Forieri di Tarocchi - Harbingers of Tarot - OOC &

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Is it possible to still join?
I have a weakness for tarot-related stories.
I meant for sign-up to be closed; however, I did recently let another in...I suppose you would even out the numbers if you got accepted...
Sure, I'll let you post a character sheet.
You would need to make it a little snappy since the rp has begun, though.
Not too much to catch-up on, but there is still some.
The faster you get a sheet done, the faster I can get around to accepting/rejecting you.
Also goodjob @DoughGuy.
I'll begin the sequences once you get a reply in @WanderingWriter .
Everyone else, your good to continue coming in/getting in a reaction; however, your main post won't be until your turn comes.
Done but rushed (not satisfied).
I will still edit it when I have time (tomorrow. I'm sleepy) c:
I will wait till it is finished to give my final decision.
That being said, I would recommend re-thinking your character's physique.
Frail might not survive very long....The rp plans to get pretty dark and grim~
I got taken pretty off-guard by how quick the extreme violence started in WSy.
So I guess I'm barred from the RP?
Well, congrats on getting in!
Day 1's major event is effectively done and over.
How you spend the remainder of your day is entirely up to you guys. Be adventurous!
It seems a lot of people are interested in moving towards the diner for some interaction; however, where you ultimately end up moving your character is up to you. I'll be around to keep things interesting, regardless.

Hope you are all looking forward to the class trip...I know I am B)
Will fix that then.
I have expected it to become dark but not that gruesome.
The noob apologizes for noobness
Oh, but other than that, is everything else fine?
Things aren't always as they seem on the surface.
I would say, re-look your writing portion over again.
As it stands, you won't be accepted since there are base expectations in terms of quality that I expect.
Oh, yeah!
I'm actually working on the writing part now.

Hint: An Afrcan Indian girl looking up to her life becoming Islam,... Would that be okay?
Oh, yeah!
I'm actually working on the writing part now.

Hint: An Afrcan Indian girl looking up to her life becoming Islam,... Would that be okay?
Uhh, not entirely sure the direction your going with that.
That being said, I am okay with a a lot of things. It has piqued my curiosity, so i'm going to guess its fine.
As long as the writing itself, fulfills the requirements, is quality, etc.
FORENAME: Thema (Teh-Mah)
AGE: 19
BIRTHDAY: November 26
SEX: Female
[X] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [X]

//Please attach a picture of yourself along with a physical description


Thema has long, thigh-length hair bundled in a braid. Her black, wiry hair has flourishing pigments of red wine, auburn, and dark brown. which sheds light to her Armenian culture. She has, protruding, coffee brown eyes framed with long eyelashes. Thema has a straight, refined nose. There are freckles splayed around her milk chocolate skin.

On to the body, Thema stands at a lithe 5 ft, 9 in (175 cm). She has an athletic, toned physique. Thema prefers wearing flowing, free clothing. She prefers wearing something comfortable as opposed to wearing something constricting. Thema enjoys wearing slippers or things easy to move around. she also has a long, swirl looking birthmark on her back.


What academic institution are you intending to enroll into?
Elementary School -- Middle School -- High School -- Higher Education
[ ] --[ ] -- [ ] --[X]

What year are you intending to enroll into?
1ST -- 2ND -- 3RD -- 4TH
[X] -- [ ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

What field are you intending to study?

| Entrance Examination|

Questionnaire: Truthfully answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Do note that there are no right or wrong answers.
Would you consider yourself an individualistic person?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[X ] -- [ ] -- [ ]
Would you consider yourself a bold individual?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ ] -- [ X] -- [ ]

Would you consider yourself emotional or easily swayed by emotions?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ ] -- [X] -- [ ]

Do you believe the world is aligned against you?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ ] -- [ ] -- [ X]

Do you hold true to your morals and beliefs?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[X ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

Would you consider yourself materialistic?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ X] -- [ ] -- [ ]

Do you believe you hold a notable quality within you?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ ] -- [ X] -- [ ]

Is there always an opportunity for teamwork?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ ] -- [ ] -- [X ]

Should innovation derive from historical inspiration?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ ] -- [] -- [X]

Do you consider yourself a spiritual individual?
Yes -- Sometimes -- No
[ X ] -- [ ] -- [ ]

Writing: "Innovation with or without historical inspiration." This quote is a recurring theme which aligns with the ideals and academic methodologies of Trinity Institute. As such, in two or more paragraphs, please answer the following prompt: What historical figure inspires your development as an aspiring student. If none, explain what inspires you in their stead.

