From Scratch

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A roar resounded around the forest. Jake's head shot up.
It came from the direction of Mr.blowdart's hut. Ayas whispered in Jake's mind. Jake nodded and unfurled his wings and started flying towards Geoff's home. He landed in front of the other male snuggling an oversized bear.
Hearing him he sat up quickly. "W-What is it?" The bear turned to look at him and growled. Geoff pat its head and whispered "He's a friendly...More or less." He looked back up to Jakob and looked at him waiting for an answer.
"Its a bear! How exactly did you make him so... err... gentle?" Jake was baffled, bears were known to be aggressive. How did this teenager (I'm suspecting your a teen in here) tame a creature like this?
"My ability...I can tame animals with ease." He snapped and the fish began dancing again. "See?" He watched the fish and smiled again. "Anyways...Did you need something?" His expression became serious again.
"Err, no... I just heard the roar and came to help." Jake scratched his neck and stood before Geoff awkwardly. "Sorry to bother you."
Don't be sorry idiot, you didn't do shit to him. Ayas's voice drifted through Jake's head. Jake scowled.
"It's quite alright...Ah...Do you have any skill in archery? It'd be useful to you, what with the flying." He rode the bear over to allow him to eat a fish from the pond. "You'll need what you can get out here."
"I'm no good, but Ayas is a hell if a good shot. He should listen to me as long as I threaten to send him back to void where I summon him from." Jake had the sudden thought that maybe this man didn't know who Ayas was. So, he worked up the energy and summoned Ayas, his eyes turning a bright iridescent amethyst color. Within moments, a bright flash appeared and out stepped the alternate twin.
Ayas shrugged,
"As long as i get to kill something, I'll be happy."
Jake cringed at the thought of killing anything.
"But we don't really have anything to hunt with, unfortunately."
"Find me something I can use for a bowstring and I'll make another for you." He sat up and looked at the both of them. "And I can make another spear for you, if
you can find some flint." He began to question why he was helping them at all.
"Great! We'll bring back a third if what we find and give it to you." Jake grinned from ear to ear.
Ayas scoffed,
"And it seems like all you have is fish, you should be grateful you'll have something more." Jake frowned and elbowed Ayas in the ribs, hard. "Ow, asshole! I was just making a point."
"Either way, I would expect the girls to have some more string in their bags, I don't think they'll mind me grabung it if it was for a bow."
Geoff nodded and turned back to the water. "I'll be here." The bear laid down, as did Geoff. They both fell asleep instantly.
Jake rushed back to camp and searched through the two bags that sat in the little home. After a moment he found a small ball of thread and rushed back to Geoff's camp where Ayas was examining the swollen shoulder where it had been peviously dislocated, not touching the other male, just looking at him.
"Hmm? I wonder if it still hurts?"
"I don't think so." Jake responded. "Sylvia got rid if the pain."
"Too bad." Before Jake could stop him, Ayas shoved Geoff of the bear's back. Causing the male to collapse to the ground in an awkward and painful manner.
The bear instantly awoke and bit Ayas leg. "What the hell?!" Geoff sat up and looked at Ayas. "What was that for?" He pulled the bear off of him and held it back. The look on his face was anger. "Huh...You can forget the bow..."
Sylvia was about to maybe follow Geoff and watch him make the bow, when she changed her mind and headed back to her own camp. She saw what Jakob had been doing as she was gone and she was amazed that he could do something so hard. Without a word, though, she sat down, closed her eyes, and begun to meditate. She winced every time he place a stone, as the loud THUNK was heard all over.
(( Thanks,I REALLY love it when other people make my characters do stuff. =/ ))

Her eyes opened widely as she heard the roar, and immediately stood up and watched Jakob go -- she wanted to stay behind and protect camp, but the thought Jakob fighting something all by himself was enough to make her follow him after a few hesitated moments. She emerged soon after he landed, and was ready to fight when she saw him chatting with Geoff. All of that, for nothing. She begun to walk up to Jakob, poking him in the chest as she practically yelled at him,
Why the hell would you run towards a roaring noise? What if you had gotten into a fight, and gotten yourself injured?? You shouldn't be so reckless, we need everyone we can get!
"I-I'm sorry. Ayas! Shut the hell up!" Jake grabbed Ayas and covered his mouth to srop the screams of pain and rage. "He's an asshole, he can't help it. Hes my opposite, I would never do such a thing without reason but he would. Please, make the bow and we'll never bother you again. except,for your portion of the catch." Jake elbowed Ayas across the face, hard, knocking the poor twin unconscious and stoping his cries. Jake sighed and glanced back at Geoff as Sylvia stormed into the scene. (You're a bit behind, but we'll go with it. Also, I couldn't thinkbof anything else, you left Sylvia standing there hold out string to Geoff... sorry.)
"I was jsut worried about Geoff." jake mumbled to Sylvia apologetically
Jake turned back to Geoff, waiting for a response to His apologies.
((makes OOC thread doesnt even use it.))

"...You're lucky he didn't bite clean through his leg." He took the thread and walked back into the shacka and the bear guarded the doorway."It'll be a bit. Wait for while."
Sylvia saw Geoff go inside his hut, and pondered silently on how he had made it. Turning to Jakob, she gestured at Ayas, What are you going to do once he wakes up?
"I'm not sure, I doubt i can call him diwn so i'll have to send him back to the void until he could out. I'm sorry for worrying you. Though that roar was a little while ago, I fly quickly and you probably couldn't keep up." Jake replied.
"God damn...I shouldn't even be doing this." He started making the bow, then strung it. He made 10 arrows, and a small quiver. He came out and threw them at Jakob. "Here. Now bring flint if you still want that spear." He crossed his arms and looked at Ayas. "And keep him under sontrol. He'll get you all killed."
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