G-Force ( An all Female Superhero Squad)

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Remember, no capes!

Lest someone be forced to insert an Incredibles reference.
I'm going to start on my sheet, if that's okay.
Just for that, I'm having 3 capes!
Actually, I'm gonna drop out. You're already over-capacity in terms of interest and it would be unfair of me to be claiming a space when I'm not going to be 100% invested in the character anyway.
Actually, I'm gonna drop out. You're already over-capacity in terms of interest and it would be unfair of me to be claiming a space when I'm not going to be 100% invested in the character anyway.

Okay thanks for the interest :)

@The Dovah A spot has opened up.

We're going to try and get the ooc up sometime.

If i can, i will aim to work on a character during the week. :) Depends on time and mood. :)

Chloe Hyo


Code name:
Ice Queen

6' 0''


Most people tend to assume that because of her code name that she's every bit as cold as the mythical Ice Queen. This, in fact, is not true. She's very empathetic and easily the kindest person you'll ever meet. She also enjoys superhero stories, comics of anything, and movies. She's an avid nerd and does not hold back anything when her interests are brought up. When not talking about her interests, it's clear the she's very introverted and a bit of a homebody, not really interested in going out all that much. She'd much rather be home with a good movie or video game than saving the world.

Ice Manipulation: The ability to control or make ice at will.

Lucky: Lucky beyond belief, she isn't invincible, but able to prevent harm through coincidence.

Genre Savvy- can use her Pop Culture knowledge and apply it to any situation, giving her an edge.
Empathetic- easily able to read and understand people just at a glance.
Lazy- most people underestimate how lazy people want to get a job done quickly and easily.

Weaknesses: (At least five for your charry, and at least 2 must be super power weaknesses/or limits.)
Easily Distracted- its likely for you to lose her interest when talking for a long time, or if something more interesting is happening in the background.
Lazy- she's not interested in saving the world, but it nets her a bit of a discount at times if she does.
Empathetic- when unable to do anything to help someone, she'll become frustrated and easily angered.
Ice- she needs water to make ice, and while there's water in the atmosphere it takes longer and makes her more tired to use her powers.
Luck- luck is unpredictable, but won't fatally hurt her. She just has more good luck than the normal person, but not supernaturally so. She can't win the lottery with this, for instance.

A silver hoodie with navy blue accents, it's tight to her body and the hood is able to be zipped shut to reveal a pattern of silver with faint navy blue marks to indicate eyes. Most of the time, the hoodie is unzipped to reveal a t-shirt with a random pop culture reference on it. She pairs this with jeans and flat-heeled army boots. All of her clothes have frost covering most of the uniform, allowing her to manipulate ice whenever she needs it, without worrying about a water source. All articles of clothing are worn with some battle damage.

If you grow up in a world full of superheroes, you tend to not want to grow and be a superhero. Thus began the like of one Chloe Hyo, who was far more invested in fictional character's lives than her own. She was pretty much average in a world full of supers, and she liked it that way. Until one day her local comics shop was stolen from, and she decided to take action. It was news the next day that she'd somehow ended up stopping a major terrorist attack. According to her, she stopped him because, "he was going to bomb my favorite comic store. I couldn't let those comics burn."

A week later she stopped a serial rapist by chance. She'd been on a date with him when she accidentally swapped their drinks and reported him. She decided to roll with it and became a superhero. She was scouted due to her incredible luck and powerful superpower, and the rest is history.

Sample post:
"Shush, we're gonna be rich if we can pull this job off, Steve."

"Not if we get freaking caught by one of those Silvergate Brigade people." The second voice was fretful, worried about something that might now happen.

"They disbanded." The first was confident in their plan, but irritated by his partner's skittishness.

"I heard they're trying to make a new group."

"Shut up and drill, would you?"

"Oh no, please go on, this prattle was actually starting to get interesting." A new voice, feminine and slightly bored.


