Fire Emblem: Crestfallen | OOC

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Who do YOU think should be House Leader?

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I am very enraged, work is very not good.

Suddenly not feeling very confident of my chances in truth. Might just be depressed but guess in the end its niether here nor there.
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That's upsetting. I hope you feel better. I know how it's like to be in a less than desirable workplace. And don't feel bad. If you are accepted or not, you are always welcome to peek in here and see how the story is going, or even reach out to me to talk.
-is scurred and nervous-
Don't be scared, lol. Today's the last day. It'll all be over soon.

On the other hand, I'm more than excited to play the grumpy professor who's bewildered with all of the names starting with L.
The L is for Ludicrously cool.

C is for Contagiously jubilant.
L also stands for losers.

It's a curse, I tell you.
C stands for champion, which Callum will soon be.
Don't be scared, lol. Today's the last day. It'll all be over soon.

On the other hand, I'm more than excited to play the grumpy professor who's bewildered with all of the names starting with L.

"Okay students, time to take attendance,going alphabetically through the First na-"
*Sees The amount of L's*
"Actually, lets go with the Last names."
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Yeah, and then he has to deal with the long winding middle and last names. It'd be funny if he forgets people's names at first which will lead to a bunch of huffy nobles.
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Von Dire is pretty simple and would inflate Callum's already inflated ego
I admit the wait is a bit scary. It's getting so close to the end of the day. I have a bad feeling about this for me.
You aren't the only one...
*Initiate Anxious Mode*
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I await death with weapon in hand, naught can stop me, and if I do not make it, the story shall be told forevermore!!!
  • Nice Execution!
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I'm on my way home, when I settle down and get on computer I'll review sheets in depth and all.
Here's the critique, everyone! Note that if you are accepted, you MUST REMAIN ACTIVE IN THE ROLEPLAY. THIS MEANS THAT YOU MUST REMAIN ACTIVE BOTH IC AND OOC.

We looked over your sheet first. Remember that the Mordlind Concorde is referred to as either Mordlind or the Mordlind Concorde. Not Concorde by itself. Her preferred fighting style should also be labeled as reason or faith magic, not both magics. Also, keep in mind that it takes a lot of funds to get into the Officers Academy. Otherwise it is acceptable!

@Orikanyo @Rads @Quiet Pain
Unfortunately, your characters do not fit the story that I plan to tell. If you would like to view the story as it progresses or maybe have another chance at joining at a later time, you are more welcome to.

@Rouge Rogue
First thing's first, his birth year should be 763 if he wants to be 17, turning 18. However, if you want him to simply be 17 and not turning 18, the birthday and month should be before the 28th of the Traveler Moon. Also, can you please let me know again in what way he related to Chenoa, again? Please let me know through PM. Otherwise it is acceptable!

Hmmm, maybe she needs a better reason to be recommended to the Officers Academy. Maybe Laila created some weapons for the Friedrich's knights and they took notice of her skill in crafting weapons for them and thus recommended her to the Academy? Otherwise, it is acceptable!

Awesome character, both Sol and I kept our history as brief as possible to reveal more of our characters through IC, so it's awesome to see someone did the same. She's acceptable!

@Demon Shinobi
Alex should be referred to as a Ravaleth, not Grimmond. Grimmond can be his alias if you really want. Also, his title should be potential heir to House Ravaleth. And make sure that the font type is consistent throughout the character sheet.
Remember, the Lower City is only a part of Fadell. If he was born in Grimdall territory, it's fine, but if he was born in Ravaleth, it'd have to be another location. Otherwise, he's acceptable!
Hmmm, maybe she needs a better reason to be recommended to the Officers Academy. Maybe Laila created some weapons for the Friedrich's knights and they took notice of her skill in crafting weapons for them and thus recommended her to the Academy? Otherwise, it is acceptable!

Oh yeah, sure! I wouldn't mind changing to that. I was just trying to figure out a good reason to have her be there :P
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And there we go! Here's Laila!


