Fire Emblem: Crestfallen | OOC

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Who do YOU think should be House Leader?

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I wonder if people are going to actively try to tease sherry or avoid her
Tease, I know my boy will.

Like teasing a grumpy cat with a toy, you know it may scratch you but maybe, just maybe, it'll play
I wonder if people are going to actively try to tease sherry or avoid her

I'm more wondering on how many characters will end up enjoying Sweets together. I feel like that will be an amazing common ground.
Professor will put everyone on a veggie diet
Oh no. Lienna hates veggies though XD
Too bad, he'll make a class day where everyone's forced to eat broccoli and kale, cooked by his own hand
How about Candied broccoli and kale?
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[Full Name]
Parthenia Harland Ciran

Thenia, Parthy

Mordlind Concorde

[Starting Class]

Heir to House Ciran

Minor Crest of Ciran


[Date of Birth]
17th of the Hallowed Moon, Divine Year 762.

[Appearance Information]
Parthenia stands at about 5' 7", with distinctive silvery hair, crowned with a wraparound braid and decorative hair ornaments. Slender but not too skinny, she has a fair skin tone that skews on the side of pale, contrasting her reddish brown eyes. With a flair for aesthetic, she keeps her uniform mostly standard, but adorns its trimmings with modest embroidery in addition to a matching capelet draped over her shoulders.

Egotistical and ambitious, Parthenia has the hallmarks of a less-than-scrupulous noble. Intelligent, calculating, and ruthless, she looks down on the slow-witted. She, however, is charismatic, courteous, and even friendly; socially savvy, she masks her undesirable traits under a subtle layer of charm and personal flair, conducting herself with a mixture of etiquette and restrained energy. To that end, she even admits that she has a bad personality, deriving pleasure from the misfortune of others. With a sharp sense of humor and a fondness for deceit and tomfoolery, Parthenia is a habitual shit-stirrer. However, she has a disdain for ostentatious lies, and has a chivalric attitude towards upholding deals and agreements when she makes them.

As the heir to House Ciran, she understands her potential electability to the office of Speaker, and looks forward to vying for the title.

[Personal History]

Parthenia was the first child among four in the line of succession for the house. Inheriting her house's minor crest along with her other three siblings, she had a trying, but not uncomfortable childhood. Her house, while not wanting of influence, lacked the wealth of the others, and her early childhood gave her a sense of contrasting humility and groundedness that she might not have had otherwise. While never truly poor, she lacked the trappings of many of her peers, with much of the family wealth tied up in their land in keeping up social appearances. Driven from a young age with an ambition for more, she took to her studies and training with disciplined fervor. While she had a strong claim for inheritance, she was always replaceable, with her siblings equally ambitious and having had the luck to share in their inheritance of minor crests. Her life was characterized by intense sibling rivalry, a dynamic that while unhealthy, honed her ability for politics and, by extension, her mischief and humor.

As she grew older, and with her foundations and inheritance solidified, Parthenia slowly began to take on the responsibilities and duties of her house. Taking this to the logical conclusion, along with many of her peers from the other houses and nations, she was sent to the Officer's Academy to continue her training and preparation as eventual head of House Ciran.

[Preferred Fighting Style]

Training Lance
Training Sword

[Learned Spells]

  • Administration
  • Flying
  • Board games
  • Economics
  • Spearmanship
  • Tea
  • Wine
  • Puzzles
  • Rivals
  • Gambling & games of chance
  • Dullards
  • Rain
  • Mundanity

In before the lock! Admittedly not my best history section, but it was the best I could come up with on short notice.
Thank you! We will be waiting on one more person, @Demon Shinobi. After that, I'll root through the sheets and pick the certain people who will be accepted.

And, no candied broccoli or kale. Straight out of the can for you all.
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I'm a little late! I'm sorry @Luminosity
Some things came up today! But I stood up well past normal human hours to finish this as promised and I think I did alright. History could be a bit better, but I figured I could be a bit vague and brush over stuff and then later fill in some much needed details :D Assuming I get accepted I mean. Regardless, here's ya boi!


