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I've been at a friend's place for the past week, I'll be back to work Monday.
Gavin vanished, he's not even been on Skype the past few days.
I wasn't aware we were back up. Remember, we WERE hacked at one point...so. Gimme a moment.
Working on it. Sorry for taking so long. My excuse is my job--11 and 14 hour shifts take a lot outta me.
Yeah, those 4 hour lunch breaks are a killer.
Hmm... Gavin took Grumpy to the church....

....that's a plot twist...

Er.... maybe.... Malwin... should...er..... >_@
Has no one noticed the church in this world is completely off it's fucking rocker and the only ones with even a shred of sensibility is the FateGuard?
Well I was under the impression I was supposed to... Or was I supposed to slit his throat in the alley and turn his guts into a set of bagpipes? Cause I lack the proficiency to play the bagpipes.
Has no one noticed the church in this world is completely off it's fucking rocker and the only ones with even a shred of sensibility is the FateGuard?

Why confine that analysis only to this fictional world?
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Why confine that analysis only to this fictional world?

Agreed. Long ago I denounced organized religion in favour of personal belief. As my father likes to say, "Faith will get you into heaven; religion will send you to hell."
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The Church isn't too bad in FateGuard. At least they don't want to march out on a crusade. They're happy just to keep the people worshiping and sheltered.

But the fact that they've got Malwin and Leonardo under house arrest, and have now been given another traitor.... will either work against us or in our favour...

I'll let [MENTION=16]Jack Shade[/MENTION] decide how this plays out
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Give me till tomorrow evening. I'm currently at Gencon and time is always in high demand.
Not everything involved in organized religion is bad. Heck, despite my issues with my various Mormon family members, I've got a lot of good things to say about the church they go to. I typically find that the bad stuff is usually the result of select fanatics. The problem is that that kind of fanaticism can be contagious.

Anyways, back online, gonna finish my post tonight.
I finished a post in another RP so I'll tackle this one next.
FAULKNER has posted!

FAULKNER runs away!

okay no srsly i'm stuck going away with my folks for a trip, some place with no internet. i'll be back friday.
*Slinks around in the shadows*

This RP still reminds me so much of a locomotive- They might move slower than other methods of transportation, but they have inertia and can carry a great deal of needed items within their cargo. Happy to see this RP's still up and running- also glad to see that not much has changed with everyone postin' and pausin'.

*Slinks around in the shadows*

This RP still reminds me so much of a locomotive- They might move slower than other methods of transportation, but they have inertia and can carry a great deal of needed items within their cargo. Happy to see this RP's still up and running- also glad to see that not much has changed with everyone postin' and pausin'.


And should the time come that you wanna come back we'll be here seeing as Alyss is still alive.
If Asmo will have me- sure. I mean I did leave for a bit, and I had said to do with my characters as the GM wished. I've been gone for some time and I'm sure plans have been made for a few things here and there to tie up loose ends.
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