[Full Name]
Laila Bellwood

None yet


[Starting Class]

A smith's apprentice



[Date of Birth]
15th of the Vermilion Moon, Divine Year 765

[Appearance Information]
While Laila has a delicate appearance at first sight, upon closer inspection people will find her skin to be rough, especially around her hands. She stands at about 1.7m, and has a relatively slim body figure. Her hair, blonde in colour, is partially tied up in a simple manner above her ears, with the rest being laid behind her back, reaching just below shoulder height. Her eyes, while being light brown, seem to match her hair when out in the sun, almost as if they turn to a degree of yellow. She is mostly pale-skinned, due to spending much time indoors as a smith's apprentice, and only recently began to gain a bit of colour on her skin. Her outfits are simple work clothes, for the most part, but she does do her best to keep her uniform in good condition.

With a genuine smile, Laila will greet everyone she meets with a rather optimistic look over things. She will attempt to get along with others the best she can, but if she feels it does not work, she will distance herself from the others and be more reclusive. She actually feels more comfort while alone than with others, and her expressions will often show it, but she will always put the friendliest face she can whenever she spends time with others.

It is rather easy to see that when it comes to her work, Laila is always serious. Be it smithing, fighting, or even performing her hobbies. When she puts her mind to it, she will clearly be putting her heart to it as well, always pushing to do her best at everything she does. To always show her value.

[Personal History]
Laila was born on a not so calm winter day. Initially, it was believed that she would not survive the season, as she caught a fever that seemed to run quite high. As her parents did not want to face the loss of a child, they gave her away to the local smith, who had desired a child of his own for some time. Managing to nurse her well, Laila recovered from her fever, and the smith started to raise her as his own. For several years, things were calm, and Laila mostly stayed around the smithey, as her adoptive father told her he wanted her to see how he works, so that she can become his apprentice and later on, also take over the place. However, things did not remain peaceful, as the smith started to fall into some financial problems.

At first, he refused to let Laila help, as she was only seven at the time, but ended up letting her go and advertise the smithy, as he felt that would be a simple task for her. While excited at first, she got lost within Fadell's streets, ending up in the upper city. Trying to advertise as instructed, she was quickly shooed away by some of the nobility, who showed clear disgust towards the commoner girl that was trying to get them, the nobility, to go to a place in the lower city. This led to her first major feelings of rejection, and she ran away, hoping to never need to step a foot into the upper city ever again.

Following the failure, Laila sought another way to help the smithy, and it was around that time that the smith finally decided to start showing her the ropes. Although he couldn't let her try the methods of smithing immediately, he had her recite the steps loudly, to ensure she was paying attention. In the meanwhile, she also began trying to exercise with one of the smith's model axes. Although the man wasn't a big fan of it, seeing Laila swinging the axe made something in his mind decided to let her be. In the following years, she started aiding the smith in his shop, and turned her exercises into proper training sessions.

After making some weapons of her own for Friedrich's knights, they noticed she had good raw skill, but one which could be further refined. A bit of time passed, and she got an official recommendation to go attend the Officers Academy in the Irinudil Monastery. Others that were high in Fadell agreed to support it, as it would show the country in a better light if they sent a commoner, not only nobility, to the academy. Although it was hard, as she did not know how long she would be away, Laila promised to return whenever she could, and to keep practicing in the smith's name.

[Preferred Fighting Style]

Training Axe, Training Sword

[Learned Spells]

  • Smithing
  • Carving in Wood

  • Fine-Quality weaponry
  • Axes
  • Wind
  • Sweets
  • Birds

  • Anything on wheels
  • Lack of work
  • Noisy places

@Luminosity Updated! Hope its all good now!
(Also, sorry for the double post)
Bonus meaningless shit for Theodoric because I like game mechanics:

HP: 45
Str: 50
Mag: 40
Dex: 40
Spd: 50
Lck: 25
Def: 35
Res: 20
Cha: 45

Sword (+)
Riding (+)
Reason (+)

Axe (-)
Flying (-)
Bow (-)

Lance (Budding Talent)
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Parthenia is going to need to get Theodoric onto a pegasus. There will be much amusement.
Sighs well can't say I did see this coming it's not the best of my chars by a long shot.
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