The two thieves turned to see a costumed crusader -if she could be called that- sitting on the stairs behind the two would be thieves. Her face rested on her hand and she looked relaxed, albeit bored.

"Do you guys have anything mildly interesting to say besides the cliched drivel?" she said, adding, "also you tripped the alarm two minutes ago. You are, like, the worst thieves I've ever seen."

One pulled a gun on the vigilante and she visibly perked up. She even stood to emphasize her excitement. The gun followed her movements carefully.

"A gun? I mean we all have superpowers but that's cool! What are you gonna do? Shoot me? No... you're just bluffing." She rambled, walking closer as she did so.

"Stop getting closer! I'll shoot!"

It was too late, in one move she grabbed the gun, froze it, and knocked the gun guy to the floor with a sweep of her leg. He fell wrong and managed to hit himself in the face with the chunk of ice that had once been a gun, and was knocked out of the fight. The other guy saw her quick movements and decided to surrender just as the police showed up.

"Name's Ice Queen. I'm a superhero for fun!" She yelled as she pulled the ice from the unconscious goon and started to use the ice on her costume to climb out of the museum using the skylight. "Tell your friend not to commit crimes, or I'll have to interrupt my late night ice cream again and I'll be very grumpy!"

There was a moment of silence before the police came in to find what appeared to be a man already surrendering to another who had slipped and hit his head.

"She has to be the worst superhero I've ever heard of!"​
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Just so everyone knows, because I don't want anyone to duplicate it - My character will be a pop star. So pick a different occupation if anyone was going for that. <_<
Mines an Actress/Model/Boxing Coach xD
Geez everyone has such glamorous jobs. >.>
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Or i've yet to think of what power.

Actually, can i pick any power(apart from the unavailable ones)? I intend on researching powers on a superpower wiki thus picking a power then working around that. :)
Is she supposed to be a super famous Actress/model? I don't see a problem with it, but it'll be a little weird if two superstars are on the team. It's not going to be a focal point of the rp, but it's going to play into my characters side plots.

Or i've yet to think of what power.

Actually, can i pick any power(apart from the unavailable ones)? I intend on researching powers on a superpower wiki thus picking a power then working around that. :)

As long as it's not too OP
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Is she supposed to be a super famous Actress/model? I don't see a problem with it, but it'll be a little weird if two superstars are on the team. It's not going to be a focal point of the rp, but it's going to play into my characters side plots.
Two superstars and one barista who couldn't care less about being a superhero.
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Is she supposed to be a super famous Actress/model? I don't see a problem with it, but it'll be a little weird if two superstars are on the team. It's not going to be a focal point of the rp, but it's going to play into my characters side plots.
Not like an Oscar Award Winning Actress or Victoria's Secret Angel Model XD. She is an aspiring actress, but her Modeling Career and Boxing is the main occupation focus^^. Her Boxing will play a part in her development of her powers and things. I mean having two superstars in the same group can be fun xD
Not like an Oscar Award Winning Actress or Victoria's Secret Angel Model XD. She is an aspiring actress, but her Modeling Career and Boxing is the main occupation focus^^. Her Boxing will play a part in her development of her powers and things. I mean have superstars in the same group can be fun xD

It would be fun. Just a little unrealistic and not what I think Van has in mind lol, but I'm eager to see how everyone else's character's will turn out. :D
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Tatianna Mariana Ferrari

Tati, Anna, Annie, She-Devil

Florence, Italy

Italian American
Born In: Florence, Italy
Raised In: The U.S.A.


★Code Name★

Model/Actress/Boxing Coach

Tatianna makes an amazing living and can afford the finer things in life. She loves to go shopping and buying any and everything that catches her greedy eyes. She is always up-to-date with the best things in life, always surpassing others when it comes to keeping an expensive lifestyle.