[Full Name]
Alexander Zephaniah Ravaleth


Alex, Xander (he hates this one)


The Kingdom of Galbia

[Starting Class]



Potential Heir to House Ravaleth


Major Crest of Ravaleth



[Date of Birth]

15th of the Soaring Moon, Divine Year 764

[Appearance Information]

Upon first glance at Alexander one may first take note of his navy blue hair, tan complexion, and (most notably) his gray eyes. Still, Alex boasts a fairly athletic physique, standing at 5'9" tall with a lean, but muscular, build. He weighs in at roughly 184 pounds and is remarkably light on his feet, allowing him to skillfully maneuver around most opponents with relative ease, which he often uses to his advantage in combat. However, that isn't to say that he can't hold his own in a clash of strength, his daily training regimen making quite sure of this. He makes sure to take care of himself, knowing that he has to work hard if he wishes to move forward with his future plans for House Ravaleth.
When it comes to appearance, Alex isn't what one would expect of a noble. While he keeps tries to keep his body in top form, his clothing doesn't often receive the same treatment. His uniform is kept well enough to just passably abide by the regulations of the Officer's Academy. It is devoid of stains, but often a bit unkempt and, at times, wrinkly. The only exception to this are his arm and leg guards (seen in picture), which he keeps almost immaculately maintained and generally worn over his uniform, as well as into battle, unless expressly forbidden.


Alexander in many ways is a kindhearted, loyal, and devoted to those he comes to trust and care for. Unfortunately, most of his redeeming qualities have a tendency to be buried under all of his less than favorable qualities. First, ever the pragmatist, Alex has a tendency to speak his mind, rather bluntly at that, even to those who may hold a higher position of power than himself when it comes to the things he feels particularly strongly about. This ties into the second note; Alex has a tendency to wear his heart on his sleeve. Essentially, if he doesn't like you, you'll know it. This often extends to members of nobility whom he believes to embody the more undesirable traits of the spoiled, upper class. Alex understands and even, at times, acknowledges the hypocrisy in his beliefs, but doesn't seem to care much about it. After all, he may be a noble in title, but he is not the same. Moving on, it is quite clear that Alex is indeed one to hold a grudge. This is evidenced by his anger towards his father (Zandus), step-mother (tbnl), and half-sister (tbnl).
In spite of these unappealing aspects of Alex's personality, he still attempts to give people the benefit of the doubt. He can, at times, be surprisingly helpful, and when it isn't in a bad mood, he's actually pretty tolerable. In fact, one might even go as far as to say, he is a good guy to be around. He does have a bit of a tendency to joke around with, or even mock, others, but it's all in good fun (at least for Alex). He is quick to apologize if he realizes that he has gone to far. He'll even go as far as to try and make amends, even if the price comes at his own expense. In the end, he may be a bit rough around the edges, but if he is able to come to terms with and overcome his shortcomings, Alex may just make a fine knight and perhaps even more one day.

[Personal History]