[dscroll] History? While an individual's family history shares merit, I don't see a historical figure having any influence. I find the idea of historical figures -- save for ancestors of a family -- have little historical value. You cannot talk to them, play with them, or even look at their physical forms; they already passed away. The amount of historical figures, or individual historical figures, is too much to count. I enjoyed hearing stories about Jesus and his sacrifice, Malcolm X's conversion to Islam, and Toni Morrison's elegant prose. I, however, do not see any merit from inspiration of someone unrelated by blood.

Legend, heirs, and empires can be made without money or any economical investment.
you imbue that creativity within your actions. While history tells us man things, it can only describe the past.

I can say that Toni Morrison's writing epitomizes the intelligence of African American women.

I can say that Malcolm X's conversion to Islam made him a radical African American.

I can also say that Jesus was the most devout follower of Allah.

But I cannot base my achievements off of a stranger. It's weird, and rather dishonorable. However, that is not to say nothing inspires me. Throughout my life, my father, Lukesh Ashran, inspired me to do what made me happy. I followed my father's request to get good grades, work hard, and do my best. When I was a young girl, I'd speak, learn, and read just like everyone else. My dad read things from the Qu'ran, and my mother followed along. I had no knowledge that I was Armenian until the third grade.

I thought I would be capable of socialization. I wore a "bonnet" with long, draping dresses. I never thought I'd stick out until we learned about 9/11. My teacher insinuated the idea that all Muslim people were bad, as the media blamed Middle Easterns. I got the idea; Middle Easterns were bad. At that exact moment, I snickered.

The teacher continued on to the appearance of Muslims. Something in that woman's maniacal description made me scared. As if I became the center of attention, she pointed at me. For now, I'd take back that snicker. She first had me stand up like a statue, and then take off my "bonnet".

She almost had a laughing fit, "I suppose little Thema has terrorists in her home! Now what happens to people who destroy our country?" I didn't take off my "bonnet" until she showed me something. I saw photos of Muslim women, wearing the same thing I wore. It made so much sense that I started crying. Did enemies look like that? The harrying gradually intensified, and m dad took notice. Divested of my "bonnet", I begged my dad not to intervene.

" Do not give the immature your money which God has assigned to you for support. But provide for them from it, and clothe them, and speak to them with kind words." ~ (Chapter 4, Women [an-Nisa']

"Where is your hijab?" 'Hijab'? He knew I never left without it. A few days later, I told my dad about the bullying. I remember Lukesh as a kind, gentle man. He'd come to me when I had problems fitting in. Lukesh supported me in accepting myself. Lukesh was always there when I wanted an explanation in the Qu'ran. Three years ago, my father passed away to a diabetic shock. I regret that Lukesh left at 58, but I feel that Allah put him there for a reason. I feel that his passing and his idealism enlightened my way of thinking.

One day, when I was 16, I wanted to know why he named me. My dad explained the meaning of my name. He named me Thema, as he wanted a powerful, strong woman. "Thema" is African for "queen". My father wanted a queen of the world, and a queen of her own plans. He wanted the queen to represent a multicultural family without any bars to freedom. I must say; he did it for me.

I'm happy being Armenian American. After his death, I feel that my mother wanted to carry on Lukesh's traditions. Lukesh taught me how to strive for my goals in Biochemistry. I wanted to become a biochemist to facilitate in cancer cell research. I want to help cancer patients fight their condition. I believe there are hidden opportunities for a healthier life. Why not open the box and find out?[/dscroll]

I hereby state that Trinity Institute is not responsible for the loss of personal items or injuries that occur within or outside of school grounds. This holds true unless any event is proven to be of direct result from policies or beliefs initiated by Trinity Institute. By signing this agreement, I give Trinity Institute and all direct sponsors permission to access and distribute any information directly stated or inferred through this application. Furthermore, I agree to abide by the ideals and policies upheld by Trinity Institute, and accept that such directives may be changed at any time. Failure to do so, may result in disciplinary action, not limited to community service, suspension, or expulsion from academy grounds. Trinity Institute is an equal opportunity provider, and does not, in any way, discriminate against Age, Sex, Religion, or Race.

I, Thema Rochelle Ashran, fully understand the rules and guidelines set by Trinity Institute, and am ready to enroll.
Date: 03 ~ 23 ~ 16
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I'm going to back out due to health reasons and busy schedule
I feel terrible since I was the one who insisted
A thousand apologies.
I'm going to back out due to health reasons and busy schedule
I feel terrible since I was the one who insisted
A thousand apologies.
No problem. Check back at later Arcs.
Sign-ups will open from time to time.
Since things slowed down a bit, I am going to be skipping us ahead to the next day.
If you are presently working on a post, let me know please~
I can wait till your done XD.

Since we'll be onto the next day, you'll just have to incorporate the previous night into the next morning into your post.
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