Mysterious: Tatianna isn't the girl that let's most people in. You have to be a close and trusted friend or family member, and then MAYBE she will tell you more about who she is. Tatianna is a social girl, but she just always keeps some kind of block up or acts distant towards everyone, and you can tell right off the jump that she has a wall up around her. She is a very difficult girl to understand and relate to. Tatianna tends to not talk about herself when it comes to opening up about things. She will try and change the subject when it comes to talking about herself.

Creative: Tatianna likes to do things in unique ways. She hates following trends and doing the same exact thing that others do or did. She comes up with ideas and solutions in new and creative ways, some of them actually are very ingenious... others can be ridiculous at times.

Caring: Even though she might be icy to most, when Tatianna does get close to other people, she will treat them like family and will always be there for them. She's not always a cold hearted bitch, she has her moments of acting like a human being, and not a cold robot. You have to be a special person to Tatianna, for her to actually go out of her way to make sure that you're okay.

Sarcastic: Tatianna is known to be a sarcastic bitch, annoying people with her irony and mocking of others. She will answer a dumb question with another question, just to get under the person's skin. She likes to get people bothered, it's fun for her to see how people react to her words and comments.

Intelligent: Not only is she mean, but Tatianna is a genius when it comes to most things. She has never had a grade lower than an A- in all of her years in school. She isn't a dumb mean girl, she is a smart mean girl... which is worst. Tatianna tends to use big words just to confuse people and watch them look stupid, not knowing what she said.

Conceited: In her eyes, Tatianna thinks that everything about herself is perfect. She thinks that she is flawless and no one is better than her at anything. Her conceited and prideful ways tend to turn people off, or intimidate them into not wanting to be around her. When Tatianna walks into a room, she knows that she owns it, or feels like it. If she could, Tatianna would have a Diva Fan with her wherever she goes.

Flirtatious: Since she thinks she is the prettiest Human on Earth, Tatianna loves to flirt with everyone, feeling like they all want to sleep with her. She is a big tease, never actually doing anything with most of the people she flirts with. Tatianna uses her attractiveness to get her way when she can't just throw money at her problems.

Sociable: Even though she is known as the She-Devil, Tatianna is nice on most occasions. She isn't always mean to everyone, only people who get on her nerves. It's easy to make her mad, but it's hard to get Tatianna to be friendly towards a person who annoys the living hell out her. Just never get on her bad side, and you'll never have to see the She-Devil come out of her.

Telekinesis (Link)
Tatianna has Telekinesis, the power to control the movement of objects and beings. Right now, she is only at the basic level of the power. One day Tatianna will be able to do all the aspects of the amazing power.

Basic Level
Binding: To keep object/being from moving.

Levitation: To lift an object, e.g. raising a pitcher several inches into the air.

Psionic Strength: To augment the user's physical strength, e.g.punching through a steel wall.

Telekinetic Bullet Projection: To project telekinetic energy or objects as bullets.

Telekinetic Choking: To strangle others.

Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g. keeping the tides from washing a friend away.

Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course, e.g. changing what number a dice lands on or deflect an opponent attack.

Telekinetic Pull/Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user, e.g. yanking a book off a shelf or sliding a cup across a table.

Telempathy (Link)
Tatianna has Telempathy, the power to read people's emotions and communicate through emotions. She can receive emotions from others and perceiving what they are thinking through their feelings. Tatianna can also physically act out others feelings.

Leadership, Intelligence, Resourceful, Loyal, Caring, Flexible, Cunning, Creative, Agile, Physically Strong

Guarded, Mean, Aggressive, Reckless, Bossy, Teamwork

Telekinesis: Since Tatianna's stronger and more active power is only in it's basic level right now, she doesn't have full control over Telekinesis yet. She still has a hard time moving objects and people that weigh over 200 pounds, only being able to make it or the person move a few inches in any direction.

