoted (to Kimura)
+ Independent
+ Bookworm
+ Adventurous
+ Snarky

- Merciless when necessary
- Would not hesitate to kill if her life depended on it
- Rebellious
- Cynical
Anise Nakano was the daughter of the proud, noble and wealthy Nakano family; residing in Hokkaido, Japan. A woman entitled for success and comfort in her life, Anise was raised to become a prim and proper young lady. However, she wasn't allowed to go outside nor interact with "commoners", as her parents thought it would "taint her image". Despite this, she always had a knack for adventure and shows traces of rebellion. Anise has a habit of sneaking out in the middle of the night, spending her time in the flower garden and the high cliff near their home, gazing at the city's night lights and the awe-inspiring darkness above that is accompanied by twinkling stars. One such night scarred her and changed her life forever.

As she returned from her usual routine of stargazing, Anise heard screams back at the mansion. Slowly and cautiously, she entered their once peaceful abode and found her father killed by a group of unknown masked men, which turned out to be robbers who had their sights on the mansion for quite a long time now. A sharp blow to the head, it seemed. The man was holding a phone, unnoticed by his murderers; implying that he had already called the police. Her mother screamed for help; unfortunately, their butlers and maids don't stay in the mansion and that she, her husband and her daughter were the only ones living in that mansion. As she was caught by the robbers, Anise helplessly watched as her mother was raped by the cruel madmen. Despite crying out of fear and despair, Anise kept a level-head and her mouth shut in order to avoid attracting attention. Eventually, her mother died as well.

Anise decided to run away from the robbers, but got caught in the process. She was captured and almost ended up like her mother. Fortunately, the police arrived at the scene before anything had happened and took down the unaware criminals. At that moment, she realized how cruel the world is despite its beauty. She was taken in by one of their family maids, named Maria, and stayed there for a while.

She eventually decided to become a policewoman, dedicating herself to saving as many people as she can and apprehending vile criminals like the ones that scarred her. She ended up in the same military trainee platoon as Kimura Tatsujin. Initially, she doesn't want to talk to any of the males as she deemed them disgusting (justified; due to her dark past of almost getting raped). Predictably, her good looks would only garner her attention from some of the trainees. Kimura was the first person to butt in and protect her from them. Having seen his strength and skills first-hand, they wouldn't dare defy Kimura. Eventually, Anise slowly started to open up to him and by the end of their training together, the two shared an unbreakable bond. From two years of training, Anise and Kimura became the cream of the crop of the young military police generation. Also, thanks to Kimura's leadership, he gathered the people that he trained with, including Anise, as part of the Justice Task Force 101. Due to this, she slowly lost her disgust for men and forming a tight-knit bond with the members of the group, considering them as her family.

+ Kimura
+ Being patted on the head (by Kimura; though she would deny it)
+ Sleeping
+ Sweets
+ Animals (particularly kittens)
+ Helping citizens
+ Little kids
+ Books
+ Stargazing
+ Tiny flowers of any kind


- Her past
- Being called flat
- Thugs and Gangs
- Perverts
- Crime
- Anything horror-related
- Men (at least before she met Kimura and the JTF 101)
Height: 5'3'' / Weight: 119 lbs. / Hair Color: Black / Eye Color: Violet



* Voice: Saori Hayami as Yukino Yukinoshita (from Oregairu)

* Theme Song: Sis Puella Magica - Nightcore

* Extras:

- Is skilled in gunfighting and acrobatics. Also has extensive medical knowledge. She was ranked 2nd after Kimura as outstanding policemen-in-training.
- She is actually character up for grabs! C: Just PM me if you want to play her character.
- Will add more in the future!
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There's been some members missing lately.
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