Much of Alexander's earliest memories revolve around his time with his mother, Eliana Grimmond. Alex doesn't quite know why, but sometime before she was born she left the Ravaleth Territory. Perhaps she believed it would be safer for her and her child. Regardless, Alex was born into poverty in the Lower City of Fadell. It didn't matter to him though because he always believed he was safe under her watchful eyes. He remembers waking up to help her tend her makeshift garden as she regailed him with stories of his father. He didn't understand why the man she seemed to praise so much was not apart of their humble life, but he understood that his mother simply thought the world of the man. However, as he grew up, he would begin to realize exactly who his father was; a man of power within the kingdom, and yet, a man of cowardice. At least... that's how Alexander perceived Zandus Shearmund Ravaleth.
Alex struggled with his mother to make ends meat for years. He helped her work odd jobs, sell things they'd made and grown together, and helped with chores. Still, working together, surviving among the crime ridden filth of the Lower City filled Alex with a sense of pride. In himself, as he grew to understand the position he and his mother were in, and in her for working as hard as she did. As hard as it must have been for her, Eliana never cried. She carried on, doing her best to support herself and her child. It was hard. It must have been. Alex was a young boy quickly growing resentful of a man he did not know, and Eliana a woman trying to show him all the good the world had to offer beyond the confines of the Lower City. Perhaps it was this that seemed to keep Alexander so cheerful despite all he was coming to "understand."
Despite all their hardships, the two were happy. They spent time together. They lived as best as they could. Perhaps it was because of this happiness that everything hurt that much more. Eliana became extremely sick. They didn't have the money to seek help, at least not as a long term solution. Alex was devastated. It was as though his world was crumbling before his eyes. He began to do much of the work he'd done together with her on his own to try and spare her the trouble. He began to practice hunting, learned on to fight, the way of the sword, and more from a traveling former mercenary who often spent time in the among the riff raff of the Lower City.
Despite all of his best efforts, Alex was forced to face the death of his mother much sooner than he could ever have imagined. However, unbeknownst to him, before her death, Eliana had sent a letter to his estranged father. She'd explained that she didn't have time left. She'd hoped that Zandus would take care of their son after she was gone. In truth, Zandus had made contact well before this, but now was the time when his presence would truly matter. Zandus took Alex in, though not without a bit of a fight on the part of his stubborn son. However, despite his struggling, it wasn't long before Alexander found himself living with Zandus, his wife, and an apparent half-sister that the young man had never known he had. Evidently, she had been conceived only a few months before him; a fact that she would not let him forget as his elder. However, if that wasn't enough, he had to deal with his father's wife constantly reminding him of her daughter's place as the legitimate child.
It took time to get used to living among the nobility, though not much to bare his fangs at those who would speak ill of his mother or of him. He continued to train, now more effectively than ever. And as soon as he'd established himself as more than a bastard child from the Lower City, at least among the ranks of a few of the warriors of House Ravaleth, he had a meeting with his father. He wished to be considered as a potential heir to the House. Zandus' wife scoffed at the notion; why would they consider anyone other than Zandus' legitimate child, especially if that child bore the Crest of Ravaleth, minor though it was. Zandus... agreed. Alex kept that in mind as he left, dejected. Still, he didn't give up. He trained more, and after learning a bit more about the sword and about crests returned. He made his case and announced that he would be better suited as heir because of his rapid growth in skill over his half-sister AND because he also bore the Crest of Ravaleth. Zandus' wife was infuriated at the gall of this boy, even more so as further studied proved his claim to be true.
Zandus, against his wife's wishes, accepted Alex's proposal, the two would be in formal competition from then on. But a decision would not be made until such a point when they either graduated from the Officer's Academy, or when he was prepared to relinquish his position. And so, Alex resolved to become the recognized Heir of House Ravaleth and use that power to... make some changes. At least, that is the plan.

[Preferred Fighting Style]



Training Sword

[Learned Spells]



  • Training and combat
  • Painting
  • Travelling
  • Different styles of swordsmanship
  • Drawing in his free time
  • Sparring
  • Lizards
  • Chess
  • Savory foods and meat based dishes


  • Nobility and Crest Obsession
  • Cold weather
  • Badmouthing his Mom
  • Spoiled brats
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So many nobles to choose from. And here I am, a lone commoner.
I wonder (If I get approved) How many would discriminate against Laila due to her background.
Lone commoner...? Hardly alone.
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Lone commoner...? Hardly alone.
Sorry! I guess I must've missed it when going over the others CS's again. Having a fellow commoner is always best.
*Starts being more hopeful*
There's less commoners than nobles but we do have a handful of both!
There's less commoners than nobles but we do have a handful of both!
I just went over some edits on my sheet because i realized some of it didn't make sense also i hope she gets accepted because it's really hard to find rps i like and with lots of good rpers.
As we've been working very hard on the lore and plot elements, we unfortunately have to make difficult decisions in accepting characters that are most suited for the roleplay. That being said, I honestly like the characters I am presented with. It'll be difficult choosing just a handful.
Oh dear, hope mine isn't an issue.
Sorry! I guess I must've missed it when going over the others CS's again. Having a fellow commoner is always best.
*Starts being more hopeful*

I'm playing a commoner myself. We're just money grabbing debt collectors though. Don't mind me or my family's shady business practices >_>
I haven't really read anyone's in depth yet, but remember I did say not everyone was gonna be accepted lol
Yes, that is the sad truth of it all, but it can't be helped.
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In other news, how is everyone today? I have class until late, but I plan on giving final verdicts tonight. Then, if all goes well, I'll start the RP either tomorrow or friday. I've been slacking with grad school hw lol.

EDIT: I also added some lore under Religion and some extra infromation about the Dormitories, so go check it out!
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