Telempathy: Tatianna's Telempathy only works on people and other beings that let her into their emotions and mind. So she would have to get them to trust her (which is not easy... being the She-Devil and everything), and they will have to let her into their deepest and darkest feelings. Sometimes when someone let's their guard down without knowing it, Tatianna will feel everything they feel, she can become overwhelmed with too many emotions being received at the same time. Tatianna has even once knocked herself out because she tried to read multiple people's emotions at the same time.

Tatianna's costume definitely doesn't look like your normal superhero outfit, that's because it isn't. Tatianna didn't buy her outfit, she built it, that's right, she built it. Tatianna is a technology wiz. Just because she's a model, people think she's dumb and vain, but that's not the case, the vain part might be a bit true, but anyway.

Tatianna used small microchips into every stitch of the outfit, making it durable and waterproof and resistant to normal harsh weathers. The costume also protects Tatianna from mind control powers and burning. It's not unbreakable, but it does protect her from most natural causes and a few superpowered attacks.

Tatianna had a great childhood, her parents gave her and her twin sister the best lives. Her father was a big time business man in Italy and Tatianna's mother was a Bake Shop Owner. Tatianna and her twin, Arianna, never had to worry about anything. When she was six years old, the Ferrari family packed up everything and flew to America. They wanted more for their loving daughters than just what Italy could give them. Tatianna had cousins who lived in America, so her family stayed with them until they got back on their feet. In America is where Tatianna's big personality and conceited ways really started to show.

Later down the line in life, Tatianna was working on her modeling career and she met a big named Boxer at one of her Sports Magazine photoshoots. The two felled madly in love, the famous Boxer even started to teach her how to box. Tatianna seemed to be a natural when it came to Boxing, learning the techniques fairly easy. Tatianna was only with the Boxer for another year or so before the mayhem would start.

Every night, Tatianna would be slapped around and punched in the face for no good reason. Her lover was just insane with anger, around that time Tatianna hadn't known about her powers. One night, when the fighting nearly came to Tatianna dying or having to go the hospital... something inside of Tatianna started to feel hot and strong. When her lover came close to punching her again, Tatianna became angry... and things started flying at her lover. Knives from the kitchen shot into their back and one knives went right into their skull.

When her lover died, Tatianna could feel her the anger leave her body, as if it had come from a different source. Later she would learn about her powers and become that Evil Bitch that everyone knows now. The body of her lover was buried, and to this day, no one knows how to explain what happened, and Tatianna won't say anymore about the incident.


Hair Color★
Raven Black

Tatianna's hair is usually straight and slicked down, or sometimes she let's it get messy but stylish at the same time. She isn't one to care too much about her hair, since it usually looks perfect without her trying.

★Eye Color★
Grey-Green and Beautiful

A quarter size Tiara Shaped birthmark on her right ankle.

Tongue, Right Eyebrow, Ears and Nipples

Tatianna has one tattoo that says "Beauty Is Pain, Being Gorgeous Is Torture, And I Love It." going down her ribs on her right side.


110 Pounds

★Body Build★
Tatianna works out all the time, and likes to eat healthy. She has a fit and slim body, with an athletic edge. She isn't a manly looking woman, but she does have muscles in the right places. Because she is a Boxing Coach as well as a Model and an Actress, she tends to try and stay fit and perfect for all three careers.

★Clothing Style★
Tatianna loves red, all her outfits have to have some shade of red in it, or she won't wear it. Red represents passion, love and seduction, things that she likes to be reminded of. Some girls have their favorite Little Black Dress, well Tatianna has her favorite Little Red Dress. Red or Dead is her motto.


Expensive things, reading, intelligent conversation, big boobs, nice butts, partying, being the Leader, guns, motorcycles, super high heels, cooking, boxing, acting, modeling, R&B Music, Pop Music, Street Rap, dogs, Motocross, leather, having powers, control, being sarcastic, chocolate, MMA, swimming, makeup, red, horror movies, dancing, painting, poetry, analyzing people, spiders, winning

Idiots, fat people, drugs, prissy girls, Country Music, Mainstream Rap, gambling, gamblers, boring people, following others, not leading, getting embarrassed, sushi, sneakers, boring outfits, lame parties, not getting her way, feeling powerless, emotional overloads

1. Tatianna tends to roll her eyes at everything, when she gets annoyed, when she's angry, even sometimes when she's actually having fun. It might be a serious medical issues, but no one really knows.

