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The returning from injury thing would work. We've got many contractor vibes going on with the latest spate of newbies.
Legit. I'll magic up a character sheet asap then. Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to include for the sake of continuity.
Uuuugh, things came up. Working on a post now after a read the latest posts, sorry about not getting one when I said I would.
There, I got it up. Some more of Gordons character and personality was revealed, too, so I'm kind of glad I had to wait.
Name: Kareos "The Tall" Nilgaadin

Appearance: Just shy of two metres tall, hence the name Kareos the Tall. Brown eye(s), dark brown hair and beard.

Reputation: As the Spymaster for the FateGuard, Kareos deals in information and subterfuge. While many question his methods, it is hard to argue with his results. His success is garnered from numerous criminal links and a ruthless moral compass.

Royal Blessing: Hidden blade weaponry – a rare design which was considered unique to high value members of the Gothenhiem Tong. The weapons are doubly useful for Kareos now that his injuries have severely reduced the dexterity of his fingers to the point where he struggles to even grip a spoon.

Holy Blessing: Kareos's remaining eye is enchanted with a Riddick-like ability to amplify light and retain reasonably good vision in any dark setting, the cost being uncomfortable sensitivity to bright light.

Magic Blessing: The plating along Kareos's arm is inscribed with magical runes which can be used to emit small bursts of kinetic energy. This helps to supplement Kareos's nimble fighting style, relatively light armour and the inherent defensive issues that wielding no shield present. Kareos can use the enchantment to partially repel attacks or displace objects/opponents with a slight push. The runes will be drained of their power at a rapid rate, particularly after any extravagant use, before automatically recharging over a period of hours – a process which can be supplanted by an enchanter capable of magically recharging such items.

Legend: No such legends exist. Anything else would reflect poorly on a person boasting Kareos's inconspicuous position. Speculation surrounds Kareos's life before joining the FateGuard, fuelled by his suspected affiliations with the Gothenhiem Tong and his numerous criminal connections. Regardless of these seedy associations, Kareos sports an unwavering record of service to the FateGuard ideal, marred only by a single grievous indiscretion.

Earlier in his career, Kareos undertook an ongoing investigation into possible corruption within the FateGuard. Unbeknownst to him, his part-time detective work would uncover the machinations of a hidden sect known as The Blightclave. In naive disregard for the magnitude of the plot which he had exposed, Kareos decided to further pursue his investigation lonewolf, only mentioning his findings in vague passing to some of his more trusted colleagues. Kareos and his lover were subsequently captured and imprisoned, whereupon Kareos's partner was abused and killed while Kareos himself suffered horrific tortures. His left eye was burnt out, two of his fingers cut off and the rest viciously broken. Various parts of his anatomy were cut, stabbed and flayed to the point where his death was merely a formality that his torturers were too lazy to confirm.

After six days under the knife, Kareos was rescued in a raid lead by Corben himself. Three members of the sect were captured and their testimonies were able to incriminate a sworn soldier of the FateGuard, who was then imprisoned, awaiting trial. Two months later, Kareos had reached a bare minimum level of health and fitness under the careful eye of Leonardo. In an act of wilful disobedience, Kareos abducted the FateGuard prisoner, interrogating him for information, before brutally hanging the man in a moment of vigilante justice well beyond his rank or his jurisdiction. He then spent the next two weeks evading any disciplinary action, while he stalked the city sanctioning and participating in illegal raids, slaughtering every trace of the Blightclave sect in a horrendously unforgiving purge.

Kareos eventually surrendered himself to FateGuard justice. He was suspended from his duties and later jailed for a period of thirteen months, but while his actions may have been heinous, the effective nature of his methods were duly noted and excused under a guise of righteous intention. Kareos underwent a thorough process of retraining and religious indoctrination, before being reinstated in a role far more suitable to a man of his talents, ceding many of his responsibilities to Melody while assuming a more covert position of authority.

Kareos's reputation was both enhanced and tainted in equal measures, with many antagonists citing sociopathic tendencies and unpredictable motives in their objections against his reinstatement. Granted, they may be right, but Kareos has yet to give any further reason for doubt in the years that have followed.

He is currently rejuvenating from a serious illness, a fever which manifested itself seemingly out of nowhere and proceeded to wrack his body for over a week, bringing him uncomfortably close to the brink of death. Kareos suspects some form of foul play, namely Malwin's involvement, and he has only just reached a state of wellbeing sufficient enough to further pursue his suspicions.
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I was about to say, you're very similar to Marcus and overlapping with Ryste, but being a covert authority who left the formal position to Melody is okay, I suppose.

The only flaw in the bio is not having a Holy Blessing to begin with. Each FateGuard must be initiated with three blessings, to symbolize their neutral standing between Church, Guild and Crown. This is a sacred principle.

And each blessing should have ONE benefit only. With the wrist plating it should be EITHER a shielding device OR a blasting device.
If it were me I'd just make it a two piece set like I did with my armor set, though that was split into three, it all is just one thing.
Sweet sounds good. I did notice that after trawling through the thread for the other character bio's that I'd unintentionally cloned a few of Marcus's features. My bad. I'll remove any link to the king/brazen assassination business and I'll introduce the holy blessing from the get go.

My description for my magic item may have also been slightly misleading. I wanted the kinetic energy to have a certain utility, but no more so than a light Jedi force -push or the ability to partially repel an enemy attack. The runes themselves wouldn't be tailored towards either defensive or offensive purposes, but rather the creation and control of a minor arcane force.

I'm happy to pull the trigger and choose one or the other though.
I'm reading through everything, will post soon ...

Going away for the weekend yet again, I'll be back Sunday.
Everybody alive?
alive-ish I've been gone from this for so long be easier to just NPC me for this chapter.
...I'll post my last gasping words before unconciousness and wait for someone to throw me into the bunkroom for the chapter.

You all react so well.
Eh, can't hear you over my lovely painmeds and whatnots. YAY FOR 'MURICAN MEDICINE. I'll be out of contact starting Tuesday or Wednesday probably.
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