Fighting the Losing Battle

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Yeah, same here, this was the busiest week I've had in a while haha. I've been doing stuff since the moment I woke up but I don't really have much these next couple days so I'll be able to post but then I'll be kind of busy again.
This week I had finals, just finished them yesterday so I'm back =P
Are people *still* just getting out of school? My god...
We had a blizzard, I thought we made pretty good time... =P
Um... cold... white... wet... extremely anoying after the age of 13... but fun at just about any age.
I would rather have sand, honestly. I could just travel if I wanted to snow bored or ski.
Switch? I'll gladly trade places, even though I'd die in under seventy degrees.
I feel jipped, I have neither snow nor sand...
To some yes. To, not that bad? o.o I wonder...
It sounds to me like everybody wants to be somewhere else, so- let's all trade places!
I want snow.
Darn it!!! Can I come with you? I love snow!

Fine, but you have to pay for gas.
And flight tickets.
Ha, I live in a place like Shadow's- no sand, no snow but you too have fun in the snow, I've always liked the sand better :P
I am fine with the gas 'cause my car has great mileage. I also have a solution for the tickets. I want to get my pilot's license. We could have our own plane and fly ourselves!! :D
Have you ever walked through the desert? It's not that fun... It's chaffy, and your mouth dries out. When I was younger my mouth was bone dry after being out in the desert for a few hours, so I opened my mouth to try to suck moisture out of the air...
I breathed in sand, there wasn't enough moisture in my mouth for it to go down my throat so I choked for about a half hour with every breath.

And I'll bring the peanuts if it's a cool tiny plane. If it's a big bulky plane, I'll bring a snack bar.
Just got to get your piloting license first...

And while you do that, I'll go lose my medical license.
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