2. When Tatianna get's bored, she twirls strands of hair and sighs a lot. She hates getting bored and would rather blow something up before sitting down in a quiet area.

3. When Tatianna get's really angry, she'll tend to punch the nearest wall... usually leaving a nice little whole in it.

4. Tatianna usually ALWAYS looks into someone's eyes when she talks to them. If she's lying or feels attacked, she'll look at the ground for the rest of the conversation.

Tatianna fears ever letting anyone into that cold and deadly heart of hers. She doesn't trust people that often. Only her family knows everything that is going on in her life, or everything that Tatianna let's them know about. She doesn't want to let anyone else hurt her like others have in the past.

1. Deep down Tatianna is insecure about herself in every way. She thinks that everything that happened in her life was because of her being dumb and not fixing it at the time.

2. She is insecure when it comes to making new and trusting friends, not wanting to open old wounds and letting people know what has made her the way she is.

1. Tatianna was in a three year abusive relationship, she ended up killing her ex. She got away with the murder (even though she didn't do it on purpose), because no one could explain how it happened.

2. Tatianna is not a cold bitch, she is actually a girl that is hurting inside and doesn't know how to fix her damages.


★Favorite Color★
Blood Red


★Favorite Food★
Spaghetti & Meatballs


★Favorite Drink★


★Favorite Animal★
The Cheetah


★Favorite Sport★


★Favorite Quote★
This One


★Favorite Movie★
The Exorcist


★Favorite Song★

★Tatianna "Kinetica" Ferrari★

"Come on... come on!" Tatianna was busy in her basement trying to levitate a statue, she had been going at it for days now. This statue was her first test of trying to build up her Telekinesis, she needed to accomplish this before anything else. "Come the fuck on..." Her grey-green eyes were focused solely on the statue, using all of her mental strength to at least nudge the 240+ pound statue. She could feel herself getting headache. "Ugh!" She sighed and just walked away. "I will move that thing." Shaking her head, Tatianna walked out of her basement. She went to her kitchen to get something to drink. Before she got to her fridge, Tatianna could hear a cracking type noise further into her living room.

Tatianna is a smart girl, she wouldn't react and scream, like how most would do, she would "ignore" it. Not paying attention to another cracking sound, she took the drink out of the fridge. Tatianna could feel a presence behind her, the figure was coming close her. They were about to hit her with whatever was in their hand, but Tatianna levitated into the air. "Missed me!" She spun around, kicking the figure into the living room. "I guess you didn't know who your were dealing with... I hate idiots sometimes." Shaking her head, Tatianna and the mysterious thief started to fight.

Tatianna didn't even really needed to use her Telekinesis, since the robber was just a normal idiot. Her boxing would come in handy, she started to punch the smaller guy. "You... idiot..." She swung a couple more times, the thief did get in some cheap shots, which made her fall back a bit, but she was NOT going to be beaten up anymore. One more punch to the male's side sent him over the couch and onto the floor. "Idiot..."

★Superhero Cover: Kinetica
★Powers: Telekinesis, Telempathy
★Location: Her House
★Mood: Annoyed-Frustrated & Angry

★Outfit: Tatianna's Outfit
★Interaction(s): No One
★Mentioned: No One
★Tagged: No One


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Well now my sheet just feels inadequate. I'm not going to extend mine but... wow that sure is a sheet right there.
Well now my sheet just feels inadequate. I'm not going to extend mine but... wow that sure is a sheet right there.
Thanks XD... I do like to make a detailed and pretty cs lol. Just glad I asked to add more, since I love big cses, go big or go home xD
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